The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-12-15, Page 7• t '',.:Ani -±t"-• . , • Dressing . Your '..-, • . . Hem1"101(nighl ' . Presents ._,__ . .. Tim.. Pungent fragra4Cer Of the hero"; • . 4. • r - .: ' lock brings , Long thoughts of lingeringdreamy, ' "--'"--7-, * _ ,.. • ' Puf1111104' hours, _'. •HB, Over floticed hOw. Varied,' Of winsoznebrooli8-.-greOla 4.01110., Star' . ere thernaniters and „nteihode 14 I red white with 'Powers, • " wh1e4;h• present8 .are Peeked. The helki. !Hurdled bird notes,Woodland's quiet • plain brown paper IellOwa Witle11, 9.0149 • , •murinurrngs. • , .1 through, the, poet, . Osplendent With. ' • ., ' • .. Oita( °Tin* ulld "BealIng :91',xce,i.erP,(Fr* hoBo hemiock braeltes bending With helgt. 018.0100 •OecitIngi. becans0 • tti•.:'*eight • w. .• cels Which come through brittle ice' and ileaVYi. crusted -811ow,. isorneho* or other,. alWaye MOto .e.re 'wfir111,' and...green, mid :Pulsing' far • eeting than those Which are...discreetly, . . . • Oioned on to.,one'a plate. at ,breaktaid. • Vme, . Tho prescOto.wkloh.dO not:Conte by parnel poet do not Vary' eh Much, pep ,• • • '. •"'bii'P'15' but even they uiPr'ess.care ar Wtiy are, theY,..ekulbel. of ,tho Christ - •.lack ot It, In their irkaPPirtga. : ••• • . •B ' But nowadays there 18 no • tfechse jigoonle the , heart IS •••warrn henteatli for parcels 1.0Qhleg .401. or ,unexcitihg: •the :' ft4t, .737.• ' *•• hpeauSe'thei 4re PaChedi,at honie and •:/t.o :sprioktfrao y,orcloro.:0,ver •wholly givenbY''htt4.4i• *en in . . - When' dacorattea'.Iahelk were not AYeit•• bloOins, anow f'.and';'.,-.Soreade ite :.•branclpes, Wide, • . . •Frem, w filter "zz'. ,iViticsi. 'and storrniiIn Viole.te, • ' •', , • - . hble, when fanny papers: and fittings .; were net prectrable,. 'Many ,•"rneiticub . ...Olt' Original: ideate; irt the way Of pre- 1." 1. W hope of goflOew.ilirnigi4.71‘4.9: in:. the .1°11.t, onsly-Minded. people held and carried- • ' nada: a bright gree4 '04818 ht. fherr ,d '. gent-wraripizig,' , • " • • ••• • ' • One girl Who Chald 'lleYer a fordta , . „ Andparching desert •Nragto$, t)ecoso . 'eyelid.' very much oh hdn, OteSents be " . . clofie„.br. , "ehme 'Olt famous 14 her little citnie Renewing streams ot fore hre eirer:.. of friends fo . r tile' datefY Wig In.:Which ....: ' 'fioWing".' ' ' ' -..:Ailte_ithigya. packed her, gifts:. :Snowy ' : • . • - Looks Proud of It which ye let (jord or trtorpw ribbon, and oner• . aitalabere .&tHerein our homes-alid those •;white . • G teen; fragrant,: incense -heating • hem.- lock bough theemail Chrilm. ' . white tiasue paper: pnislied 'with scar- ,ed byr-the7-doieliritt-,13:tattf1f4k4 , • 't fl gave hero:gifts a vetY fe-'3 now appear!-,nber-clad,. austere, ••01t some. Iea ,'• Arrtralnyiedittia, whew -the pre, - • northern hill- • • sent was iry 14.1144 she vonid fintsb.IrI wineer.eheart* ere Christmee Woe- , tlio parcel 'off with a tiny bunchof setting now! especially it that power hap-. Pened te • he her friend'S feVorite. 1,)eir• of -,silk siocitiugs leeks 'far mere expenizive if ;placed' in a fancy boxThe sante rule (tootles to liand kerehiels • ties .or anYlit.tle Items' Ar. .o.und .' ' ' -Charlotte F Babcock. Ancl Glory Shone , ' Which• make insignificant parcels. • ..--...-- /,',,,wheze-SitnitlY, Wrapped ' Id Paper-- And' •'-'; The'••uight like meat nights n'ights of 'the, ••\ .il you , have no fancy •biaxes by • YOU .winter seao& In- the hill Country • Was . yon': c :14( • VerY: easily contriye sone 'If 'clear, ertsF 4:11(1 sparkling with' stars,. oil :'• treat some .::orillOary (ardboard . '. .. BY. the gate,. •higiing ' hie 'mantle? boxes- to.eo0.1,3 of Scrap 'wallpaper, • close, the, watchman whilted,,'...; ••• The ' . . . , • . . .. . , 43'rieT6."'---allii",:cle‘orative.:=Lainie,ir_Anxto;.: dono,,.„,.....,H.i,moved,..toW.ardathe first, : . . ltikt.giC' )1tOrd .deectibing...God'S 'eurphse- , . ;ChT„ifit.01, BS • on WOOS', give there. : e ycrY . hut at lneti•-it.,..-Caroe;' .HiS, thSli....Whe llys:.-Bassinet.. ...oda,' poow,u.1.#6:wered-, Wailneper rnaffiget.• WAS :".slow.,:coining fo' him:, ... Cri;tonne is .,:better Still„ but;ceto lutist. rt:but ', p attsed;':S. ' :light :'Wns.•'broakingt7nrctpreParinthe-layette-rfer' a- -:-.:1----1-11C-1-0- ':'•,,L.,. ' _.,_'.. 'firmer .and. 'more. diffileillt to . tloa),.eniF;I:aroi:lfud. taken With rthe : nornere a'- I)011,, ' ania; • 'He ;Waited Win. :snit and:White •:like 'the i chlistill" • ' h;oathi;,itsiy.:' T12:•e:Year,Old. daughter. it Ocatirtedy.'yCi....17.• .. baby: dell ' for ' my. three-. SY,mher'of7M-1.7-gre14-017, flh7erital' vv.W. ''•ed:ii-htittered.• : : '. •• I ''':-. - ' " - .. . , , •, . . • .. .. . . . . . --, . thatk,paperi.,,It..--Casierrt9T. 41 ' r°S llgh:t-Lile'6pene.s1,.; thin ' 'before itivisfl that ...a..b'assinet.was ..neeessar *ender :ot::Childlnrs1;,*,,Ahict. genre', of. tainutes„ • . yirlien'..teol* :caviar With Bake in 0- moderate .oven••25:'or ..4ii ' ... ,and 'corner's .te rook a, lit.tle 17agged and bio Chme ' te."•view, :he :Savi .The. whole* -4217°-°Wiingir- , I,,bought I, ilfteentent,..: • . : • life's 'Cheer-, ; ' ' , : • . • ''. • ing and. oy.outz still . eke:it:MO-. follows;'', , f ,•:-.---'-' ' ' * ' • ' . - ' Own ' sugar, icing,Which Is made as ''''. •••.---.' ' ' ' -. Reid, 'a.'zi'cl' all it. :ehelterek: . '. ,: He , uniritet. bahltet.' with , tire . folding. hand- ,044.0..,---'. •' instead . of brown Paper. but white- tiP,-_ . • Ilkht.WaS.,dropping.:as fret». a ..Windew • • . . - k .: , , . • Ilie • in.,' I-• -Plitced four.' hickneeses ,of . . . . •• • , ' Brown. Sugar: Icing -••• • , .:. Sheets of celored 'gaper c•At• be. esed ' :lotilted hp 'the •stars' ',Were gorn);. 'MO I . . . . .. . , .. lee, :just' long' enough tor the doll to • ' ' . 1O*11,14 Y.Par. • ne paper. is AlwayS, hest .for 'anion: Or: ' _. in the • sky ,•': as ho 'looked It.' liedarne 'a ' • . . . . .. - • ' , cotton,' betting., in the both:On Of the Mitgic Season 'of ;,.. itite•.hearis::Made . ,13.611, 1.7 nitp ef.•brown.sitgat:With.',,112. ... . , . . dainty.: gifts. "NerrOW...searlet ' ribpon . -.1 •' a ‘...,..0.,- ,.. . : c ..... ,.i'.!ni.aliet.; 'with •one ' thickness tacked ... ' ' . .sp en or.. ext,...in terror, he .cried. .•,; i • , • . : , • : rittangely new, :•''. .. ' ciip.,..•.of water until, the. syrup. fame .a • . . . . . . . deeda, to do, • ' ' ,' , ..:',, , 1-• soft • .ball..' hz. 'cold . rated, Pour very. • can: be , bpught.-Very - reAsonahly; hut, • " . .- • ,, • Awake.; J.a.wake! .•••.. • • • ' around the sides with .heavy thread?, pilled with kindly thoughts cit worthy . . :green 'and Other,:teO101•5 .look eqznillY ,clainbered to'their feet: . •'• • 1" ' ': • t one handle iartanged, flat along the. , ' 1. • . gradnally."..into. '2 .stlfity '.,/ beaten, egg attractivec"'esspetielly 'if 't,..they •• i.. ,_ 10:; t1 ." Whs. t '• is:. It?"' their. :asked.,In.: ' one '1:elge,•,..and.. the other upright epright.. teri,,,the . 'Freed tiom...teninity,..all evil Put away, Whites'. • While., beating ' .consiently: 14.'80°10'. ,!'4T • a ' °t•ati''' ;'' .'' ' voice; , "See," ' Cried'''ihe , .Watelfined i i li°9-a-;7 tli4•.. -.a. , niece of • Pink setteen Unpretending hearts:. where .:love ,of centinue• beating and, :44'lien light' And •..1t7.1a diffictit..te:.pe,Prigirial,•year, af-•.•:„ the sl.:V. is . tville1" • '' ' ''' ' •., ''' i ;.' „Was laid. around the inside .of. the bee-. • '.: ..Chtiait:holtis' , sway. • : . .7. ' , ' ' ihis4y. add 1,4, .:feaspOon vatilia.:,.SPrehd . . .. . . . ... , • , .. . Suddelaly the. light bedanie 'intoler-, . . ' - . •• ' . •• ., - • • , • • '' '-" :'' - '. •• • ' on and Sides •of: cake. 'and Sprinkle ter' year inAhe Cholne..Of preSont8, hut' . . '''' ' • U ' •' - •• '' - •‘ •i'ket and Over the edges,'. with -elite cite ' . ' • • • : , .` ' ',' •• .. . _ . .... . • • theY covered. theit 1, • . • ' • ' - ' ' - •.' ' ' .' ' - - ' ' ' ' ' ' Witli1'4: onp..,ditopped 'Decants. ' : '. • . it is t ot So' ClifPc,h1t, to- giVe therm ,t)r..• , .• •• •.,,, . . : .• • • • , • ..1 to. allow ths handle :to rentain en''' Magi feet through ages past of sins- :.. igitial jatkete:. : .•. • .- .... •..* .. ,. •: • ' ' ' . , • . .. ' . • ,- . • - ' .• , • •riglit.. - ,,: . • - • . • • , ..., .••- . . •• and - wrong, • - .., - • „ . . • • • ... . , • • - - ', • eyes, and dropped upon ..their knees _ . : ... :. • ... , ' , - ,, ' - • . . • . ' • . • '7 ...ManY •pf• us: this . year ,.will vet he. •• then • i - voice Said'theft •• ' .' ...The edges Were .gathered. and drawn ' BrIgh Star of .Hope • of -future . cen-. tortes ,Iong '• able-..to".afford-s, great. deat.for the. pre. .i.._,„..._•::..•,_•' .. , • • ' • --• -• ' ' • ' UP 'snugly around the, 1)Ottetti ot the ': • • .••••ente, Of Our nearest and 'clearest, but " • . - • . • • . • • • , basket., and another 'niece 'Of sziteen• 0 • Priceless Gift_OLBethlehein's •man- . Fear' nott• for h.ehold, I bring --you I , • ' •'!" • . • - • • • • ' . • • • good tidings of 'great joy which shall i • -' ' ' • - • ... ' ' : ' '' • King, - ... ,YOU .cat alWa.ys make ryour present _.... . 31 01. ' . ,, : • ..• • ' was. shirred on the raised nhndlo, and „,,i, . ger. 4.•. basket. • - 2. . ' ° . ' ' . dof.i.a:w:ii,'.to bring. :•••'' ' ' •,. . .. . . • • -..... The yoiee, in, Sweet:teas and soeth, I . ' • ' l tacked down t ' the •edie ' F -r •Help- all men.' fliY,' 'Peace on: garth • ,,look• es :if; .it Iota • been pecked Wiith .:j ° 11 to ait •peop.ie. II: , , , .. : „ Very ••lOving •• care. . - ..... . . . • ' , .... :. .. •• • . .. .. i. . • ,. therttinuning„ I joined two widum of: • • ., ' hig• more' than rhirma t anti i w a • ' • ' ' ' • • • . . . .• - .. . '... • - ° ,.. °II- ilotted -muslin.; . hemmed narrowly • On , .. ' . ' ' ..,''''.•'' . ' O.. ' .-4....,;---;•-- , . . . : .•'..., .1-111tecl theta', :With, assuratfee..., • 'Their • one :edge hnd .6n the• Other, an itch - Wide' :heading.. • .. . Christirias.'Cradle Song •,, . • pin:hanged •IL • I 'Seel like curing you. -,-----,-.-,--.7,. . clear, :penetrated. all their being, and • • • ' ' .. ...,., - . • • ., • . . .. .. .ereith.e... .rtiit . . . ,Cirgit11),Fillk, beheld in. the. nentre'of.a. , [ Tose:, uhon theii. ' kneeS, and.. lebiting. :, - A.inatiow e azitic' s ' run through ..._ It . our 110113 111 'ages paat," wae *singularly Dr. 'Isaac-,Wet.ts; author of 1t0 ',God, Geott'da'yl"1 • • • .• . 67.4.$.,•., . . , . . . . . over the edge' Cit.:the. hasketan ei•-' • great 'glory. the.aphea.z•Ance• Of :a Man; •• . the heading . and.. Tittuiliii • sliPped `' .:. Mi..•Scingek.:wopid ..aSi-Sist. it weitt, 'pled iti. 11: robe...intensely .white; . : . ; . rangentent 'Whieli . made it .easily•• re. anStittal la '.hil/ •I/OetiCal.., output .., :Ile Wrote ankh doggerel as "Hov.t. .doth the, ing his, , Suits 'Matta the ' lnet. PoSeible Suddenly '.the light; of .'whioh be ,thoved fer laundering. , A 'Ilkelteading ' little busy bee"„and."Let dogs delight inornetit, With the .result that . he found to. bark and bite," and alsO. the. follow- • himself :nentinthily '. ittaiguMent :with Ing ekettalte carol: •••• ,.... .. hiis.:Wife: -Strolling dovizi a faShion, .' able thoroughfare one' afternoon,•.they. „ ... • ••Husli, 'my dear; lie still and. •sluinher, happened . tit. pasi. a • Modern .tehlit Holy: angels. itierd thy •bed! ', ' " Bitiiiiinel. ..""There!" 'exclititned-ll'irs.' ....., Tentierneab to bind the Wounds • Of .the sick and sad;7- . Eeavenly. blessings Without number ' Ccrtiger; '"Why • don't you ,drea8.. lik,e , , . _ Wisdom to to ,dtrect the feet _.;_i_ilentlY-talling on thir. hot& • : 1 • - ithat?". ' "1, am far .too intelligent, re - pr ihe‘w.,,,iticvaiti.d•.bid.„ . • tiled her. htisiihnd:proudly . At 'that: • -• ... - . • : .. • . ‘-' ' ' ',IX • • ' . • , • • . • , . ' . . • Tears shed for others. woes„ , Sleep, my babe, thy food and ,ralinent,. rneinent Mrs. ScrInger 'caught sight of ,..Laughter 'tti .Make glad', , : 'Ho.us,e , and,: home. thy . friends pro- a . beggar and .his • Wife .in .the•• gutter. ,.. „. • . • i , ' ';. vide; ' '... ' : .. .. . • .' '"Then thank .600dn01/8 *Yeur*--intelli- • :Awl:not joon of all,thr:giftis., 'All 'Without thy; care :pi payment, gene isn't. increasing,'...she 'final:Med, , .. Shoed): bold,. unafraid; ...All thy wants are welieupPlied..: "Or we should be. like those Peer peo-. For our our little..brothers dumb:. ., • :Willing hands to • aid Ever* Weak and herr/deep thing; • , BY, the:Eather Made • ' . • ' •• , • totielia; C.: Poole. • .. •-• Recipes to Spice the 'The. Christinas'llree.1Oaking Candied '17.88 't.oh't favorlte teethe for white other alter of yont4 e011.1111411de Peen hOmo, and giving amountawatH..0471.0.0.. ! • . - - - children in A/Vestern gurope and • ; e*: - ' The: Clitietznae. Troe to millfona of ,I ' . ' Fruit Foik, Whirligig ' ., . . illanana Circle, Cake . 1"-- ' America is the symbol of rejoicing. No ' Au attraetivo gift, giant made. at 6at 'avVild'hi Whip a4eli:n41 lipl,l,ntw(),,jftrQeuriet 1.aaYnedr. inilBtUintetihtrit'C'91fr°1187101:11. •Tr4terahtia°811.1,1.4if, Eill• °1anbroer q iu ni vt oeiveudt;is°f .alzrztilirra'4.tv'''etPty: tar.9 . flever with orange juice. and fiUgAr. ways eniclAld 1" g°""1"tal d'Mtili" rand hex gt candied freft''''' The Jest before serNing cover . one laye,r On • eYercath:h91. phee:prtieps oifti C4,11"Inr11:safn,ta.tio.4°14hita;, trer1440ffe.ct4oet, gsTa11.0 !Teri go in cinolOote°01:, . With, sliced 'bananas and ehread With ' ffoOk - to - troes tint thOY garn, • • ' • .,, • ; whiPped. *cm Plaer a ''' other owed auegfehoo ,, . •, ,. , -- layer Oh top -all, etiyht „ 'w PA whipped lived - in lands, where' 'the sprune • and ,: There is A veil .11141910 method by. rroern..1. thirnien. '-wit„.•2 • oretee , 42f liemiOek• were, •unkizewni. The *pgyh. Which this' nendied fruit cin he Pre-. , . - tions" IleId • mammoth he e, _ I pared • tid h 11 begin with lei6 ' the. Month, corresponding te oar,o)e, qember but ,they centered their deve-• ticrne...upon the palm:, Tbe pante ot Egypt gave birth, to a leaf each month and the tree:with:Ito' twelve leeves, suggested the .conipleted year: , Maybe the; paha *Vette . the. forerunner ef the lbanitnas,;•...ind Walnuts. , • Tomato" with ..Spjnoeli 'and G(azed •','Onloris • ". 1' eun'Illiele ',tomato- sauce' .cop .smali 'glazed, 'Onions, ,a . puia• canned, seasoned enina.ch,..'salt and pepper'. tt:fiiiI:110,11/11„tth.,e4.11514,nattned11:14i114.17..teihet.x. cavlty chriovao Tree .rsis we In ,Canada 1110 center. Poui'. the: tontate .ceauCe: know it. ' .• • •• , Joto,•tlita, , • surround the ',.sinacea; Three. thetiaand.4eare,later, (he. Ito: with:tne ,t)nion.S.,that'bave,beet1.11olled ,nians,, Celebrating' Vieir.; ,'Saturnalia ,notit tentief..• then -glazed in hhttet.''r.a4sed aloft g cohlter df jaiOny.o.,ti...,..noVer • t.hc:. ,r.reizteri714111,4t4t,c094. I'h�utaeolfr:svotirtsidu;sderecio: suett.sloao4stea' osiie was not of the Roman era; azlid. the children of •that great •Empire , . . knew nothing of the. glorious fellow Who with 'all bia,pendertinagirth can suspend the laws Of. gtavity, and every' Other' natural MW; through tor- tuois •chiinneys, lay, hie 'own:10.01'1' ..aanii(14:•$:•legoaprere..e..d..sena,o,ned.,,with.the, .414.',. . . . .. . ••; ..QuICk..Choceleta Icebox Cake ¼' pint ..creaut,' 3.' boxes .schocolate ., Arrange In. alternate . layers in • a shallow glass . baking dibh 'chocolate snaps 'and •seweetened''.-,and' ;flavored whipped:cream.' .Start ,Vrith the:prat* ers• laying thexii tiese• 'together ', • to., cover bottom of dish.. ' Then 'spread .. . .. . . . cram,. :11crose . the 'cloude, and .naake personal t g.e.1100.4.47 'with:a laker:of the visitations In „aTiiingie-:night-Ttotper-• nekt, critekers; 'and, so on nuili Mil.; 'haps a,•hundied .Million babeg,.. every lure ' is . used,;:leaving the .1net .•one * one.a.whOni; he cleverly identifies by cream. , .,•Garnish, ' witb; dhocolate. sioniter- and, plaoe..:'.'44,-retrigeThtier: Ilame' ; : ''. ' **' --• ' ''' -' ' " ' ' ..' *. , . . • 771r-agokuirOlkety 'Oat: the.. Italian .tree. • , . • . „ • • , . ., enstorn.was carried "to,.dani by the le - ter. tWenty-four hours; : ' . • ' •., , ti:ov:n Ouija!, Nut Cake . gime Of 7Drustis . in . his . campaign I./ . Ca ''. hi.1,-tter- Oi... other allertening, against • the' Germans, Abell; 1,0 , B.C.' IL 4no light• brown anger,: 2z "egg Yolks; Certainly about :thip• time the Teutenie % MO :milk,..iih. ezip• flour,•14' teaspoon pt? istiehOlie made his aPpearanee 'sad jot; .g teaspoons. baking powder...1 ly4; has remained,. With us ever erie 'cep: line chopped pecans: , 1 , textoPeon et. the priceless blessings and .insPire- vanilla. • - - • ••': ' " • tions Of a' large part of the human' Cream the the: butter • and etigar,,tegeth. rape. ., . , er• thoroughbri ''. Add. the. egg yolki In. the, pouree of , Mile, . the 'English, beaten nutil. light. Mix .:and !sift the adopted the German :Santa -Claus,.and, dry il/g're. !Bente.; 'add them 'alternate!". the symbol '',.of the., tree. at Yuletide. It With:the..railk. Then' add the vanilla •took' fed.. or five centuries for the -end4he pecans.and .pour intik .a 'ehal- church to fix December 25 as the Aide 'IOW, lane cake ',pan whieli..bati",been•Oil. Of •ChristMas, but ever einnethero has • dun ' to the ,celebration'dt 'Christ's' birth ' the .:_biirrOWTA.; pagan-TritA-1) 14 Roman.trenand 'the 'holly.n,o, Inhale. top of the Druids, ' ' ;',• .‘: •,. e I.... - ':A. thousand -Yore. later. the 'exiCesSea of Puritan rulein7ititgrardrhaniahed the visiblnaCcompanlm.ente, of Cliriet-. nine- Day, but Se deeply Was the cus- tom*.ingrainedin 'rang:. generatiOns 'et, •the .En411ah•that the'Paesing'ot Round- head :. rule found the ', old. 'forma,' re- , • .. HAMISH . The Year-old reservegran.d champion, steer, sold at $1.56. a pOund..at the. . ._ . Royal Winter Pair. He was raised by M. J. O'Brien Limited, Renfrew, Ontario; fed by Joseph Eaton;::Weighed 1,090 pounds, and .was sold to Canadian racking Co, for. shipmenOto Pittebdre The price is h record, ' • . , . . .., . . •. , • tart apples, and after Peeling and 'bag; 'cut. into quarters or 'eighth!, nel ; cordingite4he eisc)., Bilge oross,.$0 oat; into: convenient shapes. ,* . ' .'Pht.Cer a • kettle 1 Copfols'ot granu- lated .sugar, cupful of Water and " cupful of .white corn-8Tup Dell ..dewn. to a thick Byrne. Drop in the , ripple sentiene .et ' .tinie.,and • Siminer 'very Aloyoy. wok . and • transparent. Then nen: '4nref011Y,..1.1ft •", 'et tbs. syrup with.an ppen,apetel, Placa on tiangi and dry .(sniteee only) 'in the ' oven or they can he TollPd.,while Still, stieky, In shredded, ceconut or candled orange 'peel' orfinely • .ellOpped ' • taehio of Other • nut -meats„ • They Can ' also be dipped into -molted ChQ.0014140.:. Flavors and -Coloro. , Theseeonfectione can be Made, In•,a. Varaty, And ,Colera... • Iise. , 'any'''. flavoring • extract desired. By dropping some or the emat red':chit* • mon...candies, into' ,i4o. syrup on. iron. . .beecime.s pink With fine cinnamon. flavor. ' Por red or . deeper ,pink,.,:sim- .Mer. • fruit thick • syrup. ninde ..ot - •cranberry :Mee: and sugar. ' • "A-levely amber color le Obtained by • •• . Blinkering': • the. aPple. Seetione in, a llyrOP• made. of .thapleaukar. or brown , . , • sugar flavored: with --Maple:. Golden Cern Syrup ..can added to the 'broitrn Sugar and: flavored with vanilla in-' • stead ;of: reaPle, preferred,:: '• By add- ing..T bit.7.6t-40rOgeor ..lenton rind'. to the: syrup and coloring. it of; •otange'. with vegetable :coloring you havestili another Variety: ", delfghter„,•., fa green is obtained by using 'a 'green. vegetable ..colering and: Init.' flavoring . •• ',pistaCiiin • or ' eLseems no nd te.the..posil IS! • teiaelia..!otot.h,deisiv.freudit.„Cnoolitf:ittyd7s. �In r - fielted thr„,6..b.tzlaryteihbajrnut Init...bect)i6free4re•:141:111anligt,'..4-.. • , , Figs,Datee, pears. • • FIge, are etearned,' then .. candied, sPlit open and filled .with nut paste, or • .a hit „or,...matalinnillOW. •• Dates and -nrtmezi are treated. In the isante WaY, removing stones, • Of. 'coitree.',: • fruite are ',nice ,Simply steamed ' .end theeayithee filled with '1:U0Z:teats,' pre- served glnger or knashrna11OW. Tho aught: :.,• ..". Pear. :caramels:hre Here' 4*. hoW, rto make thein:' plhce h eateethan • 2 cepfuls',. Of ...light brown sugar and. yz, cupful' ot••rielr-tnilk, or thick cream. It • niilk•le Used. 'Adtri tableaporniful ',of butter' 'Boil ;fer, a ' few Minutes; then add chnfill of Pre.... serVed,-Deats,..11;_61. eatidie,d. gin-, .. get and t/4:,' cuhfttl Of candied. Orange cit' • lemen find,' all cu:t into einall. pleCee. Boil to the. firin;ball .stage, and pour into. bettered pans.. Whe4 CORI cut In- . .t7 sh4eirarlYrs.f.9' ern. ett •ben.l. a' do. , with • can- died cherries.' 'Here is the plitee"2 •eupfule. 4:granulated sugar,,:, ?h.:cupful :9f• water and ,tablesP9o.n. fuls white corn-pyruii in a kettle: and ••: bt;)11.., until it: fermi a .ball When itetted .celcl• 'water, Anal:. before taking,the Byrne from the fire; .stir In ••14 capfui .•of candied or preserved ., cherries.". .Pour 'the inixtpre over the sadly -beaten •whites Of •.' 2. eggs'ancl ,,-,pp.t.unt.i1.11,gikt,04.'toalt0,: Lay 'whale candied • cherries two inches &Part •en • waked or greased Paper and drop .the •foara. by ePoonfixls: 'on thd• preeSineenbther 'cherry Or a, blanched almond'. on top Of .eae,h, This. makes a pretty candy. . • , , . Honrever, the iniprint of .puritanisin for many decades,depressed the.Yhle- •tide; demonstrations of England." and the American 'colonies. -The tegistlese 'Writings_ 9f Dickens • and ,ot :WaShing.' 1:80 aeor 41,1 c. ti tdotnor:6witttho.?,!:0,co:olpt ssa,h_teai ol:eAe:nuid iof ow:0:1;1:i ttei enntI tvp irhoge tit:3 Americaan ,d.tiTeeip.iie'reemd aaalty- our conscience won't, let Ay; ,kill2,vou, but . how HI Yoll•eret: kalnodwoyMohkria9rWe I appeared As an expert 'witness': mandate i?3i the tilutilfulus8"(74 . be taken, frtirn ts dither hY, tYrahhical ticuosttohnireaotren thiengolarigishtnith4a6,tt;_rteheev_.tlinueTrooldr._ imagination. Whin you bliY:yeer. Chrisflitas Sup- ... seemed the,' .centre, turneci„.roSeate. is 'stitched On the, hoed rensibl.• 'and . • • hfids -of cni.rante-; rats'itta,..sgs, „Brazils, xxxul 'beg:aii, to treMble theti ifh„ far alt a tape ,.ihn through It. - This hhod, ' or.' date.p,., do ,•oti,• ever , give. 5, fiipught. the 'Men could -00, there was 'flashing :could, be raised' el. lowered as.•deaited to:what they :ere, .how they. get their of white tVingS.,' ahd Coming and 'going ;--,a ',.feature ':t•Ititt litter,ifeeemed• to 'far- . ..nninos.,r Where tlic.)Y come' froth? .' ,_ ot.• radihnt ,forms, and yokes, as4of 4:•.:nisii• Conaiderable. Pleasure.' Rosette's .,. Dates; • ' frOM :Arable, ;and_ Persia, multitude :chanting idtinieon,,i' ' , ' '1' f ' thlt. and •blue rihtiens' wei0', tacked zoo*, on., trio - date -pane. ' a The name -„'i.--.• •• • ""(IlorY to • God In ' the, .higheet,:and larOund' the need; handleanden a tiny derivcd. from. the Greek, weird "dactyls. on t *eartit• peace, . gOod•trill,., 4tOivarl pink„ . satin. comforter, heniined__With- ', 'lea," 'meaning a:- lingof. • Dates, beta , men". • • ,, • •• / ' ' •'" ' ':.`•••., ''.. blee -French knots, .. A tiny Pillow .sdri. : being ' preaSed, ,totik ' like. huinan Ph- . Not Onee .' te•;hrttiee, '. ,bUt ••many ered. With a . white .01110-icitse3 ,coni - .."gets, and the .resemblance still -,N.e- tfmes.---,Prora ,'"Iien-Hui.,". by :• Le*. Pleted the:outfit. 'mains it 'ileiee• You buy., • . , • .. • • . ' • , • ' ' Wallace. .. ' • . • - • - . • . , .. Three Yuletide, s'a Year • . 4 .. ' 4.-.4-.....;.-.4t*-4.--......., Gifts. . •• , . • • . - --. • , .".graiiis" ' aro .'from ' • 'Brazil. ,They. 'the -produce of a"tre, called the - . 4-Iitvia." ,' 'They. 'grow in ,tt bard' shell; ,.. . . . ,.., about the site .and 1115P0 of a child's, There is.one•plane. Wh.ete,Clirfstel_as. 'O.:shepherds. ,brottglit their •gifts ; to kept three .times:n. Year -in. the,: -• . * ,, • head, and, each 'shell' eentains .atiout 4 . :". fifty''o.,'... - .. . . .. • ' . •• ' chllrelf.a the NaOiltY': at 'P-e-thiehete.:. , .(Christ. ciWell *Wit' Ugi 'theight) ' • :, , .,, ., are d Teriety'. ' • of itituall. the .reputed. site of the Stable ,ot theAnd Icings tame- riding frotn.the dint :‘ .064ants':. . grape* Iim dried. • The„,name is put eor,' • ... . ' ' _ . _ .. Great lands beneath: the eastern, sky, The • Rotnazi,' GreekA., : hnd, . . , -7--whern. they ' r.InclOan.-.• And,: patient'•ox • .and . am. eteod.,•by,. • ruptionof "pbrinth" groW ..tmat.; Abundantly. , , ' •• 'With wondering: 'eye! 'and ' bright; Greek • bodies have each .their. reshec-' . , tive •tioction er• the Chureh, but.' their . • .. ..--,--,---":+tt''....-" .. •Christteas celebrations- dO. tiot ': occur And , Cherubin .and seraphiM. , Sang glory up the height.' ' . „ on the same •daY.,.... The -Latin ,Christ- .• :,.4.Tora.ii ...m , Holland,....vomit. .ukil Inas is celebrated at the Roman oitiv, Gods de.H ' ' ' ' . ','' olic altar on •Deneinber 25th ••• , ;• Thir- ,. • , , . . . , -. , .. , teed days'iate'r the Orthodox. ,•r---.'8-.77-7 . tette ' • • ' i. ••• ---- hued t perfOrin the Greek rite. Anoth'the variousilethiYPeWritere er .v., • Will,. . • ton days !later the .Atizientan' Church andtelephones recently introduced, •- • t • • keeps itS oWneeerernonial.of.flyzantine teed' to make wri ingse-, and,. . , ,,, Convers,.. .'.. ' tiere Mere Celorfttrt: '... . ' . • 4' King Of Kings . , , . . . o. sioep, celestial Child'. . 0 sleep; • Who hath • been befit ,The .nations cannot .say,. . But ThY prautiheritage ' . , They .will become one day. ,,• '' •.: ' -Alessandrii•Manzoni.. Faith. • . .. Yule -Tide Gifts • Blessed Yule tide 1:ring to ';u8 • These fair •gifts;,..we pray i Clearer ybIOfl strength, to do , Hight from .day to day; Kinder.hearts; more. sympathy For all upon lire's way; ' •• Hoyt much better thou'rt attended Than 'the Son of God could be. When from heaven He 'descended, . And became a child like 'thee! 1.4),' He elnrabertin His ,rnanger, Where,the •horned oxen fed; Peace, my' darling, here's '110 danger. • ftete'n no ex enear thy bedt „ MaYet thee live to kilo* and tear Him, Trust and love Him all thy': days; Tgen g9 dwell "for ,Over neer-tifinr See' Hie face, And 'sing His ptalget Link by link, the chain stores seem to be tying up a lit of trade. •' • . • , The, Spruce' is the Most beautiful of :Chrizitnizie Trees:Have you thought of the Opts handed down • from the Canadiah Spruce to the'peOple'pf Can, iida 'each year. • Scores of pulp and paper towns live en a spruce payroll; hundreds Of millions of dollars ei*tr. ftre ponred. into myriad' homes ' ot. Canadian workefeby the 'kindly hand ot Spruge We peak ot 'the Chridt. ma's Treehe the decorative back- ground .of dolls and bugies and father's Yellow -striped necktie. Ho* Chen do we step. to think ,that ;the. Treeitself le one Of .God'stinightlest benefactions to the Canadian, PeoPiei. Eternal The star that 'lighted Bethlehem ; Is young to -night; • Time .has not -diintupd its (indent • Ot shining 'light,' , , • . Time. de.niaot. inoVe •irionortal things To brevity; ' • ' In a • attar's Wide Motions ,awingsi' , -Eternity, • . ' ."--1•PannY, de • Groot , Hastings, 'Writ-. ten. for "The Christian :seiende Moni- tor," • MUTT "kiNDI - `By Bud Fisher., r1.0.5; 5 itt• SitioNEY, k•ptsAiEracb".\ • -cltrUft L 4int. Amy. t,irtt‘it et% AR' t".?11/41ei .l 14.ak A Pinii-DutTo‘a RIGHT IWJt-SIB • eDISofJ SAVI PuSti•-iTOTTOld` ibe A it. A oine..cit ALL . lot) CiorrAio it nie Eiitetinis ANA - AND 1116.. ca AIR 'COLLAPSES AND Itc-ot.tes ,FLA,Tt 'Nem witet4 Yoko Atwv 1/444.1p4G SUP it uobeR. Tt(e. Bet. otir o 'me wr.r. The Inventor Has Mutt Guessing. ••••4 SAP! wii111:111111111INI, ^T44 • 41/4*s 4111"m.4"14' ;(7 t,‘ -•:;',,k•,•.:,• • , , ./ e- 4e"e,V4 • .***,144,4 4•441111ti 4,, 2.4.14 • ***41,,••!4i • •••••••••0•111 Wu* 'In Mine • , The little:Ai:TUC Owe'110S in a deep • , . _ ind'reVerentlat Not a 'breeze • ; Greet star-shaped snowflakes tali .softly', in a zigzag.. journey frein • the shywrapping: the earthin a brand • tivi,eloak of White.' Cheerful. beams ',A Of light shine out through 'treated' windows on h • land of sparkling .•• beauty. ''ToWit tellt hurrying on Chrlet, MEM errand(); their footsteps Sound,' less in -the new -fallen snow. their patli• • as, Int :cape and gar red, White . and, green phekages. potted with 'flakes; smile And e,gteet One another with a' ehetttil "Merry Chrietztuts!"., • Gliding froni atore, to 'titer° goes, alast,,Minute • Shopper on Oils., The air is filled with ' the niutiCal sound • of sieighbeiie from 4i:4:i:earns. and cutters. 'One id hilt . expecting to see " jelly St, Nicholas • himself, with :bnilder and Elitzen and. the, rest Of his team, penis, prancing �utof the Sky, , When, lof. ,reindeer; pulling-n•sled -with .14.. fur.elitddriver .Whe might begenta, bound,s down *W. - street. • •'. • By Midnight the streets nate desert.. , I ed, the ligtitti out....:' The ..114,10: towa peacefully !loinbere. .On the eVe ef toiniVertiary- but aide the . _ BILIONY ktt.111 &HOU: ii."$ilCUCC 4.00 ,and 7" ' SttdderilY from out, of the' - _north genies the jingling ,cf. sleight. -•bells,..the -pranciniOr.b.P6Kahlefaet- aWaketted „li?‘ tt•',6„litirize. of sweet, , !Clear:Voices" rotelllngtho great Stott, ',Cittne.01/04: 4.6 Iiditlg1tt Clear," 'and .114ittle, •' Teen ortilethlebene."' 4. • A. Correction Mistake in, spell - Ing reedntly. =•`..it.ed. that. "tlire is no • eutcueo "fprotitivelling:." Indsectiot •