The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-09-20, Page 1• V44,04, !iii:iE'Ag IN ApyA14,6.4;..10'.50 .'011-I'Ertivp:t.' CKNOW, O.,. tr, • • ▪ THIJRSDAY SEPTEMBEre.20th 192 , , • • • • . :SiNGLE cop:INO 5 CENTS hysIc3anand Surgeon ' Lacicnow •- }.Xigrsi • 1.10-1.3i1 . 'Phone 86 ,g; DENTIST'. ;Dr, MacLeod will visit ..„ Lucknow every TneSday,, in Dr, • COnnell'i Offiee." • DENTIST , •Dr R L Treleaven, Lucknow— Over . Decker's Store.' Extraction* eitherby gas or local Will be -in Dungannon every Thursday. Phone 53, - Geo A Sidtiall, Lacintow,.'Brolter and Real Estate.—Money to lend ol first: mortgagee; on f,carm proper- ties at (C and 6% per cent according to .security ' offered Also small amounts. on secondmortgageson. farm properties and' on „personal notes. A. few good farina' for sale , . —WALLIPAPER—A-full-lina.of.1928 Wall Paper on hand. Prices from 8c up. I am also agent' for leading job, houses.—R. J. Cameron, ' Decorator .Painter and Grainer, Box 174, Luck-' Wanted—Fresh Eggs, Live Poultry , Any quanity. Write for weekly ,prices. Twin City Produce Market—Box 264, Kitchener, Ont. ' ' (27-9-c) • POTATOES -.7-7-ItzYncr-w,antato-hav-e-N o.--1--eating- ' potatoes •now is the time to ordei your winter supply. . , John Joynt (20-9:c) • . • . • • FOR SALE—A Piano that has been used for a,short time, Will be sold at Reduced Prue, at W.G...Andiew's. • FOR SALE—Top 'buggy, steel tires; in good condition. '• • John. 1VlacLiod, Lucknow (27-9.-:-c) • ' • ' FOR SALE—West _half of, Lot- No 2, Con..5, Kinloss,, containing 50 acres ' more or less. For further particulars apply to Wrn.O. Hall; R. 7, 'Lucknow, ., 127,-9-p) ' . . ; FOR SALE EdisonQperaF Phonogph,•Tperhianent, needle, - 50" records, good tone. Very suitable for school or • home—$20 00 ' T. 'S. Reid VILLAGE. or LUCKNOW . . Court -of Revision • - Notice -4a-thereby given that a eourt. will be held, pursuant to the, Ont- ario Voters' List At,' by his Honor, the Judge' of the ounty Court of the County of Bruce,'..at the Town Hall,' Lucknow, -on -the. -24th -claY of - September, 1928, at 2.15 o'clock P. M., to hear and determine complaints of , errors and omissions in the, Voters' • List of, the Municipality of the Vil- lage at Lucknow, for 1928. ' • Dated the llth day of September. 1928.7.7 -Jos. E. Agnew Clerk of the Municipality. of the Village of Luck - (20 -9-e) •KINI,OdS TOWNSHIP Court Of Revision , Notide is hereby given that, a court will be 'held, pursuant to The Ontario :Voters' Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge „ of the County Court of the County of Bruce at the Town Hall; Lucknow, on the 24th day of Sep- . tember, at 2 o'clock afternoon, to hear' and determine complaints of er- rors and omissions in! the Voters List of the Municipality of the Town- ship of Kinlossfor 1928, Dated Jibe '- '.7th day of September, 11,28.—Geo, G: 'Moffat Clerk of the Municipality , of the Township of Kinloss. , :71 TENDERS , /Tenders' Will be received by the Andersigned, •for Refreshment-Bdoth privileges in the Agridultural Grounds on ,Fair Days, Sept. 27 and 28 ,next• up to. Saturday the 22nd inst. at 6 , o'clock .P. M. , . No 'tenders necessarily aecepted. Joseph Agnew, Sec. L. A, S. • . BICYCLES ON THE" STREETS • It loolr very much es :though, if greater: care IS not taken,' there Will be a tragedy on the;Streets of Luck- late,V,a,,,tragedy..oa Which a.:boy_nn'a ,bidirele- will be the victiM Any one Vdtehini 'the Joys Ither_Stieetiinust see that they. take.!.altogether- too 'great ehances. -We have seen'a num- ber a boys -crossing and re -Crossing 'the ,StreetffIVIiile''earS';Were tding* east and west The traffie law rimy' not say any- thing about ,a bicygliSt`tUrning abeut. , •at 'places other than at a crossing, but thebicyclist who does so is taking'the same chance .as'tloei the driver *.who tarns about With hia •etta'Materists ettnntit,lie-fexpected to •.; know* what the boy On awheel intends to do, and in the event of a collision the boy is lire to get the weret d it, lust ite the :motorist does Wien he •'priea to beat: the rallwag train. . Lint'knOw .1;'ell 'Fair ' neit week -7 Thufaday and:Friday. Mz Lovell•lVlardach'is home - aiter a tWo-Week's vacation in Toro ,Get the "Life Buoy" lanfg-•11.ubber •l3pots at W. J. Little's .Shoe Store. • • ' Mr -S. Irene Ea- Frariee, of Detroit; Mich visited week v, . 1.and ..igks. H. •J. Liridsay. ' Horseshoe° Pitchers will- have an- other opportunity to .exci•ciae• " their' skill at the Lucknow Fall F'air--Sept. 27th and 28th. This part of .Ontario .experienced first heavy frost of the•fall season Tuesday neght. Where has the sum- mer gone? • • The Lucknow Choral 'Society is be- ing re7orgarnied .and it is expected that .a practice Meeting will be held the -evening' of October 2nd. Messrs.:. Charles and .Guthrie,,Hood whose hoyhoqd days were spent in the vicinity of Luckeow, were over from ..tluff.alo last Week meeting a few of their former friends. The Ivo brother ,left here in 1876 and.this is but their second return. .. " • .• An aereplane whish iis,e4 Mr. Ewart Taylor's grass. (le1d, as a -n "airpert,” raPpeared to do a fairWavaint Of busi- ness giving patrena:.sliest eXcursions few hundred feet ,above the earth. The machine' was managed by a eouple. of young telloWs Who, apparently Italie, -inVegted-i-rrit-a-r•e-bre'sloesis: pi 0P�STI ,fion.'They left .° Wednesdtly morning for TeeSwatce. . • . • . JA.• Mi •11IiitOrt NeYlor, -.vho has been • lelivering:the Mail on Routes Notwa, and sieven is givieg .epthat line of Work and Will 12:''0 to Toronto where he as taken; a poSitipn,..with the street ailwaj cornm,thy..'Tite Contract. fee maii on Route7, is aboet, o expire Mid Mr. Nayloi. has' sold the :ontract,. on • No 2., to ay. rdax Ra- iud :Naylor will have an auction ;ale of his •outfits, household .effects. etc. on Saturtitty,, Sept. 22nd. o'.0-0-- .BUS1NESS"ClIANGE, ' . . . -After being seven years ,in the but - lei husinesS,' here, .Mr„ Wellington fiendersen las sold. ont.to Mr. Joseph MacMillan, •a soh of Mr: Miles Mac: \lillan Ihc change • wiTh take place •••,he first ,of 04ober. Mr. MacMillpri- has' been on the farin 'vvitiLltis,father- and brother 1. tne, Past year, Heti:we that he had been : for a number of years..in:the Canadian We:A.. ' THE k FALL .FAIR NEXT WEEK ' All artangements are completed .for •the 1-„licknow. Fall. Fair on 'Sept .27 and 28—Thursday and Friday of next week. Everything look..pronils- :lag. F'ublic interest and, demand for the Prize. Lista have been quite un to that of "past' years 'so, that all that , . , needed now is a good: day. The skat- ing' rink which IS used .fer the -inside exhibits 'has lieett re -shingled .sq, that. in, the event of rain everything will be dry. and in good conditten.. / It ..may not be amiss to 'direct the attention of sqhool boardsand school teachers ,to the School Drill ,e,ompe- tition, conditions of whish will be found on. page 24 of the Mize List. The prizes offered foi this, competit- ion are' $15, $10, and $5.00-,LoPen to Public SchoOls. horseshee-pitching • tournament such as attracted so, attention last Year will be a feature. or Eriday afternoon. GoOd. prizes lire Offered and there fire two classes: -Men GO years of ageand younger/ mena • . LEFT HERE to YEARS AGO Jacob Miller of town recelyed Word the •other day 'that his brother James 'had died :suddenly in Alberta. Ile was* employed as a:collector for the Inter. national , Harvester Company and whilestaying at in hotel "tor .thd evening:suffered a heqrt attack; after ..aupPe1. and died ina very. shott tim0.. Janes:Milfer ;left here 40: years:age igoing then to CaliiineC, MishFT soon went to!llanitota,but of late ,'Years. has' been liei1 Ednitinto.n..,8ince goittr• to MiChifr,an .he never revisited -his heine- here .al his, people. rarely Aleard - of Mm.,12& was •married Mid 'leaVesi. tWo gioWn up datiglitCeS.'A His., wife died fwe years 'ago; Mr. Miller*Was; 28 years of age when' he,left 1ere, so that at; the time of lila death be wetild be -63 r 64, • ,110IRN • 1:108VItt-ln Grand Rapids; Mich, On Sept. Oth, to Mr. and Mrs 4 G. R. 'Aft'1 f I OSe wOS orrner y MIS'Oartruda Oegley,) 171 -.Ek '1•Ak;I:4 PAIR' coNcgitt, , ; The Secretary �f Agricultural' . . Society feels that he has secured ex- Ontinn1 talent for -the cOneert to, be iiven,eir.the evening of Sept.,2?th, 0,(411:artists;.all efahigh Order..These whp hkive'.. heard Dtincan Cowan, are in their -in:aiseS• of hirn,as:.an all- round entertainer;'Mr. Fred' Alexan.: ,ler gives ' excellent muaie.ort'the con- ertina ether instrainents: IMO Elnia Angus is delightful as; a High, andancl fancy dancer. and Margart 'Clemens has:a fine reputation as a „pianist and accoinpanist. All seats are .reserved-Tiekets On sale at Me - Kim's. • . ibTQR WREcKS,431.7.-GGY • MOlORISI IN HOSPITAL - Travellers on the Durham Rod, l'hursday..night of last week saw the wreck, .of htiggy and .4 .Motor 'car .which 'had crashed inte_it,a short dis.- tance .w.e,St. of, KinIoss: Village.. Mr. James, Glass had been driving the. .buggy„ and was overtaken by , 'car driven. by )3en Ruttle "going •inlhe ..aine direction. The car•seenis to have 'lit the bi!iggy. pretty squarely as it was right on top cf'•the wieckige'by the, ioidsde Mi Cla.i WaS thrown /dear' of the, buggy nd• got off with ,only •a few seratchea. Mr': Rattle suff, .eredsevere injuries and was taken to -Kincaid i he --Hos trita.h-jt.--,-IS7"Said-,-th at, Class had 'a light onhis buggy and was:,driving-fo ,the side of, the yoad ut,Ruttle evidently failed to ice him - in time. ' * :CAR BURNED' ON:Tug RoAD. Mi .. Kenny .Mitcporiald .of,Kinloss lest his Chev touring 'ear in. A. verY 'few niinntes list '1 hutusi-ty night on •lhe. 13oundari ..few Imiles,•'weSt.,. .1,ucknoW; It Was a "ease ,of now you hai'7e it and noW .yoii haven't; MacDonaldyWaS ciriviiig west and •net.a •conPle. of • llaiekhoiv lads ''whe. had ion out of gasoline .while Motor:-. Mg; 'home 'fain the. :Street' Opening •-r! elebratiori, 'at Kineardine. -Mr: •Mac. underteek. to dra-,V: Sonie joie - 'line •froin his tank to b transferred .to the: tank of the :stal1:20, Foi d It as ,a,"good time te:,have a•Smoke, iid One ' of the lads etrtieVa• match 'with which.' to .,•light up. • The 'atmosphere had irlecoifietiiige WItn: gas ;and 'In in instant the gasoline Wei on fire ,and it, took only a few aninetes,to ie duce •ill that 'was .combustible of the car:to ashea, MacDonald who waserne. The llaIh bc (Iry ed had one of hisThiands 'rather , . brallburneil„ The 'Ford.ear was far enough away td escape. the .cerifl'ag- ratidn.,. •• • . •Jc.-NICE PIECE, OF yorm . • That .handsome:piece of woodcarv- ing on display in Davison!s window IS the • work of a backWoods pioneer artist who lives in the country near North bay, Ont. The work: We Kip'- . • • , nos' is a combination of pastime and 'buSiness:C.When in the Nerth .a few weeks ,ago Mr. Geo, T. Aitcheson dis „ . covered this piece • in a drng stere show window, and thin%itig it too nice to he ;tiniest out Of the world tip there he •bought it ,and '.fetched it home. • The piece represents a• pinnacle of rock with, ;a. deer ,With Splendid ant- lers on,'"Inp. and, On a shelf beneath. any 'eagle •with outspread wings. It is all 'carved front a short basswood log, evidently Without any .gluing or patch- ing, It suggests no sniall measure of Skill on the part' of the backwoods craftsnian, , ' •• APPLES- THAT KEEP , • Mr.. Sterling MaePhail, of Goderieh. N'110. knows a good. dealabout, apples. dropped in at our offiee the Other .day to show,' a fine 'specimen of. the 'Ont.-. 'arid apple';which, he said, ne' had ..re,e ceived from. Kenneth. cateton about a year IT had in fact,received basket ftill of *these. VerY--firie' apples. tie& ,after haVin-g• them on displaY to 'COU7IT: produce;!sbe,,,set',Jhe :basket' 'away;.in.ti. 000l corner of his cbliat.iind'apPareete Iv...forget about .thein-nntil. the pother' dn. On examining, the itepleahe wae. nIeWsantly surprised to pild them all ,in 'ex,cellent Condition. 'They had Tellowed .and mellowcrlwith Age but were •titiite, firm, On presenting .cou Pie ,;talioni ',I-0 • Mr; •CaMero# ((ameron) quite failed to recognize the *nit 'Alla :decided that it Must have corne trot*R„ C. as Orrbiriba did- n*tcol0i that Way in their home, pro Vince. On being cut Open the ape‘dirrien we #1A .provedtobe clalte sound but if had loaf inneh Of itd'julte VOrt e • and fia- RCKNW AND viciNT,Ty sEPTEMogR, 10 • . Notes From The Sentinel' • At ; , The Opening of The ,Century meteen Hundred— That's only. 28 years *ago, \; bet ladgiag by the ad;,, vertiiing colnpitis of 'The. ..'Sentinel of that '.day.' and ' this, the business change4are some -hat remarkable, and Makes one 'speculate aA to Whb will be . dotrig busiriess here .when the • next ojuarter century ha's gone hy.• • In September' 1900 large display advertisements were being published' by; J. G. Murdoch and•,*CO:, William' .Connell, D. C. Taylor,. W. J. Grenache, R.. D. •Canieron, B. 1VIcClure, and Johnston, R. W. Murcheson, R. Moody,: II. G. Armstrong, Themes. Lawrence, „ A. Tr,, Davidson, Mrs. Gollan.'Musie was being taught by Mrs., A. M, Armstrong Edith Smith and Mrs. P. Kee. .. ,Drs. Tennant and Gordon -published professional (arc's. and ,MeSsra. Oar - row; Malcomson and: Morrison offered legal cervices.•,:o. ,The following lodge cards appear- ed: C. :O., F4 L. 0. Fi; L 0. O. .F.; A, P. and A. im.:; C. 2. t, F. (Chosen Friends); 1, 0. F. and A. � W. W. - Kincardine. Eigh, seho,i).: was inak;. ing a• bjci for students .from this dis- triet„, John Joynt was asking for •apples for his .evaporator. • Turning to the news ' iteina, we find 'that' the„ contract .for "granalithic sideWalks'•in the village 'as let to a• • . . Cheinh 'firm at. eleven . centsper square foot The work was to Cont mence at once �n bdth sid,es'Of .Canip,• hell street .frorn Inglis. street to Have - leek; and , to be completed in .Sept. „Lucknow was playing football then. . and a team had gone to Dengannon. .where it won a victory -=score ,. :A meeting of the ••Show" directors had decided to :hold the an- nue): ,• ,shoui On October,. 3rd. ' In the St.:- Helens: 'Corresporidefice we -notice that the Rev. S. M. Whaley had:. returned after 'spending his vac- ation at MOkhatn. The Rey'. C.' M. Rutherforil anc.1 his son Roswell who had spent a few Weeks at ,St.' Helens were about to return: to New York: jehri•MilleT's handsome neW, residence + • ' was nearino, completion." 'Here is a note froni the Dungannon Correstiondent. We dot ,,,,get the -meaningi, Perhhps Mr McNab eari eNah, our get -die egg7 buyer had quite a number of "bad eggs" inhis load one evening last • The Aeath if Mis._GeOrgei_,Struth- ers, .formerly, , Miss' T.r•eleaven. was ' reported. In, the issue •�f Sept. ;14th," 1900 we read sthat themonth. of August of that year Was the, "hottest ",Aug-. ust , in the history of atmospheric statistics in . Canada."' A . few iecajs of that. date :read: r. D. Nichol left' on Thnrsday for St John N. B., to join, her hus- band, who had accepted „a position 'NN'ith•.a loan I company in,that `fMr.: John.. Henderson' left on TIMrS, da morning to 'joinhis father at the. S'ci‘o.'M'"isses , 'Edith an.d.I.Lain:a''l SMith. left on Tuesday to visit friends in Georgetown and Toronto." , "Mr. D; R. MacIntoSh and. Misses Ethel and Kate were in TOronto teat 'Week., Miss Ethel' hag', re8Omed 'her studies at Shaw's 'Conimercial College• , The death (if Mr. .H. ,213.' O'Connor,' lawyer at Walkerten, was reported; Also the death of little .Bert 1/1ccoryle,, of Lucknow„ ' A. Holyreeci: correspondent that ,Tarnes Kenny had gone' on trip to Micht,gan; that (mite a.number, had attended the ,ixhibitie'ii:at Lend - on, in that a ierriffe.„.wind storm hod -blown down much of the freit.. ., • . siij • The Sentinel of .Sept.'21, 1900 con- tains ,two reariage notices of special interest to our Aghfield rehderi, They are as follevtisf johnston— Blake -On Sept. 12, 1666 at the residence of. the 1.21.1ile,'s father,. by the -Ito/. F. it 'Oatee, Ph, 11:. :Richard Johnston " :to ',Ainnie...-Blake.. ".-iliciiglite'r--Or 'Make, -all Of Ashfield. . , Hackett,Lane-On Seek. V, 1600. '.at. the ,re.sidence of the bride's. lather, Ire-tOateit;•4DaVid-,-11:- TIatkett to ,Tda E..datighter of .1.amei. Lane, nil, of Ashfield. • - There Wa§ a heavy apple -crop in. this Part 10 1900 and as buyers had „loat.;heavily;the.year Iatbre only 50c per barrel was offered' , for good al)1110.,s; Another not in the •same paper states that only *Oe a • barrelwes being raid in the 1,,icinitY of Guelph Where the 'year previous $2.6.0 hadbeen. paid, • 4Centinue4 en page 8,) ..The OrOad. 1 -of gealth ,HOVIS.offl t Tit), oua .41QUALITY',. HOiVIE NIAPE; WHOLE Wi1EA1 N :RAISIN BREAD—IT ' IS MADE •FROM TIIE VERt 13Es1 ING,REDIgNT8SPECIALs, ; • • Cream .pulia,leceil Rolis, JeJly RolIa..'•ChelSea, Buns, Coffee 'Cakes,. , Fig : Squarea,Apple Pies,' M'aple 'whInitt Tarts, .Queen Cakes Rastiberry Tartlets, ..ehocelate •Marshmallow Jake s .HOLLYMAN'S BAKERY Phone 36 ' Lucknow CH URCII NOTES ' The Rev.. Mr. Connors, cif London; 4 one time re 01 St .° Peters Church here,".was'11 town Over the ,Week -end and 'coialiicted the 'Sunday. services in the . Anglican Churches' here:and at .St: Helens. '‘ • : • , ThO Weinerr.s ;Missienary' Society; Conference '(Centre Section) 'of flur, en ,l)reshyter:ial 'oeiety, of the United Church' Will be hold in:Ontario. St. Churet, Clinton, on •Thursd.y.,' Sep.t. 27th, at 10. a.m. and 2 p.ra. All Aux• MissiOn 'Bands, etc.., of this Sectiori•are cordially'invited .attend. • Airs.' Childs, 'of London, and Mrs. MacIntyre, Qf Toronto; Mill be pi•Osent.'and apeak.'s, l'rleihleiytoet)relialeii;Igb,onillodet.in'g'..o'i the Itouru.1 Peoplo?s..ptild of. the Presbyterian Church, for., the 'ati-tam .term, wa .held on Monday evening .rs th a, good attendance,. The,. progr,im: was 111 charge of the S S Teachers..After the ; Devotional exercises,.a, reports.„91 :the Young People' Rally held in Tees waterj,.on the llth of ..Septernber was elver' by 'Miss May D.ouglaS. Mr., P. ilt•Orant gave the report,of the even- 'ing Seesion. Mr. Wigg'..gave the 'let& , . , . ,on .• the. ``ScottiSh, CoVeriapterS. The musical selections were, a 'chorus by .Pern; Raid's an inStru- , . , niental .solo ' by MiSs'ICatherine Mac- Kenzie, and .'aVoel .solo: by 'Miss Mary . AitcheSen, ending a very' pleasing: and it ..pregram: :The president• exPre:ssed .regret'. that '-th_e Guild was losing Miss Mae Daviserr as secretary,. :treasurer. Miss Mary,: Douglas ,W4•S: 'erected in her ..piaCe.. Miss., Margaret MacDonald vas : elected press;seey, 111 the absertee Of Edwin...Smith,`novi.at ,Wingliarn. Announcement , was .rnade, ,that next Monday the Guild -,vill enter- tain'the students and teachers of the Wig.g".:,ciosed the. meeting with. prayer. SOUTH. IONLOSS . On 'Wednesday of.last week good number of ladies gathered at the Chinch.where the meeting' of ,the W: M. S. was 'held. Opening', hyren 770; Scripture reading from John' 15th ch.. by".•Mis MacKay; prayer, by Miss Nicholson. Our roll call was, restiond.-- ed :te, by il-nahip of one of our miSS., ionaries in Ja'pan. It was suggested: .that there be • a .(ninbined thank -7 offering mectipg of W.M.S. arid "Miss - len Band io be held Th. October, date' to he. set later. After sieging.liyinn 6g6, two good papers ' r ere given: "Wrk h .Wostern Canada,!' by .Miss Annie *AIaci,eod, and "Outlook and Results :of 'Mission ,Work," by Mrs., Allister Hughes. The preSident gave It' reading on "Prayer!): •,'11,,'411ITECHUR'CII • •,The rezdar' monthly • meeting of -the -Wiliteckureh. Branchi,ot the We, Institute ,was held at the .home Of Mrs, 'Nieto- Emerson' op Prida- aftermion, 8.enternber, 14, The meeting was, as usnOl, "rei wll ette)ide,d. SPreridid papers on i,par,ent Training" wereread hv i I,. Graia• and Iis Borbara )1.7eir, vocal solos :by :1Irs. T.. Davidson rind -a duet . by . tsflivi d - 'son and Mrs..,,W.. T (ltt i ith harp' a- ccenipamiment by 'NIA's. ‘Drividson„ also se1c'ctT�n 1t Oortrudt,'.',qartin _and-recitatiok by...._„-Ma..4140:, 'Clifford .,PeaTier'" helped' to Make the' pro - Om 1i44.s-a-n1 os'i; .enjoyable my,' Poring. ;the meeting arrangments •We16 Made' ' for 'a- s1ni iotst i1itcTi ill T)Olicid" oniidvt,Tpfl,11elc,thhL2l mr the PAre•Stor:-s: Hall groundiat:White- , church. THUR. FA/, a.hd SAT. --.Sept. 20 21,2.1 Special "A ,TgxAs §thEFO.. with , WILL RODGERS and Comedy ' „ Pirker,Duofold Pens • . $.1 and,87 • Pencils io Itiatch, $3,$3.50'and $4, For '‘ School or Home Work get Parker DuOfoid too your school work • faster, easier with this 'Master Pen that Writes ,with Pressureless ..Touch. Non -Breakable • • Capac- ity . Jewel/ -smooth Point,. Take Your Oick. of 5 smart colors at our . pencounter. : rmstrong 'jeweller ancl, • Optician : 17,;()1Eit, RIPLEY PHYSICIAN: .DIES FOLLOWING 1110T0ii" AC,cIDESIT*' • Pr., ,Williarn John Sniith, a.native of RipicY, :and •for a' number of .years , , practising physielan there,: died in St, Michael's- Hospitall l'oronto, . on :Monday Of this Week.1/110-r., SMith had sufferedterrible injuries in' a meter accident 'on Lobar Day when:the ear22:2 hewas-riiliner in was hit by a railway 'engine, at a level 'crosiling at Brant! fOi.d. 'He hadsustained internal. in- / juries as 'well hs.'haing both legs and an arm :broken. •' • : 1)1 rilth iVas'a son of s mith and the fate 'Robert Smith, and wag , 'ears' of age„Ile graduated in Med- in toying ;Memory of John. James who.diod Sopt..the 1.7th, 1025 Throe years have ,passed since that sad day, . Oat called the ,one W0 lOved away. Fo'rget, • hint, ne w�, ne7er • W As ;years roll on 1OVC hhn still ,84.41y mi$iedby wife and. iino at ,Toronto owl nine years' Ago inlieliced at. Ripley.; After .taking a post-gradnate course in England he went to Brant(oril and in 'partner- • ship, with Dr F, • Vanderlip enjoyed large practice... ' Dr:' Smith leaves a, widow: ty,i1tiss and .two . • iThildren,, Pis mother, and., brothers, Jam e' M.IIWart, and .01ivor and thigh rCside at itiater Hobert kjpflirjoit Mrs.. 'rout, 0 Sister lives in Kitchener; -- also sistors 'Hy° at Alipl-;y, The re- mains. were .interred tt DrAntfo'rti,.op- We.dnesday atternoon. KINCARDINE • , ,• 'A. petItion to have , a. set'tion of P1lnees5. Strede.paVO'd thiS fail IfaA p'eeeived',•tho favetable •Consideration. o aild poitsiftho street will lo Dave& to v.rid.th of "di :root and Part feet: The foundry property,i1iih is ned h. the tomit mil hiCh hnS been uttoceumed for some tote is being offered /Or Artie.