The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-05-17, Page 4112.1tIFIRTOVENTINEL— -,- ,Tnuitsi)Ayi,. MAY 1.7thp.e.1,928 7-• "7`wirmw-r.., .0111M.VARY.. • ;7"•#••,!•,•", 'Alltract Martyn. „Alifether, 0,0w 'few remaining po- s rteers' fit, 'Huron •Tewnship Passed . , la-tilllY• ;May,. on Fridaymorning 1.4ff 1.0- the personof r. 'MOB NtartYne -Sr.,. at the ripe age a $4 yearsfelbeWing' 'tellgtbY illness., 'Dorn,or the Y ISiand of. reelli-lk; Sea, lajad, in the Year 1844, on '0, :the 100, Jelin- and Mrs,,' to. P.;zrAia, alongwith, the: fantily in , 05o, Xiaion•T‘13/-.Here he , .Wae, niariied In o Mrs, .Cathe-' rine:MC.14nd, whoPa're4, aWal", 411 '1899.. 1n.,1905•he wedded- Mese 'Chris, IVIcatikilliw-ho. died in 100..116 wasamafl Of strOng,PhysIane,-whoece ieggect etinetitntiOn Wee, envied: • -.14 • the':.early 'days When thin. • landiVia-iefeeeSt and when but .040 tolplq*exit.0,; for:, plearinq.!#:i;effe • hand, he was konwn as one o tua best 1011100 in these patts 1,1A,„ was ;always Cheerful .aOdeeVerY:.eeedi'fer • 01e PasSingsejeat •..Welf. known and reppeeted.every,p,ae, he was ' 'ever Outspificeetand. his Word ,could .be relied upon lie,'evas for many - yeiere7-17inejialier,tel-Kuton Presbyter.•; 'eart,now.St,'Andrews United,. .„ ., • • menen his demise he leaves famt1yO five daighters and one 'son A Mie,.`•Angus., ldeLaer;: Matheson .Of 'Euron;;,Mes.. 'Mterdocli. Campbell,. Detroit; Mrs. No1inan 1Kc-f Miss, OrriStenai. ;of Flint, Mich.; and-AngUS of Ripley, to. • whene is , extended the sympathy of -their Many.. friends., ' The funeral on ..Monday front the batneeet- his -son- eon, 7, was largely' attended. . Serv- ices. Were '.conducted both e at . the haute And the graveside by .1teve C. :N.-MeKenZieeof St. -AnitreWs church,: -neeieted, by ReV;;Dr.,Cenners of:Knox- . :ehurch A solo was' rendered by . Mrs. D. MunriTTife7palle5eaterif were ' sik-egiandeensof deceased; --ildessise „te„4._e_l'eetederick .needeLeene 1,•Cepriebe 1, De- troit, Denald.W.GregozeJohn M • Gregor,- 'Allen MeLay 'ead "Aeneas • Marin. • ..„. .',, „-. EARN NEAR ; TIVERTON - .DEST.ROTBD.11Y..FIRE. • ' 111 40 KNOW SNTINEL Publishestkevery 'Thursday' meriting , at LocknoW, Ontario. - • A. p, MaeKenzie, Proprietor :and Editor. TBURSDAY, ,MAY 17th, ,1928; • TAR ST. LAWRENCE' -WATERWAY , „ . That the shallow and rapid eltions of the' LawrenPe', Kiyee Will 'seine day he deepened 'so that oceaie:geing •-• ". • • ' • vessels may ' Pass into the Great 'Lakes mabe 'taken` fer geinted, But .there l'ageing.te be,a lei -op haggling over the entetpriee,.. and. n, lot: of CostlY AS to 'Whether' it is too early for , . • • Canada, "welhgted with its war debt , it undertake ndertake ..itS , share:- in,. so eOstly. en undertaking, is, a ,,,questien fOi financierts And transportation experts to deeide:- ad -s vantages of. a &WindeSt. Lawrence ,ta transportation would he tremen- " dons.: , The United. States Governinent ap- pears to. be prepared to go right a- • head with the project. but the Unit- • ed Stalesm has "money to burn." Hew, - wirer, the financing of the enterprise' is not likely to prove the chief cause of delay with this country. The chief 'stumbling, block will be. the city, of , Montreal: That city wishes to • . ie - main the heatrof ocean shipping,: end, will light desperately to that end., .rhe prime minister of ,Quebec recent- ly eime out strOngly against the river -deepening scheme, 'stating that' .Montreal was ,the natural had: Or ai shipping, and ought to remain le It may :be assumed. however, 'hat "tie premier is but fish-. ngefor Mentreal votes,. and thathe is • let' considering the deepening of 'the Mr. Walter ,Todd of 'Tivertonhad. the misforturietd lose his large barn, • 60,i70 •-ft., • together With contents, which included 27 head of ,cattle, by ▪ fire 'about 4.30 o'clock on Saturday ' morning last The origin of the fire „ is unknown, but it is believed to have been canted .by spontane.eas combus- tion, as Mr. Todd had about ',fiftY; tons .Of hay inethe :mow'. It ,is Said • that Mr. and, Mrs, Todd were hi the • barn that night Wlth a laiitern, they baying been 'treating grain with for. inaline, but that no match was lit in. the barn. • Mr. Todd. claims to haVe • wakened net ?of sle.e about -476t• 7 clock tbat morning:and l•)oked out of • the window. There, Waseno sign Or cenflagation" then, but t • 25 , a ou • minntes' later lie was awakened .hly a roar and on looking' out 'beheld the •harn lit a mass of flames. He.got to lf a, journey' !3y'tttis sMI, of 'railwiiy , front 'testi:in to 'Washington. It' "woad be bardeto hmnorousi. over such 'accoModetion 1,09w-a-dayse bit human Patilre' has .a fqrtuliate waY, of adjnsting itself to, things as they are, ,and the Neve Englanders of '1840 -had' no dream' of • those • sijigle- room care of today, 111 which nap ,cans travel .by night wialf 'nearly , . all the .comforts Of a first dates' hatel: , trsiB,E03,4NCe PAY The obserYlition Of '''`Mothers'.10-ay" , • has, proved hied& pQpular through - �u, . the Peountey,eandth9se who first Suggested etuCh „Obeervatien must feet that they struck -a respeasiVe'•cherd. in the huinan heact. Whig ,especial- ly,:encoieraging at. -this time: when 'young : middle-aged. •are 'charged with forietting the old fanif. 'IYHO WOULD RATHER IE A Nopory.y? (BY-Wirioure4: Plack) "1 ••,tilo•iiitt It was 'great to he teleedy,'",said the' stiiafi town 'weritan . . who had ineved to the city,, "Now if. [was in my home tone. Pd have; to fuss around And get a different Pair at shoes.: There. are house shoesyancl it I Wore theet down the, street in m-9., home town 'eery telaphone,would he liuzzing in ten minutes. ere' in:the SH.BE,t, •NliOSZT.447P Ogg' " Montreal W•itile.e4), What tEis .eeidence. clearly' preyee .s that the boetlegger is not ,banish- ed n gliebee 9r any other province ender liquor control, Mr. Hanna, the "strong -man" wheel. Mr... Ferguson: entrusted with the larnossible ,taels. Of . •banisinng .the bitotlegger by. putting', store oneverj- corner., bas now resigned'. Ten nienths of the Pew 3.913'.Waseenough.,• Of eonr4e, :ity nobody' 'knows...me' and nobody he Say, ,on resigning, "the beotlegger, cares. I ectuidew-rai a bed- quilt ' pot•baniShed., Thcitis impossible "isouad' me And go down the 'street and While we do net agree, that it is irn. embody, 'Wettlid even •turn tne)n. head it.oSikle to banish 'the, bootlegger in •tr, lift Of course, 1now the ;end, we heartily cOreek :in the 1,19t of .people in, the jeitY; but .they view ,that the living: gerkenetion will 'Ina, ma oj . dielike. mO, no,,Incitter 'always ;be gursed'hy that .bratifi. *,vhat 1 wear—and that's that. erimiatiV , What is •surprising 'thee "I can stet/An-and have a -bite, at a isto hear that statement fi•om the heap little restaurant on MY-Svay departing. high lord .clitielcseller., Mr, home' frem-shopPing or is-eliow-e,,aad, Hanna ewed his pesitiore-an unat- „. •enio Cares? And the ...other day I met, tractive One; he ,speedily :found Warnerfront'. my 'Mine yeltgason's";prOmise` .achieve -V ties, the reverence for parents and woman really eheeldn't know et all • that very thing. Oifiers, river as a good or bad- investment: stand upon .theenatter Will; of :iourse. have great influence j§ ,he eLlbeeal Party :leader -in. 'Quebec ind the MacKenzie King Government. Ottawa " depends so iniich ,upen 'tuebee support that it eanaot •Veit - 'Aire upon anything that has Mit the ipproVal of that province,' 3 The proposed undertakilig lihelY o prove one, ef, the big poiitieal quea- ionS aiid 'big subjects of controversy Yn this" couatry for. some years, t� • some.-- The, talk about rossibk , en, tangleMents with the United States's- because' .ef the necessary co -opera- • hoe with that country' er course, elure• nonsense,and t's' dragged for m. other reason than to Etii up. OPe • position,. • the barn in time to.save the horses,' • but 27e head of cattle, a sow and lit- ter of pigs, together with the rest a • ','the contents, including about 50 tons , bf hay and a large quantity of grain •'were lost in the blaze: The barn war covered by about $4800 insurance. but Mr. Todd only had 3500 eon the, contents, which, through the destruc- tion of his stock makes'him a heavy • o 0 o--, • - KINCARDINF Adjutant end 'Mrs. McTavish and daughtete Velyne missionaries, tOlIn7. In- dia; from e 'Salvation' Army, are evisiting Mt. and Mrs. RiPhard. Stone. • ' Mrs. McTavish being Mrea,' Stoiee's , • A little over:eevert years age Ad- • :intent. IstIcTavish and his • '*if went forth as Army Missienaries, , They • have now returned to visit their na- • tive land to enjoy 'a ferlorigh, and home: some. very interesting, straries to relate coneernipg thele experiences fa Ceylon and India: s, „ •'Their' first appointri,ent„ ,Nvas • as District Officers in Ceyi0,i, the , beau - ti etil island lying 'aboue 50 en flee' seuth - • of , 'ITere they came in contact with the Tamils in thelievillages 'and leeerned a little of the' languageAThey vere ne:Ct ,appointed " to i,i,Coloinho, where they liad charge eftIterne•for Vagrants. • liansferred to the • Mr.i1dras *. and • Telugu i'erritory in indt?, Lieer were innointecl superintendenle , of : the Criminal .Tribes ,Settlemert al) • varatn, The, Army has teen *carry - ince on work. for •the reelematlen of the 'Criininal Tribe's for the past 14 .yrats. and many ,thousands of• these •' people are now, tinder ,their e'eere. • Both the Adjutant and Ins • wife sneak very leopetelly of the prOgrees being trade in this, 'work, ,esppelapy in 'training .the young: peolite in ha. or. educating-thein.and • rheistiartizing them. IlevitsAieltte, • -porter, e. I M PROVEIVItERNATvE1114 RA l•;WAY 'An ''advertisement' reeently islied by Canadian .,Nationai RaiL vays telle the ,new. -single-room eleeping ,cars just. 'placed in, eight .service on the betw.een :Toronto, -led Montreal, Ne doubt e!'irillPr cars • presently be available from Mont- te .and , on the coast-. ' 'o -coast- lines, . 2. Whet comfort those • Medere cars enggest .as compared tii.the gars Of, liner 30 or, 40 Yearwia 0: These' Mod-. 'ern Cars are divided :into 'fourteen 7ing1e rooms. each there:is a bed 32 'inches wide endeof suitable. length vith thick, Comfortable •.mattressee' •-ed silk covert's. • The rooMs art ".;.ieeineed, with a chair; .cernPlete toilet 'acidities, hot and'cold Water on tap, :lasses, 'mirrors. table.',"and• - "every ' imaginabk , comfort." And it '-is added, theee,•ie plenty: of st•ptce for baggage. • It a, rich Man's' gar, of ceurse, t there are enilions-' on this cantle - e -ho cen afrord euch, luxury, in travel. t.- , . , Thoee who made long' tripe by rail- -barl thirty *eel's. age, .and until, re-: "-eptIV, may -compare this comforta-. ble, erode i;f: travel JO tht. best avail- •lable at that time. The °Ia.:fashioned eurrinan .eleeper was a Poor affaii in :ssemparison., The beds:elle above the ther, 'e,ere merely curtained off from the passage Way through tke centre' Ote eet. and Pewee some Problem te get one'reciething and onagain Ite'„ extremely crate ned euarters, At an earliersistegein'railway de- 'feeontrient thete were no :neer/tate ears ri,e04, the efttti only trod- -re•tely• efeefortable; *toilet, facilities- • were wretched. and .0111CWa.8 fortune, ete ••ta 'get into e ensitlee 'where ivoeld Aot be 'exposer! to n mid' draft led ti e'en:Stant supply ef dest and eon] sleet. enaraer .style.of „tanroa colic , eonieWhat ref:feminine the • ,h9tge- • driiift lniSses, Were run upon weiiden trifle With an iron plate 'on 'fop: Daent fel Weleitee, ihe•,nreeteli`hiteil Stateli eongtitiOlnal- lawler nr‘a irikvo• Iii0111Y•,bijiii00.6411... ,40,010tion.: ub- • respect for;the aged which have,done;- lead we went and had a coped coffee seemuchetoesuppOrte:thwehuman4ace- --togethere-and-4-heardettl1-ntinittewhot• - thee far on its journey. . , had happened- te. her since she, left. , At this time a little epsaybythat the old Own,or at least t.heard all . versatile., writer, iFranle Crane, she wanted to tell me. Nov if we seems apprepriate. It is entitlect-"The been back pr thehoine towo we would Tragedy of Motherhood” : and reads have passed each ether 'with, a, 'cool Is fellows: • • , nod, She'd 'haveebeen, afraid, Ped.snub• "The mother hiptinet is doubtlese her and. I'd- havebenscared* :to • be the strongest, in, the .hiiman., race. It seen with her. goes' bacleetee animal life and is one "I'm glad 1. hog that tone With her. of the cleepeet and motse, secure of I don't ))elieVe halfs 1:4'd a's aur emotions. r-,, they say, ihe is. Poor _tint -lee shdbs had • . "A' man live a long whileebut bard.,fieht of it—! Can Fee 'that, never find a friend, who is invariably fhaugh she holds un her head and well disliosed ac, bine lithe' `a mother., Iretends. to be'hWfulty. I wonder how '-"The mother has an iiishakealeie long' she cried after, she ,got back to eelief ,in the 'goodness ,,of her off-. her, room, and 1 went 'on with nil' spring. It is not a belief founded upe ?bombing? :Nice girleebe Wes tbo, arid en. intelligence nor reason; but one as good as gold, till •all a mice .,he 'which has its roots deep in:the fu,nd,- ewefhen ey ivivoi)tnhe' thfoe;'kwsro..nderatglighen(ir aheedr. amental, emotlam. • • : tlirift. can ,ever change it, No '-z"lame-thi"Pagh--tbe-inuck.; .act on the part of the on ,can alter "And it's great to stay in bed 'till it. Even,,,When he.is proved' culpable ill 110, nd nobody -running in • 10 er imworthT,e-,-Alre--effectieireestilleere,e- seenclai- and—running... mains, and the mother: is 'quickto: out again to spread the tiding- that Ina 'excuses for all that he doesmm aren't as We114s...-yo'1 used:'to be, or ye:Led be me eaenee in the ..morn_ An: order like that would . save the , "Wherever there be other time 'editors:of newepapers..site this country they can be broken. Friends leave us; mg. g I was a re tef to be . • wilier with eonditions in Canada for "Alfrfall ten years,.Wouldbe amused to learn that Canadians expected, to Abolisb the bootlegger by making bis t'aw. material' everYwhere avail'able, "et • that is'p,:ecisely what a maieritY lf honest ,citizens were deluged into '7-et1nq for Experience is a , dear Peiliaps the hettentpart •a befata Canada eat ,,epair the immediate pffects •of the blunder,. • Nevertheless, • there • is •erberine eyidence 'ibet more and more "lenadiaps are ..seeine the •lie•ht. The, -esnit is inevitable. Mediwbile pro- hibitionist s are On mire • ground , in om'entrating on the education of the "KEEP -MY NAME OUT" -(pt, Thoinas- Tit -nee -Journal) . Mussolini has sprung 'e new: one, • It is ordained that .Italian newipa. ware „must publish, %fly lists of,eyerY • rierson, arrested,' and',the --reason feie -et eir arrestTaiidetheeentence-Of-AbOse- relehsed Trent jail, • Int,of trouble. • nobod .vives_ can get,, disgusted and quit, . • ' ' \ • :•• • hre'hers and sistees- can be alienated, 'an organ playing. ,,me gm' m el e "This ere• h The Stairs of most newspapers are • • worn thin by people who have gotten' , rninge however- heard but mother, love continues down to' i t • bl t tit • , -o,w", was the:Aong--tbe one with the rou e n, up o fee A her dying day. • tor to et him to "keep' it out of the ecu- "This.,berto--,dloovethienvgesietPhrai7aprtee itnhjue r immoi; bit in it old honie tIot carued bsaecekJimniie ' napers.” ' Sometirees they bee it as a favor: next door running un the stens four - '0 her child. She is apt to *ant to • sometimes ' they sometimes •it a t me, and hear .the ".rleighbOr'S live. him ailimetagee: and sacrifices , . Joie • barking, and. smell the, g • they , threaten pliyeical. Viblenee. , 11' ear' for .him, when', as a matter •, bel -n. ; leen--; Son -men -nee they employ .' ell ethree 4. -fact he needs no sacCifice. but hard' ":,aembgeiang,i7; nPojo_illog4:yt.,9argdmIlv.;an. wtpad, tt,oirceq0.:.-Teetheds in qinek sueeeesien. adeord- 'kne'cics that shall en31"ie hini to'st"4 •*--i:ek to the old teem where they all' ng tr, the iMpression they think they 'Upon his oim' feet'. au' is ae 4nterestine and ' tragre •':ui''..n.e-v.ti.......1nInkd -.feottchs'el.n1:5aandci '''''cl:tilliee'i.re'' ''.tnlii`-e" .areTrmulayk,111,'Yge. editor's 'let, 'like tlat,.6-6.• hing to reflect that there is 'no rap-, O. noliCernan, Is not A. henry One If ,lcellion in . -the cetintry: net a thug :17.1,•11:11,tiCs.sm,saiti.'h's.',W1,1h7l'os,..isny'it.ert.ht just il6 ICrePs mit' names- he plea.e'ea: the . ' e always '. • • ' ,e0e -criminal. itor • a neercle•iWell, bUt„ , . ,., , . - perties involyed. het lie may annoy there is hack sontewhere hi the Offieg• .,.2-1.gh tenaPrect' ' ' °there who Waeted to see the narnes shrouded figure of a mother:Who •' "I'm g.1).1Pgto hey sonietl:iing -,for .in. >e ves n im.,k • "Doubtlegs thisit unchanging! affec- 'ion is necessary in 'order to.hold the' vorld together 'but it is no always 'rimy for ,its possessor. When a man wrecks his' own life by his indisere- • 'len he knows he is minring an sainine her who gave him, birth more 'han himself or any -othet person. • "The great' tragedy of wrong' -do - 'Mg is not found in •the wrong -doers '.0 much as in the mother0f them." - the ,Thaesr little. bey, and' soreethiag- ror poor Miss McKay; wh?, has'ibeen 'n' bed eo Ilia., end something TM- the, mihistWr's Wife and going to pack TY trunk and go back te the home .e and laietie-Wrel , when I think of it. •"Heate, „Sweet Home." No: wonder 'they' cry when hejr thing. that -,but oh, what sweet, , . , 1 tears they are;,-'Th.e 'tars of "the bomeick .v hen area t, going. to nf 'making. him •tell-. the, .tenanninity No newspaner in a slim commun- .. _ ity •wants ti anykely who elms . • gotten into manor' trouble, by • lishing their mistakes .to the :world; but there are times whet'', it'''must 'be dime.: • It's got to toine out and 'newspaper can't-, keep 'it frem com- ine ort suppression.. f• But, you went to eet en•editor F; lander jusf ..-4t-rt to- bully or thre.aten • Ttiat'S the 'Serest way • MCCORMICK-PRERING TRIPLE POWRIt: TRAotoR• Nee.del / • •• e- ,-...R. ola ,, \ ,, • 't Ire, .......?..".0.. WO ,.,,4VAP, L .. r 41 ill""' ..,••.e."...e.. .7.*1 .14' 0.C".--. ,..•,-.11e4".S.4n . ell* Az..4. :4 „ , • These inacliines. are ,built -with a heavy 'dpty „bearing rtta4,- ' ,shaft4to replaceable - No working Pelle posed ,N , •:treahle'rrinking- sprckkets er chains, tue•'•0- "g piece niaiji,fraine the ; tealiemiseibn'e and the final. •deisie. run eon- ia a bath of. oil. ',FurtherinOre, ' .the dust.proof ' housing Prevents dirt, or .gritefront„ getting into •oil 'Supplies.; „Re -- "fore buying, O tractor, see e - • ••• • . . .„... ,ucknovki. 'Phone' No. 10is.at Your Servicel We SeU for Cash -We Sell. Cheaper Than The Credit Store' NQW FOR.: HOUSECLEAN I NG ANP DECORATING • , 49. *re- are prepared to fill Your requirements, and would:offer the fol.,. loiving suggestions: , Step 1:4_4_dedresr.,4 B.ru,st„hes Serub pails, Mbp Slicks;• Carpet '13eat-•- Partstene to fill -the holes in the plastet.e Mureecithe ideal wail finish. PI We have it in all' cokes, , Sherwin Paint—The Paiht that..is trite to the color, -and' : will hist •longer , Sherwillac---the: finish, ,foi• :furniture :and, doors. Comp in and We will tell you bow to apply it. e omestek gr.," more. Who wants ,,11bo t y ou to be a, nobody!'r • "n „ BIG BITC'S° (iIONiFt TOWN ,• THE WROM,4 SET . . : "Manya wrecked life has . been "raced back to the fact .thet-Somehow • ',he young sman, Or woman, . got in' 'elth the'.wron,e et. It may be that • ,Set erne richer titan' the inari, Who ..oined.: and he was ,e•led to he Singled 'out. for, theirefrienaship • •but he„naid all ten dearly for it in the end. When vve:go with .wealthier ,folks ,,we are al.. MOst compelled to 4ciopt their, stand./ 1id Of expenditure,, arid that means, embarrassment and • nate ,euirt.' •The prdiearir young •fele lew is too proud to pay- that he cnn- 'ot 'nay .fOr cerkain Inettries., and se •he trieS", to keep lift his old as 1911g Is his finances will steed the- • , • incl then he must beg, , borrow or Steal. •In any case, the reSult is not • to he • Bey'pr, keep with yonr • ewn erowd.; .You .Can ;find juet' as Much braine ongst the ' poor,'as amongst the -ich; YOU will 'find just as , true !riends. amongst those' wile have to ,the eopperp As ani,onget those whcebaye no need toeworrirealetat ex- eenseA of anything. You Willefind just ee enioyable and helpful companion.' dile amongst the 'Men -wile- tread the nawaY„ of toil • Is amongst thoire ..whn have' to nned to labov.f.or their •tinily bread. • The set we travel With wilt de mech, for nee either helPfn1N4 elln stroll We ...have 'the pciWpr to ellPose 'ratr setkihet We hove not, the ,,ower. to Change the , men who 'cohIPOse , Doubtless y911c5te `tiottled. 'that ev. OrY girl who isn't (11'1161 pretty "culti. Yatefla flOMOY $41 fried to SOPVe it-ontrosto• t SIXTYs MII,IelteN!' DOLLARS 'trICIPPR :IN ONTARIO •'• • ' (Teronto „Daily State APril 27) Ontario:•vOtere 'Vibe suppOrted,'Mr:•' Ferguson's govei•nesept eontreeI; policy clpUbtlessly libped,Ahaf the liquor por- "-nit..-.system would °he', , 43rantford that a local resident honcef.t 51,queiris af .1Xid• liquor and ;022 -quarts ,of .ale -n 'permits since .lq,einber. ,part of •the liquor he obtained on' hiS Own ierrnit and 'Part cn a permit in the :name ef, his father ; • •. ' IVO*, appear tthat, the. inimber of person'?. in Ontario who', dnalt rip or is teaqily hicreeeieg. iteder 'the.. system, Ding the' ,firSt'five- 'Months of .gOvertunent:,.cfmtrol 220:- 100 resident - perynits. were sSued. !During' the se.gend Ave ronth4 when. P`e*lierriliti,,had to:be Obt hie ad, a to,. tin Of 290 000' resicle'ne permits were issued. The lignor puidhaSed 'during the first eie7ht :month's' of the sIrstem, ^olt no%million dollars:. If the same r • rate iS maintained. ...tlirougri.:4 th'n Year Ontario's liituor reaCh do million dollere, er teilitorie niere than eetiinetee pteyieuely epnearing, le these. coltittins. So "many abuses „Intim .erotA in tn ,opeetitiori of government control Viet 'jt has beenfounirnecessarii, alregeiv ;to:, cancel more than 2.000 tpermite. Thew1ioi staff' Of One' leitieerY wa,VP- houSe has. had to. be dknissod: be, ,enu f irregUtarities in e6iineetioil with permits.: Th•a,, dOngrol' board' IS 'denting" With conditions' 10 the' bested its, ability,•Thit if will lint,1 to,013.1.0% ,rrertferenenort from...thole who Lige 1iquo. if the -present syt •to. petpotilAte FOR 1 1-1,11- Ailudolub,h. Ledger bee' some • bard things, •to say about .conditions +hat prevail in .Chieeeo. the 'third largest :city in the world., ' under? the son. o .17iThet T.,1‘eldae.ve,7 "BigsaysBill' T :'''ll'°nriP-s • "'Within the last Ave inonths sixtY-. • - y 'wo- -bombse-havee-reeleed'Atia. shaken the rity.. ,Not a sineld conyietion has -e•-elted. • 'Machine. ,gen bandits •got", Leeir• start in ''C'hieaeo.:. It is the enly , town in America 'where theeburial of: 'i. gentran takes en the -proportions offt state funeral. 't;ang..leaderS are lineied endejetrueirloside•of flowers .in illede Nielsen; with solid gold hoe. 1-ilee. -TheiC last rites are attended '-!y• ofifeials • find , .iurists •wearing 'le-et:inning; heed's, ttpon, •their sleeves.' 'Tt is: the, most:amazing' Situation ini 'en Arneeican eity," ; . INIteYer T.hometion proposes An linld what he calls ."improvment ;parades" every two weeks' with a view to cie,.. , voio'niurr .conimunity snirit and living down 'slandersy upon his'. city. •, But •tw.}!!itt.it...c..iti6i0obgeo. ..r(inie,n,,dilgoieism", pilio4t.detthoinog , high de-rree 'in :London, namely, the law ',led order. firrolir and 'impartially enforced. Brie perhaire, that Is toe •, . l'Iritiah tre find feereer with "Big Bill." .• RIPLEY. ; , . ' „Mr, and' Mrs: .1' S. Steevarte..--atid •farrily,' rho ;Spent the past • three' yeere ,ie "Pere, South America-, have ret'orned. •havo-e-lind 'Ore 11W ,isettled' irt theit'lresidence at the ttotitleatfid Of the vilhi&O. Mr; Stewart, uho is. reg., isteved geologitt, bat been in the ein.: • nlny ot f1ielmnorT4 Oil ComPiny, on I• 11,41-44411-11rtlftnflitiV00031 '. ' the southern cOntinent! Where large . ' Utilac—At superior satin finish enamel that Will drY, bard in foure •'hours. ;Just the 'tning,il you have been,looking 'foe to finieh- lioreh, furniture. and nlany . :Other' 'articles: • . . " White ,Wash Brushes, lluresco Brush as,, Paint and Varnish' Brush- ' ' es...A 'full stock .„ 'WC have special gasOline. for •cleaning.. It Will not ..injure. the finest'fabric. ' • Special priee' on ',Red Star Washers 'and Wringers. Ideal Incubators ---the' best: 'Ideal Bi"Ooder Stoves-themoSt eft- •, • " Heating Plumbing and glectric Wiring A 'CURIOUS ACCIOENT 'ALMOST _ • PROVES:TATA:I: Boys Will- try experiments, .soMe- r • , times with disastrous results: •Jim Salkeld, pon of Mr. and Mrs. H.. le I • . " had a curious :mishap which nearly cost him hip' lifPea coupleeof . weeks age, Ile „was setting oft firecrack- ers, and by way of, varying the sport he Put'one,in a bottle.'When the ex- plosion eime the bottle was • blown to .pieces, and a fragrant, of the'glais struck Jen On the 'meek,' making a deep. gash which 'bled freely. A doc- • tor had to .be called, And by the thne the floW of blood was 'stopped the lad was nearly dead. For eeveral days, he was vere Weak through the loss of blood, but presently begAn to gam strength, ciad was 'soon out of danger. • in couple ar;11. eAd in; ien*- ebnae7-3i0u0sOt bifeeeellf: aboveearth. Ieret 'marriage dancrouS, •enough as itis? ••••••••••••••••••,•••• ,BRANT FARMER BADLY- - • IN jUlthle'' IN . KUNA,W4-1Y Peetredge a fanner of the 7th'• Copl-of Brant .'fbvvriShip, near Walkerton,'.. Was. seriouSly injtirecl viTer tea rn rap .Siy4y 441111. At ,the Of the aecident Mi •Bentledge. VraS driVing; with a 'team • fif young horses, a. drill •tbi his other. farmin the neit,rhborhood. The (ani- • mals, it•ii thought,. took ',fright, •'at , • • . the'noisc of the rneclono en th. bard. :read, and Made a, • wild get -away. When they got 'beyond control; TZ'outiedge thought his best chance . of •learine.; the drill. 3,vas' over the '13.alc.. • •Tn attempting todo so he vtasothron • onto the ma-hine, and - sustained the... ineuriere fen-awrek was • served_ by Sorire near . at • hand; Who', , rushed:to 'his 'essestenCe; The heee, clicemot,erit nelarebefeee-they ia-rites-tn contact with e, 'post, The. tongue, e ..beelliciinertheye were hisought, under' pfaitically• tininjtired. IF • • • Write for Free Booklet, ”Walls, That Reflect Good . • judgment," . con.; • taining interesting inforxnationon home planning with • Gyproc, Rocboard and Instal= • Millions of Insulating Air Cells! ' CANADA GYPSUM AND ALADASTINE, LIMITED Palo • •• • Canada 4, IF repro° al board Pa.r Sala Sy, m. Murdie 84, Son is•job kl.stiCh11,0W, Ont, *0 Porteoult- " • Lucknow Ont. e'e