The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-01-05, Page 3Danger Lights' From, Littip E co , • Garden -Wall rrel That 11/lightinvolve Millions of Engl'ish Lives .. By James Maynard • 'l'ha, PAY.1• t'.s Note: -0 .l'aiarid ,wlttl...7 h'•.are the,-danaalnds...of theaLtthur-' • respeel to Lithuania's• aspirations' anl,aCns of all. parties." .' , lends Merest to'. this •article• by Mr, • They Were not destined o .obta1n q J,smes',.Maynard, who is one of • our whet they, regarded as "the ntire na • toromost authorities :.on Lithuania... ,:'•.tional.territory" . „but they .414 obtain Once upon a time there .ivas a.rLith- -their independoncb during the .war,' • ' uania,whtch extended from••th'e' Baltic'" 414 have •sincekept if.' ;oft ;the •midst• to ttie.' Black Sea ,° . Chaucer,• in•, itis of the, War -towards th3;.end• of 1917 "Canterbury Tales;' fiends abrave t-=-the1eoted ar National.' Council 'English knight to visit':it,. and ICs.�T1eyiis. Nati`opal Council proclaimed the rulers are said to have signed , a 'COM, independence of. Lithuania The firer. �tnercial ti'eaty , with'' ,Englanii •• in `tile mans,' •�whor were •begihning' : t'o Want , fourteenth cntury, , The I ithugnians 'friends badly, announced` m theselves, - of those' days --no. Slays, lin it rioted,! as "liberators,°' .and ga•ve•them da jure 'abut .hien ,A"r of'yan• origin, speaking: a recognition;, Subequeut:-attempts to . ,language which has rnany :.•aftit}itios• go.back 9n41:41s recognition and, create r• with. Latin•-sinashed; up, the 'Teutonic sono sere, of "personal. union';` be'. •' Knights and, stemzned,the tide Of Ter.' tw..40i :'Llthyani4 ' and Prussia ,were. • { I. • tar Invasion •• „ silecessfplly resisted: and the:,•victory ,of,tlhe. Allies mane Lithuania safe for Biding Thejr Time,; 'delnoctacy . Latoi,,' 'when ll;ussia i os.e,' Lithuania, • i; Eyen bb.;,, however, It has net, enjoy,. fell .into deeacjence i,and was reinoved 'ad tht .happy.state o, fa country,, which, `ti rikg •Poland,and at 'the sane tine' ,an has no" history, Its relations with`b'oth• I'ol'and,• from, the map: •The partition . Poland and Russia halo • been 'stormy. of Poland was also •a pai;tition of•,It has been•. engaged in;"hostilities with ,,;, Liithuania, ' Most of It went .to Russia: both countries, I.t la, 'still• nominally, at war wi,th••Po1'and, though •years have passed. since there •was any fighting. Tho j•:eagite of Nations has 'triecrin Vain, to. compose: the quarrel.. caused lly-7 the -so ceded ."coup=--.of--1-General - Zeli;oviski,-az aIle ed "�utinousr• soldier- whose-utiautliacized=seizure: of. -51-11'ng nee eitatliag:-.th :4ransf'eech' .: of.''the Lithuanian seat of •Government to Kovno, ;Was 'afterwards. endorsed by it small :fraction. • to Prlis.,ia;: but neither Russia nor. Prui; pia: ab orbed its. portion. •. • The Lithuanian's kept their languege and their• individuality, n: d 'bided their time, °The .brought thein their opportunity, and` they greepa l_it.-: A -heti Ltthai� n1a_ ;:. xis':-setp,*r-atldElisrnsfin which to:, read .the ,story bf its rise.,is .".Lithuania. Past aid. Present," by E. jl,,to �: J ] arrtson u soine'iime British Vice- i overnmeirt and. ' is •Believed {h s, �. Consul at 'Vilna aad! Koviid: ; ,have' 'been •plannedIn • concert with. It is, c . of • course,: a: -much diminished Miirehal' Pilsudski, • P Lithuania . • Theextension^ of its bourn''' first. flower of the Balkans. Black Sear never -Still,•' ' in spite. ,of these troubles,: clerics towards the I3 Its 1 1 i re because they had any' etliiiical Warrant. 1 ;s pro ?cr ?wed 'lightly ower he Place' is in: -the 'North, with an .outieC-help-lig . to,Current ' controversial poli-, o StrAnte. if..ustorrlj�iiln kn><s ' •" FUNERAL. .CORTEGE OF -LATE- PREMIEFF'.BORATIANU. 'Buried on his own estate, the casket, was drawn on a,. cart by six oxen led by old retainers. • DE 1Asked Him to Mar Me! For I Fell in Love With My Bo Husband'._ inter of the Kaiser' Who Mar- S r h Ex ,, Recently tried a ' Russian Many Years Her Junior,. Ga :e this ,. Exclusive: Article at a Special Interview in the Palace at Bonn to London Tit -Bits to'`th at According' to tics,. Litheania,has,done, end is doing, e sea a Sho uld sixty : `. marry twontysix? 'you a •e happy.: • I don't care. if I 'ai a Treaty, . "well, and reay • reasonably hope to.. do :. m the; Russo I itht;aniaii , peace Should ni marninet n? an. t fiat ghin -stook of .' this 'and the; t - hotter: ,`"Of all --the. Ilaltie,,'States; h4tY r y nineteen.. C. the... .. . , b g .. , sigucd'on July,,12.1J20,.i- lied iii else •• <, v • parties.;of such widely different, ages, next world, I ani,. going. through with ;. •of:`32,000' •st uare: utiles •and e popula. •Mr., ;Finrztepn . sal'e.4 nils :;,en,oys ,the; ,.. ?t 1 r con in c and financial reahy • levo each 'other. Are: such• it. You• will nae that 'T :am, per - •tion (If.. �i,200,000. Part•,of this tett': .most fa,o.d • e q i marriages• Immoral?•• All'•;these 'quer• :'haps,' :old. enough • to . knew , my • own: Weil �" � ••'I!o'fand`' Irositio:;i, ming ,predomina:ntiy an .ag- , tory,.. wa„ "'seized, a?„�' ,,, tions i •b •� to i it. mind • l t 11 i is tItUi a l caun try and producing lee een, put to e s nce was , In circumsylnees, •of. w rice mere s_iti annotinceci�'to the world that I,• a we My.. brother ,was eileneed, -and has �,•be `said. in a nio hent. and it•, ereSent ,within: : her own ;border,i everyiliing. , • „. � _.t _ • , - man of. sixty-one,', '.iras,':engaged' to since -refused to.have anything., to do- .. N tcnssF,iY to a sefcontain.,d iudepon. , r,. , tiopuh tion is saki to . `he.. lit.. .mote doj , +. • • •• .. marry. , a .yang,. man : Many veers . • m weddi .. da leu exi ten o. Her ,sol. • is Yorttle, w it nye, .end. up to. y ng . Y ,_ than. ivii millions • -i da n' kl c . < .,, _:. , un or- th -m Leif I ha e o . a� 've b e - y � y� . n---�- m - -ii :,.:is r rovh of zn air rye 'nOCi i 5 -1( a �• r e vh • tsar-, 1 p .. .,.,i; i; .aro ` a Ye tri e c .. :. y � _. .. Le:twaen Hammer and :Anvil.:. a " - i'o+atoes and- flax . Af= derides, ridiculed; •wce'nsured, and the .nage.; : I do 'net' my: ;age my ley, oats{, pea,, ,l • - b eery • bf ,'ross lie'. :a' 'attacks • � �rtant ,o .j , _ i P P.er. the' other. day. I. was.. told that .I,, look 'tile mapt agriculture, her most 'important p The. war, 'WI a ,glance'. at , �. � �. which have r aid ti_at old, 'ge is a bar'';twent -five' 'but I • ,nust� d it' 'that- '; he''Lit u Wiens. be-.;source'of•national wealth•is.t.mber of ,::�. .- ., ,, y , .. .a _?zz will show. found_ t i�z , _. � ,-._e . 'are to ;mariiage �t pie ar one ;of the •.parties . .•p ' :. •,: • . ."' ,, •• rine aI s ecies. are Pine, :. aliis. was: Jiattery'...Ohe thing I will -01/eon-the hat -ether: and. the anvil, ands which ,tli,, n , . p P , .. , w i is otijl •in 'hid ',or her: yo'uth. 4• say; and that,,.is that I have' kept my a. confiic in which Which:the. Princ_pal� species• 'are pine,- ., engaged them .in . .. t . i .., .. ; ,, • - • o . • • But .I:'.co'itericlethat love' is `no; re-. look' and Rdure not byartificial' aid's much have referred .to , auk r birch, maple and limo. Her . .they'' would..preferred ti , spector . of_ age • and • that the fire of and .c sureties • but. h exercise' and• a • � 1 They. suffered ..hot. a,'i bet: industry,• is 'also. important '''for -o ., Y remain n.utra . ._ Y , t..,.,, r,.,. ,,..,, burn :...� ,,,...i,....,a .,a .healthy life. -•-•--------..._ be ii:bT :- mei ..nioro' than the Belgians;', the Baltic rioas't is the,only :area,in the Y menu• °though much. less•:, has been'said ttiout world where..'the Collecting'' and. i ff i�in s=firr t fibre. ;recjuisi-'.facture-'o! 'amber, is: carrled on On. a •.:, , --their. su_,e• _g _ ._., .., . - - --. tions .and then-~•fro);i-ci-elioriationA;-sufli•eiently-large-scale.to--be spelteri•.ot ' few sentences taken ' from' Mr li,arri 'Ps an' jndustry..:'' •son's. book will give 'a faint idea of the" Ivor are' tho'.arta ignored ' „Some of •exteut'of .the; trouble, • the artists' have a_ :Eur.'ottean r'eputa • "Dulling their retreat the • Russians ,tion T:_•P: s Weekly. destroyed, everything which; they. were ••• :unable, to .,remove.. Villages and farms were given." to • the 'flames,' ma- chinery ;and implements 'were :earrieit •- •off, and unspealkable, miseries, began ., "E':perts!have ,be'en•busy s•howing•us for, the inhabitants of thea desolated how much • money:we' o \,`aste In, a •year•• .areas,' Unlike Belgium:; ' Lithuania • Starting •'with •cig'i ettes ,they tell •us` did net benefit from the libezai aid ex- .that-ont r-crpopnlation of forty mi • tended liy • the • Unitetl..States ,and Bonar_ -at least ten' niiilion niers and Spain: ,. women .Smoke' on an .average• •ten :'When in' accordance• with the; In cigarettes a d,zY, and,'w.aate: not less human Russian ,policy thousands of than•. one-fifth of each :cigarette: Thus 'Contracting LitYtt c+nsan, aduat:}� had to, save .rho au eruiale-it of'ty enty:zizzliion cigar- 'ptrties:' •do, not-oi• cannot -increase • co'untiy,; eritlie families 'vier broken .ettcs .•is avaste�l; daily ''At a.. cost, of up. The. peasants first. sought refuge one shilling fol• 'twenty, the' yearly iioulcl't riari y • M-ai Mage is • an •.in • in tele towns; but;w.ere--moved on' far- •waste :is nearly.• £18,000,000.' ;dzviduai estate it is personal, and%it ther,by th'e;Russiatt sol'dlery Parents The liable of :putting salt on tlze, has .greatly annoyed 'me that so many •bad._.thus , to abandon ' their ,children, side of „the plate in tead' of •sprinkling Aeople l ave • concerned 'themselves :in and were• tlienrselyes transported iii , it on foodmeans that. one spooi.fui h 'my: love •idyll: and- riy fuliillod •deter. to, Russia 'in cattle, trucks- . At Vilna, two is wn tell. ;'As practically all tile: mination .. to - marry the man I -.love; for ,eyaniple thoiisauds of children ii habitants of :the British Isles use even though lie Is'man? years young ran �zbotit : the. streets vainly seeking tabic salt there is a yearly loan• .of er than myself their ,parents.. The Central' Lithuanian ,0;00 tone, worth £3,000,000: Th• can r be no 'wrong present, •Committee subsequently placed them •'`Vvaht© in matches is amazing. unite µ.here true love rides paramount, and in orphanages "But these institutions three quarters . •of the wood used in'' :I submit that'if I had refu&.ed to mar:, ;were °witliout •funds ne+cessai y to 'pro the manufacture remains •.:unburnt 'ry. the ,map ,I' love because I am eo', 'vide proper nourishment for rho; child Assuming that: no more than ten mil• ren;:,meat. and. milk` beingparticularly 'lion. people 'each use , two boxes:., a. �. week; approximately` 1,p00 ',tons .aye nester. '; •� . .:, , • • scrapped every . year. ' If the •'•wood The Carise of Self D..tcr• mlfation there cohectedt tit might drove 'invalu•. During the °German occupation able in the manufacture of• useful lira •things gradually' got better... The Ozer •ducts such as, 'oxalic acid and paper mans had no motive for, ,damaging•a ,pulp .. =be- sepiirated, ,:because I, am likely to 'country which •they hoped to..' annex Amateur photographers throw away• be called into tree ,' Great Unknown •or for perseatctizzg. thoso,whom..,they' used by;poi containing silver. One plc many yea're before Amy,;husband, but• regarded •as their': future su`li ec, n. "tute•malcing-flrin-saves--:£a7.5_ .wesk I -shall haue_trad�tlloaomow vo _of: Just; ai the Russian's . had, tried to on Waste `h•,po, What must ' be the ' unutterable happiness and' 'bliss:, with Rnsixiarilze:.tho' Lithuanlans,• '•so ,;they amount Wasted;. in hundreds iif dark. the:.• man .who »oszesses all : my' heart. tried to'Gerzitanize thatii: ` They:were" rodrns iii'i3ritain every year? And does. not every woman agree With .the _ mo?: If one loves,', then one • ,has a hadrbeenheeause-their- methods were �r ... -right to snatch all the- happiness•tlzat brutal; - net .•love brings. " tad.1! the object ,of on_'.: .affeetion. 'loves alScn. then the World ""!arnOinit •It mai resisted; hot latter' Were aCtive , from 'the' O'd :Age 'No Bar: As 'early ad October.; 1914; 'the' quite in agreement •that Youth. '''Litlritanianintri the. United. States call; Should, merry. ,yonth--that It peiL • 'Chicago and.' declared. itne'f • fever to Min& that OW age' in a bat' tens'ar- tit the reergahlzetion et the' Lithuani-• riage,or real loye. Rather, •two, per- State- in• eonterinity With the prin. sees of widly different. agen'tharry be. anian-Barethniof Information. in parts yeting;..thinge_Who,•_are•Lentering, . ing , knowledge et ,Lithuania &tram* •• ;1;4 -frill s?dunkLi 674. itec:f :attt ehrbo:it 17:01 ip:st .Berne;-. at :Lausanne, At. iihguo, chickpas, uncertain. *hate4en, "it. May hot,'• • • "it ye:it:pi*: od. hubby MIs apt filo ittifott,r. gsv.e,to, .btertliet; the ''Victerle, he 'said, oh are acting or aerteany to inlbeda.their Yoh° •And noW„.a Mani Ilan ettinbed late Madly, it .YOU' Meaty this yon Polticsi 'according.' et a „leading' Ohio •Will the.. laughing.etock• Of Ger. Waited Wiillions, Pare& in the heart or a womanz,or,•:a.,' on: a par. with„ a Woman •thirti years man--,-.-Ct the tig 'of eighty es eighteeu! younger, and,I 'think' that my hushand. mateS-Ahat, thel are eonsumed• with: cept in, the matter of age, bet a': well, the grand linisiee • for. "gaCh other- preeerved wite 'that will de het dutY thenthi...sy hate • platy right te 'menu'', 46-Thiru as stanehly is if she were --it in sufficient that the, ail:pervading• , Foiked tongues have. Said. all.: sorts -.of, children -but .in this ago 'marriage th,at• I, aM a Ptinces,s',., of • the .ttlood Royal' and that. I ani a Wealthy Wa: Is not coneidered decleasb Or immoral' man, and these tive recta hale been, because:the Parties do not haVe child- tined hi Order that my liusbaed may. en but live alone together in limn- . r - . •De termed adventurer. This is a gross • Children,'„maybe a. blessing to piati-• Secondly;:during ,the first days et his tial,„-ied :because the. twO an. ordi.nary German. woman _of pen haps incieetate knee:in.': :No, 'One'. Wee more • Siirprised.: than ',lie . When •.out that.' was Prineens Schaubilmtg-l.otppe., It in :therefore for • thyself alone; , mid not ter that thnch older' than he, then y sheuld. not a wrong -for .1 knoM that his love for ,me is suck that the rest of 'hie life would.he barren and unhappy without me by lits side:. There is little, deubt that in. the course ''of •years we 'shall' more sudeessfal', than I think that ,we -are .going, to he the happiest coeple la. ell Eurepe, and far from 'making any diffemee 'to, 'oil. knowledge comes only 'from : tenieni-;. 6Pdecutepdpl.ithule7piphiredd.eaenpdlyeaischiteiipmeptirteisos; bering that 'We haVe done it before. love, the difference in ag7Araween us Since meniery is bf Ph& inestiMable means easier exedution, greater. speed will tether Cement it • There, is Only ,L importance it he hooved mankind tO eed °dexterity. „ Even when a: thing one. thing that mers lily linsbatirl's de- use.and strengthen it tO Its full .ex-. once learfitneeme to hale beetb forgot- lirious happleess at put Marriage,: and tent, for that habit.% to the individual ten? it fa f,01;11d that on a Second at- ihat ii the Tier omit 1 MaY be takea whet heroditY, is to the race. . MeinOt.,y. :Comet it is'manterad much more easily froni him before many years are pass' can be greatly 'cultivated,. and: the end quickly. ' n ed. That, Was the 'Only consideration, power . Of recalling • minute ineidents . -Trusting., the meMory • seive4 to e. tr.' e Iee in •lunar g Y Ali the Mental Faculties De- ' Tend on 1',t•' , Memo ' : is t ry th faculty possessed by the land of •preserving- what''has' once beezt.. resent. in. consciou sn as so that been.present >3 0 it ,.may.. again bye recalledr'.'.Thus•: it Clinsfsts. of 'both' retention• and .recol lection; retention• representing rile power of •story upfor, future .use -di and ro 1 i co ect on is of brin '- 1 e ower, „Print- . in back into coils' lou n e " i' en:: impressions i teas ons �. are 'received` b ' Ct p Y ie.. various_•. senses slight:_:hearing,,. .smell ..and ;taste,• ,without our .• �b'eing conscious of .them for this reason, ?z, ideas: are sometimes bell ve ao: be -or,' e d 'iginal ..w:he.n_ they. are: not , reall `,:so And on this'.. basis, may. .be ..es lained Y P some .•cases'• of involuntary:.plagiarism. '•' ,No idea•' that. has :e'ver. been •in: the, mind. ;can be: entirely..forgotteu... In abnormal• states, such as ;fever and •delirium, menieries• ate revived. which •have not, risen, into actual conscious- ness"for.. many oars.=-The<d•ying-oftein •revert: to experiences. which they •have had. in. childhood, and have apparently .king ago forgotten and there ; is-. a widespread : and' p:opular `belief 'that a man. -.on the,point-of-drowning re- views: in a, flash all; the 'minute -events: of.his-past life. ' • Progress Without,Mennory: • Of, all.• the; faculties posse by Man rile:niory js the_ most- vital to im prevenient and progr.'ss Tho way.' of experience is .the ono w,y... through life; witliout •experience there din, bo But,it is'best of all to cultivate thea third and 'highest form •of memory, the "imaginative;' "or: "representa-. tine. ' 'i'he, `fortunate ,•individuals : who • have naturally a. '.large, share of Allis. useful faculty, of recalling vividly' past; events, belong •to -the World of poets, painters, and all: creative artists. They may be: dividedin respect to the kind• of imaginatis e . memory: thy paseess„ into two classes, :the visual and Ilio a editor u y:. The , "visual" remember, by 'form, and. the "auditory'`: by sound and.in order, to bring,; representative • memory to .its highest. perfection;, both varie- ties must be cultivated. Those who dad that the• remera ii y., bet a -page -••of a fine by=seeing-menu, tally' the shape of the letters, should. try: to• hear in their minds the. sound Of the syllables;' while the: "auditory" (.who• are • .'cat/ally :good •• lingul'sts) should, try' to'•viaualize • the: printed` words • Put, above ail? • a „geed m rnor • can bo fori led b .`t a •habit;•of •cone ntra-.' y li u. tion.'" Clearness'`. of recollection;. de Penile entirely upon ci_eQrness:'of re tendon, ;and. unless, an, impression en- tern the mind: firmly antl-luci`d ft Wfll be .remembered vaguely:`and contused-. , The Will ail an Adjunct, et a tangent when it trien to" ill itself, of 'atientliOn is a habit 'which grows apace unless --"Corrected. . IPrem this Point of vie*. the. c. an he Made a• for,it can' be called in' to bring back the wandering thoughts , when they Stray from the subject in mind, no progres, dud without memory' eA. • r3ut the Mind' nanst desire to attend, perience is of no Use,: Aiiuthati,being and for thiereanon too/severe art, ef- „withent memory, waald at the end :tett, causing' intone°, fatigue, •is 'tel. be of the longestlife ne•fertiiJadlanded .aveided,' Place' lack of 'concentration: hausdon.. Interest and novelty 'tend eh memory, .Neither sennation 'net , te S:timnlati3 this meetal 'desire ,for voluntary inoveMent could exist With- condentratiOn, aadtherefore menet-- out the-guidanee Of ' former ,rebellee- elaY is aptto ',make 'it diffictilt• 'and tiona'; me cannot volentarily, perform ailY action Miless.•We :knew ..•beforce Repetition Is a great aid in naemor'- hand What we ire going' to' do, and:the „izing. Tho mcire often a thing is re - not onlY acquired but MarvellonaliAn. itrengthen 'it :It is not alivaYS a geed whieh hes :kept us 'back; in any wayin, . onr' desire, io betonie than and' , d • • 'plan to depend eritirelY Love Mill not, be :ddrfied, however,' and • • ;•• • . • • • .. noted,. tor just, as it • limb that is • after considering the matter tuily. we •,, Werth!, by Memory. • 'never ased will Ny decided' that we vvould inatch our few -The ,,Brahmine of. ladle, do not. de- useless, 'Iso the .,metnory will becOitie -morrients-of--happinesa_no=attur what pernd-upon_Alie 'written word for ini; Meek. and undependable from lack:a it . cost In heartbreak -later; when, it,be- parting their sacred •teachtnge. They devejopment," . ' , ^comes necessary for us to' be ' parted, learn prodigioua qUanitites hy heart; : Finally, in the words of Quintilian, acrose the bridge that eeparates.• this "If- anyone' ask" me -What 14,, the. Only some of,them, can repeiteas' many as life froni the next. • and great att. of memory, r shall say Love•Knows No Locksmiths. :The. fieulty .0i , repeating ;long, lititil,, ot.ntiniesancl dates is not noceasarily, a sign of great inteleet;' people. Of ao- polver that , depends 'upon the -lowest forth Cif • niembry; that: Which ,16 known "nien.iory,by 'contiguity."' vale. searchitig' tor Pant , ideas and reniember sOnaething• that occurred pt 'the cattle dine; er we turn oi..jor in our Particular time by' °elevating theta ,With Other thingfi. that We• lite* te .have happened at. eettiiirt mainly 01. association Of lahhh shd the, ,14 -like "Perthenetit crutch te .4 Week; :strong ,if 'allowed .to iieveiop •Its. 'orig. •that .is exereise and 'idiot.: TO learn Much by heart;•to Meditate meet' and In conclusion, ' I would exhort 'aft it Poanibleditily, is the most' ellicacions these • who' are denying' t elves hebae of all methods."--4thel Browning. aiiilinese 'because/ of, the Sge Par . to: hand• •s and stand, before 'an 'altar ,,and thein by Public °Pinion. • Age in na knows to lOckemiths-net" even the in roller tragio• When he sheets his arrOwelinipersons very far Ireineved in age; •but 'When hadoes•••aci let your heart.. dietate lb .hotitt th• rough with ft, and if trile•leve in: deed breseht, then I do not think yon. • liVe. te regret it :, cernhoter, hot the .taxpayer,,-•-fahleee f "Wilhelm," replied, "you _Married plea; tor meek, less talk by;?tiiiiitnain.: thitig About S. S. '0, for lifStance; suggests. a' Milder, pleasure:. that an: nouncors lie alieWed :t� nee oiily suet' • the Pile° whiCh Is apt to form in pipes and. thc ::botyls 'are .110A Willi! Bente Theee. pipes have not,.imirerer,, 0:::0444;,, alcotin • remeved, and have been iv, fertunateW the is not, the cane bar ae • Mach nicatin se ,Waii present 'in. the same class ef cigar' before .ftenicotitil• cigars. arid ;:tobaCcOs in various feriae,' are. treated- With superheated, ateanit..; let the 'nicetin.is ,said to be removed': th• e nice tin ,haS a •rea43, s00•' fee Agri, the.' body, . tied- Its alkaloid ia:piiiien.:. , 'should tie guaranteed to Coritain,•fiet. ':' tat: itanace. d*oi 'in.,. ri dst _ill4idni • tar: rt9 .::.(1.1:1pead.4,a 01' 'del os; .1i' , .70b:111411. !iaba7,6 y:aet• a ..rilr!,'. -:". , hale sOme -064 'O'- guidance, or; pro!•:„ 'tectien. It is almost...certain...far ex- ample, thatIt,is .the hieldttjess et the: 'br• onchitis ;and cardiac faiiine; l'hose...' • " IntilghtlIcint little -Percy ra• nch ter pi:eliding pure foods ;of , • certain, standard, • will, I. lime.' beer° nheep on `One. side . of .a fence 'end pap jnear•-•STOVety:,•hez- many. sheep ne,"- cried:the City .young Man repreaChfully. ',"Yon are', not: stupid .tis. 'that!' . Think .again ft thete were ,ten .aneeP on -ene- aide the , and, one. sheep, juriip ,oyer;.. i!.It• :bee' jumned ' come. ail, the.. others Weald jurep after.lt. My lather 'Then .seeing. the puzzled. look On' the 'teacher's', fade', the little giin ' ed"- apologetically.: ' knoW,. Convenient Wifey IiIpPodronie 'recently : //discussion, arose to the relative genereSity ,In "Halleltija" timber in lilt the Deck, ': ,and who;',1s:Amertean b,ortt...:tit English British husband' waS at least as- gen-, trOtin..en the. average' AnieriCan:." "Oh! interjeeted somebodn with the. folio -Wing 'Incident, in *invent pi some• years'. 'standing; Was 'Paying her "kry dear;" she Yimid. 'during the dontalr-Ot:teit;.:"what -11nancial arrange, --- Monts have, you made. With Charlief., 15Oes. he make Yon . a ropier allow-. do 'you; jitst ask, htm for meney ;when You X(410'0.404, • . rattled the Other, ' Tito :copap'anienate .inarriaio toter, ask a' gentleman ten tnoney!" finange(i by the -..Parente of . the. to.n. 4'Indeed,' Then how' d'yot Viet on it traCting- Partletlt /tilt iro the .10ell iloge net', pay?" atter Cer. hereto ineastirea in the cdUcatien 'Of tale Vito eoliclude :he'd tap. 'gentle, the, young; [Man; and 'then I ink '