The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-09-27, Page 1• , ' • PER YEAR IN A.DVANCE, $2.50. o-rnhitTATIE ,I.IJCIVklOW, .9NT, .TH11iFISDA*, S&wrnAginri..,27th, 1928. , • . .‘ • • 'DR.'W- M. CQ ELL • Physieiaii and Surgeen • • • ' Licknow 1191,111; 1•$3•40 •• ".' Phone ,86 " • DENTIST Dr MacLeod will visit, -Lucknow very, Tuesday, : in pt. .• Connell's (Mee. • , • DENTIST Di!.R., 14.•• TreleiVen, .,Lticknow- i0Ver Decker's' 'Store. EXtractiOn eitherby, gas or local.. Will be iri 'Dungannon everyThersdar.. :Phone 53. .„o Evgivirgocirs' COLUMN o 0.70-0.-0 0 0 0 0-0-0-0 Gen. A. Bidden; 'Lucknow, -Br er, and Real Estate. -Money to lend oi - first mortgages , on farm proper- ' ties at 6 and 6% per cent according • to security. offered Also; small amounts on second, mortgages on farm, properties and an personal notes. A few good 'farms, for sale • WALL PAPER1-A full line of 1928 Wall Paper on hand: Prices from Sc. up 1 -am also agent for leading jol houses. -R. J. Cameron,,° Decorator 1Painter and Grainer,- Box 174, Luck. • . , Wanted -Fresh Eggs, Live Poultry •Any quanity. Write for. Weekly prices. Twin City Produce Market -Hex 264, Kitchener, Ont ' ' 7.9 c) Parties.Wanting Good Dairy Butter -Write or Phone Mrs. 't,'ictor' Em- erson, R. 5, Lucknow. Phone: '6074-5, Wingham. POTATOES If You want to have N471 eattng potatoes new :is the time toorder your winter supply. ..„. John .'JnYnt ''FOR.SALE-Top bliggy,:steel tireS in good condition. : • , John MacLeod, Lucknew (27-9-e) - FOR SALE -Finest' Registered Silver Foxes pups' and proved breed- ers. Special terms to beginners. R. E. Laidlaw, Winghar, Ont. (4-10-p) • FOR SALE -West half of Lot No 2,; e01ltaining,50 acres more or lets. Tor further particulars. apply to Win: J. HAIL, It' 7, Lecknew. 1(47-9-14 ' ;AUCTION, .SALE OF BUILDING The frame shed, 40 x 60 ft, at the conier of Carripbell and Ilavelock,StS; (property of Luckpow -United -Circircb)• be offered tale by pubile atic- tion-esubject to reserved bid -on Sat- urday, Sept. 29th, at Three o'clock ,p.m. • Elliott Miller, Auc. 'RESIDENCE FOR SALE Good, Seven -room Residence,' hard and soft water, furnace, Gairage.'Barn, chicken -house, good garden, Plum treet And ' raspberries. ' Apply to D. M. Johnstone, •Lucknow •• • (11-10-c.) . • 'LOGS AND TIMBER We; the undersigned,' are open to buy all kinds of timber' again this . _ ,, , winter. we will pay you geou prices and give you liberal measurement and grades for Your logs delivered at our Saw mill here.,_ We.believe it is to the interest of the farmer to ,cut his own logsaud de- liver them; but anyone haying stand- ing timber and wishing to sell on the stump, kindly see us before you do „anything and we wilt be glad to see ' We will you spot es.slf for any- „th,i'v you haVe•to.offer, and as lumber is!la gel manufactiired into the fini- sheds "product here, it helps our own province by selling to a• concern like (Signed) The Lecknoiv Table CO. Ltd. Lticknow ,Ont„ Phone 25 -Box 206 • - • Lucknow Fall Fair TO -day and To mdrrow. May. the .Weather ,nian • be , Foy days that were dark antl•daYa that Were 'wet 'this .month., NO been ,peceliar, Miss Grace 'Cameron spent last week with' friend n 'Wroxeter and Wingham. '* • All lines of Men's, Women's ;and Childen't Life Huey Rubbers, at -W•.`• ..1.. Littib's Shoe 'Store.. - Just received a Shipment, of Trunks. Clpb Page and, Snit eases -At W., J. Little's ,Shad Store., • "Mrs. Wm. White, of Dudsbury, Alta. is, eisiting her friend, Mrs. Wilson. Hamilton. • • Miss Campbell, of Mitchellit the .guest this week of Miss 'Margaret MacCalluna. . • Mr, Harpld Walker,. now of .the Bank of Montreal staff at &Mat called on a few of his Lucknow friends eany this week. • • , Dr. Anna Nicholscin returned last week to Northampton; Mass, to con- tinue her work as Student physician and instructor in Preventive Medicine and Public Health, at Smith Cellege. Miss Mina Leckie, of Moriclair.Hos- pital, New Jersey; Miss Margaret His.' Wong,' ef Charisburg, Penn: and Mrs: De. McIvor, of, lOronto,- were • Week- end visitors with Mr, and Mrs„ Wm. MacKenzie. of town. " Mrs.' Taylor and Miss L. Tailor, of St Paul, Minn, Mrs. Jonn Clark and 'NEsS Annie Clark, of Lot. Angeles, Cal.,' and Xt. and Mrt. Wilier Clarke of Goderich, • were 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. TeMple Clarke, this week.. . Mr. 'Robert Johnston, now of Gode-• rich, went -last week to Regina Sask. to attend ." the -Dominion 'Cioradtilds Convention. He went as reprepenta Live Or the _Ontario 'Good 'Roads Aiso- piation, of which heLiS vice-president and is accoMpanted by Mr Johnston o07-- • . • GIRL GUIDE NOTES The Girl -Guides will reorganize their compan3i for this. Winter's work with hike next Saturday afternoon, meet- ing at the 'Public School at 2.30 p.m. Guides will -please bring their knee - Sacks, With _plate, cuP, knife fork and spoon.. • •' PRIVATE SALE • At. the Presbyterian ManSe, Luck - now. Conlinericing Thei•sday; Sept. 27., the following will be offered for sale: Chesterfield , Piano Parlor Suite Hall Reek • Bedroom Suite ' 2 .13edroom Sets, 2 Dressers andVash stands 13ed Mattresses (Ostermoote) new, and Springs •• • , • Diiiiitg-room Suite • •Eight-da(lock v .ironing Board 13read Mixer Upholstered -back ,Rocicere • Kitchen Chairs Kitehert Table Kitchen Cabinet • • Electric Washer' Toaster Copper_Boiler , Tubs 2 Dozen Jar* China Dishes Ford Sedan • •• 2 Car Rugs • ,Leathet Couch CALL ANY -TIME BUSINESS 'CHANGE • Having. ' sold my, butcher business'. to'Mr. Jot. MacMillan,, who takes pet- seision on. October 1st, I Wish to thank all the customers who have stayed. ,,Vith me through My period of busi- ness -'in Lucknow;. and I, bespeak for myTsuccessov.who -will.earry on the 1,11111155 11 continuanee of :the public WELLINGTON HENDERSON: HOLYROOD GIRL WINS SCHOLARSHIPS WEDDING BELLS,.• • •; Cassels -Howard • Vaikdale;' Sept. 19. -On Tuesday, Sept.,18‘, IP the' preseriee of a 'fevv in- Liniate f tie red s*, Einience• younger daughter of Mr. ,• And MrS. W. J. Howard. Was united in marriage to Mr. J. Mark Cassels, sbe of Mrs. .1',4Cassels, of •Lucknew. The Ceremony ,.,wat conducted „by Rev. A. Newton St, lcdm.. The. bride. Who was 'unattended, was giver; in Marriage -13y .her father, looked lovely in a gown of biege geor- gette and .Venetian lace 'with, hat to .match and carried a beuqpet'of restet• ,,mums. -The happycouple left on "atr .extencled motor trip,: the byide .ear - ng a powder blue ensemble suit,with hat and Shoes to match. On their re- turn Mr„, and Mrs. Cassels will reside in Lucicnow. [Mt. and Mts.. Cassels arrived in Luckhow on Monday, of this week]. CELEBRATE 50th. ANNIVERSARY Rev. • John and Mrs. Little, of Conn. ...elebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their, marriage on Tuesday: Mr. And Mrs. Little were, married Sept.. 18, 1878, at the harne Of the bride's father Mr. Duncan. MacFarlane, Puslinch: Rev. -Mr: Little has served 'the Pres- byterian• Church at Darnoch, ' Chati- worth;-..Holstein.,--Morningtone St Hel- ens, Rockwood, First Clitirch, Eta - :masa, and is at present with Wescott United. Chureh; Conn. The hAppy -went was markecbbY the -presPnce of all their family: John -LA., Rockwood; 'Janet, of „Conn; Mary (Mrs. J. D. Bell), Guelph; .Myrtle (Mrs. R. H. Toronto, And their_two -rrandchildren, Mary Riau and Helen Suzanne Robinson • - o 0 MAN' HIT •NEAR BLYTH George Charters, who was employ- -id by C: -McGowan. Eatt---,Wawanosh. near Blyth, was fOUncLemoriciout by he •roadside, near the village last 3aturday evening. Charters was waik- ijr the road towards. Blyth apd widently was hit by an automobile he driver of which sped away leaving the Injured man to his fate. Charters was picked up •liyanothee-autemobile vhich came along, -and -taken to the Ace of Dr. Rost; who found that he ad Suffered Severe head injuries. He was unconscious for niany hours after .--eceiving attention but Dr.. Ross was I 'opinion that he -would recover. He vas taken to'ilie hotne Of his Sister Mrs. Thomas LaidlaW. in Morris Tp. -here he is being cared for. - . The hit-and-run autoist evidently 'uncle good his etcabe as there was nr information regarding him. o LUCKNOW •MEN HAD CLOSE CALL' Al' DANGEROUS CURVE Mitt 'Gertrude M. Hamilton; daugh- ter of Mr. and Mks. A.. H. Hamilton of ter 'IlelyrOod,'• Who OW high school work here and later at Wiegham was One •of the meat successful students /who wrote on the Fifth. Form exam- inatiOns last summer. From the Lon- don Free Press we learn that the aeaptured three selni;arel"ps /rum. tbj Western University, London, Ont. in Biology, Physics and ,Chemistry value of $200, Arts scholarship value $170., Biology scholarship, value $105. two papers chosen from history phYsicEi and chemistry' value $105.; Miss. .Hamilton has always been . a brilliant and 'hard-working student ‘and her friends will be glad to hear of • her splendid, success: . • l• ' 'Another brilliant' student of Wing-. ham •High School, William' J. Hender- son whose homeis, on. the BlueVale Road. He 'won front? Qtieeft's Univers- ity scholarships valued in all to $935 WOMEN'S INSTITUTEC• MEETING • NOTICE RE ACCOUNTS' • All accounts at tenderson's -Slit- eller Shall are due andpayable at the -shop Until the 16th daV Of October. After that date all unpaid accounts • will be Placed in 00 flanlc of Montro, -1 I .011 etlan " , illyned) NI/01111)0ton Hencfrieon The September •meeting of the Luektiow 'Wornen's Institute was held . , at the,home of •Mrs. Robt: Thonipten with a large attendance. The president Mi-. Wrn. MUrdie was in the chair. The meeting was, opened, in the titual way by singing the Institute Ode; and l'epeating The Lord's Prayer in uni- son. The roll call was answered by "My Favorite Way of 'Serving Pota- ecies.” Several members: thanked the Institute for fruit and.flowers receiv- ed when they were ill. Community singing was enjoyed • by all. In thp absence of thepianist, Mrs. T. S. Reid Mrs, A. D. MacKenzie presided atthe piano., The .topic, "Keeping Out Of Ruts," was ably taken by Mrs. E Lockhart. Some good advice Was given on not sticking too closely to hard and fast rules which are very Apt, to get one into yats. A. pleasing Solo' contri- buted by Miss G. Trgleayen was, much `enoyed; as was also a reading; "A Rolling Stone" (by • Robert Service) given in excellent style by Miss Isobel Craw, Mrs. K. A. G011an, et' Toronto A former presidentof thetueknow branch, and also a' former preside)* of the, District of South Bruce,. gave an. interesting and helpful addresson different lines of the 'VW& touching more especially onways and' means of making the Institute of real Value in: the- communitv.. In a ,totti,ici attlad contest Which followed thb itides awarded the likite ,to Mrs. Robert Thompson. It was decided to conduct 'S•he' booth Itilistial in the Agricultural • Hal oiy.Pair Day. Etch member was asked to donate one nie. The ineettnit was (dosed by sinking • 'Me Maple Leaf". A 00041 hill hour woo open when - th. dfr€ctQr In ehorpo oor , 0004 ' At e. sharp curve occuring at the top' of n hill near Wroxiter, Mr. Jinn' Young's new :Chrysler sedan' rolled ,inee over corning to a'•stop safely On :its wheeli,last.:MondnY evening. The ear • was occupied by Messrs. Young: L Wesley Joynt and Alvin Percy ,in .1he biokteat', and Dick Webster and Ted' Collier; (Mr. Youngs Chauffeur) in the front seat. They were 'onthe. waNi /ante from +Toronto when the .driver 'seeing. the :unexpected. cure to the right at he ,came to the brow of the hill applied the brakes -style- what sharply. This caused the car to swinz across the road to the high side where it ,:encountered the...bank , and rolled Mice • over. .4ivideritly ‘.the strength of the, car saved ' the ()dm!. ',pants. mine of whore were. much hurt few bruises, and a Shaking up of nerves being the worst- experience. The car though somewhat disfigured waS not greatly damaged. • . . . ' WILL PUT Up LARGE SHED ,The' local United Chnreh congrega- tion will preceed immediately with the erection of a: large , shed, on the .south-east 'Omer' of Campbell and IHavelock Streets, now oecepie'd by a •frame shed which has fallen into'dis- repair. This project has been under consideration ,for,'Soine time, and. final decision to proceedwitb thl undertak- ing vira.s Made' at a•meeting of the of- ficial board of the Church held Tues- day evening, whenthe committee having charge of this work Made' a 'Very favorable report as to financial and other arrangements. The building will be concrete' and 'steel and will be about 100 feet by 51 feet. The' shed 'at present on the site will be offered for sale by public auction 'on Saturday, Sent. 29th; and if net+seld will be Pulled down. Addi- tional ground to the sotith of that now occupied has' been :Secured and the shop on it will be moved. With weather at all favorable the building will he coMpleted before 'the cold. weather of winter sets in. . • . ' MR.; ABE' g.,DURNIN . KILLED•ON • LEVEL' cRQssNq- :4TTQW sAsK.,„„ , 77iis whnle comnitinity wasgreatly • shOcked and •saddened rvIonday .of this • week 'On • learning ',that Mi. A. •!E'.. Durnin (fanailiarlNi known as Abe) to-, *ether with -a niece of his, Mrs. An • hail been killed in an automob- ile 'accident at Elston,' Sask.; on Sat- urday. . • ; • .• Mr. Duriin 'had. gone etit to Sask.: '-three weeks ago (to, ,be exact, three. 'weeks.,,nntl „one' ,day • before,.the trident) to look after hi S: farming :in- terests anti: to pureliase cattle.. Evi& ently he was' being driven in an .auto Mr:eAndreen; Mra......Andeeen being '•in the cal with them. At 'a level railway crossing; 'near Elston, the 'automobile was hit by a freig,ht en- - . • • and it would appear that Mr, ‘buriiiif and Airs. Andreen--did not long survive: 'Mr. Atnclyeen 'was injured but not seriously. Mrs: Andreen- was a daeghter. of Mr; George Durnin.'who is in the West..and" was a bride Of last sPring. • ' • • The remains are • being 'brought east to the Durnin home .at• Clinton • and on Saturday will be brought to Lucknow for 'intern-I/61A in Greenhill Cemetery, The funtral,service.Will be beld• in -Lucknow-United •Church at 2.30 n'elock. en Saturday. The Mason- le lodg,e will .:have charge. Mr, Durnin leaves to mourn .'his Widow, erie s' Son and twO daughters: '• I-Tarold, of .Pittsburg, Pa.; Mrs, Creech (Lorna) pear Clinton, -.arid Doris at •• Airs.' Mathew, 'Woods; of LucknOw and :Mrs,' jelin Woods. of Fere-nal are sisters of the deceased. and there are • brothers living:, William of Ash- field; James, George and John in, the west arid' Robert ,of Goderich, Thomas flied some: years ago.. Abe who cele 'rated 'his 55th bir,thday sirce • Wre-s-t-wn thc y Gun g, e st-"-othiv larg,; family. ' • The hite was so lene: a resident of Luckeov,- and iint abd bei and 'Mrs: Durbin • so .often .visited here'- that they . and there fiieerl,s• always • thought of' I,ueknoW as their home. • CHURCH NOTES • , The ;.Aniiive,rsary, Serxices.. of the LucknoW...VniqUChUreh will he 'held this year one- month earlier than has been customary, •bringing! the date to :the: send Sunday in Navember, Tie UniBible:Clats vet On Thurs- day .eVening of last Week, at the hOme 'Mrs. Wellington : Henderson. The meting was .Well attended:The presi-'. MI. Turner, gave an interest- ing •taik* based on the chapter Troia' the ;C.'Itndy 'Hoek. Mrs, Buswell:. fee& charge of the .butiness 'part of the Meeting. :The PeXt meeting be 7 h&d on Oct. a...week, -earlier. than :the. regular date) At •the horne if Mrs. 'Boswell to make'final ar ranhemerits for the bazaar to, be 'held oil.•SatuidaV;Ort. 276. itt the,.'Couneil Chaniber .of .the Town Hall, .At -this . • • , • _ 'beefing there Will - be a plain7,- diower.1;sniknis flieludod. Any dpria- finns.:Of p1in sewing frinn the ladies • the. congregation 'will' be: appreciat- ed. '• CHdRAL SOCIETY TOSTART _ REGULAR PRAC'FICE AGAIN The ticknow Choral Society which had suspended meetings since:earlY Spying will, meet fOi re -Organization Presbyterian Giiild. The pupils and staff of the' L.C.S SINGLE COPIES 5 :CENTS . , :,The, 0044. of 41ealth' .,.The • Ilivad• , -- of 'Health „•,.. . 80,- SPEEIALI7.,E. IN -:1%1i HIGHEST 'QUALITY .GOODS-'-. , ...0.OII,1ALIfyi' II OM.!IA13Wl04E.W11EA,.ANDRg7,.I0V4psiAEgT,v141,yotN1gET4lipitovet •-t-' ,"'"yAig •PA:.- SPECIAleS .. 'CiRelialsnii' bPeill',ff4' .TCarertaliels'S, IBleoen*! BjeclitilYzbell"..9:.ICIt'OeR014aitse4iMPaireash;mCahlleOtre. Ja.tue;iit Muple 'WaIntit Tarts, Rock Cakes; Date Triangles, Oecl, Rolls ',4 HOLLYMAN3S BAKERY , one 36"Luckow • ' • " • - The Overcoat Season is her -Call and see our range .of • BIG .4 Made -To -Measure Sarnples TEMPLE CLARK -Merchant Taylor • St, HELENS , Messrs. 'George and l_loyd left on Monday to attend the funeral of their aunt, in Alichigan' Pr. Will MacGregor; of Chicago, "t visitor with his sister,:;IrS. Georg( Stuart., • •• •: 31i55 Mary Durnin. has resumed hei laties JiS__assistant -teaCher at 'Dun anon School -tater seVeral -Week( . leave, of absente. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salkeld andMrs •,,oalon attende the funeral of theii • .15t5in ' -Mrs George Andrews at Gbde-, rich on Friday.' . \, 'Mr. •Alyin Woods left on M'anday .o-rommence -loath year's stmt. in Medicine 'at't e Toronto'University 'Rally • Service will be 'observed the United Church next •Sunday moraing-at the regular. hour. All the c-hildrenare especially invited.•'; It. was }tab deco reret that 'his name friends leareed of the death 01 Mr,. Abe Durbin, at estow. Sask. kr Durnin and his niec 'Were -beth killed in a ,caraccident at a level -crossing He was ••a former resident of this vi, (Linity. but has lived near •Clinton fot the past few Years.' The,regular monthly meeting of thc ')Voinen's Institute will be held at the .froine':Of-, Mrs: 'J. Hubrephref or •Thursday afternoon, -bet. 4th. Rol! .Call,"If I could-linve,', one -mete labor- tieViee what_wouliLit be Subject -7:A Well-balanced 'Whiter Dins.. ,ner,"':in charge of Mrs. J. D.. Ander-, ten. Hostesses:' Mrs: Stuart and Mrs Gee_ -McRoberts. A special feature of , the meeting will be a. demonstratiOn. he setting ef:artable hi charge of I . • were entertained ',by this -Young tieeele of the.Presbyti.rian 'Guild on Mepday •evening Inst. Miss. Elisabeth. McIVor •rend .the Scrinture lesson: The Musk.. • nembers were: a) chorus .by it numz hor of .Tr. hew.: solos bv'lliSs Mary Ait hr's''e,:td Miss Mary Macintosh• a duet .bv Miss Mary .Douglas and Mr D. M. .Johnstone. Mrs. liorpee Aitehe, sob gave a reading.' Short nddi•es'ses. were given bv Mr Wigg ;rid Mr. Mnr.,, 'doell. in whieh,:the onportunitieS and yeseonsibilities, :of • our young ,peonle ii 1,onio.sehool and church were, set forth. also they were nrgerfwhile pay- liegd'to.their physieal and•niental deeelemeent net to forget that the eenreme neest•of life lies in, the realm. Of.the sent After it contest,which was enioyed, lench was served and n.mott enjoyable evening Was breught to a dose. . MAN THROWS HIMSELF t;N: FRONT of C. N. R. TRAIN As the•Tororkte-Kiheardine passene,.., er train was running betweeen Blue - vale and Wingham about hoen .Friday of last; week meinbers -of • the traiii- crew noticed a man iyalking beside the traek short 'distance ahead., The man looked back and • evidently saw the train coming' as lie confirmed to glaNe •backward; although ' continuing, his walk ,along the track. As the train came within" it few yards of him, the man, suddenly .threw himself) or fell, across the rail and was 'cut in twa by the wheels. Tho. train whin stopped but the main• -of eoutset, wag dead and bolero any of the men reached t‘here Stich' is the ator • told . here by ;Mrs: I): Phillips._ . • ' School Pair •' . 7 .111 spite ef weather Which; could .,;earcel,;.. he worse 'there 4.WaS a "big ,3-041. at the West Wawanoth School i: 11 held here on Tilesday afternoon . OWing to rain the fair wat held in the eomodiotis church ' shed,. where, of conrse, some 'features were at :a advantage. The oritory contest, was .oarriculerly good this,year ancl ed Many favorable . cotrinents.. hone to be:, able to give' the list . of prize-WinnerS next..week. , o o•' HO,LiiitOOD •1114 4•1101111111111 FAMILY THEATRE rfluft, Fltf, SAT-,4.SEPT., Ranger, the World"s Greatest Dog - • .Actor : .In 'THE OUTLAW 66o - Comedy • - .1'11ES. and. WED. -OCT. 2nd and 3rd • Louise FaZenda, In "FINGER PRINTS". • ' • ' Comedy .11.; ' COMING -SPECIAL • The Shepherd of The • Cecil makeS.'his tripsnVer to •Rivers; dale:•,naite often,:'What's thc attract, ' Mt• and Mrs: Cask'enette spent Sun day with the :'forplers brother. •Mr. 'Raphail Caskeilette.,... • , • Mr. add, Mr.s, Waltee Day, of Tees-. .Water,...were S'undayvititors at Mr. Albert Thempsobs: ' • . , „ . „Miss Edna O'Hegon„. •of Detroit. !spent the iii•st, of the week With 'her aunt 'Mrs. Janfes Valad, : . „ . „ 'hl tnd:Mrs, ,John McGlynn and. Scei•Rein, of Westferd. spent Stinday. With Mr:• arid Irs. Jaroes„Valad: ' Mr. Atigtis Maelntosh, aecompanied , biti ni0t,110!, Oita :Sisier Visited their Sister,•Mrs.. Ralph LoVe at • Mitchell. 'filen-them 'of. the„ trarrt crew when ihev and practice in the Council Chamber arrived at, •LucknoW .about •an hour the evening . of .Totteday, Oct, 2nd'. I late,.. To the ,men whowitnessed it spite of initial difiletiltiet, the -2,the tragedy; looked very 'Much like Self 'th:istrttetion, The dead man proved to be Charles TurveY, a farther 'of henr 13luevale Nlerris Tawrithip. Ile leaVe.s8 widMv tindthree daughters. The funeral Was on Sunday afternoon to Bitlevale Cem- etery', and Was very largely attended. Dr. W. J.' 'Milne, :Coroner. of Blyth who was itotitlett, ordered an inquest Which vas ()noshed Tuesday morning' at ten 'o'Clock. NA (MO AntItionslit'qeted ras to 'WhY. irurveY .41101.11(1 Rtalhi life. Society met with a •fair eneasure of .success last winter, 'had many good rndetingS.'oput On a good etitertainteent and finished strong,. - This organization is ib icVery way Worthy of support and the patronage ,of -those who woula like to cultivate the art ,of muse. .The executivels aux- Iona that all who contemplate oiiin the society should be on hand TuesdaY evening to that the practice Will get teia/t40,8 lood atart. be Aced or Too an for Tho 119410Y, • Mr. ,a'rid Mrs. R. Button. Mar; • , ealc • an+ Billy were, Sunday visitors at • Mr. •Alnier eAckert't. „ , • . Mr. *Archie Cor'rigan, of Chicago renewed.ohl noilintintances around pur btirtg, over the week -end. . , „ : Mr. 'and, Mrs. Richard :Elliott and family spent Sunday at gr...Thomas Robb's, Amberley. • , Mr, Abner Ackert has built fine new side porch to his 'residence: • . . Mrs., R., Caskeriette • had the. ibis- fortene To fall by Slipping on a -Wet board and: fracture one of her ,legs.. She hoikever is gettiilg,•aiong nicely. •• The regular...meeting „ of,‘•the !Wp- Inen'S Institute Will' be heli•Thursday Oct. 4. Hostes.s. Mrs,. Jas. Conley. The'dangei, of Luxury m Med- r c;" Mrs., -.A, Aekelt. Director: Mrs, Geo: Bell; Rail call -.t Corrent event. I uneii committee: .Mts. Thompson, Mrs; A. Ackert, Mrs. Fred ThOninsen and, Mrs. - Thes, Hdekley This being Grandmother's day.' All- grendmothers are retmetted" to .try and itterid.'Prizes .NVi i "be-tivetr to the eldest and 'youngest grandmother, the grandmother with the, greatest ni1111V- er of Orandehildren and the Most an- cient dressed grandmother. All visit. ors zweleanie. v1=1" rimmr;rwiroft;.. WINGHAM AREA • • HAROLD, SKINNER'SALUE WATER BOYS • EVERY THURSDAY' NIGHT DURING SEPT., OCT.. NOV. • jitney Dancing Come. • Teeswater Fair . And et. 2nd and 3r L.iberal, Prizes ' Offered In 'All Departments , CjI A GOOD: PROGRAM, OE RACNG NG . EVENTS' ARRANGED . '. IIIGIL-CLASS CONCERT ON EV.G.„, OFOCT id Dance •After COSCert W'. G. Moffat; President Kenneth MacKenzie, -le Secretary. . .MAFEKING • • . Mr: 'and •Mrs. Isaac Andrew, of. Ziop .404 Monday. with Mafeking friends., • . Mt. :Fred 'Pentland, of 'Dun&amion. has engaged to work •With, Mr \%:1l 'Irvin for a 'month.. The,Blake •W.M.S. met at the hopie of Miss May; Saunders, Thursday af,• ternoon.: There was 'a fair, attendanee afid_a good pregrani. All the ladies of the corigregation. are cordially .invited to these 'monthly ineetingS. , • . -Mr. and ••Mrs. J. C, Stothers and. ' family, Were: •up from London ever, •• .Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Blake and , Grace' visited friends near Blyth •Sunday., and .Mrs. Sam: Kilpatrick and ;Miss Olive visited friends inStratford last week. The latter remained in the city \viler% she -will take it Normal trainingcourse this year.; Mrs. Will Naylor, of Luckno,v,J, spent' afew days last week with her Sister. ' Mrs. Will 'Menary. „ A number of Junior Farmers and ' Junior. Institute members .attended weiner roast nt Mr., Alfred Andrew's , •Mondav eveeine, and repott' agood - • tole. • o o IT LESSENS ROAD DANGERS • Elsewhere in this Taper is an ad- vertisement Of it deviceo tvhich will creatly lessen thedang-er of riving' •t'au n tomobile .fog, ital.:1 or sleet. ThiS..is an improved windshield wiyer ,vhit.d.tautomatically wipes the shield . clean.' from end to end..23'to 40 times O minute., The pull Or•pitsh of a,:.;bUtton starts or stops it itistaetl?,.t Everydne •wlio has driven a; car knows the dan- rer of ram aiid snow on theli Wind - ;4h kin Thi "Stbritt "gwr i es-,ovit that danger -cleans; the windshield 40. times a minute. NV -Strath. of the Central Gar- age, Lueknow, has Seetired •tho local' nerenev. The regular sellint p lee ',is btit an. hand-ontrated or au- .tomatie winer now in use on yaiir 'car olole tiit<fin in exchange .fit The inctallation fee of t2.00 ,is uni- form' tlirolitihout Canada, and is not eoessive. Be Safe, Net Sorry.. .1 4