The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-07-05, Page 63 •,737,,73—,,,,,,,,••••••••3••••••••••••-••••• • -11•11111r33 e Peeds iniA#1.11i:41 ay Go to Movement 1....auncti9d to Pre. serve: ,Cornish His $upiadsect,13irth7-pIace '' - sze.; Wiect)ei • vv(x)otluvi u.tusta,,etvo IttY4,5Arrren.clt-Ln, In remote and distant parts„ Of :the•iie'ild, line, :teas ;ire grinvn-7-Wherever they grew these teas' :are proourettfoli "SAII-ADV ,blends.'lhe best the : world produces IS sold under the "SALADA!? label. . Miens knew ,the satisfaction oSALADA'r :gives. , . , "se , • speotresoca 1105ULOUS' • 1193 • OR THE 'LOVER OF SPORTS The wornan or girl who swings her ,gof 'clubs oniing the Morninq Or.triir4Ps do'v'n'some shaded lane, will; like the frtedom of the sports ."en-. ,semble7. 'picture, here. • • e sleeve - loss :pullover' has"a V neck and is fin- ishd with an elastic Casing at the -'wniSts The knickers are made sinocith- Stillfr'At the back by darts, and the , .'fullness at the knees is githencl into a 'bind.butiOnini:at' the sides. Worn with this costume is a tailored blouse with high . or turn -back Cellar, and long Sleeves fastening with link cuffs. The Pullover and Knickers, No. 110,5; ie in sizes 3.q0.8 and 20 years: Size , 18 years (36 bust) requires 274" yards 54 -inch material, or 3¼ yards 32 -inch. rhe Blouse, No. 1193, is in sizes 34, 36,, AS, 40, 42, .44 and 4& inches bust; Size 36 requires 2t4. yards 36 -inch ma- terial. Priee 20e each pattern. ' HOW TO gRpEit Write your itatne and address Plain.' sgiving,nnmber and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c iii stapipa or coin (coin preferred; wrap it 'eerefully). .for each number and address your order,16...Wilson Pattern Serviee, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. • Patterns sent by 'return mail. f anada is 'Ahead Of Vermont State , Maple Products St.ikilia.0.78, vt.—ven:non't's to leadership in the procleetion sof maple products is being ehallenged .bs, Canada, the' Monthly statement of '41ie 'Vermont Customs ' District' Shoeve, • More half the $58,821 Iii revenue collected , at . Nevi:Tort during April .ca,me from duties Paid 011 maple/sugar products crossing the border from Canada. Nearly 1,50`0,000' pounds was inverted. ..Atitemebile travel 'showed. a marked increases" A total of 287518: caret With. 82,418 paseengers crossed • el . the line. during May. .t BEGIN .HERE. TODAY*. • had, There Weesenesfeir,Story, though, ., i . ti9ve. Reetee,..4eegeter, sof,, teeing., .of. a little Isetinletres,s who len n .love Ranger,. disappears ,after Ineching . at. With an aetor'e the PaZE,t*"... , her 'friend,' Lucia sMercutio. That. -'vas one' oryour.favoi4; Thorne.: A .,. latindrecV-theuelerid-dellar •ite Pisrts,' 1 believe,' ' reweete‘.is seseree.b.'ihsedasruegphet'ue4.fethere 'FY4Out'rea iii;p0Kne *glut eiiientive for' the return of , , t •Moo co:, ay, . e1SeY d inselsentlY. Euetice;Iligby, attorney and 'trjeiacl , e- - t 4 let • ALEK4NpRIA, CoLD, MINES LIMITED is, a development, holdinge`expleration end operating cetePany with eve outstahdiek properties in. three , of the producing egining areaebeCanada, namely: Sud - „bury and Kirkland Lake Districts, Ontario; leertlied Anal. and Hazelton Districts, Britisli-Celumbia —option on conttel of Alexandria Mine, Rhilliiss 'Ann, Biitish Columbia. . This coupon isfor. your couvenieetei seed It tedayfet this complete repOrts of Ranger,,,aesists inthe eearch,4114ts ee,1,,'isea.LleY'° tell''ethne'T'epitYye°eil:g.triesPtoteie.vettis, 'ei. Charlie,. adVentisrer and lifeslongnIs friend of Loring',. comes with a.' mese 'ow,'Ile KeiSeY exPresied it to himself, sage froth Hope's. abductor. It 'is halting him for fair, "Oan't,you see- . $ent'stb---01eiti1iesseritir-instr*tiMlessto; eall-ethedueleeeenie,-Vel;estel et ' 'tell this.,frien4 19130 4 hat'A'f•HOP.e beck into' the arms of Year SePpPrt- orld Kiwanis: Sounds Battlecry /in War on Vice riendy Relations 13etween -Tiat:la -and-United-States Landed • . Seattle; Wash.•—•?!Never will' Vice peemanently."pievall oyer virtue so long as we -have rierelo'rea,sons and souls to aspire," John Mess of MoI Waukee, Wis., past -president of ,K17 *anis International said'atthe twelfth annual convention here .this. '‘There must be, howeVer," de-' elated,' :.'cohtintied combat *.ith AO leave it at a speckfied place-- ..- bi's the houee Still? • ,TIS riet 'so deep ter is in the. hands of a group.of Crirn- _ . , , Charlie tells. Loring that•his.daugh„ inalS called the Combine. • Frank 13rse- on is • Itafigees" :Private secretary. George Kelsey is:detained at a Private , , sanitarium NOW GO 0/1 WITH THE STORY. As. a. well, nor so wideeae. e church Stard•fthat 'it's because seine. one is Celle let . l' •t't t and ' M r vet door, but twill serve. A .plague 0 • beth 'YOur houses!' Then the thunders of •applaiise," . ,-•.. .: • • ' Kelsey. was a little 'Tele from his effort at self-oontrOl, his enontli was It 'was disappeinting for Kelsey to in inspiring eXperiensie could a Sunday supplement two ,,or three "eh ' forget, it?" he murmured' with exagl weeks eld, eritirelY taken up. with the ger,ated•enthusiaste.. .. '.: . disappearance_ of a .girl called Hope ' 'toed!" Bristow's tone 'Or as , grati- Ranger and illustrated with pictures ' of her reproduction from photographs; field!' • "You are eel -44'g 'i•cing nicely/ my, dear bey!' ' • '. ' . • . paintings and, sketches. . . The senSe. of Some one • hein ' g near With a Pleasant nod, ' he tinned him Tether than the perception of an away an stepped backto the drive where his car was Waiting. actual 'presence roused him ''finally ___Keltee's face Was. black as he look- Irtiiiiiiis lerewn study. • ed after bine Lose in his resentment Azirl was standing a few feet away and sense of injury; he had forgotten from him, ..rek4i.ciing him sten' dilY, her the girl. It as with a start that he hands clatped. before her. ''-' ' " ' . The involuntary ..sinile.' Of ,recogni- tion died`'exi •his lips as he. stood up. .11e had thought at first -ea resem- blance only, but to *horn? Where had he ..seene,recentll?' :He grasped ' it. sheould say; or dp. next, Kelsey took -One-Pfetheenursess-ItisS- Copely. He a .not -7.-lsook from his pecItet and, tear - had talked to her. -the day before. ' But beiehad-rTOW a s-ift impiession4-ing 614 fees sheets, handed them to of ,grace and charm, ofea clistinctiOn. which the nurse.didnoe possess.- . I She. began to write—words, 'belle , "GoOd-inoriiing," he .,be-olee the ' Si: woid§;.: dots, .dashes, ''anithirig's- Her lence which was becOming, awkward21 he4A,!;as hent overthe 'paper. Any - 7iFer- a --ricoMent I though -yen Were- ' .. __se__ Miss Copley." • • ' '• ' "Who that had ever lived through find that: he had only a stray sheet of • mime:and' vice and excessive excite. -Menisci The etinfinaltSs .theyiciOut and the constant • pleasure -seekers are never ;habitual:- duty -doers. The *o947, ditions •'•w,tiich Challenge ,our. 'earnett. 'efforts', for correeden. are Of such a Cliaketeiee.0.,to-Ilertiand--tliseitheught- f4S-attexitiOn. 'Of,. the serious-minded portiensof our people.Kiwanis Is one of those forces Whien is tholightfully. waging the combat for the suppression of *lee . endlleLsestpremaCy of ..asirtue: One pi!itiicardinal objects as exprese: edconstitutien: 'is:, • "TO. give . . . primacy, tothe human and., spiritual rather than tothe theterial values of life! ": • At Stanley s Peek,' Vancouvet, where' the Harding International Good Will Memorial ieloeitted, delegates 'and visitors to., the convention. heard Henry. p,,Heinz. of Atlerita, Gee presi- dent, o!, Kivianis..inteenational,' tell of the friendly relations existing betWeen Canada. and .the United States.... • . : "The • State of Washington and the Province of BritieheColunibia• are, of different .colors' on th,e maps," he said, "bet thewaters on each side of :the Rae are instSas:blue, the trees areof. the sanie shade of green, the. sun, the sky and S the, air are common • to all, for oars is one continent • and We nec one. people in Ideallsrn." . More 'than' 1,700, sKiwanis clubs are new .engaged in giving a. greater per- sonal service to under -privileged chll- dren, J. Hayden Oliver, of 'Scranton, 'Pee .clieirrean of . the • epniniittee on under -privileged •childrexis told • tne' delegates. It is estimated • that '5,000..leiwanlaes from •thes United; States and, Canada . The Worker 'You said that I must do this, and this, e And not what .1- love. if I must have , bread, • . But I have said that my soul shell have 1 will never content to live • and be • dead. ,• • yotieeiald, "We .need .but co,menen clod," - . • e• But. I. heeded you net and appealed 'unto God. ' • . •• Oh, do not. fear; I shall give you y'Our du But' not whet le God'e.ehall I• render to, you. Busby, , ',/ „a / 'rz. U. a r P74 0 'r . , • r Always have tne Magic a WRIGLEY package in your pocket, • SOntlies nerves, allays thrr,st? aids' realized that she h,atl come back and • . • g ns u e, . a g, won't g� hits): firSt; meeting illarSy, Bonis of •St. Mary's, and Ma-. Atrnntie °9.4ithantlsAaitinle'. With Brieteweirei all that:" ".'Hetalked rtriculated front The St. r. Maey's, Col- ficent views or a coinitrYaide Whichi rapidly and'in.shOrt Senteii.eeS,•inevingilegisite fristitite: is rich wsith, the:...legenclq.. Of Arthur his lips as little as 'possible. mune Mr,.'Lendon Smithe`M.A., weal aSearet- Pendleigon • , end his. Xhights'..ef' the: here as an. assistant Physician; and , ed a Rhodes Scholarship far Ontarib, ..rtound Table. lilSed it The Place is Splendidly ran and goes to .Oxford . this autumn. ,He Bohm the Off, and 'within •view and Up to date. An invaluable eeperit Its a son "of . Mr: and Mrs. Smith Of from its top, is the precipitons island ' Sandwich. This. is the second don- upon Which are a portion ef tha tweeting . year in which a . Ithedes Spholarahip. has aime to Trinity. , The John 11', Mess Scholarship, A' Magnet fin' Tourists uinext.castle.apd'Islaiicl. Now, to'Princ6' 'Pe fliarice-TA 'famous stretch of the 'Cornish Cliff.; on the eortli slreee ..Cernwalb %prop erlY knewn 'et Cletiren Cliff, .will Sohn, become. a national • meneteene if:plats Made. by the...Rev.. A, Miseard Ilarnes, viene arTintagel, •• . stretch ' cliff, nbotit . fiftY acres )..bout. • .. 41139ais,,, !da,,,sght4r Of 'mr,,...an'd Nirss, arse,' stands • as a, bulwark .1.1g!.Pit .t4°. ehee for me,. for a little svhile ah,evay., Then one day—no need' going inte de- tails 'now-L-Is'overheard a Convetsation between Bristow and a visitor. I didn't :and consulting Bristow about the hest. niltEia of -disposing of theni. And tehollreeigallis-eeeinieleYee,aerieldiienagt!psa\k!r.eiltint ttilic--le 0.91.h iissb.t.WAit..iihluvr.°1Ell'vder• Existed s wlisatesniutsnuteunhtiaonpaolsl position that choautr c cibulsdtwet. which last Year was 'awarded ' to Mr. far awe 'I the t etri k l'SI h help it s This. visitor was. &seething dtoeuMii:fs.THreilueintyouvlelerg;uE,4\•, also his assiStance--:on a fifty-fifty sbasis.: tinivers.itY . cif the theft of, a , lot of valuable jewels, Bristow made no bones about giving BYridon Smith, was this,Year a.warded ;Bridge, where many' say the last . The standing ...of Triniiye.'ettelents Iveellicereee the J6111 Qf the Pendragoair re Toronto, with it Milton In his HiStory of Britain, reO., 4. sta. battle of 'Antler, was fought, . and ward ceylebsrateed sKuiung...A.arrthut(ir. auNgOt..,, ruin's,. of an ancient'castle,_ by Penn-. lar belief the bh•thplace of the after. felloW just what to do giving the. The „remqval • of the ` college to the er any sneh.. Person reigned :III Bri• "Give ine same paper,' she said im- natnee of,7persons.an'd 'plaeee." Qfuetelin's and the ,efire,efttion thiebil'6e. hath and doubted lieletofore, was Seating herself -beside him, e , peratively., • , . • , „ . He paused, as if expecting her d very beautiful 'ace-. ha may again with good reason," demic buildings. has ma e, poss se io ars a historians, have pointed • \ Studying her, ctiefoas to see what q.u,e,Iettiodnuebsins,tstterenpleinset!. aihe. rr Trinity , students to , take full ad- out that. • there is little evidence .. ' s • . . Marks: `Who Arthur as, and wheth- He laidput a wholieehenles tele- the. is: federated. , "Did you'?" she askedvaguely. Her 'voice confirmed the impression .. of charms It. was. farrn,,faintlY vibrating. "Mise. Copley is A nurse ,here,": he explained.' "She reseMblee you Very much. I thought she might be -your sister." • d ,She scane nearer him an at down on the bench, motioning him resume his seat , "Are you a patient here OO" Kelsey . had an, uncer in • emper which he had taught cpn- trol; but at her question a flare of anger swept over his face, which slowly cangealed, to tm icy repression. ":Am I a /patient?" He had turned in his seat, and she saw that the flame still. lingeeed his hot. blue eyes There were White dents about. the corners Of his mouth; his vpice, was rough; ,the inflections were satirical. 'Welli that is as You look at it 1 was hpuseephysician here fer_a few weeks She sat'deWn on the I reeigned-efor reasons. My:resigne; inghim CO -resume his tion was accepted, •and I .packed in things and prepared toleave. need-, one watching he .would have 'thought ed car to -take inc to the Station; as her absorbed in her task. But, while it wa'some distante, There were Po- she wrote, she talked a,rapid under- . ' lite excuses—all the cars: were in use. tone, . • r started to walk"; hoping I'd,. get a lift '"You are an actor, she said .accus- en-the, toad; the gates were locked.' ingly;. "I 'Overheare. , some of,„,the s atteinpted to throev Iny: bags. over things he said :to you. Perhaps you the Wall and scramble after thers.. Two were only. acting, When you spoke of Men .elosed. in on me. I lost . my head lehn to Me?" ' , • ' and Struck oat, but they were too much ' "I never 'WaS an :actor," he inter - for „ 'req.: Olfr superintendent' had yupted harshly. "That's Bristow'e grown so fond of, me,.you gee,. that he little game. , I ani what I told you, couldn't bare to part. So he elevated George Kelsey, a ph 'sician who has me to the rank of patient. :I am still specialized in, leental diseases. But heree--for, the present." ' • ; who are you? Tha • "That means--eyou intend .te *get point just now,;, I inc away?" 'she leaned ,nearer 'him to nosis of you, wheh I. Whisper, ' . :a deug-addict-eyont "'Prn talking nonsense," he -began Bet, they don't adrnit, stiffly ;..but she touched him lightly on the • are ':attending the coneention. De. "Dr. Bristow , ristow is eemisig,". she mei.- Thomas Atkle Clark dean .of mem inured. "Give me a Pencilquick, and Uenvereity • of Illinole;• br. Johri 'Mac- ;:wait here. I will come back --if Kay, Manitoba College, 'Winnipeg, and. •Wendetieg alike ht the quick change United Steree Senater, C. C. Dill,. OS VOshington, are, expected • to ,speak during the w..eeltp • ••••• • 's 3ea- antage Of . their association ,With 'the, 'iverth •Consideretien.thats Arthur. was said, -draWing isi her breath sharp "l3ristow discovered. me,, of cooeses. Provincial University of Toronto, more than, the ,creation. of natural Tesidential college where cflee 4ite.,7iNele.,..,reealning. their. the lasses' Englistimen and Americans as membership in :meth, yet . to " many , Cornishmen, . He ended the cOnversatronrshorts in Rent the man away. Reliever turned, a hair, I'll saY that for'h' ' . are strictly.limited in size . • well 'the heroi� tales of the son of' im ; e s grea , in an. emergency. But .his ,they went •threugh me like' a diamond • (To' be continued.) rinity College Has • • The staffeefsTrinitysedllege hae been. •Ilther; recorded first Nenniussle greatly etrengthened 'by' the addi•tion the teeter of the niTith-centurY, Of reetessor R. K..Hicks, formerly Of and Stain Since, by poets old singers Queen."6 .1.7isivertity, Kingstensand Dr, eites glisteeitig web 'ef, fancies :and F.'. T..H. Fletcher of Ilitiningha,m lesemeeeee haVe made the figures as • the dePartMent , of Freneh,. and by the reAl . and believable as thoee the . appointme,nt. Of Professor G.. .1‘1.7 there authentic persons of histpry, • Outstanding Year Grupe es:A.m. Sw-sanfrea leales, In the - sse . I. of this lies in, theinu inner. ' • of English tourists who v.s t 'the ruins department of . Classics Professor 1 pile proof ' " • Hicks and Professor Grube are grade- ..., at ti t 1 thetown. at Camelford ates of the Unive,r.sity- of mb Idge, Five .`FrInitY Students tam - - •- - - the - battlefield- at ' . ' • .and Other spot S • closely' aseogiated England. -----7—*-_* . 'with the legend. in the last hale, de-•°, ' F.R! Rheumatism*, minaret's Liniment. The British pilgrims , .(.-de Americans,. too, have found •.ornwall. ' In increasing numbers. the , • . summer touiests . have invaded' the 1 .1-lighest Awards in Whole n University of Toronto Courses 1' Wm' i 11h.o.do'781—i rids: c p, ar ill). . BiSiliringepeiblica, : A art of , qfit cotinte at the ,sOuth .Of England, , Friends Of -Trinity College have been ' 1,25tuislaa.r...e.Counugraega,.tutiipsnsaiuluist.pef, nou6teact;er4inuga lo bathe on her .white ', peaches • at . interestede to net the high standing eosee will to the 'United States.) In ,thNe7ifatimSaueue•santidu.;PruerineaunIpbAtilti; In . !1y.. Pto1.1.:%:2isnicte grumbling ruins .are' of a period spdet- , seem'. cl. by •studeets, of the College In Boston and its eubarbs . aed. the: a neat. examinations of :the Uni- , mouth the. Englieh visitors were on Versite :of 'Toronto . which' leave. 'Jett the sett . of /the. pioneeit. and . iti 'the. been .announced. %." ' 's '. . . . ' . places where the relic§ of their sojourn ..Five, students .of ,the .college-ohtain- are most numerous They.'tf`4;111-. visit. ed the. highest standizig in the4teple,,New University'llythei? honor •ceurses-, Mt- stay in this country is to be,..te, Short ' York Cityi.nutunfortnuately their course,' is- the ruined,..eastle, Which is . . • . . 'pepulerie referred to at King Aillior"a:, castle, and so repredented to tourists.:. Regardless: of the trsiitn.'of . this .Claim,:;: he. spot: .hat.:gentilne hist -011C .aatocia.; . tions of later 2date, though it sie• now.. • generally', . ackanwledgedS that ;the Redruth and Cam -borne. and to stand on* the gsourid made famous by the tale of Arthur Pendragon, in the uorth. The chief interest at, Tintagel, of Robert Turnbull, ,Who headed. tne. Hat that they , .haVe , no . opportunity in .Mithematics. and, ;p•piiio of thelfor a , binadly comprehensive ,eXpeei, Fourth Year and was awarded . .the l ence-". ' of the • country, , 'Of its hoSpitalitY James Lateran, Gold • ivimi:3g,lttionb..e.prhtyrrsiaCisi I aheed the wItilekAingrojf tn: leaven Nkiiitheia/i :t8.15.son of 'Mr., and: r , as madea • me ,ca • . - Turnbull of 'Niagara% rassy New York, tire the-spiritual:heir of the little group and .:*as • prepared , for. the Univers tY.:of fugitive.Engliehmen whose memory, e at Ridley College. „Mr: R, Jacques,,: they are honoring. :But they: May Well ..fer‘i,oroth E- t,lgu'she..*Nroirteinren it sc9owneoveer.7A moved who was .'first In the 'First , Class' in , take the 'Part that thet lia.v.e seen for ', to PhilesoPhY,, Is a • son., of H, the Whole,, as America Will take. their io.iid,ef;tehil.:the legend§ 0! the Pendralf have 'deciared It possible that • JaiitieS of Teronte. . The Seine record s visit and their utterances as represeii tli cestle,,or some:mansion or dkell- . was made' by Mr. C. P. Farwell in the Iteteee es. the great 'people of :Which ng must have ' existed there,...befare Philosophy .:,course of. the , Third Year they, are a Peet:. • . • ' • the COneueets that it was later re- • storedby, the Normans in their Owe • , course of the, Second Year and Mr. H. ARapsey In Commerce and At any rate • there must : have been 'ance In the, First year, Mr: Farwell seine, soft Of castle on the Island • oS'.. comes • from TJpper Canada C011ege, .Tietagel; or Tintagoi, When: Geoffrey of .631)tvtittefir, mostre9db:dh i le'laiab leve6if earlytlie • sloe of the, Arthurian. legend' „anent the .year .147, .At the .close , Of „that .. cehtury, it seenis evident, :the 1:orinan ,faYnilY seated • at Hoenaeot s in • North Ton erten, 'had 'a graet of the manor of l3osslnney li. cluding no doubt, the .Island 6 ,Tint-• agel'they thereaftertook. the ,naine or Thitagel es a ,part ;:of the family'', nape which i thbuglit to 'indicate that. there 'syas Sortie caatle or Mail - slot on the island. for ;thein to reside , Mr. H._ R.eS. Ryah,;.-In the • Classics 1 I L particular'stile' 's More. to the Mr. Bean from F'ort Hope High School, de a sr,laP diag- and Mr.-/Rapsey'lrom Ridley C011eger av youefirets as St. Catlea,riries: • ' alibi*, your eyes: 'First Class hpeOrie in their respec7 s'_ein here.. Am- tiye courseewere also secured by Mr, nesie, then? Thatmeans:your mein.: D. G. Guest, a son, of the headmaste,r ovY of past'eYents is lotted out. • 'Vet of Appleby .School, Oakville:. Mr. A. doh't belieye, for al .yoti saY,Sthat H. Sellers, who cense to TrinitY kfrOm the North Toronto High Sellool; Miss R . Mastie, a daughterof Mr: T, yours„ it even t,ouched "-CHAPTER VIII. her 'manner and at the purpose. of An ,attendant inaki ig his leisurely P. Crosthwaite, .who)'like Mt. • Ryan, : • • Was prepared at the Pert • Hope het .request, he gave ' her the pencil, round, pausednear te rustic bench-, tuid she moved 'away• to' seated listlesS: on which Kelsey and t were.' sit-, School; Me:Gerald I: M. Sinithof To!. lento', Who' formerly attended, the Uhi.. versify of ToreetoSSChools; .Mies' Mary • E, simpson, a daughter of ,!..117: And Mrs. D.- 13, Simpson, of -Bowmanville, . . . a former pupil of St ' Mildred's Ceis. lege, Torcirito;• "Mr, .D„ M;.1.1eddles•eoe, Of Mr.„ and'Mrs Heddle of 0,4kv1I1e,' whoeattendel ApplebY ..8theo1 be.fore entering Trinity 'College; .Mise.: Anna D. Breretonesa daughter of Mr and Mrs, Gilbert Brereton Titentiord; Miss.Erica Mende; who•earne to Trin'.". ity froM 'Olen Mawr; lliss EVelY•ri. KeI1ey. who matrieulated from the 13ishcm Strachah ,School .and Was flee winner last 'eat of the First ;Edward Black Scholarship. In s 'Mederris .Lareee gnages; Mit. 0, A, `sJelinione son; Of the: Rev, •& n. ant) mt.4.L.:.IfillrigOrl of; To- renfh, A`ho Matriculated, frore eeelvern turning it in her hands and leaking thig, ,and speculatev'el measured. the' Vatantly before 'her, • distance between the»i and the wall Port thin carne.'striding ecross, the lawn • The Superiptendept of the. inititu- yvite fee eyes, , Kelsey recognized hi ri as one of the 1 'and :Air' Port toward m them, As alwaYs; he was men ho had hindered iis .egress dlou when, sl- he 'tessed Iuggage over the gate , . .-.• ,..,-- •.- dressed—a gray morning, snit and a . and, attempted to clim . after it; and Londonse-1f Weather conditions per. gray soft hat. - The' lustre of a splen- Meeting that 'heavy su'picicrus glance, mit, Montreal will have thg Privilege did black ,pearl'..shone in his )"uve lifted' ,his: brows -And, drooped . his of being the destinatien of the hist peCktie, ', :. .,•, month ehritilating it bbed and weary. voyage et- the neW' British airship' "Well, Miss Copley —he stopped. be- Ils109, which Is nearing completion at. fore,the girl and spoke it the sympa- oill8ti.gblirl a thiid'sh i n'v'e:htil,eill't; n'*);gsi . fgu.in'tiliteiti.tob6e: r•i:,. Hoyden, according 't� 'e statement te ithetic, 'slightly bantering tone ef a s Tne atterident, re Oler's eving.ti e ni”-rtisii. united . Press by Conei phYsician to a Convalescent, patieeteer llpeie- mender burneY, the designer ' . j"this is better than nipping 'over reoriel- u ; -,f41,..1 shribut or$3' .i' *si'"ed in their t 'animated enc,ounteri. tWitik-% A large' party of' 'members. of Par- ijected mandscripts, don't you think?. 1 le,d his 'Small 'eyes, gTinited.-and-walk- liatiient v, ill 'travel to Hoivden by She etift stared before 1 her: 4.-A- -led cit. deriving a malic oils pleasure • special -train 'earlY. ib "jelly te inspect , "He gave inc 'this pencil, . slie "''; ' froin 'ignoring what he took to be Ke1-4 " ' ' '' '•' .'"b t he Svotildn't give Me" any lmper,' ...„, ,., 0 q. • c„:111 for undertaking .-re -bell* tilattitainstl-hei-erl-She-reoved.-pn drooping„ly _townrci_t_e, .__ . It is uhderstood that eerY berth ' hol-11. . .,. 4 3 't ' of Ttrbil-t'mgliiii-P-a-e i*.j hd e.na'tlinlyztttlein. (ili,Z1t. ttlpieejntolifelie.:. hag already been booked, tit very high ' "Geed merning, Iselsey. ' .Dr. BW- -book, phe covered its pages With a„ . Prie0. fel: the inatigni`a1.111k,ht. whi(ill' .tori:s 'VoiCe,NN''aR 101%`;. o' It 'WAS i'111(1,.' ihR.t. riic,itig pencil; epparenth. ;oblivious' to . ' wi.11 Prc'hahlYs he made in. .AugtiA., ' . ;lie had never. heen , henrd ,to r., ise it ,everv,thing, to.„.0, her: \ . , inc. a , , , % • .. 411.hoe 1 ti ' 1 ''• 1 ' h .' bove 'that btodulated pitch, To do -so., ‘,/i..e.,,,, ' gene - nmrnitir ,d rtuiy • a4i'f'Ti'll' 1.1*.'tiI'll1-1"1.1ajr:.:".11`i'-i''''' -C?:e'c';i:11--It*:i"f ''`'11')::t'''':ill''Ii'l.ir:.de,''',!°.:,r't.'1-11 ArVrcie"'ItIrTrIt emplistv;;‘,. °.‘tr.i.Y''e 14. et•I‘C.' ii,h.es.'6":-Ci(1.eiritl**Iit .7'''''rf:,.'a. r'sillry'r-6frrr ..,,,,,,/ , s. - • to mIfs slee r)f,,vi(13.4iii Twirl .1y.',!% f/43( ,(.3,0.i!' Porn.topridr=1"Burni.y•r= ro1111 in thera ie 'CoPleY, I ree-;', .,,,,, e ,, . I et, xte.:•,.:ttel, at Ins. ti.les,i,idt..eritites. .seit;lti,,e,g eeets y'eu '4 ieer6 leelel!ly,' I./ester, t,,1 1,1 -e, . till srea'f.• . e • • ss- . . i The reit ex 'c. 'f, e ''' • '''''' v' ' ' ' (^3 t„Xlfr, A herss. t ‘voy A tq's• ee T-al.k,, s,ofeiy, (...pltof,p -E, etee a iseeiees Yee , VI : The ,li leefirilitfes1...,;•olar efieliiii eee.:11'..vined uStisiserren,te v• • eei sif s ll --Neel; Ill cede iriei reletes, is : "I, ',het be" .1 .isire?'' 1.., ell: ; ,,,l...:!i,s,cre,e, ,..! ,r;rt.c,et.r:h ,.,,.,,a,ridant,Il'....e: els 'e.,::..4,..1suy; re; :;:,.,1,.: i iiil.,,er,l,sto,f;,,t, I ;1„er,.1,11-,,,,,,a41.is„,,,,:;:st s., ps7.1.111,...,,f,,,,,,,,e,eile.„ / • digestion. , asss raw), eXPeries that the ma.rgin , shoe,. dVC. tee ). es.ese,e or gafi,;:y: is lovy..in bed weather, have been initltl'ner ftis'nd'-• \\ ;ratlyer • ' ..0i, ..,,(,,;-; .E,v,1eet'iy•% AA*ffeteetri ,,-, 4i, 103 1'. ,e ii'c.ly de,eedlea ,.2,esee.es Sii-'...et.1(1s"e':" 'l, ."I'i.l.sel.s,n.. e ,ssJiele.\,t,teit1.,1e‘:s," s .. ..41,„. . 1her-f ., eei.•"i(,.* P" e• w„;. •... 1. . ;„4• ':)...«ir..‘.s,a, „.y ,: ,y,,,• t, ;ie ,, s '12 1:' elly Idensmen 'el•leSt,rhlsf 31,1 I1!:r 41/1 eti . line neeeesfelyexteedeerhieye‘J,,0,}t kyoi,1,ii,4.a11,1,, 1innIdni,,y 0 4 /Aw 4 lf:,rend 1..a54ereee „021 4 i rr,,rv, 4e•es is, ,i , , LL1.1:21...,..........1.1..........4 ,414.. i ! fsi•es ivant.e'd t'.1 1,4 a'. ‘''.!Itre'l.. 1,„ '.11.",,v'"....eseser ;eel 1,11,1*(4 'IN that Act' !:;” .4;,..,..ir , WALT4F1 /01f3rICWS,11.i.MITEICY, ,..e415es 13.30E ,NO. .26--...'23 • '' i',A rwable antitepao—torriai,d's..: ' bc.11' ,'.. on;e ef her nvan',),S71'11: t' Jir,'04...'li 8,,.,.., ',I v. we y t;:frp y, a' ' J.x ('.(1•- Yotiae ste6tt Tc-ror'to I' C.....4., ":t.' s.V..3 , "A 3. , .,... , 3 .. t .1, ••' " • , ... I , , , • ..0, ; Built For Extra Mileage FiresiOne Gum -Dipped Tires assure greater Safety, , comfort and economy. ••• • ' •CliffNew bw,ned by bhiirCh , The -isle of Thintagel and the mine upon it now. tielong to the 'Prince of Gurn,Dippinr 'Saturates . and 'Wales, as Duke' of Cornwall_ Milch Of insukteo !very . fibre pf every . ,the other land of espeCiat note In the llariy ,protected for Pos: srfsesglitb;;;;Isiens itme he . along Church ' cord with rubber—builds extra strength and endurance,. while' cliff,. viiiren. JR at (.1)e,,(1 to the' gicho the -scientifically designed tire and- er the vie4.rage` of alefagel;Ia :the 'Property cif the Church; and 113vides , tr,ead- gliP1'"Wd. raad, and rfi.ra- positive m101'111,0 lie 9d1(1 at any iline pro- po.s,traction .. Your . rietti.est Firestone Dealer, sells thetebetter tires. S hi'td• :trade of !the region began, the •Value ,ee m. •o -day anlet him serve ,you better and save you ' tnorie.Y• vided. prropeswami:by, is obtained„,,---. from ' the. E'celesiaetieal Since' the increase in the tourist of tho land for " building siteit%lina stNuli)y .14one, nil, :The IteV: A. Buis:, • Fara' ilarnes• ahd; otliers: interest(ni ie tiff; ()boy! cliff ,havo arnynieditit,.0 lest an esp,e- (-1;01 y 11s offel' indueb,s' the. clibrell.ip 11,',alfowing :the cliffs" to 'fall hito 4t!cart,ltuglytho,y.hav,_ 'tiny the • Intel (hem... •341144 111 t; *bleb is, t(1. less, trim half the Vttlitei gt: s11 1 tIl'11311 over to . the •Natibifel • ' • Ti nsi, "national 'iqn•fr,ty for tlic .pre, olyo non 'filw,orie bromimetits,orind th8.0111Y 3p'51 1 s;f. neterel bpflutY. •TITCE5Tolit. 't I P.: ,r.:4 ktfaakti OP CANAOA 1.1),`Altri Ilart.41m71, Onlono MOST MILES PEII:''DdLLAH 3 x. .. . ... . tii • . ...DIPPE ; TIFIES - 1,;,1,P}Jc.,•',.:;.,c;.,tiri':'11',:!(';11(;1.:11;raiut.i6rtirl.'((:•frIli'vec,i'll)noi':it, : 0 . ful tift.:e 111,' 1)r.,:•Stintils1 •,:tfilinscii,'• •