The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-19, Page 5FRONT HARD' A k'UI.I? l,l'oI _ f)P A,'rlilPcil;,G'Ilpt1;3; LU ANLJJAI'dI?: SAWS " ONI 1'f tf, A1. 1(I tlAf,'l.l IAAF .GROSSCUT , SAWS,.:. II. IN 'NEBO. t) ;pi • (,ROSS CUT SAW':IT 'WILL PAY'TOD' .! TO LOOK OYF/i :Ot it. S ? WS••,ii`F OitE; PURCHASING • .AXES :Tit(JE SET,WA j •FUI I: •OUA;RANTEED :`AXES' ALWAYS ON HA1 u• C;C'11., SKAT ppciit3 AND 1IOCii;EY STICI►S:: COLEMAN LA MPS. AND •LANTE'R,NS THOSE ,GOOD LIGHTS FOR HOMES:WITHOUT ELEC!'RICITY. - McCLARY • AND IiA1'I'Y '1HOUC;H'T QUEBEC COOT -STOVES A.ND QUEBEC IIE:ATERS.'.., • one, 66: Coal. Hardware :•PO;RTEOUS Lu k/now.- Plumbing`; Tinsmith Lucknow Wingh'am Phone' 74 , Phone 256 • The newly' l'4onume elected Council: of the nisi •Works:' .. ... • . The of Kinloss Ynet; . at the _..,..-LUCKNO.W and 1VING1iA�11 'it;h:,-nshi a1 f P� 1 on January -•9th •and; K1 -(LOSS;: COUNCIL Has th largest and mo I- complete stock' in the most •beeu`tiful designs•. to' choose from; 'in • Marble; Scotch,. Swedish -and Can adieu.. Granites We make a'�'specialt Familyi y of,, Monuments end. invite our. if • nspco !ion, y Ineeriptions. Neatly, 'Carefully and Promptly Done.- Sae one. ' S e us before: plh�ing your' order.' Douglas,:Bins; - R. A. 'Spotton leirkno.v� .Ont, 'NOTICE ,TO 'CREDITORS • In the matter of the • estate o... James Aitchison, Tate of the taw:eship of West Wawanosh; in :the County of. Huron, farmer deceased. ` . ,Notice is • hereby given ' that • all • creditors. or others having claims a- gainst the estate 6f. James Aitchison., .late of•tbe' township; of;..W3rest Wawa-' :nosh, in the' County of : boron, farm- • er,' who died on of •abotit ' the third day of November,'. A.D.. 1927, are ,re= `' ' quired to send on or. before the '21st t" day of January, A:D. 1928,, to -the un- dersigned '.executor, a statement of their' claims' with 'their ' names mid ad- dresses and the value of the, security . if `any, held, by., them, duly verified' ified' liy _ affidavit. ` .• ' AND TAKE NOTIpa 'th it„ after.. '°.the said 21st day .of • Janttai t . 1928,' the executor>. will proceed • to distribute fide assets' of the estate a mone the parties fentitle'l' thereto' having .regard only to th• ase elainis of • which' he ther>; hall have poise. Dated at Lueknow, Chttario, ,•this 6th' day of January,. A.i), 19'3.,• • William McQuihi f, l:xectitoi', (1O.1 -c) i WEST WAWANOsII COUNCIL. a' Tr The Watt ' %Viiivunosli` illuniwipal Council held its first, meeting , fay 1928 on Jan. Otli. The Members tires= ent regretted the ,illness of Reeve Johnston.. Mi. Durr Was. appointed chairman of the nie'eetuig., . No • np=, pointtnents were•:►iiade, w•itli the ex .'ception of the' auditors, who ore: Mr, •l'i'nt, Stewart"enc; Ste.. 'sane , llliller. 1,VIr. "A. B. Pentland ;Was, appointed. Truant Officer` for 1f)28. The • clerk wes'`instreeted to notify those: Who had not paid their'nssessmeht on the 'Reid Drain 'tlin:t they w�oulii 1 e'given 'another tori trays in Which, to '• ninke r iynient. ' • ' ,:The tinfc•for `rGnipict ng „ tii1 berry iviTs.' z\t;ciiilOEd The• Mane►) reclucsfc-i1`. ie fi ei�e'to•. 41/' Cetisuro' :tho-'(dtmtp-'-Engineer for-•'nt- --•tempting•-•-tn-�ki+cp•tic-�'ou+rtt�'�rmttls- t=�oTren ^for•=atiteinebil.r•;:treilic 'dui wg: It wiry •decided tit pity :A Boyle. •:fir) supplies for n eett:iin indigent" Hereafter th'e'' Coutull will meet iris the first Monday of • t'iit'li month , uiiw .less otherwise apeelfled by the Conn: after having subscribed t$ them 'de• { r ec• 1.. laration of office, 'took their planes nt the Beard.,. Reeve,. john W. Colwell`; Counci ars,; ` ilfalcolni ' Ross, Angus 31aclntosh, DavidCarruthers,• ,Adam'' McQueen., The' minutes of Dee. '15th, 1927 ':wer i' *Of,. •,� sad; and ; on;'niotiom ` of •floss and "Carruthers,' adopted and signed: A eo?nmunicati,,n, front :the •Lic;uer 'Control Board was' read, and n motion 'of Carruthers :"ani•.Me. Queen,'the' clerk wag• instructed •:.t6 .write. and ask .for, a• Draft, of. By -Law. ,required, s nd'..any other information in regard to' the matter. -- '' Motion eft, Carruthers and.• Ross that the.aceount of the . Huron''ene. l.►,nloss' Telel hone: System :'be\';•left , with the clerk todead with.: As • we 'csnriot collect.. tolls from •,: the .rate -P •;;ay erS.. •o f •Huron Township. , 1loi ed Eby • Ross, seconded by : Mac, 'Into:sh, that 'the timefor' returning • the._._Collector's. Roll be extended. til F• oh 1st, •1928. . Carried • lleverl' by Ross, seconded ; by Mac.,. lntosli, that By -Law: No. 161,, 1927, be antniended by- making the:: .ay for holding the' polling in private' houses $4.00; in 'place:. of 43.00. /Car- ried.: Moved by Ross, ' seconded by Carruthers,•'that the balance due. C. A: 'Jones, amounting' to =$44.50;•' 'be staid ::: Carried, Cheques ,issued:— :Willlam t;on= pram, work an Huron. Boundary, and grhvel, $49.30; 'Jphl'i Bushell, ' Paylist •No. 2, .$7.60;Harry Walk en account. of bridge ,on Huron :Boundary,".gay. list Na. '5; $40:00,•' W. 'J.'Seett, Pay-. list No.• 3, $2.40; Jahn A. McKinnon Fsiylist No; 4, 41.1.25; Geo: Ostrander• Paylist No. 6,: $3.50; 'Ge.i G. Moffat '. lectin expenses, 05..60; Ernesf:, ckert 2,-e rds'`of wood; $9,90; c. piles;, balance -el account;' Scott-Tifii'r rain, $12.09; C. A.' 'Jones,, balance, account, McMillan, Drain; $23:00;:, • 13 1 n of C., A. Jones, balance of acct., Kale. ntier Praia, $9:50; Thos, G. Gaunt, as. •sistalice •McMillan Drt}f in $6.65,. Scott - Tiffin' $4:60,, $$11.25. • :Motion', of Ross ,and .11facTntesh •til►►it the, clerk .prepthe 1' By: -Lary making the -following appoint►nents. li. , S. MacDonald, assessor; $90.00 Jobe Purvis, collector, $80.00; Audi- tors,:'Wni:'Stuart'and J: T. Lane, $10 each; Botird .of. •Heal.th,Medical Ofrie- 'or of Health, ,Dr. Johnston,':, $20,00: Sanitary 'Inspector, Aye c Nicholson, 'Chairman, Reeve J. IV.. Colwell irniber,, D. to •ruthers, • Secretary. 'Gee, .G.' Moffat; Sheen valuators.. Jahn Keenedy,-Thes. -White. .• Ed:''Myie= Lean, and John MacLeod;' :School at tendnnce, officer's,,-•Wni. Piercy,' Sec 1 2' ^, 4,- W:e'tee .MacKeliziet. Sec., 5 e • r, Jas: A. 'Macintosh, .• Sec. '8 '9 i0. Potnnd keepers, Lorne .X-fodgins;_Joie yY:iclni lane, Jns Baker, Tyndall• liol)inson, etei,':Xarter''iIr..E, 1Vte-' (`Yeititgletti, W ;Wraith) and .. J. P; liq•tl$Un; :Pei cevTewer J-as,,AGeddes. '11n13c7' 1Cin2coTm; Thomas White, t. •Q;, 1 iriitil t ;" °Fr1nk Henri; John. Johif 'Mew brny,. Thos; dill. fychtricil --a'djeuriied till 'Feb; th'e...uo ii . tinfe : and. • place. Geo: G. ,Moffat, Clerk • O The Council adjoerned to meet the nimbi PlitifioN. Clerk. w" • hair hall, at .o.eio4K.. C. Mani THE WEATHER FOR 19.28 Prophe. Bowes;'Tel!s, What It': - •Is To Be. • • J. B. Bowes, weather predicter, of '"Chatsworth, now of Oweir Sound, has given'out His prediction'for'•1928 and -the early part of .1929. He says, that he hag spent many'thuugli'cfui, ,hours, raking•his ealeulations and;. dedue-` tions,. acid he appears • to have a good deal• pf e'ontidencein •thte. _predietion- set forth below• in spite Of the'fact.. that" he arid' his forecasts:' have been the:'subject• of some' mirth,by •the •. Jokesmiths, Mr. Bowes-at.}eks .to ids guns (or• his profession,' should we, ,s ay) and ' "stoutly contend • that as, his predictions are based en ,scientific. peinciples.,(whatever that may Mean) he .cannot ggo very far wrong. •As" to 1927 he:admits that he_ ovals bit-'wrong''regarding. '-the spring 'weather, but . that, ,en the- whole;' his prediction' of; a dry season,was. fairly •correct. Well,' there wasn't anything, dry about, it. in this section,. except-. ing `a few . weeks' *hen. the. ~harvest was being gathered .in. - Mr. Bowes predicts •that the sun -inter of 1928 will , also be dry, but not so dry as to be harmful to farm crops: The' forecasts 'as 'given below, : it seems, are,. for the .northern hemi-, phere generally, 9 although not . for Britain, -:and British' Columbi'a,, the •chniates : of which• are -affected--"lis ocean currents,, One would think that the prophet would, feel a bit nervous • in .`framing his January ,forecast,. as it will ,So, quickly be put to theJestHowever; he comes •Toldiy. out. ,,Her�ea,it is: . JANUARY -.First 'ten days . "very coltl;. strong winds; heavy snow falls•• balance very mild and calm. • --Now, what do'.you think. 'of that? I£ all 'dep'ends . upon what you mean •by ''"very.' cold" and by ,I "strong • winds;" Then the "mild and calm" spell i th distriet et-ip before.=the- ten days. were • 'up. „ •However, • the prophet is protected 'by • the-• saving statement '• that• one' can't•` be just ea-' tiet ' Prophets , always dud .`need sav •ing clauses and inexact phrases: ' But: not to:.• find 'further ;'fault, 'we here ' present the •ether ` eleven fore- casts; • with the • sugges'tion that you stick them on • your calendar. and see how. they come out:. • FEBRUARY= -Furst'' ::fifteen 'days quite .mild and •calm; ,abone,,:17th cold and .pnsettled;..'24th ' 'strong; .winds,` rairi,� snow' and quite, :goad • MARCH—First ' f`ew• days the finish of the February storm, then areal mild` About windy :and wets; APRIL—About' dstormofwt wvery cold.. owed'by very`, for the we Winds, rains; snow. sterni with JUNE. -First few 6th very. strong and Jirosts innorthern districts , LY—First ' wthe • rains e and heavy.•.rarns,•' balance and dry, cc understorms; perature ind 'quite dry; strong winds ' AUGUST—First half average tour and dry to ' b the 24th, then COW: win the: 6th, a very' de- cide wind; rain, and ' heavy; snow; This--will-will be foll mild' and dry, was, they balance of tile' :month. , M Week very `strong and: cold and `a very preba- ble some frost. calm nditions conducive to th with rain about the 16th to 22nd, with 'balance mild. SEPTEMBER --Average ',tempera- ture, calm. and dry to pbeut the'26th then cool:Winds with Tain. OCTOBER --About average' :tern- nerature, calm and dry .to, about t e 20th, then very.; stronp„.0) persistent winds; heavy mine atidia Very decisi- ed SnoW 'Storm will. fill' the last 10. "'NOVEMBER -L. -First feet daye will see the finish- of 'the October storm' balance yery.decidedly dry end Warm.' DECEMBER First 10 daYg quitc strong, peesistent,- wind, rain and snow:, decidedly coldr laet fee, days tnijklAeNLUARY, '1929 First, three FEBRUARY, 1929—Quite- mild. The strongest Wines, oyer..the 'whPle Globe will he in the first weekle rhary 22, '1VIarch 24; April d; May 3. .tepe 6' and 29, July August '16, September -28; October: 24 'atia 28; bec'eMber 13, 18. FACTS FROM THE BRUC,E COUNTY: REGISTRY OFFICE. --iiegiStrationflit-"-7--patefirei70;., increase. :ofe.-5eoyerliteriong`Year.- -Deeds reg'.. Yettgeges.,:,.5,11: ktierease of 10. Anente, 270; inereafie•'48: co A. brief 'review of the might. be of eeeto intailleft0 the r0144011 of • Tti>kL tcJ SLN 'iTE1, TH til r 4y, 714tNUARY 19th; 1928: fOU'can :be. rleh.'•: Don't welt for your 141P 'grasp � op.•y 1 portunity to mttatte your pile, . O*n' your 'own home have a finv'autonrobile —:send .our childrentocollege .-- hap* Ooan;,'- fort,. `luxury,. socish:Ixwitlonl At le,Ost 90% .ef the Mortgages are held by residents of the..County; toe tailing/ about 11/2, million dollars .with a slightly(' lowet rate of intereit. Lien Notes,, Chattel. Mprtgages and AS7 ,eignment of, Bank ;Debts, are con- stantly. being aent .to:: the': ,Registry Offiee and- are forWarded cver to :the .Clerk of, 'the county and,,Stirrogate 'Court, Birth certifieates .ere being Aeked for from. all quartere: These: ,'are forwerded on to Registrat .General, Parliament. BaddingS„ :Te•-• The Meter is.: reenonsible.. to- • a fact that' Bruce Connty liaS a' long Iftretch Of Lake •F'rent, especially the Oininsula, where 'the Ai:Oct:leans are in the-Uniori haa ene or More 0461).7 Orin. Ontririolasked4Or-tlininnino: and iiddreSSee-seli'lioritiFTait sum; the T,:itirist ttad,a,Will:le'Averth. look-. ing aftet, endelligh Pressure SaieSmeti Make it iniperatiye- that before you ineest, blot the Ptevince, and reVenne StiOcins tot 'the-, Qauzitz 1 With' $1,600' you can build up a fortune • And yon, .ca', wire this grand enm It K on't ,coat you a penny. • Yoa don'. have.. to .' be clever it's easy. Don't 'waste a. -minute ---, send the conpo$ w . now. •. You'll get your melt prize • hator.. March 16. He a tiiniser. . Find the two airplanes that are exactly' alike. • . • IT'S: 'SIMPLE RED. THIS At first glance all the..airplanes• look alike: But.••ppon ex. antlnation you, will 'res that'•aimost every one,differs • ln, some way from all 'the others: In some the difference may bell' the black _atrlpes on 'the .tail<of•.the planes;. and some .have Meek ;iadiatora,. whllo others. are •white. Or. some, have two black stars on the • :.wings and some 'white.' and. black \stare. Only two are . exactly alike No. •it's not as easy as It looks • Jus,, look closer),...make sure that you have found the 1'WO airplane, that are. exact duplicates, then -send' in your Answer: S.on►eone wh''o finds 'the right airplanes Is going to .win.'a• lot • of money.; Make that "someone"'be: YQU.• 5 GREAT : OPPORTUNITIES . TO W I•N ,, Flows a great^ arra] . of splendid 1len-._.,.. ,Gash ', rrataEesi,_o_s'terBil-Eby='i'ke. T.. Londvu-F=ree=Press-=That's :what ft f ii 'a .;irfnq�, t .The '►rize :• r• oaks .,-''and. _.you can: be.;,: 1, s range from - $2.00 ;' to $35.00, and finin ' $20 ti� -iii $1,000, .and: If • you 'make up your, mind to' o' Into iia '• thing Erni t. nt d,aoul.`' :ou can wing:aa inineh.aii flit,50*: •Think of 'It! YOU, Can have•''11,50b'in cash,' In al's, In caKh lirizes may, be' won - in' -tui h 83,000•:•:nt .The:Contest closes on 1ltarch.8 ^ !d U priaes,w •,Poxsae •(:potent. • tiers on`•er ,about•and all prla' .",.. Treach the win.....''. 5farch 1.0. � . ,There:will be •,25:•winners 'and Opprtunity, Is $1,504, - enil you can wia this I iryo . ant gado ly. o In'' tho evc it of::(les for anyhie.if you act qWc the Prize 'te111 • be awarded to :eac per' the • fun : amount ,Ji the':•• 1 `y11. hundred hof the 'contestants io tied _ , •,' •• �o :points ' gains first_prize._ We � i ints • for' finding TWO- airplanesexactly• w�6 yqn � 1 r, oi, ptly,; alto;, , race! t . that • are , slakes - i!articuldrs'•of •a' of N of .'your. answer',we Will .'Send .: en .11 -Slagle. lyord' Game, In which, if successful, .you Win, the • final- 25 pointe required.: be :gain a. $1;aoo Fleet PrIae : of • the 24 other' big Cash Frizep. or one ,,. $3,0'00 IN' CASH :PitIZES- Listed, below are the Maximunif Prizes you, can Win: ' 32rnit, PIZIZzee : : ...,"..t. . 250°g:0000 9th Prise .... ..: .- 50.00 ° SE TIM COUPON . , Hint 111,:e. exactly alike: 'If these are correct, please give ine .475" Points' and tell mo.how to gain the. final 23 )our answer premptly to PUZZLE; IllANAGErt; r.. 'Every,•eatent shoe.). he hb 4 to Ore send ,for- the :dikter •ottenipt 1.% treat infuries, You kno.„%f nothing -p. beet except to eilieten•and seethe the. child eintil the doctor, areives,' "'• The,;.•eortimanest" Of ;children's aecl dents is•,prebably hurnieg.: 'If it is' seep smeereci,ovee the surface .of the herd' teke Mit the sniert soaked in elive pr othee oil. , .01,1 no only be done by, 'or tindt th.e diree cm in case of,,thisl. Anipreeien.e': .,spiint hyefelding:a•paper several bpi - 'es and, bantiagleg the Ilar)ti _with 'tbe„..doetor-exittnindAt, One -never Mete'l3r hatUlage the sprained part thee ,reineiing the•,:lhaa „bet bandage OVet it, If Ad Sprain is hot bad ;and theri"httildage Thee. thetelire little"treubles calla; bleeding. DO nOt stop thi'S too Cluick-' ply .e tele object' te the nape of ,the neck and another at the bridge of th: nose. ',On pie account lean over anY- New ‘Propoiition Upeets Old And • The 'theory that business,. and 'plea - to say that , this :been z,uni, Versally f-ollowed, it' ,hits beet, put ferWard as ene. of 'the Arst einies in, the lives: of :se,niany Sac - to pet. it faithfully, inte practice, •80, to depart frernike„,:ageeptecLideae-and--; businese, is- ePt. to .be viewed 'With- Hewever, the Lerida: 'Adeertiser Claims to' have done lust that. one whe debbls that Pleasure can be made te yield substantial profits fe invited tci turn to, page, 8:'eed /leek over for himself_.tlio-,114-nOUTICOni6nt printect4here.. :One thing is elivierie: taniely,' that 'the "P.Werd" picture ptietile is ,a, teally'lliterostin and en, seine thousands of dollars ore offered in cash 'pri2es; and that ought to has been Pointed put that•If • spent three, full eight ,hour.,days in.. preparing a qualified would Work 'out at. seMething , oeer for the' tirne taken, •• • Now,, w,he says that: .business and Pleasure ,won't mix. s: 4, West W-awanosh Sr: Room---Chtiettnas Exams. • r'177;:r5L,serilf.liToh7.0; A15:9.: me. Quillin 407.. Art - The' quiekest "trafiSfernifition, we, know is the. transfer of a.' Weedshed; into o garage. most df,„ her kissing . after %getting. married but she kissed only one Matti T roe Oases :growth, It isn't 'hard °for it' girt CO dedide whether to be Pt/pillar et' tO Act 4444 • •