The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-03-29, Page 10 0 0 rki WA.� MVERSART rogm -SAIASH]EW-HDO 0 N -ENERA. O' Rebek4h� ._Lodge, �91 6biated Light;,ind 06.wdrr%�o t a,, S, k st q 41', The up:,1 to all The, Bread -The re B' ad" I .S �O.ROFMSIONAL 'A D ;, heiilvqrgary,�,of 16-: . 116 14 T �,.t 0 ealt 0, rl�ov f O * , - .. IR ...A I — . . rgai, 'on F A I ay evening.,ofla" s,hy,ap4k I I Y�, 41" ajig stirts. P.- w.dek., 0 Fi-iday and S t a urdaXt 'ere' OUR. MO, TTO S;' AL ITY, Q. 0-0� ­0�0 t Rubbers,A'�, soc rp �Iulu 0 e "war A t, �11.30 6�clqc4, ,ht all. Qpday idwn8' with. w as a: vory,rapi4. t 'ibf, Hbi,� Ma qr, Quktl, de; -Whole Wheat ai a hoimst' I fig'r t DIL W. M-� Alfkindg- oLifebuoy a'good,.Attendan�o. and a ety en oy- electric­8ervice-�ftqm. th SnQw-L4 fa.pt," for a: fqw,.hQurs on, rbm the, C ed 0 �C Pbysl�ian dnd-.Surg�,on J..;, LLttJe!$-. hoe S to' S 4b,.q, The , re �,Was - cardsi 'com,-, Ayst nto,: total' !.0 gm, Wqb�t Saturday tliei,6 �waFs sonig.thingy 11.1i e AL SPUCT S_ 'hocole ue now ine -rubb singing jind Hyl otheir musicol th-cludpil Ill cl' d.arlttiess,..� Tbig I 119w? . rds P I '4: yen intQnso, ldat. c-'Tqw Oatiioerii ,s; C e Cake' Nut' Jelly Rolls, "Date'Viah es,�. -:66kio . 8 _7 0 Hours: 7 of tfro number' ioW �rd -Aghew '.:'o toy, Hinc�idiie;' Wi T ­ts' 7, ,a breeze spi North: TA �Wm�ln LT 'Cookies, n �P. ut eirits' aisin ies,, Raspberry.. Phone �86: -L �-i To are eir. -ug oc Detidit,�,an kargAr6t- Bhtto contri� si h4rl, at0r� Paisley, e ey vcK �4 o I t,41id., no -re -was a, ra pid Q i ng,' SP, C-IAL*HOT-X. BUNS_F0 it G06 D- FRIDAY AND�­ EASTER 'YOUR �11` fri nd6 tILIA* week.�: buted, �,§olo, 9 -;a�d 'kr;", a fe*. other.,p a'ces,. i., " Ji-litiIing,: an " and, lateg d 4�' QRD]EkS�, EARL I ­� I I . . .. " . -PHONE'. f. the oral "So-' b!a.rea Ing. g.av ill : I -The trou I .q waq caus0d by b C ' -Llndel -as Sunday. -A et, *wfth- 09' - 'MANS''BAKERY�;- ''HO LLY NacLqo wi VISlP LuVlkifow R ;4iy %,C dwii Ha i d t 1.7be,'1odgq: ha, a plepsaii, e.v.ening also'on IVI a r li W, drf' ill1irs. `A.*,. M. t bot 'in weeh,. Hanove n' lifi� and Eugenia,. V ere s6mo_ '40' or, and'ni_ -r 6.ne� 3 .UC W, uesda" in, D' 0 day eve,ning of this we RIton of st, of Toronto; -6s, a gue : , It' t poles, whtch, citrzied t e line,. _Veb. 'regola' Jitnti y: blkza and later a .r .04 Mrs. W_.k McNAll;. *ho has been It onor. Mri.-Ralst, onjs a p!tst pregi7 '. :Rebekah h f �) ice and down under.'t.e strain c, ' developed, arld,c6otinued uniil near DENTIST confined, to..be dAe past threie,months,' , 4e' t- o4i 6_6 Assembly o'its wind..' It takes time to repair � n Y. n o Tuci"' :'Titer6, w qoit� . . Dr. R L. Trelqav�n, Lucknow I . . reported much ImP?9ved­_--, Ontario, -am that, e The Prop efilng - i.. t" althpnj�h.-ellin- break' -like tha , fid day a, fall of' gti.ow,, ;vChicb� Was lown in'to; 11 . Over, Dieckerl Store. Extraction . .. .1 , , 'n -in-tr in- MuisAedit, Durniin,' u e a , toott the form, of a bai�que t - " :, ,. , eers worked -and. nig wits not turned on unti W ed 6'reat but' it was -light StU4 either by Ps' Will be in, .Dungannon every Thursday.` �Ph gne 53, Ing. - at t e.,.Toionto Gonqr�J'Hospital,- weik"s Vac tion,. in' . , �O-d -O Compa'l;.p,our prices 'before. you buy ,,icsday e�ening. Owing to 'da�fiaiied, -tele�,hon� Ifiles . -rfe h nd didn gertous'ly int6 Nvi, traffle. �,lt bfys6y, hol,vever, iln', 11111a M, b, VA SEETHIS."MARK LLUF PitSt . ItAe -we save,'yoll,. motley, r' )�alke' 0 fttle� inform"htio n -as to the cause V til, ;Wed nesifay,'afternoot�, ':and tberef wwn. Ore._ troubfe or:when be s, litir noving a ou:D.,'- The ice a 'D 0 to Don't fail to. visit Or Store at Ahe.. Spring hAki;dayj- ri paired could W adi -so there w S e It' a nothing Jor s'ee.' biit­'�whit and 6llo'w'ed b li b , vdild Mobt si�orm, y 9 t Every Princess I nond— o sue--ris Car . . . lesi f fully selected by.,.. for its' blm-whititi. -fire Graficl Opebilng7r-T I , NOTIES, : :� - r ... .11 " Householders bad-' a - great - time .lity.night,, punt Fashionable white or grew, Id sqrqn1p make 0� NVRRYBOD Y'S COLUMN 0, Nye —A, Ft'da� and Satur ay,i4ig, ek. Y. I - : . . Ttiesday-'nfc� lit' huniffig, bp file dis'-�: to'' -Hydro at'id. �e ephomi lines,. ��to' b en every. Princess Iti uJimond Buswel. Presbyterian Guild carded oi lamps,and I'candles. -A gag�; ro ererice is m f de CconfiA 0 enm We 'have jiist.'plAced 6` sto6k a At the -meeting Monday evening the Scripture e-iding,was, tak6n by oline lamp or ariterNwa a, uxury. Ev6ry "electric nidfoi� onAbe, i�stenl Ladies? Wool, Silk G Jr. W. 08� CO. 1bdb4 Tc o Broker Siddalli Luckn W SMP1110"t Of W Andlaild- Genuine Pbul,'� '01 fo, -Y I M r. Con e' DonaldhL. Doug is 'WAS still, and those depending (?n e ectric. Aneai refrik9� and NVool; and I 'e'on*sale today' R Si k' -HO& at 43 Dianood lmpow6 oaah: 10177 to end 91 flat mort Cod Li'�er k, .Will. Mu,rdie & Son. b a reaging topic...was: . giv I on, . y. pumps el6etric tors became more and � ffipre',Anxious 'as 'Bu "'I t' pair.,., C e �ome '-,aily. Tbe, Walker, ties at 6 and 61/a pet,cent according Lsrs.'. rs. Horace Aitchison. MJ�Siciil -nu' went -by. 'the hours t prompt y: S tore. 7 to. security offered Alsb,�:smalll Albert Struthers, .,bers. we�e duets �by Miss, MAry, Ait-' at 7= Wednesday' lighta,.bgIve on aniounts on seeond_M�ktg ges 0 n, ��Voi ona and' n Patte s ter W at r'on. and John -.bar :FTe ohison and - Mrs. Douglas and DoVald . . . _ brighter 'and better, than.-eVer - ors. w ire again, and­llfi� 6%d, in- oh- I d- ' S) - NGSID-t- LA 07 -,VM0 I.E. M&UP. properties naltes. -,,-A few godlartilp, tor�4ale this* Juryinen, Et he Sprifig Xss'i' Graht'-and Rd_wfif Sibith, &D'd: A ang, so! b o k�.Edith SAiith' r dustry -resuriled "the even eno ozes . . I GUARANTEE. . eir, wa y rs. y T ff t r.- I in ,speny. 'h WALL-` APER-�­A full linef 1928� A Gi is in fuif faiid,�Sllrin&,O�ertink United burclli� This Vy. f4r'the'nio� t seiib us. Al 'd Sunday �N,lt, W fli-am, .W. pe6A nd.,,Proqo&from 8 U p ea �p aim�,alsia for a ik job is .,%�ook-erlq­Thursday, F A A Bu`sWell1,s' , The, e:, meeting this. Nveek Vas III 6f 'the'. break -In the 9'6r�iee since t ho.:system,: ...... was built. .awsol ii, �'nd �Cory.. Tie lie, 4ilf., coii.: T T ST RONG Jeweller u Camerozi Decorator d, dn _.41y at ay in, Satur charke evo nal Depart- tio 0,6 lier-,and ral 4,,,:Luck,- pill, Or' 'ner, -Box 17 Store. '.1041 arid, see* the 6ffbiing�.- inent. I hei'Scripture jes-0n �,Was road'. rgai-fis" 1 e ga, or bL11 over: the store. n: ali*­ t hnsi side 011's �cor or �dal' Luckilow P, ntArioi -7 e MUSKRAT FURS�l am -,-paying visit Alvini. of innieg, Ing in prayer,' Mugic.al nui)ihers'wet6 A' s6lO;by-'Mr.' T. airil :ab- - iri-, store. --OA'Mo -day. eyetting nd:Agii In r 'i a e�' elling of the,, same ee k highest mark raw musk� let, price fop 18 ,.'furs. -A. -Bl itzgtein Phone, Lu("kn6 frien(ls,tliis,i�eei'c.,'Th6y,�iill. W d -as fo Arolneinbere Ent, e r resident :S.'kiiid :,strume lt�,11 '.by -VVJ. son. J e :GIRL GULPE."NOTES.' I . I '. I ( -11's. The' D�vin T., i �fl Lucknow 0 o vi a . : .,. .� � , .. 99 -topic;' '$What Ekliects. I of His - __ . . weis, �Ao Was.,, taken by Rev. �'W.' Tbe:,lo'dal compap . Y'L of S:, . e 11 'v 'Ve're,.5poni eiijoying dane- Ali I xej��f a won(16rNl' "FAMILY. THEATRI E, MA R SALE' 1; pie 'E..- discoibt d th eir reg in �',p, FARM F -tacrd in Ablifiel, For particulars- ve ni-ion Sin oats, 1�arley. Our' treleaven: Whi) gav� q-,. ver Y, 11i, , I ;Iiee ings until, next Sebte bei,'D ur-. . .farm ijohn. t, 7' J,uiek- n ish" R.I. now., -0(29.3-0 o! llt-in aand�, fresh­�bd'kuarahteed to 'be � � piring addros ; . il Ing 't- I' I .1 e. past .1rear: tie., -Guides hae W on;..'.t-he' foll6whig Pioficipncy,,Badg-, Af 11 o1i I, 1 unter of% alt,'spent, e I' I O.� ":tli 'rs. J� c wee irenc .q r MARCH. N WOR allge T% he W.6nder Doxi in 141bCA full' sft6ngth.—,At Me' Drug owSb'eefing - PiI]o;r C.4ton-j,To 1iebd'e'rf6dt- B --a dg' e - 'Guide" Mh r-- -, - - �: ..� . 1. :"WHEN - A- DOG LOVES" A dibrant ArAmA �of, li I f6 And PSULIM FORD CNOR FOW.'SALE lith -6livery, With starter and 1 Store, di�l io the MARKET: HorW M' 0 ch,'Co. 7-7 - , , -, Ma c d;., Cl�S4, Y: "ClA r; it -,d: M 13 'd Ill -h art great og s no e e ba*A: Suitablo.16 r to*n delivery or. Easter' Grecting Cards .- I ." .Gladvs MacDonald, H. Y. And Coined Vqri Dostft' ng r o�y. ..-of-.,',E'a'steli Day Vy pchdin g 00 lli�akor,; Guid C' es A ampron, �Sliei- -Af rs. J. Jj6 NEXT WEEK -p - - � .� E ,i Easip Grcetin�, b ear�. Your -MARR IED AT _D ETROM - -- c6_ .. l;4Jb__,be._ab m to _V�rt Mav McAvoj ifi&. Lloyd" � Ro d Kib Car s at -A'16' I 51' Drug G.Wdes A rob; V. .-S I heriiff;, i1r.4ames A, rri�*01)`,, a W 01 10, Hook*' EW� orm _t )NEY- -1,091" ILucknow, Satuv6y�, 3.T.Arch 24� tore— 0 5q. 2 c. 'Ross X: -Mae enx in;% 4767' At the, Pi4b`�tdrfan n9ei 'Efite'r-taiinr,ps! G uldes I S on. X, S oftison 'has. one to -ORE AF T SPECIAL COMING irms Wo aSully, of lbondy iti bank Ili Ns. The Ond'Mrs. W T.1allough of kvid.,'..Detkoit, Mic. oninionwea t i bi� A en uid - J� MicK ' ii�,'V. Sherriff, A.. FelfasV 6 spb.nd a few Weeks vith Charlie Mufray, and Awrge in. at vigitilig, this .'.'w,'eek th. �Bil and -s. 136n McClure.'Mrs. , , Re, D.'� leffe D D an 'by I�y? I 1. 1. I ' k' anicign;: IoyniA. er Guide' ,D.. Alton. I - ..Sidney LOST THE FRON AliCTION 'SALE' 'L .'I' �7.2 -Mi i�rhd,bas be " ls'eri6usly A 6 oclo6k, Saturday,, 24tilt, (7)aiii eron', M..Vilso� V 'Sher'iff, H,' 'Sprin,d;- -at NOGSP S EE P nil es�x ll.&ngkaz�,' �t'. or we -all 'or, F ;onie- lin, is .; sist6r'' f' Mr N ss,.,- argaret MacKenzie, esla,!Do'nAld- Pire-.briga' dc,_Guid6s�.A 'Sberifff 'J.; Alf I 4fs en.,s, new I RPYLTH y O" W, have atic ton, sa c Lucknb will daughter: of Mr. - and AU+A. D.' A, R, �6i Han' C' anie'roh,' M. Wilson�, V. n C siore., , L ii es". The.,,, Walker' T �th ANDFOXES of h- f4r)n st6ek, Implements,, some, M Xehzi6 ac iilton,. Obtariidj. be 'John M-acKenii' M Id, E,Rl, Mc*q e,,; acDona ot Lis- b nuis e , es. in*. raining an ba-yj d Vib A re orkyAo report't.be serious 'ill. cam t6.,b'r'i'dQ 4 *F. oss; el� - Kim' FLOWERDA:_-E e Ograin spent -a cou tbw6kh.ospitlil,,� P! minehoin st i10 napirnah of M, r. §p�fiieo;�' I rs.4dest.son of Mr, and Mr3.' Rod, 'Ross 'days. last we ok -at_hor.. IM db'the *ork quidd.y. Po'no , i and' in god'�qndi� ence ha's suffered Io�in'. bronchial Loebalsh-.' -The bAd-_,' wbo'lo'ked '5 0 0 Men's�-Sbirt.s,, all -cloar�- I .'F., MAcDoh I Walk off: their' of .10ti g ion an n ivill be sold an ti d ev6i�thil g , P: iiq'� for -'pk ' oie d bi -a year in ., an . IF, .1 i I ell ..blue arming. in..'a -dross of powder .. I . 'siboe .10n8s, 34 'Ing t ea6lr $1_60. -T ARKE' THE' on eilury. ee_j scrvirLg t �Aoll- this; 'A' li, Ad r ;&use a Fi - and li" and d ter 'left inBoyle augh tests''pro le -iliiaency'and Mr. Coligra In has, disposed of id: ti,ouble ipi)ears t6'haVe;eii- c relic, *ith hat' and t rneR-MurAo6h. 6, b r.' Ak6li Cinei-on hAs, .6en:con- for".the W st'. o .'Siturday; after !Oryl e n sakq b.qond i.doubt.... f ' .��Johii Purvis, Auo�- arm tered an actite stage. i s Do wa' assist M .5 S_ ed by'i' Kotlik'� God -for Six wee is -fin6d to tl e hous, I Ow` 0: spending, a fo,�v.weks�w ith, friends' I . *L �: . ( - . : M. hite, now of Torohl to I29 daid, -foRnerly of Haintito"n, wb*l i 'P I E I , . , ST,11 EN$ , - ` ivr. to ilcei teeth. P, - -: spei. 6re.' . , , , - . . ..SAFK,AND,$U iit'�Rsf ek with Mk- Wifn er i.4 yi�w, ior y� 0 f :_ i - ­ : ., " . . . c I keetink �f the ACTION I N The regu ar w QU!OK " t 6, A ai o d Mrs.' It h w Luckndmr, 'mia .t beft, niam and 0 T a. fine baby.boy at lie gtork leff h 11 riday V, id I friend C riitona -,i er 'Lute will b e held at, the bme, o ba fi& Chick". I inmei England l'a-st sth, R n Detrol Ma f and tfie Sam C ,Joe Hodging,. s`dayo. April 5th. mw bealm. ON wwd tbe 6i i* vi� for' 'Some Hatchin E .99S.. has, tak�on& osition s a -1) ill Cbildren` 2 Ging-ham.'an.-,sale.'�' at �io n:,on Friday last''Makch 23. Cpb_ -ratulzitiiins. mrs. �K !Zol) and,'Mr�.' R.'. 11 akin 'frien S Ili -Tient nil, afte�noqn.. *itl d �*q rector, Mrs. Jo. : - " . . . :. 0 Di e, WAIL. T: pie,, ThrillS 'of: Farm Life, by'.. Mrs, Joe ` -heavy'iay S ral fare.. work: in Toronto. a,Plcee§� 0 . gain -p alk.ex-_ I L ' a 'v "ear 11anna. Lundh,,Com., Mrs.� .`Bei A-VORK'CAPSIULES EM n,�extrlt Puri It L e bred to .lay _6 - O HELD 0 S tore. . ..... ;lld of Whitecliurcli, have'. beeif . t report -the,, ill e ss O lianpa; 'Mrs. -.1-Irs. W. W�11, rs. F' ARX - SOU 'by And Barred Adcks.. High -)roducti.oii igree f Orde'r, pe a ma es uset 4nd d U P pay S. to,,.'sho,15 -at Tfi�,� Waljier�, ors- 'or a - Ays with,,41er fath ear, ew f f d . . . , 1, �- B it, -o n L. Av call . Thompson. Roll answered" b vj- .-and �get them when ' o no, y thel ators, brooders an Also'incub your Senti tie' �oii don't got I OP th . I- w6ek 'blarrib the, Storm Store.. - r Thit! regular 'meeti�g of:A6 Wom TJ?.' and -L,Mrs'.' er-. -on '�lay'�. .at t1le, home' of d poultry. hint S�.-Evbty pdy . I. . ., . ,, . .:. A.. E.MCKIA ome m:.. B ustoti Mir .-.supp ies.-. -I -ba� It' pot.; -ine. 'the -b the- wi e e ts, . . R. 71: ------ . A� b ift:arrived: e, -aby.-g Th6 I" S t -or- e- L ucknow_*...­__ 'I c# ;4v� you tnoiiey� Phozie -done. n power And. I in -lit 'On �Eugenia W L A , I: . punity Hall on Thursday' after-:' -S'. .is, nursin�,: a very. , IA,� %R61)b raY... Con- Mr and.Mr§�, Alf bitsis Muz 7 or write, drq Eilectric, system, and.,that' service, 'iirely bew siock bf,gl', the lat;: noon, A pril,ftli'! Roll 19 M3�, La, rin a., es .0 a fall on 4iitulgtions. buncan Kennedy. Wbit6cauroh; was, Alt, off Tuesday,'abd Wednesday this' Week, _s 6 a- es qu �l Y. t pattorns. Very.' b 't 'Vt �A M. A. Trole. til . I t �'or Sav'erl.!�,, Subjeft, I�Hiritg oil ar- Laura- Watson, is. ri ng I � I . Bout 06 �place was at a stand i - -: -I - _� . s. fl ihg in eharge of Mks. I'210�41 Tlliss' pro 'Lon— -he '� ]a NEWS, Seed'Grain e' V IU BABY.''CHICKS -sPedihliz,. I . I f colmbi or. sa e Fo L I 1. Miller.' r. ster Vhos. :Barr ott ebgtJ ed with' 9 for on s t of to' ell As nurse IIli Mr. And Mrs. Richard G4rdne r , T,.a e I P ro, d Cle ifted , fol ' W� e in bred -04 % Bar- d ' Ro&s., Our- - 500 brei.des, 0 n Icif nation'llock", price Little., Mr. Frnk I ��b. d d for tke. "Asoli. . ta"l trainin-. wQ will aii der Jn y Toro -1 '7 pe nto th s �woiek.. re . two, ;and. �hree years old, arcAnAt 6 I VD Baby girl' . QP adop 16V cty, fioll.L4A,pply It . I a, i'bson of �Asftfiqld`, - was MISS Laura, h meetin he 21i -The. mont 1Y g of 9P 15th it gave, your;.:seed. grain "prop6rly NOTICE �accoul lig gtrtithers & 4. All �ts' owil witl igr.,ee rXibckeiels krom pe ith...records from 200, to'I112' i6ggs- �'!;fldreiils. Ald�,S46etyl Walkeiton, Onti isitor t i.d few.'days itli -.Mr. V 0. Mrq. Sinj V son Ma)!y MeLco(f 6f o iiei iit the, home, f� 'rd'ale.' W.Mis.­Was be 0 n 1:1ic A�ie�, of Mrs.: John -td-dat� methods..,` gn Gardner. The �lei�ane by u d C�ickj,$18 per bundrdd,,e - xbress paid. n ,or. e� Nrititeisteip must bel paid 6 b 'April '14th,'I t Hi�ggin*, who has beeii: ,,i it, r, i owd at icr rdnbr, cc- mgkd"y�.Ur IM8. crop., the best yety, proli%diej -Mrs. V., T.. Ga' 6 11 A, 8 r6it: CATTLE, � rties with. order, balan' Teirnis,' 10% cc' C 0 D 'We ever We'dn''esday'., . 928,. othetwisb,they !�Iirlei f �or' s'ev'' with. Mr.. Wilson /,i"ods oral �bc Plo*erdale pupied ithe - chair,;. Mrs. Brown .Jr ed in by using seed -free from we6ds. and . ship Zuckilo 0 would reach , +W the 'k-vishink to Secure grasw or 0111117' bi�'put�in.Othcr bands or cc- il & Wlntergt�in. YeAkSi, . and Arth�e. Brookes, llo has go to Ril) oY thosp ays;, as llrgyei. Mrs.. Rob&t. Anilrew. read. I . x1s. inferior kernc 'the fter.being expre sed' hours a 9 0 f6r,".YoUrig 6ttld n 6ver oil.—Struthe'rs I -4-p� been, hitod,..with 'Mr. Henry fe -1 L -'hardly lie oads'; io �ucknow Ve the- Scripture lesson Sco.1 Sunny Crcst'�Farii, . Seaforth, - Opt4 lilig'suliply,�of rub-ning water) ap- ill i. S phone 141511 �(5 N OT ICI C, IH -past Season, left,last woo c or, an wbo were 'pregento ,responded. The, 11 have a modern �eed-cleainbg ma.�, Sthdy Chap erj_ t ' 'prepared; by Miss chi'ie rn.opeiatibn n w and,,' BABY' CHICKS (5 All a�couiits owln�r the updoi no paid by, n a Alta. The Iregillar.moctlinj of 'thetYoung -ATind *,w gliade at 0 Sa Tble.. Walk e bin McDonagh "'-read ss I W im-,0repired tti.clea� all '-kinds !of 'Eva Gardner, - Solog, were,, rendered. Bied-tb-la' Barred Our pens' of y ock#,'-aieJmated to the best that FOR SALE Good clean se ar Appl� to Andr� li;iVely will bc� in.. otber',han (14. for it monqY to Poo le's S ciety, ixill'l be !, beld ne�-t: p 0 u day evening..' The gr ass� sepds-�and, g*ain. Mrs. by Mrs.. John , _,GA0n0;. and., filoneq�,can buy. Or6r now for MAY W N ,4�qn 42, Iticknows collect!6110..9� -,,s, oil the n t ing will be in the, forin' of HOLY ROODe'.*. browbi gaVe"a S, .14. ROBERTSON, nd ii�ie delivery.— incarry �.3. 14�. 2; Phone 31-6n 44.'2 Mo cic PAimenc� wi'th lIa Miss J spent, 1 Lalle. of tali, reading o ip.., The meet- 1!19; pay6r,by Mrs.� w th' PocliTRYWANTED i NOTICIE and' etnersbip tosed Woods RS. leader, Of' lint Air, Culbert a� leader of th6 OP-, 14 ' 'd Cbe. ')ion, 66,we,ek-eil a here, Tol�p: lie 4. , Rdfresbiri6ntg., *ere ... . . I White Legbilrbs �frotit oPr; o w'! S the 1; . ti I 11 L., to -hd -E rreco4§ f6r't 6wish' Helis lining, to the, !)',it j)6rtal Reed Swerf"t'16 'ac�. Townsbip : & ool -�The., � Spent few -days Jwst eeli 'with .. ftibnd S. a. ery d by''the hostess. e Alex.. M�Dbnhgh .,o f Rus F 66clij hich has book' t 10tbill9lily 2& p'er IV.- 6vek of havd, 'been Board Bill will li�e one of th� ihlport� nd iis -;:Mr , E R T- 11 1'. Z E,R ;visiting W culled both spring and fall,-alld ;14:4 226. pe;; �lb.,- bons to 4, lbs, eount, -6nt0ine d therein in ;or aR ound to beJ der in P, d t. to come, before the n '' ' ill 'a Sp t Of 1 Mr.,. J� 'I Y, Cb,,4q, Mebonagh. ed to' males off high prodlicing' 11'en.q. fici per egg.' 0�rders of ovet 2K, 4e. J 5.' hem, 4 to ;i not- 1b' B�'inp-) in '2nd, tars; "', Ti A. AN* a 10 use a S WI also bill 0 tax on babbelors. This, nicethig, Sundiav JTellry� Pietee'.S. ., days� . I m 'Edna Ritchle, �Girac6 Pe .1 e P_ Elmr 1. F R.A. .7; Phone, Dun�rahhOil (82- ndApi -11 '1;6 Zceoll lilaC6 from t1so 2t 1 28. M. 9 or 4ioijid"prove. in,t, ftsting Mic Ifistr M 4.Will ri sy tbesd 81 t- ilio ur-As, home. iind E vii- d 17' oa rved- :A Cal' djqgt A'r &,anion on T the ?low,, .2 Will ily 411 kind. the SbDrc_ V& Gordon MacPberson iss Pe-� h c, rl Cillgimn! spent t e ourge Whers, Trilibilig Te. -ibe � 'BESY,BR,ANDS-',. gAlly. CHICKS Joe Felstoinj Rii.i.1v... �k sVeciAl' meeting Of. of th6, Parainoul& ..and sdo:fou (re"�n'&ke dAy. recenfl�r, Mk. Afiiier:�,Ac kort 'spent Sundy' re, -77--. Bre&to.lay BAffed., Roe nold A -t & 9A 1,11V 'at t e�, !__ r o. t f th - we e oinpa y, on -I nta, a' �;e doer -'P- 's t6dk:'� 'as never G,o�ernfflent cialled, Anhave hels� Jobii V. I 9 rv, A,Oifieldf 'will 11hve oil `auctio sa a dayo' file r d April, 1928- 'O one o'clock P.hl., for, the'llurp6se pear to have, spent the winter in this I and iip' that now ias� The 'work, hlpoilno Of e in W.M. 'Presb, A. ck�it Oil' gat' or' 'To-, 8efore YOU"Get BUSY ranke the: year round, orders p -fburtha .,of our' -)-toAato Obay'and irain 0.11 arm S,tdck Apt-li ftll, 11sted,will be �6� ob11�1iibg-.a guarabtee�froin ev1'cillijy,, dbd pitrong coni,6. W. 9 ond down they are ventuTing.abo . Ut. the An 'S. or nfo*i - hold oil iny, Marc b I .. ronto fill d, Mr& ftair,514 A' rom dilstolllld is 4110 hitY0 , orde�c& in, sticm,, �1s flJo - 'f 'is, Avl pny to Supply sufficieh It to 'f' ' IIAZO . y ifiter (lobi inilyli S.- rt, A dAug With' our. , pring Wo�k 'WeSt! �rolll, its, or several yearg ,Isio.n, Barked Roilis i1firl Legli rlis J P ury warrant the niakin of''6cose, dut" ing it' milk not if W19 bright- q re Jo kilig for try The Walkc"r' yoit -a 0 Of 12. :4f'ter �1) .Giboft—Ift tbe, fowbshlp� (If WL aWabogbo 6b March 23, 1929 to 16& �until Mhy. 18th,' And aedf. he cWqOTy._ 10 A, 'for ibe Nk 'lie com, wftvrabtod� then to consider the t", -of -ceagng, a�er, I "of Ing, for '�Vetybod yi Store, 11afgal n njqi0,(,_.�tdj$es A.*c6infortok AnMrs. 8abluel I . . S On :Mcpregs 6H6rs` We r�.quire ten :ar�n iloction Sala of -119, T. Dated this, 23rd My' March" A filiii 61 bi�ight now S ring p Lulicli Wag:thell setve�d tI e beat - y slu�fay—liy the''townsip, of Khl,o Rob ertson, jet cenC with 0. P. '— The Fortimo -0 'wi. 'I 6th, �& D. 1629 00 q a� ow py ces. Th W .Allter 91sp Detty draba'lli and ri All, osnNnrch*y;,.j 19M'i d Urp AUPIO lhqs�j i.diqh to�, V ipt,11411i ont, wrogetai 1110tt M1114 0116. 0,0160ir P.m ts U04 proWont, otoref "I I _ 71*110il