The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-07-12, Page 5VTr 1- 4 1, 7- M. 1� 77 ................... ............. 'Se'ot 14ons at Lond Itera at _bk dre, A ond ".1140 �by T� hat, Walks, Like �a %J1 cl nno V_46045 Are 'I N _6,r I ved Not Al rm The she -slAA-q a e-' -o It5 Mother' so �140 autorkobl,lo 61d ;18ett�r Housing Ben Al- Coirim _,s tq AV__ efici W; issioner shattering In ca" Of".. accidents, is Al .4et tan folice� F6A bogort to' walk, IiQt�ungracefully, on r,or tiger,, the baby 1L.—Free Din s. rualittfa,dc ac-pordnix. 19 Attrpd as,followi; :,.Poor Pup"14 ua His, Aiin a, correspondent of the St. Paul'Newn; 441400 ago'. the ftilion i>ub]i,­The,, Gover-rimen - _Q 1AMI g. �'Th I: w14041s,40. ind q typo.lioed it )lot, g, g, station In royorrto.t was a f �n,$ alltOM bLl if�Eireaiiw (,,the P0 evenug', thq ba,.y had 'been lotier". WIAdowo. ..at do es, coriqiats' 'of 4 thype, myer, The,-Awdo ofil,s_o , yers' urniner in ed !a 0' lb#]Fj'd�Tlo� Ia k1i deal for the children. nletropql;f�,. -C".clualltr g, t46 � .04or was tired ,g The midpq h W'i Under' 1927 'af are plate or'ihte� glass.. o, placedLtho 4:nct� 4 -ipp the th btirldles, nery 4�s, DIlt W,#bn this 4 Ihol .' .1 1 , appotied she swept �,heelilld:jnt lior bi r Io" tir alleet at gQ1144 4.ho: Oatter h" ding Aay' b �IKJ &tBq .1ne. of �.j op'Llu1:;dd�j whicl men, and "arxn$ iintf horijo4 a.w� izc�. Q 11'#�Icll they filiyo �10 8go Tb#t, in her zm j A o, bUfla h may' , In. facti. iiso -be ed. iIl4t 'W ilp Old 40 and, robitbly'-does. ndt,.'realiie Uses or th'a, 41 n er ."P 1. q b9neot Wenses� ihalf that wlig ere, ]pay, have of triateriai are first t A' -'Can' "brezip '? Tw6 pi' iXd:one ploeb t, is Vi;'- child Lt halip011od opens a new spier in.thp deyelb�- year 'this. i t.to ;th -b live. withPile ji",pf, t,];I0 eXAPt-.:gI;4o, apd :shaIpil,,pf--'t4p tItAlred R IA, of liquor ill -e lng,,.Bctbn in 'iinthr ar*tIve Pi window. T t be V 'Comfort, In. one, �latgo, room.. hen,, co OPR 9gy. t5lqre W.104bfeldor Wred clubs, &nUnkiIol) 'to: b 'begani Thousands .'of 4on Pkfs i 0R.;: But w av the world 41th' 6are' atter� it, to Y' ott huniai 'doub I h 'e done b6cause :4s froqUonflY heDpepf� Infants t OBS. qrek grp of. nitich fr6ulk Triplex tan, jio� be thU__tk* -�-and, th6­behi-vior- has -cut �olghtor 4,100,<a o, 'with'. t1idir been me, th ir pot cc or a Arl;W�V PIP VeUer, R'Q�, 6. '"174a three d togqj le aroused ldlbh lay' to -a�,b fai s,,very,4.IffQreftt. �crea�nj`lnpp says 61t illiam f4 "All 'rAiht ­ f �it (imme mil qpvea, �e r an4,plitt.. gh r b" 17 nt Wan 'passed n I d V VIA! es P YGO"000 VIII Vro.,ylda,­�Ljt, Ijast a, oQuirco. oj trouble -to ille' But near t rpe i'l, _Iils� mothIbu aud-ing,,o 4 IB�4 .0, 110iii �6 or, -ill )gsesj:�_Inc _laborii ' 44 sea e 'a en. enj It W. .,,an eye thO*Y_Liii�4 46r ­just 'sue" cal .cIqanlng,,, Neen' tliIngg(, and' a)i unsur f _,lqP;lqPs1raD1e-chaM*; oseas, which 6idrt rn�4rfy Ai as jore 0" 009nopM"by lafgs-'ar" 11tV ""Boa a `ro0id '6f knowl 60 WIL111 'at 4 teat�j' b a piece o glass hoatj fe th?6'night elp Ut :,tj Barb on 'e cA', f , , ''o ­ , ic A tprprot "t e iah that former4y Paid' the: -f -Nith ivbach',Ii "pt ,quenqy�, grinding, and p abdise If' -FQ�0- t i rh;,Id� with)i r one room, in� al­wrrbt&�d� Iftefie- His Is q. follo'FIs'o, t itz�d The* three" laininatiop mum9ers p r*ovip, 46 1�9 41ions ; ."', eco a cQueegin curiosity,,'. lch the mother anont house.' 14 t thousands the 27 cas.es of.intirdar tpcordlA V C164, I' � -1 0 � 4 e7 W�Ide:d together t til-ey"are 0 ses'are gtlll required a. f. these li it Sir William Hdoa-w9od 1jeuted. �She realized thtt actually �Arrs__plece. 'In -obviously re it .,gt b -Aole rupordtyrecover-V there was somethl eat. deal pen dono'by private rig queer' ' ' about her . Is' thb � same %as.'Ordiliary is. b It _b . Tit!). viftluey of., 0411d, and slid was t6uchy,.about It'. . The , isin" _�ju vms 9130 020, in th ka-Ldclifil.tor, of dA vital and, Intere4till atep.-Ill, the ch -1611, rfjhygl- Were 013,34V 44it Ing.' It YQ L'I.' lil anthropology at �the� National M . u- C.ture Is. the I ther, oietiOlf 6 D. young . ..... and 'is W 1XV oug 1"Is jl%am gree- 0, b every., Qdgq,�: lifour-' d' afid'�flve,;r '11C,atrip oful pividiiij �icltsa to, -;of it, you Will Urighli. �ias!'b6en Spurn of Washington, had hoped =a piece notice L V. a narrow blai the center, Jlfferrsd6s, alth atiestion '116 '?1, 6%, VTY 1511'Quels L-o-QW-OhIng t th461 little. one's heredity and. ipre This Go 181,b01IOw'it1g full mod ouM asionr toys V!1 bom t" a. ,for We oil 011 -ng money rior comppund,: whibb, 14 applipId to the In. a very dwi part'.of Dirb ous, Den, 'for.- But' it' �ob I u. av wall , wo 0 sf: Utside of the junciura o Ene.''thr classes, 0 -a cool ieeb ..so Would Volilice.- tifijo Miellij :,W, uld, get pion 11 �he ap- jamlinatiorib.. It." keIps' out wea �Tvliti proached'her; and that� there was a the The7 Govorntri�rkt, .46 efit chtlaron 0 iind,,all- othbr,itii, jn,&io,.4jr'etJy by:. suplying. free din- Nea;rly 13 a- f4igerp nd:S.'. Aded dur ii6silifflity Of .4xtracti 19.i -Auences. which� If g afi'Y i:aform' ,In q_ .. I I , , , lley. could, get In tie five, times k. week to odchool 'brin tion., rob' the I yers, wo . ...... . "p the tolbal' up to'43i;OC between, 4 U14 in abfY eo�plpy neighbors In s . ome child en, W Vars are," to pay for �heln Z. ying s u" ty already had made ' ; .. I - .. _ I . very SALPtY small, communi Olimlillito 'the f feature;& :00 I)OCT IPTA �Yard, w-Wh �6 fi��r are "Sentla the 1111681' Is pecullarity'to ju April., 19 Q, paid. by 1,4181'aUth i9347.-,�Uil� t 9f: this clifid, w" q llu impact,'the ooinpbjjnd� 'ji AId.S-6llclofj.*to, �Vomeir e orat tli nd' at( poor 'doea'*;not 'shatter or crea teir Perhaps the had. nicii;named It "Little. flying ore g-l*efk free.: to, them ragm.'ents, becaus-6. the fle Lor4'Byng or, vi y jMX" p, Pat." or QlAethinj; of the xi:ble,,' t pure' milk W r. ..... 3 tightly to I eg ne ran inian o Force. l, ed 'Away' zen, Tr Wh cssiary,' d I' lays hold �he'odtsfde I an he the flex ble, un-,' I.X76 plirt, bottlei ere. sold at. a. re - w "Ildc1d'dni In., ht Thid Wa But -Di. lirdlibica stor' .:to 6 erg The 'Whde­' f this most Imble th: strahi ag,was deiriongtratle diiced secon zki,.'and "972;': ti&ots" f"iied QaZe -of '!qdadrued to, he oiv, rec�ni A 77 INTERFESTEW Nin a Prior,. without 'shattering. no of, I � , �ho,,clev . ; .. .1 . . " -great deal' has eeu diun fO:r he edircat lle�' severo Iralact be.�klass bef6rp, among the Indiana of eir. sea . Ja i amon that ms: buled fdart' in"qh' '.Out :oe-. line 4,: '.Prl,n;c,,6:'Po�t�iptzi�nt,�r,6V.er�or of Rome', a rid fro' he hid wlineappd: 'years'. is.'64gh�-O� Prific�g-'s an arwgeell. IsIting. the -&sA di, cousit northern'. M6:kIco. . . �� I . ... 16P of -thd,iah dreu.,: At -7- 0 end W� thit on6 gat,_ bAck Ao' him When h e of W16 Canadian Iegw, odd Veli—avro—rof'I- as -LAP . 7* Im am: to, hill,-, Irho6i Iie-Exodu "-f �-B Par, T4e'th�ukht. c is nz wil.� -Isf s. Aying I;oIliy'.pasa: thi-o t 00, is oompudisoi Aft S *cerate the Qpebi' n ash ,e,% not Ond,) POUP, Y- All the� i , 0, *Isi'ted New, t feachers'are'all I he t.ho*-,iopen ng, P.6 bdXes,;.and. do I -c nitoul. 166:4er' Yeir, I for A YorkAlVe yearf; graph at ago.,, body... Iedgea are smooth and 8', (Th. f GAniLdiau 3 a roquis to tion. 'side.' of 1. . .1 the likelikood thak here wasin ells'a C 0 roung tralned.,and'--th 'liool tho:_DoW on ilexible, ayA e, Ihad Just 6eeu taRon'. by a tag. off a8 of eaving. in arge: VU It went'. a : no adverse. crit 'peculikr physical'.'thr6wback Bra tfie�- sh Ill" he said, men ar hid Is the t. every yeAr a 16' of, People nces-' W Boarder, a& ir beghs. Titers er f knto'.tryj, He beileVedjhai, it was 4arb.' tTelkto''d by he'4 filuch Otte in, Rathmines, %-:s-ubur4b' of, Dublin'. ggain�i r saka�les cuita'. Vincoiit Massey's work I there :to Meet e ai y VO tin �1.1 y1l IOU matter -be-en 7WINOW Sinbb� Web. a w 0� apIlea'. has' ayer� e- I bpgall to f t 940m� one res. izes. a the� v ch nearly, "100 n,..a..widd anotl swell'u� and tkut"Oh fillli'. - stricts, �j L , , " ge, a ng ou u oys. and girls At lar Ali(i t3 --�be6n.broug t to. Dr..Hrillickala.'atten- t 'A '11s steppell -out. ot 0 a. resu't,'Of Is ayet �af gla s.,S Thomas Dion: atd -free t . q , over 00 chiadrozL U n V 0 Y -con at rig.of--a-I Of- L -T h niAs' Nw-YeA-Hbin This'la h-eiv al, 1 0 Lhe, B�'fte ' t mad I o' giaiii, a0aYbr oi'the, blu'difigL CO' Ir boo a g f r in ' formation, as Inpo81- Id NO Sto'rii�iIch Tide WhI instances hav i r Knightj� dchlldr�lioii in I "i . A . o. cd�-hfr�L di 0. now 0 6.5 ft or, one ma r jihiersit3i. m.p. It!on' home to iejrve.tholr�Lh6rnelad jv�q to 1114!0.. .40.� Vpeu v one rMneei by, 9 ng thiiio High Q& h lid g. final I y. t if.p near -of crov(d., and Came' 'He'said, werei., fisdal poll of. thi �fr��.g ibrarles,­are provided nif" tlon.. Nearly',ah ot.iliem',have coin Illpt tile, very-lideort fthe C7.0f. dner*to �,,th 'rank of M t6k. s bn I said L Jt was, with ve na ni tmay be an !Ybur. scuit th jr rle� wh from tire etter-6ducitted -type of Cana ar Ili . rlar*,�' 'Sir -Thlitzis, - - . :_ Can n aside ine- has ;bqen similarly accepted with6iit'll, tell story of "'Sir Thbibag Illpton7 Herw s 'the favorl thick.- They tui . , I Inch esll�w: di Thomas'Liptofi,, millionaire' Idian machl the problerh gh 6e'. a. 'be A political issue.. A IpIption oil the aspor it yards.! ." . M 1-irditekla, "that o�ji 1, i p. " - ' ch- serloqis�obl part rsens' e. world. flilfibil mirrded.pjerslo�A.ph Id -aht that,there efqro- t e session at Ottawa .must -be reasonable protac -!tit Ir Thd� � 1; . ... . e a 1min �.from �on� away w clo&4 'havfot t t 'rite. me. about:At ere 'LIS, ''no '94 1 '0a meekly. - He turned �Vh6 havo,seen he tolld lf7fo a repo ter. U "I d qu V, such 6 -, - �! �1' �: in, I '. - , .4da OR' �oiher mas, H611 &j In beca ev6t.. Ahe.. Cons,6riative leader a' hoine i�rlatistries.'. Whorl tfi fL use th(;Y� feell'twhat don,162 was a - So6t. alIL:,My frills..riiii't . ; " .., ' there Is- one 4eature, p Ion', .1 . re 'fliat protecttofi; ill,&.% ties can- *hicb� 1, Uslre to Bpfihett, 0soiciab6d him' self wltb� ff6ct1QD__Qn their -ch hiondon. by-Aeda-1-Pic tu WDP d --out c borne OiA by thO fact that.' the 'bulk George. g n6. prosper the';fa of fietce, QDnk,, metion. It" lw,ths 0 my"corr' pose -next tep. to ap. f ef,%pondence has,.beeh. from a -petition. -pro d of t,66 irallw y carriage, and rushed arppeara on the"largeit bI pofftt,'i fewest, ei, wordS,L'. C s� u the Awki-e4p' parents. Who appreciate Fliers L �t6­ :ate'd -bk�k' Ab nTO- Airins I NOT. SO C oca Ancient".86rder "Idd Just. be RAZY ew, lon .-see - to eP.i in C 8'. of Wn 04- ftf. Meso'_ ' ' -6 Ize '6,6 purpose, the: sclefitif c Va us of this Fj U rte It ..The ConsorvAtiVeL �brftics k -a e,nttoa.;'o.f' alit. A huntsman me. a- luna out.t clined to ll:is view. t a sibl courf, TO 0 At ',t Tiie; isbailds 13L. t tic or' se, no fae6tion. wlrdat� miles.farthof on h6 did It. agalh;�When;� - 11 - ' t t ')tn.. t it'j. po a ia. again 'dra , wn to the bitiess 9, oi,� the carillon ,itN Ia. national, me-. movlr�g to' rapidly. In the soever -upon the 01 Ill. This behavior' in : 'bik waIL' no Out ,en tini6si -eacli t I' ria p,h6toirap y_ ., It una he, (bad do .. If* wo-ria.1,, 6orilmemoratfte of tire. and not -."menial- and It is �t t' tb: alad sda­ doog. sald the lunatic. tation n j I o child dbo 45, P i a" e s separate, represen TQv, t me Just - catching. th4 - trai the, and'ot. th-Ek i6rvica- an sa-cr. dce- w1it0b, Is' 411L -means ( I 1',Nfi�e day for hunting." They 3� physical, an physiological" 'follow #aVdIle 'son is �nae. more upohLtis.�* contributed 'to that -gret e d . It spoke of- �thei - a fMr, I pile ills huntsman. nglii,uniieid ft couldn't stan& it any longgri ir4L�ask- ery .6 appears 'In':bOth.;VnkIish,.and, 'Irendh, 1to, pur I d 4801f ff%ffve skin 'of - - his' tooth, T n ancient bi)�idpr� e do :.Opi I dild, according tb, r ity Of mat n not continue . it - earing to All" Over- the I Clui n IJU v4orth?."' h _jong -15 feet.','Parl' d lit 't r ason'fo h a 11.91. y husband.*,'aiw':�:'� y6ur horse iss�es pf. foreign policy -YLA4ch.' �agklid walk naturally on Its two in nra jj� h r Is ft -b p6r signiiticani W ea one. recalls f 6n-. r -QM -the Mr by inairto. .. I - - I . I d 46 p tak plpddliig' home from the-toffice, the fAc-, the, lunatic. whdle Britiall ots have.* roaBon to �(i a concern t e ea a 'tt,��e. Ago ilition. of. the - tw­ eopl, tho aid of British -mili6ary., uiators: tot t a �,brlew-'j . - !,Anything from 50, 1 9 100,". said . .1 ­ . I . at6Xr these maxiffeStatib 11 , I . . . .; , illb Scot,,opeil- .71, ths. rblin:dho: ute and h' e !3 e; monwbaltb.;',� �Mr.,, ns,, for gonlera. y 'the' t W4r In our c6tIntry a- u1sat-the foN-1 un or. 6pirtion, existing 4lati, yshoWifig: -them 'are ifte bii Oistindctl�y. showed ory and the', p ng-.hls �f�Qif. ores my,�nnle and 'a and­tise m o,ughts'� otned. best. and ca�­ .And the the iransaIctidon of diplonli al go- -.both thound f6rm&d by ntgtur� address fastened' la-: �tb ii� Inscription. r bove than'. 6%' oi� the, avbri of P., Y' �Edliiburvlb Anyth,fig. to 20.0"" wftfi apan. were a6litiate. ., H, Thia carillon was 1 IlLed" Which, t rp llbiipod� u ':;6f of bags' mentally' and �arid­eyery je p,:by ills' Mill -his oat -�lrled, biriqk homes aha walls, coh., Ah It, co:llars "How finl6h, is a'hou d, worth?" n6tA as, an e1cample the .aTra eme, Wha 'a- t InstanI6o c6loriscIly I&. of gredt Bird coats,, tuck� napkins - Into e ']��om 2 2 to 21 cast, tie r eyes oveld, W at, shou u ques Is fellow asspnger. 90 0' nd�, h I h. Id `b ce' t1i 'maddi to eitriet 'the �ak t' t d�-Lk Value science. t of invaders, �btirrtllpgand 6ath- h y, Autborliy ,of Parliament tor "The, whole s ubject' of: phy . at I qaj bIs. 4ked commemorate - the. a�P!And the fox?!' i:le the., groaning boakd;?-ilthat meets number. apanam Imizil Ills British law," paid 'the' 'C�Wif& 'to W. a year. ..1. , - . 0; 1 i Peace; of 1918 liavi n alm6st untouch- he location, of t 0,,.clty' Scot,,,,if 'thelrgaze-? 'About half a, crown.".*:. F6116wibg 'i or atairlsinq, Is a keepl� in iomern'brrance', in You ale'on a -train ille, rail- road mliii send Y`Qur "Do you m6an to -say you!ve. got eeri, ml oxoavibi6fis were bogtt� a Pdrsut� -salad, With, th brit lbad b w a !ad !old seems to.have been Id, hd some tin- ayorinialso do taplied by jile' lditii-b�d da on stonos.'wi t�- li0�pssi . ng'. alt the soulee. and, tifice n J.'ablqut ��Rl 000. out-.' cfiasfug� h adfan' so acciddzital ol wri Just. boon to a specialist. In IlIo;i6n., were. a gIvilig'. a expo,- be 'morp'L� adiatiag tions" -and., no one 6 00 iplls�'md I lia'vt) lill'tri di "This must st6p,` dechired'Mt. Gtlso of Canada can ell what ay isease. and of I- in Gres, at, appaililt seveirai'mo-fe trade �evoniiially Como Of dlition an, alitiogi. certain'pio�- I'm likely , t� -drop: &;ad: any inute. ta, V` Clump fit an exc usIve InterV7.16w. "Whq[.i about t?":'0ked':tllo hunts- the Mr. Bear 'Uhave q6en:-w nephew my,wife city. -.bu rece peop e' or ty of Mament,"' there olonora* in ill old o. I'm jui;t my t1bkof roirt it iiuth IPa f, * Y ng f -ntly "We'ar we man. le'somethIng spl6ndfdly-lh�. rb a bidlent, 'in wells, r and rui-its, gtiltin to sAlmo for'the sa0tid-i s lf-mile, on 411: "Will, -it se6md: y tra. 7 'station.. I dld:ow the* way 6u'd better. com"" val'as must be. feo..! p ssfd In said. tirlin to�,Proceod sn he t fl of.th: old'town'' Oman . I cogls,, vaseg, hom . j.why,41iould husbahAs'ot the riationto jj' on:, home the./ lunatic. thser- WordV � Thore, tompara-� 'of � a Inting :m tristerad. of 0 old,t, 'Is :iuthbrity. in thG affa rs� estalish the writes a Chapel Hill; North Caro� a ey'v0`'g'1olt I 'te (ouM Who -years rallwaY I ridden 'I was lldfi. vQ, make the ' *_ 1" 1 L ., I P 1, 1 The vo e t pDttor,j; and'. rfiany'otber �Videficej,of Iii.ftleir wrath, shako off t t f in; yonnalso ln� a h A*0�� lauence. �76., &xr�ionl&a find ."to kelbp In gift:pf a, fall f are, when "th, Io a qa Un It an' .if.. t .4 kreat- o arry my.46ad ody.kr, do d �4 T -T6kyO4 e. par Y. , *6te ng, of' fian'tWo emembi*nce, W . , "' t sfclanl� bp�akl thd abylotti-in and Assyil, civIH26�_' a wo* hat Wors more full than jrea'i-nopIlr6w­:,of. olan -Ifandolph, Wfth re'&1und. More t Sir.LThoInt" throw Vaek his ma h independenc' Ouebe'c Action Catholique, (Ind i*�* now route Ilipji lichos �ior 10 hours 0t: orr'1merfca`n-.- '*Ill b6,"found' in ..our, -�,qfiserva1jve. Oplibsitt, "'We who dg d LrjoAlepsnd'efic-o . . . 0jgbtL gdriera�tlofis�.of merican ances- tb&o A and, �bdr4. -with 'Ikugh ter. -,Their money of meaning ou'd specimens 4 on languag'p? -To, ion.Adi -etght ateamer. harecalie'd his ea a day ay btdlck-s_fokd hitt the _. , " , f .,..beIiji a . Lqorialrdo.da try. On" 'both Ados. "Tile 'scIii to Toledo: Oil t ho��P' lilts boicome-.s6. proiounced', thitt ilia genes of rly American experP mue Iftain"Id's and teet �vsff gomettin n -can jefl, 'witliout .?We or,, necoss ty of iiaurs obdrvant Canadian. A trot ences when, penni jj'gers. far" It f ;thq'.�portraval of,the da"v,: 1061) le Bove d of::.th [less immigjai, A which these Words presented,by someone; with' tbe',,,,i rri�pt *ith 86met wa a k -boy,' hb,hhd slaved*irlid starved for a much fear' Of mfstak6' :when; the g an Imelfi,it s'itilili'like, fo, Chair &,t Madi Againdt' d day" Shoe .9 for Ame' vAll evar?,be,,assoclate,4-� How full -Of adlanpoini Oif tho Far- k fe*%dofIar!8- a' we'eik,.'fn 'N'ew York and n;,.Write �newspapor co yums r1ban elootbral dampaign n e -ac ers kinared.k India labor V. alf hours ' da' . , fribanift " thq are When aj�- a6lflz� nation: -Catra, 8. oug I lie does not Unr6st t tI Ali, hlpped� chrr6ts witti'vine- roadt66 American nem dcriflea f �to th,6 pacifid are' Of interest to you," IfeA a Tehn6o fodlinkly of-, the 'thila ho.' Re ptlied. to",ths, service and .0 nwr am so. glad ;lry lali Tilon649*" are or 01" He le o rs�a�.ers.'Tliose. Idil � ''' * 'I our young :country, and. to a peace. in 'PNra tit's boarding, g4l" tile hock fir Mee m6ther, or IL always iisisted'-ft Bodba'A The news d. tro Ar� 1%00(5r�l.g who suffered fh)m &OIlly 133Y or -901.4a 110wevef-,-! -Montrbal of tile Now. which 'relates itself to the - entire tatfal. Wag fntcregfltigifor,a "wholo V tq� V*kL It York 1611 scusgi it' the urgerl,� need for' U4 by vl�tue� Of world!- 'Aroutid of,'ih'e 661.1 a d rmlitded,-, tip, 13, ta�n­. i�-6 Ilope to, ilchlove, 0,11.1. Purpo�-e o lange-s soffi6rsaults, Nvill no oubt like, that.' Tlid'cbll( den. all, the, f ct 'i6t he' lid n to cal. *if h the s hich arries tion, A`rG ihe beef, W nashad potatoe rd, Mu'about oft dispilties n Id an'd, roast lmo, by their.* experience,, allomfOuts 4fter.-thoy Could such � a Imin grants, a' it a ieod le PW. walk. Tile 9109 - w6ro gfi�4tl� 914 Sm"gaporOD ature of the"i-n4ubtriiii.lifle 0c it. i' _b.L 0) -'God 1114116 14 g Pat all NeW "'PooLt, .eys as., i)t for tho,old-, , OfIndlia, s cc iiiInk inc �inoy e Ma, Spprt agilothan tho'boytj,,diq ain d 6t b6y. Th towtId 0 oil 're c� pp4m6tj tlidY.kt�j that. the e J The.youngost Hilld of, Pombay are. out' to ago f tIfe caril"6D he -mill fill Such is. the IfIllifil chaird8, evcry�. i'mc-ing aji& tbankg ladders, ban, on. c oorso N" Mireoto. as inuch trouble a. �-4 rne9dge of r thing, In. fad, before -o We 50 003 -ton, 9 wadi) tiny workers as cIentre section vThe. In Biblical lor(g; ds' Tha offort walk. hhap gone -tip, srn�all.' amofig tile, emplo'yess 'is pro dock. h am 0e0A -and posts bytAlterally wa�jd ng it §ituation 6P acUte, unil��st heeaty c�ilttlijos ago jou rn skle.1 iftdrly tw :R� tip them. ovor aftiod sh aVia: SUeZ­and �the� IL pape I -a' sdy. nlay I the itee'r-1 qi� g tha, by,night. Ba& fut6re cause g ve itio cltk��e to c oga i�, a ra onv Ing their flocks says, the public. 4A a ruio; Dr. I-rfdl ck to"the Thledkkk Which was, construc sides lt'tettlflis. lit; 111D011 toada childre�n that phorkoffidnii With this Caton rnafi, strike 'tn 4 ;Iin Wmrd re�cord azn� Of �hjoiiihS J$ ­8r) !ilia 0 'Of a � llry�t ca 'Vio born strong and,, li'ea' tr. Ithy, 'have on a,Judean- inoor' Wt the voice -at long.,Arl a'bitadth of 12jeot 'c knjie�stdge, the agitlitdrs fiaVaturnt- ample vitality, and frOdii.ently,romain ed theIr.&tentlop to the::rtiftay and depth. of 7� �feqL. It contains sgry ng, a! in Y enld% ork Wit , , ;, . i steal, 3,500,0W rivet - .111 soun.,over. and and sea to i. erg' the onaboe, the average, In 81 gth, ac6- lipitl w rell atIon Id , t'llatik I ftv �ftild oven -mentalityI, W 18 roffiark te iitternlo�tc parts-tf.lhs e4iith;'anil Tal of 0qecfjjcaIL pj�yclg -and the port:truati and n tuft W ......... ....... . . 9 c n 'is not ilbla that flier one reidly sickly have induced o Icap" each'of these­gtI6Uj* 66 Ale 0 e e, and or dofectivo �ihfld'fti�tlj Whole serf Ell put orwaidd-d r th redrdc�.a noN��, assombled m,ay yat, in tho�' -there 14,not one )record of a child of �rlcvandcos, ont whi h 'the em,* 'pour ith7kii -no dowil, the centuries a oi iepogt6rous, Th -ooms and bliths. d' l(neing ar4o, to mnaludoL '.that' declare' atb- I 1>1 e 111glit 'Flon t6*11blo, , L tho'-doW ut t�o the �UjliOri6�4 C61166rrle� n obar U sage ILy child and thre'At Of ctfw,�A,aeiiott should thei powokul Vutch_tugs. Its depe fili-yq Wa not tho w&Ijkling. or �tborwlso defec;;, 'itquessbo Agnorelf. Iya b y_ t M %flOctillarify (.).4 walking 0 on 11 orled ori. both si.ds o the river. D old loujilif g r Brussel.i.—A., g eigh-itig more. than wven tons, presented, b 01460B, Instead of, erobpfng,'� ptAsht, roht boll, w the pow'er of the. tit y s�pri gilwera, in Inemor aY own10VO 6^j. d.A fi of '.The 'rs mlovern6 of the, holfovo thof� comrideig ;Nli� fell 'In the waro its'llic�r1p 'W, th� to 6o. -still �qlj It's 'goodL to ",have AregL # atho towof L gna OtItbultf Of ChLeel-Ing and the b Ition�k, atid the 'bra tivain ttnl- 6 dah; tit tg L -Al M 'IL -411111 I I Ill I KIll I H I K-1111 Itl ILJIHTIIJU of tho, b6w' It at 1 hae 1won willp, y liell:0n, thingd th pod; 'but b up 6 sir thoro Is anofi;or' da and gomo., 9;Oo4 . 0 Y, WL; b' 'H Y.16 R PLA -ml OPEP-0 E-0 R D 'bo�y else Ill' mi A ka�� L'. h it loot tho LIS'HE NE 10 ay be whipped' 'a tha M Wouit, Charloa� Holt of L(y e.&, t0, yoq. ifil'ok'It uniatky to marry Arti-like z consists (W ng and T, r 'boerl­ii 'little 611 Friday t1l "CortA$nly.' 'Why should' Ing 'the- 11no When ho, cm