The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-03-22, Page 3• • • ,,miod.oppipmpai 1' P orPoises May Aid Scientiiti. To. Eradicate Caisson Illness • flatteras N C, The attnlY of Whales., and:porpoiges %may,' aid in the atilution qt canteen. Sickness,bane of • the deep-sea diver, and other: haltara Oilments„. ,; , • • . kt was With Buchan objec1n'vie*, •• that a• group•OU•scientists. Of • the de;. .,-dePartMent Of' ehattitnY • •orif :the. •Jellna opUi •Medicitl ,Schoot". and 'Bre '•• RemingtOn: Icellogg,•,- 7 Pt' thP TinIt04' •• Statea. $ti,tvey, and :A.. Brk. ' "Apr Inlowell,• of the, Smithsonian Insti=" tption, .mannimloglat Of the natienal ' roneeum,•, visited' Cape 'Hatteras ' centlY to ,eoUdtict, •a series of expert. ...mente • • • ' The l'scientists 'took ''1.)fiek to :their , • loberototries apeclieens. of all af' the Stfgana .0C,the Porpoise'body, Includ- ing six braina:' • Contrary to what,' sure .ef spine' fluid and Ate mchin rilightobe:eXpected',, the porpoise brain: isa47`or,hrefithing,,%as wet' as the great, . .10..:descrihed by . who:, is changee in the? mpaele, •sYstein,as corn; Corresponding 'Secretary of the Amer!, Pared to,•the tyPieel land. can 'SoCietY • Mamna1ogIsts, as sOf "pheneunettallY developed!' ttad "of an exceedingly. ,high type." , • ' '"IVIeny of:the pi-Ohlente iniolied the dtudy ef-,porpoises." he eiplained •'Aire „ distinetly 'applicable, to•••huinan actiVities.; .1f, it, cealdbe atibetteined, how prpnistes end whales'. inhttag,eto . :eurvive at 'thedepths to whiCh hEy go, muchpobajiiy :weeld be 'learned' regard.4i; celeaon siCkness;* And of practical interest is the :44.eitiOnor the, cerben „diotide •gifeh off.by body; through the Innis,' dtiring Pro: Icinged suhinergence.'s Of no lesalre, terest are the .phyaigal adJoetinenth to the ,denser aquetie environinent,whioli• wholes (dnce' lend ordinals). grave inade,ln•volving bloqd preseure, • yea:•.: "ff,4••••77, If • . Where •:Crowds Are 'Crcrt44s • ,-.••• THEY, TAKE THEIR 0:00TBAL,L.,' BERIPUBLY 'AT , A •glinipse of the •Crovei at Clip tie/. 'The peiiceinen 'are 'dealing with'', e opmen near ryson ett the Ottawa •• betWeen. the Arselial . • , Th'a Parie,i'• Company, casu4it..1" 4.1nring thegreat match Water Power C • b ; , ectrk Light Comeau:7 der War On- Ontardes. . , Th6 ' a'ildketnwn added 31:5 has a plant, of , 40,009 hor.S.P9v.‘7,9-F-111-1---iviedviraf ecl*.tajiry of ' he Interior Re- ports•,221,000 HOr6poW:7 , •, ,.. . •Ortlenewee tel . ifs' plazif, at B1eb0 '"In ',Ontario' theoutstandingarlt Brook, 14:1111e the Ason River ..Powet 'of. the year was the 'commencement Company has. ander . Conatruetion 'a •of. Construction bt. the Ontario 1-1ydree' *Second' hydro-Cleetrie s piantet. AVeli, • ,Eleettlet-Poweirt•Corntrdisiebrtirtr-RiVers loetis Of. 4;30.0 horsepower. • -. • . , , •,••. ,.... . ., ,,,,,,...,..I.„„_• 220,000 -Volt 'tranemissien fine to .carry •• ,......... . ,, - .• . • - • .. . • Tott.i.. Now is "4,-,tioNuu the.26.0 000 hereepower' which the. cord; ' : , Pritiab• Clarnhia Enterprises .' ... .Tho annual stat6moot„.. -0mi'ar'1,e,a,tn. srx„a Gatinedu PowerCo .istilha ' has contracted' to -take, from ., .cellohna.bRi;t.txei6,11,0;(..1:teltR4ttnibli14%,y,t1.1cepti.rpiatinsliz... •..' inpany: ,. ^'Ste.Wart,. 'Minister of _the, Interlo, Canada, voih, regard t� tii;.,00vIliotti Wel . laStalletinris during the Year In- ...sensonirPec loiers d, ;t.:thoele,..P:O.Lnicter7tpiotii,, ;atii11•21,t5litve eitided twe plants:: at . StUrgecin-P4 alla •- . : ment and use of :water .0biver in, the,. - and"SOOSe Lake on the Sono Rive,r; hors.epewer, Plent. on Vain.eouver 1.- Domlnion.,, inilicates. that the great i or. the .Ontario naati.smioaasota 'Rowel; pant the cot:limns- 'wished . %forward .,Progrese, made • :during recent. :years:, • , s. . • 'Company With'10,900"IrorsepOweoiie rs'anctl, flut,e b:: i;eaeelli.7S,tto rn.c.c4oii3:."6.ertiatiR of the tinilm,e..17.. detveli gohtinued7;#71927, andthat with Atte ., 1,4 y ,420 horsepower . Capacities. . ., . . -';'11.if1velY. '• A ",thrtker • •plent :•. of '13)200. ,OPtnept. ,. •On the • Bridge • Aty.ir s u4dertfocilig.s now • 41 •pitosEts • ,af •:d '- . ' . i •• . .. . e P , , horeepOWer:at.Celln Leite:en'..the Sagie: through a :tihocuaT.ythe ,14-1.04,F.,riiser ' -11eXt,•feNCT-nyeart.. will witfiese-TOrthet-iiirer. wiii• be, completed earlY .in 192$: ..Poi*e.r: ';(!orelian?extensive 'prepare: 'gs:rwYth.- ';'''' ver.Y.'0136i4nOal. :l'i,r°P°r- I The', dananoque Electric' -Light - encl.! tery Work 'was earned - on • in cennee, . - . , •• ..., •.: . • •watee Stopie.....compoeySadded 1;500) tion :witb a pro)eCt Of '500,009:Iliorse- In: the last year, hydro-ele,Ctric.; POW. 'hot Wei 'to. its ••Kingston "h111181 Power 'ultimate: cePaCitv and -a ' con-, ' s;r:'...6•111iiPiPea.t-wa:S' 10500 rei."1.Y. 65._" 'plant,,•. aad singled- ..installatiens••••ip,; tract WaS. let tor the •.cotistrnetion.. of. ; . , ' operation to 'the extent of More than clUded 325 horsepower bY the towil'of.'''e 'ilinnel leading from Budge Bridge River, .:2214000 horsepower;,' britigihkr the '..total .'§riiitshs pans r•and:' 75.. hareepOwd - hy. to, the. !Power. .;station site on eten ' •Inetallation In 'a.nadi.1 to 4718000., • the:loWn;ef •Streetsville -. • . • ..1.!:Lake.. ... The West.,..._Fa)otenatim• ,' ' "Ainong the... develoinuente ...tinder , arid: ,LIght Company• ,Caeried •ferWard TonStrUotion, ia ':,- tie;!OntariO'."1.1yilre' th'er. conatinCtion- 'of tits ' liew.60,000 .velopnient.' at Alexander ' La: in on ftootena • • River •---••••- • , - • • • ...Woman 8 Visit to.., .... .,1 ct . pawnsho ‘ of :Paris : : :1 ... .• 1 . WlIdS of - Tibet, . Reach". Ripe Age. !f. 10 . .. .. , .. . . . -_,-... ' ' -, ' ...'- ,•'''•:- 2, ' Paris -The '.Batins.- "Mohte ; .. de - One of the renist•remarkable 'sh.00t-, ,Piete," Or 'City paw shop, ,Is 150 .",ing expeditionS..inWhiCii 4Wenian has ;years old, but there wilbe: nobirth. : -Itoken.'..Port ,bos just been, 'safely ac - , day: party. , . :. -:, . •,• , . ,•• ,. 1,;.complished .by tieut,Col,• S. 'C,Ordon. . A. ts,':"OfifciallY; :the 'Credit A:lensi•l'.i I.Johnson; :. lot; of . the, South ":Stairord, : cipal.:,,end ..unofficielly '"Ilify. Aunt.;":' .1.: They have, re.ttirhed ,to, London after : alliiirpeurlinc:nnoefn1t,,,.2aonod:iihi.iii:4.w:Ile.rii.,-1.cg• tii ,. . -Itht,h,eitrre4ilvyt66;te.'earni..peca.ann:::a:pionevia.sntthogrnee,..n;oer7r.blidft;:::::::. :miir ir.a,lta1 O,3r.711:iandibbe.i. inn et.i.%oatildbackut4 -aienp4sn-gtet,. In France and ' the 'MIMIC' .loan,'Itt- iiistitutions, are. supervised • by 'the,: 'aecCoiiiirilept:ii!a6dn.c.issbmy.rs•Ssix,Toonh'antsi;iie,.threv.41viietrsif.. authorities . 'o.; ' insure ' hoheat and. of sheen for leod, arid -a herd ,argeats 'efficient adMinistratiOn . •• s.. . ' ' • collateral for; .sloans• itt- only Peri • ,l-i'i transi.ort mert4i110.5Lyak$; atherti: ' Pension "ciaink,s areaccePteiriatt: . ant:el-Ono, at a. height • of 21,000 -feet,' - ,:cent, ,a year; tfut other loan, ''.-are•-.. . •to . •provide niiik,!ledured ;:• a Tibetan at 8. per cent, ',At:: Toulouse and • I 'Col: ,Johnabnt Id Daily;‘.1. 1 ' I other •citiee loans are made withporter,' ' • ••• • • • : out interest: .: ' : • • • • ... . .. 'My' Wife .and I.:made' the' .jotirneY, Theonly innovation.. of-. recent . ' ;Athich tAalleti 2,0,00. mileS''frern .Wlien. ...skears • has been t44 acOPI'iii.'eP:. of de .' 'We ft tiashnur on May, 4 till were-. •.aji• i.Prn. b. i!es. '''.1n hq.ek'''' - ' : - .• , , „ .„. , urhe n on overober .4, because vvtere . .....both erithnelas,40,.,shote. ''.. - . ; , .'' '. •• _ • ! • - • •• *to n 1 h I *Ii'.- •J''' i 'cl,' ' d i• • . . , .. soon ; a ...our transport was in:. It took : • , 1 ..„.....„_..__.... , .. . Id Coin Discoveriesl- layerk Tpaday • Recent . Finds in .Britain of Nearly 5,000,009' ;Unman • Those; Made' by Romans . Chattels $till7Re:ma,in.P-4. : ,. • • • . '!t'ei4rieces;:4 '74.filia'IC97f6141t.g4.'6t'R144;414P1C9rill. ill. is;d:e:T.;AtbP1131313:ilti:- .::.( I t:i.t if:: li"Illiy !1' :hee':ItI71.toYe' of .0*reetri:4•iiltilir' b' cl!'irece': ..0::t1:111.4- -;''''' . , 'ntelt:eind:is.';to. er7; h....31th'ffem:07..aBtr:Ttaliirslirdnilit.:rnsttrlded.7:1';q:4L.:Atir iiinsirsott:','?-1,,,4:tv.0''oi!,rea,Itli:illdt180:,,,' ,1_,009fri4Ovreutsryp1),Iio:v1f4'41,khe4,1441.411,:ji:'.2 . . •have d1st1ose4. the at ' that • a -iarge :forme," to use the phrase hmorkireFF - Variety Came :from a huraber or,mintsated. in' 't4a lipYr Slaver,' 'hotitraht1024.7:,•:' in different parte. of:the:British. ;Isles...! It: Is, ,:to ',many, a .itartling 4iscover7. *SC it,f tiffeni,, however, bear ill'•P de" that; tilnetY-fou.eyedrs after,:.140,, paw -....' ' iilittatink- Marls Of tit o 'London Mtht ' In of : the Rritfah, eznaheipation's'e.et, .• • tfiro4a71;,tw:hailyt' Co141134801 tch:inisal'cgl;cf'shttal9trellrn:.;!11.111:...:11talCii.lioft111°Ibtieidratbillnk7(5s4otrt!.9400'1041tIv'. ., - ,... - I, • , :rit in • • . - • - ' ' ..10. 5':090,900 FAA-veer:1Ra" what is . evae , . ,...1.'lloinan, 1-4, g,ider, coin expert -of , mere isurnriSin.g is thet, territoriescue, . ,, Ne York ,YoriC.Whehas •devnted eenshi: ;‘der, Britishitifidenceand :41r•-•amini.• erable 4tudyto. the collie of the Re-,.: plates under British adoilpistration- men,-emperers, cells :attention te.ene,lihould liave been Called ppm" to 'set •• • , . , • , . . •. , • . , . of the :n9gaiiis:17ixiP°114teadllt-•Itiosme?::ri: 6cOsii1191.f...,teedh;t4Q°::.:an-EL-P1.71°Itisl.i;fhteli't'in:tthh.hei.1*iWatatifire'.••• ' Mollie .,ip• 1907 , et, ' Litt' e., Orme :1 --ad..' coMMittee to tho task of ;•sectirliig.:in..!,';'. Now .waies....s . A,bronze veteel was ., thle new $.ear the liberf ey•en,215,,.....,;- uneart ed.there:_teillaining-t...several-7900-liltWeClii703747,7kierya Leone pre.:',' : lidrereTijne of • the .Roma n Preperor.. teeterate,;,: . .• " CaritusluSi and ivit4 It:i.lSo-lvas '6:Und: t .: . • 'What It, la' • a large Pottery jar filled •With. more ; ., than 5,000 Roman middle .;and• ethalt, ,,r4Werliea!4:reclo'01;.dequ''r.41setP•ronn.:1,nbs,:ylit4h01.7ear3ria.1." ; ' ',.. • *zed' bropze Coine of BrItiens eat , teras which iMpInge Uponslay' ' but Geolish mints.: .• ' ' - ' ' I th's ' ' ' . ' .-erY . t' e present .effort Is. primArily dke, et- figareftli ' washing, Of ilkese' coins;” „. Ad against, the three . erode Zforms of ' Said.i.ntr. EJ:der; "left them, in -almost - __.., s e ylav r;-,,Slave_siwiaing,..,_81a-vOrading. . -perfeet Mint-.8tater-81i-Itongh abaut-'---- liorsepower:--±-ln-additfom7- -ma= sdertakings:. :,were adanced te such stage that fiirtlier, total of .373,000 hersepewer. will ..bein plebe anring the 'brat s, er iseven mon 9(0 • • thus .bringing the total by the middle, • of the Yroor , to ' more than 5,100,900: ' horsepower. Tile latter figure is Just • dabble , the. total installation at: the ' end of 1929. The . report goes' nn:j •• "Of :the 'activities. dtiring 1927,- the • „e p her ean us as eep, an Electric Power Commission's de- horsepower. development on the I LtaNr-ng Srinagar r, the Capital of 'the Nipigon •River ;which,. When 'co -.1 • Pra , P./ I noes * • .Z'ogi Pass' (11,500 .feet):,•We..werit• .240, pieted :In, 1988,..'will'haVe an installa-k „ :' ' • , ,;-• .. ' ', .. •roiles Witheut ' Seeing' 'a village, •and: horsepower of: the'. Spruce Falls.' :P°17''''.,nn:Ws,.n:•'• ; 'rielinw..er. ' The. ,56.,.,260,,,,,• ' 41 tik: il.)erta:. the East ,., • cieotenay ,tion:of 54,900 ho am -flied at..Leli, the Chief •Villege 'in the, Colnple led the ceiti. I. tad:A, Range? '.' '': '.,.'....'.' ',. ',,-..'1 •.° ' ; ; ".. • 'Company at Smoky Falls ori!,the !Mat -1 8,traqiq31,...24.....1. -.'.0(:):0'.1C!Tr: 9,4P'PCII*.;. Sentinel, iu the ',.Crews,'',. Lehi'Whith 'Sets • Perhaps ..91-..14):11'0- '61:gaMI'rtiVer.•ares: Well. adianeed, and I, Pr station at Peine• in 'a 'Veer ''•;:i a: Mail t,''' nest district. as an to • • • • the 'International 'Nickel Camparly . between Incite and -Kasninir on the one _ • • k livdro-eleetric• plants 'on the Bell and' ' • ' - •• • •:/lOO t .igtilfrcent tomtit% wag :the In- Canada' is' Commencing the ' • ' ••• • • • • - hand 'and. Chmeslurkestan. on .the s ; • • " • ••• in" British Columbia 'and ' • • ••• ' • • •.'"'" :Orease ••ereetrin. transmiesiOn volt tion of. 2,3,200 .horsePO,vver • on :ta.s' • ' ' other. .• , n. . , . age above tliat, a -the slinbs•ia the -Spanieh River, . , • , • , ., • .. • • , !thirty mile,s'frarn 'Leh iethe:monas-, •• • . • • . , • .• , • . the Calgary •Power •CeMpallY . . . . • . • , . • "In. NeW ErurtSwick the :St". Jolia .GOverninent appointed', a. corniniasion - • - ' • "lit saskitchewan Prcivinclil • • 3' • ' ' i• • • • ' . • • • - • 7 • - festival Which .attracts „people' - • from all over Central Asiii:••Grotesque • River PoWer Company"made . rapid to ..inquife: Into the Tower resources' • • II' • • • • • • • • • • • , • extended :its transmiesion system, ter of Hernia where we attended the .000 -volt class. Which •have been .operr ..,ated throughout the _Dominion for • 'mato? yearic. In this regard . the Shawinigart "Water and Power COm- . 0•-itTin, 'to -2-pmirge , �L Of thesnowfield:, in which.we Moved )69S:than 'half a mile.."7, • -• .‘• 'Pany. Was; the' Pioneer ' itt c onet'ructitt It. , tirogieSs 'on . the -conetruction, Ofite Of -the .Province antia. ierv.actiie'Pro-i and ,• brilltantiolaci,-,,figure,s-wearing ,.._•,_ ..ti!, line at:195;000 ,•,,volte,••135''miles' iii '80,000. ,horsepower 7' development at'.0:grain.' .ol ,investigations :' was 'carried' s peat 'inesks :oi. Mike .black bikts..'dance GrGand...syalls on .the St. John'' River, out • 'i . ••'' ',• - ..... . "•'',. • . ,''.' • ' :''' ' ' '. - the dance Of deathP,•or. the dance ,... the Ne* SratisWick ,•P: OWer.'COtlynis,- I. ' "...la '..,,A.Iant toba -the' •.;;daeitobo' .-PoWer ''61,-;:.k,ismal note music' hIc .e'lia''la,1" ''''?i'. '..i.lie''''e.1:1'•skell • sent -' •.. 1 • shin „made : air extensive investigathin ,CoalPanY...:•Conipieted the ;superstine- Ls°,1 a • - • • ' • •••: ..• • ' of, thefoiiy-intle.: reach : of the ' Bi,ture .or ite • Great.' Palls..plant 'on. the f . thiringthe: festiyal.. you could . 'go to John River : between :WebtlstoCk• and , ,winnipeg .iztiVer." ' end ..', brought. tate see the .Shushnici:wijo, ,inight':be called ' I-iiiwksheW',.Whicir giVetl, s. pr,ortirse• Ofs:•eperiition .Thlit:. 4 of. 28.000:: harSepoWo.i. the ,ArchhishOp.-.'••40.sla snpposeci to be:. 'providing' , a further ..,dseVelopinent Oti,r-Oapacity. ,. A . ProSPective., . der elop-. the re-inearnatten ef.Endid'ha.' When.. „that .. rhrer, of ., 3I1,901:1. :continuous . horse talent of great .' i Mite rta nee tb''..• :the dYinit• the Shashitt ' has • to call • 'the", ' poWer:.''..Similar.„ inVestigittions' Were. northern . par,t;. Or. the".province IS in .lamas, ,the•high..priesta,-"and tell theni •': . . .. . . ,. . . . • length, ..,throtigh; practIncally.uhinhabit- • ed, territory,., to- ;carry* .1aq,qati hcirori.. power frOin'the.LISIe Malfgne_develop-• .. rnent my the Saguenay Riv•er to!,Que- • "bee 'City ...owl '''vloinity. Constrnetion ..Ok"..another Stine . Of atillg reoter 'N,Yolt; • 'age was :hegunduring the year by . the ' , Ontarie..HYdro-Electria Po•arer. Com, - Mission .tO.transinit Poy.rer ,niOre, than 200'i:idles .from'- the "Gatinean ' River in ,ia. Os •on• the same riveecjiy ,t,k0 . at. .i,"hiv.f. at whit'ennicr .taiiS On the Set: where to --find '.the neWIY ''hOtil•• infant ,:, • ri, ..k. - • - • ..__, - • - .Iolin: River I PovVer ''coMparry', and 'on :San .itiver vvhere, au 'inat IlatiO ' .. f •WhOrn he know; on the inspiration 'cif •-:.0 QUebee ,t6. • t40 Or. etc T01'91140.. ands1. '',....:•the• coinntissiOn's ' Niagara A 0.Yittem...the giPisignit :H.River the... 'Bathurst. 'from .8.0;07 'to; 40;600 hbiSepoWer is Buddha, must be his alleC:esser!..Wheri . L. , „ .: ,p4'0,.. en.:tiio .Rocks.: • :. Aida, line •,is .08.1gaed. to. carry,,•guire .Corritiany,‘ Carried:oil inveitigatione 'at • :proposed te SerVe power over 'a trans: the'b.aby ii'f01.1,nd,..it 'is: nieeed „in the': ".I..• •do'n't• ,' believe . .:you' have/ grit,. • ' thaii-- ?00,060.- horsepower ;at ' 220,090 the.:.riaugh.:iyaters..- •:431te :near., ..:the Miesien•Liee 174-M11es-ire length to: the mooeSiArY.-:.. •.,'‘ - • .•;•''•,•-'••''.''': :.' ''.' .. etion nit • to: . - , to•girl mouth • . Two. iffial power 'prniects are. Fliii Floe -minIng diltrict'northWest of .: The women . Wear :.head:dresse,s that ::h1Ne al , the •sott needed, '..My hey•-••-7.- also :„under inVestlgotion .04:. the :Bay the 'Pas.' ..., ' • '. : ' . ' ' • • ' • go down ••their ba'ck ';:an,:d -beer ..".tu.r.- l'in :Shy •onthe !reeks," .• '. ' ' • • of,.. Fundy . In New' Brunswick ;• • , .•"NiiiiierotiS un.der tail egs are .'In the ,qheiSea; . . •.' ' • '•',. ••' ' . . , :. ., .•.,, • ;••-, . .,, , .. , ...,.....:.; .., s'. . : . , , • '. 'In Nova' •paotii,. the Nova Scotia initial ''' stage of '',. Construction ...and I Mit. Johnson; -8•11O. tolielit''splendid • .,, *Barrister it • ROW -.County Court PoWer .. •Ceininission.• completed -• ;the others ate. •about ,tO: be -Corinne:iced .specithens' of :turquoises ,for: lees than .fiye you :Married?" East Hain' Wo; . . . •conatruation,,Of , 'the 8,000,:nOrSepOWer which NV4 TesIllt, in an edditien. 'Ill a'. pound ;in rupees Pointed' out that man.; • ,:".I' am .nOt, ;l.n have .ne. desire 't :Sandy ;Lake' deyeiopm• ent 'of its St. h!es.'Dointnion total tif's more ...than,' 2,- these' stones,•,earried on the head-drese ' to keep, a. husband.", • 000,000 horeepetver, Much' of 4illicli;. it Were ,the ..banking,'ecceunts 'or • the .wo- • ••• •., . , , ;.' : . IS expected, .4111'sbe In -Pleee .bistOre Men. ' . ' • : ' -• .......Clahluall-I've'struCk e perfectly the end of 1930. The capital•reeired ' !The. letia-ney . continued gereaa the priceleda..idea: . I've arranged to giro :tot, this.: new._. work %will " Involve. the schang, Chen Mo river to, Tibet . ,' --a Man. $10,900. on •condition that he re•:. •direet iiiVeatilleet* Of • at least .$00:000,- .. Col; JOinihnni esid.:" : ,' . : .. .,.: . . , •Ifeires i•rie.,Of,Liiii. my worries Friend 000,,,' and .matty 'timee f,hi :amount. in ' .".'We ..ehootintered a 'n:Ow-field ' at '•,-Thers fine,: hut Where are ..You ge.• •Plote utilliation 'Or the. LIverpocil rind' ands,dOnlestie and'. ptiblic'ase.: :;..• •• VOlta and •is expected to be la •opera- tiok the- Autuith'ef 1928, ' , • . . . • , ,Ouebeh:Teolc theLead instillations. added during 1927 • the rovince of Quebec took the lead ImainlY due to the, actIvities • •of the 'Gatineau Power 'Company' on ,the Margaret, Bay system. The contra's - Gatineau *.RI'Ver. eon-, 'sten- oleo, earried on, numerone"inves • steuction.wea algO. activen in Ontatio. •tightions" including a• proJe4 of 3,000 in the Maritime 'PreTinee,11, and 40,reeitOwer at IoIre Ainslie. in Cape Manitoba and British' Columbia. Breton,. a tiroPosed• tidal Power. Prej- • :"In QueboO the 'Clatineali -Pco*Sir ect at Amherst Point the iittY ' COmpany completed the cOnstructioil Fund* and iniestIgationa thes con,. • of and: brought.' into Operatton the inatallatiOne or its Chelsea:and ••Ferinere. Rapids ; develailnionte; the first 'of 102;009.horsepower 'capacity and the .Sechnd, 72,000, horsepower. • the onaptvai 41so.: vigorously, earifed‘ , :forward conetrdetion •OfY. a, third. ..tlevelopramit On , the, Gatti:leen Itr•ter att'.irtiganPalls, Where 2.04,90(i, horse- • ' power 4s being. initially Installed,..Fet the. .benefit of these . three • deVelop- Mentsi, :the. Mercier Creating a Very extensly • atorag4 • reservoir of 95,000,0004990 oleo was • conipleted.. and •the reseriroir filled •early in :the Year tinder , the ' direction cif •the 'Quebec Streenis .Ceniralsaien, •.."Ofber. Installations Waded .in atiort Qoebec, duripg the.. year in- • eluded a 2'.,990 .'horiePower tinit•"".at 'Pent Roliga; by the DOnnacetta,Topet • :.Compaily ' and , the campletitni of a . 2,0,00 hersePower 'developnient by *the ' , The largeat proF • ea *under 'ConatrizetiOn:ia Alia 800;000 • horeepOWor developtilent, Or the Aides. ' PoWer).Contpany a'A Chute a boon' ,oir the.:Sagtieney' RiVer, .. -"Other prOJeCts or ektensipits under waY are a 65,000 hcirSepoWfr.d'evelop,s •• ment `by the. •Montreal Island power Ceinpatly on De Prairies Itivernear • •Mbiltreel.; tile:, addition of two • la,00a hersepOWer' te • the Canada •-Quills& River; 'the addition or unit, 11 • . • of 45,000 horsepower • to the 'Duke- • PriceAevelbpinent. on the SaguellAY River, 'and a 36diforsepoWer'planthy the Cie d'Ilhiterprieei Pliblitinea near • till/lore a pferter ; •:"Centratts ;have beet let by the ssklity• 'of SnerbMelca • 'for' a how' der velooment 1;•;sao horsepOWer tt Westbury' Rapid on I the." St. PranCia: -River:-an•I' 'the OttaWa ltiVer Power Company hat. Mt horizeils 'the Addition. * a 25,000 Vorsepower-ellit .the application of power .to industtlY 18,600 feet into which my wife • 1 g to get tile $10,000? almost to the shoulders. ' When Liven Ah, that will be, hi $ first ' worry. , „ Prince, of Wales gnjOys. a, gout A ••••••• tk, yr.7',71 PRINOE'CHARMING AT THE RING The Prince "of Wiles is an srfistit "flea/ ta)i."; H3 shoWn here Watching tlth tuateh liei 1 IO ThTn1�n ntlet: '‘/Sch iondffl Titi 411 chainPitnisbip. • In the circle at:the-right; Tioeti'18..S404 feetug the fightiag,. I. • 4 and ehive raiding; edave owning, for •'' 1600 years. old. The location of the • __.; discovery slio:wed' indications of ito.iela ; mpie, in the :sense that somebody Tholde as a Property right,' and can men masonry work' add this hoard is believed to. , bOV•e. Veen a .milittity sell as an ordinary chattel. theme and 'children . who .coMPrise , chest, kept s at a .Roinan„ a tatiOn,„ from, women • Ithe known total of from "4,00,0_,000 to. :which the coins *ere distribnied. The . 5,000;000 Slaves. ' .The actual phrase ' Roman emperors depicted en the coins included Allectui, Maximilian. °° "Prop'erty,.:"'Ilied sin ..._.tir."w sl'Ivry. eonveiltion le as follows: ' -: • . ... . Hercules, :111ailmiliiii • Daze, 1;icinitiii ''S,l'alscery is thentatie or conditioe' Pater, Qeletillis„;, sAurelian, e. Sa:elLerailn_o2,,,,,..ai., a: pai,aaa ginner lett, ..• plocietian,.., ,over.Whani any •or all of . "u" thn,',poWeris • attaching • to the right 'of'. Yakixit,itact„:do,nt tantiii,e!J•.,•: The...typet:: of British. "mints'. -iimnbi.red: t-Areitty-,CM'Z'Oriqiii3' are 'e'iert"d".. ''' ' ; ' • ' . „. , ., . • , .. • .. r. . : - • ;' It in, of :,coutee,: a niletalto to 'Speak" .G64 fva. five ittes;cda6,.}indsth:.0.:threer9e.•tiiwo:1,4nr.detiso:..nese4.;.vabenno;.:Inete;n.../,i5,•0.Oot ; brOaia. ri:r.tielhi a , present systems of slavet-Ti as' . • ieelcs,:i:tilittsthittsirt.ibtausi.; ...i.:CnioPirtaielinig::.e.Ce.6,04;, • , . A... More 'recent find..WasM.,Ad.e: ne4iir;ktilsafloa,,...14. a. ,diffin4t0.4,, to •tbel„,oi,;. ,- the tititish! Xneeum in' flfoudoti,:w4,c11,,i,ig.a,, dirosee, ss ,co.nitrms • 'o#,I,taitt,,,:aaws,..•: , 'en_pte;hateuid, lrliZ.tt'istf:•etill.,..„ ...e!' IT- rh--.S., ...,-.-7.9Mnicty!,,PaPer_4:_. ttArrI3tileil:lan:Is4w.tli...,,tiee.si)ctrIt4b . .i_t,..ded . sfiivr.7.7i;. ' .,,:.!,:..,', ::,:::„.:,'•.:_ ',,i: and, the reverse oho:wing, the IFstli" "SysteMs that ..littsVe ever varied': the -: : ' • . .. "1 ' ftftoaeliTia:aki.a-: 1::Elit.efas,....,rilyuacci• II:i.ini4.79w2.i.2:97. fili6nut?nalmu:bin'rsioitaf ,..itsabstie,,..,'Gr'e.opi,,erit4. ths.076attat!aittes,odsliby.t.t,!libae,4.40s*bysaine,.. 'continent ,of •ArriCe; • There. is' altie ; '' Astoolacinv,H.eqrarv...'ob. ienr-ii.ay:•:,sschlii`frierieaur4 East 'WOd‘-'''elf..islatiOns; In, Geneva; in Willett:ft-fa land„.. , the:: ,1 .O•wo that in tbehiet three' r:Selititelue .Seyertie to . cons :',. ranging fre7 .',•t4e0.t.. d'ritte_1111,,..7;i.i,.......,0; LE.:t1r317d,t,:seleaii,4tadpelitsti,i,,nthealvnely., 'bIetithasiiiidlat: : i'• Period of abOut 'fifty ',Yeara'.. ... , . :, • :rod; iiiiii given • ,fiftpin:,•yeat.a.., lopriaaa.. ' • "ThS-.11nmien.s.e.' n'Obsr'.1.-k21;.-._enins ', .L..:nient,', 'Sieve . trading 'leads: to .even 'a till ek •.'in.:- England at •the ..,-Terin_'.1-es ,!. More terrible . obligee:: than . elliire, Own- • • Mints, :bat elliefili .in,fa.:.ti.etci.ii.td4°,*T.:I'ilit 111sy. initigined'' from, ,the 4e13...?.eC'naPtuarneldi:fin18t1hefs.iteintirt'ayel..oerrSility'feaebfinitlal:':;.: . most int/possible , to :find :or th:e. thou-1,:vie are giy,sa' a ,oliiiipse. of *hat 'mast Sands :lately, .'ilneartheil :' .tWo' Coins;.be: :from eiactly the. sante tirie...;,'The!.ril , the, stave, . ,trading: -conditions ••, triti„icero.:•3311!.0. 1,3ave .; keen _ kept: .b-ne.7.,;7thioutetkt:thie' vast • AbYstisintan!terrl •Witii• the•innnease diffietilty.•ef keeping !' .. •.:'' the :die sufil.eleptlY ..arder::.tha.n7the4.:.:,,,•.'. - .. - .4 ,. 9 , • : .- 14.niflei-in Wav.'..... • -: be Aial t.,.,.t'ot• indreeiv enat:irsb!ftehaakt otgite6,:", at of :the. chief • difilbalt.lei with; .. • ter:.;-..a.i "a 're'!" ''011e regard to 'elaVerr've it is known to : toitt •el3, Ril.atmasian,;1111,reisloo,714ntgl.m.'..t.eh;. einpeptirciti.R.:' 69.f.1,1;itoito..11°.4.1;‘...0.,, lfiiiito!wat;.:cior:i.'43,;}xt. ttaiitiongle,.....11.11.pc°1;;1...:' .. than • coln typ' es•', .:co•ins ot: gi.,Ealej.: Eood,aupt.or.i.t.y., that there .are. at • least .• . bert . fors •instance bear the design •of 2000,000.- sitaves.'• In :AliYesinia.: . We .. • the `',W.Olt ... incl :i'V.4PS, ;Later knov. .. , . ,. . , • a- -book'; 'written 'by a oils6.• • : 'dots:, dashee. 1-:••yirthiiii4ttilleietr.e.ti.,LoOro ,tit,„..laai::a, •strailai.:iaaia-71, I. r. r , • ,, . • r ,. .I. .. tla.a.tiwi Jic,41,1011.:Y.•111);sat:1,.,:i'dith,C,Olitrieaagdes.::,.aintitit.tailtiii14g, ;:s.:IonallY with twentY Yeare' enierieneS '.' ' • ' l 'tier,' liT .;Cittaas•ilt•vlieustj'W,eArdi:toi;iano:otit•iintio.ioet',:‘, ..#bioill:;i.ii,gti::iiieset,4zxa.Aitlednngd.i°seoici:d:o.±..7.0:venn4i..int.li.l'he6Ybille:: when500.000', On's 1,(50tVii0';',. iQb.- onty: 'know..., • a,,new' type ..apPearecLia' the 'liltiglish':that .r4ek robresent'ad enormous new . . peno,,,:,,..' _:.. ,„:s, . _ :.. „. __ ' A her, .and, while ..tlie ..League ot, Nation* ' Coniiiiittee , of .• Enquiry into . Slitieryo s Soi....e.•- irds. r...ii' . ,o,:. the three •f•Orniii or 'slaier3e in • •? disclosed the exhitence 0! 0110 More. ...„......_L_....L., 'Aeis9ss lanuc '.1eriovi.ledg4: of :about .seven Of ,..tbese • .._,...,''.•• the World, :'. we only have •;'a• limited ' 4 y . thing like nitieteen Peilticaf .nitate of ,•,•,; U.S.:13io1ogical. S • • . Seldom hei a more vigorous. dtett-• •• ,r-YeY Liteslima on slivery been penned than Several 3ta ces of the one ` forwarded by .the British Flights • Government in • 1920 to all States • • of birds, are.. comnibit,". it is .aeserted ::...wa.shi,a001•1„.,::: •,,T,crig.ditauce.0.,igilts .1. ineMbete .: of . the League or .,Nations.' :by thgaxperts 0i the, United- .States 'oassaao : • •• Maid Is dentainAd:in :, the f011owing The central • •argtiMent. of ., this doeu-::: .••• Biologic:el 'Surv.ey• ... 'flies, Sitrvey'r hoe' •.-----'-'" -' '". ' ._ '.: . fly, .iteross :the .."•Atiatitic........ . • .. ' • "Certaiii crlinei are i.egarded itS•oe.'''' "coneinatve 'evidence :that,' aofne birds • T.W.0.,bleck beaded gUlle. handed:at :,,t74:',... lir a .pecu,liar,'.,.decger.eLe,,. stc:I.Lineal. Roaaiten, Gerniony, .Weit.e•reisapfst't't. e'd• . "aegi'''''''ii'.et ' •Gthc:e..rilliii4n1lealilit.: ric:cul's.:';(1°'1Ir.''''..ult1.1:1 British. W'est Incliea, 'and the Oilier 'on' hi...the, 'there 'S5 a .ge'nfiral' conaenelis .Of ,apini- one et Bridgeton, Batbadoe.s.' stile .mainland :-6.f.' ',IN -lexica.; , neat. Vera ...o: ' in civilized' State that tlie . slava, acroaS. the 'Atlantic at ,Polifts en the = erninent of: any Civilized country,: ,,.. ''''tnirol.7rt.d'. 'Ph e:ileli.1:111Visetl‘'ttliti14.,.atjets8at:t$;4•A'ctl:I'Crisill'cl'dev:t7reliPiltilliietilstg:4:1-7.*, •:. brim. Two MI tiii, akes • , lia 'tided , at tlio Fame :110 lids, Northumberland,. Bog:. land, were • reCbvered alniest2.direetly' coast, of f,,abradbr and Newfounillaild,4.,...,6111d1 Wish ' to challeoge this, Opinion/ A 'Cbtrution torn banded' at . Bakitern, jl.i't.1P. f:'116t115.1-'5tlialay'l ''tlrfc'td()'eill'11)11'°1;5e:6 P191311$''t'bc'ilt : t'gg'lloCli;•T4afne.„ Crossed: ihe Marne .t'egm'Oe'd ' Its f81.1g'Int°. ' th.° :6aine :ocean aed the lileilator and was re. caOgat'Y o.r•-crini"o''s' p:ii.a°%!'" . ''. -•-••.. covered „fi.oins .flie Delta ,of the, N'tgee ', •NobodY 811Iii)0Se8 ' that, this official • River, British' NSest Atriea. "A 3`01111; ,.0frO, rt 'Os n. be 'put forWard • Willie -fit: Arctic tern, banded in Labrador, was,' force a Working. .tinebtruaii.eli. in i,he Y recently„fopnd dead neer •La Rochelle:: backgroundThe .ailti-'sitiveriz people • ofi tjio coast. of France': : . ' .. ., are liapPily.' 'Veri :much in .Ovitionce, • :rile Btlivey has ne evidence that and . their ' Quiet Worlt. Is nealchig MU& • these •birde" limode. a. non atop flight, .headway in thiii and other. Countries.' s' • but .tiluttsis the siipoosition. It is ex. The • late editor of the ••Spectator . wail • xialited that 'many (SpeCies that\ spend •nitt only one. • Of this band, but - tor'. t4air samiadrs.,..fw the,: atticd....Sttites Years. f.ield:n . fesponitible PeeltiOn fa and? Canada •fly alineat the length' of the work, arid; we .can Only regret.thate the western •hemisphere: anti spend like WillientWillierferce, he died Just the •• nolliterit Wintei In the Sun:inlet Ono: year. before 'thd big aue-eas of his of:Argentina and Chile, ' ' ' , • Work was aeattred, Ho eeYs of ;:sitivetY 1611.10 of 109, otwor _ ,pltrrili:onre. i.,'t'ItIlitiet• eittlimfl'e about which: no exctiSe,can . '7' 0 vical ••rta pe)iti• it "a•via' li '. 13 itirti Irritrz,totistrtt i (36,111n .1.,.01,tar.Hi..), the,,„1,M_ar,Ilew, ed,r4-11.1 mean :wall° Lkind inlitor i. ger,„ . , . . • atses made ifor the:crimes 01..01341:M.' :11)°011118.t.°'Isile hi'eahl4isikk.d..•A illv'sariYtyrg.':114thuht'11)°ill.i9t'itrtitlittleta'1'rc.:ntr's.enithetife• t'SY1:aVtPotil:yt..t°11rerir' °Orratinr-ce*ita very .ebet4fullittl,6 la.'d Tattactod life Mitigating 'cirettnistaittes:Ao-bevfOtin&-t. : ItitidlY elerie's attention,' and lie 'llek Siayety is the •ielpreiliti Offense again,* . ed li, ,I.,is ,,,,,,e.. ,11,01.0a 1,..),,,..vt,ex. tho 3.,„„14,, .i.a.,.., sac ft, was -with' a ' sa11.4 str,.7 replied the tail. :moth'a fjora belitict -that rittr: apitittnit 'end ' 4110 vicar' turned •• to Ilio horas pliyiteal 'vtrotathers itamped .it at tallier. ' "WliateVer did yengiVellitil •ohltry,.4i ',.., ‘: • ' a tlalno Ili.'cl: ills( tor' ' ''C'os I want" :We need ,' Make no arologles; for Ite ter be n orefesciptiel .boxer;Th IV: 'quoting (110 lib:Otto' • ', front a spee0i • turned th 0 • pa roll t .. "and "ft a hall•te., made, bY Otti late 'Miter. Beine 'Menthe it'll L W.!`ii.Pleigilt , like that he'll get' a lq".: -8 1''0T( i' at ',before . Sit Auettn, ;01Itittlhortain'e fa.• schoolhileti8 'dtiliPatth 'N1J'afi pablialieil.. . • ."' s, • • • a.