The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-12-13, Page 3EnglWomtitn9S horn into, where they! , will have ten ish _au . * - ' chances for every; one in England. Odd Piatt-rcertainly the land e ot, home. There is a simple piety, they It is Of happy * Pr i te that perhaps aecounta for it It is xi) ;natty a long day sinee I have heard .--,-- . grace said, before a tIleal, but in each •(Mariorle llarrisOn in London Daily of the prairie homes I visited the head '''' • . Expreas„). " of the house bowed hie head and asked fi 'There are •tvve great .epettinor a blessng. " gs: for. A..1 . .a to me. ,we er S WI 0 Sal , , raTirtncilmin, 4489)ciSerh491wriaen.•PartiQii.14Aneibe:rt°:. have been here 'twenty-five years; in The, arat is demeotie avoti ao4 e that: time ave. haVe been blown oat, , seeona marriage_whtch is zkis, doha,.1 lAiled out, Snowed out, and 'burnt hilt. •pai .estie work but less well. d! That wa in the days: when .the prairie firee. were. uneontrollahle. We . a was told; and 1 believe* is per lost 14,000' bushels of 'grain the day 'fectlY true, that AVe theugand firitigh after it had been thaa'shed• Yet never 'wives are wanted an the. Ptairies , of Once has, the farm failed to 'pteVirle Caintda. TfOre s, lloWe'6•e, an '07 us with a .1nost ineurraeantableacbdtacle..ai the, "And would . you go :bee% te". Erma et/arse:of tine love,' atid. that . is the land?" ' • ' • , , extraordinary •inhibitidnabout shave. "Nor .woothe einpliatie !Tilly; "not ing that possesses, so many ef the five te. ive there.; a love cattadkaaa the athapearld eligible young rnen: 4fthey life." And that is what the e• .nearly: --would grow geed honest beards and 'all say. It's the freedom, the haVe .done .vvith it; it would be. less aeas • and the Appeal ti the eternal but tliougla,aornance'rria3T be spirit IA' the •pioneet, when .every.maa born on Suriday, .scl delicate 'a thing and Woman counts asa builder and.' ..ciatild never survive aVednesday'S maker, . • '• Each elle takes a definite part in the To often the 'British settler life of the ectionamity, and in a vast -comas extraerdinarily careiess• about. lend With a total pepulatioa • his personal appearanee and. lacks• equal to that �f Greater London eaeh pride in his home.' Probahly. the rea-I iadiviclual counts. Anti therein kis the. sen iS that at, first Iripsis so occiipid! secret -to be essential is the Xery „ in keephig abreast. with Erie paynients' essence of toateattnant-at: least, as ' for his land . and se trentemtleuslyi far as the women are coacerned, `hardworking' that' he siniply` hasot ;n • the 'time.. A farmer said to me: "We ' • Suramilv Lands have an eight-hourflay all right. only ' ••- _ . we have three daYS in each:tweatya • four liberal :During the hectice seed- • time and harvest eyerione werkS- -frotri morning 'to night. 'I, have teen • - a man so tired that he bad . fallen •asleep over: his dinaer--if, he cannot • find:time to gat it, it is n� wonder that "he' grudges the-tirnetto 'shave.... , . . . • It iS ,Arnaiiag how many of the •prairie heasea are unpainted. , Their . surreandingS ,are untidy,' -'machinery • ,is; left lying. about, aad, often-, little ' attempt is made to cultivatetegarden. 'Iran:may praitie homes tinned vege- tables are Used. Yet previded. a hedge is planted. to actas a wind-screea; • good' gardens can be. made. :•'.' • : Caxi'PrOfitablY. ' .• •'.• .' • • :' •_ • ,. • • itaiSe. Muskrats ... . •. • ..: ,....,. ., . .. , . ..,• . • •• ....„.......... :•,,. •Waste: .i'n. U.s, :Anil 'Canada ..: Made 'iO•,Yield, Profit 4... .1.*tiy. li-icitisr3r ., : , . ',DO:Clops .. . Ccist."- Of Operation Small '... Ariiirials' Alsi; lliSed . FOod. , . . 'for, . . . iB SOBid. Patte7611.C9Oilit.ry, . The: far industrYa 'on 'which was the • leee, of, flpwera. dieS''. hard" in based the :. Orighial, settling., ofa. great ., . '.., ;FOR AFTERNOOlaa.WEAR, ., . a _ , . . . • ' iBritisk . hearts, and in .the rianoase. eeritariee in our 'Own 'eountrYa read • tbt . . . . .. •: ree- Nee :., black,' tra aPP area t . Velvet. .0 mbrOideted . ; iew:elea. Trent ''oE : .. . . . • 4 dress 'and eaffe; • Wilke: rifilite''epllar.- BlAck•aelt hat -With inserts of: velvet. ..iliving-ropm there nal/Ally A. nnrn- In the -Cenadlan Nerthweat,, is •as -Oita ler of: plantsa'. .They ate.pat in ,. jain pale -ant'. tealay as it. ever wet; We . a. • . a . 1.• . • • - • • . • • . • • . a :. • . , .... ,,aar a . • . ... - - • •Jart,•:salt: tins; treacle ttne..,anythina itaye pregree,sed „beyend the, stage Of •,:r."7-7-77- • ...• ., , . ,, , .. • • , • .• „ . , , . . .. . • . . • :Of the kind. Illit!tbe, labels: are "lei:: ;0-atea.ala faro to fitl Our daily tObaceo. fairMaa in ,vitileitastates the. lataedt ' beaping iiit with. no apparent ,erder, . , on the jam jars and tao ,Pffert. is: made ch but the tuna/Ver.. in 'Tur•tradina •perhapsabeing One %ht. LettiSiata,,,:cata teapliee of grass,leets'and reedt. PY , . to disuse the fins.by a :coat ,of Taint' places it among the'fifteee .or twenty sistiag Of • 110,00o. ' acres : ..ot....y*pp in g , .burroWing into :the: top . of :this.,. whicii. so that ..the 'whole'effeet ' is one Of : 'greatest industries in'the land./ .. More , lands; , The. Muiltratis native ft om;.fOrnis tike dome they 'Make. their wiii.- typsy-like sordidness and 'initidiness.. fur. Coate are Worn netiathia..'ever' lie:. • . . , "64144-0 the' •Mexican ..boia %tor home. . From this; by running atilt.' • . . .. . . '' . •.' . ,. . • • . •.. • • • • • • • . • northern . ..: In many 'parts ' of' the 13:rairie ''e4•36 . fore- The better heating of ou.t build- der,: • ' • '' • " ' - • • ' ' - . ' • toava. Watch 'oPetabelcavathe' ice level .. a eiallYaSaSkatchewaraaatire,../eneea..la-iags has made heavy eiething indoors • , „ c t ,maskiats can the. eme ge 1 search f too.. , . • b. • ' ' - The ease wita. whi. 1 • - - a ' v • " r 'a ' ' o d - on. t e" . . ' close etch. equate Mile:a 'A 'Man ',often ••• less: essential,: and a wartner,'.wrait'sis be .fa-rrhed. • is .:appeollug.,.Mi,th 'Oa. :the tnarth , aottora ,' dliriag • •,the ;Winter'. , starts With a quarter section of .land. .,aeoesiari.' When .outside .• That whieh lir.ofSSettillal: trq-PPer : Who', can: settle , Menthe; And if, drip' fails . they use 'pelt •-a160ericret and .:4,...tworome4"`Wooden•:70.: a luxury a ..teNY.. years •ago ' -la now ' (1°wiII and trait • /rem_ ,ltis -awe Made; of. the . houte *Itself,. Most of Which '..cOP••• shack... When..a baniaer etep it reap- 4 neeetsity. .,. .' a: . *, • a: a. • , . a a , .' and to ",the.Arnateritaas a -ell. ' .Tha, only. sittpaof •gresset, on Which theY. coma it,ttie. 'profit. "per 'acre. Convineetf. hint This. itew. 'demand; taming .• at: a' time., problemi .. IS to keep 'anemieSout. for, Mealy feed; . . If in farming muskrats 0 that be Mast' have anPre lain:L.:on:the .when '• out wild an:the farmed ziaiskrat lives Under. itatur-:.tae •Wititer proves ‘..exCeptiOnadY •lOag. .ilnala .have.'"beeif : chfince..pf :.a.' ran of 'goad .deasone;i for drivenback to theirlast stand by ad- ,a1-• eohditio4s-, eatilig .the natural 'feed; and. the taittirai. food .soppliestun low' , Canada': at:, esseatially.. the. bind'. 'Of. a'atatitig settlem.entaaeCessitatea brini- i . Which. groats br'the..niaralies, and CO. the cost xiffeciiiiig is itisigaineant, as . •":Tlie. girl '..alici makee, A hattli...' 'get.- to • escape a :Once. a, a • buphel,.:, of ..thrallas,...... carrots,. . eta.; . lug' :getierally _gets by -With 'it' a • • • hopeaathehope of a good harvest; The . ' g ' . , ' ' .. 1 1 . 'der tia bee no. • teadency .• gambling •spirit has aught ..hitai :Out; ..tiVatiOii. The to fO'reit •that;Ore•noW good wire fence buried a,•foet.''pr. so .will .feed: a'..nittaktat for :about :three. • .„ ' •-•a------e- . , .. • cOnsinpn, throlighout,,the. aOuntr't. are 'bele*: the grOatiii and A few' feet 'high raeeths• : .... ... ' ' . ..''What ie.:Schmidt-0nm tioa-a-a "He ..:, in eourae :ottiMe tie beccenes •what -is ' . . .opened: a .taop, 'recently:a::: "Sttecess7, aone..a.The ludiyiattal. vette' of 'these than that .Of ...aettially.0. catching • the ' ''. .` D 9 .4 ' ... . a• . . b Id' a ' " M a 'rah- Rairiiite - , • known as "land .potir..' • ::He ie' the ..evidence, of ,what had: ',already ' been la ' DrOyided . all expense :. ends 'Other ,: .' :-. fuily1", ."Nce. he was 'cauebt."•••• • ' .. a ' . else.' It is p.artly'. this lust for land ardinala "are.. SulheieatlY.• rallIabla 'to aniinals and preparing... the. furs.,', In. : .' aTh,e 'intiskrat.lneastry," .saye.a•bid- ::' H;:skileey-,like Gettlogy', • deMttilde the-. .. . Oier of ManY. a eres and very: Halle , • • , . . . .:*hat •adOO•Upts for .;the eareleis, *stand- 'make, such .farming . profitable.. :Other this ..a•ay ',tarn -tete: *Mt swami) • lamas latin of the 'Gaited , Stated "pepett, . . , : .: • use of theiinagination, and . in propor • • • . • . • • .: 41rd •s),f :livini. that: it to be found on .a.nima18., .faittied :in 'this Wei?' inclUae ea.their •Eadziis AO. a profitable. demi- meat 'et, Agrietritlite; :`ha. reached Its, . a . . . so .'illeak . prairie farms...At leastahall .11te..raeCoon, ,Mink.'heaver and 'Init.'. Pation far' the:winter 'pa:tail's, /a. "... ',, . litgliest:••prosent•':delielopinent., on, the thin as the. exei-ciPe; of Itistorielinaga a the Suceess', of,: . Palladian . farming de a • . .. , -: ••• ' . Muskrat : Future • Source , „ eastei•it 'there of ..maryinnii. :. The:, ex., hatiPii :is "rigorously : .porforMed ,4n. • •pends •on women A. tnarfa.wife iehis ,•But. nowadays :-MoSi. 'of Ouse'fim:•do . - . . . tensOe :marshes ' of. Dorchester'. Coua- 1111111:deg. . of . the 1..Padta'. Will .:be the* ljtettdali aef , • our coaception' ' of ,the • . . , . . •• ... I • " ' ' make; Own Winter HOino, - . 'helpmate indeed, and upon bet falls not POMP from thoo.... ekpeet,...e.. fur_ ,. The muskrats . 'take • :care .,of ' tlieir ti.- areatenter, oE erusktacaer pre.due; which. the, fature has ir the greatest :shock of the tianslilarit, -bearing:Mitt-11g%. a The '.1-owly nutskrat, own .Winter • food 'eupplies. ', Their tion.. .F.OrMetly the •‘altd Nv.aS consid-i changes• . . -.. .. • • .. • • - • . ing te.a near eetaittar, .. While her man :bnee. aespited,' iS.• :degiined. to stinniV ..• aa ddme-shanedaboutee, Which •staid twe., . ered 'almost 'uS.eleae,.• Fes it is Subject : store. :for, us,. as Wel( As ' the • length.: of :IS Out Of doors, and has.'a eeitain am- out.intureriurs. •While ' ' ' ' )lent af •pelts. .• • . . ., . „ .. - - - a Or threeafeet. above surface of the ...te . tidal everfieve. . .NoW, .oWlag to dine and thermagettade ,ef' etiprt, re;.. . . . Ir perfect aerie 'eta aount of 'change %had Variety, 'Illet..daY...ftein large gairnais :were. avallabl An' .. water:of 'a...Poeu or Marsh, are • built the '1nel-eased value, Of itir,....nutay' ertafilited for 'the . .• , . .. N eat, . itiate -she has never Seen before, worl small ilnuskrat skins,. Whiela he 'couldeaViscount,Morley. '• ...• .: .trapper . • . .. .. •. e e .tfic froni the bottom et. the ;Marsh by the marshes', measured ' by:. aetttal 'ilia' . • , • • . . . . . , a . . , .. . • .. is. Spent inside, ' 't • 1' ''with, '' ' ' ' ' , , s iugg mg a had no time to give. so the -• a • ' - Polce,..or wdod. fuel '‘. that "•produce8. a ' field ot. endeaVot aiyaa left ;for the Arno* Ailaiitic :Liner ..to Matio•.-1-10::.PaCifio Debut . . ---, • lied by hard ' ceal that sheintist .notlaSell tat...perhaps' 15 or.. l'i cents.' this furnace like heat or none at all. • 'Sarin ber: after •'..Eiclickol hours, Who• . She is fad 'with. :the' lost "arts ofmight all his pockets 'With' caw: on. .. . ...a.„ a•-• •-ate,:e ,-- ' Wintek. it is ii simplehaPinestato:tite. 'Made' tO hhitate lyery: closela the Mote' • Ca . peaWaa La 10161/E.F.Y, ..1e, 0 .'00P1010ir e... : , A •-•.,...,,p. 4.. ' baking lartd thelliakittg Of lard, butteti Saturday by his sales loathe town • '.and :soap'," as Well as :the :bottling -of , irtercitent ' ' Bat. as • 'the Pride .. rose; arraa . f rait ;paid: vegetablee,-'fetathe• 'thrifty:1' readhieg'i the neighborhood Of .410. 0.; ?4,,,,' ' .. Wife . Must , still have .kralwledge df :pelt in -11-9,a20, later t•ii: :beeoine fairly , .4, „ •-. •• *.-.., n'st.-:; • 0 . •01 theseAhings. '•:.. • ' - -. ' • : • stabilieed.at. abeld $2 these peltS we're ..la I. • • . • lie. • et ok a. The.. inajority of .fainters kill' 'their worth .whilo. The furtietAfound the . ar .' ' • lei eia:aa„. • ...own meat,: for butchers'. SIMOS are not; more detitable than they hid . :akin'. i• -?....,0,,, .iume- -4. ..48,4c..., . required. for cooking it.:. is • siiiipTy ttader. a great Varleiy: of trade :hatters . it 4p,, •-•;44- ,-„-s-xiir, 5,..,-,:;•0•A:fro:.-. z `-'.,••••••••••. :4' -';',"?•-:N.3:,°•-•'- ---"`-'''''4'-'7.• , ustially found in:atairie villagea., In, posed; 46 'they wero easily' dye(runt i that animated the pioneering avoMen, „marshes, alit it ie cogree and of hide terve/ for it, :freezes, . tind..Wlien At' ie Ydapeasive tura' Suell itits are •S'eld ,' aa • •1:ft. .a.a. . „ brought :into the Wenn 'kite:hen arid I endiag with "seal". or ."think:": (..1.; • -.4> v- ,g • thilived'. In the • tame' witY, t4b, bread.. • 'Bat- elren ttt $2. knot, it is net:profit. a,..akfaa. -a . , will .4.ceep iridefititely. ' la .eitianierl."able to • raise and; feed'. intiakritts in. •• 'altowevet, .wheii An anirhal ita 'killed the : ho.lises. The soltifion-Of: the 'problem, .meat Must he cciolce0 iinmediately, antl however,: is ncit •diffieult, The' ' musk- ' bottled; or else. salted ;clown., • :. • ',tat al.'s -ail .aqtiatie. artinietta tied US . . The •tweatieth tentury.woman .Mov-il, Mititral habitat is the waete., swamp Cd:fr:Om eenditiotis ,a •Mdderty'lire:ettiC lands., which .aro ttitallY tinsuited. for planted down .in an isolated 'iliStriet.D'any agtienitural 'purpose,. ' By a great, has as lialeh need as ever a.the ster..' deal -of effort a• small 1.quantity of •.. ling catelttlee of. pluck and..endurance Metall hay might • be 'taltied tin • mica • .. The eld glaniotonsaclay,d- ate. oVer, Value. CoitSequandy it:Ur:marshes are • and "thO, Wild West Is fast becoming taplcily becoming muskrat farms,' and the Teraelirett. :.The open lainielatiall beceasd the .. antskrat thrives: att • sueh . .• and Abe...great tattle .tatialie.s ate giVa I otherwpladesand he is not ise. Weete, :....ing*ny to small mi?ted farins:Nevera tubjeei to •tiiiesst, Mashrat far is de- ' thelesa' the pioneetiag days. are ne't 'stilled to etilally.• -lila "country -with its • ' entirely:passed; and, Canada still has • future. ants., Thei.e is Alsothe feet. need. of ' adveetuaotta , Smile. , , . , • , __. ,.,. ,, It iS‘ tilde tlist. you do .riet littVe . te shoot Indisins. oat of the kiteheit wit/. 1 - land's New Fort Wiled. lands. ial the. Senn ViCiaitY". Camphor CollectorsCZ3:' • 4:1171:re "1'e: el:tee:7: g7V1::. Dodge Hea4.Kmter,.. in meciii4erramean: to sobotamtioto thto statement, morily for their peltS, there is the ad - e animalare famed Whil'the s :pri- WiSideerf e$1,1111.3. wsaprFicoprr?ts Malta 11\14w 1;4.41tar • °for X. 171 in 0 UeS , 4nd Temples : vantage. • oyer 'meat , far -farming . pro: jeett that. theyaete...uaed, for food In variOut Partaaof .the ootintry. They A • ar.e, As a rale. said Under the -name Qf utP.4r44 rabbits," •hat 4..° 4tteraPt 'Tea Irma years age , leaaa, eate *ant. , Malta. --Recent. illiPreventeats by ls. •rnatle to •deceive,.' AS' it is ,W011 . . „. . , . • the Britlah Amy and Navy Mittiora • 4P:twit . hy meat. hayera that l'ihar44 e4 earill'her to .eheek 4 °14... O• '(1118. 'taea have made. .ayfaitn,. ene or the• ,: rabbits" and: muskrats are the same-- trOfte n''' n4011. or to. •bauisb:. a fever .4, singN, animal ready for. market .beliteteitr„,„, ' j.tha.epr4..was on one place to. 'er°4te5t tiav41 and °94114g. et4tion4 .111 g� • ••• there. are Certain . faVarable .points ,.elleIntatS :learned. to matte • call:la:tor ;.„, .., ahma the atthe4. as A, fwd.; lacy: are vothetiOally,• ', laltfptte'rgitee.'"..it't:Aarrs.:: tbeT111;'.°.1.°1144:: t.cirt'.i.f1C4‘ i'iP'11.1's 35'''' ."e148. 1 weighs ‘about. One and o half. pounde. • !aa•gaiPea....attaeleabyaainedera -airer4ft. 'free from: .disease;•,:and their' ;Pet iS pan laboratories 'begaa predneing... it,: :lell!lad't,htel'i'elaita\%111. hbaas.tt4trei°eTp,a14ata4ty'lli'l"'.•. ,... not undesirable. ', •They feed hrt yodts, 444 a't;e,11.1:itiol.tralt4tetle'tis, 414,4e•writeet„e4oantottal .ftell:, . defenses or the talaedaa aeo.aay,,fhea .• pql'aaYsitt'-'7gntqforilast:''e'. nalltidrel!Y7iael'th9citgt(1.utai.:Ye' e4a.P4?4:1'e. 'a bling,thent tb-o.4. Prices.- II: thp mpst. foratildable fa...the . a-etceattilltl.:;•aee amo. ug ... 0. _ • ,Italta' is the .heaalquarters of the now' beceme that there .a,re. ergatilz4- gent. eatephor. imper•ted liatlia Ilaited tilo , coni;uor. bo4n64,. ot . world, deaaing'.'dry-doeic capable of aecorninci- . news • came trete Fran. e ,- 'will tuch.slowantoving. fish as carp ; A• large military and civil airdrOmei'; • 44 Jima; another ,:n.c,W• synthetic. precut 'w.hien ' end , also such". Water anamals.:. as; , has lieen coastrae*t; at Hal' Par; ,znika:* sots., a . ' ' , , ' . '. .' • , ... • II. IrlaY,01$41,rb ' , , . , " , • trade. of, ilie .0.060,006..0,4.44i.otptiu.,: ink. another Bak, .1a :Britain's work', - ,. .., So .'importnt has Maikratafarnting . . aaile system of "air &anatomies:owl, Al lions ., pi • liaskrat -breeders,: 'Ope „Of 'St4te4 144t•Year" 4 third •A‘!4i''lirtniht..:.1"4's largest.' -resseis, in. the item .eradeastilis te the ‘denths'ef-Tor- ''‘Wr"Ot:144.e:..b.s14.".37ve'll as new reeitting yarde, ' these a the ' National •AiNfilsr's.t, Breed, from cheinksts' retorts and. to thirds ers*::. Association, telis us :lbat bere : • - • proven:lents have been 'eptialleted'. ' mosau forests •' ' .. • ' • laage .ma.gi4ittet and ittanY., e. the. r .i.m- •.inWaussiclraastt . p.eeaitrs a;iteityaorniccietthf c, ;00:40, , :00: ,‘ or a , . • • 1 . . •, . J. Campher•L,tollec.ilegt For.mosa is • . ' • shortage which ls eqUal to the total 4 •hazardouS traile,", sa •s a buitetau ot Iltidsh 'Mediterranean fleet( tircibablir . of . all. otlier• gars. seta. in tite UnitedM the National Geographical Society ' • • , • ' • - ., : the ow Most poerful. flotilla- of Warships , . "it's all outdoor rk,' inchiding cheia ' • • • States .during.' the year, ' . . . ., • .• .• • Wo , . „ - • afloat, and is also one of the most ' .1•;; , Fur farming marks .one . . more atei?. ping down. trees,' chipping and , tending importantports of gala in the ..ww;f4. . .... of CivilizationOur forefathers de.as.:Iiiphor stills,. and it. seems as aealtity .If lies. midway betweea Gihraltar and- '. ,., ; Pearledfor 'their meaton their skill' as lateber-jjac.ktng„ • • it would, be. if Port Said The -last , cenens. showed -. .' ' .' ashunters;- they daPended••for food, gie:r Chinese. camPlter C011ecters did ' ._ . less than 295 000 inhabitants:. . ''.' • on the.: nataral. vegetation. • of.. tetrnot., lege their •heads .': vtiterallY the Y tike, its, ..sister . fortreas, Gibraltar. / neighborhood.' ;path . ' iecently we lose their heads, becauee the. camphor Malta haS• had 'aa stormy 'history, lie - looked tothe forests for' Wood• ,. and :trees. grew in. the. Wild. Fermata high-, lag...held ..eueeeialvely 'by the ,pheena rsThcultivatIpti of foreststhe. ' ., . lands, abere are , h. most a ger„ . Clans, Greeks,. Carthageniansa Itemana , ...• • e.., the Of .:soavenir houaters, N'Spanish Italians and French: Not aufographa;' ,anrrnt,i stagesaI.,,,g0oo.,ititotafar fursoath..markdevelopment 4.4 . ,iiat. nails .from.:. s. famous house.. .00t. .Alaba; ,i '. .; Since the NaPoleonie Wars it hs beea. agriculture.' a '• ' • ' • ' ' ... „ , bits of Cleth. from , a fallen...airplane., .. itt the 'possession Of Great • Britain, et but, 'hue:tall:heads, these savages col.' . , • ...':, •Oshaciiii • rate 'area.alWays• bet( furred . and bring Wallet . arices than may. .Threeigheat.•ell the •centuries -it .. . whien.'achnialaters it 118 a Crown col- " lett. Row 'oh rev( of whitened. door .: I.S....rilta.. . - ' '' - ' WaYS- .P9met14te4 . 4°.nYeatr• eltutte‘ .has •bean •ctat'eted b All th ' Matitiiite . . . • cul s .'. for • a 'frieze under, the e' es of: the natiOna 'of the orldDating the pagan temples a .it is this .Skull ..- world :' value to war' It prevta of ..enormous • Whiclahaled a'apantd asSigh arni . ":• w,':' •• . the, British ,as 4 naval and',. .; '• ,military 'guards over Athe . 'advancied. : .. , - . - ,."...... a camps protect- the Chinese - laborers.; ' .. • • • a• • , . , . , .. . . .• . • . . .'.Sj .A..'e4C!r-'-.tisitrigi camphor tto lecal , tradition,- the- , great , lianaibal was .*born 'in Malta.;\ ., "The camphor• tree is an eVergrean,, a Bat. the ISlaad. bat :greater .,elaint to • ,, :.-- latatas- imilara:Hin.APPearaheeate'atheania, .fataea-a-sa-ae-e-ertlitirtarathe -13146,' Staa - .a.-a-enti"ee' gsbiale•Atccilirs.:.asreeeni.00ilrlye"tht:all,eftsyt Pwatati4ear.11;eeTsia...:d14..c.riii?',14.ea.48:,'.7peurtie'ngshho':•.• • Yeats . old, !With: eat . trualterasi,. thick stay on theislandthe great Chtistran . a :loan is iili/: -Once t:„Ite: .crussider . is :said to ;hal!, catty:1;1104, , .• through as. • . Camphor :g1aati Is ildWit, 'the „cutters - • - • . .., ' all the .hlaltest • le Christianity.' ' The, • . attack it., fake bear etA.they. 'gauge at spot' where he Is said .to. have ,,landed •,.. .1t asiag a emelt-needled, Chisel with.. . , , . T IS', now.-.Calted St.: Paul's Bay: •'.. a..e.ar,ved :edge. . .The. cutters. burrow . , When . thf, Britislif ..111editcrran3na ' into. ' the` ttu aka'. chipPing•And chipping: '' -fleet:returns. from JO cruises, Malta the 2 hearta WOod.'natii....ealy the aerie abed:remains.. .. '::' " •• • .-- ; ' . .. •tiealivaysthe.ecene of great saltation:. • The large pi itish coon), resident hero "MeanWhile the chiPs ' are pliteedAn''.. then haVe. • a: eoatiguOue round of • a . erode , il'etert. ,•..over boillug ' water..l .. p.ariles totertaMments;. balld'.and pie. . ;The. 'ciniphor.' Vaporizes • and ' patdear Mei. " There is• alwaya a, large 'excess • through..a baitiboo, Pipe to 'a V.' t 1• When the „ . , ed .by water fix/la a - nioenfain, spring. t otimen.at every ioeiai event '' i fleet is •M the .barbota. and If .' g :girl ' , White" caMpher • blocks: -froth which ' ...tataphat oil •dralas•Are Predated: ;mei; hae•Ahe good fortune to be even mod; notated by •the . Yield is Very heavi. :One,are.e. of avea- I aemi.lateaalY,1Pretl'3r: "e' is ,taT4el-pislioitp,;,•1.,7,,oarlitii.g4ivbeotiE60$05'..,d(tr, rid's ‘o,:fil"''''''''''''-,'. .• s, , .. • . 0q6arephor celieetine' ha's :been. de- Another Treatir tiered. ' a' ..Govetrainent •meraltiolii la , ' • • ' ar i!' ' e . twilit. . in Strength Rocky Island Has Air Field and ° , Dry Dock I , ' ' - • , of tepid. propagetient iii"faVer pf the, Muskrat, a -female produeing fretit bye/Ay:fivet& 1Itt young •in siegle doW andethat you Will arrive nt yoet Year. InCati of 'a trait and -a' . -• Ford car instead of a coverect ,ttttgon ; Ili catiads realizing the:possibilities • /AA, 'thoie were §IdiaOultii inttiltrat: fainting', the governmeet tures that, 5ratt,ecT the :right sl]iirit,. has deCtded to lease: but fararing tt 'llibbablY'Comlietipat;erTer, nthel.r. Of leges of ya5t lithd. The tracts ata ,the ,ItardShipi ' • not:to eXe.eed 640 aces ordinarily uhd •'Canada alOCTitia-eitY are to be lea:sect at 25' tents. ••alt acre: 'ountryc: as. the: enitgrattoit 'Posters lOr the first three years and $1.• an would hatio you ;Iielieve, And it &ma acre thereafter. Hundred's of appil. • nett protilittl.•eaSy thirigaa The pot a emits iii Manitoba, Saskateliewan aced ...gold that ,liest eat .the.ittot aVeri •Alheitta. Are -awaiting the distribition •.prairle tairtheat'is hit:Idea deep la the of the Iattda One fat*. in Britt:Sat. • earth, and 1,,:have• feritottett the num- Columbia consistsot Mere than 8,000 heror inclieSi.ot fist that cOVet8 it acres, The gavetartieet :Of .51atilt011it- •ia„ winter is sowing" flee hi' atirPittne But it Is a tnapifiteilt Pettittry, tali 'northern Atoka- te lattoinie the iintural , of irritnerisilc oastbftStie :lot .yrsiug supply. a musisratth• ' • ' 'porile; .eotiatrY toe.elillaten to le tigkeE ADMMAL5 WY0 ..,&.<0.:,/eP 041 'EisW/76.5S OP FRA/v4t ':1*:4%,,::::. ;°*4.",4.)".1.g.:*”.4a.M.9...iMi:i.i*,?.:01i*:VM;•:::,,;',X;,..4,:.•MtN4c* '5' •,;::::....,i, 44•:::::VM...:‘,4.:T4ti::::::•:.:••••.!... ..... ;A.,. .. E/VP4s54.5L.40#. MANC6 4" In thie . tiledern age, :abeed la et,( the 'speed.,record-hetween..Vancouver.,, :Parailleunt.imad•rtaace, ivitether it:be...and tite Orient. ,. over land,' on the Pea, or in ,the. ;1)&111g -the World War the"EMPresd Busty extecuti,Ves -tied -perishable ,40111a 431.,:FrAttee"..._ciives-chbsett-betatzte;oter- 1110dItieS nitist arrive At their destiaa- epeed to . be flagship of did 10th Au - tons in 'as shell: it time at. Pessiblealliary Crulset SquadrOtt et .the British ,modern ebene and kaftan Navy, Under .the telantaad ',:of I Ad- •Ingetialty have- beett devoted. -tha tit nriral. 81r. Dudley-tleaChalt -the- itter- end.: In tide connettion it is interest- eepted nearly 10;000, vessels'-fngplying: tel learn that the" Canadian Pacific betWeell Canada and Europe and. pre* liner 'aEniPresa of •Praueo," the fastest vented tons of' tontrahand Materials Pastseager Vefiset la replier service from- tatting lute the halide. Of the :between Canada and Eatop,e, has been, enyny. Party thia year the "Env; 'ttitnaterred to the Paelfica Where 'she' areas" ,made a ettilie from New York In the Vatted States there are large will Vie iitith the White EmOresses for, t South Amerlek 'and' Afilear, toirehin; Formosa' since F190.1):: Vet , onty„, 'does :Japan • contra' • tha Methods �f exploi: tation'aud the tee,ions te be 'cut ever, but also .hs al -ranged aor the' mat- atethig' of •the annual -harvest, ." . : '• tItiere has bean. an. attempt to pro 1 ' tale texture, There remains the. pc/v..* . ?note -the industry in Florida. 'Came'. ,,,,,,,,,, that. aliatied- treastite., • every . b.hor thete Is not the Rip 'Van 'Winkle .4'''''''Y. 'crop if wOuld seem le be ..ain .e the bit as splendidly golden as any in the ' leaves and.twigs, Of. the g.rowitig.. tree .ireaginatien Of. Lena. John Silver, . haa,-e been found to yield the eisential!'n iay yet tee the; light, That InOilerna. atm. ., .: • a ' a ., • , • • i actually 'einbark .upon aundertalciags a,iy:Siexli,omugillidettici. paocrenelsa. . (!,icifst. cei.ottofisliicokv1,,e6,s:dendteitlelyt4batwe,hitihneist.iecaisi, ti.i.piprieepopsrfooeitains . peoplea-more 'than .enough for • nie•` the tsag" of Irish nevele.hY George A* - manufacture of. cellulOid. • When. next' . in fact, .. so ' the Birmingham. But heYond that here*, 'It• is am:danced that, two Englith dicinal • demands, rest is used Very ',largely ' in. the. isacolder rit'hof: ' ' • I .. . • rn.1 see your favorite, nioi,i, star, I\ext • womea . plait ..to deareh, if . not mor.e member that camphor helped put him 'fffrtunatelY; to raise:49' the 'surface of ' or her on the • eereen. The trotted the Water' °Ile 19f ' th944;:teP-heiti7 ing June, giiileons• :of .thea Spanish 'Armada, States' camphor .bill for the rear:edd- 1928, was $2,6$4,000.!, • I which has lain since the *memorable ' . •, aaaa . • ' -al , ' 1 Year, 1588, aa ' the bettoth of Tither- • StOring-Ap.01,es . i n.,..i.y. B, a' „,,,,: .Seotland, ' The Ahairatte •-• ' -. . ' • s • . . , de Elorencia.waa traditionally, the pay for Christmas' , 'hip of the expedition Mid it seein ; little short . of astounding that; .one , tieularly WeIceine at Cheistmaa.. tittle- aPpled. are a lwayalpar%. ;of these•tweritieth century-wamen, haa. t herself stood taper( lat. sunken' deek;!.; ; Gqocl eating , and the :possessor of, eveiroae•ot twe that she might' have i.eeovered sortie of trees Of late -keeping varieties -would it's fabulous wealth had not her div:-• be wise to Store ilie. fruit tilltil'I‘Oatn- • lat.'s. sait'proved untruStworthy. Now, bet ot. januarn. a4.ea .prires are well , eitafat'Jed by a diver Who, has helped.. • on die. Upgrade. . ta 'Salvage the Germite fleet ...e''Seapd, .. A. cellar, When. evalla•bla. :May: ' View' the 'LI" :".:enletil are iell'eiring: he once aagain to.' this scene0df the A/alma! ti"liZe" "1"5 t stwt:estl"IY e'll' ..°11it ''•date disa;troliS eetteat Tie the' aid toetta the tenaterature being' Fresh: eviaence now cornea to hand that the days of, ache, ture. are not ended -even adventute..of sheer fairy, 4 the atalospliere. pot. Add cla.3•1:1.1:c::!'l'a(11t: °f: de%:iee:4 .z`".`i aPjiliailecs- the meSt - . 10.05i :deep, on straw,. on, t'i' f,or,,,,, ..70..ilerit,. it is a.t...I.ent conceivable that that mita; a.zhiev,i: *a measure of :sue- aPPles may be stored. two dra. three exeept ' the 'chalet/ 'lariat -00;e wale./ ae.''''. alieuld he arranged In shigit, rows,: . If theyatia..). the•ir triunfPlryill crown A ThcT slioutd be • toolcea evor'occasion-; ° 1":ng l'I'leei°1.1 of sihii141' 4ttlet;4„.,sil .. .. .. • :Itti.i..k..; fttotil.d..tiiiloarnitrtsatieifreT.‘iNa.t.,:iici,i,,s ,,onatataittot....• pc re.itpa jtiatitylaga Also h nitatatiee * a of letaends and traditions which clus- .. the. bruised and bad ,truit may lie. ter P.Jnt th'''• 8..unken 'veEsise.I4•°f the ''' ,,,tlitti.11.16i tosat1.1,:a‘siui:raocsit,:,istiat.eiltiot.har a arti-..1, 1.,,,A.;:g.tv...:al,tt:14: iistcrpotc,,1111,11.11.0airilgd rtillvelActiotia.sts.Thoof .• • Ft p not always te'alized that: a IiiiieS 'credr4is or bath humble And lofty inay • 'be enceessfully elatitited" itaca estate imye coveted their legendary potatoes,alnathe ellen gteenti,.wlikit :ttort of jeWels and thicata 'gold And • . Often provo$ 4 1;01.ation or the stoillgo si-iVer :plate, Spanialt. daggers. „tet in littiir°Till)alle•e,t141e.P-eillie se o''s*vel. °r'ell'dkl. 'ul-'ietil't,4i.Itd,d a'::. tot 'du 'ill (e)11..:1`.%ein,:.tetlr:Y:::::s:Phlie)::-in:t1 h'ItT14;(11171PIL14*:13:'147::13Thsa.5r6:::hnts*ehPriies-'.''' there for about three Weeks . anti' ciotg tribestnena' Who, :knows. but ".sweliting" • is' over All bruised, 'and .irdectad di'i'vrs of 1.9'28 may succeed ba& speeiniens acan thee be relative -4i iriliefell6t'lltilOd? ThOtlit!rhallsinett • straw, six tholes of Obit being lidded, "inity'hntiOidettd. tallifefeta openly ' , their belief in the eXisteace of hidden and the .sound oiled recovered ' in mai . a lava, .whisito -or .-til.a.c.r.rett-4-61` ttaftstra. -which of course they Iiiiiag. - e ititervalS along The too otitis -Montt& '111wAS'A liarcrea'arin" :their.-abertse-a- , • - '''''' for Ventilatlen" ' ' '' ' ' Chaktiatt. Scieree Monitor :Editorial. . ..411-41;4...' A'147**P4*•:. 4°1'16- ' App- let avill: reniain lir ' geed ..cOn- '''' ' ; ' . ''':•••--. . at the 101ielY file of Tilden di Ctinlia (neon 'for.montIla .wheti -stored iti,this '' Ttawli,nic '•':86 "()uvd. tom '416"'", en route, brit another vessel ,nt: her. maefier. ' , • ' 1 ti e old Aheep,thed?" •Iteintleys `"teat fleet, 'the "Thichess. of. Atholl;" pf. 260 When , only. a innait • quantity ni i I didn't have any ewes for ILI.: 000 gross tons, will make -tale Ntalee choke keepieg • yuletide ot apples ii ' '-'-'-'-'.**--:-. ef contrasts" iti 1929. The "ElliPreas wawa, each Tee .thaa be ,arapoed: in ' Wife of Burglar (to danghter):: toot pitted, alteele.4,eres.me gel; you'll 'Aire tt) atoll �t France" Is ot 18,360. gross registered paper and 'toted 'in a that polleenlia friend to' Youts. taints, ' ti:ndiatt, and 'arta etilee ch_Osert .'br the Only petteetly, toiied, dribs':allied :dna Priflett o%' ales to al'il, him t� 'Cali' tinned:iced: epode:teak hit ' e alt la 'ere 'I" gilrbi' Ver 1)(4w lathet ''eati; ' wove , ou , •• : - be 'elteten. tor, this method ot storage,. t*itizn):' ' 1 11