The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-03-01, Page 61 - A PERFEC A41qi4rihe'Ldier • She faLtLug 4ftta ns tlitnig.ht.'better OE It opt fl Jae U3 I .at'•01141114: 1/Wk. trine:at' the ti a g0.114-4.1.ehtand "71igtY•',01.,10.1, eeethed giVe ; 1,seated•niyaelf b.esicle.the girl; .and.., *or.' perf.eet shape.: •AS 1ie stqo b� vq wits t went over the on dr ei(10 t1,17•4104*'4Ottita,priltateOft,le-ela1 t ty '11.'gwa ileed!'her fore-, the 'ffabati011a, 4,had..*10.4Ot tO aalt -he4c1' 11.0 stro.4 a thO'lro0f. en elean 011t•;"'24,1`.my'sSes.4";•"..•$O.;j tgue tpu her '..dt11 ..7.- 1:44k • :' tea o.aeltinglit'ehe khew...hoW to lashes„.• '-enter uij a . ledger,, 71 said ;' , "DO ; eft .” S."Betteli Pat :a • Straight,. neil,s, on year 'dirwa," SMI plaCed a chair:'•for • her 1,,sekene:.•,' 4'.,.44,N.pa Softly, '''..i•Otliel•WISO„; ••Illear ray oi 11•11er ;rather1U e p1no .47 -WS '47T:see 10'41.1 *WOO: 14' 'XiaPh114.11eOth-f•Witat 4 meaa.",1 laid; .m. -?r, iaud'est!. :went -;614tcs1toti1t1ng,"1,11g,,. note. ,here and otilded the, Pen...,. ' • , 417114ihy 3%4aLsh, ,eur,hphd ' clerk;1Yei, tilpt. is • . given, ',4•• .and.:gen,t1Sdisengagedyher es eir". 0144,4;1., • ' She '.spoke tlmldiy but b.er o1 Wellis'e made. quite . -'geed' 'pro4revs. was " roueleal, . • •. • ',that' eyeeino,'with tbe fedger"... ,Af ter; - :14;WelIVasked 'her to litre Ith' ' Me. w),1en he i eajid ,becaue my uhele'S;,en they,;,,,,00101.40.kt,1 that 1 wanted to diece*$.;,P0.• '.t.hOOT7 • pir.a.moitp..1., , That's .wii);,7oters, Inter: 'Of s' hook•Iteepiugl,,' • III wasWeIL We i4ewIng 'Me."s dia011 at ft. ClUt!t. 114.10, ..resht taura ' "I' see, air," she sitidwith .just'.the know ni the light of a. pinkshaded faintecit en4110: which Made hor*lips lamp. • ,.0a seeoud iliought;; 4. Post- ' OUrve adorably. : ••.' . ' • „polled • the; .beoltIdeping dismission; '• . - .'NeXt •merning; a letter turned. • up • • "."4,r,7 7rri,41,7„11:1,, • aa, e don't mAuniTANityi: ,O'RopELLER ng o oug) verhanli g. 1 „t,. .f • u t .11 b . hire •Tlie wOrld's fastest ocean liner is undergo! th • Sumernian Queen Strange Uses African Bush Ovvned Vanity Case For the Airplane Shrouds Airpliin 5606 ears go ••• • - Passing Be. are sone ON tie Witch-DOctor Elt4iqhes .al'tatic';r, by • J6tht . : . , ,f3Tikish eiOt 1.04s1 Fat' " PTO's "'Z.IfiefT Found ,rilki:ta5,14.1014-"e1•4•nen in 714.0=ii. • eynattk.:.riget 'Of appro. Mately i:5;060. *ears' ago, wp2:e gilidehigartera, golden' ear' rhigs• ; a • sn Illetlatod • •'147 a, geldete• ',erne ment resembling a, large • SPaiiisil Asti'cloak •. and carried her: range in .vanity... caseS •Of perio&-ecreki ' 1 • Dever t ane'ea'a-. b 04y, heir. ...that ',of •ther king Was' announced •in . ret..ort frein ;Leonar4.1•WeelleY; direc- tor : the expeditien.l.,61 .tife ,1•-l\'11ettill Of the. Uniieraity of' .Petuls71,. vania, and the Ilritiell..IntiseUrri, in Uri' of :the 'Clialdees ' WOC:9110 flaid the treasures flinhti in the -TO -nib 'Vera. '• the. richest ever Unearthed • i 1.1 ' I e tenth •the ,qtleeti Wad. fund • bttti th 1 b 1 hi li ,ases to ,Which the airplane la nOw .1)(3 ItY..11N7vi:30._he:e11:2317ed:iviHN;Igalnior,css,:mrarnaliVe;St:f., Crash. Victims on Congo; leriO4:4 instlete 0741eattering.•eloitds. of • nnhnn .and with the, use. of •the.:.aii,. 'ONE,. WRECK: NOW B Ing rar coraersof the World, , read 14. 413,-41.8,Sociated, press dispatch .forin Ortlyden, ,13c.glatidi• that 0941 aViatiet!' Center in preAt' prO.ss,L, Qf farnilitar'.41th • the f, er.destroyhig delep rplatie in .untoPing, ledalities. otherwise dirncult,et acCeSs, tif *woe fitirpri4. .Cape ToNn-;-0111.. airPlatles do noting In 1?orniqsa tie„ptcksint9, nor mtheasts.:0103' f.,t.01planes :1, 01, c,” gai)(•11;3.: , 41W470. Ole the 11CraPilla.P,itt, obiletyed find kueer Mating:. Pia_ cefs• act as. reminder* of , kightHead huners a.. meiwere fn ib:urrate nd, in e jungles amA.4 Vcpc.ickice6rrsellii Iwo !earn; tirnyivinghlteoli ..fiB;oo.rronl*S a report that Londeri.to Cape Town eight years stupendous bird creatures oT Formosa PY the gods ae7:•4 'Avarnii.g,:tbe Japan_ 'ElgeorareMag:elit.e,*)°ised :tate'r!ril4seb.:71"111fi'll"litiln.d.7it.m4ii:pailigeyli:liis:PrTii.littline. seu111-9',:ev4Pilitalbgierdill?..O4VregrthX4.4l4h:atl4(111tra 1.$71441OXY)1.17hand.rik;:-- ',Alio • hOaiNiohteis, While Undetnaged.' Winge.:Nria011‘ 'nest Of eiplesite-eggs,and the lead., %cool veranda: . s .' • • hantere: • are nov, •atilot as a dud Then theift :Was the 'Silver ,C1lieene; • • Shed. . • . • • • • `. • . 'tiara by the °South African airnien • I. When the. gait et Finland froze, over. .Van i''tyileveld• and 'Brand; trent 'Cairo ‘, '' and the, Sailors on thirty-eight ships' 'to rthodesia. ' She was •sMilahed uP the fi ti ' . • ' ' r ° n n ' ' ' , • : had been robbed of .its treasures and , . locked fast in ntgh,e icensnesemetadtrainy daan-r.. badly,. in a forel • an ng,near , ! a tont. cme o out c en s i er 'y s . abopc this "jab. yeti want,...15.alsi . zaisiug' 'many important .q,uestions, • I e. oa, ng dock at.Southam tell..." • • ,•••• ' • . " in be e' entre was a burial pit',..con„ • ger 'of starving Fi i h • • I 'wayo To -day the Petrol teaks! are t ' ' • er... 'ilere's the elifticulty. ktruncle s , - not verY keen • about ladY-hdeli-keeli- se;41.sti.aft13,:h.I,,i,in.tilitivalt ht`iejoy,, ,','you ma' est •I, say,. wilat about the spot..ot &inner i . ,, ...,. ' . , .; , titimih5 th .bodt . e lanes carried toed to the beleaguered being- used by a farmer as grain bine In faet h a rather 'prejudiced _ • - • e es of mor an craft.. • . • a • rid e • Id.Beven at once ' resentl 9"" s -. . I • . .seeses .... men and, wornen, tire warders of the ' --- ' • for .is OW rr. .The broken ProPsl- ' ' d 1 di 13 11 - against...them.: Still, if •yeu're.veiry anight:•'elter• the nese." • The •large blue• eyes ,regarded 'me 'rather pachetienity: , "To he perfectlY honest; Mr La W- . toit," she 'iikaai.,,sii‘rn not. yet yr" e(' flews. ' Bat 1 £1.111' to KO.t. faint NN'ave,. of &dna. touched . her. "cheeks Ja•Ine Idaialt, has p omised to, coaph.:tne- if yoe'll give me a trial."' 7. ed!" IVIY tone. was,. .rather , • Stern'. • 'Indeed! Now.,letl•tue. give:.yeu wor(i.oVadvide. on the.,hrink,et your •career, I -leather_ _Omit , be ;tee :ready, to accept ,these offers of help '.°,triiiti" • Male. clerks.- _Men 'are -7: er4=that:Is;, -they're not-tei.r--1, clan, ,* t to »e careful .11 le 37)1117... g? aliat ror tonefied., her s eet tt face. • 'Careful of Mr: ?",' she filter- - t f gat -way, 1 p vIre . and a3r. Yon re coming. "Thanks ever so niuch, ed. 0,117,..s;flelleSse.,113.; 10V 1 •.. • t °111 Bere's his'tetteYou'll have ,t'o. stay to -night', Mr EnWtOn. 4 ''" are' h ' ' , • .t e. pit,..tha retort .stated and on the • No • • AlrPlanes -work with ;whalers' rth:..P.a. chic in .disccivering the -•While .the, rudde,r.and.tailPplanes hang • the .-•ler,.1-•-ii:er:a, ea t e.. arm. . . • . . • e y., lovely oo•. e • s °ping ratnn 1 d d wn Into• . . . _ '91e'..nig..1i,t in De , , .0 , 00, a horri etle-a .greerislvard reaming'.on,.. tite.., • • 4gaar , r. .arnai3e . s. 4nen , off -StaYanger. Use 'the airPla e. ,a7 • • . •• . and p. aek your ,h04.., it should be picion. ,•gripped 'me.i'...'•Jiminy'S. train • , streAm.,. . • • • ' d'• th I k 11 eh- 'ter ,..spottier aha-aia, ,nee.c.estsry to • . ,, . me forests 'Of Alsace-Lorraine .are .• Y'•••. •`.• • • . • Natives. Vener(e• Ins•rorntlfs t It+ away. a couple .Of would, reach' St Pancras at. 6.45.. I On. •,WIies.e calm ',surface • casedIn copper helmets and .their tin o n a • Y • rhi so cut tilting home 'As she left the fit d White in' • ; d .• slope lay the, bedies. of sik soldiers' of . • leviathans etthe deep, _Norse fishr- as historic relics -la the, drill; hall at. , th 'Ft 1 In olg•i4s ao t• ssial onaerotsoa.- aeotaoa to theet'hirn . Might seem„: ., • . • • ';1.11)7hr,:ire..1plotaulc:sretatl.r..e,:iilfieftyabseseennictitnlleets(1.. sr,rayea 'from" 'the air to kil p agues s a •ter e .;war.. e e, ns n ••• ' .t e Cerige started an sir. tnall-Serv'ee ti1, adpeared a aken aback.,, ',reached station lust on tripe, . s have Seen ogeese in preud 'proces- of caterpillar:8, In woods, near Berlin, . . • „ s - This waa the kind ,ofit Job I ubually and, --yes, there she, was! While I Non gleam , - f th d d poisonzta8 bombs have been dropped between , 'Kinshasa and StanlervilFi', 'liken to tslle on mysel : I hesitated at the barrier he tr in. Bri ht s hi sal I cl ds h r • ' mbles 'fro-na airplane,s fcir th,e .same purpos-e. ' • Part o'f 'Grave ' is Sha ' ' All the., machines ------ The da Seemed 1411011=0111y iong,,-;,-rolledl up. Jim'my• Tamped, 'mit and than,fleece •,'. In. south Russia7-airninnes seouted tor a little • rivers. de ..ge alflflg,ta . . S. •soft in- • . . . hostp o lo‘usts. One such. hos( , t 44.• ; gh 1 ng I ' "The rest of the g-ra.ve• area was a mit' t last -mind closing -time. Being ran to her 'Next Moment they were Or crested sea' white a • the ' • f • • shamble's," „Mr. Woolley said, h‘tor • Congo recenilY. a• vlsItot saw• • now '-resPotipihie for'-dimmy's werh, 1 in each other's arms. • I dashed' dut • ' creaie".. j found :.11ie miles long by three. Miles graves ef two of the. aviatorsh ina -Iced ,the:narrow space were strewn.,50, sod- • • 1, and saw of the statiOn and took the first bag Of trahquii snOwfaii and as ie S of those sacrified to the spirit of . . with pi•OpellerS. wr p , , wide. Troops made all,human beings was. • • • • • • visited. tlle •gett,a1.4 '• •C8 • thom• ont. Danhae, entrenched be; home; • ...• • , .. . • -.•-, • • • • • . • ehe'dead. Along..one'side•wera rasa • • . • hotiq • clo„se 'by .Where• th.,e . t and -cattle evacuate the nterritely, ant • • • • peace"; • • . 'hind ledg,ers; liesitect.. ...I . 'jailed,. 14)", ••• Next morning JimmY rePpr.ted .:tliat .1e,ir hsliity ,:... is' ..like . beaatv• 'hi. a .. • . • , ,....., the airmen then flew at night ever:the .'.t1):1., PlAtie: 'magic ' w.it1,1. . . „. , • . _ their daggera on their hips; . against • a stool ahd joined' tler, . • ... ...- ... : .tbe,' Bevan business waif- 6,K, • •when..-. . • ifrea.m.. .. ....., •••• •••,... . -.„ , • .the feet nf the 1,tornb ,lay' the chief 106he't •sprs'yinirithenv, wItil, 1 A The place if honor was• deyoted., to , po so • , .. "Do you' approve /of "new. 'aevener tie had. hill:abed I',told him :to: iesid • '. • . , • '• ...,:.„,' .',, • •• ' l'-- ladies/of :the harem, Cleyen /of theln: g_ae.'. ' • . ' • ., . • • . , • ..- . : . , • . . . ... . ' •• • • :. ..'. . the histruni.ent board :of ' t'ks Old .ulene. - , . . , , . . • — .. . . • .. • , 1 ' • • . • •• . • . 1 - . . , • • ---1.-wee. Ing 'What... Must have 'been it'll. . - hition- ' • ' -' - • "They' dertaialY ar.e less...Ince nines," nee musb,, ionger?".„I -suggested. • 1,.. , ..., ..••• •.. 'beads.‘jield high ... . ,„,__ .,2,-..„...._,_-.:-.•..k.,.„ . "You .w -o -n . . - a'Y Ili • driving ubt Stand wit- s. „. "t• -•want to---st .4qtt.7.-th-e--1:if=:- . --i— ''-4--,w.-:•‘:=• -.8-- 2•1/2 .- .. ...h.....i'..1'.... "gold ',..'nlberrY, leaVea . ung rOTO, 'itti4;cilertiwing.the ' ' ' party •explelell, Nij.,esterriesi.i. e_avi.11:' 4'1713, re'f-stire,..7P7.; ..n..71: .. Th,esewitapsliti?*e.o.f. the Du.tch-Am . . • : - ti. -.Fi•nn•pli • . . 70.1••,- at tags. of lapis lazul-i' and •Cornel1634 . . fleree.,Papuan tribe.sii.',:siti4igefl.'- ' ' ' . , . I adniitted: "But .what abeut a little ," . Oh, yes, .I clo•-.1,f- you 11 lat .r.n: ., .. P.. .,,, acing le ownpour :before .,. ; n 9 hi . iS' 1' ' li ' C t • . ' ' - ' . - .. . • ' . • . -.-- .. .. beads,. ti I e ih lai, a , • Th tr. b smen. on being est ed . . AirPlahes"-were used 1/1 ,....itet....,,. Jimmy's inthis,' way," I atirnitted,,. "if 'Ten: anderstittiVitia- poin.t. of. Vieiv. • He's kind all that.: . • , . ' but a bitef wonitin7hateri must. . -net MI6 g,„ ialote with 'him, :N4so , really mein"' ' looked at S her, th a .paternal Sett of- way, but .only laughed. • . , • .,. "Then you Me. atrial, .Mr. • Lawton?";•• • • . . give''.'you • -a "Oath's trlaL wjx,et4r.. or; not ,you Job theft ...erill'depend partly en. yourself, ,partly 'oft xay,-- hneht: 193:en, 4o, Conies :back. I'M op longer in You see" • Thank: you very roue deed. 1 -Start at Once?" •• "Yen May. ' Mr; 1%farah Set .!Yeir please' say I Want to See' hitn- When'hOhaa.a monient te:' spare'," . .shethanketi prett11y,m41 •,t,r1Pped out •of :reein. :I tried- to concentrate...Oil Shutfinesei••but -Viand ;it And • a'"full twenty nahiutes paseedfiefere he cable. to 'see.me, ,•, • "*Iorniti", • 'Marsh!"' I said 'dryly. "I've, 'been interviewing':that 'Young -*Oman you --recommended • 'keeper. She 'does, not pretend:, to. be very efilefut." . ' ' • • Manly thirty -1114;7 .though.771.m. looks young for bus hair has a,,Silly natural wave, the :Bert. , Of , .a. xilight .1.1e seemed even,--younger7thanuslial Zig as He,ather, Is, a:straightforward , ""Phat,atwhY•''she told •••'Yon the trtith.., Ill undertake to Make . her efacient endiugh!:.hy ,the, time' the . • .,• 'Old Man comes' bEtelt." • , , "Seem's, rather like. turning the of-, lite *into A kindergarten,"' grtitithled, • • "my :own 'ianit tor:monk her' a trial.. NAYI look' here, ...Marah, understand ..thiS right away.- ..-.'Therei' to '• be, %no. .• •fillitittlet0 •• ' of :araniernent,cliekered. .In,hie 'eye. HoWever, 'ha. aneirerecl gralteli'e.'nottglir ,• •••• ' • • .".I theuld not dream 'of such if thirig, - " The. atiia..W1414 folloWed were ,try - 1, hag ones, ofOr 140;,, Often -1 stayed a hit late at the7.` 000: every ,oc7, casion .when -at 'last I pic.ked up; to. gO 'home there the 'ledger -desk . sat: ;Jimmy close 'beside Daphne. Heather, .11It ter Me to dud faultecOuSe Wail alWaYs explaining , Some ',Iitkikdteetillig rule..When I: hp- •peared... put thpotra:th was extut :$0 at last.1, determined. to, put deewn nay It Was'. on Meeday,, When. she'd been at the...ODIC° When Clos- , carno stayed 'on, althcingh had nothing to de. twenty On.; UteS 1•Waited,,.then, joined up amt.:ell-1 •:•.t.ered the Ileolt-keeper's. room: Yea, ..there' they were!' , I 'exclaimed '; severely.,• - , • , 'this' wen't, de.: Yeti Can't., burn. the • Candle at, both mads. 'VOWS' adiard- ' Working,: efficteht, ' • ...tierici;yott-dil 'quite Inn:nigh-work- in4, ,daY wititeilt having the extra Strata, Of. thia overtime -tuition, de ,home.:ht '11 asatira You,: ,Mr, William, It's no, "Don't argue', 'MO' Wale!" prettliatirt &Ach Mls ; • "Maishi", 'Bald ableilittly,•• "Miss I:leather St,t;:; net stiffer. through lack Take; ketir hat and., C'titt- ' •tind .1tOrittr 'OnCe. `Witt:teach Mise • • FoP Woirsent he 'teemed iiiod tu argutnent, '1'heti he , . , • ,. asked shyly... • .! .pa, Phne • along', $..ke when,: ' 'rate( •• • • . .4 . • • •• •eoltipas,s • being. .regarded 'as - court• -regalia, censisting of elebe N ' d' d the fi•;•ttr'et cwith :•clOse.'.''at- lov•elY., ever,, • . .lipat --br.ings• rain- ' - . • 7, • A .e , . • • . .• arelp,Hebieete=0,f-Vert..exlittion-thY-these tilt to t'ie'r oses . T s whats on adieted 'Mean ",• ' " , ' • "Hut look here" I argtied. 'Marsh w laietilaa4d ot'Ot-iter's and guided: earara-go-od-/Wwrr-ornii,.. , • - • di • • • • •s ver p n w • . • ••• , • , p s he • • • . . •during the invasion . „ • • ' 'and great gold earrings. ' in 'great.glee;'. iyith 6r't0g0land iP w;,, ould r;t' ; youmight . see m Whsh4lie °iv ed.:as oraying-iar -a•-cmhFa-7T'grr--Tr-.-----•H'tee6n4;tues-:'" '3 "'i'"ti--- But 1 thought 2 you Iprferred,Wqll'bhe breathed. •,.••• • L fiat,,,,and no's -relations- to s:uppert." ' ' 'Oh O-ot tip-tilted-atese ,fbr , • „ • , -• cant n ngpa ' y011 Shines en their stazzling •Whitand they fain int and ueSe, n solid rosettes of gold shell and 7puid bards. and beside. each lay COckIeshells H al face gffra rYdit ally the. Great Bar,rier Reef, •'A'.ii,i4ftne(ri ..tolitele,70afr; tah.eyso;ItTilgaeFtr-rrTine;s1r.jed1.,c13,r„.. Hydroplanes aro surveying protci7 lYtt4 abijet' sheds at const• Porte - e .isaate teethed le tind s.veral q 0'1/ .eVery; timel';!• I deciared„With . ed et1t4t1s,.10,1; 166king ,(10°I) :int'? her .."then; sure •he 'won't Wati,t You I, : • • - • • • • - of "eMitse I do!" ' ••• w.•to4k9..1.7.s.t..er Et 'lie' d th' lta " fthe irra-. Warned daring the tropicai suinin.ers :ealaftig, ti:e33uurtom'a'V7' the,:ar.ati•ii.u,.'n,g1.e,,, .,the The i'ving were big blue eYes, : to :go on Working here" - ' I. • • - • . • ' I • RetUrned-With Thanks I I'd' ° ' , • . vntl • . s entm • r and, ImmigratIon As I was g 'beneath a ladder Down ca.me the •curly lashes,: whiles .••• •"But I want. to and 'that' Labo - ' • • • ' n . • In Eastetrn Iberia • the Russians', trader had , been an find he • .a delicious bleah;: swept her: slneeth. tor • .ht*.;,... He's always been most' _ 'been uSitig airplanes:AO .conneet ,...0Yerhanted" the old ''hu"S',Aeeret.17.:' L- Monde Otivrier (Ind ),• h•em the ;Ite.acihing .11P. 'tO the. Windows of. a • • • • • 'cheeks', Ityas just abottt dinnertime •frightfelly, erer...since %can le-. •strictly..iahor..pointo.of,,iteNv. tho 1 their remoiely, •sitaated gold,heids in .-To tile as en ,s_ , • . • • • j. was struck ph the 'head' 1,)y a large .th.,e,..ttiatt.••,,trritor,' . Tlie..R1nes •car - When ilie• ledgers; ware 'iln.ally. postedt.„ member:"..; , .• . ' . • migration qu (on can be ssummed up . t ' • • • cently built ,house the irascible eolonel t 1 liment of ere•rv ong A,re :got 'the' Same table. • Site joelted knewii httLI • loyeller. than e‘Yer under thc. :pink '',Of cotrtrsel .0h rn t. • youb be,' hindered. kohl seehing tn.' 'reprove •-ani.di,7'rsaedlizngl, et-ir ai-p. follow's: 1 r e c • rens, s a no piece cif Phtty.p. leae• .;:2„ idtormerly t.4"ef. .ifit.);ren117.'.7„;..r.v...Z.2.•seeass, .13flteerrInoot•Q: putty in ope hand, 1!: mstoangog.p,elrann;---. . lar • „. , • " • , know. W - thought it • won d ,,e rah their ctmditioll by emgretiaA.,_ from house, ete•red,lhe,. room frem which Next naora `g I 'went to .the ,ofilce" er'fini.. not to 'tell yeti` , S - • One Count r.t .regaired thirty-t1Ve ' • ... out, aftei a sher 1•1•11 •ssl through : almost ..iropenetrah.e .fotests . over tie tan 'i Tille,zol.• - . . . .. . with a feeling;of relief. .: Jimmy would broke ..off, '.bubbling , with: laug iter, • - transference .to the...other conntry -demi. ' ' . treated; Dy three' stalvvatt nien. .,.• .i.„. . " Tho •threW"thiel” . be ' crteit, 'ati=" - ' ' .--: - A - ' : : -, - , a, I. machine made.-.ne ;•tr'ere 11-11:chts..... ' i.e'tFe "Pi:dolt' ' .. .still. be'. in. 'Derbyshire. . Then •I found . "Youqrzean.Yeti'Ve been. engaged' to • . .. . . . - . .. . net, constitute' an peonenlic danger to .,, ,,,7,- . : in the garden 0! -the C1 -0,, -,..nor. That • a letter frona.- him .to say he as re- Jimkiy. all ' along?" ' • .. ' .• ' • ' ' • r . , , • ' • . f .. ' 1 . . . ' . • tinning .that tifght.. Well,-. this ,tneant ••... "...To, m. ean.. Ile MOtA-1. married :lathe *dtr. bk.eire..°I'' °at.. (311.11• tl..r. ' i't •11.•Q.111•4grilY•'' ..'' ' ' '' ---------------------.. .. . '.' .' . ;,.' bat,s---.. could," screw trp my c.otly-. • ,.'w..eii?" . , . ' : ., ' ,.1curacY •what,e4h ind9,trY'' can .ac1"1.):, three. -."Winitt p:t•otp4_-sotir . to.. ,1:(ki --'°n °11.ers , pre'aeri-611..of .•qn liba'adow...5,1, ,,•brolcen- : c p Lgeoh,..., •••• ..,• , . Tire war no...dent:it 'explained the 'ago? Sine •had given me,:alo. reaSen '..t.O• ...Ancl.11M, the..baby 'Of . the- fanfily." ••• ill, the '''s;i3r ...of •:athiltional 1141143. -.with•••., about it .-------------------. • , .• . • . - 4 . :cape ... City's Pid.d.Piri.Sr, • • . • countryto another, Pro ed, their it had been thrown. Ile was •• . • . ' ' • jr lande.d ;neatly a.meng the rutin t- °PS. e es a J.,ed with all, possible ac-• I 1- • 's lane Found ors roof another dinner with Daphne, and per- twice," , "I did," retorted the biggesi 'of. the j•ni .. • . • • . • , hope. Dirt, he who healtates •',4 fairly ienpt from ,my chair. • cat. comP;011'llshig.. existing conditions 1 After' a momen'sber rellection; . «1- St P -u .3 , dco airplane in tile 1..-m•ote desert 'That evenin I en'eied ..,Do _go d inclus•try.- As soon as this pont ., • • .• . . • .. , ... '...,.; `.,. or -South West Afilea, fOund : bY....tho . , g, .. . • . .. : . . 1-1 Ineael,... I dems,n ed, byIng :Is, .p!.,:osed, i;.07.13, ai4., Et. ,-6., .1...b,.._rok.,evc. and thought .colonel -innrinared•i".• Oh,' I.: JaSt l• '' ' • ' . , ' • eidice with a heating heart. 'The clerkS' :to 'keen:lily. Voice,ntonay,. "that • Jim- 4.0144t 1,d, Tquirn Tour pai.ty.,,, , ,:.., . .• .. Loliden....-,- . While: London •' . disop- . calnel • pollee patrol :•recentlY..., ,',..Sorr.?,.. ' . shoved 'away:, tkeir..., hooka .b.rlsklYi" My is year •half-brother,?",. :,, ,' ' , ' ; tii..all•rPlu,s labor hegcnti',.s. a. nlenace-i : . .• • . --•-•-•--.,47,..•=--•'-- .'• ., : iir0Tes.hi,4'b3r,stanOei's dcLell-they. Can lwandering band CT. nwe,etruck 13u8;11- ' Then '1 gOgasp _of a •gas--0f:d10111;e7, :The „ She gave a' demure ' little • acl.'...."She te'1'" .."., , ••••,; ,y d ''• phi. only to the country's workers .but 1 ••• `Cerild..I see ., the 'captain of 'this. to hinder, the ' Work of the eitY's...efil- Men had -evidently concone actoSa, it pre= •• ledgers - Were, :el,: closed and one :Of Iltaaret •time for more becattac • next '.*• to 'the inimig,rant workers tlienlaelis,ship?11e'Sforwardmise 0 Tai eiaiPled Piper ionic, 2 000 'pigeons el,,itt.'ostilfor wh'etrths.Sanhad been out .,:felioWs ."•WaS__Aliiiying them inton.eht,ent,Ane.....was•ialars arms, , - • -....;nlio are .conalle40: byheforce .9! ,ctr- not afraia., I m.gsed to men. ' ' - ••:. atPaul's arefinding they way into .,eleared:AWajr ,Itv.tas seen that tito ma. the itreng-room: Daphne had ;'slipped . "Yeti precious sweet!" 1. stammer. , cuthstaticeS r., to accept :': 'ewer' • wages • '-• • '.. ' ' / --.-----4,-,-- ' . • • • • • • .' '. Pigeoa, Pies. • ,', ‘' -- .. '-• , . • ',chine had ., been ringed in wi th ..stoita . from .her steel .and turned. towards ed, "yen will not want this. joist!, And.. nndare•asus.-prevented trent Adopting - - _I-scienceal .. , . - • 3 still ,'Vie London CRY COrPoration having. arid 'boulderg, 'placed -thei;c3 in definite:: hunting for the cold teral.liOn174g, 'we 'decreed. •that.,:i,atie. of :the . alieeris 't ' Ts Vid tl the doni.. I hurried: atter' her.. „ ' i kissed the ti,P,,of her 'dear ,little 'tilt- 1. enr- skoadard !clf 'living, . .becoming • presUme, if. it is found, to make Things hot for er-tultion`f" • "If you please, Nr.' Lawton, .I par - became the duty of oae Dalton,- the was l'Cli4.(1 on the high ;roo.cof a city , • , 1,gaided . Which cluster. befoi•e the steps and the strange, dead "fire bird' a' sacred. pillars_of Pau's as an itenvet•ever? • \In Johannesburg tle other (ley the pa erns. ev •e en ' "Miss Heather,. what :about pour-- ed ns. -(Answers.) ' • • perfahs.Whe,pannot be -assittlitated: • ' •" • So6lety . pays • for its. gins. It . once , tourist's London oregram niust' go., it, retting framewerk ef an old airplan•s .3Vith '1dr. Coolidge peSitively out. of tieularly want to get away- to night' The way-: to get .rieh.. is to lay up i the running, NVe, make a bid aor the • . '9:-• • triad° Willie speak pieces on Friday - ' The blue efe..r-7 were.Pleadint • p' art of your income and .as much. , as ,-concessionv"of---checking • hats at the arterlioij, and now it must listen td 3 II means, Miss .Heather, That possible 'of other people s: • . 1, ringside. , • 4 • . • • • %tr.', • . . . • his .' A fter-dianer s.peeches.- - ' Replacing --Canada's Ng -Ly eity'a rat-catcher, to tiap them. ' one knew .ha'w It came •••, 'Ile fir.st•bitiltia wire cage. meactiring there, though it' Was ehvious that it • 14'4 6 feet,•ancrrirovided himself, with had been taken up tlici•e 'in parts'and corps Of ,"expert trappers ." • • asseMbledi 'The' root. had . no been •,;• IIis first .day,, however, was like the, N'iSibed for years awl th.e• oWner of . • first hag,Fit a huntOr•with a beat '1ot the building ,had neVer .stizpocted that,. gUIL • He. caught all told, twelve. The .te airplane ,Was crewd-that, gathered was whoieheart, I: • ; ttio aide tof the PlgeOns.: :They ' • . •••E:=9.99-819W11117,7' t, ' A.PA, A ,nr 7.3 Ss, IIPA'TRICIAN AfaD PATRIOT. GO TO • With. olpzolete.Vessels belitg,iciappetVand rePlated. Canada's navy Is. beii. lan.octi,ver one•of pair of dOitrokerS W,Titch are being loaned to. Canada tor the Other deStroyer 'et the ThaWere lernierlY the Arna%'•-on,a '17vItith ngio.ited liOSsible for Canada's repiatctic cOmpIfe„ated construction 'Utah the be1lyesg..11).5, 'NO., a slow a cossaion dest called ar(er ("tQlada's-royal prikess, tills gallant veSsel has outi1'ec1 1t aseful , i'atn has ovortaken the des treYer Patflet, .No; 4.1411,0WS the llght cruise 'Toreador ;end th&-rofbii,Y•, • • Iltiire; NO, I'llIi0•1,111id-libWrifritliill .def.Alrerer.'' ,beouglit. no.coolire in trio ,shos, !tits; . A deSrtyer ,Cf 2 .nionti•N buil d, itet : royer wh:ch new. Meeting' Inc 'ungrateful '•of age, 1.1.1.(1,S, .11.atrOatti ana: is now living t:tripped of 0,0'111(1 pOi efo t. 1.ye ,sOht • ;1.,gjtthk. A. • the time, betWeen the Scrapping of old and 'the of nem! cues„, THE WRECKERS AS OtlsoLgi-E" 110nbow, Canadh's first, naval =4, ted.the•Pigeonsseetliat the ntraus ' Farming By.: .1141100/1... . .which led into thtrap:wcittld ot ald .' • -: .. - - , .. htr° the'''': -'!"..4.4 theY i..e.4gin".1:11' .. If o.;.neW Ita.lia;Ttiv:::,ntieit Is atlei.il'ed''': n'oisas. and nicrienferiti: .to' acsre .th.'3 'Iifarn,icrs ,,n1a3., 46..tiieli,. plowing fellow-, • ig•".113'41.vigy f math tile' ti.a;P'' . . ' .' I. a:ross . the fields h• •.'.', 4..140106a /131 - Trapper' Dalton a ac ' thereupon' r..1:;Orte.,:l o• b•!..,,,rvatloit Irolloolo liovered„ ovey.1.11.0 it t° -subterfuge.. Pirst;' he til'e: back .a.rinies. during the war, derording to 'early StInday morning. Whlik;raost, pet,. D.r,. t, 3..,,,,„ rree,e w.et,,,t,,;Ii. c.,,:tiot.:.0 oid.w. plo Were alied..,... Secondly,. hie a:4111st-, .,,,, , , ,, ,, ants had for hears •th;!*. nigpehotpil;f1"::(01, .:1:0.114:111,111: 'w"ii:Gaitz_eii : f.ailva:::.' ' :1 'al.'.i.1. 'a ..FieL•.' - bread Which •goeti-bearted. bpo:a to,,, eoping a*a:; tiie ,trumbs stilt . =LdwIffniectiwittyle:-ivi,:•••11(1/2-1.10,:v4;:f4a.otit,e,.in,eloapt.'itioi:drt,..,- itt'eV11, before the'. pigeons', ' Thiiilly,•" ritit.0:14aglano.tholar•atdo4oia.,:uojurinti.11,7e87,1toheoto:iloty.:,: . the asSiatants. 'stood intlicii,,a'fway es ''' to hide the standards ef th'e. cage from • tricity tit oranablo at -low 000i .ttod .,.. 1)017.;e13111.!ds.", ..T.3e- "..7tt4sti ....2,50.1).1.1.48'. ill.' on.!,1 electric tnetors will. pull Cho plevo: - ••=, mi.,,-. •,,,,,,A.,,,,,,....,,,i1,,,ii,2.44,, iota to a ':•Tlie : difil calty is .i hat-. the pidvi inuFt' aoil1,f-,bovavi,"2;',.:.;.- :' '.", Airig•iihni,. bdirind 11 (1.0 •dible•.1.,,,,,,mg,11, . , I which tlitrolectrie•etHrP eiti is ,-.i 11 . 1. .. , . , • wildfaa, .. • . ' . I'll IS seldem poSsibleto ‘Mis.S.-ctroPsn'9(la " An' honest Ipeeder !had inst* hi f!•a ; a,„,viidicitk.;,t-aikno.o.viiii.d6.6..ct,:.Ie.r.I.,ocilittr.L1,0,,..p.h.itor.c,:w81., 6waiiiiel; 1 ,manfield with . trolley .wireils,. like tho'..7'e ,aa4ongmagn:f14 hita'dp1',0r:stilbitine,.ed irioa; itioeotktioea haist.; .s.t.tio_..r .ago batteriog. ,ii.j. too, ,cooly aha, , the, dog a moment -and. addressed i/the 'wide 00 fe.hett. :weight to, filo plow, ,. ,Vith a •', n , ' • • : I'Looka a. if I'd killed yer dog,'. ' '' "Certainlyh .; leeks. tat, way,"., , • . 'iVery. trainable ,d0g,?" "- ":1+Tet•VetY,,".. ':' , ''-,-,+:-".-- .."1.4111 five dollars': he enough ?'''''' To •riteet•i-thls 'situation 1.1alion inVent- ors have devised the expedient of Sup-. ' Pot.ting• tho necessary eleeirle, cable onA Fi III al l'hall()(Pi iii144,:..141..ji.y.d.r.Ogtin..,.,.. gas, This ifs exileitted (6 folloW the' .,. ,...woit.7....,..4 gliow, 86..,, ••, .P.,low, ,t1.25 it 'moves along and to supply . .,.."Sorry . t9 Ita:',',.9 ..bra.liattLIIP,'.. ilour it' IYILII f11"e711, (110 °the'. 0" 01 1z110 ._ , _ ., • . . lhhato7tn,htt ,i;:iill 5.1aeitIci, Lt.:1167 omoon,trei rr I sat v•prilert,:ps afilivtelyd, °els. it(;ii:gil catioltflepw000litidl:.61:,filltglt.,::fti..0:1315teibictiPtla:°1.11111:6plif,1:i:",,a:c:1.11:08:8.0t1:1111ecictolidp..del‘,:e,,,004,:i. 7,.._ 2. •%1 'wasn't going- bunting- -jest going r tile'. .eie'rt.ri welt-' , - •4 ituul, wil t t,,will ear- 1)1,u,t,hillf;teCir,1°.,xwvarjr°d' :at,otf°41-di°d°,,t,_,,‘ thieieda:g..1.;:m„, a()*rattioarttn't()°e'OtnWeall aural) '1:11(tii'l;Iiriooivdsf.'ttniklv.IINsry httne7 'Iltit 'that doesn't iiiiike If hilY.Aafer for batiook or whor tho hydrogea as these, en foot. ...._,....t , . .,, ',., i10011aT5taliPo'n. if aOrfrniot ra1 ,f414h.losat,,si :,tht oeb h a iniveo(o illiowrn, • 'The rumblo• aettt of it •collPe 18 hot; ' do' nsot.saTtt.t A;1„. alemasti .1., oilitio.toinVocionytaloti tn ter than tho gentnhto seat of a: Wool!. o ,riifitewecfarinhiit bduointt4, 4, ' .... ' • , , "•; •