The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-12-06, Page 81c {l• THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL THURSDAY, 'IFCF"VIBER' Gth, 1928 pecia ie Variety Store Gifts For The F nii13► The Greatest Variety On Show Everything To Suit The Bu h ' r and: ye, The Pocket Book Father , Mother Sister Brother or: Friends --No • Matter What Age We Have Something That' Will. Suit and Please, A Grand Assortment At Lowest Prices Xmas : Cards, Seals, Tags, Tinsel string etc Books, several -kinds Stationery Fancy •Box 25c to $2.00 Fancy Teapots in Earthenware Gents. and Ladiesr Dolls, all s� kinds • 15c, to $2.15 . Mechanical Toys 25c.up Fancy Towels 50cu P Games all Prices Silk and .Wool Hose Fancy China of all: kinds ipen Stock Dinnerware in several Patterns All at lowest prices. so .a few hats to clear at lowest p rices, .• ►o Your Christmas: Sho in at PEA:RL�IYI�N eadYt•,.. : o -.....Weir ome Earland ry]•�'•ave Your.Choice or Mother & Sister Gloves Scarfs Handkerchiefs luefs 'anc & Stamped goods Y Pe Tapestries Cushions. Bathrobes • Purses. Dose Etc. • For Father & Brother Bathrobes Pyjamas Hose Gloves W"y.. Sweaters Ties, Special pea 49c New Assortment' of / Shirts Etc. For Baby / weaters Booties,Mitts, �• Shawls, Bonnets, Etc. Reduced d prices in mens' suits coats 1 1 S c ts` • Also ad a oa &dresses P e 8hoII . • ' Iiucknow S. 9 SNo .Kinloss Sr. IV Donalda':MaeCailum 77%;,' r' John Patterson 65 • Stuart Dawson* 69,' Hugh MacKenzie 58. • Jr. I.V=Kathleen MacKenzie 75%, Catherine `:Patterson 67 ' Betty Mac= Kenzie 60.3 Billy: MacKenzie 59. Jr: I III—Geoi'get: Wraith ,.71%, Nel-• lie MacCallum • 71, Agnes Patterso g n; 67, Jean MacCallum 67. II—Leola Wraith 70% Donald, Mc- Kenzie 55.. a • Those marked] * missed one or more exam. Grace Blake: • St.. Helens SchoolSenior Room) ( om). • Fifth ` • ' "` assn—Isob 1 Cl e ; .Miller 81%. Helen:. Thom 701/4 Se nior IV - =Dick ek Weat herhead 75% Neely T�dd 73 %a Ronald F •r e`• , G st r68% Junior 1V -Dorothy Miller 67%; }Florence c `Mvilli . Q n 57'7c.. Senior III—Edith , i Durn,n 83%, Dorothy MacDorjald 811/0, .Ruth. Mc QuilIin 771/4";" Gordon Morrison 63%,, _Elsldm 11iller 56%, Jean ,Thom`53% Charle McDonald 51, David. Swan ,43.' Annie'. •atson 77%. This is the:: standing of each pupil on' the examinations ,which he 'or ,she wrote. Gordon :M.. Johnston. 1 . The: "Northern" range of Overshoes for Men, Women and Children offers a wider selection than ever. Jersey or Cashmer- , ette in various' heights with buckle, strap or Whiiier fasteners. Match your Winter ' ' Costume tailored' to .fit Styl-Shn A.com pl`ete pingo of Northern. 'Ii;t;rbtiers and , St i-5hx. is an Lza�dto sweet your needs BER .c w«>se B, BLITZSTEIN•-LUCKNOW.' SCHOOL; REPORTS Ashfield': and West Wawanosh- U S, s.. No, t3 Report for the month of 'October and November Those marked with an have missed one examination .:only, Sr. IV'-,•- Clifford Menary 84%; Mary Nicholson 77; Verna •Smith,74, Eldon, • Agar 69; Cora Thompson. 69*; George Alton" 61 James' Phillips. 59*. Jr 1V --Ralph • Cameron . 76%; ,Terry Cranston 60. • Sr, III—Jean Cameron •$5%; Hu, ghie MacCrostie 79, ' • Jr. III -Roberta Smith p86%; Blake Altoh 66;• Anna Irwin 62:. ^ Sr Il—Janie Alton:'941; Minnie Smith 82;'. Maiy Cranston 69; Angus' Nicholson 64, Robert Irwin 5.8; Ron- ald n•' ald'''MacCrostie,:.'.56; Ilarrvey Lasen�by Jr I—Sadie Nnichglson 97% Dor othy .Alton, 93, Marie M tcCrostie 921, Vera 'Lasenby 91; • Bernadean .: Alton 86; 'Allan Sniith• 85; I1a Saunders 82* Alen Hackett 81, Violet iSaunders' 76*; Willie Humphrey, 67. • Primer- ills "I1 win 87*; Mildred ,Sherwood 83; Harold " Ham hre 71: Freda, Saunders 59*. No. on roll 36; average attendance 33:33 . • • Pheohe Congram • Report,. for November •S. S: 3 West Wawanosh. Fifth Cass—John Foran. '91, Flor- enceCranston:81. , • Sr. IVWilliam Purdon.:82,.Harold Fowler 45*. • Sr III=Jean 1'urdon 83 • Jr , III—Robert McAllister • `78, . Ila: Fowlex 70, Joe, Foran 61, Ernest Dar-. nin 60,' Elwood. ,Fowler'56. First —•, Excellent -Helen .Durnin., Good Helen Fowler. l Pr, - Excellent—Elmer Foran. • Pr.(a) Good,—Leo Foran#;Fair- Norman• Foran- ., No.. on roll 15:. Ave. att..12; Those . marked * missed one: or pore examinations . • Gladys 4... Hodgins S S.; 7 Kinloss •I - • Si. , IV- •- ,-VTotal 640eronica nor 500. Ji. IV .Total 714-J6 •McNall • 57c Arnold .:Thomson 569, Alice Thomson. 527, Robby Campbell 454.. Jr. HI -Total :4p3—Mary McCort nell 428, _Ellen` Burns 392, 'Lloy_d_Mc,_� kali. 380; Grace; McLeod. 343, law. tepee, McLeod 316,- Jack' Gaynor 263. 'Sr- Ii-Total'490=Calvin 'lr�bin'39 Marion Cainpbell 388, Dorothy Mac Dougall 375, Lorne Sills 299. Jr. I:I-Total •332 -Donald Thoni- son 218. . First -Total 412 -Mary Carter .367 Millicent; Carter' 352, Johnny Carter 333, 'Jimmy Burns 330,^Wiiinie Thom-' .on 245*,': CIifford McNall.,217*. •:I�riner Total .`223—Laverne' Gay-, nor 213,. Freda .McDougall 194, Mar-; garet Thomson 155, George `Carter 118 Ruth England 98*: ' No: on roll: 27, 'average attendance nJohnston:Annie i;. J S. S. No. 10 Ash fie ld for Nov: '•• Weekl ` 'Tests: Sr- IV Thelma Johns t.on 72%i Matthew w Johnsto n 60, .Bob' H�ward 55, . Jr: IV.Good=E11-- ' a •:Ig Io an. 'Bill'. ns* Johnston. � Fail -Bill Reid*. ... • ood- rc. Reid,td,Hii lda Lane, James • Drennan*. Jr. Ina Ca. p ael185% Good -Vera Little 70, Anna .1arrish: 67, Grace -Courtney 52^ Frank, Drennan 4a{, Fair- Birdie Reed 34, , Joe Court- new 24*. IInd-Good'-Jim Drennan '671, Alex Farrish 61.; Ist—Ex.=Je•in Nelson, Eileen Camp- bell: Good—Bill 'Drennan. Howard Reed, Wm: IMlaclnniss. ', Pr. -Good -Bobbie .Farrish, Rhea Miller,; Alvin ; Drennan. Those marked with an, ' have mis- sed one ' or' more tests. No. ,on 'roll 26; Av..att 24.58. Myra •J'.. MacDonald S. S. •No.' 4 Kinloss Sr. 1V -Total 600, Hon. 450, 'Paso 360.. Annie: Burt• 430, Harol Congrain 393, Laverne . Johnston 290*: ' ►.i. IV—Total 600, Hon 450, :Pass: Clifford. Congram 426,,• Lida John= stun' 419*; Raynard Arhet 415, Jin•, Burt '395. Lorne Johnston 367*, Ber- nie Cassidy '314*, Eddie Thompson (absent):', `~r: 'ITT—Total 600, Hoo. 450, Pass. • ' Eileen Valad,384*, Reggie Broom, (absent): • 1r. III—Total 600. Hon 450, `Pass• 360 Ciifford Robb 284*, Tressa Cassidy 28" , liburinBios ie•' --191",; Chiss—Total• 650, Hon. 487, Past Ted Bu"f dill, .1ni•n rekin'rin 394 -350,-. Hon 487; ='Pass S. S. No. 3. K•ii loss , Honours 75%. Pass 6o% Sr.. IV K. Eckenswiller 74%, G. Ross 72. I Colwell 58, E. llawkshaw,' Sr. III 1MP; :Ross 68%, L Johnston 39*, G. MacPherson 35*, M. Hodgins, 28, M. Hawkshaw., Jr.. III -1. Eckenswille: 37%*, • 1 Hodgins 32, C. Colwell 30. II Class—Pass—Jane ,Carter. Below Pass -,--G James;, N.. Ross, J. John- ston, L. . Carter*,, • I • Class—Pass--V. Johnston. Below Pass -P. ._Carter, E. /Johnston, F. James,., Primer Pass—Edythe, Johnston. S Pa Below Be s — s Johnstoh, o h nstoh, M, John: ston, 'H. Carter, Johnston. Those marked H.n*missed sn he or me- - examinations,- No. .on roll 28. Ave. att 22. Helen L. Thompson o ST. HELEN'S C F; .11 convention at 'l;oronto this NIAZAVINIVISIVU 1416 .7.6,...,4 .3• 1';,*'‘ fit . ..�. ;1 •4-. ��...aJae • • st 3 Weeks In WhlcIIHT� shop `' Your Gift Problem and More Solved Our Extensive .Christmas Stocks Mr Lorne Woods is attending the'GESTION The annual' :meeting of the U. F. O. OM be held .in the `'lull next Monday evening Dec. 10th.: Besides the elee- ton of officers, there will. be . the re. port of the U. F. O ,convention and a .ocial hour. 'A11 the members are iv quested to attend. , •- Mr. Joan McPherson has returned from the ,West, Rev. H. G Whitfield attended nded the meeting . of the Presbytery at Goder- ich on Tuesday. • Mr.. •Alun • Durnin` is 'home `ftom Windsor- • Robert !McLaren of Tilbury is. a visitor at Mr. •Chas. Durnin's. • Miss Annie Hughes' of Lucknow was a week -end `visitor with Mr. 'and •Mrs. MacKenzie Webb. A Christmas -concert given: by 'the • S. S. '1'Nio. 12 (Fordyce)' will be held in the St. Helen's 'Community Hal). on Tuesday evening Dec. '18th: Rev: H: G. Whitfield gave a • splend- id illustrated lecture 'on Trinidad -the Land ' of, the Hummingbird ' at 'the, Young 'People's Meeting of the United Church ori Sunday evening. Mrs. J. Pierce and son Clifford of Reston, Man. are .•visitoi.s with her pother Mrs. . Jas. Smith. Miss Jennie McFarlene'from White- Vhurch' wasla visitor during the week. with Miss. Margaret Thoni:: Mr.' Chester Stein' of Toronto vlsi- ted with his uncle, Mi N Thorel one day; last week Owing to other attratio:s the date of St; Helens School concert, (an pounced for. Thursday Dec: 20) has been 'changed to Friday •Dec. • 21st. WHITECHURCH`' ' Mr. and Mrs ,FrectDavidsen Misses. Barbara; and .Mary and 'James; Weir Visited- on Sunday; with relatives, at r ord%l ich:• • The children of the community are ill practicing. 'for 'the -Christmas Trees. .which • will be held,. one in the Pres- :Lyterian " church on Tuesday Dec- .tuber 18th,. and one in the United •ehurch December 20th Mr:' •.Chester. Stein, of.:Kincardine visited a, few days last .week -`with, its aunt Mrs. Gilliesand other tela' The Whiteclicurch .Dna±iiatic Soci- :ty. will present their "play "Safety T lest'.' in the Institute'. Hall on• Friday venyng December; 7th. '.Everybody celcome• For further particulars see ',Ails. They'also: expect :to present` it `n• the ..Forester's Halt, at Langside. rn-Wednesday December 12t1i. Mr: and Mrs. Wilson visited on aundny MI:- and Mrs Ferguson at Langside. Mrs.1 mi F e ng of'Norta•Dakota'who' has been, home attending her: mother` 'Mfrs. Martin'. who is 'seism:sly illis• returning to her.betne this .week .. Mr.' and Mrs: W.` :7. Henderson of liam visited last Friday Win gy :with Mr: and Mrs. Albert McQnillin, Z, DU G N A� NN0N 'a Word has been received b , rela- tives, in this district of the • death, at his home ; in , Sault Ste- Marie, of a former; resident of theicinity,. of Dungannon,. in , the person of:, `Mr. Charles Edward Caesar. The deceas- ed had been In the hospital for, a bout ;three' Weeks; suffering froth. rheumatism, which theuvday., before Mir death: affected his hest: He was in his fifty ninth Year, lU"i': Caesar was born , and raised in Ashfield township, and .received his education -it Dungannon' school ami . later at Goderich Collegiate / Institute. , He taught school at Cedar' Valley' and Cameron'selko aCameron's:'scho�l•;'in West 'Wawanosh.,before. going• to Sault Ste Marie, where:' for a numbar of years he was engaged in store ening. 11e xas•'one of the two s s of the late Mr: .and , Mrs'. Cha es Caesar, his. brother' being 'the Tate Herbert Cae- sar. He is ,survived''h'- his :wife, who was Miss Daisy H.ir:•ingbottom of Auburn, ;and a ;family , four child- ren, s. dley of Ne; •L'•keard. and Roy, Cliffo andr'l �F : t home Interment was ade at . `au"' te. Marie. th4'pi,kinson 288,: Frank. `Cas- sidy 2.19. 01 •Ti 1 i`ct=tl „ 350, fion. 262;`Pali- 210.. „,Anna Marie Doyle 296', Billie ,Burt-- `'4't ! -' jl.Ta Cassidy 176* CPr• . . r. f : r DlamQa .ar nziged -in• or- •le.- or •^«''itl. Bobbie Burt and Or- ville El'.•r+it ' (tied Lionel, Johnston C:v«rte- Rei-,,, Pilate!' Cassidv. Jr.• Pr.-TDaviri 'Houston (absent). N' tuber On roof 28. , ' "+b,. 3'4t, ,91,5.. ' ` Hlc Doubledee. • Bone Meal for, ,Cattle; Tankage -Ib s" Bi Go .for' He;S l: C o ��e :.. son Rb t x s maseomasiogaseerososasSosiiieernaaipoi For Mother A Pur Fur Lined. Gloves,, Avon Knit Sweat;,rs Silk Parasol B,i Tex Stockings Initialed Handkerchiefs A New Purse Silk Lingerie Scarfs Chiffon Hosiery Costume Flowers ,. Bath -Robes Nemo .Flex Garments. For Brother, ,A Smart Overcoat The Newest Socks English ' Reefers :.: Forsythe ,Shirts' Reid's Ties Wool Sport Gloves 4 Fineilanderchiefs . Lounge Robe Skating sweater English Belts Stewart Pyjamas;; For.Dad Warm Gloves A Muffler Ak•House, Coat' ... E>•iglish Socha' Ties (2 or 3) Pajamas Night Gowns': Wool Bath Robe Fine Sweater Coaf. ;. President Suspenders Linen Handkerchiefs Cuff 1, -,inks• Shirts • For, Sister A Fox .scarf Pretty Lingerie A, New Parasol French Kid Gloves' •-' Kayser silk stockings Reid's Bobettes �• uk at:' 11F sat _C Coat. _ T Sport Knit suit New scarf Swiss Handkerchiefs ,f English' Purses For The Home Brown's, ow s Irish ' Table Linnen . ' • '';A M3d erla, Linen Barrymore Rugs Y g. Eureka Vacum Cleaner Wool Bed Coverlets e Co e Hundreds of other us ,• eful' and attractivelits' • KING Tt TH E E'1'Y E S LE .0 CENTRE ; •WING HAM.: Linen Bridge 'Sets Down Comforters Mpssfield, Blankets Davenport Cushions'`. . o � wasu • PARAMOUNT Mr. George ,Gibson• who has been. out West for a' nuinber • of years ' is 11rs,'.Jas. Webster of near I:ucl.nocv on an extended visit .= his.hon.ie here left 'Monday morning : to attend the U: F.: 0. convention '•in .Toronto. Mr. Andy :Hamilton of ; Henfryn visited •friends in P ramount"&Lucf k- hobwlrreacnendtliMy.s. DJISGregor and fa - mil; of near Teeswater, Mr..and Mrs. ir and Mr. Win McGill- ofParamount n , and Mrs: Harold'•,Sparlin,; of White- church were recent guests of and Mrs.. Jack. Henderson. • - • Illi s, Isabel '• Chestnut has so• far `recovered •as , to•reati ne he e, r w ditties e i t -at her sc'rsool here. Miss; I:uttle.whe has e, .been t aching has returned:'. to her .ho me:R ` Master Ltoy d; .Hendetsn.�rho"had, the • ini fortune to have' •Ciis 'lei• bio n by fatlt ngo ff aho se isfe keelingm d terand will so oi r be able to : about be again. . Quito ':num r" a her f o:n• Paramoun't' attet'dot] the 1:.c. • ea' field at .the hone of'A*;s J:t,. anti all report a • splendid t',*.e, Mr. 'arIci rlrr:� .lv'in Raynard and • ainilq spent . i.uoc,;cst with friends' in LueI:non. ..n,. ak-en' ilr of P:ir,:'i ount. ,, Lun. S,..itil:y ilea.hmis- : oft,ne. An- • yik Ifis wrist while t•nr the n.t nb r le ct. •. Mi. an 1 G 'i•diner, ."f • .ion spent the .S,.nciay• with ;Mr. Clair It ;n. . "Talkies" Owe ', .: the Telephone, Their New -: Found . Voice toh All predictions lead to the belief that talking moving pictures--• the Movietone—will be used universally very shortly, and the•ailent drama will perhaps be less dominant. Engineers ofithe Bell Tele- phone Labdratones were making a careful study�ofthe waysa Which speech is produced; when they discovered and. developed h ,. ped the auceessvo steps that haw led to this newest achievement in 'motion, picture entertainment. The telephone is, therefore, "Daddy" r which is being rapidly introduced to enthusiastic audrences•throu ho h continent, with the tMreal a the ,it this p . B CO tl first Canadian City to have installed' the re uired equipment. , as n Dent, with Montreal iter4.oMadge Bellamy, hie Fox/Star, �ci shown above Lauder. Oval inset 'show" ins ectloa� of !t weir disc upon whish't{oaad vibrations wjli , impersonating.>Iir:. pr • • •