The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-08-02, Page 11 ••• °I+ •15., • , • . , • • . i2.06 PER YEA IN Ap,vAN'o; p.50, CrTHERWISE ' . 'UCKNOWi- ONT Yi• AUGUST.,2 '• • SINGLE COPIES' 5' CE • , 7!'• • -IiitoksaioNA,t .aAaptii ' coa. W4 g.'coNNELL, s 'Luckriois . 4 , 0100 '86, • ' . • DENTIST , Dr. MacLeod will visit •Lucknow. , every Tuesday, -in' Dr o ConnelPs ' • Office. •f' DENTIST ' Dr. IL L. Treleaven; • Lucknow— Oyer Decker's Store:: 'Extraction either by gas Or local Will , in Dungannon every Thursday. Phone 53. Geo. A. •Iiliddito, Lorkosow, — Broker and Real Estate.--0-oney to lend es" • -heat mortgages on, farm • proper- ties it 6 and (PA per cent Recording to ,eecurity. offered', Also email amounts on second mortgages on farm • properties and on personal detest, A few good faints-4er sale. Mr...jaek •Caiii'spept pa.lt *of the .week • . • • %Next MondaY, Aagost 61-11; will be Civic 1.Iplidey n Liiknow. . Bushiess• P!ae,ea'swiil be" tipsed„ • • ..rojoseto tlus week, pieeting his Lijek- • noWand. Kinloss friends, • • • , ; • --;•Mia.Pdlith 'aT Cilicago, -.is visiting her neither,- M.rp.....Robt. Grah4MO, and will remain .for few sweeks. • Misses Maud and Dorothy ' Cook spent part of. last Week with their siS- WALL PAPER— ot full line, of 19/•', Wall Paper on hand. Prices from" up. .1 am also agent fpr leading. job otiouses:s-oRo: 1---CanicroirO—Decorator,_ Piiinter. and Grainer, Box 174, Lucks . • FOR SALE—Mason & itiseh oierio • in splendforeunditiontswalnut-Iranies- Fins particulars apply at The Sentinel office. ' • • . (2-8;c) EXPERT KODAK Developing 5c. a '. roll, prints anY, size 3e, Each, pod paid.—Jackson tudio SeafOrth Ont • • TENDERS. WANTED •Tenders Will be received by the un- dersighed till August 10ta, 1928, for shingliek, Grey Ox School:, work to be completed by ; August 25t1i. Lew - eat or any tender not necessarily ac-- - cepted.—Dan MacKinnon, R. R. 6, •Lucknow.. 1243-0 • TENDERS WANTED Tenders will. be received up to the . • . • fires' •of August by trustees of Loch- alsh School for painting ahd vanish- ing interior , of school; Work ' to be completed, by last of ,AUgost. Fur- ther information from Alex Mac- Donald, Sec.-Treas„ Lnekiiow. (26-8..e) • ! SITUATIONS GUARANTEED • Every'graduate and several under- graduates attending the Wingham Business College during the past year have been placed in excellent posi- tions. For .twenty-five ,y,ears this school' has served this district faith- fully, and ex -students are to be found in prominent positions throughout Canada and United States. The W. B. C. enjoys a larger attendance than most bursiness .colleges; mail courses , without extra charge; individual .instruction; a, situation ` guar- anteed every graduate; an unexcelled staff.. Write today for particulars, also for a ' list of successful stu- dents from your district. Affiliated' with Toronto's Greatest School of Business, The Canada Business Col- lege, 274 College St., Toronto. • (2 -Soli) AUCTION ,SALE of iHorses, 'COltsi 'and Steers *R. .L.' Reed will, sell by'publieauc;i Lien at south halt Lot 3, Con .; 9, E.D., Ashfield-ook'• mile south of Lanes store—on . August' 8th, cenniaeneing., at '2 o'elock no, • the following g 'mares, .yrs. cild, 3000 lbs.; 1 mare, $ yrs'. bid; 1400 lbs.i.k'gelding, 'yrs, eld, 1400 Ihs..; 1 geidiegO yrs old, 1300 12 one -year-old eoltsossPer- crierOn and Clydes; two-year colts,* '4 three-year ',colts;. 3 fur -year old Colts. •lio brands, /all ,good 'Auk. Also fe '20 two -yea r bla,steers.—T. Gundy & •• Seri,. Anctioneerso. • • BOa1,1 Alton—In the Township • Of Ash= • field; on July 30, 1928, to /Mr. :and Mrs." Welter Alton,. Son,• - • Cain—At St.. JpsephOs , -ott 'July '30. 19284 to: Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Cain Of Luck - how, A SOW . • • s PROCLAMATION . 'the request Of ••'is nuflibee of tit- . _ Izens: I hereby proclaim • Monday, August "00,6'1028, a•CiVid Holiday for the,!3.7.1116.ge=.9t Lucknow. All citizens , are hereby requeeted. to govern therh- selves acee'OdinglY. Dated: at Leeks/. now this 80th •claY ofJuly. 1928; M. JOIllsISTONE, Reeve. 0 0 The Dig. 4. Guarantee perfect Sethi- ' SiVeryoteareet,00lteo 'I' pave Morley it you • Stitt oYer- ottat fro* W.-16*phi Clarke,, Agent.. Rotnosnts Ontl II/114114i .0#100 Whit' ,*(1#440-'-oti9i101;1$,)4109911 CQ, Miefo•irorie • luyell, of•Toronto, 'is visiting Mr. and Mrs; W. 'J. Spindler and other f Tienda in Lueknow, Mr. E, H.' Nash of Thorold, is at present • teller in -the' loc i Bank of Commerce; relieyine_ .P,ryans, Who' is on, vadation: Miss Mary Christie is over from Detroit to Spend Vada- tio,n With her 'cousins,' Mrs. • A., D., sVlacKenzie and Mise 'Lees. ". ‘sTAI4s. • •MrORichard Welker; who liaa. been in poor .health. for a,,nii.rnbe(of, year's,' goiog 'OP the ,stalosivity to • •-hia sid One e- over -the-pieture-elieW-4.Ouito 'Wednesday .60st k, took 4, weak 'Spell and tuinpled backwards right down to the %or' of:7tbe' Sidews1k.; ."rlieo,•apeident occurred abut and '"Althotigh" he inamediatefy. receiv- ed •medical attentiOn. he did not e cover conscionsn4ss until some time during the night. ,I3esides a severe concussion of the he' suffered internal injuries, the extent of which it is diffietilt to ascertain. He was in .11 very erions conditIon for num- ber of dayso but has teen dinproVing, • • ; T. •olLENS.. • V t.• • Mr.; and Mrs":"Nst:orge Clark and litOe' daughter, Jean, of Hamilton, :vvete visitors with is.- at or a few ....dayoo. last weelS, . • , . ••• .Mi and Mrs. John Lane and dal", ahd:Mis. rea giah4;y;• ghters; Misses Bessie and Jean 'Lane • . h, , have been 'at Montreal ilep a v i rig Kinloyfgslsited with and LucknoW, ealled on Mr. and Mis Mrso B.'41"qtherf,ard ne daYres . , dIellymae; Tuoaday afternooncontly •. , Mes•Ors... Wm. end...Arnold ;Woods nfotored--tir CeTikStiaWn OttotittyS. ''' • ' 1-"ard, Minn.; .ai.e guests ee, ' Mio .,.and , Messrs a dalium dainel'On and Tor,.1 o•Mrs7 . Wils,?; if .. liairfilton: Mr, Donnelly , . . . . , • . ranee Anderson of 'Dtr ooit,• were.' re - is• brother: of MrS.'`hiamilton.: . .., _. ....• ;;.ent'i.visitors at t,h,eit: hoines :here, •.• • Miss .Petrena. •MocGeeior of Los Angeles; • Cato.," und her cousin, , Mr. Alex. Macbinis of Torente; SPent la.St eek end •with their aunt, Miss geok, bell Of IiinlossO . „sollie.Olocal__BoteLing4labOwilL held their annual tournament an August 16th, This 'event is aiways ,01,:ip of the big' and delightful s localsp st events of the seoson, . „ MT.: Jack •Osterhout and his sister Doris, ,of Ottawa, are- joests. Of 'Mr. and Mrs:• Ed: Hodgins this ,week. • ofbeio father; the ,ReV. Mr. Osterhont, is now at Carhop Place Fall .wheat cutting .geneool throughout,. Western ' Ontario, , • this Week. ,The. crOp. eiteeptionally • good, but seme fields ores.bddly. dewo owing to wind and rain.: Thepugh tars direct from ,LucknOW- , Co. Winnipeg OP thestlarveeters. tx . . curSion, leavieg,:LticknOW August. 23. Fare. $15.00 plus t. Mc- Kim, tewn'..ticket .agent,. Lodknow. The 14V. C. It'SfacDenald and his , • • wife .were at Hiunilten'the. early part last; *eek, where .they pttended the 'funeral of :Mos, _itIdeDonolti'g 'f.atheO, who: had passed awoy , on Moeday. • • Mr: ames Jiving, 'ho was badly shaken Up by fail* frpitt•a hay mow to the barn floor • while. .iassisting Frani Graliain, Wednesday; of last week, is well on the SOsis'o to :recovery. ,.• • Mr: apd , Mrio John W. Elliott of New York. City, and Mrs. J.". ,Morgan Leolie' and dauOliter; paisline,• of-To- Zonto,, are "eisiting Mr. and Mrs: Rob,-* _rt Mullin.; and Mr. and Mrs,' ThosBui ns ., , Mr.' K., M.aelcenzie aroSoolo. Harry Ansley' of Winnipeg; who' 'Were. at;.. tending the General;,111Otors 'conven-'" don. at Oshawa, MiSses 'MacKenzie; .ICOmpbell St, for a few • ''daye last vveelso: 44,006• harvesters .-wantell in Alber:, ca, Saskatchewan. and Mitiiitoba. Aug. 23rd istheexeursion date from Luck- noW. Or tickets 'and information apply to °A. E.. MeKini,, 'town ticket' agent Lucknew. : ' • • ' See the Big -4 SanipIeS Of suitingss Blue Sere; Grey:, Serge, Tweeds; Call and look them over, The pieasture will be all eers'. Whether, you buy • Or not; see the , beautif0 patterns. Temple Clarke, Agent, , The autuien, 'meeting of the • Pres- bytery of truce of the United Church will. be ,held at Tara , possibly not be fore Oct .8t,h, se "as -not to Conflict - with the'•mee,ting, 'of General: Connell, or the 'County' 'Fairt Ses'y. of PresbYtery,' , Mrs. Nelson find'her daughter,Miss 'Cora' 6i' SuPerior, •WisWh cousin, • ..'o • spent a couple of weeks here 'and at Robert 'Scott', Asiffiela,*' returned to their home ,IfiSt Week., itinkirig the round'trip hy htoto They took Mrs. L. Fksher back. b�.„Gritn,Sby" 'with them., •'Big 4 Tailoring. 'CorporatioCit Te- ronte--We have 3.-.1.!,,..mgoney for the town of tucknew.• Otte hundred osamplesi to.•'ehOoSe"'zittOgo: Made to, your meaSUree Price $22,56 to $25.00, A suit' Or oercoat. these are the bait values that have ever' li0on ot- 4114 the towri CIAO% Agent, THiS.IVIAN '1$ ANGEROUS'. . ThoOeswhe• kiln need io be •on .Canip- . bell Street .betweeij nine and..., tem •o'-. • clockl`asclay, everiirift, witnessed ;exhibition of a Ong ef.;61 s L;forro • .x.of‘ • 161W, Sortie - man) in '`a 'conpe,Welit ;tearing taliing, . . the :•street; rea,Oirig, d'speed, of .about 53 ..miles'iper hour about the. Bank .0f„ 'Cominerce,, and: sped'. onwards, at.,:an increasing speed to the weot. The driv.. er Was either drunk or 'Crazed in some Other •way -perhaps' just •by a &Sire to show off the .speed of his. ar." Bet whether' drunk or sober, thd fellow is net •fit. to be in eharge of a motei. vehicle,' and he needs the attention' of the:local constable.„Mhora he evident- ly wishes to defy • ilOLYROOD Wedding bells Ore ringing; ringing. loittle Isabelle !Jamie:OM is holiday- ing With •her auntie, Mrso • Howard Harris.•• , • . • •Mr. aiid Mrs. •Dexter of paramount, W,ere Sunday -visitorS at.. Mr.Will jackson'slt,' 111r. and Mrs. lioward' Harris spent Sundoy with Miss Mayme Johnston, A.shileld, and took.inthe Anorveksare. ---ser viees- at- theo-Ashileld -Preabyterian Mr, 'and:Mrs.. Richard Elliofit spent oSundass, 'at Mr. 'Joe Olollough's, Luck,- : Rev. Wm. and Mks. 'Oloolntose and:t • • , • - • • ; .'"o• gr. and lintee , Currie. of.: otelso •DeOglas; Donald and:Bobby,' a - . • . •• istro. Albert,. Thoninson MilVerteri, viOited. with s.., Georgetown, Were" recent •:visitors at • .Ler a few 'days. ' MissDorothy Webster • irs ,ijojiday_ ., Mr. and 'Mrs.. Aliper • Ackert.Spent :,.' •ipg, at Toront'Sunday at Mr.' Robert McKenzie's, •. . • * ' OWomKincardine. Institute are :.ex- ordioe. • . • s oroi.00,s in invitatien'tO the scoinniuns • , Jobil Johnny McDonald and his dough- -t3i to Join with them :in. their pierii6 returned home .ati Harbor PoOk, -..Frf410s, 'ba' , next, August 3rd. •Nein' Manitoulin .Island: Where ,they ;,, The reg,01,41. .meetiig •.1 the Harris speet • the post, Week. 'Mission Band will be ..heldin the : UnitdChurch next SofordaY . ShielPso Wmgharn. 111r.-- and Mrs, ,•JeeePlo Smythe, Mr. ; Mi.. and Mrs. ;•Will McDoWell; Mr. Norman ,MrDowell and .Mro., Jas. and Mrs. ,fames SmOthe so:. Toronto. , dereen otid•Simpsori •of, Westfield, .Sere.'...guesto '•ot. „MIS Charlie Burt's, • • • • • Mt. 'raylor of Gi2elph. tile Past we0: • ,. • . sted recentle • With Mr.an1:iIrS. John .. ' 111AFEli:ING "Wel)ster, • . . ' ....; Mr. Homer, .Rutherford of Flint,' -.' Mrs. Wesley :Alton and 'children Of Mich o Waso as guest last week, Of •Mr., 000loloo, „4‘,.o0 ha;e• spent .the •past and "Mrs; Sark Durnin '. Misses .Edith three Weelca With r61a0ves here, " ,re- Durnin. and •Lila •Gaunt, . who, had ss'n.ned bsmo sundoy. spent -t month's 'Vocation m. in'''Mi,ohoon,. .. Mr. Iletb Csirron; 'accorepanied by , • Although in the sl,.5efatd.,biitani:t:i.t14thrrie. w811s.-.1,,, :\IA311e:g.IL'eitily(1,0, :of.‘flillIscki-11.14ei.lil.t.epla,a1,a .137.aililci :IXIVIIkr...' ..1j10.eliiibt innings; our bcVs': returned home. with hi • . , . teetered' to " De - defeated in the game - at Goderich. Oi„„is,„ soisooy,:o.osonosg ors sisnesy. •Tuesclay eveniegs,. by stO Score Of 8-6. MiSs Otorgaret Blake of Winnipeg,: The return game will be:played .here is spending ,part of' her VOcotion wltli on ThursdayA good game is ' eXs, her 'grandmother, Mrs. Win... Blake,, . pected, so come Out, and help the boys and Other relatives here.' win- . ' „•. • . o , ' ' ..., — ' 'Alio§ Lizzie Webster of Toueknew; . Mr. and ICUs.- Deugherty have•tre- ,tpent Tuesday, at Mr. SaM Ki.lpat- otre: visitors for oa. few :,daye... with ! , . 'Woods, • fiefore , taking up their'. rohke. retin.ned home.. , on p1317v'tibiellgBoA;:ci°negittGiQrelie;,'i'lli.nt residence in. Guelph.. . , , turned froM their wedding a.l'I'e,,i111)e,islicaai.allyde f\i.lell:esi..son, t:his, 1.,.ee•it. • ,, - . ., . ... ., The formal opening %of,' the. .', Lawn f.1•413,31-nr:.To°::ooti!ilt.eo: 6 ill i' ,.. alle.art of near Seim. forth:- eisited his cousitto Mr, ',.1Parvoy •Or isses Olive••A'od'ersot and Grace next,. a fterneon mid everl'oig.: All the •-•Mrs....Ro" hert Host's,' .atol Mi s$ Ella inernbei's. and their ladies ; are re- of DtingitotionO were guests of * :Vire:: . . 'quested to . (utile i.trfei help ,mOke 016.. "solos Blake, MondaY. dal. a sueL'..e.a. ' .O. . ' ' ' ' ' Mi..' IPilic ..StptherS: of .. Windsor, • T.he :minim Picnic pr ,the, United, was -home part of: last "Week. He, mo- , . Church,' Stieday School ,‘" ill be held At .SoredHfrom here to Pieton, iiecoinror-, the •Maithind :Rim er iiest. WeiltelOda. oied by his Mother, Mrs. Wm., ' Sto- ' ViAtorosSehlo ONliSs.otiedsldrOs: '. S41 41.1 ' i hers; i, M•rs." Stephen , &others and Durnin during the week were :qrrs'isoos'oto of rex, who. were •visit - and MOS. Celia Brown of Silh;onborg, ing 'here... They- will visit ' Inspector Mr. and Olro. Elmer Weodley , of S'Ornien .$tothers Ott Picton. and Mrs. Waterford, who ooe On rs meter toils Wm. 8tothers will make on 'extended to Georgian Bay and tbs./wool-1 •i\Ins... lter sister, Mrs. S. J. Eilpat- lcoka, • • riclo-' at 1icmckviI1e. . . A Service of inspiration and imIlse We 'regret .very 'much ,to report the , .which will long lingem. inthe heart:s serious illness of • MrS. Irvin' Henry, and min& of these poesent; Was !Ad who v,'t.0 'taken on Friday to London in Calyin United. Church, St. Iielens,, Hospital for treatment. . , . on Sunday evening, July '29th. The, • , o _.--oo.a.o—oo , „ . .people el our own cominilnity attend- ed in large numbers, and 'smong the DESIG,NATION 'SERVICE unusual intereOt and deep and mbving ,oignifiCance was:: the seryle'es :bold- the Presbyterian' -Chisr6li: :on •-WednesdaY night ' lasts when loefOre • -a ,eorrgregation that taxed the .ebur,ch , to capabite,..AlleS Dorothy- Delights,' tiaiiklOr of „Mr, ',and GeOrge Dpii-glas, of town, :was. ileSignated. to 'service in, the", Foreign Mission •Field. • The unaioidable.abseme.:oi: H. MacDonald, minister' of the eon.: gregation, as eety ..muCh regretted, esPecially ‘when •it Was ,learned ,that it was 'Because a bereovemerit in, the fairhly; and Rev., ."Mr.,Perrie of Wiz-40am, who ocenpied the Chair in r. Meepepold'e abeisse, voiced the • sympathy: Of .the • congregation for, Mr. and Mrs. .S.,facD'onald in the death of Mreo-MaeDonald's father.. " Aft"er .the singing of • Psalm 81, • SeriptUre , reading froin '‘Isaiah loth, and opening prayer; Dr. Perrie con- ducted the • Designation Ceremony, viai followed by the Censecra- tienoPrayer,soffered by. Rey. Dr., Kei:role f,Ormer minister. of the con - ration. ,Thee followed several ,ad- dreoses and 'presentations. • ' Mrs. MeKerroti, in an inspiring ads. dreos on' the work Undertaken by •MisioDooOlaS, referred. to the tithe. when Mr.. McKerroll• Ministered. to • the "cOngregtion, and. she herself., Presided over the •Mission Band,. 'Of was: a devoted meinber. She spoke'. ' of how, even that 'early age, Dor- othy —r,evealed her. shrewd questions, her, interest in, and ' her Opderstanding of the 'importanee :of the. Work... Mrs. McKerroll: brought the official greetings for the Western ,Divisiens of „the .W.M.S. of •thePres- ,byterian -Church- in.. Canadao', repre- senting .a.leemb'ership .of •45,0O0; ana, Ossured,,Miss Douglas thht ,$he, Weuld be f011oWed.: to her new :field of labor: •',)y the •prayers. of this large body -,of devi4ed. women. Mrs. McKerroll Said she believeCf this was the 97th ap- poiatment of the. 111issienary Society to 'Home' and Foreign • ServiCe. At,, the eencluSiOn' of her address, 'MTS.:. Mc- Verroll: pregented ,a -!roin -the. Western ,Divigion Of the W.M.S.; also a New. Testarnent'iin the ,Amoy dia- Ject .Of ;the .Chines e 'language, . from the Canada Bible SOcietvo., %rid as O member Of the Board i of , the Deacon- • ess TrainingoSeheol;. she ,presented and pinned on .Miss •DouglAs, .the 'offic- ial Deaconess Pin. , • Dr.: , Forbes of Teesvater, himself ' •'O pioneer missionary 41.o:the Peace Riker District, spoke ...words of : en, eouOagernent ands Odvice;. deSefiliing the cOmmen• experiences. of those re-. soortdine •to. the pilot° Oho • Mission .• Field o-othe call, the ' erithesiasm, 'the doubts'', the fears;the, as' ouropee and the Victory as one ..i$ faithful* to the • vision: 'He 'referred feelingly to the 'name the ,parents load • bestowed. beptism, "Dorothy" —The :Gift .of, God—and 'how • new, these Parents were gieing '.'beek. to 'nfeinbers of the audience were, to be. .." • Miss, 'Lillian • Longman of Windsor, seen families: ,from ' neighboring dis.- • visiting 'friencIS atound here, SiXteet oiettires, rienietiole° --Miss Ida MtQuomd umfd'itfew '• varioui stages journeY 'days last. WeekMr's- in fluy' "Pilgrim'a Pfagrees.,1' PliteNOn.,(4iir f;tietiViWi Were, road, and after each, a :Stiereci • gi% Fred 1lorrio, thd Ittr, eioetiot wf.tA reridered; which so stfit"-' Fred Cluhb of St MarOo.. Spetit the e(1. the thought .of the •Vasgage :that '•••veeic.eild af the hvon'io O*.f the latter'S mts mesa Yi tmio,t forcible. i;areasy-Illf:aiid :\11,4... :1011n 'Clubb'. "• brOUght home to .the :kinrr,i;i of 11 1multot1 is. hearers: The rapt attenton Mid keen ;$ visiting iit MI Al hort .W alter's. appreciation oi the audience through alpio1 a tSO6-116.01t VerViOd; holt ety- talent; testiniony to the delightful andefTective manner' 'Whieh the seleetions sm.° peeOentedc. and. ,so plettoent and'' profitable Id the 'eve- ning Scent' that a futtire Service of it :sandlot :chtirtitter Wi" •1 Weicoined hIralL•.• - , 'New Ginghams,, :Broadcloths, C$ - t' 'etc.—The 'Markettiortiel Isig.rilovit CO,1 L — •• .oe• ss , - It and :tIrs„II, 'Paterson and ttlll- ily .1tinday`.0 ihe• on the c..0•.T.T.gif wh6 are spend - 1110 a 'Week there., ' Mr. A.' E.', Puedon, has trot been very - well 0( Iate. We bciPe for . provement ' Chrissie tnglik has been 'on the sick list for the last 'res1 iNteks. iargains hi Men's Work Shirts and' Sox,— The Merttet."11otei1. Movtlneb CO, .God, •Ilis gift., ' :Rev. T.- ,D. ' McCullough of ,.Eificaio, ding,: gave, a sehort addiosss; present- ing! a Rook: of Praise troll' ,he pree: :bytery of. Maitland, , MrO.'Perrie• o:f Winishanf; President of the: ,W,M.S. Presbyterial, present- od a book on behalf Of the Presity- • teritdo ,a shoot atIdOesS acsemponying seine. • • , • . . Ole. R..;V •AlacEerisie reit& au ad- dress „from...the Lueicnow Congrega- • tion,. and 'Dt..• Geddes', p.resented a Purse on behalf of S'iiiv' Mr. John. CO Min dbeh soOke fom the Sabbath School and ' People's Guild,' and Miss Fern Reid 'made the. presentation -.a purse. A camera all so • WaS given.. ' • , ' For the W.M.:S, of sthe Lueknow coegregatien, :Mrs„' A. P. , Stewart read the addiesS .and Presented a, Bible.. • • The ,ladies of the Dungannon eon.; gr,egol.ino wc:re 'yepresented bv Alewhinneo, 'who 'olive A l'iQrt 'And appropriate itddress,.. and Davidson; who, niltiIe the presentation; of aopurse, ,• • o' .S • • Especially interesting• ‘`..qt8 ,the ad- dress, arid presentation from' thelad- -les of the -Alm fiTdeon so( on Ont R4 • •'- the addieos read by •Mes-..Sito;;Oon•re, _11nsra ih_o• 6A.t. the 1iev Aleohndoe Grant; Gresit Grandfathet , . ' .-,Th'.13rd'as3., , The Bread ,' of . Health ..- . 'I. .of Health,. . : . (Jot; Morro .is Q 0 ALIT i s 'ssND °SEItol•ICE. . ' . , Good Bread IS The 'Pead".. Ffir .The Werkikfg Alstil.. ' Odr: Products- . . , . . , , • Are. Of I.'he Bet. ••' ' : , . .spEciALs ,. . , , thriidee: cd,ie's; ' RCM BOuche, CrOain P,effs, nese Tar.t.S.', 'Iced •Ralls',., • . . ..., • Chelsea Buns, 'Maple 'Welout 'I'arts,• Rock •Thins,7' Oatiheal Cakes, ' ' RaSpberry. Tartlets. - ' ' • • HOLLYM4N'S'.i3A,ItERY Phone 36 LuckilOw • Phone 75 44- .• • LticknOw,' Ont.. . . STORE' .A u G„u•sTCLEARING PRI. CES •, , . • ,‘ , Men's Woik, Shirts, regup to $2.00--C1earilig. 88e,' Boys' ,Cotton Jerseys, reg.. 45.---Cleaiing heys',. Knitted' Suits, .reg7 85,0.-7:01earing •••• Dllre.ble Fancy, Cutr' Sox—Clearing 23e, Ladies!' Vests, red.' 25c,o-,-(learing• 2. for 35e. :Extra. Large. •Towel—Clearing 49e: ‘. Large Size FOce Cloths—Clearing ; 2 for 15e: • 7 Extra Quality- LinoleprnO end; 18 ft, x 12 ft Tiii ,1650 Rag Mats, bordered ends—Clearing 98C.: • .. , . . •.' ALL ock 'MERCHANDISE .IS,..ON'•DISPLAY, NO. TROUBLE; TO SHOro•-•tERE. :WALK, THROUGH. WE WILL BE - - • GLAD TO HAVE YOU ' " ' lfred E. Busweii 7. of. :Mies; Doughtes wae,the first edited minister of the Ashfitid Church," The na,ine of Mr. Grent i tm11 loved; and his iiientOrY fmeh aid green ostoong niany, even, who did not belong to 111L, congregation, and it is a jey to ktiow that his work is still 'being, carried ph hi the life of Iiit,,great grafiddaugh, ,ttr, Mt; and Xra,. 'Carrick, geritial Ilarents-p,f Miss Douglas, we're alto •• • to (''Ontinued, ti PI1I 111111, *know REAL OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE SOME MONEYI ecial Clearance of adies' Dresses and en Clothing e overbought this season, and as we never ,carryover, we are making a special reduction of er-,Cent. Discount on our .former' prices. Qome here for real values. You won't be disappointed: AMILY TITRE AucrusT. 3-4 • • -.Colleen More "ORCHIDS AND ERMINE" And 'Comedy. CONI1NG tosi ;nig 01,1)IIN \VEST' 'RELFAST and ...t‘trs; 1.1.`,0(41:0r!. , , and, f atoll y. of NoW "lisitkoovisited,/ and Mrs.. Harry liackett .on last. : / Mr. ,and 'Mrs. 'Win. Sherwood /spent a- day r.eeelltlY With their 'daughter, Mrs. Alex, .WatOon; • Mr', and . Mrs. SteWart Alton and family• or gontreal, :returned home on Saturday, after .spending a few eite• with frieeds' here,• " s • Mr, 'Pima MOSi: Jelin CO111111,411 VISA ItOgThit(16914lterf X0+ (4,?9VII4, GUNN'S• REST 13,RANDS FOR FAI.L. WHEAT CARLOAR ExpEcrio NEXT WEEK e�.S1Eobextson .,,LUCKNOW phiirips o wt'Ist VawizWsh 011Sun;•. 'day. Mr. and ..Mrs, WIlsonirwin or& ,Mr. 'Spence • Irvin visited friends in Aubthot On Sunday. • ISirs4tted `Woo Herb Stothers ,rind family spat nolay' recently with. MI. and gra; Harry Hackett, Miss pito Mortieon opent tho 'weck,,end at her 1101110 mai'