The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-06-14, Page 4A
. • —
Litorziowf iiiNTINELf
• .THURSIIMY ItTNE44the492
VE gotmoself into a jaS11. promised the
J. lielcogLight home office that run an ad
this apace every other week. And nOw I
'don't know *hat to 'ostIC„ If I tell the truth
*hoot how gorid Delco•tightls, nobody will
• believe the. If I don't get more or less enthusf.
nobody will iojsuid ask *hoot
DeicosLight. that'll the big hie* back of
• thein Delco,plaglit .fiu anybody. hu aT`'
good advertising ideas, plane send die!n
No pay, but lots' of thanks. ,Iri the mean-
-while--4stanct by forl*"
ther announcements.
• Melvin Culbert, Dungannon
Earle Hodgins, R. 1, ,Holyrood
rfeemiticra 01P OZRER.A11.- MOTORS
Made and quaranteed, bY'Deleo-Lighe Company
The Mildmay Gazette 'gives the
following somewhat thrilling story
An aftermath of the fire which
stroyed•'the. big .bank barn of ..Mr.
HareleeeHalter,' hatelinap of Carle-
• ,
•• rehe,•took'the form of the. arrest and
remand to of -the victim's son,
Hairy Halter, Jr., Who is said to have
• confessed to the police that he start7
•.'*ed•the .fire.which wiped out this fine
_quarter of A mile from +.1ie 'village,
, together with ....the implements
-: and ..:aelargeequantity • of.. hay and
'Neighbors,' who', got early to : the
, fire; ,succeeded in ieecuing all the
livostoek in the building. ,$
• It ,sees that suspicion, sooty at-
tached to the ton, Harry Halter, Jr:,
aged 25, who said to have been
acting strange of late, and who,
lowing the "outbreak of the fire hiked
to.HaeoVer,$wilere he was placed un7
•. der arrest as a vagrant by Constable•.
-Beeinish in connection with a ,visit,
to the Hanover Hospital the Previous
'Saturday evening, when he is: stated
• to have ,inade himself ' objeetioneble
.• to stelae of the nurses; who are said
• to have beat- him off the place with
. tennis tickets and to have later yeti -
t -He wat--aireatreiri
: enetOdy' on this affair, when Chief
Bearnith •was notified that he Was
wanted as a -suspect in the: fire ease,
' On being questioned the Chief
•he is,Statecl ta have confessed to fir-
ing his father's ,barn; but, gave no,
'•reason er.4eotiye for : doing so, ' or
Whether it was an accident or othei-,
• . •
Published every Thursday morning
A. D. MacKenzie, Proprietor
and. ,plistere' '
THUHSDAY;'.JUNE:11tk"1928 "
s. A Or0i.ter's jerk,' rePorting on the
death of a young Seetch, farmer: who
lied been killed on ,the highway:, rec.!
einniended that footpaths be befita-
the highways hi. the Highways
Department, in.. order. that pedestri-
ans may :Walk ;On roat.16' with
safety. ,
As things are, there, Oe!th0',,'
Safety mor 'comfort 'ter the. person
proceeding on foot along the high-
way. There is danger from !passing -
cars, and discomfort due to the dust.
is true that Very. few; Persek. are
eeen walking on the reed. • 'Perhaps
'there would •be moye .if the $ rem&
were safer and 'cleaner. 'Childrea
and old people • walking .an the tra-
velled part Of the highway are; - in
positive danger; and the sides of the
roads are unfit to Walk on; wing' to
the roughness and
of an automobile mixup 'Which oc-
curred near that Village: •
Dr. W. IL'iluek,and Mrs.,linek of
• Mildmay had a nerve -wrecking ex-
perience last Sunday' evening, while
theyweremotoring to Walkerton.
They were proceeding at a leisurely
pace along the fiat known as 'Mc-
swamp, when •Amosi-Pletsch
overtook them, and gave them' the
• A charge of arson -was laid
gainst the young man and he ewes
e• brought by Prov. Officer dson of
town, ,and District Inspector Rae of:
Kitchener, in a motor to Walkerton,
Where 'he -Was remanded ft; the ,coue-
ty jail until .his preliminary hearing.
before Magistrate Walker • here 'on
• Monday fleet June' llth.
• •
Mr. P. Young; who :so efficiently
.. • • • •
.' filledthe position of ,principal _pf
• Biplet, continuation eeheol during
the lastte years, beetendered his
resignation to stake 'effect, at ..the end
of the presenteterni.. Ile was recent-
iucceeeful in. obt4ning:a-' Acho.lar:
ship 'which eetitled•hini to a course
in languages in .Paris, •France, .to ;
place he will proceed,: at the
opening of tile fall teem,
At:the,anneal ,grad:lation exercises
• of the Western UnieersitY, London;
'held last eek, the foiloWine persons
reeeived their degrees': Mt. Icleo`te-
house Morgan, son of Mr. .and Mrs.,
Levi Morgan, , Master :of Arts De-
gree, he was also eliSen An one of
the four men toredeive a course in-
eviation; at' Camp' Bordeeedering the
141111In'ete Miss Kathleee Margaret,
formerly a 'teachet in Ridley centre -
nation school, received her Pac,elelers
of .Arts degree amt.:wen:111e Prize in
. daughter Of Rev.. Geo. send Mr's. Gibe
more, won the -W. W. 'reniblYiipti
for publie speaking; The pechile of
Ripley are proud of these who they;
still claim, as their Own, and extend
them heattleet coagratalations and
,best wishes for .suciees ip the 'fame
signal to pate., But just e as •• Mr.
Pjetsch was turning ,out, the Owen
Sound,but came Along ata rapid:
Tate,. also going: north,. and gave its
ear-splitting pees signal.- The bus
siriver was net aware that Mr. Plet-,
sch intended to pass the first car and
as a result the 'three ' cars, found
themselves. abreast On the read im-
mediately South of the bridge. Piet-
sch, scentingthe, danger, Mowed ,:ap•
but the bons drivergotso close to 'the
westerly embankment of the road
that he swerved 'his ear sharply to
the ,efjtt to 'avoid upsetting into .the
ditch. • The big bin, in cutting across.
'the road, :struck Di. Heck's car a -
. . _ . .
meet anadslupe, and sent it •sailing
through the air, a distance of fifteen
feet, „where it landed in. the creek.
where the water is sleet thirty inch-
es deep e The car, . a -Ford Coppe,
came downonits wheels, andtho •
Cupante escaped practically unhn
from an experience that in ninety-
nine times out Of One hundred would
have ended fatally. Tile bus, after
colliding with Dr.. Huck's car, swung
,to the. West again, and . the : front
wheels Of the big machine crashed
through the railing of :the bridge,
damaging the front part of the car
to a, considerable, extent. In a few
minutes some sixty care were on the
seene,,,and in a' couple of hours -both
tare were able to pimeeed,.on their
journey. Dr: Huck's , car' is badly
twisted up, and will require e lot of
repairs, to put, it back hie° its origi-
nal condition., • • '
Reuse PI uotilmona, authorizing an
increase of eaPital'-bY the Bell Tele-
phone Coinpaity; or that branch of
the 'company 'Which operates in Can-
ada,Tho Connisani "is, mainly a
'1-Irlited*Statee Oaks: ••
Quite evidently' there. was no need;
whatever for the e ." Telephone
Coinpaity to hunk. Pore' shares, yet
it Wanted. to double 'the enmeat of
stock ,• •• shares, ;Which s might mw -
fully be ISOOO.0='.4kia, inereaee from:75
million' dollars pee ,*Valpe to 150 Mil -
lien. dollars*. • The, new stack was not
to he 'offered to, the, Pubic at what-
ever price it evoutd „bring; but was to
be handed to the present • ethelehold-•
'er,Seat Par Talueealthaughlhe stock
is worth substantially more. -•It was
A plan preposedto 4.*clit.e 'resign," or
hind a substantialegift to thoprese
sago-ethe, Bell Telephone,ComPeaY
was given.. permission, , after; much
ergninent, to increase' its rates , ' for
• SO many impale (Meetly women)
have been :burned e(many fatally)
through -the; reckless practice of:
:pouring coal Veil from ,a cn 'into e
stove, that one Would fancy that:the.
•langer would now be known to .,ev-
Not_ so, ihOWeVer, as $ the • tragedy
Mr. Ale*. 1VIcNab ,of town, is listed
amongst the successful . candidates
who passed their finaltNNexarninatibii
in law at Oegoode Hell, Toronto. Af-
ter going through the ..Ceiereony in
•the Fall of being celled to. the 'bat,
he will hang out hiseihingle as a law
partner of his brother, ,Mr. Chas.
McNah, Town Clerk and Treasurer,*
*the new firm to be knewn. at ,MONA
& MCNale. . ,
Meg, Alfred Tolton and two daugh-
ters, Joan and Dora, • leave next,
thiirfiday fot Montreal, where on the,
lath they embark on the White Star
r,iner •Dorfefor the, former's' old
home at HOlinfifth, Yorkshire, Eng.,
$where theyewill spend a. couple of
months; and where Mrs.Tolton will
tie7pregetit-Ottfir"rtylett Vedtlinicof
her 'parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jonathan•
Cartwright. 'A on, $Mr. Bert Citric',
Wright, aleo'xesidee iri'Walkerton,.
jemee • Brigitte; for teeny, years a
bench hand In the Truax . factory
bere, recently celebrated his 180th,
•birthday byreeigning his position,*
with the ,object of taking the world
which occurred north of Wingham
side were made ,by British engineers.
It was the Same Sir Friumis Fox
who was responsible Tor the Cana-
dian electricity works Which harness
the •vast power of the Niagara Fall%
,And it was his lather, : Sir Charles
Fox, who was .engineer for the vast
glass exhibition Of 1850 On Hyde
Park, .then- tensidered.theemoet,-won4
derful achievement - Of tilos human
Yacee It was told of him "that while.
the authorities were debating whe-
ther .a certain row of verY-fine•beech
treesin the perk 'whigh interfered'
with his planes should be 'gut down,
he gave orders to fell then, confront -
the debaters with the 'accomplish -
Id fact and 'challenged them; to grow
eew ones., . , • .
• , . -,-La-oeos
ent 7• --eekeee-reireeye,r,•
Electricirr-li rchted---itself • ifl.,.
k7ural parts; not in Ontario alone; but
in all the provinces Of 'Canada, It
as been .shown that electricity can.
distributed UP 'and-dOiiii the con-
,eediCaise andthat it can be Used to
ce.ellent advantage on thefarm.
'one ' big problem that Will, always
.etard the widespread, distribution of
$leetriC power is the scarcity of pop -
dation. That . ineiltably increases
msts, for serneone mast pat for the
traimmiesiete lines and . equipment.
?,ven 'three services to the, mile is not
!en economical distribution; but
; ;eems • to be: about, the best that can
hoped for on the average, etpeci-
illy when Hydro first Toes' devil a
ideroad Or concession..• There are
dways seine 'who ' feel they cannet
lfford the initial costs inpieentto in-
etallation', and others still who . cap
vell.afford it but decide to stand a-
-eof oi hiostpone signing the 'eon-
-i-ragtes7These difficuities-Theap added
eirdens in rates and.service charges
ipon those who instal Hydro. Most
!arms on the line eventually, collie
in, .but
IrO' installed and the Cost of service
Ire Multiplied through the lack Of ,
•o -operation in getting this great
eiblic utility into the community. ;
, Once Hydr/e•it installed it ,is ture
last week' goes to show. perhaps
the, girl who used the oil can with
Such disastrousresults had never
heard of such an accident, alth�ugh
few months go by without a.tragedy
If that sort being recorded..
Coal, oil is a good thing to start a
.ire with, but a very dangerous thing
ee._ith_evhich to hurry up a slow fire.
Even in starting a fire, • caution
diould be observed, .for there never
's certainty that there is no fire in
lie-stove-orefireplace.---And '-when
'here is fire there is likely to be an
explosion,- _ -
If one is going to use coal 011
sither,to start or hasten a fire, the.
safe plan is to either, saturate,
'. rag With, the oil, or 'pour a.small.
mantity •from the can into a cup .or
service and now it has -so much
money that :it doesn't know, hoW., to
dispeee, of the surplus Without showd
7reg that itsrates.are higher thee
they ought 'to be. 'BO. the manage-
. .
'int tried to pull or this nice scheme
ther small, open Utensil, and from
this pour on the fuel„Using the
, •
•an direct is always, dangerons.
'—o-ce•o•—,- •
Newspapers of last Saturday re-
orted that a man named Wilhaw
'taker, a York County farmer, "head
.f the Baker Heirs,” had 'been* ate
Astrge. of stealing $10,-
410, and was held 'on $50,000
thick he was. unable to furnish. ee
'".The Baker Heirs" are .mainly ,a
$'ot of More or less pimple people who
'lave been led to believe that they
'have an interest in a great'estate,in
he city of Philadelphia, - and that
Then all the legal kinks are smooth-
. •
'ed.out they will share in the millions
-.f dollars ewhich will be distributed.
• course, they will never get any-
'hing, but hope and greed lays them
pen to be misled and defrauded.
This great fraud has been Worked
for years, tit small circle of law-
yers and Others who from time to
time" repert, '"progrees" to the
'heirs"' and collect money for their
lervices, and with which to carry 'on.
further investigation.
The supposed heirs to this .Baker
estate have been organized into an
"association", evidently with this
Wilham Baker! at the head of it for
he has. been president of the aisoci•-
ation„.for ten years. , • '.
I handing out more shares below
heir' real value. :This is a ceninon
lractice with hig:companies engaged
n, public service., .
Should thecompany'' increase its•
•:apitaqinfion to 150million dollars
would expect the Government,* or
-ether the Railway Beard, to permit
e service, charge that would bring in
'eaiginable,profits on 150 million dol
'ars. That game has often beet' put
ever onc the long-suffering public.,
But ;the Bell , Telephone hilt is
'docked ,for the present, although ap-'
intended to let the hill go through.
gere, is: where the press, and 'public
lainion stepped in. Opposition was
Yeekly papers which said •• anything
't all about the bill; condemned it at
1- bad measure. •
This made members of parliament
think it over, who otherwise would
have let the bill pass; unnoticed, or
hecause they were given' to under-
ltand that it was to be allowed to
• , .
• . • • • • • • • • • •
• Evidently the game of leading gn
nocent people to believe that they
'ire heirs to`a great estate 'proved a
nrofitable business, and, Mike*. and
his associates kindly undert•ook to
rind other heirs to other greet es-
tates. There was. for e.xample, the
'Drake Watson - Springer Associa-
Oen' heirs --would you believe it? -
to Sir Francis Drake, one time own-
McCormick -Deering Spreaders
• Frequent applications of barnyard, Manure enriches the seit;
feed* the trope, increases the yield, and makes the lepd.4 •more
.. profitable.. The. *Corn-lick:Deering Is a genuine -manure Spread.
,ere=not a inechaniCei anloader. It it supreme in the .spreader,
field...„ All ' working ,parts are, 'attached to an 'ell -steel 'frame.,
:Roller'bearings and a short. wheel' bilge oieed $,, •;,.
machine. • ; ' .„`
The 'driver...tan insistently -regulate 'the •"'llow
spreader is in oPeratioe:'
„. •
• •Call.saed See it before buyArtg; at
. ,
•„Siew t(7-,' Offend
ereat and wealthy compenies.. These
'ave'great' political;ihtluence',thtough
their coittributions. to cainpaign
‘funds. Otte!' they, contribute liber-
thetreasiirieiof both .parties',.._
'•vid flien exphit tek,'-gete what _they
sYant," no matter ,Which 'erieit an elee,'
',i'on; But 'en "arciated; public opinion
While.' the
th ANDREW'S, Lucknow
.- Ir
'Phone No. 1.0 is at: Your Service
vir. Sell Ter 'Cash -Vie Sell Cheaper Than The Creilit .Store
, ..
• • ,
We are prepared to fill your requirements and would Offer the fol -
'lowing suggestiOns:,
Step Ladders, Scrub Brushes Scrub Pails, Mop Sticks; Carpet Beat-
.r1s1ng li0W-cliliN1111Lthe4tOliin-
'.0,nces and liOnveniendes incident to
lectricity are added to. the farm
tome .Oyer two dozen separate, and
•:istinct uses for Hydro were diseav-
'red, in' only a partiar‘survey' of one
••••oWnship, and, that number could'
•')rebablei he increased. by :further in-
'ettigatiOe. And With all the,,eerve
'Ces performedby1Tdr0-OnWfiirli -
he actual cost of the parer itself is
'rifling. It is the service charte,that.
3wellsethe quarterly bill; . and rural
lwellers should realize that by going
'n for Hydro 100 per cent the cost of
e'onstruction' is. spread out thinner
nd this blessing of light and power
-;e brought to one and all at a much,
'educed inita1 and total ,Costr-
Termer's _Advocate.
The large -city dailies do the pub"•$'"
a very important *service in dis-
Many are the Knglishmen, whp-,
ike; Lord nalziell, of .:. Wollner; who
as just'elied-ehavesimpreved,beyond
-eecognition the &inditiOhS in other
mete. of •the world. ;*.
�r of Vast estates in England. Then
there was the Alelea-Webber•JaMet-
liogarduss-Eilwards .Aisocietion. ''s of
England,. "Anita* 'Hence ,"Atieociation.
of Cahforpk,","InterriatiOnal, Page
.Heir, and •the Fishers Heirs. of Hot -
,find." • ;
Of scourge; .there lit, riot the ghost
of :0 thence Of, ani. theee 4.`heire"
.evers,- .getting ,anything, hilt their ,
,rohhed allittperie who by lies and
Iteep then lioping
•and. 'Contributing.
• Lord-Daleiselstittited the
'anions. Blue Train to the Riviera,.
-endered inestimable serviceto win-
. • .
ter travellers to the Mediterranean.
Bs' invention of wagon -lits $express,
. , . „ ,
s made travelling in 'France more
omfortable• than anywhere,else in
he world. ,
Besides 'being the:',pidm.$er of rail-
vay.r4, Britain has eent her engineers ,
the remotest cornets of the earth,
•nd' developed the railway systems
If 'both the new -and, the old' coun-
tries. . •
. .
'practically' ehe whele, of the • cem-
nunicatiops-both! road. and ,reilof
louth America have been the result
Pritish.enternrise.. And • in France
else,. British 'engineers have been
;ailed to make her railways: Nearee
y the whole of, what is"ijow the Che--
nin de Fer de •PEtat. in the north
as ectlially laid bY. 13titish engin-
;tem and set Yenning by'British eapie.
PAL It .is easy to tell which railways
yere• laid by the British; for they
••-erried abroad the habit of running
train to the right of the exit. plaC-
!orm; while the French have done the
.'ippOeite. •
The future will look a long
-erieof British engineers who erected the most matveliOus structures
ever put up'. by man:' Mot onlY: Were
limb things as the forth Beiilge, and
ehe Severe. and MerPey, tunnels in
:Ireat. Britain the Pioneers • of their
'tind, but even. to day British engin,'•
ten. are 'doing their awe-inspiring
feats in the farthest quarterSeot the
, ' . •
The irrigatien works tit,Asshan .On.
he Nile, and north Kareehi: on the
Incluse arb marvels of power and in,
eenuiet: And the naval bilSe it Sing
, Spore whith sha s been begun; though
• :urpags anything Of its kind peer
tieoted '1;etOtt:
ifut the Britifsh have"' done en
;Tincering work on the Continent, The
far famed gin') Tunnel • tlAretigh
Whieli Pafie the majority of itore
to Italy frotrithe berth herd tiy
a ^10itieb firm inider the, direetioe of
811, Pratt* role
lYranY 01%.,the Perilous Inteks In the
SOIsts mountaints Masted Oat, Of the
reek of the'lrgeipitoin mountains
, • „
• $e*.e..0.4.4...e...
• OPINION ' • •
e had a good examp e in reeent
....emegeesee, .-say$ .•0 **nicest Pgge eaey 'during the /*wheeling yeare. we Ics if the „influence of the prefix
tete, Will 001'116 :baek 1#01..v1Z if at all. Sa that he beg i work when Av and of .pu lie op moo upon, parlia-
iyoung ladies who are trying or th)t years Of agOo and•fee 0 that he metit. This Was n connection Wit
to grOW it already knea"ttat ha'done private". bill introduced lot the
. •
3eminatinielegli inforinatOn:s The To -
meta 'Star is „worthy :special seem-
nendation in this iegard.
TWO rules: recently made by • On-
arlo likely, :when quoted,
Apart from their, .context, ,to prove
isleadini One stateinent 'that
'in, the ,presence of 'danger ..there is
• id right or wrong Side of the road."
"In one sense, ' it is true that there
V4 no right of way in the ,presence of
danger, ", .comments the, Star. "That,
sS, a motorist is, not justified in drier -
leg carelessly at an interseetion and
le speeding through regardless
'^onsequences just because the traffic
is on his left. It ie also •true, in a
eeneral sense, that there in no 'right
er wrong side of .a road. When " no
other vehicle is approaching, and no
ledeetrian in sight a matorist is free
4e drive where lie„ pleases. On :rough
eoads, he will sometimes fied the ,soe,
alled wrbng side the beet: But as
loon as more than one vehicle in-
volved, a definite set of rules come
into force, and these have ;not been
luspended by anything. which judges
-nay' have said as to the right Of *MY,
le right side the road"
The following summaey from the
ftigkWasi. Treffies Act, When carefully
'ad, makes the matter lain, ,and
are no More important rules to
,Mderstand and have to in mind that
they will be recalled instar,tly and
ebserved, entornatiCaTlye '
Here- are the ,stinneary rules:
1., When. two Vellielee appreach.
en intersection at the sante time, the
one to the, right of the. other shall
have the right of *ay.
.' 2.. When: two vehieloe are meet-.
'ng e -eerie, shallterm-out-to-the-right
froje the centre of thetoad, was to
alllow half the road •io. 6.1611..
• 2. When one veldele" overtakes
a'nother, the ',Vehicle- se • overtaken •
hiIouletly, tures out to the right
.and Allow the other to. Phee. -
4, that 'eitee, the ' vehicle
passing 'shall turn $to the left to -a-
', tii.t1.4;1;itd :atiletecli rritofihi viaertho ore111:61 elle vier tball eill7sihgal
hot be reqUired to leave more than.
Paristone to fill the holes in the plaster.
Muresco-the ideal wallfinish:: ..We have it in,all 'colors..
. - • •
eSherwineeWilliams Paint -The Paint 'that is true to the color, and '
will last longer. •
Sherwillac-the finish for furniture, and floors Code- in and we
, ,
" Will tell' you how to • apply it
superior satin finieheileinel thete-Will• dry hard' in four
* hours: Just the thing you heve. been lOoking• for to finish
'porch furniture and Many, 'articles.
White Wath BrUthes,,Muresco Brushes, Paint: apd• Varnish Brush-
, es. A felE stoek. We have special gasoline for•cleening. '
It will not injure the finett-febric. .."'"17*- •
, .
Special price, on Red Star Washers and 'Wringers.
Ideal ..Inctihatorsthe best. Ideal :Breeder 'Stoves -the most effi-
cient.. . •
m. Murdie
Heating Plumbing and .Electric Wiring
5. • But, in any of ,these„ cases,'
either vehicle cannot, hy reason Of
its load; turn out, it shall, stop, and,
if reqiiired to do eos; its drieer hall
assist the other' to get 'past safely. •
6. No vehicle shall. „attempt ' to
pass another going n' the same di-
rection links§ and until the travelled
portion of the highway',in front Of
ind to the left of the ve'niqe to . be
paised is safely free from ..approincli-
!ng traffic, , •
It needs to be rememhered thatthei
Isere Of the highway Share it On.
fidty-fifty basis, and that drivers
visiting to piss each other must
eboose, a time and place when no
third :vehicle will Make the., pagsing,
What inustlhe kept in mind is that
ele plan thought out in an emergency
it as likely to be wise and Safe as
the rule dellberatelt.edopted by jaw
. One,. menace,- especially dangerous, !S
the driver Who "knoWs. it all..".Leern
the 'rules and drive by there is the
safest thing to do in all emergen-
Mr Harvey Green of Foedyce,
itedThtr and Mist John Blake oii
and Mrs. Wallace Tema:10
and family called on friends: here on
Snaday. • ' $.
Mist ,Jean Lane Of Kinlough, spent
the week end with, her ,friend, ,Miss
Grace Blake. • '
Quito a number. of 'familieS from
Mafelcing attended the Webster , re••;;
union at Bayfield, Siturday...
We :regret to report the illness of
Mr.s. Irvin Henry, and htme for her
eatli. recovery.
Mr ThQs.' Anderson attended Coun-
ty Council at Coderich last ‘veek, He
'also' spent ft 41. with Stanley
rel t-
tives retuninghome
Come' to Mr Wiii Alton'a next:.
Tuesday evening, ends see for your-
self why this Annual 'Carden Party
is :so ponular.See advertisetnent; '
. Under the ..direetien •of Mr. Its '
Curran titt1.1 te Leber . has coin;
nieneed on the 9th Con.; '
nypitoc ,walls and ,partitithis wilt' make your
`-4 summer cottage nouch 'n-aire attractive, cctnifort-
able and fire -Safe: Gyrate takes any ,decoration—a
perfect inaterial With which to line your stutuner
Write•for free book, "Walls That Refic9t.Goad•
udgerient," on home .planning: with Gyprod, "
board and . .
'CANADA " Cyiaurd AND Aimu!ant*,:umino
For Bale. By
re.proo ,.W41 boor4
Wm. iviurdie & Son ..Lucknow, OntRa. & Porteous ucknow, Ont.4