The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-19, Page 6Fs* From di; Maddenipe 'Mang test n , januir 22. Lesson:IX,,-jeeni 'and • 4044.:170Xt-74.litnk,not.‘titot I COM*: 7i`ricskrey- the '• latiij Ors liti* , . • '01tOOttA48:*.;*1.0. nat. neMe diatroy," ",110-49.;ftilli.hh45.1.l* • • •Sti.faiCT • *.mti.04ti..0110.90,4 WOO, P.4441.01P.40-,, XNce ANnOttglissINS; • ' „ , • *.•Pliatieeefrir. TAO *ere the strictest OlAtelderiV. of. 'the • laW Je6bilY•tiirie; isinseit atbringint. • the WhOleliteiJevIsh PeOple' • tinder :itite,'cereateni01:0(Ititrentente .."that'11001."L:They'NverCknotiCentent.;with. •' *list the written ..lasv;ileiriarideChut.,.. 'adeett or xmiltitOde of.,.,.e.bstorV-anees ;•,'xvittiCh .had no leunciation '.exGept; ditleinalz;niage". • - TheSe;''0$0i:ObierV;-:, matter$ ;knees ,,,concerried , •••lilte :Oita" •AnCfaStillit; For giving, prayer,ample,',..'whereas",Tho.'written.14iv•e QUITICk fasting milk one, day. in the Yea,4tt.....•?nalnel 'the Ditty'sf, 'Atonement,' le04'..titeertain-..se'asons)•>•te.faSt 'two, • HE WILL SOON. HAVE SUMMER 'NEIGHBORS ANYWAY'. ,. • . were-aecnatOMed (at er•in Cana Pithice 'Albert National Perk • Loins La Vallee, who is. siteali ere With. his (f mealy called Pelican Lake.) • • ••• The shipbuilding:trade, in Canada is• malting slew but steady progress: back • •towards: the records of half a century 40, but Stilt farbehind the figure*, Of thee, day. . in 1471 a' tonnage. of 18.0,698 Was recorded.. • In. 1.9.2p the .tpanage built, was. 80,147; in 1028, the at ipliailding tonnage inereaSeg to 39,840. 'There was a -slight deerene•in the •tonnage of ()teen -going, veSsels :wring, Canadian 'port3. but the coastWiffe,tenilage. shows fin increase, of oVer ,2,008,91)8 tonsi. The figures for the last three•Yearearo. as fell9NY'e;, " . • 4924 • 4- - • ' 74,947.373: ' 77.,355 128 1. ' 1925. 71,53%00.• 80.010;810 70656,827.. . • ". L.82,;887;65.5 • • • ° , The, number "et •,-voinfela entering: Canadian Portti *in '19.20 Was 21,10•5 et., • Wjlich,.12',08Q- were. of Dttitleh registry ead. 6405. fOrelinz'aglalq. On Inland waters .7,882 Canadian? •vessciii.'with tonnage of6,365,424 'entered 'CLitiilidien, ,portt(as well as 18,156 United Staloff veosels, •ora tonnage pg. rt, -741,,t75.' This 'ehoWa•a deereade of over 0,006 Canadian, vessels O,11(1 16)900 'OtekeE3.Yee W8,0;11411440 Water, the figures. :for 1925", being 13,140' pananian..and.33,263 United ;States vessels. - • • " . dasin every ,wee14:' and they lasitted: •• The only settl 'Itxreitrgaimitusway:149-thPeb;IptalnrfaCT:yosaulltei: grandson in front ot. his -cabin at. La Valle Lake•. :Pliea••the allies, relating to the 'Stitt . . ________ 'bath eittl,'ethet•haW aYs., nught he performed,on the,. abbath if ; It 'mattered not whethee•the regida- there was danger to life ill delay. In thus 'cOmMentledlliemselves to reason this ease there Was no such danger. and to ' a' spiritual nriderstanding of Nevertheles,s; . Jesus determined to the anineWill:'''' It„'„ Was enough , :that .3 -heal the man, and asked .him to come y" had a trtillikiMlat•,..P,4144,t_ien, r ik,nu forward:Where all could see and hear. it they-,,inereaMANneseParntlii ae„- V1,:- . 4.. The question of Jesus,- must ecinthn,•.religititin;....0a-the,tiOu'rel L.:- baveJakerilita,criticaliy surprise: He gioits, :•elaSses;.. Jess, on the • -.Other 2 asks, ,in effect,; if not to de goad on hand, declared Tan,* of thOoc obiferv- the Sabbath isnot equivalent to doing • ance.s:. be'ki`OO7WaSY -.terthe'Will of the evil, if not to sate life is not ,equivato ' beaten& Father.' Be insti.ted that-VT(4, ent teAttiting•life away.' This pets: an ',-witthedjoY Aniik.,J10t .1400nV;freedOin',onexpected. aspect upon -the, problem nOt d prefisi " life'aintnt 4:1311th• of• auffering. There 'must 'be no delay 'In lessen to4 aY we see *111. as; 'in:healing:even on the Sabbath. , . Eni. aniCiliatAr.'''And 00.Yfr:', ' ,- ' ' ' yii. .o. The sullen siler.ce Of his tiitiii4",-' Aim, ',4"ii*I-,, Diliit,it ,iii.4, 2: 'ti rouses jesus to indignation. 1,-22;. '•• - . Ile sees. hoW, hara •their hearts. 'have . . . .. , - Weenie' in :Otte of their profession ef ing • In the spring. What has now- . 18•.• fasting regulations, religion:. ' DeliberatelyAgnoring their conte 'tc,'.1)e knowit.as certified•seed lie- ter regulations' under the Seede Ac, tp los Whi-.•chieeid.,PnlY AO- have heen44•0° ' abjection; therefore, • he 'teals the tathesi, that. is potatoes :reasonably alienable at the Puhlinatiells Branch, 4,111i0141i7Onittit*I.).-*-0----..°bsP..T.Te-,14"_ence.e. Oneerting4lanwler Jesus?. free from . disease, 'can beTsecured in DePt. of Agriculture, Ottawa. Illeitiines,,f:10*-"e*Riaple„,' tite'sdation %of, 'man. •The, Pharisees retaliate bY at . not; ow:liy.the„phame.;_isii.t_by the..,,TherTiiariiiees aid us iikethi_irdee_raotaht: ,siuof ihe,...7rozayineen.f.com.LagrOwers ' (leaned bY the ,Directorpf Publicity, arm Notes . . GOOD POTATO SEED FOR GOOD YIELDS:: '' ••• air, potatoes, as in •all arm- seeds, it is worth while to know that ahe. is Plitittlig7gOb:cl. Seed. , • The -ttuber-itself, may look dean:able in every way and Aet it may. inherit weaknesses .that prevent it yielding a really good crop. Diseases of one kind or, another take heavy toll 'of. the crop. It is import- ant, therefore to be assured of the healthfulness At • the ' potathes, that may be selected -this winter 'fer plant - 'variety names advertised ieed. catalogues .in 1923:, ,;In making lp the liet-a large nuntber of synony- mous names wereeliniinated and only the varieties of; special merit ,Vvere retained. .plOne of these standard Varieties of seed can new be sold under any other than ita established naine;7The'iutriies of the varieties -At each kind of Seed are arranged 'in the: list' ha. order Of earliness- Of Maturity and those of outstanding .Merit for Canadian conditions ark ' specially marked, Making the pamphlet an ei- cellerit-guide for truck gardeners and all others Who •tifie vegetable . The',pamphlet Which iii a supplement the fellowqs.-Wlehil"the' BaPtiSt44 ions; thec, ..Party 314'7 that have had their C inspected y • of fields • tcrii--13--"- JOhfl political whtch VireS'''al,.`2#0:iti; and -.1:wanid.his iorteci , the adroinietrorieo..; al. Herod pepi,- -of •Agrioitiire :officials who. iti.e ex* to the•;•t•atijateit 'laws of..abitineiteetAnts. novv.an' their hatred a able te recognize, diseased conditions. 4thei th Je;usx-TheY7.1orro corame.n cause With, 'A.s 'tin evidence Of the value of mitt- ; of the'De f 'Of Agriculture at Ottawa' eanntonace,- n'lre.ligien of 'itieemi "He this party. , • ' fled seed, it is stated in Pamphlet 84 iirterioretedrOiet.iiiligious‘ life.' as a:Irfe did nqt le.;:hia',411seiplea•le 'Tits , . • Hence - the qtesti0fl 13 sh Patents Jesua;,defendiinrhis'ehe'tiples. ded Incr.ease for;uot-Lf00,e,,ak..14:.*:4-:tiiii rule W A -A n garnetel ..APPlicalits the. obierVeiV•t5r,",,i'..vr ding-company...on- a • marriage, thr-children-Of the brld2-, Fasting as net•any , omen at re. mo g ' the bridegroom, for.. it Wag' considered. . . . .• ' London ,Office 447.,:be their duty "to inCrease,the:.bride7.. . , - •,:. .. . ' . , :, : , iiiti :, j4,„4,eitus. 6144 r hinigraf . ' . London-The,aPPliCatiens7. .111ed. b3r.. "paid: lia""'etriripan'iiint-,tO.,sUch •.i -hapoy. leirentoTs .' of pteat..:..Brjfaiii ,. at 'this .:''.etniapaity,. imk :Sayir that they are yatent',Offtee,this year .1gill-reath 35..; ..iandeilna'ebligition to list..,Why:;i1Oek 400; 'far' •iti. expose. OX hei. year. , !'A ,. jeaqs"t•iiSe.,,titiS illustration? !•'•Ben--,--anse":1-Iolbcfrit.! Artn...- of ., patent lawyers ' in ' hieliaS" 009 into the heart OS,Goa,....and ,... I.: i. '", itu4ineis: for more Ahem a century re - he lititivis.",t1tat Godrs.ttservide'ia,the*op-.•••• poke :that never before has It hand- ...'petilte*eleor He .knoVra igse„.that ii3d7'io.-7•.matly„iiietttloim b . Wonien- ea :Isrlielle'liietorly is beginning: 'Corripare yearin neW.wirelesi'deViceS.,, ISainli:.6,1f,10.,,, ,', , '''., .'" ,--..;_•_. .::•_, .'WOMen. Were. especially . active.. in, .: 1,7",i,vorie.: bthet:side . Of th'e' happy the- field • of .cOoking.".. utensils; .electri, iettire.•': :Oriel .. and fasting- are -An. cal toilk apparatus,: nursery finniture, * . . . . GO is uow'fulAll'ilig Prolases • • . h • salvatioir.' and- that • a ;•.new era •,;„iiil.dnring 1927,. which is also , a boom grapes, fttlit trees, . and leafy cropi MOtOr Show Held in Belgian place 'when the bridegrooin is taken, nleatiag• machines,' folding tables• -and kenerallY, on Sandy Ind "light loams. ca,. pita . " d the festivities are brolim I Canadian Pertified . Seed Potatoes," that while the average 'yield of pots. - toes for Cariada'in-l.926.wa estimated at 148.3.bushels per are, the average ' yields on more -than-40,0_0_0 acres Imperial Prefeteike . „ T. Maxse In the London National Revlon,: Free Trade throughout the British !Empire; coupled with :Protec- tion: against cenipetitive nations, .Wonld be, as% difficult to •establishl to- -day as it would have been easy yes- fastens Havi•iig encouraktid, and in- _ 169%. • AN, ATTRACTIVE NEW FROCK. . , This' charming frock shows to ad- vantage the use of• contrasting mit, getting only elevea seats out of st. June 1--7:In .Ontario,, after . eight terial employed' for the lower part of totetskheirdta,rt_thefitvteesdtee pointedTher.ecitaa years, the Prohibition , ,rdgiine comes to aii„mul.:, _ . ,. , . • • : . sizes 36 38, 40, and 44 inches bust: K' eleeanveda. . . _ form an:, alliance with 'the Labor shirring at each shoulder, and,a wide -. June "7 -The Wealthy: B.ritish , Co - belt .is crushed tinto a buckle which operative Secieties,, with a niember-, fastena it the front.-- No. 1699 is in ship of 5,000,000, vote, 1.9.60, to .1,844 1 , • • • Virtuous Town , • • Has No -Pawnsilop 0 -77 - Rutland Boasts Neither. • -Theatre Nor jail -No • 'Crime 1Rutlan,cl; (Eng:);, but proud '041thate-r•-the tiniest toiditY. town Great Britain, and. the only one which is not even' a, borough has not a "mayor! or corporation -tis• , • preparing„to:etact a lawfal'tribete...•• l• .P1'111640 Mary •will , open', itn,exhibitiox et arts and..criftst'. and; Ndord ,came ,t4 the tctitii .that itt her, party there may, be .a Peer:of the.. Ad has niter before beets in ithin riloire During 1927 natal .1tragrain' for buildink9 tire" .19;00.0 -too 'eruisers,-*intes ..andpririceSees; 9414 •9' •CoraPlatey'peertige troin" the‘, dawn., of realm w , or passed through,this,:town. . ' . At Once the ehlet citizens' wont tothe : ancient ot Oakitain.: and searched the. records of Ilt1t1411d:' They.' • eXaMined • register :that 'contains: the • • names of :the 'kings- ahd queens , and . ia announced -40r. A.Astralla • by pre- inier Stanley ,M. •Brtice; •. ' • . ' ; • March 'ConimIttee of , the ,Privy ' awards' -New Foundianti her boundary claim. against English history, every one of whom- , through \the centuries has, paid •tributo . to thie vest-pocket- county and town: • ' They found that the 'nine At. the • Canada by which 110,600 square miles earl • who may accompany Princess. of valuable •forefits, 'fishing, hanting. Nfary is.missing,.. and with Solemn lin, ". • animity it Was decided • that it• he and Mining tertItory pass to. the form - April 7---4Dighteezi antl-British: plot- ters .are convicted' in India, three be- ing aentenced, ( death.' • • •April • 11,-Cilancellei of. -this • Ex - Chequer Winston Churchill in pre- senting budget to Parliament, states that of the 1926 deficit,' E•80,500,000, at least £31,000,001rwas due to the coal strike; expenditures for 1927 are crosses the county bord'er.„ he must pa' the price of his rank. . • . Horse Shoe TrIbute.,, From thne imniemorial Rutland has exacted .by traditional right' one .hortie- • , -aline from every member of the Royal Family and every .peer who has cross- ed its border... • ' . • . , The, Prince of-,Wales,.in hunting kit 'paffsed tWite through-Oalcham and the eatimated.--at72-8113,290,000-;,---th-•-na----happr•-smile-that...W.0._All his features, tic:Mal. debt:. giv,en Ili 27,654,750,000; .ought, have been One'. et'relief that ' United Statek.. •' :;•.' •• • • ' ,; -'•,•• :•• - * .PrinCeis Mary and aliTher other brath, .. has already:paid.' his due 50 .5o 'have .`-•:"... '! ' of which. 04;oso•,00,0c1,0 ,.i.Ec due ..the • ' A-Pra, )-2-'-'Xiewerhig. ' the • ' minimum, eni, any • ene..6f • whole. May' '.rue ;,866n. age .'et •„*.isting.. Women .from '30 ,to 21 ••• .. i baunt.rmg ' through • the :streets liere • 'keel's ,of.,' age hi aPin'elfed•' by 'the cahl'.' on'eny day in the hunting,se”On. ,. , net •'• ' .' -: ' '.--:' -( 1' . '::.... . ',. . -' ,' .' -.' If .the .delinipient. cart should • arOire . :lgaYi'..11,7•Tha. suit At theiriok' Free •at Oeikham' withOut, a .)-tor'se-shoe. he • • State .to recover title tel a • $2,500.000,' will be PolittalY;'• tdld • by the Lord.: of., . bend Wane '',:if;the "Irlah'.' Ropiiblic" ki the. Menai that he-mu:it :deliver. it; pro.,.., . dismfased by a\NOW York tOurt. .. • ' ferably'• a gilded•• one' by . return: ' ec electLons, thaiLlb- .. As. it io the 'healthiest, e'ral Govertiment, head.ed by 'Pr.. nri.rti--T• Most' .Taithereati, .viins the ConservatiVes Clain) entered for certification were appreec' 'deed .constrained, the Dominions to SiZetti requirei'3-1/4-Yitidi--39:inci Or ;innately poo' bushels per -acre, PlanY eultiVate indiscriminate Pretection, 2% - yards 54 -inch' -material and 114 t . , . growers reporting yields exceeding , against other • nations', including our- yards 89 -inch. contrasting. Price 20 1 selves, by denying' then' all prePir4- cents the Pattern. - ' ' ' , •: „ bushels' to the acre. ' This . pamphlet is • particularly :useful . to those, whol;:eack4 , in one home. markets, -and In . On.: Fashion took, illustrating the 1 ' odf.'1 .: , newest anti most practical styles, will -Would "grow' Potatoes' for seed/. Pur•-•' effect treating:them ii foreigners..We the. Publications • Branch, DePt» ' 0 them to,i.everse the Process with any ,thaker. 'Price .et ;the book 10 cents be of interest to. every_ home dress-- Peaes. Copies may be secured - rorn cannot now : turn round .and invite Agriculture,. at Ottawa. • I expectation that Aur invitatiiM -will the copy. • • ' be accepted: Their finantial mutt fhlt ' ' • • 'WOOD ASI -MS AS A FEBTIL,IZER _ . HOW TO ORDER, PATTERNS. • - • cal systems are fotmded on' Protec-' , %Weed ashee ;are, recognized' as a which has "'stimulated industrial • Write your 'name and address plain- . • fertilizer of very .corisiderable Icitu&• . . production on a. seal() of Which the ly giring number and SiZe or suc British' . They are essentially a-pottissic fertii- people have small conception Fier, and ,as such have no superior, , , • being 'especially, valuable -for clover, - _,.. ' •patternis aa you want; Enclose 20c •in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap Sir. Charles Madden. '• • it carefully) for each :innthie and , Ang: 39 -Owing a, 'difforence In address -your order to Pattern Dept.; Wilson Publishing Co„ '78 West Ade numerous other, articles. •More than In a pamphlet on Potash in gricu , • • • • - Brussels. -The twenty-first Belgian death,',1-which caused 4iis disciples to, invent -ons in connection with.the ture,. prepared by the Division . , . . , motor snow, which was opened re - This niajibe a reference -Jo Jesus' radii) include • apparatus, not merely Chemistry, Experimental .Farms, and late' Of John the 43413tist. John had for the usual; reception and radioeast- which mat be .obtained •frOla the P'1115-' cs eqnu re7 Pevitrars and consists acroenasil'itsaf.'eltt'°869.75 fast, Or it ron'y e an illUsion• to• the 'been. takew, away -from his disciples;i ing,' lint for •the photographie repro- lications• Branch,- Dept. of, Akricul- 0. exhibitors and , 560• stands.- Eighty, • h r serrowful mood was duction of the ,transmission' of light ture, Ottawa,. farnierS •are t fi f t "ld car ui ers are repre- o MO or a 'opriatocr, eneeeoc ngly- the lattpr. and even power and the projection of conserve this home source of potash iingt sented. or these 42 are French, 20 PD -1. - ' tit tasting of,' I t • s Many iinportant patents more carefully, not merely (et:Alec American '9 Belgian, 7 Italian, 1 • thus - "..,,o•Tohn!aare(16iSeiediP1 witat tha.,„' his i.were obtained for 'use -in coal products ,the ashes from stoves, but from burn - Jesus wn 'Vs: 22I'"• Tivn iarahlea are and th°..Pr°dunt.19n -9f chemicals and lag brush piles, -old roots, 'etc., which oils. • " • ' • ' • result from clearing land and pruning • . added to ilhistrnte..the incompatibility - • of the, religion...of •Jestis With such in -1 . orchards; and saving the ashes.. atitutiOns ceremonial fting. The, ... ' . -ea ' • aausractory • From 25 t� 50 bushels of Wood ashes first parablo .should he renfiered thual I , • - per acre is` an dressing even for y light soils. . Clover, corn anbyl becoming noticeable, at least for cars '"No bile stitches a' patch of new (un -1 In England a waterproof • coat very . , t/ competition, the reduction of Prices is ahrankl cloth upon an Old coat. If he trie shiny sort is freet4ntly. described man Oa will be'greatl efltted Austrian arid,1 German Greater e4mfort, simplification of the , Mechanism, and reduction of vveight are the mast apparent tend- encies in the new models. Thanks to n t of the 'pepular type. . As to engines, tr from the Coat, the new (cloth) from •EAgitsh . family rented a .piace !no with, doeso the. piece_ filled takes awaY'i as' a mackintosh. Some years ago' theni. For turnips, they may be mixed . . • . '• the old; and. the \rent isemide worse7 Highlands for a few months:, • - weight of bone meal,. They are best, one-third to one-half • their the tendency' Is to an increase in the secm number. of cylinders., with the 6 cyl- .,, lie in greater.: favor._ d'a in era predominating. Closed cars rit''ciih*"41ard'S;. the il"rreligieh al-. The house' was near a loch, and joy, (Christianity) (lees neagree.svithi applied in the spring; preferably on a quiet, damp day, oil' th'e viewed: land, and covered with a thorough harrow- ing A'shes 'should not be used on heavy ,clay lawns. OFFICIAL. LIST ()F SEED one Morning the party "engaged- a boat the:old religlon..of fasting (Judaisin).1 .. John and his disciples belong to that 1.6 talce them across. ! 'Tho Weather: old religion, and fcir-that.resson. they . was ,soniewha 'entettled, and '• the continue to, fast. The second parable' head of the.gamily turned to the old , '6'i:tut new wine; needing, new bottles ' Scots boatman and said: "I3y 'the (-Witieekine')„•,means that Jesus cannot 1 ai). you tell”. nie , Where I eotild _g .express...the true 'ideal .iff God's ne,1'.1.CerinitekintoSh far: my . daughter?" , Alder theoldfernisof Aid:Slain. ... • n. r "•The • boatman ;rested -Tea lila' earii. II: Itli-414'.0. i',14i8 "r3BAT,14 1-°' ..1 and thought' for a: moMent or two. Vs 1-3 A test case WAS prOVided by "Weel,". bee aid, a,t • l'engtn; t,t,Aere'ti .. v."1.ta See if he' intended to. tuthlatis. distrust of logic ti '1 reason?: Macdonald. a bachelor, who; liveS at, Th. , . 1 the tractor "thatThellihr7oVerhailling.,....to.doy._ thifn th'ey did when I," was a itrfo. the -water... Nov,e,, can ,r9ti er , 'NAMES • to be ''. tht. retiot:„virtinius shire challengeable. '• • ' Biank Book. . Golder,' the Chief -constalile of the .eOenty; OVer, 0h2 .m,a114.t f ' d'. • t• po ce force in n an inspee or, a. Sergeants,. and '12 . constables. -I ask- ed Cotdd be shown the ci.tnut -ie-. , • ' 974rish• Fru state elections. gister /or he present -fear. . • for 1.02. seats result failotva: Preii- :dent Oosgrave'e. doirernment,'. 46, La 1w22, de V,alera's Republican Party 'Mr.. Golder handed me a volume, every, Page of whiph.-Wa virgtti 414111.0'. Thinking far:, a' nibMent;tha,t1 ho had ' mistake ,shown ine -neiv regiSter • ' ready 1..or the offences of.1928, I called 44. Independenta. 15 and Farmers. 8.. : On Aug 11 the 'RepubliCans. take the his 'attention' to the • blank .pages.. , .• . oath to the .Ring end. are seated thus .; ...;- I on; asked to see , eliT-Or.laile re'giS" threatetting,the Administratiente posi. tor," he said. That is it: Nil!" „It tion.' ,SY Sept. 15' the ,/Government ,iff Only 'once 'every . foiir years, kr: rnio1ds 61 , . : that a local inhabitant iti charged 7With . July -,-Lord' Realty, Adniiral. of : druhkenness although, on the average , 1• fer.i: --'vroltalle-,,couniY-'1hast•-to-,1161. et the Adniiralty and •is gotececied by charged With 'insobriety; °nee year. Alia no assize.' court has been ne,ces1 „ , Sary here ter more than, seven. years. r. This record has been maintained,:al though , there., are- :1.2.8 .icen,se'd. pre - raises in• the conintY,. or •eite• to e'very 60 og, the adult. populatient. . .„ What it Lzeits. AMong ' the; things Itutland ' • • . Formosa To. Gain Japanese • 'University : . Tokyo.. --A sixth Imperial' Univerf sitY :is to :establifilied `text April; the Ministry of Education. having aPpro- plated $500,000 feriae purpose; . The new University' will be established' in• the colony. ot•,1749r,mpsa:. There are four Iniperial universities in laeen proPer, and another in Xorea, estab- policy with the - Poreign Secretary, Austen: Chamberlain, Viscount Cecil of ChelwoOd•resigne.from the Cabinet and automatically: from his ' position at the'Leagno of 'Nations., ' '• Aug. disorders in .1ndia, oresfilt. in..,300 Ace& and 2,500 woumded Nov. Eiritish Govoriinient decides :te .send ' a' royal lcommisisori to India to investigate the* epuntrY'S. potentialties for self-koirernment; the missian is to. depart Jin 20 resolu- tions. of boycott are meanWhile pais- ...„ The new: univereitY•will be on a par - ed by varieUs Indian, Social and pol t ;cal Organizations. . . , ' " • . lished a few yearei agei.-. , . , With those in ,the:'homelan, the only Dec. 22 ----In ' his ,SpeAeh' proregning difference' being,, that the Governor- Parliamento•King , George regrets that General of •Forinoiiii will 'take'. over the' • ihe, tri power naval lim.itation con- cludes .'porforiiied by the ,Minister a ference insPired. ; by,,, . ;Iireident • Falr,Weether Farmers., What 'queer Meia some :;Parmere • he.Val They can. not work unless the ciun ,ehieing. , The' fateier who. ex- pects tri2-raake Good Living and •Edacation • Coalidik catild not agyee;. he exfols The' ViCious-Cirele , London Daily. 'Chronicle (Lib.): 4 is beyond enestiOn 'pit armed' for.ce, pendkln the long rin on etonemic 're- SertY, james- BerrY • and 1.r. Loinlen Telegtitph -',(C0#1.1 does iiat contain are.: • ' •Borough; theatre; -'iram-Way,,, paWn: , , . shop, engineering' Works of , any .dcind; prison,'eathedral; •moluts-: thry, Convent., • • It Is a fact..to be neted in•the county. intedicar officer's!' yearly report if a persoit dieS at. middle ago.. AU this coanty, tb Which 'diseases and ppi- dernies are .strangers; One-haif of the„ nion and. weibeit .dled lait year . were 'more than 65 and, ene-third .of them. more than 75. Iiocters .hereabente .have .no '• ilene of- rheumatism, the Influence of .t o League of Na -'• where in (Ireat..Britain: can patent ‘, , - tiono " ‘", ' veniforFt fare'worse.... • ,Dec. -22 - .Loiirlon's firat penny • • h • . , any any. great modern ,wax„, must de-. '14 rd BurGowel nham .0 Sir . William . The 'British • tradition ,• i' . (Lord Birkenhead 'declares " that the,. ., . . Milled by ,the Dominion Dept. of Agri- , -: se. vett bbys tor 01,.:4,tinC0', retina:: tic ni)(1,.lucli,ir d t‘,T,i---- beruiS and gCtables- has beell Pub- 'coine iethe relief 'cif, the SWin ing f i f' t " ' ...-7-, . ample in subtraction-. e- tereabot I: cultur e . '••It• is•an official list of estab-lb '-it' , 1 i c • ' e. ° '. re en _imp ement, _ he , sagging gate,: oje,.Lmly-r-' Girls wear fewer:clothes two .., , . t , ., , -,-,4-7--7-- , we . , , i '.. • ton hoard its statesmen aPneal to but :sentiment.) ,.`•:Vl luit. countp . has te p,i• the presents iri.the synagegue one day-knat Just ferry ,raa.n.y. 'Mftekintoshes eour ' the broken sten hion the 37 ag a e.• ....'''" '' ' .' tit dOwn to the' 'ereek th bathe • ' hand. jeans &nevi that the spectators, ,' °t'ill ' t lished variety names sOfTthiSe eroffl of them had been to d not to -go • , . stuoi \v. e , find ,,I. more blf- ni emotion? NV 11 e r c of a Man With' a 'withered (paralyzed) I , , paperk. The. all Tolegrrafili, is ,sbld , sources. To persist in 'clinging. to Edward JO- • , te, POrCha rs ..of s,egd of corn, peas, Weathers. Let the 'bad -Weather day luO eno MI t•-• •Teacher--"Itohort,. --here -Is an exe • - - • • - ° p phlet which will:be, of value/ 10.%'' MUM,. be, Prepared to work in a,,11 th•e efficacy'. q, • armaine'rits-:-NvlOch re- • • ' •• peeple have:'ever .hoca, for'beL- . . • , heal tiro- Man ' on the Sabbath. ' The the head of the, loch. and he might • ese s lar alnesp. etc. Lively, now.- Spring' is just girl," Old Gent -,--"Yes, so the'llgures" --- '•how -many Went in?. It is..true that pis., unintellectual tem - t d dn' 266 ' b tri nein er,,t a list of • 2,425 around the terner. Jewish • rule` was that he tag acts be suiting the young .1weFe cornm ed from MUTT, .AND . j • • --43y Bud Fislibr weree cAuGivr 'its A 'EAt. Lotkiti014-' e0G, MUTT MY ' T " kr - W6. MIGHT ASUGLL sTiNteb• IF:we Its, in PALI< • OH, CI( Cv5 G fk4C•j' JO F; z -.cAav see A- • Tkk. tt4G: ' show: Yes'ra; se en. .. -• - 11 Bit of Typical London Conversation. Lts'rerAYou suP AND r 1.1. sup VOL1,-_,L,y0yR Arc ^ er produces some of the ec s. _ • .nE caution. Out ,national affection for • ' • half -measure and a compronilse IS its fester-a:04i , The, only ctatement in our history who has dared to sqy that.. riis Mott° •••ivaa "Thorengli" 'was •Im-', peached and' died ell the gearreld• have hever. felt that thcze rani) or tem coubl•lie-trusted',. , Ituter., s ritipt• • LOndon•I:a.ai'l*YeNikoi;o News' (Tol (4 &ma itt o: 'London country 'court dliteloSed, adiee;-40.16;tedier1UnixtA' thW fact iliat a girl ..employe_tt'nfaking ,.FtL • ,76e:631111.0:d1,0dsia.:eiecthylue. . -tone' reehired.) The"pre'Venlion og•_. SWettfing in the thfielifig traiie f! inittedlY a „vorY, difileult The' intire-reaffetyWity tile•effert•Shonlil be spared. to &tali It IScontended. that the, doet-rif InspeCtion. is .too gioak ,Orthat it in beneath the dignity of the Cioverometit to 'Able ?ark Imfioliit ;;;:litZ;;;;;;;11:;;;T:ii"-, 'does doett,not Pay for.her ctib. may ba,t. • •