The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-02-09, Page 5THE Matf4tOW SHNTINKL THPSDAY, FEBRVAlit 9th, 1928 .
• . • •
• ••,A,*s.,,pK;4)K..*:P.V.KcKASING..... •
r_ •
. .
• E 8o TEOUS
Phone 66. Lucknow.
ardware Coal Plumbing Tinsmithing
Luckniew Wingham
• Phone,;74 Phone ;50
Monumental, .Works
Me 'the largeat and:Moat' complete
&it'd( in the , most beautiful designs,
.10 ,c hoot,. frorn in•
Mar,1,3,1e; Scotch, Swedish aad-' Can-
adian Granites •
• •
, We make a specialty of Family
Moiminenta and invite your inspce=
Inscriptions Neatly, •Carefully and:
,:..Fremptly, Dime.• .
. .
See ue befere:nlacing your order.
. °Douglas 'Bret. R. A. Spotton
lock -now; Ont.
• S. S. No. 4, Ashfield and lluton--=
January,. 1028: ,
V: F: Finlayson 88; R. Finlayson
67: ' M. lVfacKendrick 65; F. •Mic7
Donald: 45*; . K. It.e•ii" 4r .
' IV: C. AlacThinald ,
sr IIIMacRae 67. Alec-
, .. J. . , , •
• Kendrick' 51.*; .L. MacD ;mild 451%4
111: J. Finlayson 12;" C.
Xendrick53; II..,MacKenzie• 34..
.• IT: S.' Finlayson; F. MacDonald;
D. MacKendrick; D. MacDonald'. : •
• I: Rosa 29 stars; A. 161arkwell
I. 2,8; M. MacKenzie • 18*.f F. AlacItea-
Primer.: K. FinlaYson 26; K. Ma6-
Kendrick 23; .E:- I3arkiVell' 20; It..
Ross 8. • ,
* Missed . examinations. •,
' MacRae.
Rintoul 558. Barbara Neale 547. N.
•McGee 456. ' , , •
Sr. IV:. McKinley Ramage 369*;
proorner 351*.
•Joe...StMa,rje 531.; Etta
Taylor 468*; Jim' McGee. 273*.
Sr.. DorOthy Neale 514.Mary
poW7-31.5*• Eileen Breonier 301*.
Jr • IlIVT,Iuth Ramage 5331- Freda
Rintoul 427;. John, St. Marie 385;
, nttucg. couNiir colArcit,
McKay.41, of �uro T. Wails 'FiftY••••
filth 1' arliament ef 'Bruce. Big'
.111gliWays PrO8TAIII Agehtt Re.
quires 4 Mills. Several clilleialp iriet
Increase in Salaries: Freak Motion
to Ask Govt to Take Over Four
Northern Townships for a. Fowl",
dal, Park Causer; Spirited Discus-
. Bien.' •County Rate of 40. 'ynne;
FOrishadowed for lane' Session to
BeHeld This Yearsit Smithampten.
, . •
.the initial seaSiori:. of the Fifty-
fifth .Parliament. of Bruce the
C,otuity ',Ceara' Chamber•in Walker-
ten last Week, Reeve McKay of
'Miran township, was -elected to the
• Warden'. • chair on the first ballot
• and, will, • a0 a consequence, -preside
oN%er, the' destinies :Of 'Prnee for„:1,9, 28,
lifelrlifreateniF t0:- :he .11, erY ' naer',
:year in :Comity 'affairs.. •
Ne 'IlighWays' Commagai,
The sVithilraWal •ftern the Ceuaty,
0Onairil 'thiS ;year Of.'Reeves'•Oswald:
4 ,Elderalieand Tiffin • ef, Kinloss,
members 'for the :past few years' Of
.':he County Highways' Conrimission,
erecipitated a crush. amongst Over a
quarter of- the pointy COuncil, far
i'rhe trio of seats On the' Commission;
ch of whithiis enhanced with a're-
nuneratien of $3. perday and ex -
n sea Seeing -that. -no- less than Lnine
.were heat on getting the three jobs,
ix -Warden Byers of Wiarton, and
Deputy Reeve •Abell of Brant, With-
-drew:ire/la the-cohtest_and left_seven:
if the4to battle itout as follows:
Ex -Warden Gilbert McLaren of pert
ex -Warden. David, McDonald of
aad Reeves Jelin Weigel ,of,
•Carrick. Andrew. Dieser. of, Greenock,
C. A:.Thomas Of Artan,'Goidon Alex-
ander of KineardineTp., and E. C.
-Scott .of Eastnor.1 No less.'that: .three
ballots .were 'fleCessary to decide the
issue, the new, commission being ea..
:neinted and 'organized as follows: E.
.C,• Scott, Chaim -Ma; David McDon-
ald, secretary; Gordon Alexander,
Cayler Ramage 168*. '
• Jr.' II: Raymond ' Marie; Vera
Taylor*. •'
'I: Cecilia. St.- Marie; Merray- Tay-
lok; Albert yhillips; Leonard Phil-,
" " , '•
Primer,:' Harold Eaters:1A; God°
frey Neale; Arthur Ramage;.
. Turner; •Gordon Taylor.
• No. on 27. AV. att. l•21.81:
School' open 21 days.'-* Missed one
, ,
or .more testa.
. No. 14, East; and West ,
Tested in 'Comp, • Read., !Vat,
• \Aiith., SpelL, Granti Agric.••
' , Catalan' Fairrier'•'74. •
Jr. IV: Tom • Inglis 49*; :Laura
Ildartin. (missed almost all tests).
Sr.,III: EtroY • taidlaW• 64; Kea-
• meth Laidlaw 62 , , • .
Jr. Clifford' Purden 67; 'Reddy,
'agile 44; Rassell Yartier42.
Sr.* Ili Roaella Gueit ,,74;
(4tiegt, :39. •
• .• I: TeSted 'ia' Read., Writ., Spell..
Arith.. Total • .00, Olive Purdon
325. Deree Pardon 310. jack fhb's
• 25541;',Mary Guest 133*..
. Sr. Frimert:GoodMUriel Porde%
Jr. Primer:, FMr-Rill'7.1.1artht
* Absent fOr .one or more tests.
• NO: on roll 16. AV. att.. 12.1.:
G. Lockhart.
St. •Helens School -'---January. •,••
Test Marks. •.
, . teDenald 86; ° A. Watioi_i
Sl; 80; E,••11arnia 74;.:
C. .McDonald 73; E. Miler 69;' G.
•",leri-isini- 68; GI Paryi45 1,59; Thenti"
50; D.,-;:..SWan 40'. 00
Miller. 91;'0 N. NiVeatherhead
ci 1 : T. .1Mil1er 77 ; K..' Thorn ' 72. •
Daily Marks 1319.
'A: Watson1124;.. . Miller
1075; MCI)onald 1025;. E. Durnin
047; .g. Moron R, • Mc9uillin
.884;, C. 'McDonald' 868:- *G...:PerVis
830;1. Thom -7..33; D. Swan48O. ,,.
IIi 1282 marks. -G., Miller 1240;
T. .Milley ,11•45; It. Thorn 1086; N.
Weathe,rheed 968. • • • .
marks. -J; rorster 945;
MCQUillin 938; N4. '11/1•DiDliald 903
M. Morrison 661. .• ••
Pr.: E. Swan .87; ,A... -Miller 84..
AY. att. 17. N,O: On 1.611 20.
V.. E. Todd.
Dig- Highways' Program.
The Bruce Highways' Commission
-has a .heavY. Program of • road_ ina-
pro-Veinent for 1928 that Will entail
an expenditure of.,,$49,000, of which
1,amount $50,000 Will be spent. on Paw.
in& Kincardine main street. This will
leaves$1.79,000 for: exPeritling on all
the ,other roads in Bruee,... As • the
Prey. Govt. refunds. :half the amount,
8.8.• No. 3,/ West WaivailoSli-,==
Febitary Exams.
0.0 . 'Sr., IV:, ppography,
Po. ilemor• g
0. Pada 240. ' lahri •• •
. Wilile Pardon, 2891'A4late:Ice ,(ran-,
• titan 264; DonaIda AltLiontild
• .1r, IV:, Nirold VoWler ri8; Char-
ite DUrnin absent. •
_r1I11,,,,TOtsi 300. - ttoriers4.2284_
,I_Oren.. .. 'Elwood
2'ow1et" absent-
-l0viler 264; Ernest -1Yurnin.
Primer: Helen., Fowler; 13e1en
Oa' atient.„ .
Ifiss0 .examlnational,
Nd, oti ion 14, • ;
A. T. ikteltinneY,
. • •
drawings now $850 Per arnaral Ett.
Walker.; Caretaker . the• Courity '
Buildings,,'was• anorded,-a $40 raise,
so that lie will Pull:liow 1349, with ,
free hopee, lighting and ° heating;
Russell Wilee as Keeper f the Hoose
.of Retogo, was iodd; op $150,
making his enrival poi), with
free rent and; hoard:
AeFeata. Govt: Proposition.
Although Btuee hist yerra protesit-,
eel •against the prOposition's Of the
Ontario . Govt, toreUeve 'the overs
eroWding• in .the nine Provincial 4sv-
Itinis by, sending - to the ileusea• Of '
Refagele the Counties from whence •
they came; charity patie`ritsPro»
nourteed as mired of *insanIty, , •Srtige
Council, on having The "ex-,
plairied at ,thii''sessien, „reversed their
decision and ' unanimously • accepted
the. P.roPoliitioni„..4. a ..eo.P.O.O.0.)Voe fiye
iiraceites from the.LOndon :Asyluin
carriie at the Brude Refuge:. this
, , ,
-week. . HeweVer,,aa there are at pres-
• ent, four, in, the. County jaii here a-
waiting transmission to 'the *asylain,
a gain Of only one Will be"..macle to
• the Province by the transfers. As 'a
Sample .of how the insane hospitals
are •Overcrowded .in Ontario illus-
trated by the Londe!! AssOure,-whicli
has a capacity. of 850 patients and is
now housing over 1360. ••
Bruce on Big Pilgrimage.
In order that Bruce Reeves and all
Township Road Stints: may get to
the annual ..Conveatien of the, Ontario
• Good Roads Assn. at Toronto; which
is-heing-h-eld-this- year- frem---Feb.-22-
to. 24, the County; granted' $15 to-
Wardseach of their' ' expenses, and
suggests.that their respective muni-
cipalities Supplement the award with
in equal .innoutit. As all the .reeves,
road officials and others have prac-
tically signified their intention of at-
tendiag, with their \rives, it is esti-
• mated that there' will be over a'
dred at the Bruce -table, viliieh wil
•be' the •largest: contingent that has
yet gone forth en such an 'errand
froni this County. • ' • .
• Bruce's share. 'ill be about $114,500.
• As a 'consequence of this spending
program 1 niills on the dollar of the.
•••mtire assessment M Bruce, or neatly'
•one-half, of the county, rite, WHO*
required for the highways this year.
BrUce;14iieh.has .the,iepatation of
having the best ,'roads of. any rural
municipality in Ontario', is not going
to fall from the pinnacle, as ,is sug
gstedjn the atlotment ferroajm-
provement .by this. year's. County
S. S:
• V glass: Norma Anderson 680.
Sr. 117: Ceti' 'Gardner 60; Charlie
Aederson 57.. •
Jr. 'IV: Jim 'Gardner 5,7; Sydney
Gardner 51; Lloyd Hunter 46. ,
Jr., III: Violet Ritchie 75; Elleda
TTunter 74; Ruby R,eid? 49; Dai
Ritchie 47. '
Jr. Harvey' Ritchie 61;
Hackett 57,._ 0, .
Pr.:- Laile Gardner 78; Rena 'Hun-,
ter '64; .Jiinmie.Reid 41:
No. on roll 15., 'Av. att 13,
• . Y
fd.. S. 12; Vest, 1Va)tafso81A-13ahary.
TOtal-400:-.10 efass, '
, ;7000 4571 •E'LlPtIsSula
. r . •
• A 10 Mill Rate Poreshedowed
With the retirement of the Denny
Bridge 'debenture and a war. deben,„
•'sire last year, Bruce las $1,0?000 less
en this account to. .reiSe, while ,the,*
•laweriag of the rate of interest from
5%to Ph% Will Save Bruce $'7,50;
together 0 with $500 less to be paid
toward the, Children's Shelter this
year 'thee/ formerly, and .with sonie
additienal •savingS in charitable and
ather purposes, ;it looked for, a time
as 'if the Council might reduce the
County- rate; but such hopes..were
shattered ,When it became }mown that
Bruce' would have to pay ac its .con-
tributien. to the two Provinicial High7
•rWaYs, Walkerton. to ,• Kincardine
streteh sum Of $30 747 90 ' for:
ib28,• Or one-fifth Of the amount ex-
pended 'by the Govt., 'of° 'Something!
over $159;000 on these roads for
1927, as ceMpared with, last, year's'
ration of $12,56'5 en the Govt. expen-,
'Mute .of 'about\ $600300 for the pre -0,•
Vieus year, • These, :with' a few •
creases in other departments, will
wipe' .9iit all, the -savings.' oecrisioned
in other spots, and. a County rate of
10 milli,. whith has been a yoke, On
the.ratepayersl''necks. for aome, years,.
is foreshadOwed for 1928. As the new,
equallied. aisedsment of the County.
is higher than" the' old, Treasurer
•Nelsen will • receive an, (additionstl
$4500 on ri• 10 naiil rate' tide year. ,
Ada M. Wehster.,
Report of S. S. 10, Ashfield.
' Sr.( )V: Tested in Geo?, Liters-
•.InGrim.. and $pelliriq.
Lane ,115•*; Gordon lehnaton 71'4;
Robert' IroWard ,,00q;.• Matthew , John-
Ileirrin 41. •• . '
•Sr., III; • Good-F,11a Hogan; Bill
foluistoti; 13111 1261d,
• Jr, Lane*;
-Doesn't Seem' Fair., ,
As Grey' County charges \resident
auctioneers ' a yearly lieentie•fee of $25
makes .a. straight cliarg to all par-
ties of $12 per,year, it was shown
that -a BruCeite who goes •over. the
County line and condacts a sale must
cough up $50 for the priYilege; while
the boy a .frem ,Grey :can cross into.:
Bisice and carry On for $12.' The dis-
parity is so great as to be practice11. y,
prohibitive 'as against the, Brucenian.
°The Clerk Will Write Grey and 1laren
Counties for their schedule ;of fees in
• this respect, with a view towards're-
vising the. rates,''sti that others will
pay the sane price fgr invading this
territory as Britceites have to Whack
up. for crosping ,the line and fund
dean* in adjoining COUnties.
wmen sans, .
The North„ and . the South Brace
Plowmen's Assns. 'which were • last
year ;granted, $56 each
tion purposes; had a large deputation
before the Council 'Oa' Thursday, ask -
tile, that each Assn, he. 'awarded
or , a !total of. $506 for the- two organ-
izationsi and they, nearly got it:.
The Finance Committee's' • report,
that. they be granted $150 each, was
oppeeed by an 'amendment of ;Reeves
McLaren. and Ashcroft, w•hich
to. increase the 'arnbant to the Original.
$250,• asked ft:ir, On . ••division the'
.Cmincil. ;voted follows: •
, „ .
For , the amendment Messrs.
Abell, Alexander, Ashcroft, Brown,
Byers, Clazie; Colwell, Howe,
ston, McLareav, MOntgriinery, RanS-
bury, Scott, • Sleep,. Thoninsa-•;•15.
•Against -Messrs. Dither.; 'Dopier,
Downs, .Forrester,' •Ilermes-
ton, David McDonald, Dap. AleDen7.
aid, Geo. 11.„ 1VicKay, W. ' McKay;
• McKetrachek, Munn, • Phelam'lletirkei
Ramie; ,Weigel, • WilloUghbY,' Wright:,
The Warden declared :he aniend'-'
:neat 'oat: and! the metion :to pay
$360' instead. �f $500 to the •'m
Plowmen's Aims, *ea° then.tarried.
TO Take Over Formosa, Road:
The second deputation present On
Thursday wet front' the iflage
FOrmeira; !taking the County to, as-
mme the teWii line' road from Pro-
:pact/it highway Nii, 9 threagh,ror-
mosa ,to: the county tanning
'from Mildmay to Teeswatet, Ala-
tallee of. some five ranee, Enid to
ireYe sanie.. The ',County:, Couneil:
felt diapoSed,te_ carry ;lint their „wi.s11..."
:-Park, 1,16---11Oubt htthit t the
erican tourists to their fishing•
and. hunting- in Brace Ceanty,
j. Mr: Colwell, the prolnoter the..
Chance to convert a huge' liability in:
Peninsula 'waslnore:•otra asporia-;
'Mari aratadiSti 'Oda agrictilttital.
• .aciader, arid he Dietated glatring
terms 'teat of the couritY reaping
golden harvest of Amatican
.lars as' the Yanked •tOntistS triIed
' PAGE • pm"
, .
pite Avierraftir sa itietection • the C,P.R.'
engine. &per. rislit-Disprovitte the. belief that mountain' air
h colder thaa cities.. Lowerright-ithritt liont...L. C. IL EL
, A.raery .drielast the eagles ertiicir carried., .111he acrus ths
• piffy4iyi thousand odd Miles.. in twenty-two days!
"• That will be the record' of Lieut. -Colonel the Right
Honorable L. C. M. S. Amery, .M.P., Secretary. of
•'State for the Dominions,. When he returns to England
after' his Dominions -wide' tont. on February 11. : Dur-
ing this:period Colonel Amery :has visited South
• Africa, Australia, New Zeiiiand and Canada,- and his
delivered upwards of 380 speeches all told. •
His speeches have covered a wide range and have
• been enthusiastically received by monster anclieneee
throughout. He has been particularly happy in hia
references to the roitance of. the British Empire and,
In hisremarks concerning:- the :econoinic nesitiOn of •
the component parts of the British Enipitit white in
speeches touching on the Empire Marketing Board
--1-e-'hair- broker) new ground with most -satisfactory-
In every. speech delivered, by Colonel Amery in
Canada he stressed the findings of the Inaperjal Con-
ference in 1926, winch made knonrn ' explicitly; to the
'world, the stated, that every one of the Dominions was
• an equal Imperial ,partner in the British Empire.
Colonel Amery landed in Canada from the S.S.
"Aorangi" at Victoria •on •JanuarY 6, and will sail
• from Saint:John, N.B.; on February 3, on' the Cana-
dian PaCific ' liner, the. "Montclare," for •Liverpool.
'For the journey across Canada, where stops wen?:
• made at 18 important Centres, the Canadian Pacific
-Railway Company placed a' special train at the dis-
• posal of the distinguished visitor and staff.- ..On
arrival :at: Banff; Alberta, the capital city • of the
• Canadian Pacific 'Rockies. Colonel 'Amery threw all
155•19Ame••••••••••••,,m,„,....0,466C *4 •
. .. . . .. .
cares of state asicle,.rind spent' all the day of °Ja,nhary
12 enjoying winter sports: • The Colonel, is an expert.
ski,ier and took great pleasure in •overcoming the
clifficalties' of ..Tunnel Mountain. Threnghout the
Sour Mrs. :fAMery, herself Canadian girlo accom-
panied • her gifted husband. Others to make the trip
were Capt. W. Brass, M.P. for the Clitheroe Division •
Of Lancashire .and Parliamentary Under-Secretary
for Health; • G. G. Whiskard; Assistant Secretary at
the Dominions offiaa. and G. Huxley. of Om Raloire
Marketing Board.
:$825f• the 2. Poilltiy ii.'4ii.. (Chealey _Member of. the •Finance Conunittee,
and Walkerton) 'get $35 each, the 25 and . seconder , 0! the the metion, :figured
.. ablit7L-lbraries-nr-Di•nceet-er-total-L -that itLyaiiilci be. cheaper to . ineve tile
,i1nneal grant froml.the ::'..CeuntY :of Mirth' rnerk'to the southern iectiOns.
1630, 'divided as folloWes: 17 at430 nice than £o go on aisisting the;
The iBruce.' Cointeil last •year • con- • county funds, as it present: -; •
d,'i3O0jWa6r1;6iHigh igttfewScalriduteila:Pint4b.tlhie6, Ex:• Cult(-)eWs;0arwdeeunlonfilsivtid.o..,ttiMel.;itetiningt
Cu,. .
Sehools:'.322,311.25? ati.d.towards 'Sep- -1 'cutting off the Peninsula at Wiar,
erate Sehools,. 012.75. •
fiertVe Restriction .0h. •:
The 'truce County Coui)ell turned
lown .p:etitiiin 'Itarn several other
2ounties, ,t1.41 ttle Government
he_merneriallied bear-tlie entire
post of; all"0raiiiiCial--bigliVvaitif :and
not saddle ,the 'etninties with one-fifth
of the expenae: as at preaent, It is,
• this latter' igairiction, Bruce.
..bets feel,*that pteventa co,unties putt
each and .8 at $15 r .northern townships out , of, the
- • • ` • 0,
ton, Mit recenunencied as a starter,
.11. S. Trustees •the drawing of the line above Lion's
• :..
Mr.,.I-Iarry,°E: Truax Was 're-ap- 'dead; and, making the two To4d11.•
, .
„ships of Lindsay d St Edmund
appointed for Chesleyil. S-; Mr. Lea
years, Mr. .Wm: McDonald- was re,
.dUlged in, cOMbined with, a good deal
A great deal of- discussion' was in-
- n .
pointed a trustee 'of the Walkerton
, , ,
High School for the ensin th into a Provincial Park:
1VIcKey. for' Kineardine ' H. 'S.; Mr. ot 111.36)r, but it totok Major. Tolinie
Geo. Black for 'Port Elgin n. S., end of .Southampton to supply the' ali-
W. J. Moon for, Wiarton H. S.
then asking to discard the motion
Better Bali.C,OmPaikn• into, the :waste basket.
The 'Council passed . a resolution •
at ' the session •regairing all township • • *
Reeves Willoughby " of Brant and
asiessors•,in making' therir, annual
rtoeugnadradintgo,,euciilisr,e kept
efeiieraie,rsyel...dviaetea, Weigel of "Cari•ick i. -appointed
ea- the two County repreientativei.
on '"eie directorate' of the...Children's
'with a View. to having all scrub bulis
weeded ,mit 'and replaced '-by. ther.: 4c1 -S°OetY. ' •: °
In..vieW of the , changes ' In the Seat-
oughbred • '•
atee• the County By-law 'governing•
. Grateful .for Savings „ 1;).‘e revised
. The County Council expressedthelr date
•gi•atitiide • to the Bank Of. Montreal 'Meiars. Andrew° Ditner, David Mc,
,and :the Bank. of Coninierce ;in v'ohni- Donald . and the Engineer were con-
tarily t6 rate .Of . interest tinned' as a committee to have the.
to the : County frem, 6 per eent... to ',midge on baiindaty of .Greeneck and
51, cent.: As Bruce nays -out an rebuilt during "the • coiningrivally ,abott $9000, to ;the :14,ankn- in ;tinnier. . .
interest, the ;1/2c. reduction will mean , • inove to have. iltree new reads.
aniamiiial saying to the county l• of (added to the 'County, Ilighwaya:,
$750, , „ • . • . , he' investigated and ,dealt•Wth 'at the
, As the Bruce, Children'a Shelter, Inee season TellOWS°:' Road.knowri
by boarding' wards: froin :the Prey. Ss the •!1.5th „sideline and f•iiiining'
ince arid. outside .counties :at: $5 a- larth from 'Ripley to iliCs :lau•rhani
piece Per week' has earned in.,,the past Provincial . Road, road'. on. the boun=..
aleven niontlia over 41700, the :Bruce darY of Carrick and Culross.itirinirig
,Gliildren's, Aid Society informed : the north ...thrOugh Formosa to to° ' Durham,
Council that they ,only needed $15.00 Prov ; Highvvay; road :loading • west
to . tide them, over .to Jane this year, ,of Tiverton to the Lake, .known • as
as compared with $2000 and $2500 the. Boundary 'Road.. ,
•required ether years. ,The Cefincil Grants were, • inede .a.s follows:
was. grateful for the!•way the Society $150, toWaids, the '20th', Sideroad' lead -
making itself ° more ;self -sustain- •in g to Cape broker; $100 •
ing‘ " • ' , towards the erection of rieW 'bridge
Northern TwPs. into Prov Park in Linds,aYi $I00 'tO*nline Keit-
• • On.. nuation • of. Iteeve Colwell 'nor and Albemiarle; $150 goy road on
Kinli�ss,arict. Peeve _DOwns ,of Hep-, con. dreeneck, from 'Chepstow. to.,
worth,'' a. l'esolution. was ,presented'. BOundafy '0:50 for •reia in; Lion's
'taking the County Council. to ,consid., 11eu.d, to freight. Shed • and
or the ,,. having , the wharf;.$300 far Bury read,• , St
Provincial Govt: take ever the four Sdnuinds.: . „,•
northern townships EdinundS, A 'request. ter grant, o •$1200. to.
EaStrint- --and •-• • Albernarle,7 assiat- in bonding a -$10,0bridgenti_.
. • ,
tetrad' -te, re.'::Creninittak i:enptised -.9f;
Meagre. 'Abell,. Dan. McDonald and
Meltay,Jo investigath and re-
port.;at June Sessian:
•the Board, of , Orin:Mel for,
1925. ailort-;;rofii"iii'itte.*ivill- put
'down «a new linoleum Ad °*.ePlace't
•'6,07p.ot *the ...Court Mouse -for .sarti-7
purposes, and Will rilso: pat
new root' en the Cellar
Aepoclal grant of. $90 ,Waa 'made
tri Salvation 'ArinY and $8,0• to
fholTeurbite mioiLAit!thititi6,
the County 04- 4rareleg
C:N.R. .crossing 'near Paisley, :where
the "late Richard. Schuett was; killed:
The Council' recerip•nerided to the
Govt. the 'puttrag ef, further restric-
tions on heavily leaded irucka using
the highways during Unfavorable
seasons. ' ,
Following :an invitaticer from Ma-
jet Tolniie to hold their. summer •
Ceuncil. •adjoureed to net at the• -
Town tind, 'Southampton, on Mon- . •
4ay;-Jun'e;4th, at 8 p.M.
Highway epar men rst
have to be made.
• An " Unusual drant
• Dreantui,...,Fairz-,_Raymond A- grant A4;:d $200 towards the con-
'ts 'kind yet inade by the County 'of,
13kate; and may estab is a- reced-
_ „ ,
;lilt for': ether Municipalities: to.. get 1-
.assialariee'in the'iriture.' ,
'Other -Grants- Node,
-*The. 48 Women'e Irisiitutes in the
County were` gtamted '$20 each; lia
eorn,pared with $15 last year, or
Ceti} of .$1166; the 15 rill. refill in
Excellent -s -Ina Campbel ;
7.11, ParriSh;
1'T'ofl Alex
!Frirrish:' lIogart. -#/iff-pitr
Drennan*. , •
tit% !, Fttit--tros'atqd :geld; •,
Pra Good•-4ean Nelson; 131 -
fool Carilibell1,. MacInne,S4
•:".X41;„ni):401,•,1 24.
• Th'eSe lilatkad %vitt'. an py
one.or more-weelta.'
ltYra 44. geOpeileldt
, • ,
thiit Rtnee:encloraes.
nity hp 4012100: re Avati 'AOonfect
the 'nshal. $600 • for stenographer
aafitatant 'thakIng a `total of
$2160 for Ofliee. dountY Citric
1)atild°. Voirestoes .pny was boosted ,
, „ , . O. •
$15°, Triikinelt '11°V41815Q. 141ar ,tha. tIounty, got 'the Aleutit aPreet . -through la ...their• -gas ,wagont Ati
County Eloginter th-go StO011eriSqnr9 $2,026 in ail; the 111Hottleuttnral hinterland ot Bruce', '
. o
In Canada: during' the year 1926,
there occurred . 923. deaths from Diph-.
theria. This, represents . tremendous
imeurit of suffering,' both 'bodily and
the lois of preciona IiireS, and ,
the physical, darnagiag, of many that
recovered; in addition, -;..he result'ant
experise might • be;inentimied. .
This la: a deplorable condition when •
it iswrealized that we- keew as nmeh,
if nat. • more about Diphtheria than
we do of apy other disease. The gerrn
that •causes it is j„known, its method
of spread. is :understoed; there is 'a •
specific. cure for it, and, best of, all,
there, is a satisfactory, and effective,
Means of' *prevr!t:i - • , •
The question that naturally arisei
is that if sueli be the case: Why de, so
many; cases; and deaths continue .to
oCcar ? The: answer to thi qireation,
is that' Whilst we. have a cure • and A
'nrev,entativei they are net being•used
by eyery,one, and ;until they. are, cas-
es anddeat,ha will •,cinitIntie to .oecur:
•Diplitheria. antitoxin is' a Specific
cure if given, in Sufficient amotint,ori
• the first day. of the diSease, ' fleaths •
occur when this ig not -done. Cure de=
pends -noon SeCuring: treat-,
niefit. The usual, reason for delay is
that parents -wait till , tom orroW to see
if the" child, is better before calling
the (teeter.
_Inje_Ctioni.of dinlitheria
II% 'iditjdaat in.
jetted; , resistatiee, to Diphtheria
(immuility), siinilar to :the resistance
developed pmongst those. whn,tecoVer
,fion 'ii attack.,o:f:" the •fi,i.sease.
Diphtheria deatlia occur , a- .
these,--childien-tshould i nlyiltittizO4
-or proteoted . ,against
ten 41e,•statriped ;Pat- hy!
TN6 "afigas
`will occur ,ainongat -these inununized.
.Qtiehtigirg..egneerning .Health, ad'.•
dressed to the Canailian Medical ,As-,
sociation, 184, College Street, 'form.
,:-*.111 'be 4rnsiar.ered, • .QUestions ‘se • ' 1,1
to diagnosis end treatmont wfll 041
.; be1111,alciyo4i
wlfl .aiarv !tot 'tool oisloop k!! prOstis lot 101 loghi 9r tiltg °I 4.4 04WAS INWIOX04fifk 400 V11,40 00 1110 P: