The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-01-29, Page 2tTT l�4: Ile f'Cut 1174AII. Cove.1's, of d.: 'West we 6a awaire %ve lenjoed ravp. ')R ty a fre a u in toto g log Wil Fe-at'Uke 1931 . M Uog S.lid bUrj4g st%A to the' '"44V119.�— I -_ ; A. pllo�v. . . Legi tj.qTr Iles'.L: Wet.%' sottled, out N,066 ack-es, the 1VV . t* JuAgr -ice - 00ing sug Tile oppol%unIty -of seeing. "The 62,919, Ill IIaliqUit .4.the Caija,ola Coloitlzq:7 I'lo. e ert;tnud th umj�vod tion, Oil The Nvork .a%- .. ........ Iva$ one lie"It te.be�forgotten,A NV, I 0 Ii.qA it jef-V with the ,, A�sacjatl " , �, �, 11 A -e! I 1. I1� ch e 5 -eat hal ts,ke gi III DIX eifA(-`t&e0 Df of-thii lff 0. -1111ndt'Od ajlOvSIXV rosving 6ur Unpre* too froln to ' the Facific Cbast. ys f A thorough- c f voul r"a 4tl4r oij Iv ija wer.6 it A�I. h e- e c -it p 6i he ia* v6ur to "t1littilk N'V jth best �wisbes ItUr-001K I'll '$40- ssu 'this individt,1411, Lt, r -e we a ii.e m ow's that only 1.2 g6i cent have, Y011 ealize, -if st Ailed," ated. "Of con- bia Vours v, ery ,e did. you V�Uld st' ply be- %lderobf16 intel e,,.§t that'o 11 ivi,jh letters' s�o., s J,ewtas, Thnii,ciql, Bay Distriet. The es. tves tile North,, South,, 041 Ot Iq 1jer cent. o, B.�Itjsh,fauifll ast ATO Dor by''Bligi-it, EN -sax cou-11tv e I'Avelie iliac ss lie marke4 s.10. 1V e IR t ''t Olital"10 U Buej�ilghani. 'qQe,l 0,11 UiI .'Wild 0 aAllitish faujilles is due.'to­cai;efqt (Antl6ii �tq I(Jjt �74xxjDer 610 lie. i6thelh, side, of (he of jappril --cons bordoiz4%. W111- come-, up, bef6r 0, 6e. ma ;F oil: arine Ehables, Af� w"e') -P Building., In 1, e I -P Wfior *.e 'i. tei W ir �V` (14"ii6i, t, r& a. "C I 6;1he'o Skyi�t - 11A.U14-Rab, r p1ju N61%tft - Ca i,oll na,, A on 436,9M� sores, the total k)tlr- aa qia 11 prf�e 61�iiig �35 115 '10' -fe t , deepp iii: T le. tCA, of -N74isiniti, was. re- stlil4cl 0 Innova lot q �ra hies are etbil, ing ii� y t 11106a, �04:,'Weist will take' O' s c'e u,c E' 'ft 1 ta til electect,,vice-pre,siclont a. and the t�0116 W.Itaess _ 6, Lon I d& 7: Iing appointed.to e-Thic, Wtor, lies I- a q o rg-e e her firs�t W t6 14AII inC�, tuilipegk C' T Jarfrayi -G n a it, Wter- -tee- 7 -a fghtill 1, , New ok Imin api.01i x. cliiFerease the claiijej., of sub- V t4a.m6g, fail, A. .Gal f�e-,,s dilid 300 -Contihiaht's first, S G e eL� 0. w4je.n, X%le ret4tj 6o.''A. Walk The it b .111 (Q111ca go): aerse�y ew and -W. J. Blake h"th �:uavy a -r bukft� to. iii. 4"Whetl 'Coll.111 -e)-p was all, a -e of. i to Lie squrp ca,i. A.iltN% U C e (iy' 1 32 pounds T' 0: F.'. ,wlig be mnof. II -n rot oX vei in Caaa(14. and oue-t a .1. t. Love ii7t, (I r! �f Z� i , 0, UnIte4`State's.:4rg,opQr;ftt- e,. ne�y llgiv�e.: 5YcIrked, iiii. a- iii'"I i lb'o X sthile of tloi�& '50 et any, ro" Otum-, was neany 150, y ;noiwof 4s cla-t0jeal dep�h at, U16 eliforc - .5 , e 3 tee,tioll. Other thay- jli:bvjd-* t6iled -,b�v the 61:be- ipfre.ha, -11e, to �V Reduces � , ( it . . ment 6i"Ia-w lit .dktiong� w il , d' the la,w- it in oi. -e r draFso400, os. 9i rlii f, I've hl bilhdq�llt flint L)Iains bf the It -tip, oJoi. object, bar" p f -pot altit de, asiAn of�tjo S, ruc, now it IT . a8 L rlv(j tiv,11LY0 .1 . e* hlCof fjl� &VI u 'e et the contY-ol � ort tfi Wess' and' I t 1. t twenry s or. e-, o sposib I -e W -AV 7 77 A1011 And" Repaii- ,(cltl,e(l;, Lie navy e4x- first, it e, S h `ol 1'pecd, 'to- liati;6 'I sabninrine� lwiiWi. iak� if, al fn�vefitor C14 w of M a C --e- "a Tpud--with.' Buiti along resfAetl NC ,ir S Virig esepe.-to.tile stil,faVe bf tvpI&kI Am4rlcan_11�o­T; 5- . The 'bei pri6ot Fuel Costs of th� c� ce, to .ne.:. Ifi the a offi-65A 41i§lnthe fact that they ive ilb- Vies Attracti! Join A ing UOT Pla ik th'e dPsigu:,0f. ar advOcAting the ing te-third is an, en e fe8�6,( M c0im m4or ef? eol'through. th,6'us6. of 4, spiall devio�e 1: J4terest ,Held y an 9 been perfece'd_by- Dr. N ervice to' hlldl� has b'' N�,%� P1 a' i e&.e,,,W. I s krow Ch n om. n P f� I ; 4, ..'. .. : S qk, of -,outward.. forgier chlef -.en- . Ra , ure : Wlry- r eVer Befo Ve A. k(Itsciii, ,gltueer; feTT TVV_4� ­�T Id Ii'e called uljbii _tq_, ug,tif.-if the it -tic re s to'a r6poft fro New York.j] '2 . R6 NVO sble front Jewl I. tb,e sti, n It q all Y. of men- anl. s 0 ay A*. Maill signed, iv, Bi US4 ldtlu.�Tlie, n6w, q,omblue. 'The. It.' W� clla th %claug'el- of,'ppisq '21 batirebil. B�Igittnr and, France fori. which. . lia; -the Legl4itiv?2i,, e r(ous law,-' t Ro, iiwts Ifis-tory. ex� I 1 4 01116ral, 'afid filg'h c iooi' tot-. -i--u - -- Is- ment I 4 a sf-gga.,es-:YU .7 , , 11,11 of a streq�t,%swlilv the:&:stabli h n qcintm�n �Dft s -clkiu'g a g�ea,t' tlowink, fli I e lillb Ridk6t6wa. !� �pi IP, _V I 'a �V` III vil lubiricatink:, oils,. s 911i ar nhw4e e4l6ifclii. .,T ortibli '0 Lij Y 2111ILF06 ak T* au�d 'EliAnbetiliville., Belgiali CTL� t he' i4v ntor- 8 'Iiis eviee. VVI e S ay I .13, iii.til diiool, two y6lis, 'I 'g onger -ve Congo,' Th#- --hus ivill be - wory.�d by to the sanYe j) os I t I, 11. s," t ja,t. as,,, than ever before lthe,�sixty-foiiftjl all� 0 9 .h.eig Autwei com-, ---------- ht. -o cioli;jup. -nua e wonjen -of he .str Above. thj,%,. rl'so 3, 0 ha friD. in", tile, en,g;kle. t6 whioi two oulffles, ip of Vie-IDairyma's Ag-.,e11J0ved',bSr tit inctur.es. qtlot in' 1862 it nt Paris to Liieu e 'the. t*bl enlds Alit- Is 'known as -th of.- u is ttaclied-. 9� noting the antott 9 soQlatiou' of Wesfierii: Ontario' wtjA; in- Jw Alla e oil b v IN7 R Ree -k -e a tons. Otta -itistoily, Is,yepeathig Itse of uubttrneok.'�uel, cint Qk. file lnrerp-Paris-'a'n Libenge-Elfsa,I)p famt y I 1'"t' )xmed recently call �Wftlr �the. Jhaugltr�tioii V e, h. 2 6f: al served .4titirely hv BefgIO per- �­l ot!] W-6 llan tbeiw'dib' Wi-�nk Arburetor. for ot r Q11ne Con- soli d inateria cial Experinien ta -in all Irm 1�d,u` in dlq0q%e. of er -pro- hthV,.motorlst ay adj� -illfbif,delit th fol,,of. permitiiiii; 4, onsti §upel s l.fbi;j,,iaf iiel an ' " '; I It the Provin I Fat 11. v -for 0 r /�a, period.: of. IN -11 Aniwerp. lihs,�'taken' the lead among Jell dl�Oait*ent -it it reedliga . that the' and is r�nekvkblie fill-- inve;itlou 1s attached to 1he Hew plan -hand, she it 9 ir, 'has.- f ul-1. .,to' d 'in Lciliclop, 'peg'�'and,St'.- At the post office ert, itho'' tile e .'df h6 -hus- tell -eal Mr. -Reek!sai Etropeatt eitles iia:�s'. 04oseh ln �80 for tbej�tell.year 'ternis 'with.,the'..optton, l that tli6 w"tever s.he with It I er' ow , a' clash, of any car. witlilout extra equitir whe'teby bov*s and, eve'-'I'Ven, -! jAe I g 1.1 8 -contlilt , . . ve in me4t.. e a ca Iona[- traut, th Arst moy6uient of, niall 9-rom th ir xalve on for either dountry to ie the ex'- , t. . -Veal f IT. U iu� '�a.uglltei hig laNdolitiall'to 'tuition eighty f6et. witji two addition, s1toille., is slibilld the otiver, for any -.416-11litaLck itnauffold.. This neces- 11101tatidn he siimoiii rightt of Ili-Opefty-inheritance itte'd foj,,, siiies,.. tilrrKi in cltllfuriil �sub'Jects, wa,s keeping the 'Eg.sterlii Capadlit. sary ei reason, rell-cullee-4,19 part. OA May 25 'teetvage dt, mc�r ornamental ork. hat' i6.Aliat.the driver iJ i boys and girls- tan­gitplan a §i,.cjet� ationyine. - off the streii,ts s0lis- Itly Of'a-Wife to Ob'ey .'a ild. In 1 In I e8 will afr.� -into the I ear'buretor as the ititli- 1929v the Sabell �as tlo� educational ha� uliz6d �'bly '(�AIV.7 AJIlw ent- III 1:0cogi 'shduld e 'thejIr;i'�on_till Id is. 4�arry mill ffioln3k.ljumm ),#&:t 6f 1, dievic'e' bon Beige pqltr ae Is §Ystem S -o Pemb!Aa,� i d. tor .-he shows'. car dbAe he6re, 'arf(l: :turilin out better -it city icrpbr�lilftihe drection of a tll Inthe* n ted -s mionox -A the-. exTiallsT.'l, I' not citizens marell, N.R.- r nd b N&Yth bakotA id Itter zw-fi ize Awarded, -Stat6s - bdroler, �46n& it' will ment-isubisiolized .'s-ir company, w�s. e own eastwardito Ctiknacift aut orize AIGeitai-F armer speaker was Professor -.1. C orld 'h '-'d '6' P�Irtfthjeut to lacreiiise I To" Y $t66kley,. of -the .Depa*rtnient -of Animni world It Sicotlarod' hista.6 Is, tn.odlf v, Its' s - as"ttutes W'rth file Ontario Robert oranof. e 'Great Lakes essary" :the days whpn,:SAutsh a -rimes, A 4"Ta Bepcon -the object of llrlak�ing' h�ff n,e ,A]Wrta, .his been' �Ids -A ud W He eclared that tlie:]Netherla -its.' isabetliville,is offly the hich 76 years wg pies ted -if - ti, tile man �rbb alWatfoled.ilie special Canadian National ploid beeu:a tordlied e to the,men Nyho sought 'ta telillibeafy terMinus difficulties -les,.A., Ste.venson, a. 'Could A the 'work qui,ekly,. because. veatill of chat : . Oat rty mail* to - eliA . western s6t;06- will. be- extn o 4sgen- Y. cousin of Rqbiart. Louis Stevengdn, ihen'the greatestC atuount of milk and hiSViCtOry al� tll�e Vlil�ago mterriat)04- -h6 menfs today offer"llistiact hazards to gers, good -T an'd wart -hut Urn-. nthgi) of bqte has. been JnstaIle4 jth4s highr �perce r f tit Ai on. the,aviator. 'The choice of a route Ilo am 6rae L I'Vere�61)t4inaille.* lit answer to a the Ai pionship 4o.j. 1630 1 ightlicluse on ..:,the Fiftli,l of n-1 -P had sholt'll through embitta, luto St.' PaIll. aii.d The servicie W141 timothy.. The prize. is -'awarded easti�ard in "rindsor 'cbmple . Les :the age.to..tfip northern at�ea'of &�%,Bel- ways- o it 'is the first of 'itg, kilial a.id con- Ithatit'was! impossible to get moj-e m4lk by' t h e* (I kill 11 all . Rft �a#,er,k Car I glan parallel *ith the�rdute 0osen at the of a. radiotelephone transmN- otio. Ban -mi,, for example, is' the C;inudiak firgL .,Iyl NvIth'a -ittiking-mlichfile, than by hind. beginning of development Ill. the or six weeks' distanioe. froin .' ' a Lqo tision. bf,h; tog sig,liptl and speech f ro id, III fact, the,results had lieen fouti(I 'to timoth±. geed couip6.0ti(lit Itnoort tit w Brussel.4, wbile,jif should e reached Tile railways' w.ard �011 the oihain� be about tile same. )y The route: established in 1862 :was word. "Pullibrae" and, count's out the lit seven I plon In e. 4i'� It' now take.4; a on- ��ilflifnied at- Coutedexatildn' 1870 I,auly region, Nvlii( Shoud- -B ­-K60t' -as Fulf . : . jelte -6f Ranter dis ance, fit mhes,' and < ship a hired by, Nick Oij Al� 96� k,v ln,1879 a railway was built ron! Win- mointlis-Aci attpihi. *.. hertal ' Tge ri"am. the signal statioij. *�rbo Us beta taking chamfilod: Cha as Possible �g.� --the wilit6r. Inontlis of V-1 nipeg ". Perdbins, and not.,fintil .1894. )ut f]vA-; clay's travel In the air. Quilook Improving v9 at the' Chicago thi.% Durl *hi�n the CanddlaII4 Pacifle Ra y . . P , I . .1 I.bt;tclln Pi -4 Press litiniber of yea rs. cirr that bhould iie-given ago Welicome.4. was 'built wa' Sand .8 all t hiiy - aLeaveSyeteretari --P- aSteUr.iZ0ioj1_0f _Kk Pptilinlktic vikw fOP the flitbro. Nve 0 t(- y Is elt6d by mechi-nics ift I, to- Qm bec Has Recori -ilitiago e Aloritre Pit is, IR) (Ittest,10,11, that thle as being'1lie mo-%t.Aniportant f the S. I . , clill'. and.,secraary ret r g1le areat sterfor%Vard in 'of Roiadbujildiingr, Y,�ar of the Les I-ations, arrlved�p�,re rel�ently froin Ell eady saved lives Ili 'towns 'Car Hints' of N .. 11 is -4ole 'ciff to -i Is' it as the �% Xceli ny',to be.�ejjqr % That 1930 " I buencis Aires. wll�le it Ins,beell haw e 11 (I -.4 -Year ln-�'tle �-Va oil o that P"evious I Winter nt -heav) '11je_ mental lt:Xes., (jeniands' -Was welconired by all ,olfittial .6. %sses lice cif he work carrioil I III:, -e When 0!utches Spin Iajid 'I suffettlig ed fie I prevented iltit nd Nvitil tile outinolk 1plprbvltl�g tir.1te fs this vaft ot the,aut" ve'ptlon clormitte At the railr6alil sta- it -e a, ploitioir on Que'hec is. tile 'fiidre*s 0 L.;ti Oe irr g9d, Nv oy k I'll g Tqo tight 4,11 adjustillent. of' the.- � '�t - eyeu for CD11flojen.ia to the A. - -- - I physk-hl 114�alth, -of - tile dr,vartillent �of rods, aTe WU and lutch. oPoll a0ch I 1otL ior later reebtived by Presiolci H es dictuill, I ot'a Ir ftl r lie fit h hulletill -s ir6 -eill-ul sta-rttng eff6rt,and at -111 13 -_ __I,' Prov poN; Chile Is We, ourtill he t , , , 1,,dTf i-A-m-ri 141ijoj!� nt ��t.r .1 III a t I as it Spluning 'CiLutell. The* Inte'dr, *is 1, The init(yrtatio. j luceli WINIVO tills w4iter, in a -e Country vimited by Sit- Erl n 4(lettoni, sI -Cal' The (lifft, from qttery.- 'the baf, the more I I cotlAincluer of the" two..'It li, , (. 0 I ell it 11 611's dift'ji: 0 e (Itivernmellt Tr. tbtirizifflon is I)i:( el )y Evevy. rea�iojtabje -Alitol -tell ago thero only 406 lery' t4hould �))e kept 1 a makes ge,kr�shifttiig mol -tilt, 9 ' I, a ' - P. , Is- henitit 6 giii'lizatloti,t.. The' national: range n official. �rograln.for the'd hould be;excel,ided to. t1de Uli IPS of. ronil .1 11 the prjY;' ativil of the Por inter' -work 1t '4116111(t tingilfslled , vit'itori illelliding tile Wqt over the vWCO, to-ilttY tire almost 14,%i) li� keri't as( Backfire Causes state, han 411letq. of Baclifirjag mity, mp'an the pilles, Diftbig Me eiar 1,he clep' t on-pertj li sti king '(1 ted the. colistructiott:'on lie rfe,ct, of oil the bal.teil.v tive,% of of onitneecti and thent coniple' uf of an' Intake' valve dt time' Tlie.manber 'I cribed of ad6pted.a. rc 43 30 Illil" J'bros 44t, too Aild be htkeft., into cotiqldevtfon. It w more likely a-ectirate (flagibosis is t about c:01311, �Iltlill� th� offined for theI116a:i" flie aarbtir�l, (g,' it animals, has It e tim, tell a. the plates wilt 1)9 W. catmtj, ale' in, kmd. I do*g. 4-olind ',I "qtlliting woil( .'()It 500 Itilles ()a ilia gP'(1*.'.' shows U6 best' 'In Will- t Iatlo engine is cool. Ii �f Z�ofbs,'Y, 1�rrf igh N11111kelful In PeiJbdiclal ­11se Friction -Is Better trate4 a en res Show Will De�no­ds­ t Bu os !Ai llfe�e Is the� eligillebr's opinion on itIto e,011%,1,01'a I !on. It claninil: They. aye s,�ft fiHin acid Is '(town 'to 1.100 6eciffe gra, �or-efficjent' oi frIctioti ltet�,Veen Ilietali ittand fole, oy snow " !%,gr(sater than th ht' -,And dib sAn)e sltp� 2 bovb zeko ,will the h!fillillitig. IOIA6 fit t1e differen. safe' 11i Ul not fl4C(WV 'at 30 below zdrQ,* A sp�a I, F list fte-r it has be�n' tiglitendd Oq g�llylty 1j240 will 'withstand. infrc�ezlttg'at 50 below '7., I etid. it., winter loo 110it adju.,41 rme tit 'it is' importaill, I o lieep; t to bolve. th� toljs� of 'the Valuable' Results iolk.,,wor or the Board 'D, evriktion ot aect(h it.,O to childiren: I -le -.eight y." lil; tijkci;,�' On A the- ratio of (rl(3 fatalitleg, Ila ays s �itiletell ab6titlow -.of beell 30 p6r C6]it.,OlaC� -opt ys, ss� Cars 'ara hSys- to tII4 o6witl of Arizona (I ni"r it thaii'o of any 00t. eofta thl I (Yt m.4 tt her St the trillon In.t -dir, averaged 698 elai�- SIR Iel .110 -(­ diti,111-1 lion, gild ttdaiiger o I