The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-05-24, Page 8•p 211,1 waorw-simult THURSDAY ?iAY .24t1a, 1928. New Open Stock Patterns of DinAerware We have six pf the Finest Patterns, on the Market to choose from, ranging in price from $30 to $50 for a full 97 -Piece Set "Hanley". and "Academy„ at $30,;a Set. White and Gold,($estSemi'Forcelain) `at• $ 5 "Alton"' is a Very` distinctive TwO Tone' Patten at $45; while in a China Set the "Victoria''' is the finest piece Of :Work obtainableat' .the low price of • $50. These'patterns are:a11 Open' Stock .and are • on show . at the Store, . June , Brides .,cannot geta better choice or price'than these. ,‹:• ' CON.IE„•AND SEE THEM • Y Uh�ELF � '' N.EY'S ARtLTY .STO L'UCKNOW, ' : 'ONTARIO A 'R. GREYHQUND y 'Red `'Star' Navigation'.Compaiiy ANNUAL LOW FARE EXCURSION oderich , to iJETROIT'and Return • ".-},11i Steel,:-Steanier.-Greyhound-- Safe, 'Fast, Con:fc ble: Wall"Leave Goderich; Qitlsd ."rlp ;ia 'ednesday, :June 6 �2.5O e Nast 30`' a.m. Arriving Port' Huron 1.30 p.m: Detroit .5.30, p•m, Returning Leaves; Detroit 1 p.m., Friday, 'June 8th.: Only boat trip -fromGoderich to Detroit this season: • 'Children be tween 6 & 12, half fare. ' Visit' your Michigan friends and , see Mag- nificent' Detroit.;- 'A "delightful trip over'. the greatest international highway of lakes and rivers. Don't miss it r R113-11.014yr Howe F nr tins. or hor yeaatR:.:increases iin wassy as YCbc1. pr'ainw ate. •'ra is • sats.. adsat, for; 'houses. barns sheds. warihousa,. schools; churches, publics, badiass. Giveriaeofroofer. fne sscrmats. writs • , ittit ". LS�'fed PRESTON, ONx 8uec..sor to Mita •8 ' Y.i"miaSing d Co` ' CPNSERVATIVES' CONVENE. AT •'KINCARDINE Foster G.• Moffat. of Langside, • Chosen Candidate in South Bruee. A largely attended eenv ention of the Conservatives.of South Bruce, meeting at, Kincardinesen' 'Monday;'. selected Mr.* Foster, G Moffat .of ;tbie Langsidei','district, Kinlos3; Township, to contethe riding; in theinterests of the p rty hi the by-election to he held on June 27th., • Mr. W D. Cargill, who was , the Conservative: party' candidate in •the ,general election of 1926, presided at the. convention, .Three other candi dates,; besides Mr, ,Moffat, allowed their naives: go before. the conven- tion. They w ere c' Wm.: Mitchell of Kincardine. W: B: Halliday of Walk4` erton, and David Willoughby ; . of Brant Township Moffat; proved the strong candidate from the beginning. The first`balfot' taken showed,.'Mof- fat 77;':Mitchell 31, Halliday=28, Wil, loughby ' 28 .' On motion : of Messrs. Halliday and Mitchell th'n selection' • oonlight. out 'of 'Goderich Under auspices of Women's Hospital Auxiliary....• 'uesday,:June Sth,` at 8.30 p.m. Dancing in Steamer's Big;' Ball Room. • Three $ours on Beautiful Lake Huron for ,50c. ' Children 25c. Last Trip, 'Goderich' to' Detroit; 'SATURDAY, JUNE 9, at 8.30 a.m. MAITLAND PRESBYTERIAL Olficers 'Elected. The officers.- elected at the recent;. meeting of Maitland Presbyterial, were as:follows: President, ;Mrs: Per_ ri:e, Wingham ; first vice-president, Mrs R. McWhinney;. ,Dungannon; second' • vice-president, Mrs. 'A. Stra- ':-s-Ss -char, Brussels; third ,,vice-president,. Mrs:. Arkell, ' Teeswater; fourth vice, president, ' Mrs.. McKay, Kincardine; fifth vice-president,- Mrs. Dr. Sime= 'son; Kintail; ;treasurer, Miss Norma •Nicholson,South Kinloss; correspond ing secretary, Mrs. Carr;,; W ingham; recording secretary, Mrs.' W : J.•Mor. rison, Kincardine;' supply.secretary,. Mrs. G, Douglas, Lucltnow; ' inissign amid •secretary;,` Mrs. Linklater; Tees water; library and Literature secre- nary, Mrs:, J. J. 'Elliott, Wingham, aoine •helpers' secretary;; VIrs. Simper son, Molesworth; glad tidings' secre— t . end welfare, secretary, Mrs, 'i'lcree Winghate;: press secretiiry; Mrs. R. Davidson; Dungannon; young. vn!ren's secretary,—Miss Carrick; lucknow life members • secretary, Mrs. J J.. Elliott,'' Wingharu. Hete's how you ,for 'neglect A N under -inflated tire soon gets into A-1. real lrodble broken side IA/ails, a punctured inner tube — often a blowout. Under -inflation is one of the chief causes of premature tire failure. Vests have-. , proven that every' 10% drOp froth the cor- . reet inflation causes a 20% drop ,in mile - Call at a Dominion Tire Depot and, have_xour You are never far away from a MINION TIRE DEPOT T. W. SMITH ,14 f.._Mr. Moilat=ivas_made nanimous: ;Mr. Moffat mage .a short speed,` thanking the delegates andurging intensive organization. Ns -would put. all *his 'energy into the contest: `:to; twin back South Bruce for the .Con- 'er vative party. " Mr.;' Moffat4-s -well: and•-.avorably' known• .throughout the riding as an intelligent and pro'gressii4 farmer and ,dealer • in cattle. Heis a :son of Mr. Geo, Moffat, clerk Of the Town- Chip of Kinloss. Hon. Charles McCrea, Minister. of. Mines in the Ferguson .cabinet, at .ended' the convention' and gave an address. A;, hick townis a, place where ev=. erybody •knows • Jane. couldn't • dress so well if Jim paid his• debts.; TENDERS: WANTED Township' of Ashfield. Tenders will -be received by the undersigned for the construction of ioncrete bridges,. Township to-Jur, nish ,gravel And iron, ; Doe at. lot 6, con. 1Q,-W.D.,;9 ft: ne Div. Line,: con. • 8, W D,":8 ft.''., Jnb Div. Line, 'con. 8, W D., 10 ft. One at lot 2, 'con., 8, .E D.,• 10, ft:: 'fenders- will be opened .:June :2nd at 8 pm. • • C., E. McDonag'i, Clerk Lucknow, R: R. 3: (24-5-c), • TOWNSHIP Or wpsT ' Court of Iterision, of, Revision of the AsSessment Rol !c,r the Township of West .Wawanosh for the year 1928 will be .held'at the ;.'ownship Hall at ten o'cloCk:a.m. on rneaday, June 5th, 1928, fOr the cor- :•ectie,n of 'all errors, or emissiena of .themselVes aceordingly. Dated at: .West 'Wawan.osh this 15th day csf .COURT OP REVISION, TOWNSHIP KINLOSS for the Revision of the. AsseSsment Roll, for the Township Of Kinloss ler the year' 1928 mill he held at the Townshin Hall.. Holyrood, at 10 o'- clock a.m. en Monday;•May 28, 1928, or,issiOns' of :which due • notice has been given. Parties interested. take notice 'and govern themselves ac- cordingly. Dated at KinloSs this' '7th day of •May, 1928. TENDERS FOR DRAINING Tenders will hereceived by: (leo. G.. Moffat tip till Saturday., May' 26th, er ')v. the Cotincil 'of. the Township. ef °Kin,loss at Helyrood; up. till one o' - eta ,Kifiloss. Ten - less to he ereomnanied a Marked Cheque for 5% of the airOtint' of' the' 'seder. Extent of contratt abeik.3.00- necessarily accepted, . 'Plans and ape, lifisations he seen',at the Clerk's ;office; Lot Cen Kinlaas, IL IL, t, TeeSWater, ASAr'1Ei•D.''t• mIT b CHURCH NOTES .The three ,Leagues are, to • ave their Anniversary service. at the ,Zion. Church'on S%inaay- evening ext, ,:a seven o'elock.: .A programme of ape- sial music and singing is Tieing• pro, vided' for bt•the,young •;people'of the•. Whole circuit. • „Mrs: Cyril Campbell entertained the W.:S ladies''of, e Church .'at her home on FxthidayHackett after- noon Last, for: their monthly. meeting,; 17, The various Sunday:;, Schools are receiving more;; attention• ',now the' winter. is; past. . attendances, „have. been encouraging of 1te ,at; all ',the, Churches,; and, so, they Should th\ese days of lovely weather. It is geed to see Mr. Elmer Alton.' back at.'Church again /af1,cr his long' absence, ,through a •broken ; leo .. He has; to- use crutches yet, but; happy 'tobe 'getting `,round ;;'again::'" Now if ' Miss Tillie Sherwood 'elite to be back again at her. •usual dace at, S.S. and in. the choir and League, what a. pleasure it would be. We hopeashewill soon be better. PRESBYTERIAL' AT , CHESLEY • . The 'third Presbyterial,' of the Woman's "MissionarySociety: of' the United •Church for the. County .of Bruce 3ruce wag:. held in Chesley United. ; United Churcli�on .May l5thh,_with shout ,350 women Present. . The • Morning. ses- • ;ion opened with rs S. P. • Davey of Chesley, the Pre ent • in the chair: Mrs S. '.: Davison, Chesley, • gave, words of •„ Welcome, ..which was re- sponded to by , Mrs. W. Mi Keeinan of • Glamis. ' paports, of the year's •,vork showed' increased interest, .effort and enthus- iasm'.in the task ,of evangelizing the world for Christ: 1 Interesting.' ae- counts Of the -conference• Branch ''at Galt• 'Isere given by Mrs.' Itg Shaw, ,Lion's . Head,.' Mrs.. W. 'Cameron •of 'Jargill, 'Mrs E. Snarling of 'Kincar- dime,, and -Mips. = P Iz elan1d, -Teeswater- Rev: Mr. Geiger of Chesley,. brobght greetings -Er* Presbytery. preshiterials• that went "over ,the• sendingv18;395:00—.11ireet to tirez.n1;61-5.7broup confer- ences were held. during ,the noon In.:the:aternoon 'Mrs. S. R, Davey President . of the Hamilton Confer, In the evening, the young. women of dhesfy• United* dhurC4 presented very, Successfully and creditably. the pageant. ,"The Striking of' Canada's Arnett and Dr. Gunn of Toronto. • The ,follaWino. are the rew officers nonor4ry Presidents Mrs.' . diarke,:'Teesmiateri ,. J. .Patter-. als . Past .President Mrs.. Davey; Vice -President -,-Mrs„, Pais- ley; 'Mrs. ' Parke, deipoes9 Bay; ,Miss 'Walkerton; An:0,. :. Recording 'Secretary -Mrs.. J. Me, B.'llailadaY, Walkerton: Minnie Beaton,4 Tara. ' Port Elgin. • 'Miss.. MArY Walsh returned hone • We ore 'Pleased- to report that M." Tian lyteDonAld4 Who; '‘Ve3 11,V Mr: Lesley! dawlei Who tinder, Operati tin MT • YOUR FAVORITE, SHOPPING, CENTRE . , - Phone 1 1'AY CASH- • - ' BUY FOR. LESS''. rRI0 $3;25 Men's' Tweed Pants 19r,',. , '• 75e. Lace: Curtain • Panels for •'.,,4••.; .. ..,... 18c. Liiien•Towelling , 49e. 49d..'Broadeloth in many 3Ec: Factory, Cotton for $1.00' Table Clothe'.° 35c. Hard-wearing Work • Socks • . x, $1.35 Bleached Sheets, large• size,. at $2.73. Solid' Leather Shop • 49c. Large ,Bath 'Towels, c. 3yc'. • 12c 79c' 23c -felt Hat's -for Men, - s ,been big puneing sale. We . thank yoix for, your. don't forget the \last • two days'. They are just as full of extra first tAro big days. and shop,: around the_ immense- saving. of this' great, sale. hest ,nt Pretty Ging, • hasii4 Per yard :411' en'i.'Strong:priii.Oeesajts,, Heavy. Stain-css Steel . • Pre:,ty Fancy Wash Voiles, . Yard Children's 'Scliool-Stoek ingi Fancy Unibrellas, sale rice J Men's Tweed, daps White or Cream Ciet-On , Scrim FLOWEItDALE Mr. and Mrs.' Ross iliaeNee and three .Sens, and Franceii.lidacIver of Miss Margaret Graham is spendieg s6veral..weeka With her grandmother,,: Flowerdele can Show. one of the/ the „farin_of..Mr.:__Geage_Scott4.4. oi6sefi ,to "'see him in. Lticknosi Saturday. s, Mr. E. HcidgkinSon entertained friends frein With last Sunday. • Flowerdale, Was 'well. :represented. „ Mrs, R. Martin .entertained ..her; busy. getting•root. ground ready.' • •.(Intet(iled for last week). • it Mr. Win. McQuillin's. ' Mra.. Clark has. returned- to her some, after spending , the . winter With her daughter, Marvin MC - Dowell, *-eStfield. Miss Ccilitia Clark.' Yho was.home' last week oting to an outbreak; of nieasleS in Milverton' School • returned. to her • duties' on Monday. : Mr. McGregor is a .visitor with his' daughter; Mrs! George, Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Donelas and lit-' tie daughter of .Mitchell,,•Veere ors with Mrs:. Douglasi mother; Mrs.' `kr., and "Mrs; Wnt Blue 'and little, daughter, Helen, of Detroit :were: guests .with Mrs. Blue's parents, Mr. and -Mrs. '.14 Andei•son 'last wee', 'They 'inotoreci 'ever •to ,attend the, added' a- spring,like setting', .and; tho sn'rmdn, the anthem *hy the feMerii,o.ries of Mother," and :the sOles.'. Tayler, Were. very approptia6, Which' was noticed seYeral ..of older mothers Who bad not,been ali7e to 'be out for some mOntlis.... May 31.st ends the 1927-28/ pool ; Year, and with this in ,viesi, 'all ho61,4 account's:must be settled, on erbefin'e that date, .etherwise they will bcsr interest. at. the , rwr even SeaA cake or imitating itaponhibitity, kid Absolutely, withOut one disturbing. inCident: froth' continent to centiWent,", stated Lady Willianis,Taylor on her return ,trom. a world cruise on beard' the. Canadian Pacific porta Were Visited and• Seven *efts teaveried: ' "With Aheitered ease,'!' COntinued .Lady. Taylor, "we had. Unfaided te Us the sonl,penetrating magnifi- cence and the Aernendiat-rOPellant .fatiatical condition* • Of aed distraught; yet avet. thrillingly interest. • Pearl River, and saw firstAand:the 'devastation, of • grOWLiig docks arnazed us, and lovely Ceylon. en. chanted •ua. ' But• Hawaii wound' itself ,:about 'Our • hearts and; tti its haunting 'Aloha De,' we taw it fade Away thrOugh regretful. tears, Not only are the islands %I/lore than fascineting, but the Royal Lady Taylor, ,"we ,!Lotus Eating Tourists' havo one.° again te face the realities of ordinary existence with. ' Out the untiring supervision, and.perfeet organizatien of the mighty and far-reaehing. Canadian Pacific ..• Railway and Steaneship.'s protec.tion and dare Of Us. It Was, Mildred, with 1 hearta full of gratittide and appreciatioa,4or our •,Splendid 'Captain, his staff, And for the constant' and 'devoted attention of the cruise