The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-05, Page 6A, rketin oblems • etiring President of .Farmers'.Co-Operative War/ oinks Out Advantages °f• • Co -Operative Marketing , • • . SITUATION REVIEWED 1 no are'exiesetbo.leadeeoof 04,,, asked.44 furnish the eepital necessary , 19=4W:red 'farmer • nieveMent .••••1114 to h.1410 *01 vffi.ippestgeotha stor- b�wn grpotO., e4thu4144* than H. A. age hahae: •The3ry. Might; hOWevereteke .017,ef'c't 41Ariaatafen n working : on 'a 1074 teSrile lease on large space in yolleY 3**404, t0.,:k.AP:1;tiltOri.0" such an -elevator. •• _ ; tiirme9. tit') their economicNANQING. tiOCA4,t1MVATORS. president of ;The "United: ` "But.there is oleo, thekca1.o1ovator , FeeMeisePo,operatiVeeceinpapYs. Ltd., prehlemo Some eouritiy, .elevators :;for 1.26:00 .19 27, ho. .has *Os* 014 ra.ePt, the :needsot.tho: amois4 .9th.erA 100in manv eamnains 4.91),r,Pv0- do not Some are not operated to the '.he,'dire0Ora' '04 Sharelielderer •"... , eatisfactiori of the people they serve., 'YiThOn' tho:s•Ontarie•Gralei,e'Poot Was- For 910 Most -part, they areeo-operet- lannelfeckeerW itt 1927 he fejtad a -Tear ing graciousik-wiih the Ontario Grain. Mitiet for his energy and ability. He 'Roolin handling the grain delivered" Pea not :vPatarf•ea:;044,40et the slum- by Oure,reeMherS. -.Butethee hest- prie • '.'ef: people in ' Ontario who listened VatelY-owned'or company-owned store- to lillaat.-PPo*Pe Of Meetings in ,dif- houses can. do' is not as good as what epone, counties, ' 'telling ;whet he can ,he :One through elevators'ewned • . ..c.no.i.s. ee ' peel: eoekesine of grain: or controlled by pobi. ineinber9. r.thiuk ; .. 44*,n-,,. tirfiw l.i,' ;this 'nevi- cbjePerative the 'OeraPany can. wokX^Qtit 'a , , . feuxe8to,y;,..,,atrao„ . sod • wee* 'setsengeelee,yeselet8,1 ., eSouth ,W..„.este.enveeenee of, Can befeenished for building. or baY- PO; k-. , ` „ . , „ 9rt•h•Tsruee in1stOrth ingae elevator at any shipping point, . tn: Renfrew on the Ottawa`PaYment to betaken fromthehandle . se ..----,11.--1-A...GILRI50, .OF A ereeetels . etc* .that at ingeharges on grain delivered by pool Retiring President of The ,United tjt0i$,',,flii-oiy,i0intitlitife he:spoke members, and spread over a tefhi of talks eethseieseeaey oe. pools, or. co 'ItgaiP,A1;..titent• ahead with orgaree;YeaTee, ElevatereeipisaVideeL:threugh-,- - ". • • „." L.VINST,Gles ,DNYAFil0 Farmers ' Co Operative Co. Ltd.; who -9Perative Markatiee eg Creps., on. •' '• ::..e',..' . '.' •':, e. ': .1 this . yeller sietnitcl: be controlled by the , f • . - • 4 ' ' actieity. ' The ciiree• nt belief was that .2§cUsSin ,., peet,fesith.iiiii.:editer, Peel until 'paid for, and .WOuld;.-therel enti i ,,, .th!y•entered into human after!Yee visit ': to Winnipeg An*, w uged.'pringtrily forthe acCom, 1111dar Schoo ever their. could find e lodgment; and ' ere li had representedlOw 0.1i:tarfo .:.toochttion: Of those • who sign Pool eons. ... •.•-,• J. , eti. strong Was , this. belief that thou - ram Po1 4%,:neeeteng•;'iot the .11,O4tej tracts.. i: I have inad.e. eoMeeriqUiry.and ' '' 'I. . sands of nervous sufferers .becarne per - of 7, .-6:1; i ' r'lli4gAgenerk beVies.linY0.tiktit..i00:40riPg .'0c.Ont ' •ItPuthi. :OSS01)suaded that they Were "possessed' JoY .' • t70:•-:,:tNiltkYe,athatiatit,,::::... -,..1.04,:!haye einne, to the conclusion that ile.inena. ' In the case 'of persens. Milting' ... the JeWe. Who had hired an •eVii:fife ..fejlerihiltlieWeetr. here., this.I Rohe-Sri:as worked out in Manitoba, ,.. the derangement was ,interpreted fie, 4 406'.'"C;:,...,0'.:e)0.111;Pleit,Sed With. Can..eaeilY .0be adapted to Meet Ontario ''..1 .....: . • Iy S.'. Lesson Ile -Jesus and the .iiidgmetit On their sine, and • ,soch ;Y:P.,:neeeMptelfed;;.-iii: A:Mei cenditiOns satisfactorily. „ , .„. . , . ,., Slek,...'' Mark 1:, 21,34. Golden Text doubtlesswasthe case with this Men ' • :.,e,lehiinse:;tho:y liS4/01. . , ,. '..i.j NT.,,rri`,JcIK ' Pool,. ALSO . -- , s -.0 11. :hath done' II things II" he in the synagogue. ; • . ..' 0. e OfOrthe future ' • k -..e" ' e , be. - e• • ,' Se. V. 24. The ineaein is that the .pos- er''';'--'n;";c4:nni..ec-.el . . TW .•Gilroy .discusses the 1 -farm maketh both the deaf, to hear, .and ......, • -, .. MeV e pig. pro em , in a manner .eat • ' . the dUMb:.M.sneak,e..'11ai.k 7: 36.. 'OsSed Mee; Who healieett an 'evil life, : • is pierced •to, the heart by ,guilt. and .••; providing,..•.,. • .elevator• .....' , • ; .showNe be haSemede 4 .close..stedY.:of ' ' .0 On 0 • 41 lOn-atiiYr-W0t:t,b4til.,.k, iigg.°t* th ' f '' ' ' ' '' '. '. 'lit- Ile ' ;..-... ' • • ' .. ...... ' :-...." -•:. ' ' - . . ' - - • 'ii1-.4viii.:,.:..,•th ,. . , Pm, . 179,..m. .1,411912s '1,rAeWpol ,,s.'. • - leie sese-0F.'' GOD At WuRlt; rAzAc,taINg. 'lle' feels that he 'is a demon .or .devir • • • '. STIBJECT:. ,• ' • ; fear:,alho result' of Jesus':preaching. -1 „)1:„.. ., Ely.-,,.,..ggref.). eeteelly talks in,general terms:on the . ", , , ,, : .. ,• . AND HPATAisrO., ' . , • ''. = Whom •JesadelmeecornetO destroy, that a ,4.it ' cc i.o.000 iiib -ta i- less ,.*;-..,,:,--, . P:',P--,-,-P-- ,l'i ,'..ti(1.V41.1ta6S, Of 'peel it Or "sys- - - ,.... :-.. .... • the perdition ieserieedr C. ,..,*i.;:*'teit!i:*,/noat ;te0:41-ti.,dpio!r#Io.il oeilliige.these;:whe of God, 'called; .es See is,. 'to send: to P;':$,*0,44-;,,addition,41yee"esetiese-sete- d nOw''... aim ae is; in Galilee • .and Pn.• Satan, and his agents. lie wants •-• : . •,... 7,1iteliaat'''Shal 037111-aje'aati •---i-nt.eiThr-,-the7iiiar7t-o7:-:whielivi.w .0.'ge,t701,ia'ir Ircif0-740usi-'*10st'rbliT . *et Itia4:•Iv.10*elvai;;#..e'llave . quality' teI' ' ' the ' -le t • h . '-'h ••,•,,,,..•, , ., „L.... .. .-..........i.i.:. :, ...,...,. p ace me;•mer e ., or. e...eavenly:Fattehascalled'him...'HoW ne.a.'s,'.;PPad., Peals Iii,a!' ... ; •.: . .H. ; ' •,,,:. • 0 the AT 1 'h e ' ''7q417,7'!''!'..1.4Y1.`''''''7'‘'••°e..r......criii itinstait:,.UP 'an, array, of facts : and. Was I 'te ' to: ' work ',out, this ... beesiew .....„._eY0,4.0.e..2..6..,_ _Belt. ,Yeeils yq11 nut thus let .him go. He feels that this is a 'casel.,. .0 - .,. ,1figereate...,co• nvince the doubting ' bre-, calling? ' :.We Shall • find • that ,:every- where the peey„r dee,,,sey,.:oe res-4,eee,; ;,.. 9, .,. 111.t. lit -14 ...:'itlier ih,et what he seYS works out in whore Jesus interprets it to mean challenged, and he ,-acts accordeiglye -- at Win' you," 0 continued, . . * . „ , 1, .e,4 h. _ . in.. ;life. of dier ec, trust eo, obedience,.., e do He knows it to be the will of God' that . "we actual practice. His recent -sojourn e,440,at "...61.0.Vattehienieheree-iii-e. -innittegePett ,`.s. smeste eneiptereated-eit tgeThak; th eif..,,atThr sswiorridtso„f °Goa; ihisepoorrereatete-shouldebe-delivered• eee--e- . i'OP,nSa;.:'•',;•;:F4I,Paq.a'114.e..'P',i'stakeevteitor :at i Special meeting called to ..wi.ih 'hire. and lefties hieci, is tie sedeee from 'his. 'haunting , terrors and 'oh-. isCtiYee,..Paet,=„in.VieireOWntneinees,',dieenee deteiis in connection With:thesof:the •wisdern, and siewereWitli Which a'esai'Pas' • UP e2eks, ...41'le?'efere, to calra..' , ,70,7o4r.g.h*ci.** c4.10+,*,,;,*thi'hil, hi0O •rievilY....; foriiied. WeSteen.;..Ceneelidated.:he acts. Consequently; When ..inen aed i'b,Omeese'ehis ediear,dered,' mind... -.., e. negle4edee'.194,4e•e.e0o.0,1esooetiee •Steick,Poa* .; '. , '•' , : •''. Ilieten. to Jesus. in the synagogue, the3i Such is the meaning of thwords: "He ;Clealger!ifnde.Miditiditer lila:net r.." ai'leel.eatiatied," he remarked; ..`thet: ere .asteniShed. at , the . diffeeence, •be- -rebukedellial.'•': ' Then Jesus 'Cin'arnandS ' 1.7,#. . O' 411:::..TkothilbtAtizidlizig.:iielpie: Mat* years the 'hulk' of tliii:!!teen:',' him and the ordinary tesehere'•thP deMentoleare 'the Man: to' Pro,duce irlhis: mind the -faith" amo' grain,..'4-a.,..heYezid..ine.:..It .Cer-tiiiiiesetattresseheele and hogs. Will be e 4hes*.,:tissdeiv iiiid,„it.iit. had marketed on the. Pool ' or. .C.01liact •dr,id vh:o lays a. strange elie4 ppen the °,f8-8'itirligity,",,''e'f.ite;seeliehitekskiztp,s, ,tw, cause of hie•tereor,'ie gone.' 'Relief . ensues in a 'violent. convulsion, after. haveeiOdick,.'01,iiheist-cOUld;:'hasiei"' .' This • :province can beat the 4a, AP:' , . oereac , : better..adVans,...W.Pat'..4:q co-oPeretiVe 'marketing of 11.41.,.. ,,,E; ,,...,,...11 ,• „ ..• .i. • . . . • , . • .. • .:. , , ... • .,-.1.!1;!‘ ianr7iittidin, ink,iiiidiesotf:leiseuns.. ii, ":iitspire. a wbuhtichaltmheisnildif9iien TI'diss•-'•roigi"ilit4rit4i'ichinda.ri:Bfd, .. 'I''5q."'4::'14P(W..•.'h 91° -'''''-"-re ;•Th'''',1'-'°94-'-.1a;ad eP31,h-Ing.:-.T' can do to 'hy.,direct..faith in ids heayenly:Father's .V13. 27, 28. TheitelneesSion: produced : '' ,r0;,"-Oeterit'it.ls.44400'34 vi .hi*.iiiiivati&•`the .Pooling Principle:: and will. He knows it to be the. Father's bithiS exorelsre isvery Marked,and '0Weral,,W*Uld.:nOt have • PeOftted•-ninch I, assist in organizing will be done cheer- will . to Save ,'reen'e .minds and ,eoelee: OnCe akein'the people are ted:te', speak . ' " •,of . , 1077.4earet'eor4i....,Under, the pool 'fiftl$',: ..:The.: .sheitheldere,' of the ocen-.froMeVil; physical As well, as spiritual. a .the extraordinaryauthority. 'Now, however et Is notmerelY •eisiiterfietOireeer,':they,, iroulit,' Loot' Wei piiii 'hve' given the directors .atithor.l.' censequently„ •.he':. Conies ' feeward as ''.14511fl. . lielieftt OfS.iieri.eent kaiii.:64 Or *wed. 'ity to go aheadwith., g , healer, 'end inepireseee everyekieed of. ,..the. truth of Jeans' teachiagewhichlMe ,pees., SesetheMe -.het his peesychical• power' ' ' ' ' ' • I '' 'or anization.lcir 4` have 0' -en. - li'lhonght to t a Hog Peel ,and Live .Stock Contract.. •suff r - - . ere an extraordmar :faith. Thus, 4,‘f..,....ulforTiiiix--Te.w.**tr-s-tuza.giy.prob;:. :producers. o se .. . .4.1•114 - try q.- Ilc ' '' ' ' - • ' . I • . ' . ' '-i , an live:-..stocksdoneriuer-e -4°-91:11i ,preiiebingeand in; healing, he over evil spirits. Hen , a..wide. dif- tereif'his 'farrier -ea rchettleethrougive, o himself -- in Mark's as .the .08t..e• hies. •,, . , . • •,,, . .. , . ; ' - '''tedon't7:11iink'the pool,',Which ety who fad to organize Nyat. hio,;0,only strong se4, God, with -.13,4!,eine larihereenOintkeritiip,,,oioutd,110. themselves" • , .. . . the overthrow.. of Satan's grip mien :III. eyonxiein, Ai.f.: pe.ie 29-34, • . . the hires or men: . . , . . . . Vs. 27, 28. ,The iinpresSionnrodiw- .o A Solitary Sta. Br N6114. B. *Pr?. '04zIng With nneeeiegs'eyes Straight, ahead. %," throUgh Ilel '•• /*lee* Where. ,ekii reeks one taiet,' surmiee. Maybe right to paradise, • Should we know?: Ile who mouldee her, pan tell, .; 2 ,He ''..Who Stirred the: etoite that well; ':-Cen. With/gelid • • ,1-10 *he: witit Artiet'll reel Mede her look to Bite endefeer, • OU1Y kaawe:e When he 'Moulded hereayei And swhen .tinialked left her there„ All the winds arid "storms to , Share ;Teiste4.,t4tue. passing fair, --,• " lox Joyo.. ; • 'With her • ar.MS . clasp _] rouiul her '' • ' : With' her hair p*O:geffo the' breeze; . , ‘What did he'.'think? „ All her thoughts, to .os Eaeh maY,thiple that they haie flown •,-.-Whithe'r he •,• • , • ; What dead loaves rush around, • 'And. Fitts . Spew ebele ecinietiMes •:erewa'd, ` • Still she. waits neon the Mound • She, the. bare, and tip:loth§ hheiscli . , :still. ie. • • Samessiser.,;41111i1,,,-,VALL40.114444,v6110*-1- -TbrairlrerVka4fIll rOVrn, of. stone Need no • lbeger ' For herespieit will heefeee, And; the''-yearning•thet we see -Will be fuMllea. , • • . , s sad operates , roadcast :Tes , Experiments With o ;World 'Radio Service ' ,...ottawa.--2Ptoursioary ioSts with g wow., to world-wide broadcasting on 'short waee-ler.gths are now being Made by the British Broadcasting Cor- poration • twice daily. The .tests are bang carried on rot to much with the intention of eupplYing the individual liat,e•tut, for °freer seations , throughout the world to plekserup and ....rgeheoaderiete The Dept, of Marine and 'Fisheries Branch is rinakirg efirefid testa of the Strength of the 'as they are reeeived from slay •. to day: •j'eeneral programa from a direct itie- aiP with the Main network of the 13rite ish Erdadeasting CorPoraticei are be - 111., • teW L TBE AUTHORITY OF .1.8t/s': TEAciiiNd;, ed by incident, which-eirteuld berg. tP. ' Peter's recollections o is aster. 4:_•. A. , COSY BATHROBE. . - ment had no objection to the teaching. ; :V:. 212.1,C2aternaum; near the mirth- Jesus .heals,.. the mother-in-law ' of' ,,, y little gie will get.* greet deal fashionable Fontalableau hetel.eStand, "There will be only one languag* in. with the was his solesteled o com ort out of thie attractive and of Russian in the colonists' homee. ing Arial An west shore of the Lake Of 'Galilee, is: Peter, inspiring in her efaith f f h th to a garment ,eveey wardrobe should in, the seller:es of British 'Columbia," Dr. aide-do-e,amp, 'Den . Jaime Zulueta / y • the chosen centre of Jesus' •early ! cured, and restoring her to her aeon - easily fashioned bathrobe, and this 15 stilt mirk the probable site, but it •is by direct ,trust in the power of, God Reines 117isciiiint de Orlealii, end le'er- wOrk.... The ruins of a'fine synagogue torned. tasks. Once again ..Jesus 'aetd not _known whether this buildihg ateed • to save body as well as spirit ,' , chide; The. front and ;back are plain, to eeeateTteretesO:dnefflenennee prob. prodece anf-eash. MacLean' declared.: "We do not wish Iluis de Batullie.Whearso was enable to '''• . _ , hejesine time or is -a -later' foundation. 1 . 'Ye. '32-34. A description . Of a an there is beteniing shavil ' collar, ,• _ •Teleis would4tIready have -acquired the Crewded evening of healing. Works The i long sleeves finished With cuffs, • ',1eni• which has 'caused such •dif-ficulty Nearly a slimidrocl complaiee vetre reputation of a. rabbi or teacher of: Jewish Sabbath ended at p.m. Con,. patch-packeteand girdle. No. 1508 fp ; . s''. • •,--,---.: a: in some' othee provinces„;' ' ' outstaridisig egainSt the two for giv7 in sikee 4, 6, 8, 10, lg. and ).4 years: ' • ' • ANOTFIER LINK fog worthless cheques at ;various .11I, religion;• accor ingly at the synagogue. eequently, as soon ae eunset came, 'the . of the Law and the Prophets, to ail- : their /sick friends, bringing .'thern on • require , .4 36 -inch ma- • ' .: . , ,,, , _____ • viers, 'and SarierresortS' and for 'nu. . 2°5 luternational Bridge Iiippeed. . Merous other queetionable .transaee of a similar' sermon ig.' given in Luke • many';'' that is, as many as tiine a,nd the pattern: . -' 7.:, , ; . , ,.. et Li:3bn:: aanitdc lisi.3..a;o:rtii.failing : to pay for Saxe ns ,..• in Maine • • • ' ys . Varieeboro, • Me.—The new interna- An unnamed, person "laving ar- . Or tional bridge' here,. crossing the St, charges was '4onfined toevagaborulage, . ranged to fiettle the hotel bill.'the . . 'fallink to pay' Or taxicabs, •falsificie teen of paSsPorts, and tho 1.15(1 of.,false ie Croix River,. conneeting Maineand jean. end, indiViduality for the jerkier Near Branswiele has been' opened for 1508 , reAterValltedt- Mysterious Tree Trans. yaal Is Unlike Any Other*: in South Africa • 4indorticm; Tranevaal..For 2.roome tithe past th q Unioii, Department of 1V6111,Explorer - Haans SmaU Outfit Mr and Mrs. 'Martin Johnson Make Another Trip to the nw-aumiteu. r9,QI ah.7.4.81_rigbrel:Itt'eter7lif, fst°;.11:1-' ..psi'lislievve4',141rro,rk441Mwreslv;eMtartTuntitaJOshiruio°141;::, tive tree in. tbe Middleburg. district . in noted !notion ipictere, photographers of eastern Transvaal, apc1,11;13- an later- jungle life, elite Africa, when Oa*. 'eating, history. •Mystesiousryeit fiethe sailed on the S.S:4Berengeriat and 14-•"*„` 'enlY 'tree of its kind. In theewhole of though ithe Is :oeted, for her PnaPPY • South Africa. '••• appearitmee when sitting on a•defunet , :••et .about ,30 feet high,' 4p.a..both.:1*htnoterow .11e„.4a,.. pope of thenn. eon', .friiitterge; and thorillesee although -"It I 'odes. elethee.. for Mrs. Johisent. • • , a*ight- 7.01 be Mistaken' for the well, ' The 'trunks are packed with" eaMs; • .knoWn =Tele tree... Its abundant liaP 'era, tfinef „rifles, flashlights, gifts for 99zeo, at -,,first in a white .strerana. 1?.14 native.Chiettaies. tied sueli'peraphere, rd,tsidly, ternseeeds • . ' .Mrs: Johnson, who has 'aPeat- ., The story -got* that about ,1•0•6 years !. eight •iif her 18 • years of Married life\ 'aFP a Phief, .afielOong :lighting in the South' Seas; twe.ineAonep and and Warfare,. established at 'six in Africa: taking .tee .clothing tA•is:• amollg tb,0 pictiireeque, hillesfor a ton-Mon'thse-etity in ','Ertitt Ca80 and .0reamg4 Here be ,plantecl this no lereee gum 4 travelling salesse ;me,- which le. Said was Of:, a kiwi that:, eel:mess , ,•• • ' , ' no one had' even seen in the coUntrY,I. • The inodee4 outfit fey' a *man irs • • To this' day the natives regard it as' in the tropigo. potod, bye., • sacred and none dare touch it, even to thie-Ohe, as follows; take a dried Or 'withered branch for .(to walk 14•14'''T"V.9,44.*esfes.'seesaeseie:esse-e, in).....--esees-4-s—eseelessessseseeieeeesaseeeeeseseoeeee • fheee'vssishible crepe white Shirts.' ' EGYPT TO gETTER', " Two silk shirts—blue---for dinner •:CHILDHOOD'S STATE we a. 4"ne bel7airclsecilL4bledlim?!aurdst:OY;eiriPllaiii with • Lady b' yL,looypdp'so, aEitfflooart7e.i.,,reExw7tol,,l.e. tream-co ere -trousers , Near wi VIG ' , • Three pairs of soft loather beets, • • Caire.e-A 'eation4ride effort to :see Care better • conditions for Egyptian, -childhood was initiated this : *reek, King Fuad inaugurating a two -.day bazaar. and fete at the British Rest= clency te'reiee, funds for 'infant wel- fare work here,. TWO bazar,Ogan- ized by Lady Lloyd, assieted banin- 1508 Committee of Egyptian and knee length; to discourage' mosquitoes and quart size gnats.. • Oee, doable. terat-a wide brimmed; dark brown felt tat evith.essearlet silk. lining One 'dozen . handkerchiefs and ae- sorted neckties. • ' Six compacts of face poWdee and a European' ladies of every uatienality As an innovation: this ;time, Mrs. hpstick. •• _ • ie Egypt has met with an extraordis. Johnson is taking along a pith' helmet, narily warm welcome by every section Which she has hitherto refused to: , of the commumty. • The press praises Lady Lloyd's ini- tiative, Oen* the Nationalist papers, politically oppesed•tO the teitish pol- icy of declaring such benevoleriteacti- eeelnittiee7EepVtifider a cleht-TO the Britieh radi who is deeoting her, wear under the impression that pith e helmets did net, photograph well with ; .11441:Alinfj4ee sweaters," ;aid sRn.' -seyeto • eiveaters.eiteemaiely .its „there are room for after the ,teet is,paciced.” ' child life. conditions and. that such ' thiTshilmJeolianteconasn:cca,ref_atioo,weionte_rthAfmw_rica efforts to.th•e amelioration of Egyptian 'activities provide the sureet.Poth to te? Rejaf, and thenee cutting acrees•the the mutuai good .n1VL) da_nEdg,74rpt„,aunderstand-r.e0tkO° Congo t ng 9.1 sO, tUganda, eiOcli 11 eh,' 8' hi. ei pt he'c eu .se t, elephaets, :White rhirlocerod; chimpan- zee and perhaps 4 'pigmy two. • The new 'iienture wasi•aeranged by George Eastman, the le6cheite.r Kodak mitnefacturer; who .acco; mpenied the globe-trotting Married pair. see ing. DUE& Lantaieritillsarr,ce h Victeria,' B.C.—Continued agitation by .Beitieli 'Columbia Daukhobors in levee of the use of sthe Russian' Ian- gunge in their Schools has been , fel- 'lowed by a definite clealeretion by the ,Provincial Government against; any such Propoeid, In ri Stateinent.isSited here J., D. -MacLean, Premier. and Min - later of 'Ediicetion, announced that this eaeller . opposition to dual. lan- guages in the public; behoole 'would stand, despite the. efi':ieets--of tterpeulc- hobers. fine! Spanish ' a.Ntoteleis Accused as Swindlers • Paris Court Frees . " Marquis ,. , b..uPkaey_10--:ofiviriu_n_i_jeari:ax:71.datedeo 013f7,sphaeinn,, tieTrshefolartetshtl1PulTe eofithRousRsivasneiainn the etinodma aeosuizenw eoeftkle;,IngsojournAlfoasi tehr:eirigue.ide ,Psirtmgniegr,ofwlitymo andsdwdatshraetjetchteedcohyvtriiiie- Prison of' .luelun recently to be teed . for inability to. pay. a large bill at 11 (I' service he is invited, after the reading, people' began to line the Streets with size 8 2„, yards36 h terial, or I% ye\rdi 54 -inch. Price, dress the worshippers. A description pallet -beds to Jesus.' Jests healed. 4:16-20. strength permitted, special reference - Our new Faellion • Book coritai V. 22. This verse: ii,exceectingly im- -being .again made to the cases of j many styles shdwing how to dress bo portant. It shows the extraordinary demoniacs,• :and girls. Simplicity is the rule f ' ,nature of the impression which the! • , „Iwell-dressed.children. Clothes of cha Iteaching of:Jesus at once ,awakened. , Men felt his autherity, that is his I • , „. power I over heart and consmenced .eetesiltation rev =mai Oyaesti,. etiseeeleee or Isaletteols.": 4 , , • I leg sent out daily between 7.36 etepper , Inge 8.1104ectoek:in-gtOirtozzipg Med 2, '"Beit last week .iee enlY 'd lir the afte:micoa,egeo‘.: Bet- laid dives 'eliiitlren?" '''res but -.Tiq 'trait' and SOnditY; ThgezilerizgatitallittelkOet tee time to viten znd nevi *SA. being done tojzi.Chelsoegtait aluTO us I 'es keel England, on 24- mettle. ,)sosev,lesgeose 'folks are hard to, buy, but easy to .traffie. , • „ -Electrk Home' • , passports. , . . At the last • Moment the ' taxicebe soompanY withdrew its, •Charges,-, leav- ' Ing . Only that et ,yagabendage agehiSt,e , the Mike and • falsification .of pais- -e_ 1 ' Electrically -Controlled elOeke with 'anirelsakeeneviolteheneouereyPa.sttempentso*e, g0A:sdet:suns I alto, steel,. is the main, The bridge, constructed of cement Knowng nothing else him, they., him. For Jesus'' spoke from iremedi-:: b Ils that rink automatically. when., terials, cut on simple lines; Will give for the.nse of, the4public. For years first to be bent here felt that God was speaking etneougo ', belis l'aerasete-,,edba°wthir mage4ferrYeAhael'IsedSreibes, Well; .:rt.ileanTgenmeeendt.sw. finordligkeltTenid. r*olitlerschl.4.gw:lare,r- Eidora,ble ..t „ . .., , . , . children the privilege , of .. wearing' the people have had to useethe bridge things Price of the book 'owned b* the St Croix' . . , .,-. . 'y' , .Log -Driving alviays depended epee texts and tra- less, and bed-warme.rs, are. feature = . ° Co., constructed of heavy planking l'thtiena, and.'did. et nted:'ire the in'- . of an '."A-1.1"tlectrie HPTael'i" .°Peeed in HOW TO ORDER PATYERNS • laid, across thes dam. , • 8 1.0c the coPy. ' P.15i6.n.,°f _ _ilnew'ing.G°d himself, es' i Et,titlinghara rec't7" „. Write iour 'name and address pia: In- ' ' , , . , -.--- .11. ' ml,,,FC/Wril .0TE2 EVIL SPIRITS., i ', Plugs Zor a vacuum cleaner and . :. . ._ . -/ * , • , . . . - . 4.. ly,. ginng number and size or 'Such Business Man: Why did you leave ' . . : • • i radiator are previeeu in the en.renee. • s _,Ir st. The helienn evil spiritg_, 1r ,tall,.,while ih. the batbrovn 115, an .(„ec. patterres as you want. Enclose 2oc•in your last Position, Miss? , Fair Axe ' demons,...was uniierz4,1 it the world m leis. foes], me that ale° ,e,se8,15 th *tames or .Ceid ;(Coin preferred:. wrap Plicant: There was no future to it, „e,esere fin*, eze ie ,wts onsid.,,,:red thee , t 1 / A . „ . 0 4 Carefully) for each :lumber • and Business Van: . Indeed? ' Pah', AP- , zil oklittr,frEvrats' ee.a zeilal or eery_ 'T Ce)iri i e t' ,,,Yri'4 0.” a-Pz !C)1.' ktnaY/Pg' sddreep 'YOUr order to Pattern Dept, , plicant: ...NO; the boss was' already" - 'out type were ,:due 'to their Malign :arawr htatere* . . Wilson PublithingeCo., 73 West Athe married. • ' ' ' MOTT Jeff Didn't Even Know' Renabrant Was Sick.' 461,106.- Asour.politovol zrottk lourofir At WELL Tielic..‘ Sfeeese ' ac.I4 maticy Trive Newt, 4,940 rki4.0 • PeitEe4r ot.t. Ay- 40smils vitorr fitirt'VAlreheee •••O'r tat.r.C.- 'F."AllsODs Th P1CrleRE'fl. •Feest,f lekoteeN1 • • Ars' A .EsEeovove Pis rm, ertsitc tt isOoue «:Fte•R. 't•EN I-D;DLifcitS" ClicAP IF, Olf.SE. VI -L. LOW AT IT EY -Me kitosul tol•We& : BC- CAREFUL flow Nati tiAt,ebt.C. IT!n1 PAINT• DRY 'Yet: AND RE 6413RAtetesIs 136feb 1-1u4rittep Y.E1MR14_, • INtOct: ports against:the Marquis. The ,Deko • then proceededto reye he had a moethly' incomeof, 9.600 francs from his sister, and. ,thetiefore,Wes not. a vagabond • He, was: •discharged, but his aim, intnion,:who recently , was expelled ,from .Prence after Belying six •mootha., 1e Pelsoa for trafficking, in ceoaina, Was Bent to Prison „ for •. another three, montits. .0110.11. 3 zr World's Most Fiunous Abbey' ' The proposal to extend Westinin- 'liter Abbey or, to glee th eacredbuild-'4, ing Its. lege , t o, o o og a o , Church; of St.. Peter in. Westralw3ter, ' ' to Make Toone for further. sheen:n.10,114 raises the interesting. -question „Why -' , • shoUld this church, not 'a Cetliedral,'; , lOont Urger:titan leek' Mingle Canter- • ,hory -eathigtrall and StePatire inthe Oyes at the .EnglisleSpeakieg ' world? *.od vithy shoot& it. be the ItiVeriebili Beene of our coronationand roYel -Vreddingse-andetbee most b. ttilig,I)Aitinl;w:;,,,,- , ' _p1aceier..0.1.1i.1A.441,-Jus (Riad t ' The, exceptioneVimpoitano,e..4t .the,- .. .4.hboY7M0,(1,0tiglin 'trq.ifi•the..f4_d_.f.haC.,:.: the :Shrine '11.61(14.,the 're/haled'. of the last etthe • eld Pets:Mile Ichige; 11M -ward i , the tonfeateits see 110,Ari.! 41.1illjSt gotten today the oetteeedinary' eerie, -- eittlen 'With :Whieh,' this , inonareh. was • ' Ogettiedby all ,A. magnifica eltureti. Ivrea' builtaround hid ehtliie, TO: be erowlied,,iit...hte, ,otwahlile ,giVIOA 'caddis: - tiMitti.OinetitY t� the, rite, ted to be, ' -• , hafted near hilt nelied is the ;Milts% ' • liOnIei &At Ott iiiiiitor .' ."