The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-09-20, Page 5•;.r ra THE LUCKNQW 'SENTINEL • 'lttr�>QAY, SEPT. 20th, '1928 THE T HARDWARE, OUTSIDE, WORK., , •• 'MARTIN SENQUR-NEW GLOSS ,'1vi11 I JM GLOSS; INT: WOODWORK,nt FINISH, 'FOR' FURNI11Jl;1 , WALT,S AN, • I'FI • CO.,NSIDERING' A NEW' STOVE FOR THE COMING` • CHILLY EVENING•S,'•PAY US.' A CA'LI. AN;1 SEE • T H E " McCLARY'S' COMBINATION ,. HEATER ANI. COOK' BURNS 'COAL OR WOAD,: MADE IN ,16 -in „OVEN• AND' FULL LINE OI` QUEBEC 'HEATERS.: • ' TORONTO: .11SPlALT ROQFING—:.IT'S ,THE 13E$T—A• . 'FULL STOCK, ALWAYS CINL HAND R ' CO'i:EMAN LAMPS. AND LANTERNS. ",BLUEBIRD" •ELECTRIC• WA$UERS CEMENT, LIME, PARIS -TONE AND GYVROC AL.WA�'S "lIAPPY 'THOUGHT" COAL' AND, WOOD 1 LRNACES:. • E :& Phone Lucknovv. H ardvware "Coal Plumbing Tinsmithing LUCKNOW' and WINGHAM Monumental : Works _lucknoly: _Ont ...r _, Hata.: the largest and most . complete stock in the most beautiful .designs to choose from. in , Marble, Scotch, Swedish and Can: sdian Granites• make W. ke .aeialt • a c . ' specialty of Family Monuments and invite your iaapec lracri,do ' '. Neatly, Carefoily '. .and • ': Prom tl . Don. • . . P 7 ,e 8.M" no before, piacing'.your` order,, ; Douglas ,Bros. Phone '74 Lucknow . R. • A. Spotton Phone '2fib Wingharr EACH kip $500, COSTS "Three.' hotel' keepers in , Bruce County have contributed, to the ub- lic':treasury.to, thy tune: Of $500' and costs each: The charges, similar In each,:case "having ligaor illegally" —were the outcome of .raids. by, Oen- 'stable Nelson and those 'who Co -op - 'irate' -with o-op-"crate-with him' on •.such : occasions,.:-,_ Last i week the first, , a Mildmay 'resident, ':found :himself '.short.' the ' 'haif hundred, in - 'additian . to legal ':fees;: and this week,'; two other cases were disposed of by , Magistrate Walker:: 'J. .11; 'Mosack of Cargill, in court here • Monda'y' afternoon, and Mrs. Brady: of Aiaberly, at. Kincardine:" Tuesday, pleaded guilty. to "having.". The 'Magistrate , reserved declaration:' of the punishment in the ,'Mosack case until , the following• morning, but Brady • h'eard...her fate at once., There were costs assessed,against the •accused,. of $16.50 • . and•';$28:90 respectively..-WiilkertonTelescope ADVERTISING • 'A CURSE • One .often' wonders what will "'be the next 'step. • iri , the :business world.. in regard to the advertising of' : con- • modaties ': that are; nothing but ,i urse to humanity. The latest; one ound • eniblazened. " on .tlie pages of P g. image' . ur cite dailies'• . tii srsof young woman : holding a 'cigarette' between • her fingers . ' to advertise a certain ::brand and : to entice' her in- nocent sisters'; to follaw in :her ,foot- steps, To right thinking ' people this is a reflection on tlic character of -the young womanhood of our land and the . ewspapers that lower, , their` standard to such advertising • are 'only, lending a helping .hand to that 'which would blight 'the lives of our young women,: placing them on .a• par with :those of the dark ages. `. The ,greed• `for' • • 'gain has induced. many to, advertise and also to accept, • such:.advertising. Let tts 'hope- that• t , ;the, young women •of Walkerton • Will . b..tlf 'i to itch .:' Millie -0th 0 refuse' ' o I sten s � statements and lead a better example by refraining from such a filthy' hab. fit, The strength of, the future race bill: depend wholly, upon` clean and' wholesome living . and not on' ''the ' action of parents . who weaken and ,polute. ,their systenis through the' seg- • tell :indulgence'in any habit that will ini.pair their physical.;, dtrength, hold .ung them In bondsgs 7 of �s awry from h1e -it a tot 11il .; •.ba ralea4i:d, b d � �i. $ .... , ..... . _._'4 n, W • Wi{Y :MOTORISTS REFUSE T C • 'Up O PICK' •U1• I :'� EI)ES'i'I2IANSy • Brock i t ,, ( q 1 e rR.ecordei-iip•tes) Circunrstan.tiai 'evidence is 'not 'a'1 ii'ays rel,iable.•Otfltand it must::be •ad- `nutted;' that to .pass' a weary' ped= estriari with a nice; •car, .in coldblood; 'witliout',,asking•,:iiim.,oi, her to',h'o in p. slid • have' a lift, 'is'••l and : hearted. -A real fe}lo v:• ahk ays;: shuts ' lila. eyes and, thrns his back when .going by • a 'man or woman walking, It 'is however p not so- cold blooded. as it:.an •eats. In . the first, place,. so far 'as inn ' arse con- cerned, not .a few kind-hearted. auto driver s: • and owners • have.; got . a' thunipin, •'on the' ,head or• behind . the ear 'front one of these innocent pas- sengers,. and wli€n they cone to. find their cash ,absent while :;ho lumps on;• tlieir- inat'orrly ;were; pres.i nt : One day, just' . east of: Prescott, a t entlenian with: red blood .in his veins took'. one:,.,of;•these, inno:^erit /looking pedestiaatis into. his • car :and "as the' 'Ilan was driving, himself; ;he had the. passenger sit ',with _him:: No thumping .took plttc ., but •riiien the' oiyner of the car went to. pay 'his ,hotel bill•`'at the •Chateau ' he discovered : that• . his . money had gone with his newfound •friend, • There• it a reason, too,' for not help '+ng out- even the best looking lady.on' the: road.' The liiwan -Ontario Seems: ':to,be a joke regarding ''the liability"o'f ' iutom:obile owners. For example,' if your' chaffeui• malas .a 'nut of,ylini- self, • the owner of the car i$ re5pnn, sib'le,, no matter, whether` the latter ' vas h fli'e car or not, The law 'hol'ds that the ,owner of a car hasn't,,,any ti iness to have fool cl fi'eur•',and; business. a ..lr' . , , . , ' :inv'ivay,' little or anytiii•ig could be collected from sone of'tiie chaffeurs, h o• he liable; the .nd s meb d nni.so a v , owner is the gent. But th re is a silly section in th Act somew+hci•e„which i provides that ..Joh"n Sinith asked• his. ,*neighbour, •Bill Brown, '.to go for a, ride and the latter complies, Smith 'is i' ronsibl '• if his friend..get iota el c fi in any accident that May take pl tee. F'ew there :be that 'Woul'd .be such ~mean cusses gas to tnice•advottage' of this `revisi • ' iii the law, but several.' 1? , or . i. being' done. case a e o� ec d of to 5 S r . These are the reasons„ end they're, good ones, why •n1en who. otheritise would gladly 'give pedestrians •a lift cannot aiffoid• to: tiri so, oltl�euglr• it hurts their. feelings , evet'; time they n1ss.`on. the road- a',n ersen who,,•un-• tier other c'ondttforis, they would be, ,.,lad to .assist TO SAVE THE MUSKRAT' The' Provincial •Governn ent has passed a law that mi nitiekrats krt:r to be: trapped for a period of at''le,'trlt one year in Ontario.. This, step hats. Wien, .ioufiil '-necessary quence of the tremendons drain' up"m our `wild fur -bearing' annuals' duo to the. increasing, pularity, .of .,:furs bnylnte,• for, and. at►tnmor Weiler. wiIni.EGtitatcri ..51r, anal I;,L,y ('tingle and Irelen, of Detroit, spent the week -end to the home, of Mrs. David Gillies., e �A iunrbet --.from.. here_Attencled. the: Young. People's Rally• held in Tees- vater•- Pres4yterian Char :h, last ,Tues jay',Afterripon• and" evening:'°. The. Women's 1nstitate,are ,holding t weiher,•and 'corn; roast'at4 the Forest- ar's, Hall on. Friday evening Sopt.,21. Everybody welcome.. miss ..Mae Wightnan ,spent last week with'MrS,,Roy Patto;,; at Lucan. ''.Whitechurch and r, community' were a e1T represented at' the London Fair last week Miss Barbara Weir visited : last week' with•relatives at• Toronto.. 'A numbr from here 'went to Wing ham on Sunday afternoon„to hear Rev Dr, Kannawin, .of, Uarniltnn who was speaking” in the Presbyterian church and was addressing the Sunday: schools in:particular. His address, Was very much enjoyed. Mrs. Cook, of 'Winnipeg: is • visiting her • daughter,. °Mrs.. Robt McClexiaghan; Mrs. Robt Ross, Donald „and, Ken- neth who have 'spent the;, past toy; months '.withherbrothers and 'sister in• the. West, returned home last. Fri day . evening: • _o .o'o L:ANGSIDE • Mr.: -'-and ;Lrs: George Harkness spent.Sunday with' Mr: and,' Mrs,' Angus Graham of near •Lucknow. Mrs., fRR��euben Tiffin is this. week in Detroit visiting her brothor's, Messrs. 'John" and •Harry 'Hayes. Mr,'and Mrs:Victor E::Terson 'spent Sunday with the. former's`.sister: Mrs.: J. Haggatt-of near Blyth:' Mr, and..Xis. P. Pennington visited recently with.Mr: Wendal Taylor., The 1 ondon;'Fair had a:good repre• - etit tion. Erin this locali_t'y=tkte Lcik sowing •. being there: ,' dessr's. • George •Tiffin; .Wm• Conn, Wallace' Conn, •Jim Pettypiece, Herb Pettypieace, ' Jack Johnston,• also Mrs., J. Johnston and A very Pleasant eventn' was sPent • at• the home of •Mr.' and* Mrs.Wesley h Young • Tiffin b t e y folks. Y. ity and ra' few •.others 'from White_ h r gathered -for acorn u ch when they' gate and a..weiner roast. The evening was spent toasting corn•coeking:;tvein=. i 1 .,rs .and.. butter n 'buns .and g POY µ_, e. l' ame': 11 •re ort .sur}i a.. wond r�u 8 s A P .. •and s eh' goodfee: of .weiners an bun . d s Was 1 e i ..ld the. S. meeting �v .at 'A W: M g home of Mrs l 1 er Tiffin last We d - nesday afternoon. w iv r. ` week=end.„ A 'little boy 'Orr ed, .lY s and Mrs.. : oln` at'•the borne .of; Mr. nd M J Crowston ,: • • The Th 'Whitechurch' Women's Institute. held: their':Septernber: • meeting• at the .home of Mrs. V. Emerson A very interesting programme -was :prepared. i Thet endanc aS for:.c on. at the oc. asa Y►' IToIyiotld school •Fair .s :this: Tues -, day afternoon and • nearly atl.• the local ity •are' away attending' it —o o -o--- GODERICIL ` ~Fines imposed by -Magistrate -Reid in the month, of August, Totalled $63' ..ind in addition costs' amounting. too ,•189.20 were .assessed,' against offend i s. Analysis • of ,the charges for which' fines. Wore imposed •, shows' elven cases of .reckless driving, three: of speeding, one •:of driving, without groper ;markers, "`one ` of. •,allowing i.inar':to.drive, one `of faibng.to turn a ;o. the;..ight to allow another vehicle to pass, and, One of :mussing'unneces- • ear y nose when 'driving a,• car: There' -were 'three cases of intoxicatibn, tiV:o 'of having•liquor in a:Place .other than a private residence' (in one of ,these cases the offender went to jail ,for' a month din defatrlt o f paymentaent of the fine ' of $100 "'and costs), one •of al- lowing 'drunkenness l-lowing'drunkenness in the :home, two of having liquor not acquired on a her mit (in one case flue fink of. $1100 and costs was not paid, and 'the' offend- er Went to jail for one rnonth.), one of theft, two of,. breaking and entering ,and ' theft, one of o`ostructing ' an ofeer; one of illtreati.ng an animal, n i nse. In' of peddling without a 1 ce nepe ng rine case of driving witliotit an oper- ator's license' and one of driving 'without proper lights, a''jail: sentence of ten ,days was givert in default of ;ptaynient • of fine. ' Four cases of 'driving while intoxi-• ratedwere punished: ,by a �jai1 sent ence of seven. days in each case;, for theft of a car (two chargee against the' sante man): one yea.," in the Re-' formatory was'�prescribetl, and for a case of vagrancy six months at Bur- ;wash,. A. roan convicted if neglecting •t& support • his . wife ' was erdered4'ta hand, over $5 „a week. Sentence" was suspended in two 'cases of theft.. Four charges Were diniissed. All• of 'which is evidencethat the magistrate has a fairly; busytime and ha ugh'i it tye:oof ihliset•y rlli tr h ,hii,attor i " • • ;. any ap;rnan has lost his hard-earned savings.;because :. of the fatal Imre 'Of high . . interest,. A safe general :yule °to'.reriieniber i -�--- thiw. hi iter the it te,rest`, the tre a"ter- ;t1e • risk PUT YOUR SAVI NG'S INTO A SAVINGS ACCOUNT. in'tl ie Established 1817 �Vhere, t. • reasonable; 'interest and be safe:'; will earn :'a •'4IUST NOT' ADVISE ASSESSOR l "A .case: cif interest:, to all municipal'. councils, recently came before.. Judge' Lewis, of Goderich. It 'wasp • the.' ap- peal of 23: ratepayers ;of: thevii}age of Blyth ` in the County. of :Huron a. •gainst'their assessment. •� 'The ''menbers . of Blyth council wished 'to' boost the '•: assessment of- the,village for .1928 and thus lower,' the•,.tax rate: They asked; the assessor for' 1927. to meet the council and talk oyer the• situati•n: He ;refused to ?bg! •a• party to the consultation as would, he, considered .;it' woo, be 'interferin g With,the judgment of property values. °' The council ' appointed ' a .', new as- ,lessor for 1928,' and in January 1928, a meeting of the council was called b '.the .Clerk: 'Of :•the'` nunici ality :.at Y. p which the :new assessor I.ttended. All, the different assessments were gone over and in a number of -cases pencils •marks •• on the changes proposed were madeon 'the assessment r of 19.27' Which theyoll had before'thern. The new, assessor, ;under .oath, states that • he ,dict not :take the `. settled: .upon, as; •absolute, but Used..his. own' jiidgment, stating that ; he 1}.ved ' in the `.village for a' great many. years. and knew all •the properties:: and. their valttes and that '.hes did' not, discuss. the” valnes of any propertied• or make' the enquires suggested :by the statute or personally inspected the.pro,perties. unless when 'he 'went around with the final 'notice of ,assessment, and then in 'very few cases. ' ' Qver • 60; .,Of 'the ratepayers whose assessment: had been.. increased ` ap- neared : at the Court of Revision, and as .03 of these were•.dissatisfied With. the decision Of the ; Council, 'they ap- pealed to''the `.county judge. The' ass-: essor of Wingh'ani was 'brought in as an expetrrieneed valuator :and his judg- nient was accepted by. Judge: 'Lewis: who 'reduced the ` assessment ..of the whole' P.. ' The. village of • Blyth: was•` soaked for the whole cost of• the'case. and - the " Wingliam •assessor '''was • lowed $25'for the three drys' work:' It seems. the 'assessor for' 1928 never .took the oath of office. .There's a lot of'iommon sense in; all• ieipal Acts.':It shouldn't be neces- Mun p a . to' refer to '.the statutes, to know s ry , that the work 'of an assessor cannot be interfered with by the members' of the council', How•could be go on i. e '•heWere inter-, 'u d to n if i Own t hsa >* fered withg He gets advice and -sug he. gest}ons .from property, owners,as )Oakes: his 'rounds' without the Council pointing out what properties should be "raised. The ,assessor' e'ett his ap pointmerit --because he i's` a- 'man •' of ind '` d nef9t "tt '""'values" a Rl canes° not •'be "influenced 'tb rai5 i or 'lower assessment9 by. :those who • employ hint:. br thiole, whom. he assesses." DIAMOND GUTS DIAMOND Lloyd George is' fatuous for the edge he tan put on 'hi"s, temarks..nut' it;anisay :.acDonald. can say ''things',. too., lfe Speaks of Lloyd',George as a spent force politically; and adds that an.amusetnent. tax ought to be placed On "lite msettngs Lloyd teorge. is '101444' • WHERE. MOTORS `11'lAl{E `NEW • .• '.PROBLEM What farmers 'of 'even twenty ,year ago, "for;: instance;. would believe that to -day it is'actually •ampossibe to tali° a load of'grain across a`eountrYroad, on ;account of the 'heavy .traffic 'of` au- tomobiles ? , And "yet, that'' very thing -oceured iii. -Kent' Cowaty the•; other day,; A fernier along the. provincial. highway decided to, thresh his.'grain. •The -.threshing machine:. vas'7set .up near the,bern, and teams. and wagons' .were on hand to haul the gain .from field: i 1d ' ' the e•But- the :engine tooted in vain ,for ;the: sheaves of wheat to'•feed theseparator: The field '• was situated on the other side f • n ; h o , ..the highway,' , u The •wa on ' were 'leaded a h s and ,"ready ,dy t o� :i Was bu"t t w ihi o o g p ss.ble 'to' ret• them'acr thei oss highway. owing• ;toah steady; 'strea of traffics; .. -' Thers sa ` � Nance of the po1•ice' was sought, ,to so' 'regulate'. the auto' . traffic .that : the. v, agons cross the 9pavenient:'' .And All. this happened on a:' country;' road w:hiCh only a compar lt1TGltr, short':•' ; ,figure `ago was practially. napassible .'' •chit i i Ing• the Spring, i .season on '•' account.eaccount.of the deep; si. tici .y Mud. —Chatham :News • • '• —000 KINCARDINE The Rev.'..T. IJ Farr 'for' p, ast•1 i years lector• of the. Anglican"h '` Churc' here will give up his charge'and leave Kincardine at' the end' of October:'.'.' Mr, Farr cans to ..Kincardine_ from;� Kith' in '1915, ..and, during' the war: he was one of't:tbe' towns most active '. citi,enPatrticwork of every. `. kind:..From `here Mr.. Farr • will go 'to S.t..,Johns •near. London, t.. • f' . . ' Duro •Advisor y Service is '• free. Ask Duro about yottt' . water supply before buying a water s s y tem.: Why take a .':clydncet , RE you ,hesitating ,to install a g pi - modern automatic Water sys • tem because' .of some uncertainty, .:'+ 'such as cost, size, capacity, 'etc. , .. We. will' • W stud bur problem ro � ., p b em and ; Make definite recommendations' based' .on , your individual require- menta. ' We will uaranteeyoucom,• pl etely satisfactory Water Service'ori, a mciney back basis --no matter when 'you • live or .what your source ' of water , supply.. Duro 'snakes: an Automatic Water ' System .for every possible >usc . ' deep we11s, shallow wells, cisterns, springs -capacities ranging front £50 to 1200 gallons per hour.. . " "Come a in and: -We'll demon- strate, Duro-features to, you ;.and,,:'qel?not ri es:.y°N 'rl' oislr _ •_,ti.:+ 4.. gatrn. The 1 ni:pire Brass Manufacturing 'Co," London .'1'oronto.'Winnipeg Vancouver For male i;y' WM: •M1. Rilil?4 ,ON Y: Duic Guarantees Sa tisfactory Water Service ^ :r