The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-04-19, Page 3seeeeeieeeeeeee-e---e-----44 • • • RUSSIAN PEACE GESTURE NOT ONSIDEREL) ,SINCERE Good Faith In; a ,Nation Is As Essential As In The Private Individual and Britain Doubts Rt.issia's _Faith A THORNY OLIVE BRANCH.When : twenty-four: ;rations :meet at beseador Hugh '011etion, .• bead of the, AmerIcen, eelegatione ' "The .,American Goyerrinfent believes: whOleeheartedly that it .enultilateral. ,treaty outlawing war, wotild be „wele eomee by the whole world, 4tid'ehe- • within leer year et .only to pee the pro•e'llev-es , that Such. a treaty woeld be° Ter -of • MPrecticabiliter, the Ceeine peacethan a lm' 'ny Scher :ne ediparrea- : reitee fore and aft .becatitie ot more sueeeesful I, nattainfng :World its I . _ • :reader or neWsPopee (liege:relies from meet. Tee Russian, .proPosala :ere Geneva ' naturally beglee'. to Weittler totedler out :ot apirit, with our work:, I •• It givenepeebie to. drseuss,didarniamente .and the.XSPresentatIVe. of. one of theire tnibmits `gompreherigive 4iirti of ct , . • ,. • :treety for e.swerld-widee elie4ePlement • V r Germany s ope For ocean n* eeeeee•;:e.ee •: whatthip disarittiment beieleees is all see no' iseeon VarY., Our :usual pt, 'why, the Rusele,n liropOsal to cednre .in order to coatinue 'the Rua . r eeeeeeeMeReeee:',1%eee:';e:Meeeeteee.:e.,,••,:ere:: HAD TO WAIT IN IREL:Aielle FOR BETTER WEATHER ,CONDItleeNS ou law wai• -.Nras not seriouelye con- slate discupsieree . . ; One Fake Anyway Diebel, Silesian Miner,. Ex- plains' How .He Tricked, Audiences ,With • SiTnilar Display - 13PrIP1.-,-SeldO•in have ellgeiteeegea' In modern day ig reached the• Propoi4 tines of one -visiting the little South Germen .village of TCoaleeSeetith 'this Eastertide:. A 'Week age 'it- WaS• gen-' • , I n '•eerify announced e that. Theresa Nen- Pfelitle 'the .neW ,teited'•stigmatic, -was • bleeding' Mere freely than . • For, e long • time Thersia ead, not • had. het' rieraiage visetattens 4nd _scor-, •fera .chtteged it to the fact that ratich- ;needed' repairs were 'being mede., to th,weriest 10.1Pd:se:gable roads to the lune let and touriets ' were enable to pay their usual efsits • However th hi le ' • • The Gertnan Juditers' plane use fl by Caeit. Kodal end leaton'Vem Helen efeld, hoPPed ole in secret for way .now .1e in' good- Ondf,tion. :and' e, . '-eMered at tele meeting. oily Germany • • : ' a trAneatleiktlie ilig4, ale reached ire rand aPd -4.waite ideal eeaditlees :will:eh Pier CO •a4Y da.Y„, 1, • .• • , .. icayrnome.tjedi;aWnistlat•ilaltuit.ppL,..ecsairrehilahgaes.j....*mpter.. . • . . leusefa ' expiates, the `St: • Joseph, • Maxim Litvirieff, 'head 'tif ,the Soviet " 7 ahq.,.rruyife'y becked•• the. attempt of 1,,t-wo.,:ro,..o,o,,,•,has been aotneall in hor ••e•e—,--,-, ...,..e.,,,, . ,,, . .. ,.. _ _ .., . .. ,.. . ,..in-ati ,,,i ... e , . „ „. . •-• i „,' :: • .:1„ : . . • e'.- .4. , , :,, , ,. ...,,,, , . • „delegetIon,'•to, Ceellee' abeeideratieg, tit Poveter, et•st : oorrupt.,,,ttio. armhi:sq: done , .. . . . , . perial.,conference, not ;On account of othTehteeepttiareMneptheLls, east -to -west -he . his:disarmament promisee We are told s Wevese of tither nations; 'she '44:SOUth Africa';$ •: '.;. 1 but failed to reveartlieir Impressions. ee, o theadepte•report en the treed has been tlia' ease.' with ani of the 1.:tideeeeselyisilisiotp4frKoonen'nMeerieetintija,PladleZ.eeert,ekl, - While representatives of Great Britain ' ' and the *United Statee rideled the Bus.' promote ' the ,world revolution,- And • ,, - . • e. 1 • , ' • . ' . e her best to sow degolfection. and 'to :. • Sta.ttit Debated' , 1 whatt It might mean -to any partieular . • Pertion, but because of the , unmistak- Ate-en-diele; Trial flights. are to begin 1•-•: The 'family still Maintains Mut the I •P . r. .. t able 14eguage in Nvbich 'R.:Field what lt,i within' te-d or three, weeeese from, the 41r1 has not eaten since • Chrititmas 7 . ' , • now she suggests disarmament. . . . .oe verbal shot and shelf, and finally, ore. onvincing At her" neighbors • . oucii free om"—our freedom and ment eeready has htlked the^ Weather iPtlerr (3ed st was irehnortgil t,oiciliave re-, • elan. proposal with *heavy' broadside§ •ar,14men7 meaet, arid ,lit!..:`which. it de:ell:teed' to les. Bele 'at Orly Thp.•Vreee4 ee,•t•e.ea,' Th S let • olive branch" would be I lel!, dtbehtigh during the road. building , . •• e • could be epre she did not ave a Wea- House , e epor . on . vni t i • - 9 •• sank. it without trace. . • h H Adopts'th R t eeu ite, Our absolute eenality in e Bureau at 'eNVa.shington for Atlantic •,.1 . norma ea ,:e• an 'ex- , e PV e port, coneealed in the other hand." la draft prop.esed thak-riaeles be , scrap- the Oeinion of the New York Evening ; eatirelY.; that Military establish- pest, the Litineff proposal was "a nients be reduced internal political' gesture by ' which. Mascolv fjOe om o exere every fenetion, weather reports to be iitudiee- •plot, eellent aeljetitee . the Resolution's of .the I,eve're pewer, eveey evivilegof nation-. Wig' the 'flight, though it is' believed Meanwhile, the • silesian, i . ' , V. ..n' :11-1' DeriBI t OD feee: DCe.,;.". the lioutsidef le ell not be ' it ble f '. ‘,.. ete ,ed fi ,., tie wonders in the Berlin Wintere gale. •• • ail .11.tee 'without owing any. stem:1'01'1a., • he weather and Whela weer the 'oceen miner who :diellieerede'elittlilar stigma - ped ' i .••• ., . !PA to axle! au r , y , o er e . n sti; e or . e e . va y . • . -...Cane ..ToWneHerhe sonte, 'African. selves." i - ' , ' •- - • '4*• ,aetil. after May 1. •• . . • . tee, has diselosed, his secret teethe po1Ie force; iii short, tat 14,1ed, sea, aimed ,to , enhance it :Preetlge ... as .4 •Aoiise. of • Assembly he.e... umenireeleslYe and. ale. forces be,: eleolfshed$: :Tlile• Is. eedee-loverg, netiOnee, teTheepian bore • e `•-• -' general Smut, in opposing the pl.-•0.. • -.'. ,_,...._.._.4.: • ' ... ••'• imiblic, saying., that Shortly before hi ' 'the second ti tne thikt ITtaSSia has:,•-nia,de•• uji)n' its -face" the niarks•og.i4neerity;" Conference resolutns . .of 1926, *1116h4 '"teee'.sterne king could not be, bete, at StuelO).--'erhe trouble is, that. ',Only with -his' liter' nails or lt. sharp lustre-. atieiptea' 'tnee tevort ' on the •IMPerial..',Inier's nettralite eland, declared 'that Artist .(840Wing.'friend.. roelid--'besetOpearancee he screttehed his flesh. thlti ''proposal ' Within•Ithe bxFot four adMits . the •• Manchester tiniere. "but we__ as moved .by' Preinter, J. B. M. llert; war an dat.peaCefin the:finite' empire." about one person in ten knows h gime' ineet; beingeeeretql not to cut. It,. 64 ' thema.- stamped it ith likPeocisY; .for if, ii. %a .', . eW. ii3 , ., . . • f b raenthsi' 'and the, :chlet.reaSeii , it , has the,'beehground. froni •ilkhich'• if ,caine,.'z,e, ;isars, ait :t.ka....0,„aska..,age,,,••,,Te2nee_ •_ Iteeestroirgly. •deierecatedl the .teesitimi 'picture f.reen aebed 'oee In these. dasYsre , the e tag° ' by Contra ti . be, .'. huseles eeUnfvorable reeeivecie , .. jorit3e, et •Engiteh . rieWSPaper. editor son the plan ne..unee,97., te -:p.e.senete o ,, ,"'e . e /tete v 4e. the .11're, :the, Pterniere: had taken', on' the clime, '• Frieed--':'' hat's a- it of • ,I.nek. for : these torme.rlYtnvieible 'lines assumed • agree, is . that.. ",eteeemei. OA faith' ie armell,.iiistirrectiOn aniong the Mitlens,. neler's• 'declaration that, .sentli : Aerica dote and Saki ' it : was ' oee .tbat ought senetee'of you'. fellows, ,tetet„ nee • -. I blood -red• hue. and otfen -bled. •had 'e.rielie to he 'neutral it Great' Br1;'•i-,0 be -.looked Oen aspurely aeademie•: ' cweetionede To . quote... Me eleitylnolf: ' o fthe workee To lay eerned inpurrece e tain Wereat war; and the repudiation ." Colonel dreswell ceide .not eefieelye . :"The •Sbeiet Government•dnet tion erneergethe nations lot the world. of e e' oe. 'Leis' atfitude by Geen. Jan Chrietiin ot South Africa or any Other deiniefon : • needeeither an army or emeee.fee ...ae- To lay"down-arnigewhen sech.e. drive: sm ......,.., , '.'geedsive, PUrpcieese•ati.we desiro-to ree le beingi plaimed.,edeciaree ,eho. Albany .. . . uF. foi'lnet' Prethlei', qi-1•61'4).' IiY.'' 'wishing , to 1.'onitkin ',nearer ... if Great o '. , .. P. Creswell, ' lelinietereef eleritaiii were at war and . there: had Knieltereoelter .letesee , "would leave. the dooe..Open• to. intrleue and 'diegas Detenee.,' a Laliar mein:helot. the Ilettee been previceee, consultations in the teieee '. In fact, •conclietles 44,0 . -: , Lynch-----' .eog •Oneerumetit, ,'.• . •• ••• , ' ‘.. e. • • 'enietter b-etween the eleritish deVeta• u • " l le ezogle'eleit'i ea ithe. right inerilkond the governments ot 'the De- -"The 'Soelet proPtiehl isefrintestee .1a - !term I the '120011fillioti.4 neW-tound „in- the extreine..' Thee°, is no etnnpillsion . •mttin at peace With all countries•.-• The SOviet Glovernmeht has interested It self the probloin of ,the establish-, ;tient 'of .peeee• banishment, ' from international fife of that scciiirge of human ;society, war, aver ;Since if , came info 'eeietence:'• •• ' • • , , , • ,. of Nations, and on •Its, own initjative the Seviet, doeereinent seggeeted as : burg • N'ews " •• - , Ofeerieutrality,..evee based-Oneeeeleatrehee-mitions. • dependence': end the. right og eA.01 • • ' back the plan• •All,natiOns agree to: diierintiercrtite-liontee-vie-arme- e__ (dominion lieLbee.etheejededge."--ap o eet 441.4te-40.--Attempt extent of: it's cOopelatien• within '. .• rp while the lishonest ones do ',riot. Th ' the Atl t result' 4.0 id" thea ' be 'teat the .predde • long ago as '1922, at the first interna- tory, nations. Would • rule the World. ' . Freed.orn and Equality. :;; '0„1. -• e • Tee- ' ".t. • •el tional ,cOnte • t G " r ' • • ' ' • • virestwara aoon rence• a • elloa, etc /even If Ian disarmed, .there wo.uld H..e aseet the House to for the • „ • •• • . . an lc ights nimiscent 0 he Scottish Greys , • . Tri -'Motored • Monoplane, • .. lote;01 .by Maurice, DrOu4; tid. ,.isi,ninal'Vlye7h:y. the tailure' which ha e met all avie.tors who ,have . „ .• . • .:. ett,tenipted: to span the !with Atlantic ._ •:atefeast fie expeditienSP:are or aeon: •• chelleeee, the beeen • this sere*111 seeyeral ine• stancee pipes :41:e being rnad by com.y. penlee kind , ellots .eehie wished. le '.et - tempt. theflight last year' but Were le'.1.'eVented by ativeree Weather. • • Meet of the expeditiene thus far aro , . , , elli-the.'fornietive stage. ,. One ; plane, • however,. already . is comeleted has been pub1k1 Showne a id oon will, be-, gin trial fligietee It is a'hig til motor ed Monoplanee, designed and built 'bee the':ewent3etlereee-ezteeild • -eriginceie• R-ene• denzieete. • ,• , , • Deouhin, who ;Was-eligeged ,•RED.:CAVALRY IS MADE UP/OF •04..0 'COSSACK REGIMENTS • e • •••••' . . . :•• The uniform 'Itt different' "to • tha t whiCh Wr Wei Worn 'ey tlAe cza's' forces, but this eveleat doeseek riding to pilot Chaele's Leine last/ "stintiner when veWes.? scene.. The picture 'as taken.et gr eat military spectacle .4ird'.aeonied• Moscow, Celebeatiegeihe. 10th .annieree-ee Leinepleuning to ' flhome eery of theerganizatiet of the . a rely,e ...The Pageant .Wit'S. stehething grand... . . • . . , las een selected to , pilot the plane. Drouhin, _known, as lone of the !nest capable eof ,French .,it partleipatedeeleet thee first .question • nothing to keep 'one nation :frtine mak- : disceeeed, be:that' Of general disiertna," Ing, . its Policq force ;large enough •la , • t• "n"-- Fame. Doesn't Help DRAOATIST• HOME BREAKS U!*. • 11 reak Britain and Egypt etie ,Settlement• of . the'. oetstending. Evtln if the ieegtby nekeitietiOee :for eohite at testis beteyeen: Greett 1•41•114ed..40Y0.44'sres net „resulted:hi an , eeeagreement,eol3sibleb°et 04. Pge.t1„.114'01: '1!4hPaese at elle#11a8ftt teeety. which 'can'torni ehe eels:18.7er ther eieeussion_ is,'In•etaeltea distinct etep advarme,. •• e ' " . The ehlef liteMbligeg bleck,On', thJ occaeloh. lies once 'again. been, the old didicultv. ot the location of the: Britiph troops eeerneel eepeetic, ie for .the pro.-, ;tectio4 of ibe. 'Enipire.!eeeeinintentette • ions, through: the Suez Canal. .. tarY 'oiilaion .-Loadon'•has ehitherte; f.tie6 nte. tet ec4ativl 41y44: r` °thing; dl it sr le'ci°tptileealitwe :e'Qhrr: ithdravAi.:from''the•,Interlor •Thaf'-"thia• view. is in proCerie of moat.' . , fiea teen lseelear from the', feet` that the „ prerposed ereatY contains provision e. whereby the loCatieee et; the Britieh garrison would ultimately, he fixed by the :League 'Council; veldeh: would be ,uheer no Obligation t h the • • theeis .of .,British•stiategisti3. • . The ceetrei ot the ,Bucian, whieli Is • eortatice Egyptiareg, 'owing te. its • •". • ' _ p .e.. .upen • es of ,vitril bee ,geogreehicel 'sittiatie'n astride of their • wee' 'water supply- Was lett tempere! • atily. in abeyanee by. the rejected par.: ' wit-Charnberlain.• agieementee • This ' • . . issue• wasehowever. eihauetieely dealt.--"! witit In the .Preliniiiiary.:.negotiatiettare• when it was 3iade eletet, that ••Sterwat. It would beepessible to,. Andea solution based on tionie • tea. or ,Joint cont -el England and .. 'Egypt:. Jenteediete reptecnesions of ' the future- .theeetegotiatiotis should not. •be tetiously. , ; The •reeent.: Hobe', even' done0ippear, as had been.. the • eaeo. sOnfe •preyiads eceatiOna.' tie:have itiStletted. by leading • . . . •• . • inerthere of the still .dominent :polite • cal Parte, but to :have 'heet.1:.Mainleee the 'N'yl.:).1'k of etUdeete. actieg :deft- • :ince; of these' leaders! adViee • e-eveleireeeitereTebe. wise to forecast , that a solution In,. sight, the situa tkeri•wouldeeeeterete be more entoiliteg-,. inge than it has been., at ane tinie in the •!ii.atit• ten leafs: It is dietinetly'', • eleniiicarieth.at ;the thotiglits ofe wine • . c•ated 'EgYPtiane are said te, be turn-•• liig moteemie More . to .the . ecenorniee' .deyelopreent.ottheit .cOnetryepra less and .; iesseetreePtilititereeeerin ties. . •Ale • ejeeee • reetly, under. •thele 'firet:histaleneteee: of indefieriderice, , the .•Egeptien 1?arlia Meet tetince •a 'neither of useful • - Outlets' for ,Ate activitiese :.notably • in the .eiteetion of • iMpeoVed. edneation, flee the masses of .the,• pecrple.•','There. feeeebewever, much 'etill. to be dOne. which Can . only' be .41eciernpliehed in friendly • collaboratione with Great 'Bel - tele., and At'. is, hi. the beet,futereits'Of.',. •bOtli.•Conatrieti:tp:cenne es'eoeji, , - Oleg to •• aiteicable 'aieangemente beep& On ,enutualeeeeeessiOns.7Ede ..* torte' ,-Christian Scienee:MOnitoteee • . „ •. , • Why America•erospere PhiUp'Kerrin tee,eeondon ObSer:ver (Ind.)• In Britain, the `natienal "mind CeN li • te t* t1 ' I • gi ; C the drania:tist ' • " • ' p. egene trna, es she had 0,10u 1 0 s concerned male y with politics. In . as eettiate and. it arranging ,for a separation. " She Was his ethencle helemet the Milted Statee it is concerned main- ly :with :besleess. ; . . Oxford and when he Was 44 obscerity. ., • rirr ' . • . " • Salvagers_Vsing Air -oFloat Pa.' triOtiiitlitikid Buying ' • • et'eia:ters, lost emisidereble. ereetige Meat'. , ., . .., :-,, ; . . ' overawe thoseewlia, Scrupulously kept • ... London ic.iornin e.... Po. set ( Cons.)": The 14 resuit . of his . tilt With •, L. esvinei• 4/-;:d , Since has been Pattletilaely ehger for •, • . • . • • . . . erethere etre o• • .1a - , .-•. ' - - ii • PrObieur et cerfibinhig• patelotieni Arid . Dui Ing ite ten yeateeexisteece. elle! their. compaCe Wh -Soyfee, Government has heie„r,ititt4eic.;- li,?ti,ttleshipee..ei and. Sebitatines ,or ...el.:Ala; buying is not witheut, its eiffietiltiee .in •, a ..: opportunity •• to. ! try ' the : flight..., d•mny of1Thongli the: 61•em,,..has not been s.eleet- eelts neighbors; has•Jdeplareder -, e oi ae-ple .' yeanse. melreaut Veseela., a •la:nd Where no :.iatiff • imeessee Auf- ne• war upon anybody, and has taken wea4 be as useful In -.war; ..if arm's& eicieet `,preferericeeee to ,,roalte the Mire0..d.. the .pleee,,IS .cOnstructed4o;carrY; ,• products. oblIg'atory ;14 additioe to the pileti, a felief .pilet, all , anavleator; a rado. operator and olie no- In .,..the warlike adventures of as Warehipte Mee/ are, and the nation driha'e *°r'EToPire other States. " Tee fact that' the Soviet with:: the inost. ,teercha'n't ,•ships and elk !itli . eXcept the .I'llen..':.Tasee: In . eassenger . Its `•foetris. glees, matter -for., disputep , • . . . .,. . past, ending, and in the:cage o •fartietie ! • '1.40 plane... 'n%'ea'Sures t.V.etitY.•-e'Vell' •: eeeducts' and luxuries ,Which ceircerfv!, Meters from. wing tip to'wing tip: 'the . „ . . the palate ;the enirehater` will, as a ; Pewered . with,: three .niot,ere, ''eaelx; confidence : amongalt • 'the .. nations ', is iether41 rule. lesist 'old obtaining what; or, 180 ..eloreeneeWer,. .and each An- , , . . ;- 0844:Attlee, to ;the -,SlicceSs..ofifthe_Soviet. Ilit64'..;7"4ets"07,.oirh.iglililtt.le- ;pc-°/-):::?ibertitsirlf;,:il°dt 1; col:slely4,:',,4deass'isbe43,1ela'•:.aertoeen'etietgliinete. ;ela'bbiTi'liellt, prograne....:-.And where •iti• that ebonite deneo? ", yvhfit,..naion ,,- its,: titibin•as: :palate, 'Clafil!',- it is to be feated. that '.The• aviators ',Plan to carry: a eireed of i ,Would he .willinge to iletiend for its given litlitiett''...'*eakilas; .:balite '`v.111'9.Q°C1 k11°E5.°' fli° i'44 e44iPtnen• At pres.ent ' they "belleye It ;will be neceA, I -existence' upon its - eon ; fideece in a fe- '*I'L " -..: ": e4_,..' t:eeeee.e.' 'ee.,..' . *. • .: '.;,, e • seri to use -obis, two of the teree Moe!' juVenated • ituSsia?" • • " ` :' e " are twe'Rui.stah- ltinatica ..lybo% think. dimizi(shed„ , . .8 reserye Meter,. theY • . . • , Geyernmeet, . having , tio obligations tinscrupuloes enough to manufacture.' • whateeever toward the. League, Vetere.- arms 7:in. secret, *field be the 'netimi • eerily cooperates With. this ,Cemmietori, that • would impose 144 the • seems additional testimony to its dbl., world.: That being lhp' ease, 'absolute cetity'and• good faith. ' . • r • ' . • • "Tho te ,F.•SevieGoveiennerit..decleres .it Is to, Ornate, Military forces In ' accordancewith RS drift .eonven- ' Win as,'Soon aOhnilar declidon. 18 • passed and eimultineetisly.carvied Out -• by other :States!! . • • Goent veil Bernitoeffeehead :the: Gerehan.: 'delegation, 'aleo, ,reitierked during 0116 of the 'stormy .sessions at. deneett: , , • • , 'Iliave been a member COM: ; • ritsalon for 'More dein to ;Years, and ricelee sthan teeenty Ocetteicine have • .. • . el heard It eteserted .1tere. that all .our k.1:briritctipne, .W. ith'.. Liners • viork' would bo ftitile, because Russia • waa not. eeineeetliede but now Russia; is here, arid the Comnitssion deeides, "to•tio nothine. ; • n renreined..eter .14crd qiithendiirt, gat oti,' On the .St. Lawrence about, the , ,fornierly honed Tinder:04c, end Of this iffoeith, the air Mail service, , •retaty•oe Stale for FOreign'Affeirte .es' front Ttithouski reduined.' Last • heed of tho British delegation; to .re- year the service Was confined to . ply.. to the ,Litvineft Preposal. Said Montreal --, although " • one. was the. Suecessor et Viecount .decil, made to wawa. This year, however, there be an extension and both 'Ottawa and zoroxitO' are itteluded in the eir pregratt,.. The first • inail liner of the' season 18 expeeted Rinicitiaki 011, the night eVhat kind 'of tieede? Teere. 0'0 teVo of April 27 or. the tueoing ot the 28th,' kinds ot Were' elsirethere. are teee kinds ;The, Mail board the elle peadoe There .14 internatiohal Wee plane hied btought. • 4 Wit war, qlyti war is the there it Will .he ,re-distrihuted on"planob for .•_,...kgribld. • ' • ' • -Toronto. and OttaWa. I or Yeais past"the SeViedPielleY exe. preseedeby its leadees "had 'beet to pre-, elute armed Insurrections in greerY ta-; tion utoy ten eXereite in- fluence. We mustgt -have etieurance 1. giver( by leitthett that there is 4 • ConinIete, .ehange. of ,poitey, Has ,the 'Soviet. Governineuf decided , no longer to interteee_iti the afIalie "of,other:na., tibris7" ••• , , . • • As' foe Wei United , Staten; 04•14' •AtiV, Islands, *it discontintied. • '' . , . • ., • A' contemporary ,stetes that,there tors after the ., -starting, load has. been I they' are. teetekyIt does net 'seerbelievewetilie' melte their 'expedition t • safer and more cei tam of success than: Will Be Resumed which one of 'them As eight: Cambridge' have sent their best men. • -into polities,' the_ ilee, or the t Servecee-• The dignity of_public life, • • , the world-wide reputation ot British \Bettlesh.- ip Sunk Scapa Flo‘v , . . . 'justice, theelong stiecese ofthe Clvil , Service,.not only at home, • ut in. la- dle,. in Egypt, ' and in .eotintleseOeliere les •and..,Depeeeepciese largely result from the best. of the yeunger genera tion keelthig,, their careers in 'these filling up. with ,concrete one. by . In -the Clulted -States the the 'openings through . which .the eanire .outlook Is diffe'vente Business .cerribe Iiretancl ,coines seeeed. • • • ••,Lbeiclone-Salvege. work• said eb be unique en engineeririge history is being ). carried,' on at Seamelelow by CON, & Sheeko, who, ', having already raised •twenteesiX destroyers: of the German .flet, ate nn* engaged; in, thegigantic, task. of floating .the battles:hip, Seyd- letz. ' The Seedliteelav unon her 'gide TO turn over and raise her upright it has been Ostimated Wottld have cost more than .$300/060-000 to show a:'peefit en th'e treheriction,:' •Tho sal - tag& engineers, therefore, have eeivrk- ed eut a plan to :lime the huge 'ship, weighing,. 25,0&Q tolls and .having 'a length Of 656 feet onli-er-Slae and to tow her' in this. position to the break, ing-up depot x. miles awiy. S lay" at a depth or more than eiehty feet,. flirnouski to Be Increased r This Summer ttawa.—With the opening of nave • parte '"l'n what .'spirit aro these peinipsals made 9(11r object 10 to establisli 'world peace on• a firm bests, and 1 assume the desire' of the BeViet i8 likeWiee• Further expansien Of Canada's air malI service is contemptitted and of- fOres May eliOrtly be Made to reach an itgreehlehtwith the United Stated In regard to eenifectirig up 'with tho" trans -continental Mi.'linos it Albany, With .the pt)00ini .0f the St, 'Law. , tondo. -saitititiot ,itto *inter 'air' 4nall ,service to Anticosti and .thei mateirtl0s The Royal Oak and the Two' Victims ..e.e.eieeeeeeegeee. Me. Cox, '• describing the "method of operation, said: • , elerte wxi."r1 by pumping compressed air into rheshipand at‘the •sarne time . . • , .„ • • eiC4Pee.‘ The bigg'est 0P7;ini'we hare .Bnainess, tieWever,' had •cduie tie, have. filled so far l'irelLS:ill'eS 44. feet by 6 feet; the same kind of' sigeificanee' ?or •the. . ..• , •The'raising o • w o erman for us.. it, .s, t e r , 4 : now nip teg- , . * f ' the h lee G •• ••• United 'Staftes. that ehe Empire., has. arid requited. ten „tenseof 'poneretee , fleet, Ile•said, 'would '4.1irobably•beritore building:, Fier.ei'husit tis' t(lho.e"a'X,EB..r'itie7ni•-'7 thee 4 life's- workor tite.t of.'ni'now ,nica to us 'spells :theees-tabliehrnerre'ert e:' ,7..iti,..F. d:„. °..11it•:". : . . . . ' . those conditions • Of • individual. free- i . .,clorn; justice, Order and pehcei,wifhput • . .... • . ........ee. _le ..- .: Golden': Rule. Taken- . ' - : which.. We •belle,ye etiii•ei:1;aiztai tri:iii.allev.:Teeol:',' ' As Alotoring, Guide . ..goeernment to be imeoPseble, so -bugle ' ,enaeisiso.nspoefles.eetiicorgthyle.:Areericep the .aPpliee arid organiiing ebility:to the ene that' the staederd of •living of. the inelle el: 1nii .1;titsi.;;;..be: peogresst vele old in ti 1 ..,i, "Diiye as .You Would Have Others Drive Is Slogan , e• oOf: .. Washington Crusade ' 'A' . N'ew •Af,ric4:n Enin'iTe - rrl"lr!s(Zd.)CTaeln..s..-.aWashington.-•Thoesends of WashwhaeeStietaeeeiee;ftelUeme 4 ington mtoristshavepledged them- sety.es.::, to.. „:(trive As you would 'have the 'inandatod,tertiCerY of 'Pti411111-1a, ' atasi.a. drive" a8 a restia 0 ta..00idoo , will tindo.uletee le play4' theee, lin pert:, ' ltele.'cleteade Lot -sate ,dtleirig•emided7 atit'..°ar't ' in Int1)61441 'err c'rt ' in 1119 lic.il.'delg'.''41til°1-e.N‘tiitleise,11Shltegr'6nPo' iTitttr'en't•T'7,44les*, twentieth: .ceettiry., I Tee, epeoplee' ore East 'Africa ilitfar-,very,• widely. Tbere . tej ALe •e4iii.led •eedua:tiaionni.eaptbaiii.e.tffcarfitiiiO4.6.2da,74,ueleui ere hi' Ugandanatives,:elth a siegular- mti.tereolecg.eititemhpoli.rcyitlyngdiiiiiroi.ninge: irk:9 f e:trd::1114-11hi'g'Nvill411(1.'611%4%19b°::Ei'' tIll'i cb°arl-P16ifr6atQef(1.:i1111?161. fto drivitg,..• ,4 _ioture.ilotip, ticpilli:ttii•-:;ttihieb6•,:.tiratitee, of Northern Nigeela, Into -_-,tia.,,trhl."9tal_a?Indteiciviit:._,Diochiaed.,• ,thi.e illetitIsh. scheme; and there are. to'''. 6Uolivrags,. motorists . .to ' y ilf:aevueyal.i taindo:ni,n17 NI ociarttile4teis& Wete .tit play in the Tieing:see' • 4.- 6°- ...°nAroug:Ouilt;t3iill.alal:i'ai°:::imi'itilirin-* 6.- had lboil3t,711°B,(!ijf1Aa•jelletil, dletriele 4.5"teoug4. t h e f t, -own ehiltid.rbrie-en' 'through ',residential' anif ' ticlietil • Golden pledge cards-nninbering 50,- listt..14:61,°'Z'ity'ili:ottoset6iiitUt.hittI3.6extii:itli° ill -mrartirir-611-64$shinortoll;ft4!thd, 'cli. ',, 000-wete----clistrthitted to seirool child, , • • • , •-• - - ; , ten who took theln horns for DarentS : • - - - 'tis-,-iitglir --tor Scottesziroited,-pliiitgosi,- ..:: ' ';`' . '.. Too' Much , Navy:- ' ., . = nalr,of the Coverfincont departments. ! totiddi Daily OhrOnicle (Lib:)': Thee The ,ditisade Was indorsed by ,proeitzle 'Navy .no longer POggeSties Ita old r* • nt tedcral, and District of Colinnbla. latiVe iinportarite, , . The ' 'late .way, • •dinclalet , 'Vico-President Motes and proved it of eniall *value as a.4.`SWord,.0 , Verbert,• :Mover; Secretary .4 .Cotn., whiei ite••tt ebtieltler" it has been targe, • hieree were intong the Sint to Sign ty ttostse4a4' by •Orloirtarci, . If a ' , ,111106. per;odpgaoi.linieTgeike ,(ittat(ejto:yti.ril,dloviii.Seloon •1;6.:::...?,,Annt....gitteinttwaitry iri:ittsite.toiitret.1 ,orogs64: the'view that the* caMittign be by Alti,...Ort litatork that the hl,t., • . ,, . . , .., . toliht welt be tahen tip hi ether .oatett...,.to,tonio ivu . ile ineedie., 111131T1814 NAVY"'DikolisLINd• MAI NTAIKED., . • . . , 4, '0,Onitiiiitider "Daniel. (1) end Captain Dewar (2) Were bothtolieVed of 'their contnatid .feinDetarflY* dui (o. thele lititibilAn teiticiting itead •Adthital Collard in writIng; The Adr,nirst was updotibtedryI'vhat Might', be termed : A btilly.tif;Tank, ' Ito, used his positiori to unduly 'abuse' Ceniniandee Daniel tieid; ethere. ' 'British militia opItiloneht iv-iiiild appear; has sympathy: for the teed eflicere shelen aboire and Scirniral tlollard will in the end •pay the greatest Penalty, ot presttige,. • •••4 '