The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-26, Page 7a B4pavers Form Cast for ; In Rebuilding'Dynamitecl Dam rat Q • Wathingtnn, „--• Notion., pictrirSal: -•:h0v0.7.,,the liffthe dam the, • lieaverfi. at Work were shown, in the ,beev.er swung around and , let the ' fordo or the'‘' Water' swing hbv-Iree ' .414611Can ''SC4We '413"clati°6'.here aCrea: the OPaiiing, showing the ant-, .7hey are repred to.be the first ever • mal knelylile business. • Then' he- , made and.Were. taken wlthin 10 feet would 'de 'repeatedly and plant ot P1,0:1V1#14.aliv: „ In the 'Mud. AM yen.. kniaw; .The filniS'were 'Made in G1n:pierNY111 E.PrOta, ea,* .restilt Ilonttfi'ark Of 'Caned • t tx) ••!.a heaver: dam 1.$ •soMe 4ObstrubtfOir., f0.00hiag nlmlng tliobeaYera. when flnIed *. N• • , Artbur 'POO saki' ,`,;• "Taking ..o1 movIQao the mountain ' L1e dam wat dym1td Then g6ats. wa a liail.for..leh+ than .gettlUg: Cited.. out o 1110. '!Ii0Oritqitarteriil gi.c.,(*e4'''Wo 114 "d01'.•:': °nee', 'canie .the 'chief 'edgleeer,o ,the .sOme .1,00,:;..bec4nee '1,M4Wer.00nstrti0Joh c0TflpMY m to ba,,tto. tOoit ' Tho heaver fit Mt ut own s tk alt .:the •time for ,trouble.,'-- ,aboat .eight feet 'high, :Ctfrirag- a'aio".caci; AS a- (Oat) we had to. .get itPove- thegrp. on '. th1411.9:rnntle: EliE3;WEirY • 1111117111t1!4El.i'4Til0 Pic.tures:'. Were •,).(1g0' df.12titeur'r�nt'l+0)ei•O the. ,.fereettkon wktlun Q Pt'lh7e111'" 1,04:1t7;;;;WitEt"rite- retwhect. tiff) ,,,Othor animuls 'plaetograpliedzWore liqle in tho daM,. The oi th b1 borz leep Aoer,., 'Ptarmigan and water.lte,+et.',.. the., ,heavor,' frogiAii).*V? • .6T.:•.-itn.d. ,ficetl„OrT. :hearing tlie;'elielt of the cania. th tiebit1i Arneran continent. Pardoned Slayer ritaii Will .Not • Is Believed Lost• •Stibniit, Scheme Fom.-overfa11pr`taie;•-30• Years Has No Intention,-of-Presexitt Ago, iS ReCallecl , '1 ing COmplete • . • • CAPTAIN MI5SING ehOOner. Not Heard- Fro, SiDce , Distress, WI. on • ',Jan. 8th Fol;tland, Afttr . Plan -It ia aittlieritatively stat thv'r tho ri;prt .tfat,•the Britieh s notified . the Leaglie • Nation;' ';.e.•-iretarjatof its inten•-• tjort.to Submit a. Coarplo.th; scheine on sean Irein the British • , Prins') Les WOes Reviews eicurr :.. PnpUn yoU,N16., sEAMEN .rN" :THE IVIAKINbe ''.*44:re„7,1.kil for 43,: 0 • England'olfuture,Aa's..en the tf41.11Ink',65117Ep *e•raury.te•ing reviewed .1)Y their fu'ture"king L Sout.'2eannton, Udson..!Bay Line - Is Being- Rushed Regidar.-• Given to' Mileage,. 356 ' ON TO gitifttFljt.,t, Final Location 'Toward Ter- . minal Completed to• , - Mileage 366 Society Note . Of Wide Interest 3 C..ovsis..Sa114. _Arri'N'T.e_Qr. t.1.W • Tale •Of Imported Aber- deen-Angue :Mother -A-NEW YORK STORY , . "Aie the Immigration ,quota of Aber deenrigus eews • has not been ex hausted, the dairy ;Stables of Sir ;Ash 'lei:Sparks, resident director of th ,Cunard Line, at Syosset. 'are itch wat-•1,1t i ittrelY'ihcorrect.' '• Winitipeg.--The past year was one er by one heifer more than Sir Ashley rtara•••••••.' lines Colis'in Wheat Pool to Co-operation Dies in/Colorado Set .Office Einpire.' Nioessity Had Beert F'rospe , Indian :Col. AmerY Strf*I" ImP° , London tame of Trade Between • Fighter, Millione)re, and' Canadian Syndicate Aims to• Dcm•didons . .• Ranctier • ' •• r, . , ' Facilitate Deals Between Waisonnurg, colO:. -7, ThOolas :KIP. JE . J wi'' ''' . urone and VY innioea MORJAL SUPPORT linr„ pioneer miner and rape)! er and. - , . . • = = ',. . first, cousin' ef nudyard,•4ipittty rirm,: I,Onft.oto--The anailfati wheat ,P091, AN. ,. . I-, I.', ,, . ,..„, , Ilsh. 'anther, hailed. 'On his . .ranch ' witieli,' hes 'be comi37Seek a treMendons ,munkster: ",-rrenacts. ','s '$--pong4i . `iaied.r bere•receifilY, „fs'otor in, tho -trade,' in, eiffOrt • Cdrning Britfiin'a 'a..rain. ,Is.:;49.1it. 0 °Pen- '.40.:b°.--ce ';- e :Years ago, Wa*,. horn' in purbeinf '15„: Bmith., fist:keret inles " • . ....; - • Joining • th0. 1300:villa- .9014: e director.: are. 41 .• Britain' doininated Ahe'last. generation Oben*. . • • . . , . ..Kiplipg. iiettiod in ecildrade;'' for ...that.. purpoS.O..; The object intealty, 'but ,genore,:tist founding firat coal to .Provide;intOrnediarY• be. Will belong. to the Britioshi.lilnipim pi* , 141110' the Triniday.disyriet.1,..,.. . AWcen: the., Winnipeg "effioe %the.' dieted Right:Ron, L.,C). Pl't 7. 7 TIES7 iii.1010:-'llit1314.?74.014 Various European cenntrles. British, SecietarY of State tor Tforoines;•,..kot.k. Qr. I ."*t..tti4 ..061-1112K..tO.1Pn Affaira wegiii.Ou'lliic111:51::It6ibillti.a,.:1:;eTA::•..1.(:ifi.iti, •Ipbre; ..Flirimilikaorit net, contemplated, said -The: •141,itod; .Statia: ' 4iNi4t4114fied.. .ant,iWat to : ail liecanad she bad,ipooled.ber rceoureoia In his sroinantte t‘ti; whether'thejoel ,clieePeliwthe' ,The. 'British„;Erapire had been ,Fotip :- IirospOteiri „Indian ..fighteri ceal,rrtiher,.'ensVoi.,breedlin,Britain.:•""The'„broker backward be•Cause.7ehe, had 'ten0d..te .•• mililonaire arid ian cher :'• ;;Is *ark- in witter-44Aty..oeMpixtinenti. , clied".in, the latter role, 'owei'or gunEer so Of course it •Giere • was change The ireine of eo=eperatkin wits now , "to, "#1./Qt•,..$,?iiin0” the'''apprieletedi :64EIE. the.. British • „".; • • . •. Mlnla- price is, off:, At ter, p.ntl' the prenient of, the. ',. year*, The Canadian Nation. •• . Present the 121..reeterii Canadian'far91, .ahead wa; 130* lit 'the' :free partner, ; Viineenver• Province • Cons4-:• 16 rha.king a Peid li*Leg.• Yri.0 as .!E Oil) of '.natIOnat,iiat imOde) ttko Em- We.,:Sre laying .the foundation to -day lye.10-1,1;4)411:12.1,0443t. btea.k4,0.17111,1:,;(!prori ot tion: that tiO 'be,. and mmenting •04 • ."•the state:. alled, -fresciurce8---risit-• bleed we' fiitrednee 'thrOugh- tiOn ' the blood whioh. ;3814r1ettlegehniejidg"71.'T•noltbneriii;, rnuch tib at:11444 ,s4ceerselettittoed•ixfOoredigri1.4 tradeco.nl,tilbentre'er!);agpitin:, stieugthen or 'ebiataialita.te : 'the CL111-. Ir it USE tes the arriage of t,he prOdtictis ths t6roper.stO :tropical . zones, Amei7 said. Canada lay in -the %tent!: petite One, and. to .contblete ,bee. •de.' veloPment. elie needed a:trot:deal .0rii7 •pire with whielt;.to;;;tfia.de,.. ; "She has:. that in -the -Britian • Pire,'• which' 'Is • Canada's, empire as • mrieh'iaS it is .Great • Britain:a,. empire,. That 'westerecegn.ited at the'Imperiel Confateriee ge Annp1r yilLk 07.: MotKer r CountrY.". deetared..M.,:f 0 , e t the n • • ,cados. of waiting, the ha'a: claithod ' rnereil)% of Considerabl develoTimen . ,bact counted o • 1 1'1Lita ownlkin-paY-rpo7it for :what .'315eii nypow,...,:„' eon)] •Nith other gov- Vastein region Of-tlie-Oetiadiair7.-Nat , can,: an land br • • ' ;+. Manager • of ',We' pool, incl. IV A, :Nino- • . Vancouver,' B.C.,•,-1The. United 'State* • termed Ono .0..c tht IMY.st'firutal. Mar:. 'et..;;Arcim:.7,.:;1.i c'are y out thc+, itailwayp, aecordidr tb H. ---------0 'dera in history, yeteran•;maritiers said :inade. hr Dr 1 cc, at, th.5711130-*7- jitteni-rgic r frOni• Scotland to beIR •restcat %when thei•learnei tha tht Ahlid day-, inezit:..ng,. .miad ..the. I e:-4i.U.3;'' prf:0t guli on the' eeliStril.et1on''.0r• nine Of his -farm' at Syosset, ...Reeentiyth. ' had Pas'sati. with o Word. front Cap- t•n ,t(11,•• ----taitr-ThOnal*St' iratri an • 'Tie:I:con- the.f,ri041.6f, woric to be procaied by the. Canadian Parliament 'last year York 094u' Glasgow and ,d0Olted 'a -er Alvena.. • ' ; I tb i t te2:, One or ti,vo' as a • three 'year building ,prograrn the .foot of West Thirtieth street, an That 'Contain Bram. rstn- '‘..r•••.,:•••morztoti4t.• 'einbotlYing -liffneh progress was it:lade On the 1.-Iudt,,. it wag rePorted=that ciiilong: the prciiii ' • 10 '1 cqt.th'e ' views on the .coramittee •a dist,rezt'f roni Haterar\•,p1-.0...-raj!'i r:+31 alder preparatken, . • Sunday,' 8th,.. th,..! i:ame ,but they ,n,a1;:e preteliee a:tr'heiag, a Tlionias M.: Drain.. Who was senteaced; riimored. ' , . . . • -to lu.vzg, hy a Bestea.• coo •t for the sell' Bay ...Railway and the, new Flin, Mon line Was cotninenced , • ' • . • • • . Prep the end of May to the, end Of October, 1,290...to 1,009 Men.. were era- ployed in the rehabilitation,' construo-. d. neri passengers' the •first class liplcr Wftf J....Aberdeen-Antis and her tWo daughters, the Misses Aherdeen- .- • . Angus. . • adien race in the centurriee ahead.- . All the mere peas:Mi.'. then.; • why . "Teur. 'wealth is inthe cities, 'just shonl,d be-- catalith....;;10.anade,..._nieoda the Unted States," he:said, more paitipleneeds thembadly to ml .I0Vor there they • are: orying out or in the ,great :natiOnkl friatttework she :state aid or agrialliturei. and in, Britain h48 -00uStrUote4; But She deee not the, same crY i8. heard. don't know b ht Ike can at, that it would help:111'th° longrun. I' need theme ad 7 t a s ford to admit aiLY who. Will reduce the think English farmers 811011141 'get ',to - vigor of her bloadstream. She lies gether more, end work,in. closer co - standard: now liv'the diatinetive race operation ;we do in Canada. Shie. has- no fai eVolved.. ehe eiin "Canada is.. co, :,conatr .of. boundless. elevate that:standard, so Much' the' •Not one:itenth of Its• -better:7"-But-dire-elfititild -beTirery cer- lad4,-InftryVbeen .cultiVated;-...a7cf Ii lain that She abates riothing Of mineral weallth.. „ enorteous. •The', . , • . , , Cosgrave,Aeeepts Ottawa, invitation ' Ireliind-President:'Cosgrave . • . has received, an invitation frinii the . . . • I. Canadian GOverAtaent to visit Ottawa 40 during his tians-AtiantfoloOt *At pi:pliable-the President's itinevery 84.11)±.. eecpient. ;to bia.Washington, ".vii4 revieed In order .t0 make. the, trip t� Ottawa '" • ! • . • • • CD•r;;.. US . ue tothe intricadies of -the ImM or m .6trafile from -The rtm h • . r.• eicPectiitiez'i .of f cr'0•01 ctl; to agree' Railway- and' dill. a it Vine uffsteordey would have • »rti on the higb.!4•34;airi. '1+;• + o'rer .ac.11-0:re‘: to, ;,.3. oPtional to • a3r.: Qlv'e7-41 717- . • . ....,-1.n 1. force. Variect.;,frtiai 400' to •. .• _ hied •that these blue.bloods of b tag -the. :re int on board. a fevr days Until. the And. equally as,:eP,PACk'n'tlY !7rid•tt e's? he '101 f.1 o an a •A 11.1:Mani!. i!s gi).(1,HAPProxinlet0Y-..L1.2 _ Pria the .k.a.maieTiT. could he taken to Pre' Department rnen .shake headTTWith"' filLit. the p•,3•..yer-ii.• were , Servie (hiring on. Agrieultiire Mmiantine• ' when 'the. peTsibliity • e Al ea •oliip'1,iii,e‘rti 'and tic:nil:6'0: tO:ysii. lit the • 'Winter ;,pe . • i•t e4.1ilta"VariOna''work sat -Vices ,andAthia Nj fof ' ohort visit b • • • f e nev, to of' et reaching' ,this port,. her (.1c.natin ai'littr;4.tiOn ar..d r c!)!, int meta with er..car of -lumbc-r oa lack ..hm. an„..d. snce, th,. deela a tioir fon. revenue, Regular, tialia service 9r, . , . • • S!” • u•,tpn Chamberla if .an mil • - • Is w tram .•' The Pas ..to residence.'-' • , Nothing. abont„moral .tittpltu.de; .of s!onville, Fla.,, Twee sn. ! • • • , • • 'believe that the 'man who 'was con- v,••ere made 'at Con- victed, but Who aecaPed e ga ows eva,,, . • , 'through "th..e„z intervention% of :' Mry% • • Roberta Riinithert;,nekvelist, and -Was • pareled, by •President Taft. and ' 4drted by President Wilbon; i;:t171 paid : the'toll,of the. tea. , • • 7 The grueiorne-merneries the , were recalled as fellows '. Aboard the ...barken4r.;) Herbi?rt :• ;on morning, in '1396; CaMe. Abe openitio• eh -inter of tho‘ tr-to-ety • withLthe diseovory of the badly' baaten 'bodies cif Captain is.14.slionaster et the- • Fuller, his .w.,!fe afn,refief tetend, inat3. :The unirderou :Clee cnplrn axe. •• BRA IX AR T O CharleS. Brown, the roaii at •the Wheel, , Was aSed by Brant As the • • murderer 'an4. he was put in ' after., hos.,veVar, Bram wills; 'noted in, pie' at reltieving,the inis -ing,a)M "frcin ,14aguth , a deck: •:beat. Brown Wall then • releasej and Bram; : placed In iron.• • ' The • vessel, Which was hunr..1.1for Seuth..America with a car.0 lam- er,, was 'turned. abolit for The tlirtiotiles' were placed in' the, ..1.)45at and in that Manner 4teived to thehew port of dostinatibta. ;•. Bram' s first trial in Boston, in the !same year,., he was Convicted "mid.... .„ sentenced be "hanged, • At ;a second trial, ;however, he • Was sentenced te.' . life imprisonment :at 'Atlanta: '•. ..Mary Roberts Rinehart, Who .Wrote, a -novel, Weavillg, intO it the Story of ; the murder', then became interested Bram and her efforts Wereeccreditiedi with the' .parele being "I granted by Presi n Taft Late , the .rnitra ,ivaS I • ,.pardoned ,,peeident, NyilSon: . I • , Murderer Inherits Victim's , . Property . „Parie,--'-ror years Paris asqi.. jut.: , have made practiee hf acettitting men and women. who have Icillect.their 'wives et husbands in chE,Ie's 1081;40 as. "love tragedies."' • ' But a' jury tit 'Beauvais (Oise).. Werita step furtiicr-,--tO the dismay of French juridieal '.expOrts--when they acquitted Charles Marin; who shot his mother-in-law, wideW aged, 86, merely because shelled sold disadventageons-, ppOion of her estate Which Ite •.1topell te inherit artir-t.leatIr. . ----:Tlie -Pad& .P--rOtailtor'irciinted--ou that 'Oda Was a orinie,of vulgar aver-, ;and 'the criminal deserved no , But the jury, moved by the speech of- Maitre Patil43onc0tir for 'the de' fenCeLWIto spoltel of the natural anger O . of a; •mati. 'who saw family property waste&T.-i?ethrii"&i*X-yerdietf;-4:4- ' ./sot - • • ''This iticane -set free) hut, that through his wifO e he iniVirits the whole fortune of his. vic- tim( D1nSyliat, an earth is the mat- ter with 'Y,eti,this 'veriiiit.,'waitert tett give Me the .1h and tiloll the Bong?" Walter (confidentially) .- oWoil:•to %tell the truth, sir, it ilitta th Um e you 'ad that Dol.!' . ,....• ,, .oeUrse, •:• It is just a.".pustona:: : ' .Work . onItia '. the ' dion: Bay line , . O. n. To Chu:a-Chip: , ....; :in,...:th.,;•ifv,nhilti.)..,.4p.y.t,...4...f.c.iam;rees.•:13:v1;it4iok•li:.,;•0W;,..Ohrist '. •cluded clearing•-ef 'the. .rIght: of .waY, Sottish guests; before :their, doer! g),..cillig ' and reconditioning% of': ' ern,: . • tUre.:. from: ,tho steaniShIP7', Athenia for bankinentS, building new ,bridges ,:. -lay-. Atlienia, NJ, great was his • sUrpricie Ing traeliii In. y'ara . and 'terintinals; ,' openi0g.newand consternation • to discover , .that : tritok,,fillitig 'bridge's and . wideiglig, em-: . , : ballait. pits,1:.ballaSting, :T;datougyb..te•Arsheir.4.,iviett,_:Alinalliibe:rd7itinqi463..4haid,dth.; 513.f,st..11,:.ivwtio040,,s, ..beiacaulcriaaeii.O4tisi..,nyeelwearbinilget't.dw'iddeliltne;;;:tiii5: rri4e: .1.,e7 .mio rather .Wobbly . end small and aw.k- for drainage and. installing Water sup-, r • • • ward, but there was not a doubt in, the and '1)°TrnP•rieliti' ; 'World that' she was. 'of . ' the • sanie : Plies both: teMPorarf e , The4te1egraPh "line ' 'WrS completely f'14,1,114. ._:,01.4. ' '1,;01,c8 ja4t .,., like:, her C9E1S761Wiedr:.'''..and track laid' , Qn,• the 'pother:. .,. Every one . SAYS' ad.,: • Main ' line-7,:tataliedr. something, More. J than 13 The fear :: aioSe; . in• CaPt. 'Biack'S .:milesTh .' ' e 'final location set i• ' Mind that there was„,going to be :.tron-. 7111.6 . lino to Fort' Churchill, has' been conipieted for ten .miies'ifrona mile 35e '14e.: pasaPortS, ,y1Ses; .quotas. and elf , and. ., the Ipeation ' Of :the ' remainder ' oliki14:6..t.1SZ,.riot:00:f...t.tehlien.righ.04 ..:Ainftg.ei; a.laiidgouodt,..ndeintal iiCirth.ls,tm"progreek.. ' A ittild,".and .. 47' . , t li6,.:w. eve..r, It.; ws. :.thially:.agreed half.:ortrack was , 71aid, on -the Port abut,!• T - that the -7'o•tragest...;;Miss Aberdeen''''' ..churehill :line, • ' - ' ' ' • • •Bailat.ting. and trainfill entailed '-the,Atiinegi.i.,:Latewl:e0gt. ire.1,1.i.abtoitrrati, loiftetaililelYrtyri.; movement :of ,a ;large amount of. ma terial,.'tliree.shovelO. were in,..'setyice NV7-S:. itrt; 41tie...ri0en eitisen:, ' She.- Was during the greater Part Of the peasioij. allOweli, to abooranany her mother. and from lVfay 12 to November:6'; and 51.0,....S•leters.. , .• , to... Atheii. la;' Nsi..J;,..wh; eere.•12::tehxte 0,00 cubic .yards of, clay.' and gravel fs.rnily of 'fear - WiliN.0.14 .thedn.tbl'o;i'l.the( eqUipnient alone excavated -a.ha Plaeed - Long 'eland bole 7 "f ' th• ''. • ' We,re: in.oved,..0a.i3^,h.ovel end, hauling, th.fr.tY • ila,zo, ..,Thney: '‘... or, e remainder, 472,900: but* "yarde., :' 'ono. i)einietient of the season..":., .• bridge ':wae. fully: conatrifetcd ..in 1927•, •,. - . .• , This the -430' feet bridge over the • •,'. • ,. Limestone river at Mile 350 from The Ireland Selling Pasit. consisting of three 904eot and • . -• Her Lee-Enfields 'two 30 -foot deck girder Spans ,on con- crete piers Mid ;abutments. A number, of trestles, were..rebuilt and some new ones.completed. . • •• • The Mtn Flea Branch; ; . • 411bridge construction.required. be-. Silly Stuff' • • ''. - tween The Pas and MAIO 356 'ip now of peace is fluttering'over Ireland are ' ..,Jkrryr! . Snowbirdor icebirds . of , finished: ', Divisional ,. yards •wIt i ter- 4 nil ed by,:a • transaction : now ..in the Manchester BroWnie 'troupe dning • 'ininal 'facilities, . including a Miinqa 'Progfeisbetween the boininion'ktov• .ii: bathing :suit skate at AMOskertg liewie,,iititohine shops, cedling .platiti. ernment: ',and the ' GoVerninent .of Lodge, Manchester, Sill; ',.. ' ' sand hellions ad storea building'. were Northern ,freland.„. The ' latter is Sell, .. „ • , • eiarilitruCted at The Pas and consider z Ing and Canada Is baying rifles,' About NO Mishaps on Ford .. able progress Was .mado : at. Bow' en 11,200 Lc.e,lilefteldis eri re,quired for the. ' Detreit, • Mich. -4i ltileS ef . the Way. from 'nth) 's.,s on thniiind0On: Bay, olasse, wail 'made thrOM;h Hon. P., C.. Jan, 1,•thengh halt Of then/ had been: Ford. gOter •PoMPanY 'operating from Hie is, goitag forward' rapidly.: The * .14riiin, high cornitissierier... Ile re: pmnieed other , work... • • • :‘ , Dearborn te C1OVSland, DuffalO, and ',Contractors are building 'ciiinrii,4 ilk!: ' voited that the, Ulster Government 'Privately , owned , nutoniobijes: are . Chicago coMpleted 'inor,e than 93 per ' d" and have tWo hundred Mari lay -7 bad, rifles ter .60.16,' so an :order :nee charged' With teSpOrisibibty. or fall _ cent. Of the sehed'uledilighte inVolVing: tag 'Steel'''. , - . • .. '.! , , . ,. - ', fist 'been 'Waded, for 1200 at $7 each, ure.of .the street car: oeinptin,y,. which traVel "oi 351',3,21, ,,miles clitririg .1.9p ,..,... • ._..,.L.,,,,--.4._....„...„- . or quite 'considerably 'helow, the nort:(recen,tly Went into the hinds of a l'e,;, ceiver. A: Ws lino is operating he*. A. Welli-kiletvn. judge entered a rea- , mat price ot,the ininufacturers;, ! taurant • ,4,..here he,' had dined' before.1 •. , t,---,+.+-4:-44-4.'---:"': ' ' . y' • ' t tie soup?" aaked Man , .at: Willeadeira .• A ,siammons, the ' waiter.., :"I: have tried it ence,",•Please, • againtit te. woman. for annoy- that jean ' Eiii ,'EliOr0 .0, 10Sel Prettrr. Matifistt4le: When? ,_77: Al-.• He f'Well, tihe'e: 11E0Te,: IillitEY than tea14.4:7.'..thl,1064,11.'jtilit!..iyit"!;,,trit,4k,•ttip°D•uln:1°11.1.1!!,.ftrti.:71., , . , L ..• . . • • 'LW at girls and. loSeli__,rettY than you" • ., _ . •. Canada Buys 1,200 at-BEtrgain 'Rates from Ulstei. Ottawat-Symptoms that the dove There are rindegrees In . l'rtallti:11;i°.;1.1tingl.'11:hhadlcCYlgt°°:Ad..iii"°'7',8a7dotliteer4e; ii• :the man With ii`..,little .inoitity"7' put' 1)y and ••• a : capatitY 'ler ',really hard work. ' If -he has; the:money .t.O. keep .gOing: Warile ',be 1,4; getting his ' land ciiitiviited he . is- booked fot ProsPer- It " - , Mr.. Meenherbon ; says that if • eel, . • . , . . • thousands. '.-Of". faraiers • .wdu d eye irenti-Oliiret:litisine-sillWestOrn • Can-: adii ddring. the 'past, three 'Yearii.... a!rhere.;Wrie botind to be ',will:active Selling,"' he declared, .",and. yeiy goon- you' .will And th-ere• Must be, cellectIVe buying:" • ::." ' . - ' ''' ' `1:.• Mr. Monk "En Witte". . ; Free ' Co-operation :The oonferen'ee has . 'decid- ed „that It was :possible to cooperate • and .be • 'Milted While :each:constituent' ircis 'free and knew.; no'..,althoriti Out- side itaelif.' That .metliod..of •000pera7: tion:.ilis better I.Mited:te' the ginplia., -thait-writtarleile-rarennaktation • was,EpOs.eible. In ,e0onocileas' well tlipelities.4.,spilM,0, the ' Speaker. .aserte'd.., • ' "Witfiotit eitt :Stratilitjaeket , of •!periii :lariff,.; • .withlout .'.' tiio. obits 'IA forming larlfti.to .suit thefr. own :heetie,: ample Teem. • for •eConeirde ".;co7Operaticiii.; end: Can tester :•mutital slipPert • and ,silnanhi,, tion. by Other- Means... :Inaire• are, la, , 'nunierable, ways. of ceoperatirig: the Out:dein 'et the: future years :how' iti:Our free . partneiShip ::We. can. make,: .that ce-op.eratiett effebi • • , "-Col': .1knier, .paid tribufe te., the' idad , , , . • • •ary' yeftrs .age in offering BritiRla pre. 'Whieli Sir. :Wilfrid ,I.:Surger had given ferential tariffs. wi.aout. ' reciprocity: _ and. said,. that whilee'llritele: had ad.... , mittedly been si!ciw, to move in the i'• same direction, •it was! trueof the British character' that once her, pe,ople .Gid -bpgfn to nieve t ley ineVed:.shrety ' atei.ndinita.ltthi'oliinc.rea:Sing v.eloeity• and de-. : . . ,.:i eared., • "lt is: a n;istake to think . ' ,"'We are bekintung, to move ie de- ' .• Fiscal :Changes'. ' The 'Zoo' authorities' Of London,'England' reee11Moved their ".jockeS7 , . •.: • • • • ON tH41.a. wirt Tb NEW • HOME ... . • .. she, stood before tlie war ' Then the • , . Greet . Britain. stands l' to7day... vi,h.ore„ , - • . - '' : ,, '' . , • avowed. policy was that it. fluid° no •to . a new 'inothe)i;hOnee... . ' :-- . , . ,. : difference where wo . benght; and sold. . NO 'Street. ' CarS Proposition :,Made...... . Britain: to -day . pi . that questims, ' 6(1 MIT eyes aed. made .That idea, ES dead' and :baffled ' sin In .Entire State To •Scrap, War .Relic - . A 'oar com once and - a realize that: it did matter:whom we • •" ' • , . ' Whore our„ settlers went?' - a§,t (Line in .New -Mecico, Manchester Parks COminittee It is not for 'Me say how rapidly. Britain 7111 modify her prejudices .en. fisesA ;policieS, but.modify them 'she. will,"Aecared Ool-AmerY. Stops After .23 "Service , . - S.anta, Fe,'•• '''.Mexide is withoitt, a. streetcar line; :stiteit Cars Stepped running the .14.4 day of. the , :Those at 1,ILS: Vegas weici." dis- continued early. in •Deeember. .1 Service was lttattirnited th qiieiltie 23 years age.. 'A:t Midnight /law Eve: -the\ 4`inotioretteei' droVe their: cars ' into 'the baria and tidied the peening, Of the.frolleys with a clanging of. g:ongs.,..- " -."Woemen• rat:operators were:first out; ployed• during the Wold War ,,atiad • , •:`. ‘r: • and Mile 327, :•• • '• . • i;NeVal ."Volunteer :Iteserves, and re, liaite been retain 1,ruce.. Twenty-four , Air L.ines ,rear. • Final lOcIttiOn a the Flin"Flon • air -I ceiltik an ;inquiry' looking to a pm, f`metorettee were ottt of employment ' " • withont n accident resulting - per- sonal' isijiirY,Or loss of cargo,,acceidk• ing to figures of the past year's opera- tions announced hy the cOmpany, ,--Only.133 flights opt of...191$ schea- !aim were -tint lebed: • •Of, theee, 14 were intenrupted ecause of .mechanical'.diffieulties and. .10 oh- ateetint. of ',weather. The ro+. Tinalindeir.:of the ' tineonipleted, flighte -vitere caneeled hetanse et 'Weather tee- faloiU,,, than 1:09.tMie of totii. any. freight, . and 'I.Initedi 'Statea• riaail 1.-Ifoie-,-40116dr-tlirthiginnit-tbe-Year. WiteL440:fin:: ther'a a. tramp In the a 4 7W-70ELr 'clon'timind so , ng as ho cti-osti!t•die 91.0,11.o.ose„,i _ A. toots lady Itaving„invited gag,. tleina.n. to dinner, on allarticOlar daY,. jio had iteCepted With the reserVatietto '4f I well;" 40- p1w, aito.illf ya're deed I'll MtPeCt. she: -"What do yen moan by 43drit, .•••• .0 „Asks. City t. ApproVe ,-London,, —• The Manchester: Parks Ccimniittee has decideit.to ask' the 'city to approve the removal•o 'fthe. Varigus war 'relics to be Scrapped and sold as cild Elsewhere in Great Bri- "tain; says the Guardian,,,.'relieS. have been seized by. ex-iiervice men and bundled amid 'cheers into the sea or .river....Aberdemishire 1 districts, where - the Garden IljghIanders were recruit- -ed , :and where • there, Is ,scarcely:: a household without' a 'war • casualty, took the lead in clearing the parks arid snares Of these mementoes soon . . after peace.' and at the bottom, of the deeppiit pooh; of the Don and Dee lie a goodly huMber 'of perman machine. gtms, :whiCh'. the.- well-nieening War Office thought Would be cherished by their. recipients:: It waa a.' curious psychological blunder . . . and there are few who , do not welcome the: healthy tendency to clear them- from our datiy. sight." ' • ' ..ttanita?. A4::.1P,31.87SCIattacy: r'. ., could -be 'plauSibly urged that the care, '.of-'the.--indigent-,eged ,is the AntY 81 the provinces, not ,of' iilihi ociiiiiriitifip; and that, the previntes are in luok la that the boininion is. Willing to ;PRY half the; shot. , .7,"31110 WaS the, View of' British. Columbia Which Was title' first proYitiek to take tip the Federal effer.t.. and •with Ivlaiiitekti noW, asserting her. t d alelinieoly liiStheel tiv8thi.oe_m14:toi.7114.0•n nt.tfelto,_. -4.itterr.72•Pie."...either:-..-May-Aniteuld,:.!lte.f...lict; gain-hiii-iii,9-.inlen'P'...1119-.:'''aelftlelfer of aceeding provincet growsllin4iraid; ..,., .• 11.'re ;will:increase iipon Abe tzetrin, 6 that rennlin one; and the lire:114 .p, , '.' . of the 'extOriaion of 'the plan to ell , .. 4.41.41, '41:f . . * • VIV V ,1 YC:ata 'might, hot he far, Wide of the , parts. at tthe 1..cirninllon. Witliln „ten ... 4. 4 ....,-;,,..#,.7447.4mer.orromr.r- ith.4.0i'40;tettiind rastOethe $a'tit;inie.--li "Motor" ship pt a5 500 tons of nritio,h noci6tor, • nvitit. ' , Mr. Healy .Praises The British „, .. • for Noninterferente . • bublim--tInterest is.* focused in the: 'milted State's On the Irish; free-, btate'S • position by William T. Coigravt's de- • partiirak.to the 'united States recently, and midi to the importance of' the pro nounceinent of the' retiring GoVernoe. ' General, Timothy Healy, at at. banquet yore, . "You have heard," Said Mr.. Healy, "talk "abont a foreign King and the haterterence • ot the:British' in. Irish tetra: There 'is: one' thing. -to bald- •' about this 'foreign King,'. and that:bi, he' gentteiticia.• 'Phe Euglish in'. nty'. few years 0.ats GOyernor4e1teral, • have never :Interfered -4 • ' faith and honor ti this -to the extent.',. of a 'tittle eh' a scintilla lit any Ida' matter.,. 'They have leftthe ministry absolutely .free,lett as ant,onidied, adviged.'. That isa tribatethat thoeld not be loft unpaid.. I Welcamethe gra a • diens' ctincurreace Of.ihe old ,Unionist , and Protestant ;party whd httie* gltred aikAirnee.ea-miceh;assi:Stanoe,14 -- theiseAn my - 7 In View Of Mr, Healy's. receral in the . Natielialist,thoroment the litateinett$,- • ...- teenia ;Worthy Of •wide eirdu1atioh,a114. it effectively.: disposes Of the:prOtiagan- by• the minority .6 seking- te. create' was, , litked. -why richiinnu. usually -:gave him Small tips While poor' niefr were libor al,. 'Well, enb., .hos0;'''h ans*tel'Odo'' "1 don't itnot,''cept the' rich .111611 dont watt. nobodi.% keen' he's" rith, 'end the .06' MEM don' 'Want .nobodY t',100W liass po%" •' • • r.