The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-05-17, Page 5I • ,.inzXXCIL119,11 .51tSTILVIST,, T PL".041%, 19z1$,,. , , " ED FRONT HARDWARE "•Na,rtirt-:Setniur 1Q4,)% Pare inside la' Datside,Paintr Senourns 1.zpor Paint ". , • • ' ° • Wood-Lle Sca. fx ors, WOodw,ork and. :10traitalfe., , -Rsgers* '1.1rushin,g Laqte fi, Floors, or Forratitre, dries . ,Muresco for Walls, and,ceilint. dectiratiett.• , • ' • •Thfc.7 and bfteto En.uueh 'for, repainting the 'rae: • , • Full::••tork •of •Patint and 'Lacquer' Brushes. ; • : Rakes; • Rees .Cultiva 'ors I in& hovel.; • • *' ' 4 " • . , • JUST A R It Ili ED -C arloatKof Coil Spring W,ii.e,• Oar's:Wire , . and Wove Feic " .S.i. Mary,: ' Cernent. al as on hand. ' • ' , ••,, .GYpree, Parisione an 1 Lime. . , 131.4...'F,T.11RD ,E1..EC1*111(3, WASHER, Complete.. with Ver.- 'tric Water. Heater built into the tub. It hells, WaShes and rin:gs thi7 eothes.*ill Par,You tosee this machine before pureha4 sing.—: . " ' '1 . . T & ?BTEOIrS Phone 66. - • - Lucknow. ardware Coal Plumbing Tinsmithing Lucktio* Wingham• - ,PAR.kMO,UNT ' • , Phone 7i' .. Phone 256”' . Monumental Works dale,' motored up 'and: -spent Sunday LUKNOW an& WINGHAM .siock intle most beautiful designs choose ,fropi. ,• , Marble Scotch, S*w edi ..and Can- • • T ••• . • •ati.an ,GraTtutes •`• .• We make a. specialty. of Fatally Monuments and invite your Howe- Under -theparentaL, reef, • T , _ • • • • • • Mis- 1:sabe1 Chesnut 'spent , the week -end with.her friend,•;Miss, Am.7 . ... •anda „MacDonald.. .,' : ..• . "' ", , '" • Bill. I.,Yoni .4. St.:,ilelens„.. and..,AI-• vin ,.,..Meguillin were,...guests : of :;-• M. . • , . • • . , , . _•311.__.,,Riellard--,McQuillin on Sun- . • , • Miss Amanda and Alvin MaeDon- . Inscriptiona ,Neatly, . Carefully and ald 'entertained their friends and. " Promptly Done. ,neighbors to a social eyening th-st . set us before placing your order. FrIdaY night, and aflwhe attended Douglas. • . . • • 1 Bros R A Spotton Mr and Mrs Jack Henderson and • , • ,• • Lacknow. Ont, „ children 'visited friends in , White- dhurch on Sunday. • A good giany things come to the Irian who. so busy that he has no time.to wait:. • - Some are born idiots and seine re- . -fuse •to read or hear anything that is good for.them. ' ". •.. • "1.. Don:t let the Martins get away. from -you II-. "I'm sorry the Martins are • moving away,' said rs, • Drummond, to her husband. • "It will mean that •we are "going to loge track ofsome very nice.peopte!" • • ••• "I don't see why it should., If a" geod customer of mine nioves away we follow him •tui by Long Distance. Don't • let a little thing like dis- tance separateyou'frorn the , Martin!" ' • - A great change ha's come ;corer „Long Distance • tele- , •: phoning, Now it is almost. as rapid as locat felephon- • . You give' ,tong Dis- • -Lance the distant 'number • and, in a great majority tif cases she is able to make connection while you hola the line. The. :Long Dis- tance operator will look, tip , the distant number for y012, ' if you don't kneW it, and T •-,. tell you what it is. • ' Still better, give us a hat of the friends or cutiteniers' you are likely foilalk with. We will add the numbers and return thelist to yolt.` Lo • • ere arid There -II • •• Actual 11a1e3 of Canadian Pacific. . • Railway, fa, • lands for. the. first .three months of the year have been , - double those of the .corresponding • • period of1927..1,;:,EnqUir1es for farm" lands generally have increased in . _ the same proportion. • •; • ' ••Quebec; Quebec. -- The mineral. production of the Province ,of Que- ' at' tt-gai year --ondla Juno*. 30. 1928, will ,be well in excess .of ' $30,000,000 if tbe activily'cOntinues.• according ,to',a statement from' the • Provincial Department of Minea. Just issued. •, • • . _ . Saint .john. -The • Maritime • •Pro:..'••••• • vinces can find a good market. -in!. 'South and West Africa for 'their ',•nianufactiired and natural products ,•*. •accorcling to -a J. S.TTyrer, who . • Centlfreterned from there. -A vast T• -trade, he claimed, 'could -beworked • up in salt fish. . Vernon: --For the first time in the ' history. of . bee -keeping. in British' Colunibia. One..,bee..keeper in. the •, Okanagan •Valley0 has exported . a . full Carload, of honey from his own hives..' His 250 colonies"gave;him. an average. of 175 pounds of honey • per, colony. • • , • . , ;'Ottawa. --.A.' survey. Will be made this ySar for Canadian air mail •route'betiveen Montreal and Winni!: 'peg. This. will consist df deter.;. Mining the best routes and locating landing .fields. '','.Recent announce - Ment of Tour air Mail contradte be - hymen points :in Eastern, Canada 'forecast More'eatensive oPeratiens. .along this line at an early date: ' • Midland, OnC.--Vor tbeiRrst time. in the history, of • tbia Progratisive ' town.. a .1.hrotigh-Canadian Pacific train left here, early in May'•fo• 'r Toronto, and the first • C. P.. R. , through train'arrived from Toronto • • later in the day. A' bottle ofuhatn-, • pagne Was broken across thelender of the P.. • R. locoMotiire *mi. it • Milled out of, Midland. ' . . • • Ski -Mg In -July and Angust•Will be 'a prommeat featUre of the cora- bined Winter and suinnier'canip to be .' operated in • the , :Canadian ' • Rockies Under the ,gbatIOW of Mount Assinibciine,,•7bY Marquis N. 'degli, . The winter, sport is made possiblebythe fact`of.a•Inige ga- , Oar. that .r.titis. doWn the slopes of - 'the 'mountain: ' Stiininer .sports Of , variety wiltalso .be postible at the . " camp which' is one' of the beatity . , , spots".of that •part Of Abe •Rockies .trevereed by the Canadian Pacifier. • , Girla tried •tc't. OrI9v00 ironi.11ie• plans:* 11 tiQt* aft th03wOol4 1001' •ht00 4 MAITLAND P.RESOTTERIAL .7-1.6"04:";t4 t4 -e Ote.rjr.F' "!ii° •0 • r' -, I- et Pt!, of the, Teeswater A-nsarv, • „ • Tile aftertteoU.sessien evened witht the byre:0'5.90, aialponertnag exet-ases, breember"S of 'flafrassela . Auxiliary. In.a Plea-str.4 aiie*N12., • .1114, kReV, beer‘of Te,eawater; ofeliveredtte adrss. The "alith of the presdde4t; Lrs , 11‘7,7igtoon, „ , ati•Ott.,:..After.a.golitprehensive revtiew Of "the Year work,. fro.% ail•atigtesi whiChbe Made feeling' referent*, • ,,to the- loss. of' several &Voted „wOrkers, ; 'Fulletesnth ruaal ;lieetZsg. Meld' Ir • • - ' The .fourteenth„..AnnuAl aleeting of the, . 3•Ealtland Presbyter -411 of the anhrissichelmaarYtx this e14 ine ytejeharth, Teeswater,in *AY •Stix.• 1,1!-% ander very its.: Si we te held luqrtk' gternoon and' evetung„ ana_the ,Jeantitai tnnshine itithout• 41#4. nt .zerialtY '-te4tioitg. Venter.- s4nshine •,iithirip the ,g,loy4: of .wh14.••h: Vtlir$fel hear.ta of' largeaibl Itichizh sgetheked OA' 4.b..A...e P., . The: oeeision *a.ai;tinique,trZirn the ZacE. thixt it inared the g,vi•den jubi „the Teeswater" Anxiliarit anit the 'profu.-4617r. of golden, tle*,:ers,.. 'caAdleS et,.ier. hots, .41-a*: 24 'With shaats; .0„1-:;tw. geWen. •Hues'. Ary‘re. all in keeping •wit'n • dappy •„.• • ' MI*• ('Re.) TPerrie Winghti,M, •sho is the. -president .a the Rresby- . terial„ Presided at the no'rnitig and , afternoon session. while • Rev,.' '•;Forbes, Inkster 'Of .P.zos eliareli. Tees - Water, .as-Chairrnatat' the: evening,. neeting; in *bleb niembers of, :Pres- bytery, Which rpet on the 'same day n Tees:Water,. joined: in .UUXU '1;tte MOrning• session oneneet• at :10' With the sittging• of hymn 436; after • which devotiomti 'exercises :Vere eombieted by Members:a( the Wingham !Vie . minutes f.;the last Presbyterial-w_ere_read by T re....Tording. seeretary.,MisS Mather. ,of Kincardine. 'after which reports ,!vere•Tread bV•the seoretaries,if the,. :arious' • • * •7ort's d advancement in ail lines he-'' , given. • -:• • • MtS:Tre.tr Winghapi, the eorre:.` •sponding. secretary; thanked the Pre:7. ial" for ...the Privi/ezie 'accorded !tier Tit •being. [one••ef T the delegatesjo, :the ToreVineiaL Meeting"' held at Giielph ,a shet't tinie .atid -paid- warM. •.'ribute .Dr...Marraret 0'.Hara; vet- eran . re issiorarV mini-ex...1 sif-• ter lope; Service in ',India': Mrs.. Carr, reported !nineteen mixiliaries! in '.the 'Presbyterial. with .559 . members,. eon!: tributing $4,1$8... 211, 'meetings •we're.. -held:: during: .;tlrt.e Age attendance of 356. • - • •*.. . ;The HOme•Heiperis' $e*,:retarv. Mrs,' • ;.5.4,ans-en,;_ Of.;_)Islesworth,. repertOd tetal, membership c•i•f KV-COtitritintitig ,217.54... an, avemeze ot "82.17"pe -*tuber, '21 lionie,helpers: became ae-• meinbers duripe,the, year .04:10. ..tlike• the ,"Glad: Tidings.". TT• •Mrs. Liaklater; • teeswater,"! the' • MisSiOn . Bands'..Secretary, ! reported •11! 'd 'with 'a 7 n bershi! ' 408-' **.hree. bandS aid not. e'en:0, .rt. The :total • ..ontritattion froin. the Mission Bends: was: '$679.78 advanekittenf;!being par, "ticularly- noted in this, -..cleartinent.,, *vhich.cootributed over .s.:30n. in `exCes's• .1f the ,coutributions"!for 1921.: 'When 14.; bands'.were. report.ed;•!',. • • ••, • ' The...treaSorer,!..Miss .N!otira ;On. ;Smith '• Rini oss, •present ed" ino.q*,.. ?neottragnz rep,ort,,, showing A total •.$4975,84, !or, $884 in •.'exceSs. of -.the allocation. -!•The •anxiliaries .tributed $ the Mission Sands 1g79.78; WorneWS. and. "C.G.I.T: .GrenoS $12.0.93. • s ,tona meetings, • '1 he amotint . $4,t.-197 . was sent:to the .Provincial Treasuier.and. ex,peziSes amounted to Ashfield • its . c ontribb ti ons of •„ the preqous. LTehio.bterefa;Uxrveati• tipteos: t 11 her •be- :tPre :,of: each .incnth, • •also 'hat note -he forwarded;with! each ' contribution, .r. A ',bequest: of $i"-,o.o. ''svat received : froni The aUoc- .for 109-8 Stist27.: • •."- • • Mrs.' Porterfield, '.!Belgetive". Glad' Tidings .,Se.cretairy, reported ,420 scribers, an. inoreties .of, 49, for which $149.45 was received. ;- '; • Mrs. • Gee. Delig•las. LeeknoW.,. sun ,ply..sOretary,;•. reported' $322.18, this', . 'vine.. Made up. of hospital supplieS. quitts.'; neW,goeds. 2 coMplete out- :cts .-fOr boks, .and, 'C'hristmas, 'gifts. • . Supplies on'hand .from 1920 were Sent to .the,•Ceeiha. ;Jeffrey's school,: /She requested all supplies for this ; de. eartment ,, be forwarded byi Septem- her.. ' She else intin•ated. :that ..ne money, .valtie Would.• be...1.71Oeed,' apoe • Secondband clothing.. '• !: ,t „Mrs.: J. Flliott; "sty and. literature !Secretary', repifrt,'• • _ litera t received "..froni .iaries and forWarded to*flumber and mining .etimpa, lonely,sel tiers, 'hospi- tals .and schoor,homes. • A gift from TeesWetor • Of $12 'Was' sent ,to.. this deoartiiivet„ . Much • literature' vas sod. dtirhe .year.,. • , • , ' The: "Welcom0, antriVelfare Secre-' tary, Mrs'.. H. INIeGee,..Witighittn, gave in intereStin, renort of • • 89. Visits• ,' made •to Itespitals, ;shut-ins. and traneers'-'honies. There were 12 re: • moVals, and '11 of !these came intd, the :ehurch.. • • , , „ • Sliss . Carrick, Litc,knoW....., Young Women's'. Auxiliaries' SVeretary, re - Ported two atixiliaries and !2. CG,I.T, ,-grotips!,; which. contributed $123.28. to ‘.110 ,r,resbytenial •Treasurot, $19.500 ..lothing for bale and. $10.00 to the• . Deaconess'. and •TrainhieSchool, To..., eonto. '../. . . ' the Life4. Alembership Secretary, I J. J. Elliett, ,Winghatii; reported .A2 life...memberships • during. the year, . , 1,1n, Menton/7ms, 17 Junior Member- !• ,hip, 3 blue' seals and 1 silver, seal.' . All lite !aiboye reports 'irei•e adopted on metion �f Mrs. Forbes, Teesaater,, .47. 'out-tide:lien, Brussels. ;Aired' soetal.meetitigs •were held !staring the. year; at Molesworth, kBel- ...nor° and 'Ashfield,. Which Were help. ' and successful in • every! way, nhatikoffering meetingS: were held by -41110st:every. ,gmxiliary at Easter and I han ;giVing, •Ito • •-• • . • The' press., ieer6tarrt Mrs,. R. Mc- Whinney, 'WM01'0101'1, .gtivs hill rt-. golt of. the ,yettr'a_ . Work. Anil the ...A;hank;s 'Of the ,ProOyterial. were fin- gered ,to tl editors of the 'Various kcal .paperS Which: publiShed -reports ••;•)f he Presby .The' dedieatdry prayer was•011'Orki by Mrs, F,t4Coombi of ginearditio;. and' the Sing,ing ef 'hymn, ti$2: end Ana, ,ing per bV Mac johii 11101.14r4§4 • t,11,‘, kirtrz,b)*.te441 duriiY,i, the. •She eNtendgd cetilPlatttlationsto the • Tewkter auxfta upou 'the attain. ...merit f fifty101$-,•: •sionnry effort.: Then„ *slog as!: the. haws 0..f her r.vnar-,,.tile Words front &4%Q.d.k '...14:1§--rAnd'Atte Ld said. -.nut& Mwes,,-..vrherefere est • thou , unto, inef Speak %into' tb,e ;ehildr.n larael,• that' they-gord'4 '1130ii40 out that' pregre-Qu1d' he - • the Watehword,. for ".the :ftitare, , and, wtthjert4 .in -Irriew: every iieraher, of the 'Stkiety shOold conse•rtt - Cresh he life,her tine. her talents. ,and'Iter nioriey, ;that she. may have greater. seat greater devOtion nod's Serviee,' loftier (aspirations. higher. ain.4., and a et)a4•Ea,: t ' •r* of the Standard of our endeavors to, wait' a Adler .aerde,e4n, ‘V!ft., Master's vineVard.'!!"!' • Hyinti 31.19 was then used iti‘• the erreof ,after • which a ntost. -oleasitiF;", feature c.f. the afternoon ses•.. "lion took ,place. Mrs. W. H, yeare Work, ef the W.M.,S, of Tees - water,• 'w-hicheelebrittes,. its -9.,O1deli •iibilee. in'. Missionary Work this year. .Two eharter ,rneaihers. qtid MaeDorisId:' each :::•coni.p.a...• tiled by a, little, granddaughter.' were calledto the platfernt ,ar.;1 pre:.lented,, with a pip in honor co.'" the o&asion. A frtting tritnite was raid to aziothet- charter.fitember, the late Mrs. „Ad:I/lie Grant.: a fornter o.residents , who' wa.4'. alleti'liprne. on March 2‘1,s -,i. of, _the_ Present year., • -• ‘, • , : Mrs. fl. Strahhnof TOre?tte, a re- cent.eonirais.sioner te the -Grit• t-frcint._ e tiera-1--..Ass.ern blvz. -gave addreis in whieti,she Pr,esent • ed• the ii.agiiitude ot the. out* and - Made !tt ftirring.. anneal for, eatidi'dat,'.....; Donglas14. Lhelititek•h t - •tit - •''for Forniosa the first.,week of 'Sep-, ,teniber„_.,:witS Called to •thliefforin• to,- Mrs: !StraChatr,• who. itt,intreilue.1 ing'her to the Presbyterial. paid her .1vrtv IN arm n e for the. -step s.„ ,;•; was taking and:asked .f.nr-the.p.f.aytr:7 'of all *her • '• _, 'Aft 0: .a.en ered; 55 :was • $ung 's.-nd the offering' :taken.' ' • T., Ts!•• . • • !!• • TeesWatorMission .:Sand • delighted: a at,..11zu. • sole.: by ...:011e of the . iner,ber, of the'. , .8"and. Which ' i one of the IargeSt the .Presbyterial:, loYed. The 1,:tosinwords were then bY'Slra. 'Richard mewhinner'of • Doteittnon.: •wh6 : her oneninz• wards- .eNtencled, tothe!Woniews: • ;derary Society .of Teeswater .011 this; their golden. yobilee. T!,.r.,reetings.•f•••eYie the . woolen Don-. ;Tganite • "We hold,': iaai4,4e.„•"e•Par- ticular intereSt in. Teewater;.chnrch •itutits'..niembers.. as this is. the. early, td. pas, tor. Rev.: C. H.. MtcDoniLL We ;re.: loiee wIth , yen itr eenipteting.50 yetr,' ' the alfar,' Goa for, vqir. stAmitastness •;hf.nu'i•pee, • • mut,. • -remain ,‘Vith oho our ririssitt yotk to that Of th.*.farmer. 1"We• are prom- ised- seedtin,ie •• and 'harvest,' o. God; ;-rowns• the season • With'' petwean/IT! ntinity, .P•IrirVi•s!.epiisider • the' itiod he So.,e1. the, tinie- and !dace of Sew.; • the...a•rOwth., the labelers,.. th- hr"°t Utile and haryesibonie, all of whiCh are 'entfnily ..anplif*able, to .Mi.,•.;• •i(tittry work.. Doors •of onportunitv •ii...:Onen in every ..direetion,_ ...so it heheoves .!„;'41eN;, this 00141111At'Ul "GO VPinfo all -the world and .preach the 'el'e•Spel.!.' • •• ' 'ShE' e.111pha4ied the neN1 rate eco,vor.• for • our work and - .for ourt •”,,;Aq'tonarie's., • - ; ' '``Pnr; twits-, in a" foreign land. They., woodered , why their single word had power.„ : • At 4ottl—e. Chriatiaa *enten ittet • to Pray..att hOttr.." ••The' owOW4r4eeel cit.t. ear -v.harett WeKe reuttotasiOtr...i fleki tLea:t...er up the. gleat.tings Sand theord f har•\''At kuttleges theia 'into sheave* ".1qgtett'14°Iii,ttog•ra4±4xtva. De. sb.Yterr. ‘vittireh zuet at the santf.1Me as th•e' Vt,g'r4 R'Xte:Uth44 ttr4Cr,gr 'tt041p, , tt% Ltw: and Dan4aitaott httxh Yrb•O• feeiinOy wade referen•;e: to •Itla AA-.. • sociation for icts.py : Ol•ta',1:,h;,"TksAvater, 'pel34. ,hotne •Att -inVitatia41. AVM ll :Aug7tt. • a !:41(ath7gil.lrattrf4:124'.41111' a:ettOtledu, • The ,§ing.ittg of Hymn •3T4, , 414" elosinie prayer by Mris. 'Ir. A,. Wit7 ' Ittitus,; broutriat to a es me .of the ?nest •"sticeessful ateetings, ever held by •the Maitland.. eresbyterial 'eu's 1i fteivkni‘t` Atrs• (rrie .the pre"sIdeut in reply ityr' • uresetited. me-neeita with . .a soeveitir booklet,.. "After „FiftY' , au a ht.St.N)qt'At : .-zketek: et the •Watren's Nlissionar-V Knex i'vehyteral. Tees - water. ' ; • ; • In the 1•''ening ppeh meeting wz,..s s‘Na-$ 'presititil over hy Rey ok Forbes "easter of Kno, :tuireh, the special featutv of whiCh was a very• interesting and 'itisPtr--- ieg' are ss on the nfiss%nary tht.‘,„„.toreign $;a:;.•,t-Fortnes.a kore4 :Manchuria. Japan. where thittrt• • nten• and wonieif sneh , as Dr, Mrs,. Goforth,' • Miss Caroline Me,. Donald and others esmii tTlslted si • . , . • "VIEW. '11».9.14,40.f ** • -• e. • • ' • • AND. 00%Vsikitt;4 ,CPPO.:sy,.ciiirtr.$ii*4•E,i4..p.iNEERI:No....:. • •• • • r.,,APd GIVEYOU SUCIl biREATkiF:EA"rt.in:its.' . • • •. • , • • „ • ,• , '0 OTHER f.74F, itt * . particular' price,range -U cRYSLER""14 • . $1350 to $1600 has been • - • . • apLe.tos come within ' leagues of svh4t. rhe reat, "62" offeri inperform- ' ante, in qualiti", '• and•in value ' • ••• NteW PRICtS coupe - .1 $13,40 •• N .1.0.1tdsier 3.37p • yme..4,;(1041ggio..** . . , rear 119 ,other ,=en.jovs the , • bnefits of the unique in- • . . • Ornate association with ' manufaCture-of:-sudt-- fine cars as the Illustrious "72" and 1.'..iperial "SO."' •*.tich. by their patient...3mi persever • i tor efforts: for 'so really. vers. pr. rtunitkes for service -un e throtigt: ri3e ouen doors in 1..hesk, eountries there are many, evidenets Of .the --t‘lift of the. gosnel on, everz.• hand. 'The sin'zing ef hymn .T.5.76 ,and • the •••••.-)Tology 'brought this meeting to a ROST b,,AVIDSt • ' • • . _ FINT,,O. Two jiuNDREo , CLLJlT Jame.; - lIethetingtoti,- , Cheiley • . yoeug,Tonan, ,pleaded-Wty-tVo-the )1.41soku• ' : eciaft Coup 4-deor SO4an, Lan titan Sedaik . 1 AU. r-ri,:vs 1. 0. N., Wi344, Outukius , • , • .D-Lirnin Phil rps--Luckne4w ,eharge haVtil:g bee.t-:itt iniUega1., witi..6!io..$2O.,.. assessed' (,,Tati, • ,$'1...1•.40.; .and ititer Cr n'.4.‘ttorney!' Freeborn and 'Magistrate Walker ha(l •: • .: • •. perniit;; ,,it ind., ',,T e "Ca.ae w.aa dianes.:ed of !ln : ,„ :.". • court ‘at. ,; , • • 4,17p .11tries. On ' the '•perinit Atm , a., . • , • . •• t -71,T which retlec.ted unfavorably' . . • 6nlletheringtOn. l'hey showed. that. within t*, -.1 !week::: prier to April 21.st• NN.)111. 'the -beer Was discovered • by . • .PrOrhicial .9tlicer •N'idineyer, lIether- ingtoa,''.01. tethers on hi. oixier..! • had nirehaed- through 'the, dispensArv arid• eer warehouse here; 00 betties of beer and 10. bottles of.sph•its. The court,•satisfied. that the young man liMi.ilbused the priyelege• der .the-'1„..C.'.A....rancelled 0n -the Saturday:night Offer !Wid,•oeyer,:! aet ipg ination. he bad !reeeived, omitted Un-:. his permit. .. • • •./iii• question ..UpOn • visited,' a Chesley.. used :to accento-, date, ...an' •ever-dow 'from , the, 4:001,/ • •,!..hkh.-17"... '1070711'...,em-tytyl beer 'betties and one Unppened., 'The laying of ,aa ,:information and ,ototte 4i*ins't • ;. lthcington followed. - -Hetherington's' explanatiOn ,wa . , that he had" left the .12 bottles in the to. be returned to Walkerton. • • • • • He ..thought 'they were all, empty, 'and , lid not,,.keow.orte Wati. nnoperied..The; rotitn. had been, naecii witi Per 011 of ,th, •Pfintipaio.' foi:' 'dressing 'put,: •noses for a hoekey team: . • T. , . • • Few: ;Mort al§ ' s'eeni as ..'f.oriorn. and . , • nigleeted.; i4s a 'Prominent eititenip st range. town that doet4i't:•know'• important. ;: / • .••• " • • •.; THE '1,CANADIAN.411.1i0 CHDYSI.ER .FDR CANADIANS • . . ANTED . W A S. ;ARRESTED • Ll/S$ • ;. • .•• • , - • • 'k..Wal*ert,n • • • :Eighteen .hundred • the' icene. of • his ni est troubles, t Inun . Kershaw, -was arrestednt Kinloss I') last' ?..1‘,Eida.•-• ,hy • l'rovina41,,Odicer at'•§;01111 brti.ugit,t" t 0 l'W•a kerton ;arid htzld" itTv. the CountyT awaiting rOni the ..\\!.f.st. S.keritt, t.4terville.:of the • ",atchew an PkWiileiSi . , •• • here!'Tnesday r 1 uight,and left. wit'o' .tiershaW,'. en.-WednesdaY 7 atteiii.60n orl the retnrii trip, , ' • !, ...1SersaW', neighbors spek itt .the highest t-eritis.;of him, mid SYMpathY ' exPreased,.,fer him ;in, his ',unf,oirtun•4,- • ite pOsitien. Ito came Call'ilittos tt- -- wilt a year lige.Frooi NV:nat thO• ' Tei, • ..;;seope has been able,. tolearn., Rer,. atinliji.y.‘;•tay •Ments te his .wife, 'who lives in Sas.. katOon 'with- their :three ehildren. • Tatter this. manovas arreste-* '.Ouple'T.Of• his ,frieifili,Conselted a so.: Who!:ilitt*What. he .0tfor the accused., The :money in• arrears on his;;payntents eydered by' ,the, hn beeu . paiti;:i't is tutderStoOd.`• but Sh 41-1• h t t' • • _ervi ms ruc_tous„ •.iip„unti.l• the titne they left, to' least' , kerShaw here.' ° • • . . , Ajeostnatural but frit,) Poreqoeut •Aise for enipiy whiskey .•*and bottles is for' m.eapons in fusrsohn.'; etwotteters aniong • t nose \\ ;to ittt ,emptied.. them • r • , b.„,lgar A. tl-ne,$.41) r.l)f tttutt: • 'A,i uk o( rat.':'' • .of ttt t -gr:in. Mat b ,Vear•it, , " •,'1‘1).•*t•e' •otty be the eartge of ten; • Alt,raltua;; or. ••• • 1!titt 4 singer of, jay.; this, \'1h011 ' . k • OV Itt h ti Or,V4 • • ',S"Pen,ling his '. • \''tt ltv tea -r-N•sk „On bit.tg‘•• . •• flUt'e May.exiiitlaki"soate d;aY; !:•!!. s.kul • 't tint !t he; 'world, :44,411. 'tiN11):404.'. . . • A•10: AVOrl't 13h:!;$11- 011•• ' . . :\t‘t f.:talt 'that, . t hat 1114ly 11t` .6:Pan;il. n he. .11,0 • tth ftnit flIll'hwyitt"..r. AP:1111, "11.AS' vise' t‘) • ,„ Aoki ". • " k!.f...t,lic;:lait.,,s:.c•f the,: trtsots., ‘,..acl,..'!keItIt 1,,\(,;, ?Slay, .11x• n (IV`t!lit • • Ii11%-0111 as ; • • t'lt•n til 1 1:to titt'•11. yoticli,`,.: • . t!,,e gretit .hei '‘, • • $t,t1.1, tvg,nttt4:tilt. 1 hi ”.••1 •.• , • , ti C1) Ot‘f.' ;1 •04.1 ; • .... ii,shitietott; • I 1*,)ti ' • • • 't ttit 1414 tttI It 1111 ' • , i PlIt••• WtIN '4%,11k'•• . • • • ' , . , . t ays to rise 100% PURE PAINT AND YARN ISRES special product-' forievery purpose,. for every surface , , : 100%. PURE, OARelt4ITE NEU 40NE VARKOLEUM " WOOD • C . 4,04,40.• kt "hardwOod, • Me Redo:14A-• for PilciaA • &It PAti inktior Floois''064 Lfroin teLilmoleufti' L. ,414/futtlifoie orSale • - . • , RAE. 8t :14ORTEOUS* 1,.;,1ClEnow • ' , IPVRIPA1 NT `i VARNISHES •I KA,AC0VC114 ' ;, • • ../ • ,, • • •••• '