The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-03-15, Page 1• vui #, :�s.•• 2.00'PE .$ _ . _ .tt YEAR, 'iN• ADVANCE ,$2 50� OTHERWIS ; �� i•. #. '• PROFESSIONAL CARDS 0 P i. n C 'Q• -o— o o -_o DR W - M. CONS ELL N h• sici P y can' and Sur o' Lu•?cnow. t .: • Hours..•1,30-3.30' " • Phone' 86 • „DENTIST, .A4 Dr. Mac o will Led 'vis'( ' L •u „ _t uc n 1 w k. ..every. r . T es FY Tuesday? .in � "Dir ..,onnell sa Offiie e. 'DENTIST • Dr, R. •L, . 'Treleaven, , . Lucknow- Over • Decker's Store: Extraction either by gas er local. Will :'he in •Dun nn' n r' a o eve Thursday'. g Y u da1', • .Phone 53. a-�o—o—o-•o—o--o=o�—o--u •' ;: EVERYBODY'S COLUMN 0 i 0--0_0 .0' 0 0 0-0-4-4-0 Geo. Riddell. -.Broker .;: A 8 Lpeitnow;,.. end Real Eetate.�-Money.; to lend ger first morta es. on farm proPer: 6.�tie at 6 andper' cent • 6% r according P. t ...i rit : ecuoffered Ale small o Y Alio amounts on; second mortgages •,on farm • properties and on personal notes. good A fewam • s 1 f ir.for a e WALL PAPER -,-A fu71 line of 1928 • Walt'; Paper on. hand. • Prices from 8c up::` 1,am' also' agent for leading :job houses. -R. Jr, Cameron, ; , Decorator Painter and :Grainer,. Box 174, Lick - , • L UCKrio v OTti ; THURSDAY, �K A C • 'SINGLE COPIES 0 •' CEN S'• 1.0 �`rx ti,H 11AVOR D ArCENOX'APH, x0-4-0, U 0...0 0'.;--U-o.�p WEDDING t At the• noc k.parlia melit r "held the basement! of the' Un; od Churc :Monday eveninga'l:ively debate de velopod over:a- ,proposed; ,1.111 to'•pro Side fq>•: the erection", of a: town oleic .ithe he:'sehool towera•a • ' ,..:s _ . rncmorial; t the o d'' r 1 ea. st o uck o £ � n and•i ' �w v crn>t Arlio" fell in the Great:rWrir '•This 'wa introduced -as; a .prilvate .1111', and th half dozen . or more w:h '' °o to olc''part. Ole de d e h � of i i f o ed . di a W , d so' re 11e o r., s a -� f t a' 1 . fiii atiun:' . An- n y. a • nendn,ent . to °the, bill !was submitted lii'opo;ing the' erection of a cenotaph 'instead' of a :clpck. The' meeting "Bough' largely' made, up' of adherents 3:f the United Church,. was fairly rep- resentative of the village -young and hiddlc-aged; The eba e, eol?ducted recording;to :parliamentary rules, presented a "va- : iety iV views regarding the different `:yp.--s of n7en orial to soldiers. A',yote taken on •the amendment, (which -did' not :follow party fines)•° •showed the. meeting CO. 1"i'e largery in favor•.of a cenotaph, o • i P , nothing.: else' and serving no purpose- either. 'than he expression c I of ommunety send- rent regarding;the fallen. In view of the fact that: thereis a.. ;general conviction that a•••• soldiers' '11!'11 • 7oitil ought. to be e?ccted, .;and bat there is a``clivesion o_ opni'otl'as o the form ; -.ineniorial hoi'1 � 1 d take: •t t t this•'expressioli of :opinion'' at re n resentative is'.of Value.. meeting: rte. •: —o -o -o. PRESFN I'' A A.IbN':IN TORONTO. NTO. MUSKRAT FURS -I am paying f h sheet; market price for raw ' musk- rat furs A: Blitzst 'm , Phone ' 18 Lucknow.• • '(10-11-tf): a FARM FOR :'' SALE•-= 150 -acre • . farm, in Ashfield, .' For • particulars,' •appy to • John Parrish, RJR. ' 7, .l.:uck- now : (29-31p) FOR SALE -8 Purebred, York- shire'. -Sows, du tofurrow u o ewteof h end. March. -Levi -Boyle, .i '1 K n ough. .. ., FORALE=Tw ..r•. tS-, o grey For'e l _,. pa rte u e. Y,rs .apply .to:Janice w, Web- ster, 77 9 ., 7, Dungamioii: •AUCTION ` � NaALU of' farm stock andi implements at�' Lots' 17 and 18, 'Concession 1, Morris at one o'clock'on Tuesday, March 20 No reserve as Mr. Foxton his pur- chased Mr::J. McEwan's Dairy Busi- ness • •` Thos, A Foxton, Proprietor; John Purvis, Auctioneer, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OLUTIO • , OF , ' PARTNERSHIP:: ;'� Notice is ' hereby .' i h y t; yen, , ' is t�that '• the •;p drtdl ship . '-heretofore subsisting be tweon us under the firm name , or:I style 'Of "Struthers & Winterstein” '' has thjs•day ...been •'dissolved:- by mut'':: • nal- consent. .• • All debts owi ng to :. the saidP art nership.are required to he paid on or before the Tha rt firs t day of March A.D. 1928. Dated, at Lucknow this 8th day,,..of• March' 1928. '• • • Nelson Winterstein. Albert Struthers •- -(15-3-c). ANNUALI EE M TNG h T e4 An a nu i Meeting oE'theuc L k • now 'Agricultural,) Societywill be held:. in . the :Town Halt •Lucknow, on Thur3day, the Fifteenth day of, March, A.D. 1928 at two o'clock in the afternoon: All members are here- by, notified. Joseph Agnew, Secretary. •(15-3-c) ` The following'' paragraph is' taken frosi recent a.:• • t en issue . 0 The' e -Globe. obs. The n T tterfi eld e ' • efci•red to 'is a .]Tights t, r of Mr.. and Mrs, Angus "Lu Donald, I{inloss a.well-attended •meeting of the ZVoa en's ` Assoc'iation •;of ''Davenport :Road. Presbyterian ' Y . a Church `held last. night the, ; retirin Sec etar 8' r Y, ' Mrs. James Nett erfield , •was • p re sented ' with 'aleatherti villingbagin rec • ognition of her !long' and faithful - service tothechurch. Mrs:: ' Netter : field° has.: just:.con7 leted he t i- n r went . t a• 17.ye a as a, ni.ei ?;bar o �., e.th Church, .:�„ch, m.id has: 'b been e n five years Recording. Secretary :of tiie • association: The pcqe ntation vas 'nis e on behalf of the organization ani .. by Mas, 'rilaedenaid formeideaconess of the cot �' igrega (ion.' • • 'Baby •, Chks ic � • and.Egg '. chinS � ' -41 o7i7 e' tea' 'heavy: ,'laying. strains'-- ur 1 ;. i i :• t c:blEE l to lay , R lute Lei;•liol n.. and Rocks., Barred ; • , �Hgh }production and pedieeed .males . :used Order .AI 1 • ROW Ic get -.them When ? err' you li-w:tllt Y them. Also•' incubators, brooders ;,;and loultr. y511 supplies., Custom' hatchingtchi n, done. I can save ;you' m.iliey. Phone ori wr to 1• • . •' Duncan Kennedy.-• Whitechurch, Ont. (1-3-tf) .13�A • I3Y •: CHICKS. ,HICKS-- 1,1re specialize ',in: bred -to -lay Dar-' red Reeks..: .. Our .500 breeders, one, two and three years old, are inated with'. Cockerels from,•pedigreecl . hens, with -records ' froin200 to .312 eggs Chicks' - ;t20', er..,h ndr'e 18 for April;- u d for' March. � pill;•. expeess. paid: Special prices on, larger orders, !Tatrhes' every Tuesday. Order early for '.best.' dates.. .T,tines M. Scott.' - Sunny Crest Farm, Seaforth, Ont. rl' _ COME`. AN I.ht .D SEE lug, ew., Stock of Ladies' ; S `ran Coats .in th , e andIae, . trials: rh e Pei , ccs • r• e R e ' as y. naHle We also have received a large Stock � ock M Spring' Smits and•. Overcoats .�i..••v:: Bi luster o Dds Store zone 1 „, Q,•," LOCAL •.AND' GENERAL tch o a ai< Ur a • A quh rt A` uie ' Weddingwa s 0` 0 0. A !, • ' • 0-' .• y"• A. s o emnized at •'SeeFinla .Yson's o ult«f P. 1'Y. eeds advt. -en back') age.. FE It TILT:E. R• -A' car load ` 'now hand:, -,C; S. Robertson:•.' - Mrs. J. 'Rodgers of Win a, week=endwest , g Mrs • .'M: • •E: •M ogre , o of • The Cheri) Society will hold a con - c rton%.Friday.eveningy March 30th.- SSee:.bills. • Sunday was a: delightful'F sprink-like day,' and many were out 'to' enjoy the . pleasing balmy breezes. Jr. . �. !Farmers, • and Jr:' Institute 'will ' their ho �' e me bn ° Havelo'ek St, : South,•. hold' • thein. , • monthly Ireeting this Mr. Aitche sgt):having Purchased.- the 7h sdaY, -March h � bth at8 p m.� c ottage ere 'ed there by Mr. J. Mac= 'New -Gooda:•q table .of .remnants -'Donald. '1140,r• many friendstender' .hop"`as you . ,always wished ,to -pick" bas*; 1;41848 t 'them out, iOc.. to 33.09.7 -THE MAR C _ UR'CH •KET-Hornell-Murdoch'• Co. '• • .' N• OTES Mss Evelyn MacLeod has taken3 The "Presb • ria1 n W:M.S:. Aux.;` the ,position of: : stenographer. at he • Mrs. `Jag>L Irvin elided' Lucknow Table Co.'s :. office,vacate h P1 at... the . b ss ' d 'regular meeting held..` ° Y MI U'rquhart,: who ,was married . , g on. the 7th inst. lest.we ek. " 'The. Beb le Stud Y' was ta1 n 'b Y Mrs. •• Mrs. Wm. Naylor,. whohas been .R7.° V. M c Mrs. D.-• Paterson the Manse, ueknow, :'at 7 • o'eiock Wed " •a nesdaY'•'eyening • of . fast •week when Mr. Ck ifton Aitchiso • a•,(1 and Miss Eni,:: a' ..: m Urtt[t art • were united in Marriage. ': Ther, Rev: C. H. MacDon- ald ald officiat �,'�n `th .. res ,, , o p, encs Of," a, f e w • frie n daf,t e. , co nt rac i ng par: Miss 'Ir uhar t's home *as' near ne ar Tiver th' bu s he h •b Tn as t sen i ' Lucknow' the, past two°^years,`hav'ing a position. i the office of the Luck - now Table, onrpany. Mr. and • Mrs. Aitchison sent ' the Week -end • in a honeymoon rip to London, returning on .Saturday:lhight. They' will : make,' • ave a. .,resin confined'and' Mrs: to bed f g, M s. or H.��A ' the: past- Ander, P t thee weeks t •, Aon took , th to ic. was reinoved to S . •Josephs. ;Q P A duet was, sung hos ital iy Mrs. fir •»T.: Dangles a P.. ,Toronto, on Monday, where g and Miss M. She Aitchison. !- e is seriously fel... delegate ,Was appoint- d attend; the `-Pr i . ,i . : ov nodal Meetm A vis orous :tha ` $ g w with considerable. to;..be :held.ah:'Guel li 'in. A iter _:rain,_which=lirevafledfroiii=Sunday=jrti= p �P til Tuesday night, have put the roads United `Church -W M.S.`'" .:iii . ver bad. condi i t on "o�" Y a me. 1 a es The mo h c nt l P y,meeting;:�f the`:W:M.. bare:.others.`haves . S. .. snow -5 feet 'dee P a. washe ` 1 in the t de school room � of the, • Newt Goods -1000 yards' chintz lor church otr pedneadayt March :7.'The oinforters, drapery, .etc;, yard wide, ; iresident, Mr`s: Mac l' Cal ul?i was •' in t>er, yard 19c.: Make: your own choice the chaff -no sales'people to. persuade.; you -- •Meeting opened• in usual 1 •way: Mrs.. D. HE-'' MARKET' - Hornell-MurdochY C. Taylor; •►ea in 'pray- , ra ; P. Y • .r, and Mrs. J. McNab read the Scri P. Co � . ' tui elesson " ]t wa s agee Pd to have Mrs. JacobMiller.ol� town,n 1e the Easter:thankoffering i �. A reI ,reived a letter •1ast week, telling 'of when Mrs. . : Craw, ,w' lggive, 'e rpo'rttthe• death of her brother, J:hn Walk- :lference. Mrs: A.. Turner dealt Ste. Marie" Sicllgari. He with thetoJlac �m an Ateetvay,takenvn about 70'years of age, and, adD fromthe Study ;Book,dealing with en dn,the..fino aboutsve rS. - • ..the- child ad' been- ill the past' •ren -"°f .the• :p�rient...;llit"sr Deck - :1 11 three Years. er contribute ' 1 ,� daso�'a,and14Trs,''J: viii i.. We no t c. b" e an exchange • tli • a : '. red a letter• ,descreb}ng ar- lad b the nariie o Jack Y .f Long, ; �a tides :'whch•were 'requestedfon• the pupil of MissAlma Alton, ,atInner-- • bale" " Mrs:' Russ -Robertson .a gave a g , kip, was winner .in Pr an oratory Cori-.: reading, and Mrs: E J:'Sii?th led • iii test for public, school championship 1? y rage r. The meeting closEd .by '• all 'n the counties of Oxford, °•Brant,re eatin the. Lord' ` : repeating � s Prrayer. an8: Wentworth h al • H demand. The 'lad will enter. - . - Presbyterian Guild. now the:' provincial con- .., i`estto be•.old at Toronto. , �At the meeting Monday ' evening the, Seri` Mr. S. C. MacPherson' Pture ;reading was taken .b M hereon. of .the. Bank .., , y )f Miss Mae Monti M e aw Montreal eta s M cMah ff, was: on•:redings , at.'has home were ',n Paisley over rthe last week -end, and ;even: by • Jean Ste° w art , ''Miss :' Fern n 'while there attendedthe linneral of, Mrs.P itie StPwand and o. - hs frith er. J. Bro c k Mac herson,whob bel Douglas. Miss Carrick ave the died on Saturdayo of. 1uert_P ncum n:: topic. Musical�c al numbers were a coil ia. The'family was., severestricken,P1 e of selections o. n the • . • t o li nb Y. Mr,'as themothsr a•s e,lasthe father' tames L ttle�and'a solo by Miss Mary. down • With pneumonis TheAitchison: After the programme " a mother, however,isrecoverin ., contest, An:'IrishAomance,"...was held. ' -• Card f Thanks. o -o-0-•-- r.FredI United Church Y.P.S. '! Ritchie and ,Mr. andr M s. ' Jas , E: Ritchie wish to thank their. many• kind f iends ghb and nei ' o ,�' rs for thekindnes shown" at : s ,° the ' time ; of, 'thea r recent bereavement; also for beautiful, floral contributions at the. funeral of f a beloved wife and daug h= aw ter in -1 • ; Mrs. "Fred' 'Ritchie. ' DIED, Ryan -In the 'Village of Dungan- 'non, Ont., on March 11th, 1928, Will- iam Ryan, aged .78 years, The fun- eral was on Tuesday, March 13th, ;'to • Dungannon Cemetery The mock parliament•'cenducted by the Y.P.S. held h en sitting Mon- day eve on- d$Y.eve lng,an d as, usual;*Was ,well •welt attended As a result of the defeat of the. Re • 'bli Pu can government at, tete previous' sitting'-th g, a treasury,lenches are- now ,occupied by the Democrats, with Mr; • • Alf. Andrew: . as premier.' and president of t'he oi•lmen. The - new go• vernment `submitted a Bridget yet-, terned after the Robb Budget, which for weeks has been under discussion. at 'Ottawa. The Budget was intro • duced, by. Sri; Gordon Staters; min Culbert-ln the `Village of Bracken,, • ister of e, finan in a neat .� ,at speech on March 7th, 1928, 'Jame§ : which . showed''that the • "parliament" ,Culbert, , aged ,83:, years. Funeral ,on- ! was having the desired ei'Fectof'cau s', March' • 14th, to, Dungannon Cemetery:' ing a number •to study Current `poht . ical questions. Following .g discus- sion which Varied from', the infertile- tive to the humorous, the debate on the hirOget was, on a nit,tion by` Dr. Johnston,' adjourned until the next sitting, to permit the introduction of private bills; Dr. Newton <:utimitted a•^private hill favoring, an 'appropria tion for the placing of a clock in the tower of the Lucknow Schoolhouse, by way' of a soldiers' memorial; • An iimendlnent,,..fa-voring _the- erection • of a cenotaph wase submitted, and an in-, •(,tier estin g •;discussion:' #oIlowed,; in which the tseentliness of the; different forms of memorials found expression!: A vote„ ,proved favorable -•to• the n Inendinent.•,There.will'he ninother :iiit-',• ting in April, when the Budget debate will be continued. '-• ' ' • BMW . CHICKS B]' MAIL The Post , Office Department has issued •a statement, to :the effect' that the° season ''during , which day-old chickens .will be accepted by the post-' 9ffices throughout . Canada for trans- mission by mail is March X t'to June 166th. • ' DANNCE'. Be or r g a, tat! Didiz..ha'r. o,th Y ee .Oigish•-ayfasquerade •that;the wimmin of `the .Kairshea' club,;.is,.,ptittin' On:,•; :M;areh : -16?. There'It b`e daiicin and ken i'n in olds • • time style, • J 8'g For there'll _be ;People._ there, for many' a mile, Put on: your green bennetsi : and: come away all, For there'll be a £ood tittle at the Bell Neat/ '00ods•500 yards. 5palm alm beach cloths, for a yard ;25c. A11 places marked ---pick° what ydtl' want -..hand; to .clerks-,••tfoa•nell«Murdoch Co;-•.xl�C M4I Ery' • !AT TI1E AGE of 106 • ,T. On :Sunda 1 t 'M rel " Y a ?. , lth� • ' I. sh-- a , A ield s ,centenarian, John` Barnby, `cel ebratecl; his one-hundredth-and-sixt h :birthday.', We have a" " number of time times mentioned:;thes 'Very olds min, and' there i httl , ' etha t: i"ne• s w.to say_: 'a b ou t hfi' �• ko n. There is ' no', pence table Change P m.",him in recent years.: He good..health. -'chee r . � s • , ful, and happier than many .whoia. . Yb ut h1 , anAsid: ,Alsi• theirever facIlyu" 1 ' tees, g a known; • ?VIr Barnb y, is absolutely ;blind and ,. absolutely deaf, and has been' so - for almost thirty years, having lost sight•and hearingg between the ages:- of 75 and 80, A .report which has -appeared in a number ofapers to the,•.effeet that hs i ,. hearing, n �s .failing" g, ling and that ..he Can listen:,in, on radio- mes a s s. he by. the. Use 'of ear phonesis not • true, He •has been' absolutely` deaf , . for many years, and .although his bear - gag .wastested', with radio, ear phones,, he.gave :.no evidence of hearing, •other than a slight start at first. Mr: Barnby was born in'Yorkshire, "' England,•:and came ,to Canada at: the age :;of .' fifteen. ::Ten yearn tater he'. • came to Ashfield d.an 'bought h the f a r m., on Which; lie. still 'lives with his son, James; ,from his nAlert. Mr.. ex:A MacLean; who . is 's'tili lf: ing, at the age of : 93; -o-o-off A BL - .._ - G ORDER OF ;il•'ARM' MACHINES ag Me :n:ra .cny M f eo r. It he d ,M wah.ss o•e . y liH.,•, ss ar' a ris with headquarters at' Brantford,dr RPed into'o r -Office the .other day; and in the couis-eof a.taii,about'bus-. ` Hess conditions, showed us an order farm,inplenents, which he re- cently ,sold: , The order -i-rluded295 machines, andcovered ahnostevery' r ;sortof machineand ,implement 9uiredin fanning.oPerafron. The list is• said to constitute thseargest order :for mixed fgrn• 'machines' ever taken in the .prdvince, andincluded 'almost every, line made by the •3I:-11:'com= .PanY• Inthe year' just dosedMr. Reed was -.one ofhecompany's tree salesinen whew; ca up too,passed theob1ective.set ,at fifit,of . the Year Mr., Reed leading with.110 •per • i,gA ,:T•. S d B •e rl Y,e ' ..._ �. a . , d e ' .othe ,ChoecestIngredients., • SPICIAL S • and 'APp1e•Squares'Chocolate. Marshm 1lo- Cake, Scotch Scons,Cliclse,Bns, Raspberry Tartlets, Date Triangles, Dundee'Cakes, ,Rolls, Coffeex Cake,Ma de•`Wa nut "Tarts.t.' • • HOLLY MA S13ARERY Phoria 36 Lucknow • 'WHO :SHOT ''THE IIOG?.' One, h?o i ' xn ng recently Mr., Angus MacDonald A of - the' 4th, Con.;- Kinloss, found his big ,:collie dog dead,on:-the railway.track, � l i east . a little -a5f of •.'phis far m' near the bigbra d e b ,apparently, killed by -the train. But, Dods xainfna= tion it was found the do had dpsen: 3r and . then n � on. the r' placed.t a to c'k `be " run' over bSthe train-.- Persons. ire perfectly within... their rig tsin - • • 11 �:shoofing dogsfoun nteer ar • ms,butundercerta • condo+iof It is not lawful, • and• •offendersa e nny b prosecuted. -Coni. F E TI LI Z E R r � A Car • log d Just Arrived • BEST BRANDS , Get Your Supply Now 3 , Before You Get Busy:: With.Your .Spring 'Work _G • e 0 .5., Robertson AEI RouND TRIP OMESEEKERS PARIES:'ro WEStPERN•'C ANADA .., M•arch',_tst.:to..:Se tem .. P bar 3Oth • Return: limit two months from date -of sale, with° 'sp9g tai `'`ex- ,'tension, Privilege of two months lina�it at,.the rate •of` 00.00 per trioab. For further+`• information and .tickets apply IVIcK1 M'. ':DR • • U • G ;,Tb RE • C.N R Town Ticket Agent. Lucknow, :Ont! Phone $2. � . In PhonC 75 -G4 7Oe a of 'Health VI of 'Health UMOT�O IS.: UALITY AND SERVIc. OurQuality , a Made, Whole Wheat and Rasen: Breadis Made '• Lucknow, . . • �... $ r. ' THE OLD STORY WHICISPEAKS 0>•'�SOMETHING NEW. .WEEK ITIS HOUSE DRESSES. •o need to g, round witha shably, faded housedress; when you can buy a brand new one, at Our Storefor $2:45 eacir'Mad_ with neat little pleats, and trimmed weth,contrasting colors,' and best of+al1, fast colors. Iuse• dress materials of that. better'finality. .merchandise at`19c., 24c,27c., 29c,33c. and35c. Peryard.'All Canadian .manufactured . . _ . ._ a „.. ... ,.. . .• ••` Our new selling system aids shopping. Try it out 'il: ired ' E. B`. ..: swe A,;YFAR OF GAINS IN ' MAITLAND PRESBYTERY The Pre'sli ytery of Maitland of. the Presbyterian Church . •in :Canada which 'met in Melville lv lie: hunch ' r • ` - C ,.Bus' sels on March 6th, `-reports :`another. yearofprogress '•fn' 'all directions. There has been fine increaseh bot in;men nibs rshl�''.. Tand in`. c' ontribu 'i P tons: A. net i er e a. nc ease of :is . • 152 shown in m'• em' begs." And. '-ff ,the same rate of increase is maintained. for another Seven and a half years, , that ' is. shown since the •.lisruntion, the num- bers .willbeuP what they y were before. .June .10th; 1925. s ' . Contribution the Budget- show udd sho' ...an. increa'se c to get= ous w n reale: over the p.wlous' 1 8 . .. $8.0The VG.,D:.S. gfvirigs 0 g' al increasrof ed b' Y 2 .Devin •P Missionary .. per osis increased ea sed.Y b $3,369.. Fo' Poe' allCon re ate .g oval g Ur - poses an' increase of 6 406 Is shown. P $, o wn. Th e Spirit and loyalty Ya: l and•.devo tion of our people," says the Clerk: of':Presb 'are b Yte e �' eyond Praise. - Corn. ' 'New Goods --'The store r' e,ar- °ranged and newly decorated -;a11 plainly Marked'prices o Y it -take : any- thing you please from the : .attractive piles and ,examine•,the; quality . and 'corn pare 'prices. -THE MARKET - Hornell -Murdoch .• MARKET= Hornell-Murdoc ' h Co. • FA[MYIiEJ; FR & I7 MarchIDAY 16thSATUR :&',17thAy Ken rd and the.' Wonder Maynard _ Y onder ; Hor se„� Tazana ; fn' "THE' .DEVI ' L SrS .SADDLE... , An'. historic story -of the' ear 1 Y days, told: with,, all -the daring . riding, hard fighting'` and ten- , de: , r!. romance of � the •screens , r ` es g. at t • western 'star. i ;�.. g ColleeComo n o e M -o re in `I`WI. NKLETOES- , Have e urS Yo: .. sed Grain '.. PrP erl� ' can • e Y d Have yor seed grain . _n roPerl Y cleaned by :up-to-datemethods, . and,. make,.' yoo' ur 1328 crop the ' e . bas ; • yet, t ', by using seed free from weeds and inferior' kernels, •' I have ve a modern •seed-leaning;:ma- hi` . cr' ne m operation• at Luc ' .know,'. and • am; .prepared to clean , all. ki • ods' ': of 'grass seeds and grain, • S: E E. RO3ER TSON;” • Pearlman' :�� s: Annual Fashion n- Show MARCID 16th and 17th: �Lu In. • ek • noW • Don't Miss The. .. r ' • Opportunity of Choosing Your Easter Oufit Ouf>lt' . � Choosing , This year there , . will be.:a S: `gin .Dem= onstratlon' of Ladies'' Wear, including Smart Spring Coats, Clever Tweed Suits, .l°rented4CrepesNev' .En-` sembles, Dainty Dresses, of i s,, ' with latest Egyptian and ' Italian°r patterns, French Material, "The Spider's • p s Web," direct_•from a Large Manufacturing Toronto.' Co. in PEAELM • NS Ther Place 'f or the Fashions • e Woman Who Wants Good Clothes at'Reasonables ;'rices. Spring Showing --March • 16th and IT th :Phone 85' •