The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-01, Page 3.$4.00.,Ppt YEAR IN 'ADVANCE :$2.50 OTHERWISE . • DR W.,..M-1,c9NN.EL?e . • Pheiii and Surgeon, , • ' *r•LiecictioW •° eeeee e.e0e-re.80 "7-• .:Phone 86 DENTIST' • „. 'Dr.MaeLeed "Wile, '7:resit. Lecknome ever)" • Tuesday, ' in ley... elenrieles -Office,' DENTIST Dr R X4 Tteleaven,, LucknOw-- 9ver: Decker's Store e Extraetion either by ges :ter local. 'Will :be in Dungannon every Thnisday. • Phone 53. from • boo. •A. Siddall. ,L,ucknow,, --Broker • and Beal Esiette.-0-Muney to lend 01 first enortgages -on :faille .-propee- . ties it 6 end tiee per cent accerding to security oitered Also • small . amOunte 011 seCond mortgegee on •farm propereees. end 3n • pereonal notes. A few geod,farnir for sale , WALL ,PAPER -2--A. full 'eine, Of 1928 Wall Paper on harid. Prices ,froin 8c 'up:. I inn also agent for leading job , houseb -1 J Ciiiiieron, :Dec:Gine& Painter and. Gruiner, Box 174, Luck.- Eecpert Kodak iiniehing. Developiee 0,5c i•elle-erinte 3C eaen, poet. paid-- eiaekson Studio; Seaforth, , • , - " ,FOR SALE -=-Solid 'Walnut Victrola Coneeie iviodei, wain geed supply at firse ciass reeorde.,infoematien at The Sentinel Office. - , LUCKNoW, ONT. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER '1st, 1928. ' ',LOCAL AND GENERAL. '.92_0,,,e(e--e-.-0.1e,0-4,4-0e.e0--0-0 • New CretensedhieteS Ctietain. Dra- peries•e--The MarketHornell ,Mur•te „ • Mra. N. L. Campbell retetned leeme on Tuesday, hayng. spent. the • Past. ewo weeks' with Mr., and Mrs- P.' Naylor .of Toronto The blanket of ,sripw wbich.coyer- ed this end ceie the province 'Mencltaere niorning, according to weather reports' was quite extensive -east, West .and nettle One Cent Sale this meek at McKims Theelteeitil Drug Store.: • The next' Meeting of the Lueknove High Scheel .1.1iteraey Society will be held on Friday; November 9th,en- stead Of on the date 'p'revioue'ly an- nounced. Mr, iind Mrs. Alf 'Armstrong and children, motored fieni Lericion on Saturday and .spent the. week -end with -Ale. and Mrs: Wm. Armstrong... , New Extra Lee* IheX /31.faehets:, Reducee pi ie- Maeket-ilornell, .--Murdoch. Mr and Mrs. Jessie ,Button, of ' • , Wingham Were guests the past week, oe Mr. ,and Mrs..' John:. Button and AUCTION SALE Thomas jilil,.140c 82 Coe 6 Kinloss .------e(near_Laugsiti_e_) will have an auction le of farin elebeentseqWeewilteeresifein-Teeewatereetridelie-e troie. • . Scribblersand exercise Books. Re - Lucknow„feiends: They are preparing co go te 'California where they will speed, the coining yeer 'and may lo- cate there permanently. Before going , ' on "Monday; Nov 5 commencing at •• one :d'eldek p m•.'. • • ' " john Ptirvis, • • • LOGS ANL'', 'fielieEtt • ' 'We, the; undersigned, are Open to buy :all kinds',:of timber ,again this, : winter. We Will eel,you geed .pelces .'andgive yonliberaereeestirement and • eredeerfor,•your logs deliyered at otir • sew mill here: • . • We.believe.' it is to the interest of the farmer to cut hisown logs and de- lver thein, but anyone' haying stand- ing eiridier and • wishing to sell on the stump, :kindly see us 'before you do anything and we *ill be gradto see ' W • pay you seot cash for aner7 , • • gulek 1.0c',value..,.2 for 11c this Week at the One Ceet, Sale :et McKinis Dreg Stoke. DIED • • • . MacKinnon.-- In .the eoweship of: 16rilose •on Wednesday Ocober...31st 19,28; Kinnen•MacKinnen:aged 93 Ye& . A ‘10ra'ndinotliers •Waii.' held at ihe, home of, Mrs; L'Congrara. on 'Tueeday:of.• this week. There.. was eiereal Old fashioned :goOd •time, and thing you•have.to offer, and as lumber , .4e -eke : ig mariefactured bite theefini, eehei euilte vvere takep . out of . the province by selling te a concern like nig is not lost in LiicknOV yet. •(Sigeed) The tucknow Table'Co. Ltd. largely "shed product here, it helpe ,Our own' finmea and hound,' SO the art of quiltt • Luckneev Ont., Phone .257-1Boe e06. ..MONEy,yOUNO Found on 2e Oct. near KiniOugh, a sum of mthiey; owner inair, have smile be . preying property and paying ex- penses. • • George' Pettigrew '.1Ioleirood R.2. FOR SALE-11/elep. Massey Har- ris.. gas , engine, nearly newin good condition, apply • Alfred Andrew FOR RENee-Comfortable cottage in Liicknow, electric eights, living-. room, kitchen and two , bedroienas, woedshed. Apply tei Geo. A. Siddall (8-11-p) SALE OF COWS' AND YOUNG U , e'e cATiLE • Ackert leree.e,kleiyrood will have eati auctionsae ' of 89 Young. cattle ;and a few inilk coWs .at, their •ferne ' .Halerrood; (5 melee .N. of,..LueknowY • ,oe Thursday. Nov. 8th, ,commeneing it one. o'clock p.m. All eire, Well -heed riteerioestock, and_goeci' . • ,,1 01111 , Purvq§, uc. • ALL--7G00d: hand .pic ed wintee, apples ' at .75c. per cwt. • *f, r G. A. areeteLueknove 'At.UL'TION .SALE OF' LUMBER,. hack of Parker's Garage, Luclenow. Sheething, scantlieg, joisting, and material suitable for etabling. On Sat- utdaY afternoon, Nov. 3rd at'4 o'clotk: Elliet Miller, Auc. (1-41-p) IIOUSE FOI1 RENT Geed brick residence on leeoss St. "Lucknow. Apply to:, Mrs. T. •Allison, ,Luelnow. ••' MRS.. BROWN MALLOUGII DIED r PROIVI' COAL GAS Rarely have the pee*, of Lricknow. 'reeeived such it, 'saddenlifg: shock ,as on, Wednesday ' planting: When ;they learned that Mrs, Brown aUough , (formerly: Mies, Etta Belle .C' -"-""'-'.C'-"-""'-' .RePen,•• • Sr.:-Poseible Iniarks'„ 550.: Horiors 412; „Pees, '330. -June qellerer,- 505. .Jeen*. Swan 4613 1‘..rgaret .Raeeee4e5e Orland. Peteeeen, 453; -. :Beideh 'Mack . , hied; died at her here° In' Peterheeo 4nnii Finlayson .449; DorisRit- the, evening 'befeee,, chie 446; Etta Beelle MacDonald 429;•• niation as •td.the cause or her death Joan Parker eg4; 'Harriet -Whitley 879 are net available at time ,of writing. E. Whitby 357; M. joheeton .33enee but it appears that she and her little -Ward 315; Marjorie Allin went ineo., rpem;„which sell Britton 278; 'Doneld. "Finlayson wee ;heated by it "coal etove:Aeas had 27-3; Helen leusWell 267.eMe.e'r1s peaele been 'escaping and both 'were o;.rers man 2..q;•Je C. Arinstrong reeotne .by it. The boy encoriiciope .Johnston 227. neer the doOd, a fact whieb perhaps Jr.:- Possible narks 200e Honors saved his .life. 'Mrs. Mallough ap- 150; Pass 120: -Jean Ward 196;; .Flor: Pears to have, been suffocated in a enee Drennan 196;.• Gordon Steward. • 'very short time. • • , • • 133.; Elva Twainle.y 182; ,Jim. Webster: Unusual Surprise attended the sad. 182; John K. li/Icleerteie 177„; lielen Incident- due to the fact.. that, Mrs. 'Ifeerilten 175e Louise •Greer 174; Da- Mallough, and little David, had only. .vid Malleugh '167; Jack Drennen 173; • • ' , . . • gone . home from Lucknow' on Satur- -lay. They had spent'n considerable time here with her parents, Mr and qrs.. Thomas McDonald, during which she had greally' improved in _health. end strength.. The rereains are being brought.here for intern -lent, . the funerel to be orir Fridaeeeafternoon with, service in the Presbyterian c. CHURCH NOTES . dented 'Church Y i._ S. a.'ne young People's-SoeietY'Of Uhe einited Church' ma Monday night re e.ei• . . • , ;vith e good attendance. sine nee iii 7;;peeed ie,iieffee.ee liserfilieealietethe-eleordxs- rayer ie unison. The Scripture les,' .•' WaSteken 'f.reire. Matt, 10:' 1-9 lise . ---\ Olive ..Fairier.'gave a reading, ...Litt.e Orphant , Annie, ' and.. Doitalda „hompson apd,:lebriice Newton ,eiune . , deete e Cie -Jed -bye :10. Summee." AleX, 'Sinith -gave . an hitereeting talk c.)ri , • , •,.ialloween;e Maryi ' Wilson.: played a ;earl° sole elm a, len:eatery .Garden!" e'rencee "'Thompson give ' k ' Halloween egeitation. Mise: Isabelle draw sing a MRS CHARLES STANLEY GETS SIXMONTHSIN JAIL • :Mee. Charles :Stanley, whose h te was d few •Milee east of Kinlougle ens last .vveek giVen. a six -months;: term in Walkerton jail erre -having e whiskey still in operation on :her' She had just served twenty -day tern; for, obstructing the Policein the discharge of their duty. In court qrs. Stanley did net deny, having the still, and ;themagistrate, imposed, a fine of ..$7513. and Costs of $1.4,. With the option of 'e sixementne 'term. Ale _there wae 'no means Of paying the 'hie, the wornan took ,the jail term. She appeared, little ,conderned about the eoure; proceedings' ore seetence. evidently. being . prepared . _few ,the worst. It will be remenibered that. Con- Medlevis and Nelson visited the Stanley farni, and that while McClevis was; searehing, the Swamp for ae• 011, Nelelen, i.eeeiained at the houseto see that, Stapley:', aid not leave, . Stanley •enade a, run for the. swamp. While' his wife:, endeavoredtoe hOld Constable Nelgon, and when he broke away she' set a couple of dogs. after ',him, • and'. these so 'retarded his progress .that Stanley ,escaped. While this little' scene was being enacted at the' %Stanley borne Const- able McClevi'S • was wrecking a still .which he had discovered 'in the , • -7---ee7,-,estre-e---- AUC'TIQN SA•feEee,„_. . 4 W. J.. Ted& LucknOW, Will have t' n anaion sale. Of his leetisehold effects at hiseresidence Ltteltnew,e'.osi-.:Sattir- ,day NOV. 3rd 'commencing :at. two "oi. ,clock pan. There are a lot' of good 'articleS2-on, hi s sale: - .• • ' • Elliot 'Miller; Alia. • , , • A1.11;TION7 RALE' .0F., SHEEP ETC, elerbert Lucknoev, •eitiVe en auetion •Agri- culturql shed bucknow, on" 'Saturday 'NOY', 10th ,commencing g Then are 'a young eregise tered Leicester' and 'Oxford •Doon lreoding, sheep end ' ewe dambS; 100 ,-'brod,to,:lny,,todclenS,1 Yr. 014; WeOw and calf, g Dtxtioan 'ITO: mtlio Auc , • . sedo "Jesus ,Wiel Remembere' Wilfred derson' gave a ehort talk On "What 'A .CO'UPLE'cii.v.i.iis • , Ainateur'Acteee FrOni Teeiwater 'And Ripky.,Plar, To. Lu4nov'i, Audiencee: A. troupe •of 'young. peeele emoatly . young at any .rate) representing, the' Junior Ferinera, and Jenier, Institute ereatdeaiiens of neer. Teesweter, pre- esented ieeto Treepaesi*" in Carnegie 114,11 here Thureelear eevening:ef last week, ;periling hereetinder :Auspices •of the Lecel Wopiens' Institute: The troupe ,had given the 'play a couple of times It the, TeesWater, 'Ffile, full houses, and had elope very well For 'eortie reason the affair did ;nit draw a geed ''"deowd 'here, the Hall be- ing abouf, half filled. poWever. the Institute caMe out wite a few dol. :ars to, the geoeeelo the enterpeise wag not entirely a ' Perhaps play -goers were waiting ro,.. the #ieley Drarnatie. Club which eaS. scheduled ,to present `,`Be. An On - Fred )3le'ek 164; Isobel Nia.Oison 162; timist" here on Tuesday night of this Heleri McDonald 16e; Mary Fisher week, •report •ot which had Leen lug - 158; Margaret Salkeld 157; Donaldj ' 'Mervin Soleinen 154; Jean Havens ly eavoin e.. Wilson 157; Jack Henderson' 157; 144; Keith Collyer 137 Jane' Heerlen 136; "Merle] Paterson 134; Donald Johnsten 132; Evelyn 'Taylor 129; Ella Whitley 109; Dorothy Irwin, 105;. Jack Cook . McQuillin 84:e Messer Whitbk 72. .•Well there was no disappoiptinent- The Hall was well. filled, and. the per ?ormanee Was one: of -the best -which- hag so_far appeared on the Lueknovi. stage. Jewel Rebekah Lodge whici, • trrariged, for the eppeeralice Will hairc -Ione a geed „stroke:" of buSinese;. and he Ripley Club, will be ahead Sonic noney. and much gloiy, for it is fell. • e say that the .audience wae wel: , . nter-Leered and well pleased.,' . ---MreEuge.ne'Marfyni wheeeePrepent- .id. a' Jewish antiqueie•is, sure .sonie. artist and was the high light of . tee 'ot Weehoulcielikeeto threetboueuet. too, to Mi T. Kempten; Miss Mooney , •Irs., Thornton, Mrs.. Bryce, Miss Mc . , - . feenziee Mise:. tenglies and the ,poe) eeggal. who was .coriverted into .a\ ,eiumminy and • starved until'he wok : rlad to at meat left by the eats: :. The McKenzie 'Orchestra enlivened he evenieg. with a mernber• of, selec- tions and ' supplied inneic. for a danc( folloWing the play,BetWeen acts Mrs. I). Menne Miss . Money and Mr. Ore, Crawford gave vocal select:ten-Ise:which were .heartily applauded. These weep accompanied by Mrs. Newton at the' piano. . eThis reminds us that at the play given by -the Teeswater troupe. inuM- 'iers were give bestween the , aces by :1,Pies -Isabel -Cr We, a readieg; • Mips n :Mary Aitchieole.: elle, Mre.:J.*Wes- ey :Joynt; Mrs. l).. Scobie aiel Miss Rooerteen,' a tr.iti,and a number' , of boys and girls 'were preetY and pleas - ng in 'a darice. I. Murdie Room Sr 1! -'Possible:mark§ _375_; Hon - mars' 281; Pies ;225, , .• •Exeellent: Muriel .Selonion 332e ..:(Mary Webster •Howard '..rohnstene). Aeliiie7.71-4Witt 320.; beriald Seinth, 315, (Mary Meleieri Jessie Henderson) 30,9; ;Tack McDonald 307: 'Christena Havens e04; Marion MCDOneed, 301;. Girvin :Reed 299; Joy Henderson 294: Hilda TwanileY 286; Jennie Pearl leen 283; Jack ''McLeod 2S1. Harold Thompson. 263 Pearl ,SWap. 259:: A \diner' :•Aitehisen 246, . Belo* Pass -Edwin ,Whitley 211*;;Grace .1Veheter 1.77*, ' Those Marked :* Missed- an exam ,ceally conStitutes a Suceeasful Life." efelen Swangave a humerons read- ing and 'groups were ,foenied for a musical.contest. Wilhemina Agar gai'e i very 'interesting Halloween: reaade ng and candy was served by -the soc- .al Comniittee..,Ie was.decided to held ,he meeting of ThanIZegiving _week on ruesnight:18th instead of on Mon Jay Members will please keep this in .thind. ereshyterian duild The ,regular meeting of the Guild 'as held Monday,' evening, with the , . irst ,Vice president,. Mr. Horace Ait-. :Insert in the, chair. 'The Scripture lesson was read by alipe, Donalda, s'Dongilas; Mis Hughes geee ,a'anost ,men tools. &b. Tii pasSing' sentence on Mrs: Stan- Magietrate Walker intimated that eo far as •he was concerned the, ' of liquors. in Bruce Countyis going to be stainped out. • AUCTION SALE • ' • • • . • . nteresting reading. .Sotne, most de- • . i•gbtfut 'letters were read.. feom Our ewe: :foreigei neissideeery, Miss Dere- hee Donglas, giving in her inimitable. eray heie first inierems of ihe 'pee-. ele•a'rel ,country Forma The top.. ic was taken Mise Fern Reid., Frank MacKenzie gave a plane solt, Mrs. • Steward .and Miss Mary Douglas sang a duet.. • e At the, morning service in the Uni; eed-Church •next Sunday Mr Deniel Stetters Will_give a report of' his vis- it to, the Laynien's :'Missionary Con, ,ferende Which he rcently•attended.' Anniversaty services' willjbe, held -in-•,-Lnoknow-United Church on. Sunday Nov. 18th, • The October meeting. of the Young Women's Miesionery ,SoeietY‘was held on Thursday evening at the manse. With a goad attendance. The Preei- dent: Mise' D. flendeesOn conducted the devotional exercises:. Miss Mary "Mcl,eciel gave: an , eXcellent paper on Missions. The Bible 'study end discus-, sions Were fed by Miss D ilender.: ion. Mrs. Philip Steward sang a solo. .A very inteeestifig letter from a mis- ,sionaey' Piiblislied in the Glad Tid-,: Inge was •read by Mrs 11 Jewitt ,11.1xtracts' frone three letters received from Miss "Dtneeihy Douglas "were „rend hy Mary Doeglas, One letto Written 7 While' still- 4-thee:sea : andl * Missed-oneteste two ftorn Formosa. „These Proved eery .•• intetestirig to' all. Themeeellig • K. AfacDonald B. M. .Gailnt, will have an auction ;ale of hie faiin stock and iinplemenes et Lot .NorthaalfeLots & 22 _eon. 1. Xiolos5, ob Nov. 14th, commencing 'At. one, o'cloelt p. in. The implements on tbe. sale. ere ,neefolhynnepwo,rviaev:Aue,„ 18-4.10-44 • • . Herald, arid Neekli Stnr. of Montreal with its .wonderful impieyetnents is recognized Ets-,Ithe 'Toneil Suffers, 14;e. :Mrs.. brew nel -greatest wntney •ii)akerdortiarmers:im &, Plettes-Rechieed Ca11961!• VAIN ite magaZtne section, io "A recent' visit, to the , 1401Y' Land:" 8Palii's•Tonsilitis; lc•werics Vtond.ers, :priees„._:nottidi •11.4idoh 400.4.rtie niktanteed M UcEim lot r Jr: II:-peissible marks 350; Hone ours 262; Pass 210. Excellent -Jean McIntosh 326; Clar- ence Swan 315; Mildred Ritchie e11; Harold AIIm`•4292; .Helen Johnstone 273 Ed*in Buswell 2.66. ,Passe--4y- lda Steward. 260; Denied :McKinnon 246; • Bruce MacMillan'. 222; Mary 'Struthers 216. Below Pass ---Jean Struthers 208;:Billy Jewile 20.5; Gor- don Struthers 1,89; .Tack Button '160; Alice Drennan 155; D -eve Jewitt, 117: Arthur Traplin .55,. 'H. G. - , • • -Room. lit. Sept. and Oct. : Se: III : Hermes 'Willie 75; :IsaSs.• McKenzie 7$:7J. Mclennan 73; F.'. McKenzie .12; B. 'Selene:1X. 72; G. Joept 70; Pass: -.-U: Herne 66e J'eMe- Call 65; E. Agar. 641 j'elinston G2: 1. littieileolie Douglas 60: Peeeee-'-d. Fielayeen; , :59e ..c; TeOitt 51; irTboinlison:-.5e: V. Stew- ardee5e;,,A. McIntesh ,54;; F. WebSter' E. Webeter.' 42; P. .MeMielen 36; E.-NewtOn'32. ,• . . Jr. III Honors:-E.Johnston 80; B. -Brown. 76; . F. Armitrcing • 75; A. Horne '75. Pass: -K. , ::McIntosh; M. elleker .05;;; H. ' Ritchie: t4;'. R. Parker •43; G. Sherriff 02;' A. Henderson 61;. M...Fisher e0; MacDonald 00; G.. Whitby '60.- Below Hunter 57; Ostraraler 57;.13, McKenzie 53; Webseme°45; V. Johnet.3e 43. ' SINGLE :COPIES 5 CENTS • The ,113read:', .‘e, Diead, . of Health' ' 'Of' Health. ' Ouie:miirto :IS QUALITY AND- SERVICE: .: ., . . Quality frroduces GoOd-WHE Our Goods Have,Alwaye Been ".A. Qua!, • itY Product -Made From The Finest qqateeiale With Kndieleelge : That Years Of Expieeience And Experinient Have Gained. ' : ,.; SPECIALS' ' Cream. Puffs, Lemen2Meringe Pies, Raisin PiAlecRisberry Tartlets Maple Walnut Tarts, Iced •Rollse:Clielseae-Buns, Coffee ' dakes,,`Oete : ' ' eal-'s Cookies,Raft` Cakes - me*. ','e=e--,-,-* . '-':,. ' ,e• . .HOLLYMAN'S SAICEAV. Phone .36. 'NJ '`.'_l'/UCknicivg . ONE. CEN THIS WE,EK At the,Rexall Drug Store 'hursday == Friday == Saturday ••.• .. . , OUR ANNUAL SALE litrefERE SCRIBl3LERS, EXER- CISE -BOOKS, WRITING PADS, :ENVEOPES.-• .. TPAPEe. , . . TRIES,',REXALL REMEDI S, RUBBER GODS, SOAPS; '. ...'''s SHAVING CREAM,'TdOTH' AgT.E..;TOOTII''' RUSHES AS 'ADVERTISE., ,e- THEe•BILL :ARE I3.EING GIVEN-40.T.A.,Y , _._.e....., • .. •, . .. \AT TWO: FOR THE VII•IEOF'ONE,' AN.",i)::"OsT 0110 .aN'r , 10./3.E, . M.. 111.a c.C.,allucm Room IY- Sept. and Oct. • Hon.: -R. Collyer 94eM. lVfaelqah- seri 92; D. Njeoe, 91; G. ,Webster 88; J. Henderson 86; .M. Hamilten 82; F. . • , Steward 82;'C. Johr.sieone 79-; Gre- ANOTHER OLD RESIDENT .' fr°e1i,elnof 't1h\lelgt)oePlid:o*SYri.:,EoldfSei1,1t:s(:iNtehil6,vi1. Mc- Donald Siindey leat at ,the. elm; of Aars and 7 monthe.133,eforee her enarribeee Ms 'we.s. Miss Margaret\ McPliaile". Her, lies - 'land died about' nine, yet e age. She is sur id be tvixO sisters, one in Tor-. opt° (Mrs.. Aluera. ywho been here •er ::79; Nellie Paese,-eW. John- ston 74.;,E, Baker 74; D.'.boUglas 69;. B. Thompson 69e ,McLeod, '6°6;. . -Irwin 65; P. Cousins 61,..Reloyi Pass:. Aemstrong 59 f K. Cameron 48. (C Finlayson , irbsent. on. account -Of illness.) : , Jr. Hon. :--E. 'Brown 86; M. chie 84; ',M., 'Metionale 19; (1.- Ann.- f.rong.• 76, J. Wileozi, 76; Pass: -b. Clark 73; S. Cellyer 7e'; D. leleDone ald 74 C. Finlayson 7e; D. Ileeeie71; M. Heridereon71; e. Fisher. 68; FeeMe- Trinee 67; •X. Ferris 65; ' M. Cousins 64;.M. Johnsterie 63; S,..(7.anioron 62: Belo' Pas -E. Solotriiie ...59e.; W. Welker, 56; Wilson ,48*; But- ton 44,, .• • •• :in ,conrieetion with the. fiineral) -and- eine with 'ginging - anti prayer. The Inext...e.-..,", 77-444)--• -7 , leers home. ; ^ • ,,.,., ---Ite,duced priee--II,ornell-Alurdoch / ' 'The Victeriit. Mission Band' Will, ,Go. -The 'Market. in :elle West. The :funee.al was Teeeday afternoon to Kinlosi ceme- terY. , . -e--P1304 PLOWING, .MATCH ' IIAD' BAD WEATHER; li.130K. • • That great interest is taken : , , • Plo-sing matches was SEOWT! on Sda y 'pf last week when, in''spi of , . mcist discoeragiriglweathee contlitio,ne quite number gathered at the farm of Joie" Scott; east oreLueetnow, Nvilero the Junkie, Farmer's match was held. ' , ' •, • 0.0 . . On account:of rain" ie, the forehoen part- of the program- had to he dis, ipeneed withe so eliete Was. rib stubb.e plowieg. Competitions in , Sod pleeeinge were, earried out in the afternoon. M.' Mc ore "'Waterloo Couety being idge AWaeds were made, as follovee:, Otte to men '35 and •W. Pritehard, wen the three "aerards•fer crown, finish end 'test »lowed' land; eecond for best' plowed land, jaines Forster. ' • )1.1eti to.mcif 35 and under.L-Meleen- zie. Webbe Won for CroWn finish' and. best plowed land; eecerirl for best plowed .Tohn- Stott4:„thirdi Fred Re:et'. 16 andunder Crown, Elmo Pti€tbaid., finish Waltsr Forefere 'beet eilewed" land; _Elino ,13eiteliird; second, Walter Forstere Ilest`.*.oW bSY: 7ies'Peitehattl ; Bet '1••,ork byt' MaSeeY-Iferris plow' -1-4Tohe ' • ' Best plow-teint-MeRenze-Webb, lst 2nd aiid 3r . • • A. E. IlIcKim The, Relall,Siore mentink 'will be held 040Mts. H. Sher- -Neev Veetery4Cuit 'dna YarT4 • held :their eThari efferingeon ' toridny.evening Nov,: 2nd t 1.30 p.m. G 0-0 N ENvs in the ,baseinent. l'he 1)rOirt1111 *e011., • ' ' '4Isto of elkortee and recitations . Veit Ritifehltis," Vbooping' inenibere. There wilt. also he an edirehr.-Terieilitie, Stifv.,,ThrOat. and Phone 32 n erwear V'ES! your whole fairilly 11 wear Underwear this winter, and there is nothing to prevent you from having the best, Canadian factories have to offer. There is Fleeced Lined, Heavy•Cott- on, Wool and Cotton and Pure Wool for any member of the family, Mod- erately Priced- accoiding to quality. When in doubt about underwear OUR STORE We will help you decide Aare Buswell • s, • ,nddies14,,hy, Wag. .M4ovosn,,of Ith Tiniely attention May save you from untold discomfort. , • Many peel* niake it a rule to look after their 'eyes just as regu, larly as they idok' after. -theie teeth. Armstrong, Optometrist AMILY THEATRE PRipAY', 0. SATURDAY-NOV. &3 , SMILE BROiHER. With, Dorothy e: Jack .Comedy: e TUES. eine. WED.e-NOV. 6th & 7th ' Rin-Titt-Ti n, I n OF STE04 -Comedy . __se _ ..„......., DIED IN SAGINOW.. AIICII " 1ii5esTenti Arid Alaggie Smith of .. towriebad Weed east eveek,-ofethe :death ' pf theit .s.i..ter, i‘f4..*:,Orel;taivd, \L'ho 4 ii,it ,at Saginaw giuh., oh ,DALig_t_iy„ , -mt•s, Orchard irad but recently returo... nd from Califelia; •She mill be re- • , ,• et:libored, here es having epent seine. tieie with;hei. eietere, two years ago. Mrs. Orebard- was ;8 year§ Of age iind is aukviverPhy •pne, zini;, in... doll- ft:4441 an4 one daughteK in StIgnAW, L. 0. 0. F. NO•l'ICE!. • • All limnbo'it,.. of leickilow Lodge L ,O.,O. Are requested to be present :it the reguini. meeting Friday epee* • ieg, Nov. 2nd. • at ;8 P.m. I inPorten` ,• business. to 1.16dealt with. • Lueknew 1,0(10 1.,0, 0, F. ',will Oji- • • tvtain• wives i " inO's• friepds;:nedefeebekehe •on yri- !day, evening Nqv. Oth at 8' pen. ' (8 -1 -11. --eye - - - 0 0 • .N•cvrEs •••••+•••••• following \Vete at ..their eregulavr eeenhigeCuid thint.on; poiiglas; .9u0e ns aeon Uldte; ,Guide •sabel tome, 4 *la geM '1114 Or. WeleOPUit ; t s. 4 *•ka:, ••,•