The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-05-17, Page 1• •:„ , , . $2..0!) PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; P.59,- OTHERWISE , . . - . . 0 pii0FgSSIe&AL, CARDS • . %DR. W. M. coisiNELL. • physician', and 'Surgeon LuckHow• • :I1oiirs::!;.1.3()=7;°• 7-78. Phone 86 :.Dr, MacLeod" Will 1/1:1dt Lucknow everY, TtieSday, ; in. : Dr. Coppell'a Office. ..... , DENTIST .pr; R L Treleaven, Lucknow— )ver Decker's Store. Extraetion either, by, gas .or-• fecal. Will be in • ' Durigarinen, every' ThursdaV. . Phone 53. 0 •EVERYBODY'S. COLUMN 0 .1 ' • , o Gee. A. giddalf, Luelaiewf and Real. Estate::—Mciney to lend or first mbrtgages an farm, proper- • ties at 6 and 61/2 Per cent according to security offered Also small 'amounts on .second mortgages' on farm 'properties and on personal• notes. A few' good farrniC„for :sale WALL PAPER -7A full line of 1928 • Wall Paper on hand. Prices from. 8c . UP'. I mix also agent f,or leading job houSes.---7-R.. J. Sameron, Decorator. Painter and Gffiiner, Box 174, Luck - now.. 'FOR' SALE: --Brick Bungalovv, ex - ire lot '•with geod fruit trees, barn suitable for stable, storage. or garage., Will • be sold for, leas than eost. AP -J ply to D. C.'Taylor, / • ' (26-44f) FOR.. cow, to .fresheri :in about 3 wepoks:W..•.• H. Cook,north of Lueknew:.. • . .SATE—godd Gamey -Oxford Range; with., reser,vdir."-.•:---Inforrnation at The ,Sentinel• office..': (24-5-e) „ FOR .SALT.3--.C-.4rney-Oxiord range, one'tAlberta Heat one small parlor heater. --LT: S. Reid, LucknoW. FOR SAI,E—Latiralry .stove—wood coal—g,00d,,,a/i new, ¶4.0e; also a. :cistern puirip, geed as nOv. Apply. at. The Sentinereffiee.... ' FOR AT F ---A hall' lairipinfer-. illation at The Sentinel office. •, FOR SALE—A piece' of carpet in. good - eanditien-,suitable for. steir, • Infoririation at .The Sentinel office. FOR SALE -1 -.White Pekin, duck "eggs.T-:Lt-John Turner, R. '2.;' Lucid -tow. FOR :SALE OR 4,, ,P.,EN,T•Frarne/ house on • HaValbale -Street.•, ApPlY: Lucknow, or phone Dungannon 64 r 19 DWELLING FOR :SALE—in first elass,repair; excellent location. Price reasWnableand terms easy. -Apply to The Sentinel office. , • , , „ AUCTION SALE • There will be sOld bY public aric-- tion' at the Masonic Hall,. Lucknow; .SATURDAY, MAY ?tic' at 3 P.m., ' Lumber, inch, 'headoek and ,pine, ' •"' Plank, 2 -inch, hex -Moak: •• -Joist' 2x12 hemloek. Studding; 2x6, henilocdt. • Windows and Doors; • The frame, 40!x66", in firat class shape. All 'must be sold.•Terms, Cash Gee. T. Aitchison; Elliott Miller; Aue. Baby Chicks,and • ,llitehing Eggs , from extra heavy laying strains -- Pere bred to lay White 11.,eghorna arid .I3arred Reeks.High produttion and pedigreed maks used Order now and get them when yoo want them. Also incubators, brooders mal "poultrY supplius, ,Ciittoin hatching done. I can .save you money. Phone or • write „ • •Duncan Kennedy: : Whitecioureh, Out (1-3-tf) • ' BABY CILICKS: June hatched chicks from' our , pens .of heavy laying hens will pay you, O.A.C..Barred Rocks 17c. ,S.C. White] ,e4horns 'a 5c. Our sttick.ja • • Production tared, hardy • and. ' free frpm disease. -0,'G, OatiCpbell, Malt, hind Specialty. rarni;„ Auburn, Ont. 'Photie 10-24, I3lYth Municipal. r, and 'Mrs.: Joe, BleChire"Indiored ' roin, Niagara and .!spent Sunday :with 1r Ben Aroclore.' - .Will Johnston +of Toronto,' visited bia' mother,. Mrs. • 'Wm. John,' ston over the week -end. , Mr, ' Eldon Johnston, , who has been •in the Weatthe'past Couple. of years,' is Visitihg athis" hOine here. • , Mi Harold :Machitoehhas gone to ,Windsor;, ..:where he. is empldyed the ice eregin department of gilver-:. plant. ' • I., ' Mrs, Nichol, ;who was here over the week -end in : connection- With the funeral. of her husband; returned to Port' 'William on Wedriesday. • , I..I.TCKNOW FLOUR MIL4S, May 31g ends. the 1927-28 pool year, and with this in View, all book 1e:counts hinet he 'settled on or before - ,that E: Treleaven.. ' A lodge of instruction will be held in Lucknow, in the I.O.O.F. hall on Thursday, May 31st, 1928, commenc- ing at -2 p.m.:, also in the evening. Ai. cordial invitation is extended to all Oddfellows to 60 present on .that J. Nixon, N.G.,; R. Fisher', o , • ANNUAL MEETING • Annual meeting- of ' the Jr. Farm-. ers'.. end Jr Institute wili.be held in ,the • Council Chamber,: Wednesday, May 30th. All members 'e.re urged to be present Special programme, be-, ing_prepared, • ". • („,-a_ PLAY .AT ST.. HELENS , `Wanted A Wife": is 'the 'Catchy- ti- tle of.-i'comie dreipa to be presented in Community Hall, St, Helena, the evening of Friday; May 18th. . The play is: being put on in the interests of the •St .' Helens publie—.-Librar.ii:,, and, will he given by he Glad .Girls' uild of Nile. : The admission charge ia 35e. MR ARCHIE' MacMILI.AN mgp, IN .NORTH" DAKOTA Mr. Phillip. MacMillan, ••just . east of 'town, received word Thursday /of last week that :his brother, ArchiL bald, of Fargo; N.D., was . seriously mil and not expected to .e over Later a message carne that he had, passed,' away, :Mr, MacMillan immediately made arrangemnta to go out t� Da- kota; and got eivaY -Saturday ,pern, lag A sister, :Mrs. ,Jessie Maeirines of •Detroit, also went to Fargo; leav- ing • • It has since, beep learned that Mr 'MaeMillan died, of ,brain' fever. He had gone outtohis ferM; a consid- erable 'distance from Fargo, to sup - em intend seeding operations, and. while there. was :taken ill and ..died: .within a week—death otcuring on tili. 58th birthday.' The latellr, MacMillan was well known to many irr. I,ucicnow and vi-,. deity, his boyhood days having been spent on the farm now occupied by his brother, Phillip. He. wept to North Dakotaas a Young, man, and enjoyed many years of prosperity; farming 'in the famous Red River Valley.. Seven: or eight years ago he retired .to Fargo, but retained his fairin interepts. . He is' survived by his .Wiciow, who before her -marriage was Miss Katie Stewart of, Kinlosa. Township, and by: ninechildren, two of the daugh- ters being married. • ' HSTOP T .NUISANCE••• , The „exploding *t fireerackers on the:main street in, Lucknow Must be • stopped at once. Exploding, fire- 'crackev,littleor big, on Campbell street, is forbidden' by, a village by- law,:and following this .notice offend -4 'ers„ will be prosecuted, no says the chairman of the Street and Walk r • THE TENT.: 'CA'VERPILLER:' This season appears. te.be particti.: , holy favorable to the development of .:the tont caterniller, so tirat already litimbers of the •tenta or Web$ are to be seen on e.4rty: and apple trees. Aft Many as 20 niaY becounted on kerne treea, „Now is a good time to destroy them.. they may be easily , destroyed with tereli etteelied to • `Okla' .redi committee. • • .. ' LUCKNOW, °Pit. THuttoAlr, mAy l7th, 1928.,• , - • ENFORCE' THE,.T,RAFFIC. LAW. , the phSt4w*,.*eeks a half.: • „ dozen Pl'egnaytwere. • in •boritt and :Were :fined for. violating' the by-law. regulating traffic in the • village of Lucknow. These ,Wereomainly for/ failure on , the ;part of .the autopiebile drivers tostip ".hefore • driving, , onto it Campbell • Street, :4 intersections where ‘,`Stop" haire been setup, and anyone watching the cresSiags' last Sunday' would, conclude that a , qiiite a , number of Others Were en- deavoring to qualify for a little' cinirt .3xpetienee' and the, paYment. of • a fine.. The village constable maynet have .seen aify of these; he can't, be .in two or three places at the same time, but these :law -breakers, Will get what theY appear. to be looking for • aoon. or late... • ' : By the. way, wouldn't ;t be a good _idea - for -"the-chief —constable -65' have a few deptitieSto help. hini "get'!" some of, these fellows,who are in such a hurry that they • can,t observe :s.a!ahteres Yr"uilel Tnothing More certain than that-. the 'constable and the Village °buried would,,,,ver,y, nine' rather a.! %void taoSecutionS; but prosecution an: - pears .to be the only way to impress 'upon' some folk the, necessity of ob- serving the traffic regulatiens. That's ,..the way they do • in the: cities and all. 'large towns; and it's .well to get. into the habit 'at home. Everybody knows :t:hnt highspeed is •oria•-•- ;village 'street, and everybody knows that it's dangero,ris to 'enter d main" street without making mire that the - Way is/clear. Nobody .shOnid be Privi- leged, in this matter, 'and •every \good citizen :will coinMend :the Ceun'eil .for - its •efforts towaS making the'streets 0.fe, and will - aid and. stand by tle: constable in the Performance. Of •his duty. itFCEIryll0l, TO MR: • ANI i: MRS. •BELI.; • • . . . . r: and Mrs, John' Bell, whose narriage we nientioned briefly' last" week, returned from :their trip to • „ Ham ilton on Friday evening, the 11th and• were greeted by a number of friends who had gathered at the home' of the bride, Havelock Street, to hold receptien. the. bride and groom . . • received a rifithleer of appropriate and useful Presents. Theevening was /pleasantly • spent at :cards, and following knell the 'friends: enjoyed a- few: hours • . dancing, for which Measys. Harry Nixon..; and Alex • Ross; (brother of the bride) furnished mu sie, On leavingthe friends. wished Mr. and :.Mrs. Bell Many years of . •haPpy married' life.' , . . ,• LADIES' HO'WLING• CLI.113 • . . • The annual 'meeting of the Ladies' Bewline, Club was held in the Conn- mlChamber on May 5t'n, and the, fol.' _lowing: officers were '416,1 -,ed for the Vear:—President, Mrs. Thos.. Smith; Vice, President, Mrs. Wm. *Murdie;, Secfetary,Traasurer, Mi R Pisherr, Refreshment Committee, Mrs. W. I... - MacKenzie,' Mks:. Jas. Miller, Mrs. 'Charles SteWard„ Mrs, Cecil Allin, Mrs, Fred ,Arrystrong, Mrs. 'David Huston; "Reception 'CoMmittee, Mrs. R. S. 'Wilson, Mrs. Temple Clarke, Mrs Atissell Robertson; Membership COmmittee,. Mr Wesley joynt, Miss Gertie Treleaven; Alias Lorna Camp- bell, • ••-•--edi--,..1..• 1 AN OLD RESIDENT PASSES ON • • Citizens:generally, and these ,Whe • visit the teWn, Will he glad that the Street and *Talk Committee have taken the stand as 'above set forth; rot More:than, a week thetown hos been Stib;ected at times to, „ '—on•• bardinent • Of eXpioding hit#ilekere;. vvhieb Mack Campbell Street: any thing but 4 pleasant phiCe to be. We know of persons who, have : decided., net to dome dawn ;town in. the eve- thia Crizy .Praictice id al - 10 -W -6d; The explosion' of large lire; crackers ionstitute a positive langer ivith heart iSt- nerve affecy goes, and nobody but the boys, who indulge 'in it Wants Suchnonsense ithYvVhSe, Hereafter ittah indulgences moot he oonitnocr to the _parks Or beet streets., A better Irk: still ' womd be to forbld the is,e of fire. creclora 'find 'toy plstols .withhi the corporation ititoptber. . • The death Occurred' early `Tuesday. .morning of 'this week of Mrs. Robert Webster, ta the good old:, age of 87. years and ten mentlis. Mtis. Webster, had made her home for some years with her ' son-in-law and • , daughter, Mr: And Mrs. Geo: Andre?' of town, . • where she was well and kindly cared for: in ber"deehning years and „last' mllnes.. She as bright .aml active until'.a. few Months 'ago, when. she was taken ill through natural in- firmity,. and steadily • deelined. Mrs. Webster is.sprYived by three sons and two daughters: Harvey,, Robert: and Pichard; Mrs, , Joseph Helin and Mrs. Geo, Andrew, all in Latkmkkt. and vicinity. Her husband, Who belonged.te one of the pioneer faiutuis of North AshAeld, .died sev. 11 yeato Igo, andshe as pre de - 'eased alf0 by -three sons t. Georee and Charlie. Tlefore her arriage the late Mrs. Webster mita Misg Flora Patton. „ (Thursday) after - he• held at the at 2310-, 0'4004 71e...funeral; to tory, Will be this 110001. a serViee. tO, Andre* refildp1140 4 • .. •CHURCII 1NOl'Eg " - Anniversary services will be held in South .Kinloss Presbyterian Church „ . next Sunday, May 20. The preacher for the. occasimi will be Rev. Jr R. H4401,11; or Stratlirey.' There 'will be •flo.service at Kinlough • i.P."." the, afternoon, A press despatch from. Springfield, Ont, 'states that the 4eZ",^ C. Witt. Coaenek few Years ;ago' had the .charge.• 'of 'A -Afield Circuit, has received call to Parkview Church, .Stratford. • ,It is • assumed that Mr:"Cosens will go to, Stratford. Mothers' Day Observed. .. The morning service in the United Church was 'devoted to honoring Mothers' Day. :A very large congre.... 'f4ation attended, and the Rev. R. W. Craw preached a serinon in keeping with the occasion. ‘Idotheraof the congregation --constituted -a ; • special /choir, „which, however, was assisted by a junior choir of young people. 'The white flower worn in honor of Mother as in evidence everywhere, and the service very ...'pleasing throughout, United Church Y.P.K 'yhe Meeting Monday. evening' of „this week was the last to, be held un- til Senteinber. The ',Scripture lesson Was read by Alex 'Sinith; and 'this. was followed: with ,prayer by Mrs. Decker, •Reading e were. given by, „Jean McKim, Gladys lipdgins and -Helen-Swam-'--Mrs.—E-Atkert Cunha: - tinted, a •selo. The topic, Piece of Pleasure in Life," -was very well taken ,by Mrs. Buswell. ' The next meeting will be on the - evening of September ,10th, *ken:: the • .Society will entertain the students and staff of the Continuation -- Anniversary .Services. Very .successful anniversary serv- „ices •:were .held in' the .,Presbyterian •Dherch here on Sunday last. Large congregation's were Present,. morning and .evening -tye hear the Rev. James MacKay of London, Ont.; one of the outstanding ministers of the church: :5:11?ecial .niusic was veryacceptably rendered by the • choir; assisted by )Irs.' TernPle Clarke and by: Mr. C., P.' Richardson, There: was a • large attendance again on Monday evening, when Mr., MacKay gave an address, taking as: his subject "The Lest Rribes, of Israel, Where and Who They 'Are.” Presbyterian, Guild • On Monday _evening the Lucknow Guild entertained the. ,Whitechurch Guild. The 'Scripture lesson was.: read by Miss Helen MacDonald, *af- ter which Rev. Mr. Pollock offered praYer. Readings were given oby Mrs. Mowbray and Miss Mary Weir. Mr. •Pollock :gave an address. Mr. MacDonald spoke: Et ..few wOrds* of welcome on .behalf of the Lucknow Guild. The musical:numbers Were; a duet by Marion ,and lielen-.1gacDon. ald, g violin selection by MriTainea, a solo by Miss M. Aitchison,a vocal duet by Janet Craig and • Leila •Leg - gat, aninstrumental duet by Miss', bonalda Dougals and Mr. McCartney, a •Seleetion by the Lucknow Male. Qtiartette, and an instrumental .by ,Metle Wilson. '"The -Programme was followed by a secial hour. • • WOMEN'St:0a •T-ITirTE 'ELECTS OFFICERS; . • The annual meeting titi the Luck.; nor .Worrieth institute Was. held ' at, the, home of Mrs.. Will, Douglas, With A go9a5; attenderice A report of the • e yeir's work,,Presented by the:Se:eke- . tery-Treasurer, indicated • an '"active and suceeisfiti year:,'' The. election of officers re -Stilted as foflows —Presi- dent, Mrz Wm Murdie; First. Vice-. President, Mrs.,. Wk.' E," MacDonald, Second Vice -President y gra. 'Robert Thoinpseri;,', Secretary-Tre'asurer and Press Reperterk MrS: Temple Clarke; District Director; Mrs,. Allan Turner; Pianist, Mrs. ti S. Reid; 'Bratieh Di., rector's; ' Mra. Huston, Mrs; Marti:0,1 Mts...T truthers; Mrs. Steward, Mra, Miller aind Mrs.' Sn'ith; Refire,; sentativeS to DiStriet Anntial; Presi • dent, Secretary, Mrs. turneri :Mrs, W. E. MacDonald; .M.ra..11, ThempsOni .FIci*er Comnuttee, Mts W Douglas and Mrs. T. Altchlson; 'Scheel' Com,. mittee, Mrs, Gainerolt. and "Mri. Gee. Andre* r Music 'Conntittee, Mrs, T. S, Reid, ,Mit. Robertsen, Mis New. tot i and Mrs. Agnew; Auditdra, Mrs,' W.:Ire/Merton: Mai, Mrs. WiitsOn, The. roll call : was responded to fiy 'paying fees, ':.t.he ..nieeting ,eload. by .singing: The Mapld .Leaf. At the close the Directors h$. elierte. ietvcid retraah. 10011t4. RMERL,IICKNOW.` RESIDENT •W' FATALLY XN,THED*,.. AT FORT wrjarigAg John D. Nichol Buried Here on Tues- day Been -,Bank Manager Here. . Lucknow 'residents who reiriem,' beret" Mr.2jOhn,..,p.' rirkr0;, ,one,!time• manager Of the Rank. 'Of' Harnilteo and Juisbands•of Grace Boyd, were greatly shocked and saddened . • . to learn .of his tragic death; due to accident, at Fort:William, on Thurs... day of last week. As appears by a report :of the fatality in • the Fort William Times Journal ,(in' pert re: produced below) lit: _Nichol was on his why ,harne at .neon and when crossing the :railway tracks he. aTras Strnek down- by a' moving freighf ear, and :so, injured `" that , .he died three hours later.. The 'remains were brought herefor iiiterineet in Greenhill Cemetery; the funeral being on Tuesday ;•afterhoon, A funeral service was held-- in the Presbyterian Church, and was at by. Many former friends,. and friends of the Boyd, 'family• The pallbearers were; IVIessrs. George A., Siddallk.George H Smith,William MacKenzie • T. S.- Reid William( 'Inttl-p7'-lhornas atson. '• Mrs. Nichol and .sen; Mr. Albeit Nichol .and his wife (of Chicago). ac- zompanied iffe remains from • Fort William. Other 'relations' and friends • ,vhc. attended 'were:. Two brothers of he deceased,. Dr. A-, H. Nichol of ,and •Dr. Roy.• "Nichol of Ont.;''." Mr.. Duncan W.; 3oyd of Chicago;Mr.:Harry Holmes, Wroxeteri Messrs. D. R. Macintosh, Jack Clark and ,Harry • :Bell ' Of 3outhampton.. The. Ir terriational Harvesters Co, , With 3,shieli Mr. Nichol had been employed as office manager it FOrt:William, waSrep- I • ." . • . • :SINGLE COPIES,' 5CE TS, • e Bread OUR MOl'TO JS `,-600p. poAdp,.104$,Ti• s of 7'13eareitdh: 9°1 e -U AWheat11 Essential 'Food .Velhes..."':. Fig Squares, Raisin Pies, Chelsea Buns, Rods, Raspberry qua, , ; . • , • ' .'S res 'Cream Puffs,' Oa.tatea1, ,Rirsc.uits • . . , HOLLYMANS BAKERY Phone -36 ,Lucknow of Heatth:, Phone 75 , "1' Lucknow, Opt. 'OR IH:" • CORS TS—The foundation for any Style „df frock Wear them,' • morning, :afternoon and evening.- ' ' tri pEr.,gA' 'GIRDLE at .$1:25,, or , Mere celinriailir ' Vri9oWn as ... the hip cpr:::_et. A very popular style..f,or ;:4sual: 'IL' wear. . ' .1 .: g('',. .!' "i . ••• ,,,, : i- THELA.DIVA 'COTSET at $3.00. Rbilt • .A:ctril nn ,:ilisteli-le, • spiral, wire steeii...g, making this styie•very suitable for any .form, and especially suitable .for the StOUter fgure. .. • 13 AND..A. BRASSIERES at 38c; 501c,. 75c :end 161. 0, YOUr size• is here: YOu are. invited to . insp ect these 1 nes. • ' • resented by' Messrs. W. S. Talmadge, I. M. Douglas, 'J. S. Kriwinskey. There were many handsome floral contrilmtiens: • • The late Mr. Nichol left Lucknow 28 years ago; going to Fredericton, New Brunswick, and ahotit .a year later went to Chicago, where be took iii position With the 'internatioa- 'al Harvester Co., and in - was sent to Fort ;William. Yellowing is, in part, 'the account • of the.aceident as it appciared in the Daily Times Journal of May • John D. •Nichol, 121 ,SaUth John street, prominent :tied publicspirited , . Fort -Williain citizen, was injured :fatally at noon: today in a railway. Accident in9he•g.P.R. yards neap the alant'of the internat)onal Harvester ompany, . , Struck down and mangled „under - heath a moving string ef Vox cars a few minutes before 12 otleek, 1e• died three hours, later; , at 3, o'clo k 'bis afternoon.. at the McKellar hos- pital.. Little hope was held from the 'Ont., ;et for the recovery of the. Harvester .ioritPdAy . Two box Cars had nassed civet: him, tearing his right ' .eg, hm ear the hip, ang ,his left leg between the knee and. ankle Oid Crushing his right arm, He retained ,onsciousnees for some tine after he fatal mishap, • • , Injuries Fatal.; ' : • ,• All haste was made in-, rushing hini tothe lqe1Cellar hospital, but there was little' that medical Sc,ience could to On his behalf.' Physicians and sur- • -Teens at once were called in cprisult- ation on 'his ',ease, but the injuries were of Such 4 grave nature ' that treatment was.; futile Verything pOtsible was done td make, his last hours as •comfortable as poSsible „in allaying his sufferin.g. Now ,Shoeks Cointitunity. News of the late /Mr.: Nichol" death has hocked the conintunity at large.. His interest' andw,Irk in many community s organizations. , brought prominently before the:: ptiblic and his Sudden. death •wlIl roine aa a source chf, keen „regret to 'hundreds of .Fort Wmflman cithens. • ' " It is ',stated this:efternoon.ihat an highest will be conducted n regard to the ;fatality., Was En Rente nom& office manager at' the local vverehinied of the International yaryester company had left the plant 0' few. minutes. before twelve .o'clock. AS Wes Iiii'euStom*.fer,Many. •.years -he- •started across the railway . tracks opposite the warehouse builektiz%to reach sytidioAto AvtnUe, On /NU 110Mq :Sr 1004* ec usw • J. Walker; employe of the North- land elevator; proceeding along Front' street in his automobile, ob- Jerved Mr Nichol start across one line' of tracks close to a stationary string of box ears.. - • Suddenly the line of cars' moved. An engine at the oppesite end of .thel.- string had started to push the earL' hi' the direction of the, Northland , elevator., . .., • •Struck Down, by Cara. Mr....Nichol' Was observed:, tb.- be • struck down by the end: car. In an instant the heavy -wheek-.."had-„Passeci over :him. Mr.. Walker applied the. _brakes to his car, -jumped from..the machineand dashed toWards • : the. pot Mr Nichol apparently had .not .been seen ;bY--rrienibets ••of, the tiamm .7rew. Ahout, 20 cars separated the engine from the .scene ofthe, acci, deet , LVictim Found Still 13OniCious. When Mr... Walker, •rnenib.ers , of the -train .crew and eriinloyes of the ,Har- vester Pleat reathed the .ion.jured nia.h he was still conscious. . • 'lake me out .of 'said in' a clear voice. Within a few .Minutes the . 13lake ambulance reached the, scene, :lgt. Nichol was "pinned under 'Ond of the: Wheels of: a, box ear and . the cars. had to, he moved before he could'. be lifted from the tracks. A few annutes later the. Injured . man, wee in McKellar hospital Where phYsichins .4 and surgeons *ete called • to • attend him. An • examination ' showed that there was little hope of reeevery. . Three hourai.after,,the mtc .cident he suectimbed.:, eWs of. Death Stuns City. .News of hie death spread, rapidly hroughout- the,. city; universally shocking the populaee, Mr. ;Nichol had taken .a ,prominent ,role mm, the ,eorainimity .life,Of Fort William' and , his audden, death IS Mourned by..lnin; dieds His active. interest in the affairs of the; Fort William Parks :bdard ;•; end IIortieeltural society' :bad brought Proininenily, before the • public,' and hie Work, with both these organi= zatioes has .been pr6dUctivo of. inueli good results. " lie gave • unstintedly ...Of his timi and offorte towards beau.'; tifying the ominunity, his -,0*11 flo bm. gardens being aMengthe most attractiVe in :the cley„ Ho *as ,the parks board, representati,'e 011 the eivie tourist ,and -industrial ComMit- tea.' • • " •• • : -the late mi., Nichel took ,.: .atmvA ,interest 'in „ forivare.irtg sriort an d':•:atiltletietain ong- yeun ger generation of the city, .1ast wiriter es .president; the. St..Ati deew's hockcy • club throur,11 tho son's' achedtile of garnes. Th.e.late ,Mr. Nichol canto to Pert 'William from, .Chicago in 1,01.2 when, 't ie iotal plant of the International :ItarVeSter company ttO bUilt.ile WA e official of thia:eOrpora,- tion. highly esteenied and respected tAt .Company Istol . • I . .1 1I . . 1 ' • , . . . . , 1 . , .• 0 t.:F,AMILY ..T4EATRE1 •gPECIAL •• . . ThurSday, Friday, Saturday 19 lUN or 1 nT1'1711,:Ed' n Xamission--35e.' and 25c .---Tuesday and Wednesday , • - MAY 22n4 and 23rd • Monte • Blue in , "ONE ROUND HOGAN" Baby Chicks Heginningyla§,..5th we: can. • .supply .yOu with-. $., O.Wiute Leghorn chicks: at. $1.0.00 Per 100.: These are 7----fitorq: heavy layipg stock. • • ALT it: It 0 SE ' 'BruSsels,Ont ,• (25-5-c) Bitafb Chick Mash ,—forniafe start tGrOwing Mash . —for auldt growls 3.Egg Mash '1 .—for mord cggs'. • fle is. s'arvivt'.d hs his widOw.„-„am). one on Albert (foritierl,.. the staff 6t, the Mirk Pf4,1•Yefliltrtnil 11'014C :, - now. re:Siding% ( likn•to, ,;Sifils. Nichol iS pakt: regent or the. John ...11CIntyro, •cbaptor .of th 1'.0,1)„H„ 0.11(1• paq. W,CRItil 11111 t V(1: :or ,contifogitt .chno. ter -or 11a, v,a,,,tern Star. 'One. 'Rod, loft his 141tud1cs .at the 'on the',6utbreak, of the great. -war,' answered his couit. try's cell'. end l'inide the supren‘e • rificetir Vrance,