The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-12-20, Page 71.00" • • ue.er-Christmas Gifts ql!)idn't they useto tell us 'Ann," •amid, Mra, Peters, "thatIn China pee,- ple4a.int their coffins pink and blue', :and pea greened yellow:, end: keep the:fron•parlor to 'oak at till, they're wanted? Seems to me '1 re- . 'member something of the sort,.” , "PP d9 I,". assented. Ann Tenney., -"They •naake•one. another presente of 'one toeTisn t I1eiy a Person :would forget. such an enlivening 'little !act once titey -knew' a: That •nais- simigrY ()deter fold' us, , tat whY de you ask, "'oldie'?" , '''Because r,Ye i'net. been out to the • „Twiggees', It's S',0 far that folks don't • gettrotiad"eaueh afteif enow flies, and • Mrs. Twiggs .said thet there.hadn!t a • • , seal be,en in :Since Christmas; my, but " they .. were glad td,' aee Me!, They .• showed • me their presents, .and all • talked at mice•,`except I noticed that Oran'ther Tsiggs' teeraef,re 'Mite Out • :ofit, gel' Prett.Y.deef\ noW;: se I yell- ' efl f.„‘.h T1,1 • pleasant Christ; 'teat, gran'therr , • • " illeY?'••saye •gran'ther, • yea, -Yest' Vine 'Christ:MO; god the ; fake. ' 'gaVe inc the, bet.t preseet:Of •• 'That !s :says I; 'arenit 'you. going le-sliow it to m( gran'thei•l*. ;" 'Trey?' saytelea:• .. Veit' notr,LYddy, sorrY to dlsobleege• ,a ffad3i, bet,,ifaalfrt possibleot to de inebbe not 'till 'spring:" Yesee, " 1:ydrly, it's up, to •the .certietery,'.`qi- • :Ann geeped.,"loyal 'rbey • ' ' • • • ' " It isn't anst for grerivtlier, Anil.; :at . least Tt :has the grace of being fainily•,rnotiernentf-1 ander-rend." • • But his name will.,go or , it first. •,.AWfull How....cduld• theY?".•• • I'd have said 'awful:too,' if r hadn't hoard.gran"ther chuckle,. Seems , they ' got t set up two or three weeks be.. ' loreliand and toek., him over • in, a „ sleigh for his first. 'view Christmas morning.' He'e'at pleased. as Puneht". . "1 wonder," ,mnsed Ann,. "did they: • tali it ;With 'A; Merry Christmasr?" L3drl',.laughed. "It doesn't •••Soundi exactly' Cliristiriasit, does It? Wefl •there are plenty.,of queer folks in world, ancl:ks'POse its natural'enctegh, tioine of 'tbe queerness shed(' •show up • ChristinaS. time,. The :TwiggeS areift ;the only 'ones.. There was Henry Brimble giving•Lonisa arch' support- " . , • . . • ers... Constderin,g it -was :waiting, on i1n;trial broke' livr arches,' " does , • see:in that She was entitled:•to• 'ern •fo'.. plain ,everyday, without hating' to Wait ,till ,Ghiletinas.• And •Mania 'Teeby;• 'Ytm: remeneher' 'the year :the Teeltys ga v,e her the oPporturiity. of , having her appendix out at.:trie ,hOS.P17 tal? And Myra' pressey who sent lit- ,tle-My-mle-to-the,-dentisf. tohave her "front' teeth straightened; . . :• ."Mean d6dgea 1 t11 ein AI1,7Inter- • • rupted Aria, Ail spirit. • r. "Oh; 'wellV'don't kno'w's rd saY. , 'eXaCtlY that--"begen„Mrs..Peters. "Meybe..iapt; Maybe' not conceded 'Anns:With -a tolerant twinkle.' "There:. ;are: to sides to every queStion, of cotnse Well LYdfa, yoa may give roe coilin for my pre§ent next year; If you're positively pining tO';,all Is, ••be sure it's. a nice, bright's•ed one wftla plenty Of gold dragons and .fiutterfies mgt.:things on it to •look real, gay.and Christraasy2t. ' - )6f-likESTIVIAS. PRAYER ' • • thristniaar •• • .01d ,bells 'ring now,,, and one bright ShizieS,sith A tender, lotely , ilglit— Far Shepherds dream on riethleliona's ' •hills, • : -1 i agate: the magic hi t. • • 0411861ms: :0 blesaed God Who gate Thrielf• Lot alI hearts 'rise gratitude - Grant eacla' Imo „fogLitat,,-splanitt levet, • Th:At• Oarlike the Christina.s. mood, —George • A woman Would'sooperAWear a neW hat that dpeSn't sult lier than an Old hat that does: ' . , • • •••. • •••••••,•••••••••, •O • anta Pays A-aother Visit to the aildren .904•0•11 ..,.._'! , • 1,,.. 44;1-, . .:','•1/4--- k•-.‘:-."-'15-_, _•.-- 'fi'..1.1....;:•••.:F.,;,--.•:,..41....--ecr7-'7:•,-., ... • ' '1',t,-^ •,.,,,:',;•„,.....4171,:.:1;,7:l.:.:...:::::.5..;i:•;;.:-...,.... y..,..„„?.., . ' ...(•-,1:-..',:i.-:..'-'-..-1`.- 7- ,- . . ,014......".• nr. ' , - ,,. ,,,-''..,ti.%•.„_••• ...v, ,,'' - v • ' ?”: = 4,1 , I • '• ,J: -.,e.,--' • , Ith..,...,4--,..i...:.•;I-',-.',..;-..i-....,:, :. geZ,,e10, ..5.-.........'.1.i....,.... ; ,.- ....-_,,,,- • jr„. -..,... . ..•_- Ats.-....-......., ..- ''':,..-4,,rit,--„- -,---•°"' .:..-•-- --:.%.1.....-..5.,, __ _,---., v.... • •••7.4.'.....1;i3A..4..]...,..;.Q.tr-..,: . . 'fi.71"...trr?......! r" ''''• ii.,:`, --g ...- ••• .-...--.-2.`......:*:!..- "P'•••' !-;;;:tittfld ,. ;'•••% .....' !I ."."V ".24-....-F., --..... eZ,-- e--- 4" ••••! •,••• ristmas • "‘. (-fr t 411/- Round the Christmas Tree FA/all the bells of Christmas Should ring in one 'wild chime • hey,coidd not tell thy joy,. 0 Wbrld,. • At this .exultapt , , • • And if the hOsth of heaven • And all the sons of ear.th • Cried jubilantly ,in one voice . The neA of Jesus' birth. Their peens could not even then ;I Reveal the ' smallest.part f theSiViit ioy that hidden lies :one thrice -humble' heart. - Stratke t at One'Siniple story ,Shou s cross the year's And blind s with its' glory , And hush Our deepest fears! . . Hanson 'Towne., 1 •By Mary' ••ir:lasbit 'Wright " ;Nearly ill the holiday-fettivities, nowadays, circle. round the .christmas tree; 'especially if 'there are 'Children in :the family; • and nen in .,s,chtiol; eharch Or '.commutiity .affairs the .tree usually Is ahe'tenter. of attraction ,.for ' all. : -;••' ' Personally 1 aanan ardent advocate of iettiag the •children help to 'make the decoratiope for, the tree, :'Sinee some of the Vest Precious memories of my ,chibilibocl cliister .rotincl • Feast of Lights ' There are many popUlar institutlerie which, if stern nedPeSitY cpmPelled, we could dO without. .134 Caristmat is not among them!, Tie festival bie. net always' icwert observed on. December 25thr: Once it teemed. that ,Chriattpas woald.be like. Easter—a 'notable institution; • for there are references to It having been 1d ,in Apri, June, end InlY. T the'erd of the, arst centurY. , hoWeVer, the 'early Chrietians began - to, aet.aaVe g definite .day for the oh-, serrenee or the birthiley of Christ; • bltt*h.Ore Was'not cointilete uranireity„,„,! as t.4 Abe date. iportant Clitirch,] • .„ es or re, -,pt, PalTstine, JekliPaleTnt fl- popuar . decorations: `the faces MaY2, 'ete., chose Januery qthe •whiCk • be made as dainty efgrotesque as yoit tradittien had • Ir -ti 'led down as ,being please and than, frills of crepe Paper • Chrletaf birthday. But thp./Weete may be tleksocurely .around the sticks -or Enronoan; Church. declared D . for: petticoats:.,. Little dresses of, or bey. ?glli to be tie proper Ate.: an gandie or crepe paper are placed over the Pepe, in A.D. 137, ordered theio ',With. the sleeve's started with. tha.day should henceforth be obsor. eoeto; orthe; ma/ be dressed to re- as I Cpolenul feast . I Present little' "led rtiding sl-lueolot7dc.:naddi,wAs r4; ari•Chy rcisellirotuais. lei:. b,t:urear:hritmas • other Charaeters. , : .It was reallY "coleran,” too, fer it "Then. there are the Maidens with marsinnallowheads that u.. ecame .a time of joyousness.. Dee... . twill' 'delight the children, Features pito the Pope's oder ,r it was not tititil„: , may then be yid on with coloring , A. - ..0 . 427 that Christendoin—With the pastes or rnelthd eliecoleteexception of the Armenian Christians, crepe Paper bonnets and 'capes May who : still observe ChrfAmin Jp.nu- give them a snaart look. ,' ' ary 6th.-..carrie into line, and Deeemt , • "!.. dinder-eake.., Santa Claus' '' --" ber '35th •WaS adopted for Chriatmas. ' In 'regard' to the » cookied, those..;,,, That ilate. is not nost elaiined as being , Which are .starshaped`Nerr ring:shaped Should be used. Ice the cookies with ; orange...icing, or sprinkle ,tliem• over:. s *itir-Ted ettg-Or'Tlie- tinge May -tie • 'Jan actual liFi1iday.4,Christ. he . test re,searches of scholars' re 'to dicato that ' Wae i,orn-on th, 'and thus tte. Eastern decorated with gayly tinted frekstiags, Churebes; in their firsteb5icg,of Jaiu- and Sniall CandlOS and.citttln .1170;nPd. eth,:' Were nearer the date thee to •represent holly •wreata,s. The old, ;•tee.one Nona,. .tho more ,iiow,rfui fashiened gingerbread dells must aleo . _ Western Church pressed. on, them for he ;provided with. currantor raisin' .acce.0.2meN. o• But as Chrietrnae cora. r • ,,_roorate'ts an '• historical feet: mere • etaYlla eCslve6antisdAllitceU :I:et:I.:eInd cut a °UunalAr .°f '• 'Decernber..25tb has had inany nrimea .' 11--tha-teeY-tnk' . '--ft-A°./;rae•titalnea-alarte it does net really matter. • • jolly fat Santa' Clauses out, of the gin; - an1_ d the one which. in a•senee, is the _Wcohalturte.leldn_gfuci. torrelporoessenstvrttiekfucr:_Se'acFuulrffettrae; ATs .1:ditailiji .jai,„_::arriescetribliprx0iiii.uncholli,:lkornistinwacsaa:seil::: gaeurd,:ctarkees ,tliountgoll. d. 0:gra stfeara:thlaer. fga,ec least'fitting, is that with whica we are Clans head sticker On waxed Paper most fainihar--!thristiuss," in 'short! wil 't.h.usecpaccinfuotr, .131:uitittol: .r.eatInacandiesbeltm• a and • :atblerosulAt, gradually.g`tiaai eae:ii• daa re,p7.4ine g attreovieo:teecri..., .• Melted chocolate .for, making boot. the entet en Deiember 25th from Gilded '4:iglish walnuts with one "Christe'skI1rasee"t-the „1(„altiireigrte' in•watd.., - end pried opea and a knOtted thread eoeout .servieo,•, .,_,,. to sittliapapee, of! nraeisetzr,elpyttites nainede. mijarOslhIS, hemionie_eaferoeinims...:s! .ta..rloipiezne, it,s4emeaasex.6fae,,,, : • "MY of'the Manger," e oldest nqme for Christmas is east of Lighte.,a, reference to the lights inthe heavens en Christ was born or that Ha was . rnallowt: will Tilea.se• the children,. Ute raisins for the legs and arms, Stringing them, On toothpicks The Stick the sharp. Points into the prune body end :atitach•a rotind ma.rehmallow 41 for. a head by .means" of •a.topthpick. .13.1th of candied eherrY or clOveS may the Light of the World. Festival •' Of the #a.tiVity" ls the next oldest mark the teatures. ' nartie an • - • •• The t finge'rs, using only he,: toe tree. one.has electricity in -the , d is toile's% ell . , Fees - of the Incarnation!' A' quaint name; • a "word in regard to 1,iillte• for drm ber- Just sitoso found • in Old 'carols, is "Gadde's ri,a-P • ' ' ' ' • :' ' r• ' home't1 - ti " ' , iere .1s -en° . more sa s actory - , •••• ; ... - ' ' Tasks That Chliciren Love ' way ..of ligliting,:, up the tree than by DaY4-7 .'`The 1')a)7•, of the Manager" is, ' , , . 7; ' ' :•,:14.esides,the chaies,•the,pop corn has the tiny colored globes. If candles are anothq01e"IS agame borrowed ' 'bties/For instance used "One inust'- be • very; Careful. 'es- frorn .a pagan feaSt held en llecetaber. 22nd, to. celebrate th'e passing of the shortest clay—December 21st. An old' ' Irish • name *as "The Glory par'—a. reference possibly to the' song•of the angels -7- "In eXedists„ glbrii." Another fogrteentietentery eanie w•as Goode, Day." • In Havaria Christi:nil. was ,eaMd "The 'White Dan"' ptit 7. i'lf.rissielua's" has pushed to. the. first laee- and stays there unchalTengedf • man). , 'Pop -corn balls ,decerated. With, fringed .peeially :if *ere are small children. bent Of red crepe:paper hehLin place About. .1,;'lasblights make a'Yeri, geed by a Christina§ sticker inake. delight'', right.; the globe part! may .cotered •edible decbrations. The numeroca with colored crepe paper itigi the bodY deSignf that •May be. fashionod. with;t Part with green ,paper, and then tied • pop. corn and nougat 'are!alitio'ft, end!". seearely to ;the body Of:the tree On less, beginning with attractive little iptiee branelle% baskets Jo: hold stnall cagdief or mit . , • „ y erry . ers in makieg,the tree triinniirigS, "and. boats tuay, be., formed bY Using • te Stare; :crescents, animals and B -.13eheIs 41. time spent with my sisters and broth Irma „ aLL helPing to trim 'it as well. / *Axed -POO.' patteirkig A foundation, " . And ,,that althOugh the Prayer Bcrok, giving 'two titles to Deceniber Th alwaYS, well to ;plan' 'a seheine .which. eau, be easilyrenoted• • • • As „far baek as the •. fifth • century 'after 25th,, addi, "comtadialy; 'celled Christ-. Of ileeeration'ter the tree 50 that there Mold the 'baskets.. in neat, rows bi ,Christiane Invested hollY • branches may be no crude eolor combillatiOnS means Of a little nougat, fastening the with a sYmboliste that helped teAeep mD as , ay . that would detract from its beauty,handle in place,after the body of the tared memories alive.;• White, searlet, gold and silver, are all basket is :finished; ahd completing berries symhelitied-the blbird shed on- Prtie-Haliday ri effective. ,againet the deep green of them with a Sprig of 'holly and •a I Calvary, hY the Founder of the Chris- A" the tree. • . , • •• -*MAY bow of scarlet ribbon. • tiati religibn; pie ,prickfy lea„ves• held • . • • -Arrattke a table. around which the • . Children. can forni 'wonderful decork, reniembrance of the 'Crown Of Therns; These who see the World through • 'toral•office are mentioned. First come children' van work,- and plaee on -it tive otit of a rest shVeta Of 1 and the .bItterness a the hally bark blue goggieS fail te notice'.how*, des- . , ' V.' 2. the varied duties of the ims- trIrnngS unday School to Which Paul gave Much 'crepe paper, cardboard, scissors, pie- tin foil, gilt paper: and sOme eardefWa's symbelic of the draught of which pite wars arid the ruiners Of war, the. • • . weight- In I Corinthians he Says that ture :wire, tin. :foil, gilt paper., sewing' board; -en°. shapes Of five -Panted Chriet Partook .while lienging tie the! diePotitted et •mortale. tpwerd • esson ,instant Inteaton, out of.seasotO 'this ,pop eeen strung on, thread inakeS nice tut out Of the -Cardboard and then Once, in feet; there was a custora or year as the Chriatmastide recurs. Con- . . . mortals grows 'Wore amiable year by , . refer•e•fo the whole averle of the eterif chains to festoen foyer the' brna.ches, covered With the tin foil, or gilt "PaPer Making a aedoction• from' the baek; sideretieln,for the other •feilow, fit' the- gebst Which must be exercised at and thit is •work halide eqn de. is paged on. 'Black or "green thread and drinking It IC "the taldi3t; ot. the. pefson who at to el -0°Y the•landteape • 'Be. Materiala and paste, As 'we all know. SterSecrescents' and other ,doe:igns are Cross. ' the Lord has sent to. preach. t ne of' the tiOf Christrnas 'celebrations, :so txat—iti or Use the roadway' after us, is wax.- • 1 A SimPle, times. ' There is no Particular season December 23. Lesson XII.— Paul's or. S •ao . • y d, dranberrles mai also be strung by may he fastened o o „i -- Last Message -2 Tim. 4: 1-8, 16-18. Sometimes the pastor must reprove,. - • • • , the stars and .crescents suspehd .the'Words of an old writer—"Ite.shall ing, not twane. 'Golden Text—i haN;e fought a' good I II o ir frorn the %ranches, laeliglqul little net forget tae Cress aS Ye reibice I:Pillar examPie is seen' in the Christ- , , those who do wrorig, or he, must . , bells may be formed by cutting card-rethe otoger," ,. • •• • . THE mirj:st P OTECT d- bulte, or again he ;Mist eticourage, but,i . . . - . ,.' To flioW how traditioe, grows, It was Vght,; I have finished my, course, I also with•mincl. Arid patienee and withe . V. 16';Th. '`'''°rse reveal.' th 'ever' vis . have skept„the Oith.--2, Tim. 4; 7. i• • Weareful use Of knowledge. Patience ity o au vor ee , 6 irs nesee board butt. /circles arid. thete eutthig .' ar. 3."The great anger,to the cause ' a ' h first' i p•r's n cut' several Years . pas' ting ' the etigee"together. • TheY : lief that. the Crown of Thorns; was It. d_ence more than ever the disposition kreees„ • ' ' • • • i Sent trial.. it ddee not -refer hack to bell )) felull and' „prAdence are groat pastoral - of. Christ seemeci.to:be the appeatanee t ei. rl ed With red erePe or Sil, Self forMad of twitted' hellY branehes, .to da tE'eat-ly, not merely in Order to In this lamst trial;there Wag .1 be. cover of 'false teachers who Were otonaing ' etiaol'Olnee 'to itand hy•his..side• "All leen 11•1‘rY'Or bid )arper. Place a, knot hi a Proitilliat. sprang linoift6r'bojet-4-tafttlaveld •the rnsh, bet to take•into don- , false eoctrmee,:f .• o k mem 'It il not easy' to tinder- o rie , a lass the end of the 1Y berries,' stere red. ' The. change 'Were:tide:fhb fact that hote who wait abread• •all kinds. of bleit t• gd Yalit string On a•cratiberry 'it Was tot Until after Calvary that,hol- lie had oscaned frbin his first irilprii- of Chritt.' were • aciveteting wrook, Was with bin), ',end .one cannot eon- oft‘the wants of the politic, are just as Philernon'which wat studied laSt week. ' They Were setting forth wrong viem-s etand this. ' In, v„ 1 1: he says. that,laike vain' it ' id b ' hUalau as the Pul)114'• ;:kriej..a,llepatirt,orii.galni: tlie' point' bf...the cone ,,,i, 7, ,8as sa , . ecrktiSe the green church ,had, to gtfard herself against Probably. it means. and lifi riti a loop gi sgspend bY• ‘ , terr.es- ott, the branches Wed for • the. There 'have' been ere da and to ethnent and been free to carry forward ' epurses, Of ,actien, : se that neiv,-the' this sore .11 ecessit/i.. eeive :Ira Luke proVieg Unfaithful in ably .S4ain whence he turned east to very• anany nisnlions attacks., ,,the'lliat none of those Romaus, who Were ' The children Will enjeY thaftlag Itt•• Crewil:, Of Thorns •Weee'oovered' with See . 0 ., .. di . Mt it,•incident to b (+eked 'thee, his mistionery effort, feaching prob- ' cover some of' the ground already tra- peeple Are SpOken Of As having itching id small gi te on he o eq. elie donneeted -with 0 e " : .. ' ' • ' otiglifares, but the• pre%aaling spirit • versed. ;tut neap the end of the reign eatat after novelties and re'ect-;influeetial and :hAd shown some inter- ; i. est in.' the •gdspelitcame forward te candies' , mit moots a." , f T ' Id .• ' h' f ' . . ' f th thriag lia. heen genial People to .askets and eornticoplas o blood'• ' ' ANALY..SIS ie rehablv'the first part of this pre_ them into halves, ezili half waking a. .1.1.9t long befOre the sin -101e symbolism I 'THE LAST AP,PEAL .1-8 . . 11 THE MINE PROTECTOR, 16-18, ' INTabetioriOei—Several I,eara, ha.c.4 pasieit,sintes Paul Wrote the letter to into cones and' Of the prieltiv leAves'passed into a te- mas shopping, with which, many per- • sous havc. filled all anXious,' exligust:. Ing week, either as purveyors or'as •- , cuitonfers. There hag been evi- in eager'theanthoriZed teachers of j the ' makt strong plea on hiS;belialf, the tree,' The haikets May be formed holly is sthat, it veat 'the "burning have. bought right' and'. left and. ofNere; 88,. he is again arreSt- . Every ituhe6etrectil h4ive 1,.107.1_,331.oeutten_in,_tiotantx4d•voutoet..:..to_a_i I the. ‘ig., r of •wire With. b_ush„.", referred In the Oki it Testa- thought in directiona ath never he - e ians are gam :1110Te severe.'re. e wen a -perionarimt- Ing it a t ur rer. argunten uee eried'Ole." bY me arid strengih-,' e:e,Lor•ea. crel. Pa.ver Tittle ha" lisketrurn;y be 1..11e1;it • • _ ig•trying to. maulfeat thought. releeae, shine the' proceedingsAgainst Ira+, . It it the tradition that Paul *AA be Te.jef slItPtphreyaleribcteCofilil tedach- "rt he 14ra:stood beetled outside the cit of Rome and into hy p e)te cise renewed zeal , intO.the heart of Paut enabling him Made ,Or. birch.berk, laced oge hor y Afiagivi,o ate. Neeet ,voniatt God Sent forth. hk s (hi;mlne t t. b Atone her•Ithit.'clooe'rieVibee's" char- fsti,,Iftess for. others, not simPTI: as a e fesSion so that the .f.'-tentilee who , ed,by an awl or a sharp point of ,tae: Aden, • or a year-round 'affectioa, e red - has easonal occupation -but as the, tokea • ' • times call for strong' leaders. °Ito malte, a bold aila Able defence and red ribbens nig thrtiugh holee puneh-. that hie •body• Was buried in tt place ed, and now there Is ne chance of his where rioW•we find the church called Paul -without -the -Wall. There, three letters, which 'include two to Timothy and one to Titus, are rained 0nd-store' because they deal with the robleins of the pastor. Matters of discipline and governatent are diseussed, and direc- tions Are given for the.elioice of •hisli- °pa and 'deacons, While there are Warnings .agalitat the -different forms' of heresy Which Are beginning to •Paul's referen to his immineet 't•esented many -of tile leading .famrilieP;1„!lesirt80c /8.1attiPises?f trirosbtZkoMr a'fFeicblee,V ithe worst 'death, Sonie discussion 1.,THE,.LAST APPEAL, 1-8. V. 1, Tinaothy',ii urged to devote limself With all energy to his pastoral task and different argunients' are given to atiinulate him to further en4 „deaver,- Alta,thia,:Verse the•-fact,••••of the finatjudgmenti is set forth -AS a power - NI appeal. The day is corning When all men must appear before the jtidg, tnent teat at Christ. tt, Is the same erganterit which is *inn& in the earlier lettere of the •apostle," and was over. t is a k?reat V. 6. A third appeal •is niade by ,atteildesil the trial, and, nei deubt, hes e6sen • Of the eity, heard the message which over the „cause • which induced baskett aro unusual; yet quite Pretty • i Oat the love the 'Paul delivered. So great Wes the im- of lore la Cottage is 40eSlYt; last, arid ,the dot- Of himself. Ile feels that the end is 1)1.Ill de that Paill had reeeived againSt the deep grit? °fWtihre° ' tra6n6d'' t• ag6: 4 Ci°. apostle to speak in sticla unusual terms ' a favorable, 8entotoe .are„ gone. . •,,rils toblie'ETtheissPsitaInf:.°sItIrietiti'getir Ae'r14 'lhs°tillt'ilre Pw6inr: ebractedt8 with neartirrbew strips of : near, and that hie chances of getting doth -warrant iS1, abont to 1.,30 sIgned.. T Overt to him when he conies to the last cloth fraYed at the, edg; then dip them For God AS fa a. VerY strollg' ablution of ,ahtm Two reasons are l suggested. lie. May illAbIlt, 1.totablritnrg.i,atil°fIliasile'll'ildren, out Of •Nc,,e; have wished to .encottrage TiinothY-lvery Ler and hang up to drip Arid hard - 'earthly tilbiration! ,. I, t I.) r lc. l'ir 6onf:t*sTIterseani. no end ,tricia:peoss;b2triltigeti. lot. . 4,11,14_0 d I° t t' r , and the Assurarice that' there Was a dreWn awaiting -all, :these who' &Ad service. Out. he.Hiay silso have felt (Unary pasteboard Votes, , devote themselves', to Mich faithful , ereeretift that ,with his ostn death there was Por any sort of .tt Christeriati,tree neeessity for -the younger ones to take party ii• good idea la to hate Moitt of .the-placeitif •those -of =lawny, 'How 'tile Alecuratione ..:of 'the'-eitible ItorU can the cher& eoritintle• tiniest CACI' :ribiladt et happy. nett generation brined AS rieW Work7 . , ts:htreinpptehde et ethinlet4chibld8r 1)114 1, 8; The figures are taken served froth the tree-. itelde frorn the Refreirliiiittite ;tor' ilia barb, near be Greek games viferi! very fainoult, onlf POD cora, candy, toOkres and &Cite front the athletic Iife of the time:The in this contest the crown id' net 0 can be transfortned fitto. delightful de - ••••L cOratiocs. Dolls made bt 1.9.71,, aro ver -ii — ?rust, an We nttist ppm° day give in olive or laurel, but of .righteousness ecit'S'et_tgit and a 4" , v • -• • . ,• •••••-•••••" letter day ittelfis.sitaply the cultnin.a- • riori of -4 fes.tfv61, for strileh the 'cane diet of tile heart are a1v5)s burning t vett Aliess s,overlailen liottra MALY' re- itoot tile graelOns influences t,hat en*, rounded the, ZsZativiW and itiSpred 'the plotia• art of the eld and devont pairitr, eta:'When -they' limned the the", 4,rtn's t:ht :dation:la. L0, • the spirit of the child 'rule -the pre, • , natation, at; Well as the erri0Yntent of the Yuletide:, and the final obsetva.... •"*tieti•wil be.AR (hat It should be l'he .sfreefs' Wit tateh a bk1M beyelid tbs, ,iiatt0 1iot1 Wreath; ate rich adorninent and soft radiance'et the colored' lightsthe illuird* tion Of a teeming city. thereffghfard • ot 4 Pastoral countryside. Is tibia th- • • 3t*t thd wise Men in all aged have discerned', to gutde tient oat 4 rktiettelill• tbe tit,4sits, and „Oil' •