The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-08-02, Page 2`7 77�— A -7777774 V IWO!% A. -- lte� 4= A, k iie -be, b 'Fly g, in W,� A$%,er a naoi vp tile * " I * I , , S" kbvd, No, CL "M S.U.d. -%61 Wants "Ap"My'' ...,10 m rth ountrt -3xu10*.,7 lie OAF .4w* USW: I" d ALLOWED U tz W Wu, InJ4,qMce Xels;.ey Ankg bim 4out a lgor- N MJM160�. . , 16 -1�- , Km W-4-5 :.Tripj. of Weeks Q. ­r; on. Are_ usach ON t on� Nim. the hsn t* meet IT*P: is .Jou y Po�vp­ his ;M *a*' V397P -9-. 'k W '"tiak I " v -1 i 11 Pot, P" 15� k -W I Slee -S,*M4,0h�iing, OA-Sto., OPME 4 "17PRIS r 'FLYING" 0% tl�e beartl� -ag, lookna dw 0 Into jo M`P rep upstairs fftor� Vb1ch of Ue!' , ­ .,I .. come, k" 'hith inv*: bts badlust -ORANG �001X HEkE` left 4� -SM strike, 1. ' I,I A`V�;11011 � . ! ijoilxvRangevi*;s� .Of 'Un"r inood I of.-, ;St ind! be �ejt in e 't return, a nis -1 tipaq. the the oc� ar air dau �itj. 3j*pe­,H,- ir-4 -To, h t ese IMIP9 sent ISO= ft -sse, R e. him b6 isai 46 t d J 44M2 country I Y, all Rels �dsojj Eustke jalg� d e -*7 aily ' -hir, goad iri xnI n b �Iie, adi-aiure Tri 000'16 1,500 . r. W. Ip�sving — "why, You, sOf axid, V * 0 '.jP t i i..*' 6i 0M t u Ittight, un- ly tmarz, :o Pnu 4 eaves a' hu mil "i :C #1 dter be,# -UspitaB is c4O on. rt ion L ltl4chjnes:�:. 8�­ -:7*1 -of nvida, That,— lb j. carry. 0 ep6d h E �ed it t nt, o �T4Q oi fbi�k� �O -.of relt Seu me -AT t ed HoboiBfln. -the, i4iffere M- gers are, In use, 1)y three different com,.. i WInn1peg., -use bot� the chair es:d, in ski xtAZ thiLt colleptslthi _d 'a Kesey sti anles,. aper4tt,n au t half. dozen y& IMM s tnonted :tt6� Frain The 411ao 59, -miles., part At�Dr,, Br%toivls priotelsi i al�act the sa e and hi ofj�nvo*. has a: Ai!et 0 -se i)�ed Ciopley'ril�g� am es.s,.*s SOYA -,114e. f rim -91M41iti *as Machines, constantly. in 9r, t in' G f6w s cm ing -x XRA,* regist6red,ati N e 06j�lefs sid points nor �at tart;ed *Ut life 25�. a at, the cago, agkilist ow r-&Uff.. mate., .,n As far -in Bfi�sh �bu -Kelse-v, Qutistioxi Afk6m So"CaUea ther late esitild; t I was Fot�s. Churc Wthe heT . I I hill, Nellsoll, OR ,Hud-' say; but, s�7kehow be man: a packS Vith yon Cleau 743e, k _7� ouise Regar He decides thiat the i� pea to edge 4 Ar" fof h SOA.B y. PreceL;, a Route., that wer.6 ;�au�fs 0-i weeis be Ques o rk�t Isaine- to Ab6;Rt urs�.' - Be Was grave now, fTO7n SeWh 1hete ;but kindlv-� -Alihougb .. 1. =AY� -barve' to'begotiate with oadsa Year agq Are Be stay St 14 tOne Is re I ve reially. few-- hours. .og! T- seen, Pol ag 'Hie �tang, when be-�s no. led to Megle�t,,' 'N�Zz*y' � .* oW t NOW 0'\7 WIT At I lilh . .. . . � I U, n raverbeoAn a D knew Ue 4iii vas� In, a 'tift 'BOWS a. COMMOMS, the ger.11 oo r th I bel� bar, psp, -t re-' she nve 'a xno=en Id nt ald coa i*ertyrt mDa i� my'inin& Tp S*Ak, Here, 'a ti�'&ai Caet trains have f rd. e iush fo, development 'over a re agree&,, rania our..-presen, manner a: 'd, X Zw. TV the wuseia him, tior -it h' -Irs tl* Vert heard 0- R ir,'T;Ot,gCh64 lb`� a es i1ch furs that have cPxRP to WPnder ufid adivirabo, first do" by h6, .decide'' . ly, - ; i5we. im� gmeroup, e tai. her, �Cburftge­and �b�gth*of -WM; �701TM Sm �n�an �muiji 'time t6 b� ftritNl staw lif elm, .*.,process of eanoe,andAog-tled hqual ted'the '*M 16y. TAT -1 HaN blilia`,-, �be MU, a e-q el le, amz- from iD4 .-the pathos, of t1mi. courage !t Bri letter a% -Hudson, l3sk Co. or a pen. -o r to f bes mo P e, rIAd;e as e 'muse lip the oun UeTalvi4g, jh b down, plysican but ge�jjg:� handed it, to ger uryare'now iming shippeclut6 Wfil��'.. nip I eg .. by� ese retoriong P n precei1em" d,, th �la, es u—A '.S under his &IM sey Tap -over fi.; &e d, t en, e40,,,ki me teal.yoiq�,Am e ance itrayed' g.here. had some Intirtv- befope le' speak- B took iiieiipps rd re -received Vancouver Pr e CjDii -m &A vm.hitt !�hn to wbere she sat, the bi7s'bejh (Ind� en a x QU et VLWsters, but M& "Ling b�- 'IS a han _�Jjsent ;elAer kh , innipig for evel ection, UP ea a "for thej tsta 'Br., W 11ve 3)60W tbetlme� Mui,!" wit,; to be iuiih6d Put the &-e dal Mr. 4**&rA w ierpe Apmes -at SMA p5es 1u), it 1s'Vnde!%t;D4',. f 1 1. th erat Tbey"�re b ito- lamj� �,6e "ibc1mti,611 j!r1*)i ooluiAbia ejecAictn *h cb't this.. or that'plitn6 th� twb�:­iw;L-M It by. got him, a�� it 'er inter. Injured men have .TeKWxC ;. recient'lly, the., Prem. er bas, re thir, Anita', beau 7m. repellant—* -woman Driraii-poried to,thetlac�al hotpita -ik�- but, to hi M, d1T In e M6U& -V et, But it. .,her,' peTvers�e, er a-puly peo- b ai route from 're h -b �Q&verlmynint axi� the g abE_ the i toget me. at it pqrsting f e cour- the tv�o cle� '3e -tbit in -ith and I arga ast'v'eeka rejess�W4!P',re log .:,.'Verna Ottawa re erence ito anqt�t. �uestint g a doctor d A&ut plane. to, �'rin t -------- - -01. tle "Or, e tprolec, ea U. return.*Ith hx! lnjiire�d'm�pI cb,-:, tb�j. ease -freawn ama, beauty� een, in- !Go;;exnme-nt- in -So 4 6 e u es ch com�etltl6n,� has b h 11timl b �d �coi S116� h C1 :41-11 ilmpli OtT Of, 1,or ta �M b A as a :e'd' tt,,at' a r . . . . . . . . . otl4ervlse the. e, XM07nW. I-A.LU e, p an Qu JAriff V ad!= tiota.1 the rafl�ay. Tier o -in a es are ',proportionately%,' UeA im, at ..mot that PO N ch rg, tion. n V,6VM=*M%,, b� th r -43,exiiAr -word& MT: -Dunning Y8 EL' ther'means of,, tra. spar t bA that luf'.torn am nal i not,po high nik�, -but -Vo ',�ff 4i oerpripiq. - . -! - " '' t and,llndred� -his The.. �Ialil ekheOd -t-b mining. to, pa�3: e tpx 2: T, 'he 'inust Q * 'P n az�a . I . -Lbt much a:re 'and 1n:ve§tqr.s,, ro'm q f T U 4i&M -!Am "ex- Uk-,�'k rence to ben New .'.York -v�n , and Cthl mm. igril 4a�ad the t4ffivat. Itelp: of tbte sale or kiase'onto; Monttehd, 'There jlj-� ��q*memt size� tie "me Nisa 10,13a,�,Clan diBm-.-National arrive daily,I: hhviog wired.in ad 'Was IT ge -w1ja -W-s = rvatigns Itand,,`. t 3tude'Jor t.anete for their pla�.e re�se lox= re --antras s within sti� h6ur: after their arrival ife he nnP ige aggi - -fnt lot td W MS 49, his th, te &r.. --cm .,-am elr:-way no w 'i�i 1.&At Iw k 6 -6rderfor delivery!01, ee am ton,, of =I#; potnds of eaxm,'. a,1 SaiDe -Wemt On- CIO I g sue on.. oil 4, -,its im rets poudsi 0 but' td U re6eived for-46� kt -Z The It bleon TA&bia tiat d"C� tali, P�Peed the Ver 'on tP P il� livert b,T plane. to 01d� LakLe, 900 mil" 19� ff,,a jarge 66d'and Jchijd a laa r ,b,1ajxrZied7 nElu&ou, Bay The ffijal the ce'Probably An ,th "cif the ete wo te stop the hesci,�e, etim M. :.. " .jobber *hp flled * the. or er d'M tolbe ying ls . , I ' 7 " : " 1 " . ped ax 1 cUlty 41 e f �'-pla*n' wItout a jftQt�a 1W -V3eV 6; fffidi pw�pckst 14 . , �,� - - *, , I �e Before "e. b another. dtr or., am p tb a _jfZ ZKKM M Clatt �eeks�; 3M dM de, �Mma aier t funk to. '6mbal t ad p.4�n rek"eived :fair, 3434MY1. ly lonawbig, Toie US OT. b pxni�p fal t. b MoAon fill' y the saxne'Plani. iL .,A 'La -d Z eT&4 ---- E, Cff tb* ii�.-Lonel W. 7tyr. t"f. X! t i�� -Press The 4s�mage Old btfI6 "don'. suffer:ap*, 1t3 Via '0 jBr'MrxvW -hae to. rt,� the 'b Ci1v of , On, 11 -lie Tiu . . pea -V , M 1jast, .4 T. 'lag .2ed '41 of ah ShOppeq, 16 4'F -rening- .7na;r­ erf I'. a:,14tldi�-T iti K�w . :S . Were �111��..­3�64" . 11 tuildings; .,which --btl4i, is 'My wxlt� 7 -T a -ins OfTE, an�ua� McittIng -rtvebily f oxwiLd Cj WSLM jr. he L Smile er: 6spittli..A. Th d en nndl- inz -,K;hl teM CTriA, IOU d" F --n fa n b� so e*,r -t cl ago lists, eem�_ Athciugl� aer6prIng. s in a A es on e. HE Fir' 1�, tirnp.. Tho Gu#a1an'.! Dip`�i IL !,ond6l- aBiL ''gV' P osoceyprocess to and tbe.,possls; more hma,: ttrerig- nng e usefu n,,ss o4tr Infeet th� demandi hens, f,,ht tire ltkm;, t U -VVIM Otng: *Mlif5t4ifig'' 7 lie far "I .=MkM-- clItles. the country S e s, a t Id "'I t h jjrAj je in' hrven k,bli appearimoii which before _1jiM 'at 0 ops, u t tb ale. �sub urbs :131= Illu d 1� i glit The Vide'ning 0 is alKt�,Pt U�6: _ ki= t.b�e r spee& T. -he. Fire 'Found trL. 0=1e a 'we I As be 'oues��' &dges the sappaarance.% 0 -ne Aon d cieti e the Ag 0 Icb for 40 -ng �,ears d Icb t buildings t m M tiw­ i*k, b",; tit, 17f . )T �tad ini.� nfive A u e landtcApe, U.' Yo :&n halt 'tRig' eXfj-�a MIAT, thsli .1t3r.- tri.� Vues, %34i, h.,Tr -,wro' hot ettt�o�)y de -I T440LE JIL M. ai take ASP=' pig R YOU Cat be*. omd '113r- vi=�, it It =t, a.-,, pn_vsl=am =t1d etyc)n and ;�A =dup An Fire- 4n(, I its lm-- ttne, 114o' by -v gtojie, ealer.: 'e Ufver, Tith Mims- Who' , -bt!6 t� somethmg. e7 m_ lrk� saire you,, I � .11 ; . 11 Por.�tkk CIML-f nofiey� t. ;kV= tin better., h- 'd tid: n tit, Abric'n" n! r Vb T" I'm. Pwesliqa, ire 'R b 7= -7 !N 4.� t J�rVif Sate +i B�Ufi& th #UOWL the Aor B. =AZT,_ P GUM- ILV F­� , . I � ., �t m 8 , W IM Ublett =*Al!� W tit t -, fit, 1 rt -f -c r"( A,� Ize It, i*, JtFt�xftt.­ !Ip b ­ Z , #hr DOES ALL Y OUR BAKNG BEST'. A ML.