The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-05-10, Page 837, • Latest Shades in Ladies' Hose -L • Silk, in pearl.Blush, Seasan," „Kasha Beige.• . Silk and Lisle; in Pearl Blush, Evenglow, and Vanity NeW, Stock: of Ladle's and Children'sUnderwear, ••at Popular Prices. • -and-1 Ribbed School Hose, Black or Sand: The Newest Belts for Coats" or Dresses , at 25c., 45c. and 50c: • ^ New "China:and Service Trays- -SPECIAL,-- 4 Bars London Laundry Soap for,25c. STANLEY'S VARIETY sToRE LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ere aria There •• The' area of .iforeet tend, in:British Columbia dedicated • • :•te future fore et prbditotion 110,860,- • . 600 atTek, according to it! Govern- ment , • Calgary: Plane are actively • 'harder wary by the Ciul•gery Ternitnal Grain Companyto build a -.seven hirtudred, thousand bushel elevator tat Vancouver, . it is announced . by A. 11.',Bett.e, manager of the 'come . PaloYe Mr: Bette eadd,that.An end - 4001.7 Suitable' oliobad been eeoUi- ed' e'n the,. north Shore, approxima- tely„OptiOe'ite•SpiilersdIerator.. • .1,ve .• Spoiler, 'traista Carrying: .- smut& ;. 1500 Oftgietinis • , palmed ' hroligh-lecatreal,4ectintly2On-their-',-: way to Quebec .04rand the Shrine •••• at Stet Anne de Bettupre ' tag the shrine . of ••• St :•Joespli :,Iii . Montreal on their 'rotate' tripThey were from 'from the Chart* o( -St Aidiin, Jersey City and under the care: Of . the': Thomas M. ,OtirrY, pariah.. est,..,..were. On: their •...annutil, pile , trim:age. tie ,these shrines: •.,. ' • _ . Shipments of tielgbit destined 'to • '.notatts in,the•nerth-wast of Canada 1. via' Port: 1VIoNie:011; Omt., on „tlfe Canadian ,panific. lake and rail route : will now be :i1.6eepteri,the earliest 9..; There will be • • :. :five .iteainers in the company:slake' . • "service 'between Peet IteNlie011 and! . the head Of the ' Laker; .0ariac, the • •;coming season.. Through passenger. , •". serviceSilt be teemed .thie.eesoon.• from. Gweat.„Sonnit May 7 and finin7' Port MoNloo11,.May,19. •, • “, • •'Installation. of Mack Ta*ptiori and • Lappet Trailers .for rapid movir-' meat of freight frma °mediae Pacific denote to and from outlYing terminals has now been convicted. • ,in Montreal and will shortly be in • vise in Toronto. The 'tractor - - im immediately .attachable to one or • • more Ofthese:tractors which' each can hold up to 15,000 lbs of freigfht and can be as swiftly disconnected • They are •expected to immeninsti , expedite' the movement of 'C. ' P: freight.. ' • Intinigrants are flowing into Can- ade at record 'rates Bence • lately and Canadian Pacific stem:netts • from • Great Britain .. and Europe -are' hringliar tliein overat the rate of ehiploads. of close on a thousand •• per. ship, ' The majority are farm laborers ,oLBritish_and .North_Eur- • opean%stock*and are mostly going, • the land in the Prairie previtaicos• with ' a fair proportion going .to ▪ Oaten° and the Ma,riterne Free- • DesPlie tha heavY , Movement of initnigra*te to the • Vest' dating the 'past two Weak --.-_ • • more positions are elletroti weqtern' , farmsthan the railways and eni- LplOyment agenclee can fill, g•ration and eniploymeat officers', state. Thonitanda of vacancies, the btfien,rs' Said; lied been reported. Likellhoed of an earlier comma*. .emnent Of .seeding oPerations is . generally. ioricededin. the West, they added; and Mile* immigration continues at its /Present.liigh' 'Peak • '‘• 'the' opening -of otiefahlicao on.' the'. land may find weineera. lament shorthanded: • • . • "As the"restilt of 0;v:inference be- tween, Members ' :of the Sheep Breeders' Astoeiation, ' • financial , tepresentativeis and.' members of the Winitineg and Brandon"Board 6f Trade: a movenrent Is under way - for the placing Of 100,000 sheep an- . misfit On Manitoba. faring.. These*, will beSold in greeme of fifty, to 00.411 farmer, itemewhat iihnilat to the elan no in operation th Nhrtit Dakota , .1, D. McGregor wits ap- pointed temporary chairman Of a eornml ttee te Make further arrati- ST, HELENS • The •Imperial Oil Cempany is in- stalling a new :gas 'tank. at Miller's store. Mothers' Day .will tbsetved in the United Church next Sunday. Miss • Ferguson of Auburn, is• 'a visitor with heg siSter, Mrs., Chester The annual Meeting of the Wom- en's Institute Wite held last :week, when the following officer's were elect- ed: 'President, Mrs. John -Miller, Jr.; 1st Vice -Prep., " Mrs. George Webb; 2nd Vice -Pres., ',Mrs: 'Ed. 'Moms; Sec'yeTreits., Mrs: TV K. Miller; Pia. 2 - !list; Mrs., D. Philips; Auditors, Mit: D. Tedd,' Mrs. W. 1. Miller; • District R-r-ec•e--"atives, Meeclames. G. Webh, '-"Vir.--1-'?-71(1111er",:7A-.7-Andeilr•-TCTddr: Program C.ornmittee, Mesdames John. „MeOuillin, Con Foran, G. Stewart, R. Neale, R. Web!), Mies • A. McKenzie; .M. C. Rutherford and M. Murray, ; It is , -.expected that the Nile Young People :will; present their'. play, "Wanted -A Wife," in the Hall, St: Helens' on Friday evening Ma Hith , under the atiepices of the "St.. Helens Public Library Watch for further .annomicement. WIIITECHURCH Mr: and Mrs, Fred: Davidson,; Miss IVIary and James Weir visited on Sun- day' with relatives. At Forwdich. • Quiie, a namherefrenr-Ifere attended the Women's L:Presbyterial and the Presbytery meetings in the Presby7 terian Chnrch. at Tees*Ater, on -Tues- clay, ,. • Aay„ ,May 8th; • • \Mr. Ben Naylor attended. the Lon: .don and Windsor'SYnd at Woodstock last week. Mte. Naylor end Mrs; Emerson Went With him, and: visited. relatives ;bn the way. • A number. Of the 'members of, the Presbyterian Church gathered at the home of Mrs.. David Gillies and pre- eented . Mrs. Hiatt MacPherson with a miscellaneous Shower. A short pro- granime:Was.:given, after which lunch was ',served and a'Very" Social time was spent.; . Mrs. Bert „Reed spent pert of last .week'With her sister, Mrs.. Vt./111MM -1V.iith at kengside, who is seriously , • About forty; meinbers• of the Pres-, Vterian • Guild Attended ,khe Lucknow uiIcI meeting on Monday', where a „geed pregram me was given, given, and, a eery social everting was spent-. 1)UNGANNON • grmientii:' for the tairying, olt a titlep an , • . (1614.81titti :Atte Albert Ceiter; who .as tAtrn,-. ▪ y a ClIfireOtrittrlii I r To -SeVer-it' yt-arA-has tetieed.:fiinu that Position .nria is leaving With, His family for 1 ucknew, ,whcre he •haS podition. fl pleee ita tirinkey hag iheen taken by, Me. Ketwood 'White, on recommen. dation of tt.Sherift. '1Middieton, The new tlrnkey, was formerly bf CiitlyYtt? hut Iii.s;„ been.. tveritigg n .oms'n lot soMe. , 4 tin e 1•••• thisYearivi 11)**R011.' the Permanent Roofing f9r liarnsflio.usea, 0.8,11°48 LOWinjnjtcost"..,coinee in big sheetik-easy and quick to lay...permanent '..lealc-m9of... • handsome in Arioearapce. Pre-' • vents fires increasea value of property. Made of famous Eattt"• :": aseimerp,stins, 41.40t8S:witiend7,7e.:171:Plg70dvanizef. PREsTON. ONT. ' ' • sheets. Give else of-roOf for free . estimate. Write to: ' Sidlattco.Ltd- - 11,01:YROOD • edding. bells-ding-esling. • Hear 'diem ring• „ Mi . Eadie and ..falnilY _Rent. Sunday at Mrs. 'Culhert's,„ _Con. IQ.. ' • • Mr: and:. Mrs. Dan CasSidy . were sSounnsda. Sunday visitors At Mr.' J. ,MaePher- • • Miss Agnes Thompson :of Toronto, .ialled at thi:. Purvis hinneTTliiirdday. • Miss Helen Pot 'returned ,to tuck - now, WednesdaY, after a short visit at her home ' here.” , ;••••••4 MrS. W: Henderson , and Audrey *SPent ThairidaY at 1V1i. •chas... Ceng-'' • Mt.• and Mri. Richard 'Elliott spent Sunday at Mr. Thomas Robb's, .Ant: ierley; - • • ••• Miss Norine' llodgins, who has been at home the past few, months,. • went to Detroit on Monday, ...where she has accepted:a pesition with the, --"konotyPe4.5-either=e.. • s` ' Mrs... Ernest Ackert and family: :pent Sunda at James Webster's. •The Rev., T. A: KentiedY an& fapi- Jy of Matintbridges,....apent 'a few' days recently with his Sister', 'Mrs, fhemas Roach. Miss: Daisy Ayies entertained • a, evc. el her friends • Monday -eyenin*. Mr. 'Robert McDonald is 'busy on 'he good 'toads again. ' Mr: and, Mrs. Walter Hodgins me- ., tend te Galt and sPent. a few . days ith their daughter; Mrs. Basil' , "hotapiamr, fecentlY.* The Women's institute met atthe iome of ErS. Chae:•:Coneram„ Thurs- day, May3: The following.' :officers were atipointed. for the eoining year: pres.;'...Mrs. Fred Thompson ,Tst Vicee, Ptps„ -Mrs. ,J• Hanna; 2nd• Vice -Pres.,: Mrs.' T. Harris, Mra: .'•Jrarebel;* Ais. See'y., Miss ;a. Pearcy• "Dist:: Director, Mts. Tom Hatris; Piegtatrime Com, Mits.: Hanna; Miss. Daisy Ayles, Mrs:. Cox, Mrs. A. Ack- • tit ; Organist, Mrs.. Hodgins ;.• Ass... >Tee. A, 'ACkert; Auditors, Mrs. W. Hodgins' and Miss, Aylea; Directors,. 1,Irs 'Joe liedginS, Mrs: Pearcy, Mrs. ,1•01,. Mis E: ,-Ackert, Mrs. .W. ,Hod- eins; Press Reperter, Mts. Alrner Ackert; Ass. Reporter, Mrs G nal; INst; RepresentativeS, MtS. 'Cox, Mri.. nonley, Mes,- Hanna, 'Mrs.C Cong- • rain, • . • • The niarriae,e is annbunced of ,Mise 'Laura Fowler, only daughter of Mr... Henry Fowelr of Dungannon ' . and 'Mr. James G. Figgins, yeimger sOn of -Mr,. and Mrs. 'G. Figgins ot•Wel- 'land. ,, The ceremony. was 'Perfornied in the chepel of Knox College, Toron- . . _ .. C, , :Rev.- De. ,unninehim of Kpeic.' Cellep.e.;.ol)lciating, in the presence of .. epurediate relatives of the cottiraet- •Amt. parties. Mr. •and Mrs. Figgins will reside in Poet Colborne, 'where Mr. 'F'in.;e•ins, has a' luerativ.e Position. , Word:. ha 's been, received by 'relit,-' fives of Dr. Brown, Durnin . and -Mrs. iTurnim . who, While here ;On it visit, . 17,,rs'i'0 Pilr.t)Tion.9. (1 , o thei‘r :home at Great .jonlfs Montana °Wing to an ac- . •, • , , 04i:et:which: befsill thert elder • son. ,ta.nieS, ,..Whe wae •seriously"injured avben• his bier.ad was fn,011ision with 1:•,,,,,e(e. ekJr, The hoy,enffereet a frac- tured Octal, ,which teretreeel him Mi- . conscious, ,fer.,Eeveral days, the •cfrpm. Iro'f. 'ono ear te'es piinetured, * whieh einseil I iss o.f ficatinT in 'me ear and partie i e.alliiese,-iiV-the'other, Ana Ids letg te oiled, a nikter wreve'l. Ile hod • at eik. to consriottsreete and- geed • hopes nee now, entert'ained for '-*-his 'eomplete recovery, a, ,fact over whieli relatNes here- feel rime.' gratifiea., tien.' :141 hear that Maud hag had *.•her fitee .lif,tt.", , '!,Yed,eAtia • • her .. ..poer Illnlbaihri!fi Oil' OM% he gat 40 00.0 .7 THURShAlr, AtAY. loth, 928' 4, • 1, 91.4.•,,,. ASHOIEO. UNITED' 'NOTES. , We ean talk of nothing this week hilt of the fine Quarterly servite held: st :the Blake 'Church • lest gtniday morning,Net all the people . df the three appointments Were theip,s, but there was".41' CrQiird, that Oiled :•;41) 1;a*lipg. • What. Made the occasioi. .impresSive,and: 'Memorable: was tke'..reception serVice, into s'S;ChUrch viembershiP when .15 7People in keeping r„Vith •what,was am •yonng,..• t"trong, and,.free, . to 1.* 4.11e' bestthat r cnn. be, For truth' and ,righteopsness and ..!..,PtC1 'of 7 rnY life '1 come,"„repeivedthe., , right; of. Christian : foll p.vO p • froin the Pastor on behalf' of the ' Chtirch: Seautifill• copies of tho • Were.preserited unto thoke un- iting 'the Church by • Mr. 'Shackleton in, the name o.f ,-tion, :which .he ,neacimpanied •,.by, neat little address. ' A • large ',Mirnber .oarti.dipated • in the. Sacrament of the Lord's super. It was on. many lips "What ,a grand service we have hita.A ' Zion has the morning servied next Sunday.* ' • • ASIIFIELD NOTES • Mr. James Gijore of - -.Petit Sunday, vi;:iting • Mr. Roddf MacLennan. of Detroit. :pent the Week-e,nd at tus-'horrie • Lochalsh. •* • • •'- ,Mr:. and Mre. Ian' . 'MacRae Of Strithroy, were. Week -end ' gnests., at ldie: home of ,the' former 'S patents, gr. and Mrs.' lohn, Mac.R:ac. Mr., and Mrs,. :Larne' MacLennan Ind 'daughter, Katherine of Detroit, visited:at the hotne of Mrs: IViacLen- !Ian's' parents; ki..;:and Mrs. James. MacDonald. A reception WAS, held last •FridaY iight.. at the home of Mr,. and -.Mrs: rtod 1.1Ss, in honor • Of M tnd Mrs TO1111 • 17:, Miss, who Were ' married_ re- 7:ently. in Detroit.. • • • . • Mr, and Mrs.•R E GihtiO•te and 'airily Went to Chepstow, en Tuesday,' o attend the martiaee ' of theit...,..pieee;•: Miss..Marie.:7Flerning. ▪ - • • the -Lochalsh disteict of .7Ashfi'eld vas Saddened on Thurschay 'last, .v,,hee • the news cartie-..of the dt1h.inPc troit...of Mrs. Genleitte formerly Miss '" Her brether, Mr. •Dan.Finlaisore-left -inneediatelY' for Detroit wherehe attended the ameral on Saturday. • The sorrowing tact -ids' •baye*the :sympathy Of the en - ire • ' ' We take .notice of. the name.of NIiss Marie , Long in the ' Class which .;e to • giadatate at St„ ,I0suriwt, Hoipi; tal,„*..Lerulbre. on May 22nd.'eL.Ceneret, ulatmons ' • The foliowine: ,annonneernent.. •• It neared; in The .Globe of Saturday: -- Mts. H. .1. Harron ambiances ;the 1.n7agemerit ofher seeond daughter,' to Mr., Thcae2as _El- , -ter , Bradley, .of Torento, youngest '3on of •Mr:•,and Mts. james Bradley . of Kincardine; the rnarriafge to 'lake' nlaCe. quietly Soturday;'4une '2nd. The. BradleYe were former ' Ashfield resi- his Ldndon, beOther," 1'A RA MOUNT • •„. iVfieS' Jane. Ketehithate Branip• , 'on Hospital, vieited at her home for a •few dayi ,recently: :Little Dean Patterson of. T,ucknow,• 'Tient ' ;week with her grandparents, Piirarimunt.: • Mr: ' and ..Mrs, 'Cook spept Sunday' with •friend' rn'.!IOWCidOle. : M17. and kl:g. Wm.' McGill visited atriends_near RfpleY during the Week. • , Best uheof4 irit of .L.Parre: frn'nd' vi extended'.'. to 'Mr. mi .Mrs. ()liver Cudney foe a hippy and • prosperous 'life. • MI'S. Cudifey vas formerlY Miss' Ellen ,Ketchtibaw•.' ° The Paramount 1,T.ZIXT.0. • wilt 'Meet' at the home of Mrs. Jas. Web- . „ 'tter.' rear LucknoW. The,:prograni Is in charge of the. ,Graildmethers. • • Mr. G. McNitV,•of Loriden Unlvers •snen't the Weetc-,•end With ls ,par- *lents in Paranment. • •:: • ' Mr. Melvin ROnaed 'motored to tthel to see 'his. grandfather, who has been seriously ill, anti • found ,inech improved.• ' ' —0,0 zior.j NEWS r• mad Mrs. • ..Richard Gardner ealled on litmgannop fricinds, Send -my ,venine last. , Miss Eva 'Gardner spent the Weelt- •end with tier cousin,. Hazel. tvelleter.,..,Taicknow. J. • ' ' -- We ne,,, 9,nrry to repeal the illness Of Mis David Anderson, and, hope: •She-eteill 'soon be able, to be around Mr. Jas. Barkwelr of :,Lochaliali, spent Tuesday at *Mr, pulae At Miss Seen Ritch;e of Gederieh, y44- ,ited'iler Parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Ritohle,'SA Sundai, dl• MAFEKING • • „i. THE FAVORITE SHOPPING .ING' CENTRE . , , , . . . .. ... PAY CASH ,and -BUY OR L..g!S.' ' - .. ., . One , 121 , SEO,F,.1JERg . and .5, AVE . ..• ; . , ' ' 'f. ew Felt Hats Here Several very. SMatt„ new shapes • of reliablo it Very .low prices: We ,pivite. you! to ,drop mn and safe...on your nels? Hat, • t here 'aiid• save, albriggan.Shirta;,EkawerS .ancl CoMbinations,. Summer weight UnderWeht fat '• Vety fine; 'soft 'knit •gegds at' prices away below last year, .Shod :bere and. SmOck§. •, our sutiunci.'custonier are At . , .test,..Faivertiscaient. Men it 'se - (''1C the, ;)41..it in OVerbl!.:, and arnoc1k4; pricesvery Ibw. Slmopaf this store. ` The Very They're Here For You Summer time is the •,sea...:. son for. Silk home • ',We are ready •e,ith: thelargest and moat eomplete stock of Sill: Hosiery mn th well known: 7,P,uritan ;Maid ,Brand., Full • Fashion ,E.xtras. -Ask anYono. Who:' :these how .they....; like thenm. syhey, are . 9xixa. fine ..'H splendid sfer .fit and wear. . . 7 git, .7 es . Special. av 5 Pair. ;AGAIN THIS PIIIIESILK ist.,QUALIT* HOSE -We haves nice 'showing' of., these reg. $1. 50 hese still here for, you. ThiS May, be .'youe iast.7opportepity. to seenie them at,: per pair .98c • - •, • A nice fine 'quality'.in a- ,host of t very pietty shades, Very useful cloth for summer-•,iiiiclerwearl . Spe.palprtce 19c yard. NeWest • Gingham A'•fine tig pile, a. hest of pretty , patterns' 'in plaids And' checks: 7SPeetal 19c yard, .path Towels • A lovely .'l'ateish toNd, large size; _irate wiiite,_at a York loti',-',price. . Each 33c Dainty Curtain Sciim'. • 4. elend width, ±01 every. window. Neat' Border and sel:vieeLth1;:.'cl.„th in Wite and..Cream, Yard', .10c: • FOURTH. KINLOSS • P. McNey• 'of t'ararbottnt, And. .on, Graham, whii117-iiiinie 'for i vyeek's.'yacation, -frpne London, .visited this '•Week with Mr. and Mts. S. Car- 'neelian. • ' Mr, WM. 4.. McConnell of , •••••pent .the 'Week -end with his ,' Sieter, .IVICMurchy;: Mr., and Mrs. lytekenzie.Welab Spent . • . Sunday at Mr. 'A.. Hughes'. end Mrs.Altert.CoOk and fam- ily spent: a (lay recently at William Rebb's: ' Mr:. W J Irwin's new tractor can '-be herd. early eria lac% asthe. wea- • ther has been very , favorable for ploughing. ,• • . Miss Christere Robert.l.on of Rip- spent- the, first, Of 'the.. week with Mrs. R. :Middleton. . , , . • . Mrs. WM, „Kaylet,;ewho has been -mite ill fo some time; in Toronto, Much bet-ei• and, is visiting her 'sister, Mrs...7ill Mcpary, at present. ,ML and Mrs, Thos, Blake: and Misses. Grace and , Olive visited Mrs.; •,ias, ,Welister; 13citindary ,West, , on Sneday evening, •J• • Rey. and MrS. I. W.. Kilpatrick and Margaret Of -Holtnesville,' spent Fri- day eveNrig at Mr. S. J..Ailpatrick's. • Miss Lizzie. Purvis,who: had been assisting "%ars. Ernest Blkke for few weeks, returned' to her home near' Whitechurch. Wednesday. , , Mrs. Paul 'Reed, of Luck/low; spent 'the week -end with. .her. daughter; Mms Thos: Andetson. , Rev, and Mrs. Arthur Brown; Sid- ney: and my. ..aad °• Norman Shackleton niotored to Stratford . to visit. Mills Ajne ;_lhacklefon, recently. FLOWERIDA .Mi. 'VVarner .Finlay,sOn tuna% friend: .Detroit, motored 'liver and • spent , the Weelt-end'.'. with his parents in Flewerdele. , • , ' We .are gladAto •rePort'tinit :Mrs. WM, liarriagtbri jA 'improving •so well .that one of her danghter‘s returned te • her hol'ne in California. Mi's.F,ranees •Maciver burn, sp6nt the Week,.end at her home (has.t Stratbdee of., Cfrilriwol'- • .i:ial.,IkuSeritinley.. Spent, Friday ,af"-- terneen With friends in . 'Attn. end fonr r.ra.;1(1:, . . bildr: of .'T.teswatcY,.--were Visitais Ma-i'ver'sthefirsted. file' w6els. Farmers: are verv ariMiag, kill*ese 4.13re das.• Will finisli. all their seeitia.: this week. • There ate still,a .CW' 1 a T104)718 alone: the rivet,' but the sitteker-rUiliing is n,bertt Fridaywas. ml,te • A -r7 our Days that the schools lave.eva:.» • .Mn GeO.' McGillivray Of London, called on Fourth Confriends, the toftheweek , :••• Mrs. J. Carruthers, who underwent en Qport.i0,11. in WinghaM Hospital; is ;.etting along nicely. , ;. • ' Mt, Walter Hilton of 4ipipY, spent Sunday.. with fiends on ,the Fburth, . Mr. L.' MacIver has purchased • a Ford car, ' • ,* , •The teacher•Anj Pupils At thedrey school „Made a big' improvement in the school yard ,on 'Arbor pay. AN OLD ORANGEMAN ; PASSES W. IL Weymouth; .for many years the oldest Orangeman in Huflett Township, stied:en MaY`. Oth; „at ' :the age'.'of, 91 . years. :He • had made his home for some years with his Uuu,: Charles. Mr. Weymouth was a native of- .Setith'' De vo:nshire, in14nd. 'fifs gargiits died 'When he'was a lad,. Mid' ttheiige'onttle :came,to Cila For Seven' year he..Worked on. a farm tear Rice I;:*e, andthent nievecUto .Cebou.rg and took' ug ;farming On his . aWri• :accennt In • 1860 be wat, mar- ied to Ann 1VIzinning, who had,..dOITL. out froni..Nortli:. Devon: a_ fesi,f...Years: • .after lie' bad. 'come: Mr. 'Weymouth ,iscd to.tell'ef 1 i bin .a.C.TOS.S. the At- lantic: The, passage Was mode in m.. >ailing ;yesSel„,. and Wok :two months in • ' In making .the iip now regularlY, infade. iri one .week or less ..Mr..:Wey4outh •.jOined the, Orange •, - . , • Order when quite a young man; /and: was . Worshipful master; 1888 to ..188-?. • He was: ari A agliean bY., church eei,'1. nection, • and .a • 'Conservative 11 7 .• Tke Beauty of Spring iti the Lcuzd o, Map!e Leaf !•„. p,o.c e 2140 S$Vms”. F SFR/ NCI" •• • • Ire '11APPING MAPLE StIOARJ , • rPEES Que,aro 4disp PRiNatr OP 14/04. 'meated With poet legend arid;hie- toric lore than the Annapolis al- ley,. Windsor,: Grand Pre and Gael pereatt. They were centres • of events In the early' history, of the North • American Oatithielito for ,French explorers Visited this Sec- tion as far back as 16(14.. 'Quebec, BroVince, in spring Is equally lovely, and especially the rural districts near the fortified Old World city :of Quebec. .1)1d Norman Jahn' hOnSei sprawl along country istreete for Mika. Way - Side shrine* are Many in, this de- vout Province. Glimpses are had through *ipiaint Cotutirarcht or nar- row galleried of Weinen itt their spinning wheels': 'jlere, asin sec,, tionis' of Nova &alai time ,is ap- parently not tnigi!t for to else- SPring la a resurrection of nature, • and haired nature also awakens ' to new hopes. A story of. a benign ,seaSen is given When the rising a / the • sap' signalites .the budding of the tree, When the ?Were Singa sang of freedom and the birds add their songs' to the -yokes of lfttle • children in, Streets or Country lanes. Though Spring and beauty tail be found anywhere, it is in the • country that it Ia.:ideal. Here. one eari • watch the tilling of the soil, •:the plowing and planting that the earth may yield for -00 needs of man. •Nova Scotia isdelightful', for thins the bustle and 'streak of our modern eta does not exist.' It ia a part of that ancient country of Acadia, and it is one Of the • Mont, beautiful provinces 'in the Doniinion of Canada. There is no P ??,eiree• :Nova Ica4s zoo Pes. *Quobes Weir AI 1141 to: •••••v., 4;•••;%! ... ' .. ' . Pecially during the Canadian Folk Sorer and Handicraft FestiVal, to be held -this year from May 2448.. At the Chateau Frontenac one is transported, Into past decades, seeing the' work of the habitants ' as they ply their shuttles of dis- taffs. • The musical programmes are those of the early French Canadians, habitant ritelodlese brought over originally. , by the , French of early da.tys, If is refreshing in this age to have a little Of the peace :of the old world, and Quebec is impteg4 , nated with at atinoaphere of rbe mance.and pastoral beauty. Spring days quicken the wanderlust, and with the first notes of the meadow lark and robin the country at- tracts,.. and "Only the call of the. long white road t� the far horizone, wall" lures and: beckons to the ,un- known plines, beautitta in 8prin;;