The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-03-22, Page 8• '.10,./4. *ea NENKS,TAMPE.D. FANCYWORK -- Centres, Runners,; Cushion Card Table', Covers Aprons et Sets, , 6' SPECIAL-Stainp&IFactoryCot— ;on 'Aprons only 2604 , StanitiedtGlass Cloths, at 1 5c.. Brown Linen Centre SpeCiai 25c: • New. Variety of ,DresS: Buc leq and Slides: " he latest in Belts at 25c. 'S. VA RI EtV STORE IAICKNOW, ONTARIO 7 • Spring -Shopping Every shoPp4"isAlelighted to shni in a store -where the ]at est .goods can be sectired at tt. price .which napanS a saving. in.pney, 'We never ask a visitor at our store .to buy; but with . the thought in mind that you ithiaa appreciate a larger and more• ' varied aisortraent of merchandise from whichto, choose, we have . aught very heavy on,our new spring goods. Indeed, THE WALK-. ER.STORE is in better shapethan ever .before as regards to:, • quantity, quality and iow 'Price of its new spring , host. Of. Ne*::'1,E"Tints,. Hroadeloths, Ginghains, Rayons. ,ete, 'Here's. an ,itern of interest. We 'Goy our .silk and 'better :dress -goods in • , dress lengths. No to alike. We ;are: , sore the ladies Will be , . . glad:for this. We have stocked . up heavy on Drapery goods. See ,the ,Diape'ry Dept. in Ready-to:IV:ear room at the rear of the store. -A big assortnient of overdrap es also maslins - netts etc. This is the very reason Why you should -Make ' this big full store your • sliiiiiiing're,--especifilly whe -You--'consider---,liat—our- chani!store baying gives you a lower pride on efery-purchaset, 1C We have a: Fresh Stock Of the Following :Poultry aafl chick .Feed, Now on Hand: WHOLE -CRACKED AND GROUND CORN., ' 'SUPER X LAYING'MASH. • SUNBEAM LAYING MASH. SUPER' X BABY CHICK STARTER .MASH. 8UNi3EAM' BABY CHICK.,...ST.A.RT ER -MASH. ,1114E• 'MICA .CRYSTAL• G'RIT•THE 'FIRST FEED - "FOR THE , •' • • ,,BABY CHICK. ' . , l3ABY CHICK :SCRATCH ' MIXED _GRAINS; ''.ItsT4iEAD OAT 'mEAL. irmSfi ALFALFA MKAL. , • . . BIG 60 BEEF MEAL -FINE AND COARSE': BONE•IVIEAL AND FINE CHARCOAL. . , POULTRYL,AND BABY CHICK rAi•i4cD4. ,FOR THE:PREVENTION OF EXCES-SIVi ,MORT A LI T 'IT X N BABY CHICKS THE FOLLOWING REMEDIES .ARE.,- • HIGHLY. RECOMMENDED: • " •' • ' • DR: HESS'' WHITE 12!IARRHEA/TART4T8'. DR 1IESS' ROUPE CURE.' . • ; Itcyt,At: PURPLE `I2OUPE'. cm3.g. finlayson 01.4 • yet LtICKNO*, ggNIOTEL • -romv.*$xoorNo Acv gisrkm, 14,C0ig§t nto" Death. •ot • geld at Dunanti n A verdict cif' ateklentt;r• sheeting Was returned by the earener's jury -at the. 'incluesf held at' •Dangarinan; Monthly aftezricion late Ilia death Of ;•Virs: Fred !Ritchie, • of on • March 2; The jurors lound7that Was.. "instantly Icippd.,by,, the • s•aecidental diseharge ;of:A glictgun in handa :of filer hu.abandi:•Fredericic; 44ch!1- . • The inquest was help in, the'Wgri,. Mlinial Hall, which Wria:',:crowded, to • capcity owingtotho wide interest •'erO"used' in the tragic hapPening. The: jury was composed of T. G*. foreman;„ John Savage, .Robert Day- idson,:p. E. Anderson, Reed, , !natio Cranston,. kred.*Anderson, Hen- ry lGardner •and Charles, Morionagh. witnesses Were ''-called, who testified as to the ,citeninstances of fatality and .to the rilatiOna..ex- isting between' Mr. and llgrs. Ritchie. 't was. •stated that Mr. Ritchie had borrowed. his father's- shotgun edou- -ple of days prior to 'the tragedy for , - the purpose of shooting ,a bhiek squir- rel Which was visiting' hi- barn and destroying grain In the granary. Mr. Iliteltie • himself stated, ,that, qconting in' from the -barn, " he saw •the„ squirrel in, qaestion,-,*nd'I-got the gun, down from •wIlere it bung in the • woodshed, loaded it and weftinte, the house` to 'Wait for the .squilxel to'inoVe 'toa suitable " position for him to get • a shOtat it. He Watched' from the dining -room Window,.holding the gun on his knee. Suddenly, for some re'a- ion he couldnot explain,"it discharg- ed,the contents striking his wife . who was sitting -nearby -in the heart •and. . killing her instantly.: • . Other witnesses Were Thomas Gun! dry, of Goderich, high constable; and ' Provincial Constable Whiteaide, also- . of doderkh:' Mies Evi. Gardner, who F -had ben•---01n-pioyed--111.--tire ;Ritchie - home; Dr. Burke Balfour, of Luck.: now, the ''''family 'phYsician; 'Williarn Douglas, . Of., LucknOw; .Mrs:. Robert. Andre, 'nirrge; and 'Mrs:. W. T. Gardner, 'mother of miss Gard-. aer; and Reit.. A. W. Brown; p'astor: of 'Zion !United church, to Which:de, • ?eased and her husband belonged.. ASHFIELD • : -NOTES • The W. M. S. �f % this circuit,' in which the women: are much interest - A, :instead • of, hiving one „.meeting •;er month,at one or other. of the. .'21iurehes, decided at the beginning 'f the list winter to divide into three. ,roups- ,and • hold separate ineetings. juring the *inter Period: This has ' ••". men tried •and been found: quite • lucceSs. Last: Thursday for exan-ri', - the Zion group met, at •Mrs. ,Johr. '.:ardner's, twenty ladies being 'urea- - Mt. •••,0a the same afternoon .at Mrs oh Mullin's the ,Hackett green Met, wenty-four 'ladies being present. And at . the same ..time ' -the Blake ;group ,weie'glithered atthe home of Mrs. “Jarites Webster with thirteen er.four, ' -rteen- present Now, it ' speaks good Cor this charge that ne.arly sixty. wo:nen should ,get together for tills-, pUrposa On a 'cold :Winter afternoon, and have :the PrOgranime_ and cultivate the. purpege that : is missionary In Outlook and. tpirit.: Then -the reflectien, of this :interest on eir'.own religious Iife is' bound to. er'oi a salutary' character. Zion Pretty well got bttek to nor- mal last Sunday .rrierning in their: , Church :service. The many Stormy Sundays; so Much siclinbss and Other (incontrollable thing," have kePt. the congregations rather 'small since the New Year came fn.. . . ; . • Blake.. has the morning service next Sunday AsHVIDiaD,, NOT,ES . • doDiBicif .Clecirge, Watsn, tail. of this .town, abolAt 3 P.m:. yesterday Look, his life at his homd,'Ioh Elgin avenue, by slat-hing, ,hti 'throat with 4 razor. He di.ed „almoiti;" instantly, The ,deceased waz ' 'cripple and had not enjoyed gpod,,health during the past winter. 4. Sometitn'e ago' he suffered a fall and • about a:week. ago Sic was stricken 'With .the These things no.doubt • ' affected his mind and caused him to commit the, rash act, . Doctors 'Macklin • and 'Iltinter'• we're tri Oh ed .and Coroner Dr, Hunter aPP'Oaiac.!. an inquest .PaPP"PO,'Al*.'i L. Mr. Watson' was a well-known teai- '. dent pi' this town and liked by all who . 'kriew 'him. He Was in his 53rd year, - being, A son ;of Mrs4 Watson_and:._the... it-William-Watsoi, of . Griderieh." HO" w• as hem „in. this town .,Ancr resided :•;hi 1ifr He was:a tailor by :trade and is, autidied by his mother; M• rs', Watiorit and a btother; •.i`red Watson, with whom be. resided. The ftnieral.- will take. r lace! from „his trite residence on Elgiri aVenue .Tue-ilaY, with intermt0t h Xaitland FOURTH CONr• ...Air.; Sohn . 'MCN'ay:: of • .Seaforth, spent 'the.,week=end a Mi 8 Carne ":` ' Mr,' Ai,. -,Wtsori, was over, front' Detroit for ,a 'few, days' visit at , his home 'here. • Mi,.! 'Angus, MeXay' 'IS lid up at resent. with in attaelt p1eurlsy.4', )41r: 'and,. Mrs,., George White spent an, evening.,•,..recently..at .•Mr:. W4 Mac, Icetr/416',s. , .. • Mrs., Sohn Donald ROSS, .who„• has 'een seijonslYfill lately, Is/ much, irn.;, Pro.ved; we t!re glad, to hear: -fatirieri-liave-alredr ,itarte'd' „the,. maple Sugtar. Making.. 'Mr. and MN Al1iLt Iitighes viq• ited last 'week At, th M..' Webb's. . Anti ch • 1111)5'01MA; •, , Th a haimiaat manis. one who bag reconciled filinself to his habits' and' -decided fo letit gti at that • ,• — . "A hero has one consolation:" Next ,We:ely, the public will ,torget he can get SOrnefSieOP4 . COmPtOt10' , , Obituary: - . • Mr.:James Culbert'. retaiiyed word. *Friday of the' death -of liirfatlier, Mr. James, Culbert, ‘ *hich tool place ,i;ti Bfaeken Hospital, Sisk„,- after a illness. Mr\ Culbert wiwwell and fay- orably'known in Nslifield, having Iiit. .ed at Zion as a young Men, later set- tling at Ciewe. In 1889 he married Margaret., 'Drettney, A X 'Dungannon • who died .in 1897. The six -children of thiS union .are, 'Herbert, Of Estevati; 'Bask, Andrew and Mrs. IC; "A: MeLen- nen, of Bracken, ,Sasiti ',Mrs. Thos. Reed, - 'cf Cadillac, •Sask;. Mrs:: Chas. Grant, whd'ilied at her honie in Mon - obey, Sask.; in '1913; ' and 'James ' of Ashfield. •Later Mr, dtilbort married Vary' Tehipleton,: whO predeceased:, •',iin i.v.teert. years. In 1913. he. went West, homesteading' 16 the Bracken , district, Of 'late +years he. made his • ‘lo,..e' with-.--hiff-dang literT"Mrs Mac- ,..eririan., ,. visiting` his relatives here . dcasionally, ,rhe funeral Was on Wed- . nesday afternoi5ti, Setidee: being held the Anglican , Chtireh DungatMen, Rev. W. Perry; Rector', .cooducted the ".serlice at the church, and the Orange Order at the grave. To the bereattecl family; and brOthers and eters ltir I . extend the 'apt pathY ex, tne, COMintin,. „ , ; #e• TH1109)1414. NikitCH r, • HqI,Y4Q00, . ' '••• • . ; 4 '*t,• and Mri, Will Brown and twe MiSeel Qe#Vtule and Siiiina • ..Brown ofLangside, • ,spent Blinday with .111r.. and Mra.: jOhn Itebh.• ' • 'Mr.: Teter Valad retuned to hie hente after. ,41')ericrilLV the 'past...tree:..Weelte „71th:kia- son, JipTies e .••• • Neil MdKueriWlf i;dreenock. called on Mr., and.`Mrk.,Thrties Varad, Tuday:' Mr: ,Meitiill'aoh:• •has: the. #i0tCY: or Formosa Fire'.Insdranee 7Co. • ':'", ' • Mr".-' and Mrs 'Fred Jolinsten ,Snaent•,, Sunday • with the ?: •fOrmeres' ••• sister,, Vfferwlqq:rd.4:jyriii:,;:vie:v•sithi19•4hanisslii4ipti.nrieCatit), e-M11.dri..7garical Mrs. Daniel Cassidy. " • 'e •'gr., Edt''' James is busy cuttingwpodwithhissawinir machine. • •. 'Eddie:40d Clifford. were real ap,ort:s,•, Mondal!zi'aV.erdrig: • TWo.:•ia..'•corripaitY, .three is A crowd, five in a buggy. Should not be alloved.; Mrs. Itelat. Button visited with Mrs ..AlmereAckerty Tuesday .afternoon. Messrs. Dick:Elliott and Will Eadie ”were,'in Toronto over the • week -end on business. • ' • ' • MiSs• Lizzie ;Purvis Mr." Charlie Thompson of TeeMvater, _ , cently. Mr...Thompsany'pe4,are seY1rY to repOrt, is net inipreving. • • • • The BethabY W.M.S.- h theh monthly meeting at the 'home' of Mrs.. Wm. Thompson on ' Thui•-.Sday, March. I:5th. '• The president, Mri;• Walter Hodgins. • presiding: The •rneeting, opened by • sin -ging 1-Ifyron 3$4. The. ApostIes' Creed Ntas 'then • faaa in unison;.' after •.whicli the president load ,in prayer.' ; The l)e- iotionar Leaflet" on Enthusiastic CO-.• workers :with God was read" by Daisy Aylee • • 1-IVron 'No '-'13 wa then 'sung. Chapter '.-he new study book was given; oY 'Mrs., Earl, Iladgins, Mrs, George Bell and Mrs: Jas._Wraith—This was.:iallowect by a selection bh; the'., phonograoh "In :the. Garden." Mrs: • Win; Thompson: rtheir.gave... a; reading On ,`,!The Great 'Commission:. F'reyer,.. • reatiiie.” The. meeting cloF.01],by singin 4hymn ne.• 511' and: a. short prayer hy.the • dent.At th6'' close' of'. ;he meeting'. was served by the hostcss. MAPEKkG.--• , '..Miss Grace Blake was home:over , • .the Week -end. ., Mr. Jar' -es Culbert i'MrerhaSed a new gasoline ,eriginefOr his hay preis and, is nio_w_r_eacly again. • Mr. Herb ,Culbert, Who accompan- ied :the rainaips of:his father, the late_ Mr. Jgg. tulbert',...Neme from Brack- en, Sask.; ismaking' a: brief • visit ' 147••••••-,•—••••• . ...•• '11ts Mae i4101;traan ViSiod j feW days Iast week with ber sister, ,Mrs.• prieham; at Westfield. , Mr. iGeerge Kennedy , saw. fear deer last Week., net far ,from the harn. aIr . Joe 'Plidlaw. ' Pdj,ss Annie' Laidlaw'visited. ep •SalidaynAv4 Mr and Alia. A. canierion• itt Belfast.. • Miss ,Audrey '11ecleins Visited'Iast v• elcWrih her sister, Mrs. Charlie Gillespie; -• • ." , Mina. Davia. Xprrier. is; Visiting With., her -daaghte6;,..Mra. -jcihn•*ItesS who is seriously IP. 11er many .friends beitt her a Speedir, recovery. - Mrs. Witi.:.Beecroft has retuined. front...n, three months' vial.t- with: .her. eqio r'l'ilit 17. John;.":., of Tulsn,. Friends and: relatives froni DeL • 4-o!t.;• Toronto, IngersQll and: Goil;.! "erich were here ; attendin% the 'Frar 'Of the late ,'Mrs. 'Pollock. The f funeral of 'Airs. (Rev.) .1,40 whose sadden. death . se shocked the.. community, was, on Thursday afternoon of last week •lo Wingham Cemetery. A funeral Sep.' :ice Watt hold in the preshiterian Church; whieh was, filled'jto: capacity '?Y.•:,sorroWing friends of the bereaved' family. The service' was P,onclitpted by the Rey.' Dr. Perrie ',of ,Wingliam, assiste(l. by the Rey.. C. II. MacDonald of Ludo -low. The late 'Mrs Pollock was•liorn at Ayr; Ont., 5?• years ago. Besides herThusband 'and one daugh- ter :he leaves to mourn tWo brothers And one sister: •Mrs. •Shenty of New York; . of .East, Rochester,. and Williath Of Toronto. :'• All three at- tendud the funeral.. BELFAST Dr. and Mrs.,.Lane Treleaven of Lticknow, visited with Mr. and Mrs. •Ilarry Hackett on Thursday last ,Mr. and Mrs.' sarmieLi Alton and • Jaelt visited-wit,11_4WX:.7=a10-d-311,..1- ChaS.: Alton,' of. Dungannon,- one 'day cpeently. • . Mr., and MrS,•George Hunter. of iriSiteill''With Mr.. and ,Mrs, 11. :Hackett on Monday. , We are :sorry' to •;report that Mr. :.•Cieorg-e Henry is Very ill at. the ii---"ome SiStOr,c1VIrS..JOhll: Bitytlek,1 Of .11'ungannon., • Mr. and W.T.1,...Tas..•Alinn, of Luck, new, Visited with Mr. and .Mit. Sam.. 'Alton, one day Lizzie Purvis,. ofTWhitichtirch •is assisting. Mrs. Albert Cameron for • . :A few weeks. , • , Miss MarY. Vint has it:Warned hen'te after sliendirig .a few days with friends at, Belgra•ve. • • We' ,are glad to report 'that. Mr, Elmer Alton, • who had the .misfortune to break': his leg'.',iiiine4time .age, is with nhis brotlferJ•a.rnes, arid other improving ,relatives. in Ashfield and Draignannen. Mr.., *Culbert .vyeet; West • twer4ty7seyen ea s ago,fthis being 'his first .visit home Mrs Bert Finnigan spent part' of last, week ,with her ..sister, Mit:. Jas. Culbert-. • • ' : The Monthly' Meeting- of the Blake W M S. ,m.et Tlinrsday at the home 9f ,Mrs. las, Webster.,,Qwing to the thump epidemic the attendance' wai. not .:sd large;sS ip Febroai7 but;was: lull of interest and enthirsiasm. The Easter. Thankoffeling. Meeting will ,`?e held it. Haeltetes Church • Geed Friday eVening. •This will 4rai1Y of the three arpoliitinents as •also the regular Aptihneetint to be held at the Hackett's::•appointment, Thurse day, April 19th:„ 'full attendance is hoped for: •( •• • We regret thaf. Mr: John Blake is. . . net regaining str,erigth'veryfaet. We. , hope the warm „Weather will have beneficial resulta:. • ST; *HELENS •. Messis.,Charlie and- i Hallam of Auburn, wore visitors one .day re- cently' with Mr, and Mrs. Grant -and • • . • • • other:friends. : • ' Mr. and Mrs.. W, C. Web't) are vi . ;tors' With their seri, MeKenzie and * pleasant '‘,•evenine,- Wtis spent by, the members Of the Y.P.B.C, on Mon dayevening at a*St,• Sotial. The next week -night meeting' will •take the form of. iu mock narliainent. ,The regular meeting wilt" tee held net Sunday evening. • , There Was, a .good atteridence at the meeting: of •the,W.M,S., held at MrS. W. I.**Miller'S lest WedneadaY, Mins. Webb, Who had 'Charge of the subject, 4,Gleanings from the Annual ROPert-," presided., The -:Prrigrani for ' the 1W6-rld, Da'Y of Prayer waS .dar- 'ried out. /t was decided to have the • 'ester Thankofferingi fill; Which en- velores •were distributed. lieferist'friends are grad to know tartd oW ilhe, on of Mt nd Mrs Ja phun , who ha beeri trriouqly ill in. the Wingham Respite!, following an. operation fp)! Mastoid, has token ,a 'change for the better, " The, 8chaciI in 8,8. Nu, ,3 is'ainsed these day' owing' to fl;k1 fart that the: toaiber, McKinney, is sick with the eold, „ , • FLOWERDALE •lowerdale members or South Kin - 'leis 'Church' are pleasedto know lhat. (Rey .) James is.;improving After' Ma meDriaAllcitt's l isso; her,.long serious. lilness.. ; . Mrs: Duncan Graham and son, Ar- chie spent Sundayafternoon-at 'B. •DotIglas 10using -at. thehome of Allan McLay in Bip- lv Everynno-iS=Snity- to know of the serious illness, of three Old residents • FlOwerdele; tn MeMurchy, San- d Y McMureby ahd their piste's 1V/rs; Cameron,. ,all of Ripley. -Overseer' MelVin-C011inglias a gang •••f. :inefi- working on the l'eth 'Making the. ,road to Ripley paftable..,, • , • Mr.- Jacklin,; the •"Rawleigh'.' man' passed :through FloWerdale on his -03rback to Brussels` last Wednesday. Mrs.' 'John 'Thernpaini, was at home to t Om.e of her frietids last Thursday.° ./ Mr. ana Mrs. D. S. MacDonald,' of 'Lucknow;. Spent an afternoon at. 1,, 'ilealyer's the Arst, of the week„, ,n• • • LAD KILLED AT DASIIWOOD-:- . The•following story.,of a fatal dent is given as ,illustrating the den-. 'Tors to which boys and girl -3 ,expose ..,hernsitivel when hanging'tto auto-, •-ebiiee and horse-drawn .vehicles. 'Chop never know ; glee what •the driv7, •2r ty:',the team is going- to do, • ; Dashwo,od, March*11.-Edgat• Rad,. eleVen years' old, was, tamest in • killed at 5 o'clock ,this after - 'then, when was :' -crushed betwece a ,teldnlioneopole •and an autchnobile ziriven by Elmer- Zimmer. tvienty mars old, of•this place. The fatality an-' AS a sequel to• a .youthful prank in which ,young Rader wee a -partici- Whorl Zimmer. attempted to driVe away in his earn till little md, With a miniber of ether children,' caught onn keep it froni7moving 'forward tnithe icy read', The dtiVer thee .threw the cdt into reverse zd backed it for smite distance, The boy and 'Addison Mason, a playmate, hung on to the ear. The latter Juiriped a moment '.'befere. the car crashed , ihtes, the: liOlei but yOung Ra(ier, Vibe Was hangingto the rear tire, was crushed to deeth almost insteatly. • >CREWE RobinsonMrs. Wrn. spent. a ,fevt. days recently with her daughter, Mrs. John terH;v8;reRathYela.:Ogn:idetrsi,nonfig4h, parents dpIliCitii Ches- ter Belgravet during , the •week . ; ' Miss 'Evelyn Little of Lanes; spent Saturday with Free& ,Me.Qtioid, n7r,r; •uainiodr:IVI,rs, Wilfred . Drennan 'ad . a ,Lorraine StrildaY .friends at Mr. -Clifford, Crozier, - Colin ' arid Miss Prances Spent Sunday with grandlutrOti- atDentlYbraoke• Mr. aict hfirat• 40Y.:1Fai?e, and.:414 spentSwiday. evening.* Wm. Has, tin:roieeraieer:tol,ninvvii: Mr. Wilfred•'-Drentian", and -Bei( , . • • . number from •here attended the 'llazttar and Concert in Dungannon en Friday " • • •• • • A DRUNK THAT CAME RIOEIt At •a dance held atIBervie on Jan- uary 18, last, a tOurde of :fel/ma in- dulged ton freely in the; cup. whir:S. -beers, aknd later makes' a fool of the incialgere-4.The police • gotthe two at Bervie, kilid while one settled with . justice • iaght aWay,. the cther,, Wil- bert•Sheane. decided to'fight the -case and succeeded n evading trial untll Mar h 7th, when he appeared before Magistrate Walker .itt Kincardine.. Sheane had three- witnesse$ and it lawyer to defend him, but it was Of no avaiL Magistrate Vi alker said that he:believed' very little' of .• what was said by the defende,:and he. poased a fine of___$25 and costs,amount- In\ in all to :$40.25:--a pretty high price to pay for being' ".soused", 0-0----- 11 ere drici There Werk„en the Boya/ York, , new hotel bt...• the Canadian: Pacific Ball- ;A:ay• „Toronio. day\s„abead • iind there now .every pr• obability Unit it will .be Completedby Mayl, .: t ,,;e1;;I r..1dkb —ir rt It awlil 1 tower e • . tim tallest . bu,.1 cane: In the: :British' .; • ' Empire. „ • Alke•ten has been appointed'' fzerieral" ma:4;0r of -hotela',and bun- ;tate* ,:oarn0 east' or Fort , operatett:- b the Citaadiaa 'Puffin •h iy iitd 11 F. , ..ral ry,rift4er of hotels and bunga4 :•,;(r.';•ce.:aps from Fort Willfam to the • '• a MiCiatinen tawere:7 toteat on., the death of .c: .E.* E. • Lre.:411.ei•:',."Lite general.- pasSenger • iiiitifp;e1"' of the i•ailWay • . • . . • - • „ JJ..yeat-old -Danigh boy. W1O, Is traxelling roiled , the days, passed •thrdtigh. Montreal and the east ot Canada re- cently.: on lila . way to Vancouver, whence' lie will sail by Canadian :Pacific ,A11,Ited roiite to Yokoharna. ,The exploit Is In 'conunentination or • •the hunch edth antil;Versary of the ,‘ birth, of 'Jules Verne, whose book', "Round the WOrld In 80 Days' t has always been a favorite. with, boys.' , Fort • capaelty • at •-.Forr. t911,:,m willprobably:- total' 109:000,000 Husbels by 1'J0. Present Storage capalty of the twin citiesis Tecordt41.• 74,5.40,90C...hushels.=•and •betweeu ' ..9 000.000 and .10,000.0,00. .bnshela *III be added before the ,. _I.:92S _crap is garnered. Ezpanslon in lbe• following two )oars Will take • • 20,,Gq000.0, bushels, One of the . larnest terminal building projects • either' In the:' history et the lake, , letuf boas or ,ant Of the- other ceiti-: Iret 61 the continent., ' • . „ e tri.nnipti:—So 'many , applications !lave, been-i•receivedfiont--;farmeren•In": Manitoba:to engage the...serViees of- yOutbi who are belie& sent out front Great Bri)ain 'under -the -Bey'. , •gration -seheme, that the, ProviaCial" Goverainint has requested the au- ..thOritiet to increase the number frelia •50.to .I00. Hon. Albert Preforitaine,:- 'Minister of Agriculture, 'stated that 175 •farmera have filed applications for boy help. It It:IA:expected that the .. first • batch, .of youthful •Iminitrants • w,111 reach' alanitoba•.late,in March. Subsigritial redectintas Inexpress ..,''ehargeti.on ;packages', up to .45 lbs, ;In weighroriginatIng•le Europe and with,Cantran destination have. been ; 'announced by the Canitcllen*PacifIc - and Oatildlaif •National.: .Express dorapartlow. Thoie cuts 'ran as high ss \ $1.7and for th ,purpose ,of the 'change Carnid1)-has been• divided' info, three. zques.,M•frithne PtOirineels• and Otiebect Ontario; and :Prairie .1-"coi9 ,vinces ac1flrtrh Colurnbitc.: With•i , in these ,,A0tici Charges are the saint) no. innfter. ;hew widely' separated • pointa Within them •may- be. • . ' Wetesk'n•lti.-Wetasitttvla. district . has the glstinction of bein,T the borne, •of a SitZttLforn.cow which fields the record for•all•Catiada In the 'Prothic- tipn Milk And butterfat awa throe- ' year-old. She is owned by I, 0. . Harvey !Jr! northwestern' aert.of • the eityvend a letter from Ottawa" ad v Wet that the, J) 1011 net len of this; tow .has ni':ver been' eatifillthl In Cnn-. adh• ciblitY:14.N.T.4-411099--p),th.tuted- 11,q04 lbs, of milk- .and 509, lbs. Of: tillttet tat 131 Q 1o'41 (xtending' i -over , 305 days. Mie -is now Ondergebig' . her test as ti ttierLyear-eld and •Is ,avernsIng'Abotit 58 lbs. of tniik gay.. . • ..,••••••••••:sernoel." Ho4se. robilAst44,inaPenive ROGi yoUr house' or cottage ' with Rib.rtoll.' Ifelideome to look at. .increases value of , ;property lasting lects deanrainwater banishes, leaks...ideal for houses, bares, sheds, warehousee, schools, churches, public buildings. Give sizeotrcetto; • free estimate: Write- , ',Eastern iteelfrod L ., ... . . mif*, . - PRESTON, ONT. ; ,Su&essoi to ',,- •• igeta:11811.hifsluttplingUO! 4 044 AUCIIONF' ASARII4E-.1,01NDYsALUABLE.'. Situate in the Township of Ashfield •• in the County of Huron.. Pursuant to 'tha powers of sale con - tabled in, tWo ;certain 7. mortgage's, whit:h, will be produced ,a-e•the,.tithe of sale; there will ,e offered for sale at public auction by.,JOlia, Portia, Auc- tioneer, at the Cain House in the ilIi age' of LucknoW, on Saturday, the ' •ifst•day of 1Marela, A.D. 1928, at two o'clock in the'afternoon, the following parcels of land,•namelY: • PARCEL NO. 1. The south half of the south half ef,lat.nunther twelve . in, 'the twelfth concession,, eastern di- vision, cif' the township ,of Ashfield,' containing fifty'af„res Of land •mtire.or PARCEL NO. 2. The nelth half ,Rf the setalt•half c; let number'twelye nu the .tWelftli 'concession, eastern di- • vision, • of the township of Ashfield, eoptaining fifty:area of land more or, • Theee parcels are situate On a good, gravel toad tborit• three, miles from the. :Village of Lucknovr, two :miles from' a school and two: miles from a rThurch. • • ' '1a-franie . dwelling .24' ft: by:36. ft. and a small• - . frame stable, a small' orchard •and a- bout five acres of bush thnbered with • ' ..heech, •-maple and cedar.- Th S.iI;s a:good clay loan, 'and the laild is in a. good. state of cultivation. , ' Pardet No, all in giaSs and is ' an •6.1;i4,11,int pasture' „ TERMS OF SALE: Th' pronertieS7 - el -eve described will bp .put up in see,, arate parcels Stila4eq to a •reserve bit!. 1,6 f,er ;rccitof, the ,riurcliake Avill bepa,id to 1h Vendors' solicitor On the day -of Sale and' the' balaxi^"h • ihirtV: a:flys thereafter. Thi!' , mit chase," rnay/'eave posqev•ten,iirine-,,' the'dtav of Sale: ..• '•: • sCirltell jr-t1:;2 R a . day or-,ray..be had on apnli- Pa'u-n 1i the undersigred. - ' • , at er:l. :Yhe seVentli „daY of 'March,: , AD. , • '- • ' * • 11. ItANST,C1- ' Wiriorliatn, Ontario. .1Selicitor for. YendoA.,, R • EXECUTOR'S SALEOF •. • In , ..heYVAiilliat•rgAel370LfELPtici'lli°11PowE.41. 'rhe ..undai‘ligtod exedittor" of. the• • estate: of Anna AI. Murray. deceased, • • • Offr for sail bV, public auction , Li=:cr(iigiV'in-Ilie :county. of Bruce, .by atd• ital °,11;:hoei:403:1,11011.s: 'ng ipec tao n4iMein t:lail:er 2c 11 I. it:. il.p'1'0:A8go.a. ee,r1.3tD:-.:' '- 1928; at 2,30 o'clock .in the:afternoon ' nmieJy'•• ' ", • - . The „easterly -A -al iii -Width by the filni71111(e :.tl,,or:t11, in:r: ritimber 234 -in vtllarye of 'LucknoW in the County •of . • On 'this, pronertk is situate a' stone' • building two s,torios • hig,t.i with base- -Merit underneath, 3134t, by 50 ft..'Phe ground floor is occupied as - a store :and the r4cond 'floor is a five -room '• divelling arartment •with slectric lif,r,ht ?rid Modera•-eonYeniene-- 'fTirnannedc.Q.Thbelil•jeliisngalsiso. .:111tPacettidenl)ty ada-, dition.at the rear,22ift.' by .33 ft: one,' • or,' and basement. • , The nrernisdA 'are all • ingood" re•-• 'ynir and are sitnate .in a good busi- n^so tor'ation .street, in the Village of Llicknowi, ..Offers an • 1,teel1ent priportunity, 6)1 ariY ,seek - Hie profitable investment.. • •'• "-The property it hen* sold' for the •iiinc,de r.rotT‘,nred ofi.vintlin,' p.0 theestate of .; f:. • I'V,RMS: OF SALIil: Ten per. cent, • of the prirehase:PioneY on the day of . ,mleand the ..balane,e, within tays thpreafter.' ,The -property tvill• '00 rifYered'sublect to a r.-,9serve bid. .Further partipill'ais and conditions -5e1n will be made ,known .on . the 15i1;iiirllar,Y,T,iirblaie. hid4 on4P.P117 k.911.11) the i2th „day of March, sp' R, '17. NSTO'' , Vendor's Solieiter. Trtr.; '1011P ANY' 1 IMITED Toronto; On - ) • Controversies Are niaterfal pr lion of the va.ste in binilness, partid- ',daily Whop they refer to inconse- quentiel isUbjepts. " SMAI,T, FOB TtrE JOB " • ( nthr,rin the,. sin elered-'beywria---havin-Atrouble'riF "nwttine• aWay . with the largemelon, he waif 'trying 'to eat) --"Too iucTi Melon, isn't it IlaStitS?”'" • 'Sulail Colored noy..-•=1tN4)•su-boSS, -• "lot. enough —0 e Thero aro 'knell who believe they Rro hon6st.' and yet prat:tide a small flio.,reut of difihonest undeit the be.' 1161" that it In 1114eVidneSat o.00. 044,041:0444.44,.. 41.