The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-01-22, Page 1$2.00 PER ,;YEAR IN ADVANCE; 450 OTHERWISE LTJ 'iihi W, N°1° R5DA.Y ` 'd. ANNIARY ,Z, 2tid, 19$1. 'SINGLE COPIES 0 CENTS ' • DENTIST W.; "lie L: Treleaven, Lucknow',' Hours: 9•••••1-,2 A: M. 1.30=5• P.* PHONE 53 i, '='RAY 'Will be in Dungannon every Thursday' �y WALL PAPER '-A full lino et 19$0 Wall Paper on hand.. Prices consider - Anil! down for 1930. I' ani also agent' for;1 •].r8 .James -Armstrongs -of Blyth is visiting her' brother, IV r.• Jos. Nixon,. •.,• -TALKING TELEPit 01i E • Just arrived a carload of Rosedale Mt. -Baird of The Bell • Telephone Cr:. Lump,. thigh is 'one of the beet Coals ' .Tam to Phone Deers at -Lucknow:: mined'.in Alber a.- Liickno'w Coal co. That conditions. 'regarding tele,•. ;phoner-service ere not.:altogether sat= Mrs. Ge rge Haigh of Seaforth 's - . � isfactory at Lucknow was. 'indicated • spending the .week with.,Mr. and Mrs. nt ,a meeting in. the Town Hall, , Tues-. Russel •lobertsoni . ; . • day e°veiing 'This wasn't. in the' nit= cath- o'b;hou es. Reduced. price : on .La ;.mor Beef..ure of _a: kick aboutrthe:local.Bell - • ,�' j,,.. e � ,. R. J. CAMERON':Scrap �-$3.50` per hundred. vioe, ,:nor any, •other,. service • It .wase. �:.rDecorator - ;Win. 'Murdie. d' So `ju a,ineetin of ' •'hon.e .0 a s. a. Fainter• .sem Graine�`n. iii , n.= st ,. 8 , . p s r ,•held Box" 174, Lucke. •M to discuss ways of. remeayiii aeon, yP iss Gertrude Treleaven and' lvliss K s• ____= • -Lorna Cavi. bell were uests: for a. ition which developed quite' n• aiad- p g 11 ��. GEORGE BELL few days• last week • at the home • •of • a Y Mit.' Charles. O'Donnell in. •W;aterloo. Due to, the way t•. ',. • • ..., tem.. • Licensed Auctioneei; developed in Western 'Ontario' there -Sales conducted anywhere Our clearing sale is in.'full�.swing .was bound to be some.:territorya'bad' Phone, Teeswater. 36 r.: 2-1. (Mrs: Samuel,.Kilpatnek, Lucknow 7 • . 6 (sit.4. ,:) ,.Y .serlied. Small rural'' systems were is .lone .of the lucky prize -winners• kr prat in here anal there, ,while the'Beg LICENS this month`s . • dra*i'ng): "MARKET". Company • hadservices_ n_ the'" owns ED • AUCTIONEER Y t Lucknow . Dep't. Store, p and . Villages. For the• past , awei4: • • Lew Weatherhead, having taken • out' auctioneer's. license for. the oun :Migses' Isobel and .Willena Chesnut ,;yea?s, efforts 'have been.mad to.rent= r i ttes Of 'Bruce • and Huron is prepared motored to London• on Suiid %y: M'iss'• ed Y . the' -condition : which . developed; •to>,conduct . auction .sales_ of. all kinds Wilhite. remained i 'and Lucknow'• is . ene. of the laces, Give'us: li t'ri'al:- .• e ed n the: city 'as she p . --`^ -St.-St.., Joseph's Hespital.' as a:; where "adjustment 'has • not Yet been. (29•-1=c,) made. The Go eric nu, se -in -training, on , Monday ' . ', d. h Rural, years ego •extended, its lines to the. village limits, a AUCTIONEER. Mrs.. John Joynt, Mrs` J.,'W ;Joynt,:.en.the South.W'est 'wile the=' .'the. undersigned licensed auction- , Mrs.'• G:' A. Newton, ,Mr. Geo. Greer, l! tern ear isprepared to conduct • ail. Mrs, tory 'to 'the North West is tt V d by' Rothwell •and Mrs. 'A, E • rllsori '• af,auction sales hn:.iBruce and Huibn 'Were i the Huron ani' Ki Rip Mdtrial with' e at L sto'wel 0e Monday to 0.. . Ciainties.. Tet.. years experience;.. Sat- ' a Central office at Ripley, ,Adjust-' guaranteed.,'Phe 'Market tend the funeral of 'Mrs..._(Rev.) .T. �.. m'enf 'is more .difficult than •would :at' • No 12, Lucknow,> or • r. - 5-1.8, Dung- : W.' Cousens;,• first. a ..ear: as� 'the:°interests:: innom •.. - A:-3.: mirkpatrick. PP of es - T.he appeal • congregational' meet- • tablis'lied systems must, be 'protected: ing, of Lucknow. United . Church will • At the 'meeting Tuesday night Mr: - be held ontlre.evemng of.Wednesday ' `J.• G: Anderson was made.chairman vhng taken' 'out Auctioneer •t}c- January 28th. The business' nteeting, and Mr; ';L: A. Finney *ed.. as ,sec- , eneel',forr•the Co sties of Bruceand ii a d will .be ;prececded by the. usual, supper' refary. Mr S,, E: • Robertson who had , 'Huron,•7the undersigned, is `prepared' provided by the ;ladies..., ..' taken- the initiative r nitiative i ._ eR . vto eonduct, all` ends .of•Auction Sales.' . Meeting. made 's stat e g em nt Out : • The' action, taken by George : Rich- , . g• Many years experience of '.'dealing- the e;cisting condition's;' acid ex ressed' ard$ fo�rN $15,000' against � J.• A.: Mac, P in tarsi stock,.. ''.'1 en thio• hope. that, •something could •. Ube e' 'Kende of Kinlges, 'for alleged: cruelty_ p . - . , , . _., 'Phone 87, .,Cord •Gavage,.. Lucknow. done'••to„•get better ••connections and •y sLneglert ' .. is :beim-.tried,' at-- Service - Well. Henderson..:, ;service with `t }e territory to' the South' Toronto to day '(Thursday) It• `ap-.. eers.�h• at He' ' d' . e ' ' West' end ;North. fie -then. suggested' p r Jti ge d ceded -against- :.. _, . R SALE--IN--good-second Hand *}teat •Mr. Baird d add'Bsell Company changing the, piece' of trial from , Tor- onto to Walkerton. The .outcome- will'Tor- 'It London .would• address the meet.'. be:awaited with great interest: nig.: Mr.. Baird has had 'e. great deal• of experience in 'straightening out •. • BURN'S • NIGHT BALL ' just 'suchsituati'ons'aa,•has : developed: ;-' ,' around 'Lucknow, He. was careful.? to' The annual $urns •Night dance will' . • .• inipre �s .'on, "the meeting • that 'adjust be staged. by thei'Lireknovir Fire "Co: menti” was ';no :meyans • a sir�i le again 'this yeas;. The date,• is Friday Y P ir.,3tter,.:although the company he re-,, of this �pveekJanuary 23rd: This. has, , resented was. always ready been the big. dance of the year p Y„td•`aid' in• in Lucknow. The people :conte from . the improvement of 'conditions. •The Co.. he said 'was''mainly concern= from near and far; there always. fs ”'Bell - TENDERS ,FOR WOOD` with long distance business, lintyvhet- a good crowd and. a. good time. No• :even went to• . m. rtiv` 'local service Tenders will be:.receive� . ,by,.,the', doubt••it will be'the•-same-this- ar: P d YQI always helped. long ,distance.. ''They Undersigned, up to Januar.'y plat; 1931 . for supplying X'0 cords beech or. maple ' ▪ Special prices on Men's• underwear' Have' business relations •and• connect= tuna with smite T00•-dif ,.rent systems-- boda► 'wood, 16 • inches long, - to • de- • and Shiit —(Mre; •W. J. Foran, Luck- ,'throw' taut' Ontario•a livered at. the Lochalsh School -•during now 2, is one of die` .luck' rize=: a g ',end Quebec: winter. -Alex 'F.: MacDonald .Sec' Whiners inY ,prize ' Others to: 'take' , part, in • the , discus- , I , Y „ , r� this month's . drawing): seen were . J: 'R. •McNab,. A'1'l'ster. . R. ' R: ' 3, , Lucknow. MARICET . Lucknow Depl... •Store, es Hu hwho •' is • a 'director'. of 'the a (29--1=c.) g . , • • LICENS'ED' AUCTIONEER" Portland Cutters -R. J. Moore: :NOTICE All accounts payable' to the :Estate' Of the late. Adam Galbraith Elliott Miller,;; are requested .to: beaid to.. Joseph' 'Agnew, Lucll=orw, Ong, not` latepp, than February .15th, 1931. • - Hilda E. Miller, • Wallace A. Miller, > Administrators.' (22 -1 -ss)° : i • VILLAGE COUNCIL HOLDS INAUGURAL MEETING :The Village•• constitute _d for 4931, held its first sleeting •on :Jan. ,12th; Reeve °.Rae and all _mem= hers were present -W. ' B.. Anderson, Hamilton , Robt.'; :Mullin, Wm;. Murdie, ; Members ° jin:ving . taken the oath, of office, the council iinmed'iately ad'ourne un ii �J. , d .. . t 7:30 o'clock pan,`. t bu`ncil re-assemlx7ed at '7.30; Reeve Rae in chair•:01c, g.. t A- Yds a :a i 1 ons f ,present}ng.; .., t Lucknow $A010- addressed. the :council' asking for .a grant to the ;Band. This was laid= over. A • delegation' consisting of Wm. _McKenzie and Rev.: C 11..-MegD- onald. interviewed:.- the council. • regarding school children' obtaining cigarettes. This inatter,was laid •over for'further° Consideration, Organization was ' effected ' : as fol'-• lows: Finance,. Coinniittee-lianiilton, .iae and 'Mull•in;. Hydro=Rae, . Hamil- ton, Anderson; Roads and Bridges Mullin,, Murdie and Anderson; • Pro- perty -Anderson, Hamilton, Mullin;. Fire and Light--Murdie; '.Anderson, Mullin;' Petition and By-L'aws-Ilam Ilton, Murdie ,and Ande 'son. A. D. Mackenzie' 'was re -appointed to ` the Library Board Dr. A. M: Spence was re -appointed M. H. O. 'Member. of Board of -HealthHugh. Macintosh: Fence: viewers --John Spindler,: -Alex. McDiarmid :and James' Lyons., Other -appointments are: John Bell, =.poundkeeper .. T..-pouglas, -Assessor: Clerk . and Treasurer, J' ',Agnew; Hy- dro Sec'y.,:,.J. Agnew; Engineer, John Bell'=engaged, 'monthly; salary same' .as 1: qt: yerj•- • On Motion of'1,Hamiton. and Mullin, Geo. H. Smi Qand. S , Murch;salwerloa appointed auditors: Moved by .Mullin and Anderson that a grant of $250 be .made Si the 'Lucknow Brass Band -motion carried Council adjourned STRPRISED. TH'E BRIDE.' A very.pleasant .evening: was .spent' at the home .of .Mr. and. Mrs. Alf.' 'Ritchie, when a 'number .of 'friends' of the bride, formerly `. Miss' Lyle. Little, surprised cher with a kitchen shower., Miss . Eva' Greer read' a suit- able. ,address_;as a 'daintily covered. basket was brought in and presented MTS.-. Ritchie, though -. taken .by` 'sur- prise, very fittingly •'thanked her friends. -for their 'thoughtful kindness.' The ' gathering .''then • engaged in : a number ,of• contests and this was 1 • fol - GIVEN, CHEERFUL ••SENDOFF.__ � •• Huron -'acrd -'Replies•,'' Corxncrltor- A ` ,lo'wnnd'`'b3r : main' r iuircht: Hamilton, , •,.� ... BARGAINS IN FISH Reeve' Rae and the chair. , . -A number of the girl friends • of man: • ' The best quality.oyster •shell. ' NO .Fats Trim Leans O l n , to a :stormy ' season our Miss :Willens -h The outcome ;tif.: the ,meeting 'was :dust, No grit, $1.50 ped', • hundred.. Hock's fansgot . a bi "kick" on '� B, Y , C esnpt agathered .at .. , _ Y g good 'flaherman wa's, not• able to her home Friday. evening. to. wish her that a committee was appointed . to Wyin: `Murdie `and Son:. Monday .night .'out of an exh bition: 811 all 'our .orders ror' Cod and Good -By, ,as she was soon to go' to ,take further. • step's witli'a view to im-. game , of 'hockey .between 'the • local' taddock- whrc London ••wirers she:' was to take the proving ' 'telephone ' conditions. •'. This'"Fats" " " • , �r,ti,rFririer and the Beans . These t • o ' h we are 'selling at - committee consists • of Messrs. A. P. teams battled 'through. four • periods • course in- nursing.''. In the• course of . 10c per pound while*they last. the .:evening_ the following : address, Stewart, J: R: McNab', L A:. Finney;. of and'Mrs. Thos. Anderson, spent of hockey, ranging in, length •from • D.. A. MacLENNAN ' which 'gives further information , was J:: G:• Anderson. and S. • E. Robertson: ;Friday with the litter's- mother, 'Mrs. five tofifteen • minutes -according to read: to • Miss Chesnut. She started .. Arr,angelnents Will:. be made"to,, have p: Reed,Lu .know.• the pace; the heavy .men 'coming ,:out Lochalsh her' duties, .at 'the hospital on the: fol: , a meeting . here 01 the various sus- '" • Miss Pearl Irvi went ! to 'Toronto on top., by.. a score:of 5 to 3; Dr.'...':New Spring -goods arriving -.(Mrs. ••terns , interested,. arid . : to have .Mr.' Treleaven :was file leaden p Y I lowing :Monday •morning•, • . lest week where s"he 'will visit' her g' scorer, Elden Eckenswhllerr Hol rood 1 is,'one ' A SLAM, AT BOWES • , ° • Dagger; Supervisor of, telephone sus sister Mrs. Milton Naylor°: " Hp., ,packs a wicked ••shot -between of .,the luck raze -winners in this' • Willena From Her' ,Many Friends: terns in Ontario at tie meeting:, , ' gr'hnte and,.,A: E. McKim couldn't , y P • �' �. The Quarterly' Board Oh:::' Ash- mentl es'draningi "MARKET"Luck- Perhaps you ., wonder • why we've ' field Circuit with their wi• net see :his, stay, .clear .to. stop 'his mad ;now D.eptt, Store: ` gath�red;, ".' '.'CHURCH' NOTES . ashes-by;'belly-sleeken him,—Dr.- >. �� - - - --`�`--- -" As' the darkened etiening falls,'• ' 1?ak- `h'riday'veat`tlre ASl ` g 4 poking fun at Bowes; the weather • ' nonage Lucknow -There.'^was a•• good Johnston•hada slight'adventage'over ,DEATH CLAIM'S MRS. (REV: prognosticator. He, :predicated that And the soli la's long since 'vanished' United Church .Y. P: S:• pry a tive 'gathering' and,' a de his opponents as he had, 'a tremen- T: WESLEY COUSENS „ While we muse,'within •these walls: : 'The Missionary Committee' was• in dous reach, the .result.. of splicing the .first. `eighteen days in January lightful social evening , :was '.spent: would be the •worst winter weather, in "Dame Rumor" says are to wan- • charge of. the, meeting Monday night, , Rev. and ,Mrs. Taevener `had arranged' two. extra feet onto, his • stick. Mr. ' Word was . received .here on Sat- • . thirty•caeca." •However 'he 'was -only der '' you• , •which opened.. le. the' usual'• manner, abprogram which was must interest:. Finney,'.ni goal for the "Fats•." die-. urda"y o the death at Mount F'oi e'st, .. one word out. He should have said• followed byprayer by•Mr. D. •G. MC- 0in .eOnsistin Of Mrs:" (Rev:) T. Wesley Censers,: o •. " ° "Worse'. To a, citymiles -away,. p g, g, of, solos by Messrs. rumored °thatghe 'may • be sold to the Q Kenzie. . The Scri tore lesson was 6neat. in place of worst There to take a nurse's .fraises Ttioa; Blake,• Henry' Holton, Rev. C. who had 'passeed • away. on Friday. g,' read, by Dorothy Berry. .:The. musical Tavener: Readings • 'by Mrs. Thos. local 'senior league team: And there for three years must stay_ numbers Were a selection• by the Sun. R. M. McPherson handled the game „Mrs:•.Gousens had not enjoyed good . • ,Anderson and' Miss Edna Ritchie, int- health for two -or three .years,, lint :, , Clearing .prices . on , W omen s and .. W .. . i . da' a oo orche fro • ..a.. mane solo , .. ...., __ _.. _ . _ ,. We will miss •your' ^frieridiy Hand' Y S h• 1 e , P . h ,gni :gave all rodnd" bati`sfa2tibri 1i"-- • days :Childress warm undergarments (Mr's. ,.• :shake ' ' - . by Eunice Newton• and • vocal duet promptu speeches by Mr. R. Jo nsten, cause'there were no giitiSdes in this she was seriously lh`e w a few, Joseph ::Lh►ckett, Lucknow, is one 'of . b ` is • Mildred and rs.^ arold • Mr: inn, • Mrs: Tavener and. Mr. Jos. before her death. 'She .was• 66' years We will: miss yoi r •blithesome step, , Y Mies s M Hackett: The later' ''wasp reanhnhscen- game. -gat feast Mr: McPherson lhd. •of .qge. ,•• 'the luck prize -winners in this weeks And your o omistic' outlook Treleaven{ M ldred • 'Ritchie gave . a not see any. , _ • drawing)'. "MARKET" Lucknow De- /' on a •. ccs of the Ashfield circuit;• from !WAY The •.remains' ' were taken to •List And your courage and your:pep: reading:�� The topic• was Missionary ,.. The •line u ' ' • back in'the days, of the circuit riders,. l.owel., for' • • interment in Fairview • pa>•tment Store. •. • 'Martyrs and in' connection. with this . « ,► . P• " s.' . We •will have such treasured meriiories on • thelife when the preachrng'Was 'in the • log Lean -•=Goal., Jack Mclutosh; de; Cemetery t •,,,funeral being• held nn • . Of the, days. that. are ,gone b. , Mrs;; Allan T urner spoke ,•• aeke'tt's : 'aren'ts 'near fences -Dr. 'Connell; . Chasr ilodgert; on' a afternoon. • The 'Rev. E'. F. - r,Y of ,Re shanty of, Mr. H naw stands... Centre,,Cam; McDonald;' wings, W. M d y ° GOLDEN WEDDING OUT,.WESTv John' Geddie the •feast. Pres 'And we .all- shall • share ,an interest •b tends . fo e• i , :missionary•from ' where Hackett s Church Armstrong of .. tlre'. ] ,istomvel United byterian :. i . Church' conducted • the funeral service ° li° in• s from a• Western; news in your work'as ,days' go by. Canada, This: was followed, by two ridge; saili' ' C pp •g sting and 1VIr� Hackett expressed the An Er McKim•'"•assisted by the Rev. A W. Barker; .. Trowb paper to hand this week tell of the .So when You journey to the city, ' sacred readings bey. firs. Burns: The wish that a lister of the Ashfield "Fats" --Goal, 1, A. Finney; de- . " ' Y of . Brussels, . 'and the Rev. Gordon celebration of , a golden wedding at' May your ,lea;t beat high with ha e.. meeting closed with• a, hymn and re- r be Ice filed and 'hand'ed .fence, Dr. Jo nston" send Cliff' Aitchi• g p ci curt could mp' - h Mit Pherson of Kiox 'Church ' Lis- Pepestone, 1Man., .The groom''. and Just leave a little sunny corner potting the Mizpah Benediction. ' down to • posterity.. A journal was son, Centre, Wm. .Porteous• wings; ' bridewere Mr: And Mre. J:- D. Mot- "`Lucknow " . - ..tows Wesle - l: Mrs: ,J y, ;Jeune' sang, For the crowd of folk y Horace Aitchison,. Home of the SOW", a favorite' lysin Y°I resbyterran Guild read : by Mrs. S. J; . Kilpatrick. • _A Dr: Treleaven and rison, who were married° here in . n"• • " " ° Now ••close .your eyes !'ease till' we're h.. „:old nesting Monday evening dainty:heat was .served by the host- Lucknow ,in 1880. Mr: Morrison is a Y Y P "'the al•Com which r: Zinn cit" reseed ens,. •'a d church choir. ready,. I was in 'ehai'ge:of the beVe n ass ,after w i M P Weaver oof Mrs. f Listowel h son of Mrs. Morrison,' who will he Ir •h ood.',io rani :be'n Sentiments of the corn 'ny when CltI±;AME W1NS.PiifZES essrs.` r There is a: storm approaching;. ' rers were: ,M • , remembered as owner of the orgy. c x , ., p "What' our de- v a vote of thanks to ' our R A mittee t e usu good. p g g the sen m Pa also sang. Pallbea ' ._ ' Now open them' and yeti win see en.�oyed, The• topic he mo ed The Lucknow Silverwoods creamery ',B. •Mecorinick, A. `Rowell; R, Oliver, Hotel in,the early days: ,Mr. and, Mrs. P F. Ziirbr 'and W:' Rin leis. • .,, • ' We've savedyou from a drenehiri nomination has done for the •world" host and; hostess:. This was seconded . std is- , e ed -Over w•inmin . second • Morrisdn„ went to Manitoba in 1882 • g.ff pl a5 g • was. .very ably taken by Mrs: 'C..H= by Mr: Thos: Blake and carried in the, Pe +stone where they,twillr ' ' prize for bitter at the Western' arid settled.at,,P , family And here's a check,; help to ,McDonald,. when a, great deal: of it►- usual way. : w Be Miss herMary E marriage GoveMlock She �' • . have'since lived. They have a family:... s ".ec't ' • " b.. with' 'alio Creamery Association ,at Lon- ,, ,, ,. make terestmng information ort the uby Singing a verse of , •God, e : .. .:.• •..' , ,. : _ .. _...... ...don: The `loca'1 creamer :also made: a well 'and; favorably , rernetiibered in • of eight, seven of whom are, living, Life ust.•a'.little .sme:other • • ,-_..e erall 'kno'w%i •b the: Guildites ill we meet again",brought the Y ousens hnv ) not g n , Y Y You t g • ood -showing At the': Royal • Winter Lucknow, elle,, zind .Mf.,C ere. are 20 riindclaillirer. • "• S tit : ,g sus we know 11 girls 'hove, ,orae in 'A solo 'b M.rs..:T'° d se. :.,•3 a .• > B� a ,. �,. ;y `teas .forthcom g. � y evening to a. o .Fair, oronto where in corn• etitran .ing, occupied• fi;he Parsonage for ab ut :'If they're .to live'lfi clover Stew,art,,acoontpanred by Mr:yIVleGat't- = 'M W J:^ Hall has had mseveral ., ' o k, years: She was o,#' a, cheerful. roe... - �r ,with all' :•Ontario:,• its �exlubi�t•---iw s---. N 'BOO ney'•on .t 'e violin was nt ich• enjo re51,• attack of nose bleeding this week; Y h s. arid ki'n'dly• disposition and a tireless a And ' so • to -night we throw td you , iss awarded' tenth place and a '• silver , • ": •• Good readings,, 'were , given bk. lVl which have left lime very weak. lir. the interests of the church, OSS -In the Tewnahr of .,Flares, The •torch' of friendshi loy4 died v.... • , 'attendance: • Ine.4 • Incidentally, Mr,. Caseniore, ,, ,, r,i.,,, R P p, y• Gretta .•Campbell, Mrs:• Thompson and Sini son of Kintail is in attendance ' . a .Janus 17th, 1981; to • true,:._ , . P Butter -nick r .here was s member. of $ helr: •husban4 , by w on Saturd y, ryGraham Sheriff: After the last,.: d1ss . and G Mr., Ha cold Webster return home wig I be greatl missed sheho leaves. she •.Mre.4A n II. Rout; 4 eOl--,•.'• We '+til oh 'bands and With for bu , a _ ilia Judg`i teas[ yrhieh won, secdi d y • Mr. Arid h a 3 > Y ► frbm• Guelph O;A.C: •last week sofa ;the, place _ r.:..•.,.,_ both t,.,c�o« nne son; the Rev T:' De:tt.,Ceu's'ena ellegeos.•-t-- --i. .hru hymn; Mr. J, : e. Murdoch closed the - '•arid .of.$tratfordt:- �+ ..a:.,' The •° Bread The Bread of Health . .: [ of Healtb:. O1U4 MOTTO irk QUALITY APT.D 'SERVICE •OUR' HOME MADE ,AND WHOLE `WHEAT 'BREAD' HAS THE UALITY AND :FLAVOR ' • DOUGHNUTS' • MINCE: PIES DATE.TRIANGLES 011 ICED5.^ • hone 36 GOia EEE. ` CAKES ` :-CHELSEA• .BUNS R1CI[ FIIIJIT CAK;`E• RASBERRY' TARTI E'I`S' = 'LOCALS LOSE -AGAIN '* The 'Lucknow hockey team suffered defeat again last, Thursday evening, on the home.ice._The score wes''7 to 4," and the victors • on •thisocca:sio'n being the Kincardine, sextet. The • local • boys did not :display • the -Same brand of• hockey. as they did the pre- r • T vious• week. ingWingham,. : and that• alone was responsible for .the defeat: " ; Nevertheless' it was a good game' and- gave the fans' plenty`: of opportunity. to ..give l vent to their; enthusiasm,,. Kincardine . opened the . scoring' AN,'*UNUSIJAL DAMAGE CASE early in:: the • first period,. • but i`the. locals came back strong.and at the Mr:..John A'� MacKenzie,, his broth-. end of the period., were leading, by errs and sister who ,'live bite. few miles •• - 3-Y, They "failed oto hold:: the lead, north of Lucicnoiv are, ing put .to howeve and 'the second period ended- Some trouble.by the action. of George, Rtes with flee •score" -tied at 3=3; and res- Richards,. ' •a young man .who. lived .•: pests, of a lively third • period.' The with them a .number •.;'o1 ` years, and Kincardine boys; netted four counters who •is ;weal remembered. •in that part. in this period' and resorted to: long It : appears that 'when Richards was . • hooting,' eta, d fend their 'Iead. Pal-`•- nine. years of age: he Was homeless. ,came ver disorganized -mid all the. and::bein cared. for by� ' �b , 9g ;'tl�e CIiiid'rens. logal:team could7clo= w,as: get ,one, .shat-�11d ; Society;: and 'that --NI -szl arizre_, ILY TREAT' January 23rd and 24th•. _HOOT GTl3l5'QN, In; ISE tONG 'LONG:,TRA° h and Comedy pest Ross in the Kincardine goal. The•' Kincardine team ateall young • boys and there:. was• not much.' to pick between .them: They are a good Minch. :of 'sports 'and play a ;nice 'glean game of;,hockey,. '. O'Brien: of Kincardine handled the game. Lucknow is, one team : in ` the group, Who doesn't have to "go down the line'' •for a.•referee. " • The line :up: Lucknow-Goal, Johnston;. Defense •Angeti :and .Treleaven; C.. Thompson;; Wings,, H'neton and McCoy; ' Alter- nates; ' A. Thompson,- Henderson and 4,14ar-tney: • Kincardine - Goal, . Ross; ' .defence; Walpole and. Rodgers; C:; N. McDon ,,old; rWings, :McDonald and Geddes; alternates, p Chapman, Hall and. earns:. ' • and his sister toot him -to their; home on the usual , "s.. , • He remained_ til hei there .0 ws! n a 21 years of age, . and since that, time has been making his•l:own way.: He is now 25 years of , age -and has been living in, 'Toronto: • . ti Some time ago. Richards'started an action) for damages against Mr. 'Mac- Kenzie and his :.sister, .claiming $15,- 000 15 000 for alleged neglect and ill usage while "he' was 'oti- the farm,' He claims that hie education ' was neglected. and' that he was Cruelly ' treated. '' The' affair ;hes 'just now 'come'to lagli because J. A. Crawford, counsel''• for MacKenzie,. has-made-applieatirtn-- -_ 'to' have the 'casee" tried at Walkerton rather than Toronto W Proudfoot Who acted. for • Crawford said that • • Most r of the 'Witnesses were 'in' - Bruce County and':, that, .Marl envie, •woir:.id be put to• needless expenseby defending .tile action at Toronto: Roy McMu'rty. who is handling ' the case for 'Richards oppossel the motion on: the ground .,that, -a change from Tor onto. to Wwlkertonwould be a hard -ship `nadirs client. -• - ;__ _ ._ y justice - Drew who heard the ap- p1ietion at Osgoode .Hall, .•said that he would -reserve¢ judgment: *rel POO, a ..:•Lill.^-'..r1'.':+kmTO"+T 01, •