The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-03-15, Page 3••7 AP4 • . • 1 .4444,40, British Peace • EffOrt Balkans Null 1 . . 'Red. Rose Orange Palms, , comes as near tcixperfection an 'anY•tea ealli . verYthing .4,1 that tesisexpert, can do. to ''',•'s make.RfidROSe Orage PedraND t...O.11VeLi,SC`of MaCedOliall et nar, "Itean.. value is'drimr quali.tYy. t op, ;44 or; ..a gfe; talon to • Buitgaiii but, Red' Rose btending AMUSING INMENT CON.BQUNDARY SURVEY Cook Dispatdies Marauding Bear VVIth Bellider— ' Excitipg Experiences. is We Water 'Mood- 1 CH RED BLOOD " 1 • • . 1:- A REALIRVE TONIC: I -The' $000,0 .of Alt .NerveusneSe Iheit:Arfeat Was Try it to -day. •Pdt uP!,n the $d iapart or • I • • nseParblY a the das luany people, imith men and, women, 0- , • Balked '2 Drift' 'clean 414nlinu * Work' hate become, the ace,idenis and thernielv ' • ••Pate agel)* /early in Sanitary the *iiitiOt.,For; Office; at the request,.it la said, it the akinali,,, Qt,the'Lein40 !Or Alone . Ordered Minhiters Li& - 'trade' &MI ' Sofia to co-OPerate ;Os, len the tension' between YrigotailaVia • and litilgaria 'on aacourit° •of the inneoren, of the ,in'tertm,,,14,oe,. 0. or. rim mice BOOK, • narrovr, es,cap‘e. from, •C01.1The 'onlY-• real -nerve tonic . a , ,•4911414: RevOlutiOnitrY • -Organlicatton scielWitullig.allusia261,a84Isierus-srala-s,!• h Weller,,ett--eiteiting and sometim'es.,,t0' relieve nervOnsness and, 'ruti-dairia-, '• . , scuweetea s" THOR•0•BR ED" BABY — "WYE. AND LAY " CHICKS . , 'trials, of the, earveYeor 'eagin,eer An everwol-li or 'Anzio:if s Sdel St! , , . e ger?, - Canadate great nnexplored regielia..thee, ers tireda lavrepitited 7 : the ,rec'ording o• f. e,ittnit• l4-antr -deet'etirabd:' .; Their 'terns keent- "to Si or• tt 1 ' oey. breeder. tied tot tiaa " - ; • , • te be -worn • out' theY-euteet 'from m.p4teigete4,it •T!4.9-ei31. Tererl4eeerf4..0t. settleMent • 6.0,, headeChes entr'other-Aorve...e'alafl. R.00kk 44,;17 development An.; encounter"; with, this frorn• starved' nerves.". ....f..evy„ceokitine, mite • wild: ae:Itnals' O• r. a %mishap. ail, - Doctoring the nerves- Wit -h peleen; bi,iletit "rt'143r 1•, 40' • e..°Muloni'-'1es.: • to Sedativea: Is. a terrible •mhtfake lision wit a speeding auto late a cityieuply of „rich red blood. •Therefore tenomY ;fin Berk and, 9reek.. • Me.' "-AthanR.ul g ... • •irlkieh Iti'e fighting% „f,or • political. • , 'exasperating leeideet at the moment ' health Dr ligilliame':-Pink Pills, &child' -' but 'one hardly .wOrthreCording ' ...• I be 'taken ' These •ill'enrich th - : On receiving liiie order, it is illeard ' ' -•B .. And •so w p,. that 'raany,,intoresting bleod;-••••••;Which,Joeee., the nerves, ,,. ire- • , . . • : . . •,.. , -, • . • . . P s : . - e ,.., • 4 . - .1 evYentg hi!: ' ,. 'Op ' ' field , experience ,'. of.' proves , the. appetite, . gliesi • new isitor . . , , , . . , -. , , • , ea. liigh •''autheritY•frOta ',sena,' the ' er . British 1.4egation. at Belgrade under; • ,. . _, •. .... caPadian ..surv!yore' 4114, ,.'engineers i,,:itrteong.dtldislap70;1, d. n ....„inok to neranionit' in the 'gene tega- Ne'w, uerenjohial,..,IntrOciViced never' ContethtP light: The :follow! SeP'itilPtieta4pnle4' • .114rtlilit 4, andli' ,.. . . ..tion a Iist prepared, by the Belgrade- , R, e %Government .showing ,eekam mem_ - ,• .:imblicari., Germ, any . 1 _ine.,iderit.,,'. whfeh. occurred ' daring the I cheerful,' 4.4ise Irene Define, R.R. 14o. triangulation by ,geodetic • engineers I ,1,.. .w„..ashage;' Ont., 'tells Iv' hat Dr: Wit- " liar& et the Macedonian organization .. Berlin -ThYoung 'Gernian Repub Of a section of the • International:141ns'. Pink Pine did, for her. as fol- . . ,.. who .. were. suspected Of intending to Iio recently for the first time officially Boundary line alongelfe 49th Iparallei, • Cross from Bulgaria . into' Yu -gee -lade 'welcOmed a foreign potentate ' when - is typical 'of what is encountered by to colannit a.ete• of. violence. This: list Aninnullah Khan, '4ngi . . - - - • ' • ' ' of Afghanis- 'inanY Survey.' Parties ,, diming'. a . Sea- ' the British, ,1111nister Presented with- tan, • accompanied by his wife And 17 sen's operations.... . . . . . . out .Coniment; is said, to the But: high 'dignitaries and a ---large retenue , The, ,party In Question, oonrogted of : garan Foreign linister,, who In :turn. of' Servents, arriVed at Berlin, . • -, . the . usual- engineers, rod -men; -labor- - . passed- it on tothe • Ministry:Of ., the .. ; The reception dlffere.d from the Wel- ers,' 'Mid, cticik , The latter • Was'. a' . Interior. - • ' :. - ' . s •, : '... come ,,exterided to Royalties 'before' the •• . • • •In dee time •the •Seflit Foreign,: Of - syffered far a longtime witli, my nerves and , a generally run- dowe conditiefi.. I grew :se •weak that I had to lie in toed a part of every day:* I could not do• any; ,Work and was taking medicine 'all the tithe,' try- ing- one medichie -After another.. l• ing.and monernenting had been. cora was advised 'to try Dr. Williains' Pink Wat, in. that there was ne Gernian:pm".., rcdellnint.!ellelaritii.67.d 'aTrhtle4•-wil-olliiiiiirk 'Oft4: istrvInecY1-- Pillsand • I have reason, to'be ' thankful. flee notified the,,'British 'lyfiniater. at Parer ' to "greet • the visiting:ruler. aid - that, •I acted . an this ,Advice ,as this _ . ':: Sofia :that ' . its., Government had al- •no ,gaudy state, coaches to bear. the : pleted on ,one portlen of the line• and •wat3, the Milt inedielne that ,gave- inc . l'ea,d,y Interned . at:place's "in: the 'late- ,,Afghane to their ,quartere.' . inet5ad; rierf an "newer of •'suspected persons new ceremony . ' wile . worked .out .4,- e camp, was moved .forward seven short dine' teetered me : to the 'bless - t apy relief, L. and la. a' Conapa.ratively. Mlles to continue it. -.The cook Was . ' from the, 'frontier ' -.ProViike of Pet..., by the 'Foreign • Office in •which rebel., ,. , . • , ,, , ... . . , ,, . . Ing , of geed health. -N When I think.of , . nus.tied off to make ready tlhe Aeon : rItch,•and added that although it con- dent 'von, Hindenburg Was, tho. princi, the. marvellous .good• these . Dille did -eidered ..that,-. the yngeerav, tear.s..' el_ pal actor., ••.'' :. ' '-• ., • meal aad on. his Way.,:he'e•necientered. ine; I can Most :highly. , 21r7ecOnatliend . '. .a• black .b.ear:,." ; A seentel; the cook's ,• some eases were not .entirely Ins*: ' • The • Oriental. guests, after poising A. led,' it would, nevertheless, direct all through streets .replete, with Republi ,pet, .wa,s• accempanYing him. at the .. If you are at. 'al run-dciWn; or weak,' • them te•all•vv„iielt.„,.eritausneepie." •• . -' d ' ',1" m • rushed a.e • the persons on the.liet to • withdraw can eniblems, • , fo•und °genera:thine Ok. time. and it T. .e diatel Y e f. you, ehould begin at once in take Dr. • Into the 'interior and,..put.them underf Holienzollerns , gazing . dewn. .Upen the. bear. ' The peek also attacked winettne,.. ,PinkL Pills- and you will , ,pottee, ,ii.r.v.0.1.:„Eilic,.. ,, . :. I, .. • the* ,iie*,•ijefethe and ,etchiege . it T the...tenet denizen, 'assuming the -.best „ teen be 'well and etiong.. These pills. • : 'This .shows;". says, the"..80/10, cOr-, the Tailous palace rooios, ,.:: ' ' .. defensive action to be the. Offenelye. ' .ere..sold by ,all medicine dealers or , respondent' of • The London Tiniee in ' . ",:•• , "-"t":'-' .' a • dieeateh dated Jen, 27, '''how` eitee- , ,• theI74 Owke'rhead11(•)tetirre°saor'rnats.telli,p'nrImY .iteilliveci 4,wyfilTbilet;septizt.. bNyvininai.411m.itst...60 Medicinecents. a boxCo, . . '. tiv.e hag-116mi' the British demarche• i ' A...Strange. T.ale niethedS. f. Frying" Pens and,,,_other BrOckville, Ont.."' ' ' • ,__...___„.,_.. , coolting.l'ate.nsils. were • brought: •iii- •• . . - • -..L, Belgrade 'and 'Sofia for the 'Inurfiosia .,.., • ofWmoving the causes' of fricgen ha. . i oad . . . -7Ainie Aite '''.-31 Y• • '• 'preW"--wIfile, the 'slialti. el'annoYed: the •I'vt. • '': - • • 7-'7.'7". , . . . ' • But this la not the 'end of -the Sfory. • ea 'e'cl. in' 1-..e'*.a:r.Ciril.cr;74. 7hear-inceitantly. ' 'The. co* retreated' ' . ' • • ° ' e '•tween 'Bulgaria tind 17.egoslevia.7 ."- ussolun - -.Amis. to the top cif • a tet.foot clift *here ' : ,Thil list 'wae:ationttohe handedever storle • ' boulders .abounded: The bear baited ,' f : . , . -• 'Pole w . And , endeaVored-to•lamit Off -the- e,' the. policii to attend to the Liaisons. , Eastland, T'exae,....A., :honied '.•.tOitd; denien;.: received a secret demmtnalca-. wee'' alive witeri the stone Was reiniave• . _ .: Mentioned' thereon When the...Bulge,- sealed. alive:in' thecornerstone Of, the ifiap...Premier, who:is himself a Mace-. Ourt house 'here thirty:one . yearn .ago, lion • from,..t±a e• headof th,e Macedenian• redentlY„. aceoi" to . Cou ' t ' *S d go fully' disPatch , .the fittallY •'hijured organization dated dated frOm,• Atli- head- [Edward S. Pritc ard Th. ' old .' quarters In . the.; ineuntainS of Seib, 'heluie is being razed. .„ . ' . • Melly and. , varied are Ilia,experi- Nlacedtinia," saying :that the list. did . It is a: West, Texas. tradition that ' ''' not "Centain the 'names of. persons' liv. a•,, horned , teed can exiet a, ' century ..,, 'elides Of •Demin.lon. Government. iiiii. ' VOYors and wait:Were' during their .,, . .. Ing.. tulgaria.biit '• the names -Or witheet:-.f, clod. eit'ivater. , A skeptical,. - . • • ... . MisPected 'peri3ons.'dwelliag :in • Serb-. neWipaper man' had the .:judie'verif . . Menthe.- of .work '. and :travel • in the , Macedonia whom ...the. Belgrade ',au: the report that , the : toad . was able ' , newer, parts:l.Of • Canada and ...not, al- .1.,thoritiee . : were 'aia#Ions. 'to 'put ' 'in when taken frein its rong entombment.' ways .are they as ailiusixig -as the .otte- prison. „Hitherto evidence had been ' • ' After the . eereeretoiie,*es-,reoveved related aheVe, The lees' of complete - lacking tigainet :thein. :.• _ , *. the , -Wad.. aPpeared • lifeless forbserne calnil egniPnInnt. In rniinIni: . rrapids,; 'H. the list was Made :known , by the time, but in a little While. it opened' ite' ,t146 breaking: of ..etiches by ' ahimale; ,. efforts of the Bulgarian polleete find . eyes, In about twenty ininntes..it be._ • and '.otber . such_ •miefortunea: of . the _ -.Aheie named ;in , it,..' the Yugeislav'au- 'gen to., breathe.: .ThenteUth, however, trail ',have, been, reperted,i•but7these thinritiee Would thenieelvea Make the' appealed to have grown tegethee, .. :. 'ae,,(1- -many others are all considered *rivets -on- their ,Side: of 'the. 'frontier ' , -Eieset,S . win -be' niede-.--t„-cy-,ihdnee- th-.-.Just part ockthe, daY's , Work. , •• : '. • , :Drive On • . • attaphs. of -the'deg,-end't taken:0g his ardin' ian‘..Batidits • •••• .,giltird, Bruin as laid,:loW with.* Well- • , • directed botilder. :The : •,surveyore• •Plfis, That Island -.rsere& the scenein-timeto 'glierd1.-' • , , Now Thai M44 Has- Been.Chsteneci:. „.. ' • Bottio-.-preniler, Mussolini *de. • Cieed, tu paratieirigorous".:-.•a eleanirig- up process•in Sardinia nOW•th,at,Sicily hie.. been ' .dhaetenea ' by recent ,anti- Madaprotiecutiolls.and, citiVictiona. • The' decieton was annonneer, recent- ly byomcersof the Carabinfert foree and' appe'ars' to- have been .the %Oat- come- ,,ot: •.-the4-.Tromiers` Ititensive study,'. of drinae....Statistic,e for 'both those• ',:•„ • .• . The ,lateet Offidial :figures, ;those ..ef 1924, show that ' that , :Year 'the inintbenof crime* per .100,000 In- habitants Was 1.923. in', •Sieily, while Sardinia's feie was : 8,112. Sicily led:7•Serainia ih-.`murderi; 24.1 ,per,: 100,000; to 10-.2,• but the. smaller Sister Isle' quite, outdid, her, in thefts, the rate . being .914. per 100,00.0 for Saialiniago .393 Mr 'Slay.. The.crown prosecutors. .Obtained.... 457,897 '..convic-. tioria,in Sicily in 1924 and .s.tOtar of 16,964 :for' Sardinia, the •)atte-r figure being .Coinntensitrate. .vi' 'Oft he ' '..Oncel 'Sardinia hi Chastened„ ":as was Sicily -.--.-which likely 1O, he no easy - JO, sine that'll:rand produce* Italy's hardleilt..- aoldiereobserirers et., the, Prethier'e campaign 'ate W021-. • tiei'ing when , v•fill tackle theregien of. Calabria, ..coliiiirising three proV..; inces lathe:1943..6f the ..'boet': of Italy. Calabria in 1924 shoWed• crimeS • • . , • ..iter 100,009' the • murder •rate, heing.22- . and the theft rate .741. '. • -The total , _ _ • '.ertmes comniitted.;• Were 33;922; with 19,541 conVictlons. • .; Thus Calabria, • on the , Mainland, Wae• ahead Of both Sicily and Sardinia On theaverage, mline.per 'given unit; Well above ISardinia average' Mur- ders And double Sicily in Point Of on the ,ground,7 that the mere .lacttoad to take food and, of necessary, that the d*Voletionista:nientioned ihad• the Meath Will be opened by ax opera - been' preseribed by the Blilgitrian than.: The Wad in now on eXhibltiOn. Goveinnient was ' •eaffielent evideilee'l . • • . . , • ' against them. The • Yugoslav emment would theneXpress regrets that..itWould be obliged to deal sum. . ma.rily With, : the, delniqueets as they• ,. had been caught in YugoslaVia:: ....For these reaions,.• it 'reported from, Sofia; the list-wai not made use of -by" the' Billgarlan •Goverineent, .ariti the Minister- there bee. writ- ten •to,•Dowiting. Street "a note die- 0ouragieg, all thigh ifitervention in the .. future, Meanwhile the. Macedonian, orgenilation -Is said: te. be 'preparing manifesto ,to the league .• • While -exposing 'theaffair end again • Claiming protection -under the miner- .. ity"clatutes pt. the Treaty, of Neuilly,, Wfll again assert its-right:to:fight till death or the liberation of•MaPeilonia. . . Curling Stones Not ...In Rate ''•SchcchilesS Scotimah • Won't :Pay • ;• London. ---The "Scotsman,. even • in Switzerland; (lees -not lose hls thrifty. habits. • , • •, One day recently' a train: On, a mountain railway above Lake ,Genera •Was held ,up Aar tee nainutee, becataie im angry , Scot' who was .-taking six pairs of cu-rling 'Stones and a number of brooms to a bonspiel at a nelghhar- ing reiort objected to paying carriage' on them. • • ' ' PlIse of, musty document's were pro- , duced frcen"the Static;n archives, but ' in none' of them cotild any mention Of curling Stones. be found. ; Advice was, sought • by telephone from statienmastere Of other railways but nobodY had ever even heard of ' Why de, ea many, 'many babies of to-. day escape all ,the.,little' fretful. spalis andinfantile ailmentay that used to Worry ,methers, through the ,day, and keep them uphalt the night? , If you don't know •the • answer,' yOu. haven't' • discovered pyre, •herniless Castorla.• • It 'is-eweet to. the taste; and - sweet In -the little stomach. • And its gentle influence seenis felt a11 -through • the ' tiny, 'syt3teni. .Not even a -distaste- ful dose. of •castor 'ell -does -so much 'good. • , •,, • Fletther's Gast:Tie, fs Purely vege,• table, 'se you may it 'freely; at first sign, a colie; donittipation; or. diarrhea. Or -those Wank dines when you juat don't kn W Wh •' (such a 'thing as .a,curling stone. one ' ter.' For reol.sickness. tall the doctor,1 ....official suggested that carriage should alWays. At ether times,. a, few drops„. .• be, paid for at least ! part .of' the Jour. Of Pletcher's Pastorla. • . , • -neY, but:this . the Scot just as ebetin, , • Tho doctor often tells you to da just •ately refused. . "Show Me' 'Anything in that;, .74tnil. alivays Says 'Fleteiter's, the____regtilatione__ „eatitlieg -•,,Yott .., to-, __Other pfeParatione--• may .• hn Just 'es :- qstio Vineb. ilif. OUNN, LTD., _ ....-Air" TO:renter:Opt. ,eliarge:ctifilage on curling efetes-and.,.., -juat atLfree_front-dangerpu-s . '• .1 Will: pay," he retorted angrily..-.: 'drugs, but Why eXperinient7 •BeSide*, '-.--"---r.---"----- By this time. the Passengers: were the . book on eei:e and . ftedins of lagetsting.restiess, se, the. stone* Nverifs 'babied "that, comes With Pletcher's -7 taken from the-Viiilluid "PlaCed on the 'CLI,tetelle 16-'01:n1)141a woight. Wield I ' • - _ • .. . :Plottorril, ; . • ,.. , . ,_..._ , .. ___,,.,.. „ . , ""." ire -enitfiii- Vere'Still 'iv' ' :" • ' ' e AO t , _ , , 's, . ' oe. . t. .„ , , 27 the Seetliefied it Defrter etid littd his • • ' • Oerilig how to get out of the quandary Children -Cry fOr rtedone• .ehergen „removed,. to ii.. fott, .i!,..,,,ss...............e.........k.-m...........1/4...........••&...........4,.......,...mai,f.,.., ' • A dissatisfied galleryite booed loud- ly at the end of the pantomine., The rest'of the gallery; who liked the play, I objected •to his poise, and a scuffle I took place. '"Chuck him •over the rails, Someone suggested. Whereup- 'im:a.'mild little' wonaan in the stalls below stood up and cried excitedly, "Oh, Please, please don't 'thrrive hhia over the rails... Kill him..Where he is," In South America an extremely' In- toxieating tea is inede from the leaves. 1 -of ',the local variety of holly, , do you call your • chauffeur. a leaky- vessel? Does he gossip about Your affairs,?" "No,. but api'• 'always bailing the fellow out." •, • • -• • Corrugated ir 'ASK FOR WHEELER & BAIN "Council .Standard" A thick;'-eten, heavy' stfread •of •galv,anize, °o'er every inch, of stir- faCe, Deep •corrugations. • Write us, stating size of • barn you wept to Cover. , WE PAY FREIGHT' WHEELER & BAIN,. LIMITED Dept. -W, 108 George St., Toronto 2 HAULING CRESJUSC E „ Use Perthizer ,that DOUBLE WORTH :One Ton •vv 4244_Two '' Send for . ` Prices " •citb. ' ' • .? .4 Ile a DOW faced, however; with the .7°.mmmummn. / / "prosPect, of having to take them back to headquarters one at a dine as hand luggage, or rtin the isisk of their lie•.. CASTOR IA . ing impottmled until .the exeeSs charge* are paid,. . , • N.NNNN N.N.NN.NNNWSN. MONDS "lerrairenrre Their teeth are of a tough.. nese tvhich malcestiternhold thaiitc-nii&ittlivdge dee everY usage. " *Immix; CANADA DAN/ no LTD. • • f.tatlYKKAA.: . VANCOUVRRi, St. :MHOS. N.D. 4,• voltam In ; discussing the Situation with' Carablnerl •otilders, -' the: Premier "Oi•dinary delioteileles had ' rude sethatk,. :partimilerly • in siony. but. there le yet :something to be. dontOn 'Sardinia, particularly • ,in 'centres where there. are remnants of ban- ditry, vbfch must .be ,itiestreYed at AO *6.1.04 what. cost. The . Catabinieri alreedy. are well trained In this, Ivork and will ,finisli it." •- • • • . • . . SUpphes of Lodgepole Pine Although exact ilgaree arenot avail- able It hai...beeri estimated' that ' the total stand' of lodgepole 'pine •10. Can- ada" at present comprised. 13,050,000,., 000feet hbard„niteasitr,e.fet„s4W.thitbor- iand 'solve, 60,000;000 cords of sinaller Materiel. ' • , , , • Forest Wealth ,therbrOolte: ,Tribiitte •" The forest regionti Of Canada have aix bil- lion dOlare. Properlyadininietered, they would Ornieft 'otn• , goV14eirnfdn0ee. ts , WithaepAiderab)o annual reVen, 6 i. • ,1ie; aft4 141* rike on capita tering; with Mexico: iieeding the •taiaital:-.",Wedten (Ore) ' • Leader. • Sable Men _their Mistakes: °theta doninlit bliamp • A•.G.laNIVilsgO:1:4uln'IAvel'nrsitDea.y. Undder#adli, ate ,recently 'died or-eXposizte on the ' Cairngerm,- Mountains of Inverness., , Scotlend. The telloWing pee= • was found in .his rooms, 'written just '-'eaertly hefore, ,th-0 Loden Oheerver:• ' And this ;strange *park or '10 that in ine jies' • to joie the groatere 'or life That safely, flame beyond. eternities,, 13ury 'me get, I, -pray thee,' Ip the dark earth„ where comes - not any ra' Of „light' Or warmth- or -aught, that • • made life dear; . But take my "Willitened ' hones far, far away Out of' the 'hurn 'and " turimiiref the Find 'tee it windswept- boulder- tor a, ..• And On It lay: me,doWn,, Wh,ere:•far. beneeth'',-tirepd,' reeky:ridge • ••• ' " Down le. the..gloomy,valley and the ' Streams • , • • ,. • ,• Fail teen:flag •'White, .agalast...blatak., beetling' nacho, ' , ,tvhere the kindly' itidiali•ee • dem ' Wssel- here some tall, peak defiant,. stead, • fait, rocks-- . • • • the ,Pasehig grids arid all the waYeOf men fergotten; •SO may. I know . , . 'Even in tliat -•death that come* to ' ev,erything,. • The swiftly, epent evitish of hurrying • . spew, • . . , The laeh. -of rain, the savage Of •Sta:gs • the baler • keen knife-edge . , embrace • • • ' -Of the rushing. Wind, and still, the' treinelone dawn • '.• Will touch the eyelese eocketii Of ,mY And I shall See the sunset anon Shalf•know the •velvet kindaiss of the • night . • • And. see the stars. • • •-'743i Hugh- Barrie. :• • • • NISTAKES'I.'4,01EAS'.;".111.1iF FAULITtLE:..01ES.:. ,Mehy' mothers give their children solid --foods at too early •iiit age and , I'.•say proudly - . . everything that grown up ,People de." Such:A. cCuirse •certain •to bring Ion Indigestion 'and te.y. the foun- dation of Much.111-health'Ior. the , . tle• one: , • ' , , . . •• Other...mothere.. ,adminieter .harsh, *nauseating • purgatives Which 'in real. ity: irritate and..iiijure I the delicate .stomach' and •hoWele,And at, the setae time cense :the -children: to.,, dread all: medicine.' .• •'''' s" • • Absolutely no. Meat shOuld•ba• given' to •a childuritll it reacheathe age of 1.8•,months, and.. then only if 'approved by the doetor.: :For ,medicine,• etione (Jill:agreeable-oils and powders should he abandoned and Baby's ictirn Tablets giventineteed. • • . Baby's- Own Tablete are especially made folittle :ones-. They - are plea Sant to take and can be given, with absolute safety to even' the 'new-born babe. They quickly Imaieh constipe.-- tion• an'd indigestion;',hreak up 'Colds 7 12 ., e.:Okangfi:0,0kir40 • : 10 'extra good• . .•,. - , ,In -clean, bright Alistnitu.0: . • iifiW"Kciv' erthkemen sow. ., . 1• 44SVP_a_ IT'ortte,,Rged '33,1,11ifT31:111.: sileAti ::l'ilill:teliilleliiri:7'1' rat It'd Dawes:14e Free. . R,•- °end .6 •• . Sens. Roe. T, Rockwood, nt. ; • nABY., CRIoics-wic RAToli -FOUR I Sivitaer, 'Oranton;• Ont. • e' VellawrleotliteuSec.d Price 1Crocakned. up. A. fix.* ti . a a rouhl in in Divorce At Least 2,00ff Were Granted Last Year, Many of Them in U.S. Courts 200 WAITING • ' Ottawa. --,Canada's parlinme4t, ea gaged now in considering. such Ms, tors as national trade and coinmeree the Operation Of railroads, and diplo matte representation at., Paris,' len also Must deal with ' More than 200 •diverce cases at the present see shin: This is because there are no divorce courts -in Ontario and 'Quebec and 'applicatione 'afialat in those 'Pro v1nces 'eome to parliament itself, each in- the fermi' of- a private' bill •Which costa -the applicant freM a, few del - 'arab? many thousands; according to the 'evidence it necessary - .to pro- duce. No .decee. Is issued Unless . an - In .a 7...oridon theatre • the ,eiperl- t- •ment• has,lieen. tried of placieg lOud- • sPeakers , all over •the auditoriam. • Lehtally they are 4eitad just behind d us -.---Punch, • ' • Angry wife (tO• lion-tamei/Whe h taken refUge In lien's den) -"y * Coward!" - . fa1thfulnes- Js:Proved.'' :Evidence • .is diearff eon:1*We* of the Senate, which Makee Ate ''repreSeri- tatien,:.and 'the approval. of beth tke .Senaten and the 'Heese. or, Comincins is required -before.a -petitioner fa, grant- ed Ireedoin, ' ' : • .Y The other- 'seven Provinges ',have their divorce courtS,•''aii-e-periodical attetnits- have been • made, -to; estab- lish..tit Ontario the necessary judlcial machinery: forthe:sseveranee Of • Mar. itat -boride,-b-withetit -sticeesst•-----The7 large, Quebee'•Catholid • representation ii Parliatnent which oses divorce " on i''Principle it finniohable that- -there will :ever -a''divorce teiirt An the ProVitiee proildee serlous stumbling -block for'. attepipte t� prOVide Ontario, with-niore' .gule7 qiutte facilitiee; Thosewho adVe•cate the. establiehnient of ' such -a 'tribunal' in Ontario. are 'able to quote statistics to 'prove •ite rimeeseitY. • At thia . Mr -Instance; 210 petiticins tax divorce are • before •Parliament, And 187 of them are from OritariO-115 from .the city 'of: Toronto, Quebec's . qaota. is but- 23 'which reflects -the power and - influence. of .the 'Catholic Church.. in. that large .proviace. • , • A Grosking Problem; Deioree; whether an evil, -A - problem Or just a condition, is -heboming in-. 6..aeingi3.. prevalent -in Canada and the situation is causing .a of colliment • In 1913 the last pre-war -ear, in all the nine Proviticed there ere only siXty divorces. ' By 1919'the umber had grown. to 873, in 1926 to 08 and -'lest year to about 700 de- teeS. Provincial -courts and °Paine- . ent. Nor Is. this the grand total, here are ne -statistics available of those , Canadians ,,who sought- the pt United 'States courts, but it hai.been estimate(' that last year 'net fewer . than 2,009 • Canadian couples were divorced, at home or abroad:.ni. : There are notable exceptionsaong the provleces. Prince Edward Island,. for; instance; has had lint one:divorce since Confederation1867. But Al- Uerta has grown from 4- to 154 in fourteen years; Sai3katchewan trent 1 to 49, 'Manitoba from 6 to, 85, British Celumbia, from20. to 161. • and simple•fevers and make the cut, ,6 trifg (3U:teeth:easy:, They are sold by e medicine dealers or--by'.mail at 25 in cents a box from The. Dr•.' Willianis' • T Medicine Co.:, Breckville, Ontt. Hydro -Power on Niagara River On the Niagara •River, . the water- -power .of which is shared-'betWeen Canada •and;the 'United Stats; five to six Million horse -power could be, de- veloped, but. by. :international .treaty the Pelted States, is restrieted to a total:, diVerSion • Of the' Ilow. Of the river to 20,000 cubic feet per Second and r Canada •313,667.- .TheSse diver; sloes 'are* practically all utilized by the developments now In use. Oe fishing trips,taKe:Mina'rds. A regimental chaplain Was to play a pert in stime garrlsOn theatricals. On being shot_by elutp- • lain had to.,exolaim, "My GM; he L has shot -me!" 'bet he objected ,strettuous- ly fo.nelng such a .streeg expresshin, and ;, eventually' a cormaroMise wad reached.. He 'was to say, -"My geed - Inns," etc. On .production might one of the:stage hand* ge,Ye the villain a tip, Intendedtp make for reallim.It wad to Insert a raspberry into tip barrelof his revolver, ' The effect Up - On firing the shot Wee' perfect,: , The parson 'exclaimed, "My geodnese, he has :iihot •thet" and clutched at , hii3 heart., • 'Dieeovering the raspberry gore on his/Inger tips immediately, added; ill a voice of real horror: "MY' God,'he hap. phot .met" C °ENAARR op i ENESS. E p .8/ 7: E NA/ 'Pnisigtrit? r�lbtR ASOUTWAriff.irOtiSEQUEST. :AM. Um/iv D, t4 70.51.1AV AVN. ta.YORK ISSUE No. 10-48 Use Minard's Liniment for corn"... British G,Iumbia Large Lead- , Producer ApproilmatelY 94 per 'cent. of Can- ada's outiant of 'lead 'and -92 per,- cent. of the Eine comes trent Britiah. Colum- bia; the remaining 6 per cent. of• the lead 911ging1ng In Ontario, • 'the Yukon aid Quebec, and about 8per cent. of the 'Mae QUeliec, "Seeing believing, you know." "Not always. I see my heaband :quently, but I rarely •palleve him." • . /3 Quittidy F.aies Irritated Thrionts _ SIOW1.9 WIDOW Web> a "Buckler's" - You'll be astoni'shed by the Ortmediate relief it brings to a gore, inflamed - throat.. Shigeo, alma -ere and amokeni- ' should never be without it The flret doe clears and, soothes, the thz oat and bronchial tubes — andothere are 40 doses in 75 -cent bottle! At all druggists and guaranteed H. Buckley, Limited, 142 •Mutual St., Toronto 2 BuM.,-AYS Acts like a ilash."a single sip yetis= • •••••• Aching Feet., Bathe and ,rtria 'well .W1t.b. arces. It .soothes and brings a contented feeling of reit. CARRIED IFE TO BE Suffered So She could Net' Willi: -Restored to Health •.;by Lydia - Vegetable CoMpOuUd. Minesing, Ontario.- "I ani a prac- tical nurse and 1 recoininend Lydia . , E. Pinkham'sVegetable•ConipounO to ' . suffering women. For three moraine .1wasalmost helpless and Could ,not' , -.sit at the table long eilluilKto drink: ' a CO of tea. Many atime my.bus- band •carried' ine to' bed,I wonid,:be% So week; Then he read in -the paper - Of 'a .WOMarreufrering as I did. who, got tietter after taking the Vsgetahle OP nipound, so he Werit and gorit 'Tor me. 'WIWI 1110 ta1.76n' threelhottles , I was- justlike a new woman and.' ••• have hadsplendid tealth ever since. Wben.I feel an`benringjdoWn I always take it; •sOnetimes a half • bOttle'Or Nyhatever I need. It is *my , • only inedieine and I have told many a - one about it. Any -one Wanting to, ' knOW more about Lydia D. Pinkbatars 'Vegetable Conipound, I gladly,: • yrite to her. I do all lean to rec-' , ommend it for I feel'I OWe my life ' e • and strength to it." -Mrs. 1,CE„4.1. -439WSER, 1,. Minesing, Ontario -I • De you'feel hroken-down„ nervous, „ and weak sometimes? . Do you have. this horrid feeling of fearwhi.,11i some- - times conies to women when they are ... • . not well? • Lydia E. Pinkfulin's Veg-' • etableCOmpound Is excellent to.tako at such atittle, It rways helps, end) ' taken regtilarly And persistently,. relieve this condition. ' Gokuov,,, PHILLIPS 04 ". _ • lee due to c sioloselloN AzorotromAes ""sitAtxreos.s. msAnAcits SASKIPNAUSIA . Many peOple,tWO liourt after „eat/ int suffer indigestion as. theY,..011 Is ininally exceo acid,' Correct it 1v4h• an alkali. 'ThO .best way, '410 clu.!Pki barnaletia and -efficient WaY,;10....Philline'. Mille of Magneila..• 'it has reinainef,1 for 60 Years. the. statidatd. With physi- cians, • One ilDoonfill'an Water nentral. !Zee Many thnee .itS Voltitne 11.6 acids; an& at 'nee.. The...tliptoth;§ .1 distil:4)04'r it 64. utiotiteS..', YOU Wilt neVer SSA Atrade „ When ,ton IcitOW -this better. ,rosthedi., Mid .yclt *to rover 'aufrir, from e.Y.A. Oesi iicld when res prove ost eatdt- Ma, lineage -410 -that-tor ton* own isakettow.: 13.0 'Sure tO"get the genuine' Fhillip Milk Of btagliesla prescribed br Xihylte [clans for 60' yearn in ,corractIng tete acids. tneh bottle contains ful4 4ivettlotis"-7'Ph.Y' :drugstore. , , • • r