The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-06-28, Page 5,
Clean Fix,U
• .„. .
Witli,:•51,4etip;pinoui 06% Puroin,1140'gnis• ootodo Pont..
scootwo Floor Paint. a •• . '
-Wood-lacaatainafer Ploora, Woodwork- and Fueniture..
a -Rebate' Brushing Lacquer!' for Floors., or -Furniture dries
'hi 3o Minatee. • „ • •
• Mi.iresee' for. Walk and Ceiling' dettotetion„:"
'PITY nd Effecin 40-,,.(tnol$ for reUitintik the car:
•Pula Stole of Paint and Laceaer Ilrashes. '
-Itakea,aaffeer-C-ultivalors •anil'aSliTire1r‘7.7
,JUST ARRIVED--Carleed of Coil Sprints Wire, Barb Wira
, and Woven Fence ."
St. MarYs Cement al ways ,on band.
Gyprtit., Paristone and Lime,
BLIJgB1111.); .ELECT RIc WASHER, Complete with
trie Water, Heater built in to the . tun. It bails, washes and ,
wrings the clathes. It Will pay you • to see this Machine • before
• ,
. Phone 66.
. ,
Hardware •Coal
Phone 74 :Phone 256
.110.4yinottaL„ Works
LUi::...11SOM and WINGHA0,...--,,
fta the aigelft and. Most complete
stock in the' Most bealltiful designs
ta ch'otise (teal, , •
hitirido,. scotch, soctiish and Cau-
l' midian Granites • :
____.---4gAi,LT-LONG -JOBS
• Tpolc, 1(eare ;to dtoW a Blue •
"We mike a specialty- of Family.
Monuments and invite your inspec-a
Inscriptions Neatly, ;Carefully and
Promptly Done.
See us before, placing your order.
Douglas Bros. R. A. ,Spotton
1,acknow, Ont. •
In the beartiof the Timagami Fol -
est Reserve, miles away from eiviliz-
-•ation; the vacationist vvlio loves .the
crisp,. ftesh air of out-of-doots.. :and
the , rugged,' beauty Of nature,' will
'..fiad a holiday verymuch' to. his hk
:Whether' you take 'along your own
tent or make use of the aacoMmodatien
at the .excellent tourist Camps; this
nOi:th country does wOnde.i.S in health,
'• " building for You: ' Tire! nerves' , re-
• lax, days of paddling harden museles
and give. You a healthy .c iat of tan:
Eicplciring;and fishing trips, under
thecure of an eaeerienced-guide, are
.big features ok aeur holiday -- he
• • ;takes you to his particular fishind.
' gionods-away on hike a and pottag.-
ea that bring to you. thejlirill .of the
old Voyageur.
Ask any Canadian 'Nation:a •Rail-
ways Agent for full ' information and
Itteratute, on liolidayitig'an Tiniagarni.
• Ile..will be.glad'acr assist you in every
• vvay, ,
For,-ceriteriea.gardeners. have been,
trying.: to Aett black italita bit that
se.eins impoesible as the Prediae-
bort of 'a blue rose:. The, greatest tria.
empa•Of the Present year. in this di- ,
rection is the 'exhibitionoj a blue.
dahlia, the cultivation' of which has
.(aikenfity three years of patient
'WOrk... Dahlias .showing trace 01
'teaeae or blue were picked Out and-
hybl'idized,/ and item the;:pregeni of
these fresh plants; were Selected un-
after more • than •half 'a centurs'i
the :blue.: dahlia '61.'a very near
poich to .it was prodnced. . •
• Another long' Job,"is just approecha
ling conipletion-the • nevi,. English
Dictionary, • begun by ;the . late. Sir
James Murray in theyear which saw".
the' beginning ef•*the, search for the
blue da,hlia,.
The scheleraresponsiblefor, ti's
woak had to read . all available"Eng-
hsh;boaka printed: before 1660, as
well as a vastnumber a 'volumes
Published. sinethat date: Five 'mil-
lion quotatiens were 'aellected, by Dr.:
Murray. The one word mptit! has
fifty two 44a:1eethe of 'references in
the di:efionary, while the weidapoint'i
occupies twenty one columns,. The
.dictioparyis in ten volumes, Ontain-
ing 15,900, pages, in are defited
the .ireening•s of ,over 400,000, Words.
.Nothing rectUirei more patience to
, complete- th ,piece' Of :fine needle-
•work, and al few Morebeautiful at -
titles, of WS lcied exist than the al-
tan,cleth at the ehuych of the, Oxfotd
.Mission rn Pciplair, England. For ten
years `the "wonian Worker .who,.. pre-
sonted the doth, .and her daughter,
\vete engaged in .erribreitlering it. At
the end of that time ,the w.onderfol
figure 't)f Christ in the centre Was
mo'4t eoninletel: Only the haik
nthimedato be. filled in Then the
-daughter died, and her Ta0thei used
ber Cempleae the ,wert-
derful embroidery:
„"i yontlea'if it loaded?".: .
.4,Stop..nn ..the tiecelerittot and Well,
JULY ROD AND GUN ha.; to. get aeross before -the- ttain
coalaaat : I •
?,1,`„ Pleasantly veried •bill Of fete. • wilwY. "Y thee things 6°11 "Os"'
eaplode na. Matter' how Much
• • dealing with • • a om a ni ore: artusuol a
yea thaow them. ttround.'!' •
Phases al. llfe •Cartadaa -entdOors
goo0. ',tido-rope will hold iny
features -the Rod mat
dun aad Oaeadtatt,Silvea Pox •Nt-`‘s'l "
• lit, , • ,
'1;ot's., out boy00 the hie
-.which has jnst
•• :Ozark' Ripley: Cootrileites ant' ,of hr. ihiv';'*4 • '
Splendd fihing stoi
walu•se cop.§ can s me."
is -los, llonti,vemnie
Doe, in view of 11,1,0(,..ent. dase.osidoo, "Wher...a rattly' noise that
"thi5 inalrith..gleals aatb anitural tiv makes." , • •
Marlene in Citiattla •wnieir laiwe laaat "Whielia era -4
610 „any
.austaken .fot 'the tabItal aat sorpenie,..
941 -0 ---ftp ‘,,I*It-cninst lmve-tromi
eifi niaeerieel-l'a.'":11Ta e 471`ri'irr "the
Wardrbbiri Mess'''. With -11.110‘,8 of life , •
,in::thentifth and • Ilio amPy Vaal*.
L'aiGther• attialesaileal'a.taitit,,inanY. • aeuba,
,jerite frOni song' hirds to Wild eti:ts and
jaekarahbite tied f1h, doge and; gelita
• The 'Canadian .Silver 'Vex. NOWS'i0fe,L
capably.oillted by tarri•
.containil a.ugual quantity of' interest.
tho in4tIoqg4 . •
•"What'e wiang with yea ? Yon can't
see the ,avenera Unless you lien Out."
!tit s.uinel Is like 1!ti
4111'i llu ,,tn1 me 'a Match."
al foal: :tome Medicine ie tbe dark,
and I must have got hold of, the
"l'IU not tfraid to Viti4 al) 010
track," . • ' .
ttes• :ehangs plaoqo 11)'
'he 'Presbytery Of puree, .United
chtirch,Wet in regular. Session. ea
Grand Rend on June 21, with 00;4 J.
E. Hogg of Clinton, in the ehair. The
meeting Was held in the new. ;.church
building of the .United : Church in
'grand: Bead'', ..Reve
'3011ina• is' the mittiatela The chief
item of bu.sin08 'waa....the election, of
3ftleerS, for. the entitling year.: • Five
Palms were•uoiainatten.fop
the °Mee of ehalk:Mali$.bitt in the, aab7
'sequent bailot,Rev. 17,tt" Barnby,
..s:tp..„of Myth, .received by far the
tnalority". of votes. „Pia election was
then made,- unanimous. Dr. -Thirpby
naa been the faithful and efficient sec-
retary .of PreebYtery from" the ,begiia
ting., It-wee:thought;fitting‘411ait his
services as secretary should be boaa
Aired, by his ,election ; to the Wale.
Reia.W.t..R... of.:Autriirn,- 'assistant
up to the office of secretary, and Rea.
A. E. Doan of 'Clinton, was made •as-
sistant secretary.' Mr, Wm,' Medd,
!.P.P., of Exeter, Was re-elected.
-Treasurer of ,Presbytery, . an 'office he •
has ably: filled Irma the inceptionof
1.1pion. The 'PreSbytery-e5preSSeg
appreciatron of the services of the
retiring. Chairinaa, Rev. .1, E. Hogg.
of Clinton. It also recorded its 'synaa
pathy for Mr. Hogg and his •peopleia
,the loss by fareof,theia. :beautiful
church bailding, early that Morning.,
It was decided to make the executive
af Presbytery consist Of the
tnan, the secretaries, ihe treasurer
:And three . ministers and three:lay.:
anetaatheaministers to ,be Revs: C. F.
Clarke, Goderich; El.' F. Chandler,
Fordwiah, and A. Sinclair Hensel];
and, the laymen to he Simon: Dow,
Bay's 'Church. .1: Beeereft; Belgrave,
and L., Tyndall,' Clinton. Presbytery
Standing Cammittees'Were choten,for:
the year. Rev. W. A. Bremner of
Brucefield, succeeds Rev. W. D Mac -
„Donald of Egitionclville,aaa_chaignama.
of ,the • Maintenance.. and. :(Extension
Fund •Cetaniittee:: A, yery,':.fine:,,devo-
tional .paOr•iM,."!That Virtue, the
Supply ,of whieh aeldhm•E'Xceeds 'the
Demand,” Paisagiven by Reai.„,.: A. W.
Brown, Ashfield; the 'Virtue:being aa-
tience. In'a -very fiat way- Alr. Brown.
brought out our need of 'patience with
.ourselves, with 'Others, and ' with
God. Some discussion took place
with regard .to., `tOe . standing and
frainipgof lay, Preachers, .The 'cern-
:nit* on students and education was
instructed to look into the *hole mat-
ter and„report at a later meeting.
Farewell was said to four ' ministers
who are moving this year to ether
Presbyteries, but Rev. G. M. Cilidley
of Thames Road, V..ras the only one of
:the four present to make reply; After
expressing its appreciation and thanks
to the minister and .people. of Grand
Bend for their hospitality. Presby-
tery adjourned to meet *in 'Queen
• .
;Street Vaited Chinch, Myth,' an Oc-
tober 9th, next. 32 ministers and 35
laymen were in .attendanc at Pres-
. • —a
' *HAT WOULD YOU -D0?-- •
(Wiatton Eche),
. List Saturday afterno.m. about- '5
o'clock a :ear stopped_aclaata from the
Echo , Office.. One fellow , get out of
it and staggered away. I, saw ata
glance that the chap at the' wheel al-
so was 'tight. He, toe, ,get out and .
, meandered off. After'la w1I, two
other. ,chaps got in the car, Carrying
a carton or two of beer, and :the'
crowd .drove away: The- beer , was
none of my affair, 1 nresinne it was.
•pitichased legitimately and Was as
lawkal merchandise as if it had -been.
boots. But the driver was drunk;
andlan charge of a car. My ire rose
at once at the thought whet might,
happea before :he got honie: What
might. h'appen to himself or to other
People' too.' He had a silly. senseless
imirk on his'face. t*saw,:hitn. try to
spit a couple of, times, and; he eotild-
'n't land It peat his ,chin. What would'
you have done iindee the circumstanca
es?'' Woeldayou ,have called the po-.
. .
lice? That was rny irst' impulse,
'too, but I didn't'da it Why? Well,:
to be perfectly 'frank, I pPose it is
because I am a moraLcOviard. And ,
it is because you are a niaral coward.
and Your neighbor likewise and the
whole lot �f us, that the iiquot ques-
tion is So hard to beadle; . r guess
the feflow got honie alright, lara.7
heard of no. accidents. Had he got,
into h. inixtip and -some ellebeen killed,
tirdahtn't I havo been charged With.
beim" -whet they term in, legal phrup-
elegy ifark accessotY Were the fact?
Bert Armstrorig,,2nd,,Cpp., of, ;Cala
'roia,:taiihi'tniSforturitY ta have his,
barli totally destroyed .by: ire. on.
WednesdaY of lest Week. *Mr. and.
Armstrong -awere. LaWay frCitri
"hoilie, and their son, Tritgii,, Waa itt
another faro; all Morning. ?So far. as
is known; nobody had bo6h. Pear the
hero elnee'Arly pternlig, so there IS
• Ito SettOUlltill, tor the 'Ate: The 10se
Oki f$1001 St tke toor lz i seri-
' The second' annual I„iiVe• Stock and
Household ,teienee Judging CoMpeti-
,tion„.for• „Huron.'Couty was held • at
Seaforth a on- June 4nd. "'nage coin -
petitions were open to 4uniar.i'arni,..,•
,ers' 'and: JupiOrMeMen":1:IrlititaieS-Ot
thecounty aiwt11 is any young alga '
or 'yeungawonean .twenty-sikaYears,Of ,
age'Oa.ilatier:The eatriea Were not
the the‘ SVOr c.yva
eaollent. • ' ••
Tne. competition for 'Hbasehold Sea
enee consistedOfelases iji Nutrition;
kfouge Furnishing 4ntl ;cbith nig..., Mies,
•Meldk MeElysiy Hlyth;:' 'Who was
:nigh girl in the c/OMPetition lait Year:
7411,11-6-(177-3frall"11,0kiqrS.t. With .a
score .of 546 out Of a. a'eSible 600
oints She received ±iox ti hands
of the.. donor, Mr. Thos. a 'yeti beithtiful Silver lelcavver
ake,t: ,The fh•sta six girlt,. in 'order
%yore: as fotiOwsr. i+,1Z1d4 • McElrey,
54e; `•laartha1L 'it, thytli
.;44; 7M,ra. . De . Witt Sirpag, .Foadwicla
044; 'Mary, Wood, lifYtia. 632.12 ; Max
aaaet.Elgie, Kippep, 5231/2;
.,ett; . Walton, 522?k,.• '
• The wilinei's of the ,individual clais;.•
recetved Silver (fake Piates, while
7.he Second, ,third and foUrth wilmera
inthe elaases received- er•ish. prizes.'
Winner.. ofthe individual ss are
:Is follows:
Nutri-tiOnLIBeitha 'I1ogga14,, Blyth,
.187;••••Melcia McLho BIth, 186;
'Mrs. De :Witt Strong, Fordwiell,,184;
Mary Wood, .1;sith183,Y2•
De : 'Witt;
Strong, FOrdwicli, .183. •Wa..8eariett,
;Valton, • 1761,42 „ 1:.leytba, I•ioggara
alyth, .1.76i • Jean • AlcVitti, Illy th,
1861/2; Mary. Wood, )313;t1i, ',186; Lou -
Ise Matthews, Ford Waal, ' 183 . Janet
aikeitheaa, laroceffeld, '171,11.
The .cempetitjaal was antlea • the
Aupe.rvision Of
NO: 2.; 1,1dertOn: •Sh.O__was,a.s i 'd
th� cOmpetition. by. Miss :Beggs, Miss
"Rowe and Mrs. A.:E.: Sprit-taste:id.' All
af these ladies are members of the In-
stitute:Branch, Toronto. • .
The Live Sa.belc, judging feorepeti-,
jiiOn 'consisted • in .placin-gl'1.611. 4 classeS
T)f steelt. Oral reasena. wore taken eti
•iive elasfes: It was possib e,aot the
boys' to make a total of .750. The
oving are some. of the 'high totals;
Win. Archibald, Seaforth; f War-
i•en• Zeibtigg, . 'Gerrie, ' dou;
Johns, Seaforth, 657; • Robt. Archi-
bald, Seafettla, 652; Orval MeGb•Wit4r,
131Yth, 65-0; -Gordan ,.1"teyno1c1S; Sea -
forth, aaa; Robt. •Palmea-
stona 647;
'a•The :high man and secoial hielanian
teceivad-..a. .Silver Cup and Silver. Med-.
,a1 respectively., 'Mr. W. G. Medd,-
M.L.A.;, and Robertson,
. .
Very kindly supplied : the funds for
the purehas,e;.a: these trinities..., Mr:,
Medd was on hand to ,present them, to
the. win -tiers. The following' iS the lit
of •the prize w.ineersof. each of „.the
clesesea; ' , • ,
Horset-a-Edwin •• .Tohns; .Seefortle.
149, •Gordea,'Ileyabids; Seaforth, 148;
Wilson. McCartney, • 145;. :Elwood
StmichouSe: Seaforth, 143
Beef ' Cattle--40rval ,IVI:CGetvan,
Blyth, 132; Elwood, Stackhouse,
BruCefield, 131; .,Jas, :I1ICIntoshi• Sea -
forth, 131; Wilsoa, MeCartneY, Sea -
forth, 128..
Dairy Cattle.F.1don', Stoltz, Au
127, Dave :MeintoSh,. Seaforth,
128; *Relit. Ceneell;. Palmetsten,- 122,
'Orval MeGotatin, lalytha 119.
Sheep -Dae McTnto,h, Sealbrala
145; Goadon Reynolds, Sertfoith, 141,
Frank :Reynolds, ''Seafertli; 141,
:area Johnston', Brusselsa 11). • .
SineaaRoht. A echiliald„ Seaforth,
148 Robt Conncll0 Palm ertten, 144;',
Edwiti Wood, ;Myth, .135;. .Stewart
Middleton, .Clinton; 134; lIarold Bel-.
.ton, Dublin, 134.. ,
The judges fee he Live- Stack
.tudging Coinpatition we'r;! , Messrs:
K, Riddell und A 73 Deratlet„, :of
Btu ee Catinty, Mt.•A.1) Ttuiiion of
'Middlesex Connty, •gind MessrS. G. y.
0i-till:shank arid Fa A.: Wiggins .
ohion. cohhty..... The live cik hidged
waS 'contributed', by the -folle*ing:.
Robert Ilcaree, Drendfoot 13i o, Alea.
lArright, George •VoOartriog, ,Melairt
Criela' Rey Pepper, ' anct
Relies McInteSh. . ' • '
The 'compotitien 1V.Se 'under: the di:,
tecticth of 'Arleilltural..11epresetitat-
tlie' G. it. Paterson mid Assistamt
AVA It a ()a' siiEtP-RIttilislo 0048
A reWat'd Of .$i0 will be given by
the Township of Aniabel' to tthaone.
destroying:....dngio ,fountiworrying
sheep or catire. wasAfe$idedtp-
en by the Township rattle:II atter an
unsuCcessful lzni had beon iiiade by
WIlliani,Wirthiwely Of the. lath con-
cession, for the.loas of oho .of a his
herd 0. cattle, due,to:an ,iittaCk by
dogs. Pther CotinCils
stiola UqW„Miab@l'a )441c4
Tho coroner's it1rY enquired
into the 'circunistaneei, surrounding.
the death of „Fred Bright. . killed on
41te. , track near TeeeWater. on
'Jane: 13th; fetiad.that #e. had corat
initted;'suicide. during atteralferatir .fit
ed.the rP°411Wdeney. The t, 74
d albo the
train •CreW.:frolu .ank..BlaTriii: in the
matter. ; *
]iiforrnation broughtOut at • the
hearing was to the effect that the
. . • • . .
leurig man had been woty used 'mice
'ooliikwto, this .Cetn4.0 In May. When
4r, wkon .a fat* near Exeter, he
save evidence' of being rather stupid
and coold• not remember:110W to do a
atece ,of work.. after , seeing it done,
tnd asaisting. at it... ita.appeared•in;
. • •, • •
!riving horse. He .complained that
te found the,fariie Work the hard, and
; hat the miasoles.-: of his back aehed.
A' doctor who Was called in recom-
'uended lighter Work for a time, but
privately told. ather, firmer that. the
:rouble was really in the lad's bead.
I -it fi r11y itiefnia t Exeter,
nd it.4setrazingtoaros
aighaia ,that he was pickedaP by
rallies Culbert. .Mr. ; Culbert says
hat he appeared to he -fairly
and worked Well, for a , day
vithhini. Shortly after: noon on the.
aecenda daa he disappeared, .taking
td% aritage of Oulbert's absence from
:he work ,for a;short tirne, he eVident-
Y set out. to meet .the 4v -corning,
with the intention of ending his
:(ILLED IN 7TOLED0i., 0/1/0;
EARLY al0rilE*-',W-ASa-IN7.--C11114-110SS`
. ,
Hector •Maclainnon, „ whose •• early
:tame was -on the 4th : Con., Culross_
--teteiialitiaaLared in St. Vincent's
• Hos-
,it:il, Talede,„Ohio, on May ,20tO: He,
had been Working for 'tOe.s. Ackin
)tamping Co.,. and was engaged ;in
.nloading. steel' sheets, when, a Pile;
af, :the steel' fell, crushing_Ois : legs
-,,inci-infliating-intetnalarinauries: The
.tceident-Occutred on VaY,10th, • Ile
, vas taken to the' hOstal andpassed.
Away ten daye, littera '
The •late• Mr. Maelaintiela.Was barn
Match .10,. 1866, -*being son of the
Mr. and •Mrs. Hector MacKinnon,
pioneer residents of Culross.. The
moved to Michigan in 1888.
In july, 18'89,•Heetor ,Nes married to
Dola•Gierke, who died in,1917. In,
1110 they had moved toEast Jordan,
:end; tiw faniiry resided there until
fpur years 'ago, when:Mr.:MacKinnon
venttO Detroit, and TeleclO,
.Deceased is survived •by three
sops; viz -Chas. . Hector a and 'John
Wilrear.';of East Jordan!". and Albert
of Toledo, Ohio. • Also the following
.sisters, and brothers --.1„ aahn .MaeKize.
non Of Spruce, Mich.; 'Angus MacKin-
non of Lockwood, Sask.; Anne ItCpoa
:of Toronto, Ontario; Sarah Teskey of
Detrait, .and 'Margaret • Clark of Lina.
eoln, Mich: Also nin gtandehildtea.
.and a host of friends... • .
• Mt.. Maeltianen was a
trade, a member o11 Latter Day
Saints Church, 'and, :the' OddfelliCaf
Order., . ".,: • a
The 'remains were takeii to East
Jordan, .and the.'funeraf was from
the home Of his son, John, the serv-
ices ,being .taken by the- Latter •Day:
Henry Halter, Jr., aged 25,, u.
Carlsrithe, who, has been in the
IValterton jail on a charge .of arson
in, connection with the., burning of
'the large bank barnof hi a- „father,
}Ieney Halter, hotelman of Carlsa
10 lie, whieh was totally - destroyed,
together with: practically all the cen-
tents, iavolving a loss of. $8,000, and
who, following his street; is 'stated
bir the police to lurveaeonfessed to
flying the , building, appeared before'
Magistrate Walker ' in the „Police
coma here on Monday -last, arid , as,
'two local phYsiciana-Wha had exam -
hied 'him as to sanity,'Proclairiledhim
to be mentally -unsound, he, Waa Or=
detect by the court to, be committed.
to a mental hospital ftir, treatment. •
HIS parents, who ga,116 evidence at
:the court, declared that he had been
'strai-ige since four yeara of age;when
he suffered a severe sunstroke.
A ahatte of arson, whih had been
laid' against the prisoner, was
•dropped. - XttoreeyFreefierp appeared
for the Crown, while Campbell Grent.
Was; present on behalf.'et defendant,
: Peter. Caniatop, blacksmith at Pine
,River, met With a seiious and 'painful
accident one, day last week. He was •
•operatitig a buzz -planer, and his left
hand came' it contact with the
.rour fingers, were severely leeetsted,
go that Mr, Quileron W111.1* itlangid
to iiv9up lili11100 iimpstion tar
few •NySs4
Is 1'6Yr- Mail, 00, and you can use it at an
time to with thq Dank of MOntr
• It is safe atid convenient to deiiosir
or:withdraw' nion'ty With usthrouglz
itif,t1' CC.
A,s,kforfoltle-rrellifirhaiv 0
• • *. • '47 a*: .;
• -:7"..”
, ,
.1„.4-..%77 • -
. -
. ,••••••
-.".aaaleattar. 407
4 .L • •
1 • I
• Y.
Rama of the Prince
4 - !Miles; High -gaol,
41berto '
REID, Local Manager
• ; The intimation :which Sir Henry
Drayton recently: gave .to the keep-
ers of Government stoma that it was -
not part of their duty to promete. the
sale ' ofliquor, and that they Would
not be judged by the•anerealit of th-nir,
turn Over, but by the manner in.
which they conducted their basipesa,
has given ,the new Chairmare.Of Li-
quor ...Centrel .:Commission : a; -. good:
start.. With the , publie: ,There has
grown up an impression ' that the
tonnaission, was rather proud' of the.,
amount of btisinesS it was doing. The :
Suggestion is made that the Commie-
s:len:should go further, and inaugu-
rate a campaign 49..clistoUrage alto-
gether the use of 'alcoholic beverag-
es. This looks like asking too inueh.
That work will have to be undertak-
en, if it is undertaken at .all, by the
temperance orgapizatiotis, which have
.well, nigh ceased to function since tlie
overthrow of proliiiiitiona, There . is:
,at present, little ,hone for them in,
the legislative field; but there are
greater possibilities in teachipg, the
rising 'generation the ,wisdom , arida
advantages of tetal abst'i'Lence.
„ .
' --e-e ea— • .
,./. A ,SHElEPV, •
,Township of Innisfil is, being es;ked
to compenaate the owners; of a Persian
tam which' was killed by dogs in that
; muaieipalitY. ,.I.imiaillas aceariaila has
taken. the ground that thc act Wider
which municipalities ,are obliged to
co,raponsate sheep. owners for .1084es ern Canadahave experiewed recently
OCCaSiOried by VICIOUS'd°'itili dim' "t e• tietnent! for sires, while the font,
apply to fancy steak st1pl14aaWas gaisers„...otatba- Prairie-,Provinceaaxataa---
. .
Persian specimen,' worth, i it, iaasani,
$1,000: The question is:. has the
tonniship.'heen: SCi a(11.4aad by a. coni-,
Petent and eminent legal authority?
if se, theta would 'seem to be - some
groitnil.for this defence, but how ani,
lawyer cen 'so. interpret the wording
of this diet is not easy to understand,
as the .on0 "%Nerd used to dootgitate
AS '.110itosi bet** oratootol ,I4 "sheep".
or PlIiii# WilikIdt '•
;1 '
Deep in .,the 'heart .0f: "the rugged, .
North Country, hidden by .pine top--
peclahills and thick virgin :forests,
lies a chain of 'sparkling :blue lakes' ,
sknows as Lake of Baya. AlMost un-- •
keown to the outside world' until
few years 'ago, these Lakes have be-
-come the =liner playgrbund of va-
cationists and tourists.*
'-The Lake of Baysdistrict ia.laige;
enough toenjoy seclusion.and a holi- .
-day of backwoods like -if that is 44-11
sired. If pleasure, gayet-y,.., and./joya:
cats companionship is your holiday -
goal, •there are large luxurious, ho- •
telea-ultra-modern-Where golf,,, ten-
nis, bowling, swimming may oecupy
Your. time--Wheae musieand. claiming.;
Miticei a perfect end to a perfect day. •
Any Canadian National Railways
Agent will gladly give you illustrated a
literature and fall' information on the:1
Lake '�f taya. Ask him for a list of
hotels and aettages from :which to
make 'your selectioe. •
Notwithatandiag the fact that the:
, .
ptoduction of 'motor ears in many.
countriei _of the werld increaSes very'
Substantially every year the aharee
continues 'to be in demand in Canada
and horSe breeding is still an
' of considerable ,pr3poitions• in the
DOM 'Mimi, '• A reeenta, eonlpilatien
shows there were 3,421,837:1horseS in
Caeada iui 1927 valued at $260,47aa
Good . dpoo,od abl' good •pricea
have been responsible foi maintain-
ing the inciuttry. Breeders in East-,
breeding ,mote mares, tig draft
lioraes ire in deniand at all seaSOnsi•
inirtieularly Andlarni war*.
Saddlers;htthtrs atict.,polo ponies are
tought after, and ,the hest alWays
have ready sale,. 'Quality is the key -
mita of the demand, aehlelt i5 steadily
agrolairig ia toWee and.cifida, and MO •
the Ultited StateAv*here Canadian
.1marie5itava ettAblished sl4'
' ;Ca