The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-10-13, Page 2•••
.g.o.,,vgaws v_vityP 4.,ti tiav.011.440 -
da S I 1 'T 1" ''''''' 4 c'''"r . '
. .,„ , ... . . vr - -
.... , .,.)r ... c, 0° • . ..v4iiryko,atib..104i3O:9t,obeipo.4,,
l',:ijktile4::::71i4; le• 1444153i.:4i!7'F'.4.II. 111'1:I.' '
ossqfl. ivihwOMO. thou here? colif•altis- Orlie-1 .,
•Oing•-,-afi,ai.:ChallengeF':7401hThae: he.
..:•‘,,liegt hs task? ':WI.W.•§,6• fat fronl•;hiSP, ':• •
.ANAMX$P, • ' ,;- diYirlOY• II,Ppel,hte,d, P Ini'Saiout ,The;'ran-
• ewer is. chargetlaristie of ther,,.114no ''.1 • '
PA 0.49#T.,10 Oars, 14. ' have been ii_erxj,ealcals . for. the ',1460. •
.*.',OMII:., yo*g.,...0.711!;, l',70t.Thkagc;;;Ae,,,i .1v,‘4.' '
' ' • • ' -19,72$ • ..•bnritint4eal: fOr'his Lord and an
J**1:T,i C,444-e,g•-,r)?4,§##P. •T• • , ftens'IS teed' "verythin'OP V•rhieh 'Waif •
00464:4'44n." -Y411;:' WOV *4,p gal* -1 Olikt .11'0
;-etyalliet vith:-Battl,-""krery.:,W4:014P. 9;*haa:failedi,,tliat he only, 4. tbe,;141:44• '0
Oat: the vi ,O.Ory,'Nvoll 'Ca.04",_:,,__,*L',..,prophet*e. 'IA lett, And nOW • that ,kie •°
noCcOmpletO,,, n'ler'VelellVelePIFq enemies : are'seelting, his life therile
e is
:Of fire • from heaven had AO 441104', nething. left:',fer- ,to G1)4.
.',t40,1•kgat•t§ 'et, the l'eePle:'. ;There 104' had-,ceine: there to die. • '
:bean; an inainediate.tieelaratt0-14::ther., Tut,-tbn terct•haa„.at111: more Weilc:„.
.people for 'Jehovah and against .13441!, iori, his Seriancto do; 1-1,1S/Itaiwer'•,tAO •.;
At their r4rieer",tY IMP(' Nlijah's `corilPlaint:, is ..".qe, ••returif.!'.1
t ,Th*f.P1Ougb1er• •6f.; Two. octifintisssonaftriit giYPn
hi:n .The
' 0'94 .4- the queen ,TeZebeli 'and • D•ao,a444 , jaii*hgaa'scask
;trf..110119TP*0---=3ah,, the ProP et,0-.43Fose tet,ble earelue*Y„ in the WQ •
t be proved. the prophets ,of Bgat'• 1!,t, the Tiger,. firSt. is to• anoint Hazael. as suit Will
47P-Shrtn. (1a,40)7•1113-aitttlair-the.Int-';46-06201aaiff,nr,-,11Ernifcrg
the depended overtliteW the royal ,hou-So of
,,,,,, . , • .. ..... „ ....
• . ".• ,Nt.
• . • ' ^ • .,
• g •
. • •
wrath Preved•71ak,.A1). ."VaCillating.aa.befOre, ,wono; eemmissum is to chaoSo; ad.! ,,Tinini !) a hnsky7.13117111tsYlin":atNirnDes'e"ilePa.:rUlYD.',71Cell hal(' ts' tt) grow some to
01101914,,t ,i,P,A,§1cd' oftho .pedplei. Ahab., and rem:L.4n his stead: The
eit4),411rWilting or linable 30 protect 'prepare , Elisha to,. sncceed himself in ' l''' ' . , „ • • P , , . •
...C.Zin•thestrnIlktn041;109 11'41: the prophetic office and to ca(rrY :ell I cat* ttp" to "-Is full;groivn husky 4,0 PoPb?..F. on the sled, •
.:„.;r4a,-.Altelf,Wsb'',a110-;cicUltanttir before • his workthah is adsured that there' . . N' ' ... • '
the elittriot•Of'Ahat the eighteen miles are still rawly ia-sraqi,„xiia Lti'i,e faith_
li''':ei*i-triva'4O•f:TeireeL, had, speedup
..5r ful to Jehovah: 'It in:eitidentlYnssinn-
, ,...0 :X., re' P41 ,- his life inf.* the southern ed in the story, that Hazed; Jellu,; anti
lirLICtRiRD-73;,' ' • " .., `'. '•'' '' ' l'Elisha each in his own *ay, will cell-
‘.' trt•V• via:01.i to. icoltEu, 1,$, • ' 1 tribute to the ,overthrow,et Baal Wor-,
' - • ' ' - ' - ' ' '' ' ship See 2 Kings chapk 8 9, 10 and
1*.:4:•b1,6111.8,t 1nel' noPe :we* ,mangle4 The,. home of :Eliaha it said to ha
-Pet"lierPair 4 the;P:e0Ple slloard rise' IIP ,tatice ,eenth'• of BatlYshan. ' Elijah!al October- exeePt flu), Perennial r•onta I Ir4"Y ue stered in the ;eellar.. • . .
mitirleet•OX the 'Posed* oanvetiuences.'bee.n• in the Jordan valley,: some; dis- done io. the .vegetable &er e ., ,
.'far-SlipPOt. istitheir. prophet:. : In,:teed; 'pantie ieFthe' symbol of the PrOphetic suc has a ' ra s and rhubarb }paw. l'be dens ••!vitli the roots-. end Outer
PrtherefPre•• Pot orplerunko tl-,-) dsath of ." ''' ' C/13.4 gu, ' ' I !paves, on just AP,,,,,..e they are when
Elijah; she i).411, hini.-.,;TairrAIit•g,-:. gift and effiee t° whieh..h'P' calls Elishe ' ever, 'sPinach and corn may .be plant taken
drive • him- :Pit of th,e. -country,. as. . ed • now and wintered , over under a It i3Teoretrinithmeedgartir:andy.p. rfortl!loe use and.
;indeed' she' 'succeed,e1 in .:deing, .•iski.• •• :__, , I ' Cooking ' .. : ' -'• ' •,,,,,:omontlittt._Cotc•iiiii.inta :aead_r, liayiiii."gri,:treitiiiiis'ivii, :n_ivelifttl_ZI:4d__bi._..,iibigro .•••-c4fir3 on , a , ellor
hoping to be a. disciple. .
red.li3NO.hch:'„:„deedS ,O-- 'blood as the kill- : Ih'Y'• Dressing --Put through the give you. the • earlieg, outdoor grown shalt • That Portion' O fthe - Cabbage
•Ii6ruthrleti goo# Ooul.d•amOrnPliShi •;-'41 -Cluciten --
1 c a f od di° P r sweet green pepper,),salad• next „spring that you have ever i F late ed for uso during the
' wn and the 'spinach ‘from • s ored in a pit .or• trench outdoors.
4 °C. tOber:1, spring In011thi ' Will IteeP.'hatter If
ctober- in the
Ahab tad jezeb41' ' The 'queen's 3 • ' • ' '
*4'g:ee thaY -„,10140310' 1.qu'te THfi CALL -OF ELISTIA, 19-2'1, •
. By C. C. Wood.
There is very' little plantiog to be
' - -
with much ,soil:•,.as possible 11
place them .close tegttlier. on tbe
cel -
lax floor, If ,the cellar is too:light for
, the foliage to hranell'. properlY, they
may. be covei•,ed with newspapers,
'Keep, the roots' =1St but 'do not get
water on the folipge'or rot Willyesult.
Cabbage needed...during the winter
ng o! thprcretS 0 aa at
or 4.thellea•PSflare.'erdered: by"Iehn. at',.the„olaiciten, Ryer .and,sufacient crack-
aincttia.nncl,J'ezi*el twenty or ht.gre era about to -half •fill. the -btril: ' Sea -
year later (2 Kings 120:1-20)•• tti•-taste with salt;PaPper,:i.mtter,'
':1911e'Whiecentury• the prophet 114:)Pqa sage ;and a little onion: The ehickeri,
Alta 41 •41.* housq, nciahe stuffed very tight as the,
dressiite•,• swelia a great deal. during
.declariVihat'ithe'LardWenld "nitenge,
ist: w,s•'i the'steaming Process: ,Wheit. prener-
JeseOU:,X1130h.ha4:•;get‘0,4earn•• • ' • 1 ht
ly made, this, dre,esing a, very g
planted..seed,*111befar,.abeed of that
planted. at.the earliest,. Peed* Artie I' Dig.' a- trench 'wide. .enengh, to . accom-
atter; the- anoW leaves 'in late winter. 1 modate three. rows of heads and as
Fall Is also , a good time to : plant long ae.needeci. Line this trench With
home .1 a . few inches of straw and place the
asparagus and , rhubarb' lit the cabbage . beads down mut:roots at-
reets :not only', relieveii a • Part of the i•teeiled.. Cover. With a geed layer of
garden. Fall 'Planting Of these hardY'
- • etritir and Over this'put enough earth
• .
t.0- bare'.•iti...prpfita
„ Real ZOtete InYeetnleat Colabiningthe.-fo,110Wing u_n„Usnal
to ;t:beiniestor1 • '• "' ' ' • . • ••'
• • • .
• l';r ••1,01-P,'Snregl. intareet, retilrb asvan'-PerP:'aent; • . •
g, PeOetnr,l'o.'WnerAti0 The OoihttVeree TraasPartatioi,Bill14ing
and •Paraipationi fn..dtiqtloAttw aft)* the „origal,invi)stMont, has
',Cheep,. returned with. iseyeb Per,CO34..,Infereffti ' • . • "
,3..• A bonsi cesamon .Stock Soda -Vote 'In tho. ntanageMent of -one, Of •
• the finest buildings In Canada. •
4, kr interest in One pi the moat prominent ,corners in, the CItY
los-onto, rapititY,increasing in value and irepottanen,
For fll1“:•.'"i40". in the attnehed 'coupon and Mail ,ta.
Weft: et, the Septuagint makes- te.ieqetldTfluff,..F7Orerr-nlaY--beTrnad?. •.wOrl5 spiring but , they , ,
l'alniesS4te•,hegin' 'the *7°4'0, the Stock, if ;clesited. • , • , • tilsle -to ;get ,estab fthlf.ttithheavet-bra-ewitte7intrg!)*1°-wenillrdg-P:farwertiaYe.'
— ,
'It at • the .1;11am) • iowi ivith dry , afessitg, truss and -theY are'. all..readY
• y to. goe '!,,.°Phical.1- gardening • 'in, the 'fall; October is a
od time to start • I am sure you
As snare.' is..yoti. are ,Klijalt and Larn ••1!loplt 11,Oast • Ohielcen. Stuff- a; Ing weather cemea on
• .
• -.t1•11m,r•-•,
Business in
Canada Shows'
Steady Gail&
4teel, ana Autoinobile Indpi!
tries Active—CrOPs Are
.:.',;:''."•;•09:017Is.'!: '
Ottawa - ,--,- Business conditions Ip 1
Pcklnatln, are- steadily •IMProVIIIff- SM.,
, :Iron:and .stool • insinstryia .mpre *Wye
automobile precluiption ,11f. increnisinfO.
building..end- eenistructiOn are ' at
,Ili4h•lOVel,..and 'a, setifsfdetOrY rdevelnli••
IMost Of early •fall -trading is,reported:,
• in most • parte of the. country. ' ' 1 '
, ..h',..':INP,;.0..uligi1;01.4,0.0tI•htl.o" ::;Woreallitrht:k., prPovil4eva•e114. .
clear .conditione. ,havir, beeii :lit :ell,
'ii denee;. and'. threshing: Operation4y del
rbtYed-bY-reeent- raina;-artte-ngain,•-•gaii
eraL , Harvesting is now in full sw1,001‘
in each. of • the, 'Western .'prOyinces,...,•,
1: ''Yieldts. running 70is ',high fiEf' 69: buSlik•:;!.i
t.,els to [the:sere, ter -wheat. and 100. to; ,.; '
the' acre torionts...haVe ' been •repOrted7;''..
'by. the Canadian RuilWay. from' *ants
along their lines..• in SasbatcheWau
` 'alio 'Alberta: . ' • - , , • .• _. • • .
, The whest production •of the. three, .
prairies provincea•• this year has been . '• .
Agnced 'at 424;312,1,35.-bmiliels in the '
preliminary2estitnate of the .lVfaoitoha -
. Free - Press. ' The estinaated eat . pro- ••..
Pduction IS 'siliOWn at 12800300,433; , bar. „
ley-, 82,61,000; 'Ile, .14,879,80,.. and -
flak, ,3, 16,1,399 bushels. , , • '., .
,, • While foreigfl. trade fin. the month
of August is Well, above the; figures
for the corresPendiOg Period Pof hist
ydar: an adverse balance 18 recorded.
Imports. shoW„, a. aharp: increase Over
last, year'e, figures,. ,and :exports, al-
though .Wellr, above last year's total...,"
Werif";notr-suflicient •to.• maintain a ftv,.'
vorable.balanee., . .,.. • . . • ..' ,/ ,
• .GOVerllitlerlt ReV,W011e Up. . ,
Ca71:!Yera.°1rea'.11....frasYtO14.ri;.;1917.°:pnaraps'c'er, Qtr'17$1'33,:, .. .
,60;50, is ;reported 'ea' cOrnpareid-With-,-:•.- •
e favorable '‘balance ,Of 853,012,04o:ill
ii4C0 .Correiqionditig period,laaVyear. :.•
Total trade fo rthe .flye-moutn period'
shows:a sUbsta.ntial gain,: being :$933,•7
319,9,89 as Conipared With $900;294,3'79
in the .CorreePonding, Period .•'of • last':
The Oldie* EST 1883'
Bond lieuse hitanada•
, Soo BAY sr, TORONTO. ,
Por yea/rn •eliery Oonci, Isiue recommended and solii by :O. A.
Sitnison Qo., "Ltd., paid 'interelit anci-..piiiwipal when due.
.•••••• 1.•••••• MOM N.M../ .1.111111.11MINI0 .1.1•1•1. ...1•011177.70, 11111•01.100•MII0
Without -obligation Sand 'Elle !urtheriPartieulara.•
• 14.4161" • • • • v.., •• .. • • • o o • •••• • • • • • 1'8 ..1 • ..'Alot• too.
ADDRESS ••••••••'••••••••'•••••••••••••i•••••••••
ingt-of 74., '3, -,fc,And• :El fah" WAS af raid," as for --'roasting- "and'-',81Mmer--gentlY
Bier.:ilteba;',•tes. Which' thxprophet • ;
with -a billed amount k water iti the
rat came,: was in the ext ..outh pan until the 'meat is tender. ,Lift the.
to which pilgrims cAlicaen•out 'carefully, rub it Well with
and was a-,•fanious saae- • ,,,.;
alemirY•tt• t.h.6,..twe,.kin,•0011aot„:.s,,yas milted, butter, salt and pepper, and
in the 'terrtory�f Judah and soout- dredgoSlightly:'With, "flour, 'Bake, bi
s'Ate,the" dijiMniaillS.a, Ahab. c011#00- the eten, until well browned all over,
ug .a'rdity's',Ioniney. he .This is more Moist, than the usual
lit".lise.",goriWert-the Wildirness, `..roast chicken,. ' inetholl7givea ek-
I111';`,te•litOing. thirt.iria!grdee:etrert te ' •
4re•••;:he',ket,ed,liurlei#''U'iter to cellent tresults when: tile: bird is old:,
!. 0
tp,-ithe pure worship . • • _12 '
Jehovah PaY°rY Para-Ples.
-incF=e P'ProPetlY• Remove the sarines !rem ..tin .then
'•-"•40Ine'reehaah,'-': a Shr4113 that: skin' and bone.' theta. This ,is 'quite
grdwa 'tO:the height of seVen or. eight easy 'ifsP, they are Placed,Separately on
Plant 'the asparagtis in we .
.0611 ilx :rows at latot-:three ;ea. itout ! will surprised at the cm
:antttY 01
and lo to 18. inches apart in the Iv*. t; Material which' can be grown fn the
The Crowns Of the roots . Should pnt„anlall aPeee of Anat.:one frame. , If yeti
small. plants of Orem]. itapida
three Or four inches kbelow the sur-, l'i've
face of the 'sou. Every,thing; consider 7 I lettuce or one of the Ysure heeding
ed one -Year-old plants are . the beat)/ kinds growing in the garden, trans -
size te ,iise.:, .." . ,t, ., , . ' Plant some of thein to the fratne pro -
from ; freethig during the told
••t7it-inay'7-be-well---at-this.:_tithe_to_zilie I teot:
soine., thnught to . the proper Stor.ageNteither'*d.;:Yeti'.should....have lettuce
during November until Thanksgiving.
of :the , haryeet from . the vegetable I
A .gpod. crop of voged There is 'still, time to'. MatUre a .crop
tables has been grown, it surely paYsi. et r,adle4Cc inthe fralne:•. 'rrY one of
:garde*, After
I the ani.c15- Maturing varieties suck is
to give .the 'question:or Pproper .storage take
enough , attention- In insure .them .isia-1 Sparkler or -Rapid pAsd,,. ft may
in kept in good, condition Ulltil.Wailt•.:8012”) :OXPertrllgllthig, to : ,I),01,10Ct! your
' toe nique in fro -Me gardening but tho
• Ver,:a*71Angeli:the Septuagint ;say's,•vs, dish;•,Ptrun a small silver knife: down
Conditions 'suitable for keeping
'`.'SOnte',‘!;firie'totteltect:hiM.1.!.. • hi.: it ,•the aide .ee4off the skin. Theo' onions '• 'successfullY., ore, .entirely. : , •.
effort Will be enainently worthwhile.
feet and is plentiful:in that region.,
,...Likqhe anger of the Lord: :The f)rophit- 'Pet the knife throtigh the center, open
xpreng. ter beets and tio on throughout° v. ei • . .
• fintin, ,thrtit„hi-is not •friendiess- -and-- the-, •fish., and ,lift Put ,the . backbonot
the.' "Whole :list 'Of VegetableS. Three U.S.
Wile; • riette-.Watehful,..oeile, is nbent ,the Sardines iria basin and pound'. main requirements mat be takeir-in,-,
Put ,11110:',Iii"the Wilderness' 'Of his ''deePair, them. ' To a tin holding about a dozen. to account in storing these 'Crops. dup.
and his angel's,' are ministeringto him.1 ,
add cne teaspoonful of lemon jui e, to anada Gams
. .
'Impelled At rope -de•ep, unspoken de- . ' 7 c 2 Ing the winter,' namely, moisture, yen-
. .
. F,-,••e)he.. gees ,upon the long jclurney ` to te,e9ii ,s of m llt,.(cream if pre. tilatlon •and temperature.. In storing
.h---w-lit-re Moses heti his vision -of faired); lounce of butter, salt, Pepper -...
th. rent /crops • au& as beets carrots,'
rod- (Eicodus Sti,-2)7" „ . -and.412.da-lt of: ca enne. Put it into a rutaba-es and turnip ill .a Pdry cellar,
. .
. Tlig;riivtrig VOICE, u -In. • • ' ' moist sand7-should be spread-- over
..,.. • sauce -pan and make it very hot m -
, , „ . : -. Ing heating all', the time until the 'them to keep the roots from wither -
The word of the:Lord 'cameto him. Mixture loks like breadcrumbs. Have 'Ing. This will not be a cessarY in a .
Of the experience ' hire descwilbte9ed, 'fi,idy ' fingers of ,tvery hat buttered A that of non -British countries,
Skinner (in Century Bible) toast P. or • fried bread:, spread' with cellar carrying sufficient. inoisture.
If nited, States was the, largest individ-
ItEiljah is Pomade to realize. the 'pres- anchevy paste, drop the mixtnre•lighb may. be handled in the sante way but
of the .parsnips and salsify
toil source 9t raig.ration to, - Canada.•
'perienoe... which,' for grandeur . and' lY °n each piece and. serve very hot. the, part not oeeded dining the -winter
ones of God in -a spectacle and an ex- 1 Immigration 'ire= the tnited Oates.
Figures for Past Five Months
Show Arrival of 12,387
• :A NEW BLOOMER. DRES8:.•.: ..st9ve• The -re shOuld bp a little of 'the Of CoOler Weather has already Created
. ,
1656 -
. This attractive bloomer I with each helping. a demand for neationable wearing ap`
" Oa ' a small' head. of letture into and the • wholesale 'dry goods trade re;
tia•osa. hail -sauce' to be Sci•v
a 'two:piece skirt. gathered. to a 3rOke • , Letti-ce Salad , ' patel tha.t is quite ,up to expectations
, , . .
ports orders received for.early spring
placement somewhat. 'above the aver- '
• • • • • ......
Dinner (or Five
Flank steak With. vegetables
Lettuce, salad Hot Hot, whole -Wheat rolls
., .1de cream, With. caramel sauce
Flank Steak with Vegetables .•
. .
Choose . a :flank. steak about 1. 'Moll
thick. and have the' bntcher. score
Bream it nicely On both sidek-±in melt-.
•ed 'suet and. place the meat in a deep -
.iron itettle.',Orthe .fireiesd. c,00ker, vee.,
set. The,:piitch 'oven, too, Is a . good
pliee te: get* this delicious dish, Cut
.lemon,:,in. wafer-thin:epees; nonce -a
_greesiL__pep_perpmoved. then
lfrom feh the :seed5.
and. center -lusite ham
. • .
add :1. cupful of canned or .freSh toma-
tees. -Distribute this mlitare'oVer :the
inoat Seaseu_With teaspoentut•pf
salt and 1/8 •teaspbonftil •pepivr,
11V -lien••'' tile meat- haq ..,6kien Cooking
an increase' Of apreicimately 5%000,000. "
in national .revenue during the trill
five' menths of 111-effilscal: year,„ not '
witlistandittg : !reductions in inceme.
about 2 , lay. on tep: of It, the: an• d sales "takes.•' •
The GoVernitient reports'
desired -inimber of potatoes; and
mtg. cut into quarters', Ining to a boll
aguhn. and cpekIng.. , It,
take , about 2 hOnis- of P:sksw . cooking
to bring 'otit tht'fiii:vdr in this 'disb.,
Ctistoma dutieS,yieldeil "an increase,
. • , ,
. .
rearly • 7:000,000 i nate total re-
yeerilb, being, '71,504,795,. SS compsrect
ritirtliiio'd64,,a5s61.1.;7770 .for1.1=7 e.orre_so_nding
:. eai
Add water occas lOnaii Y., if . necessary, 1 .1'•all merchandising is particiilarlY., •
if the meat :is siteMered on:top of the ' aetiv.e in ;Central Canada.,; The advent, •
reifirns for the last five months show
, „
Opening at the back. 'The Tenn n c
Is finished with a' &liar, and 'there
are pointed cuffs on the short Sleeves.
The bloomers have elastie run through
an -d- leg easings: No. -165(1
sizes.2, 4 andP6, years., Size 4 requires
21/4 yards 26 -inch, or 1% yards '54 -
inch material.' Price' 20 centi the
pattern. • •
HOW TO ORDE,R. PATTERNS .• One tablesPoo,nful', of butter and, two-
----Write-y.our-name-apd_addres _
of Milk or ,water
'depth 'of.,cOareptien could. hardly be •• • ... ' ' • --r------4'
, . . • . ' : • ' should be allowed. too remain 'in. taa. during the Tie. nientha was 12,337, as
it:lags:lust 10,996 In., the cOrrespeinding
sUrPaszerin literature. '' The.. Lord • , ' Motors' ' ,I 'af . •. ' . garden:to be "sweetened un't•-by th
palses' by arraYed in; the.'torrers: a • • - r : . • • • . ' • • • •-• • • • • • • 'fli,, inenths of la.8t year; ' . ''' •
action ot• frost A 'temperature just •
Immigration from -other non -British
• . ' - an - ety '
.sto-ltr, earthquake and -fire; but none-- 'Providence Journal:- .. There Is still - • . ''''' - • • • ' • • . • -
right for these
' Of •these' bring hoe ".te the prophAt I a -:more serious „need ..Of a .,•raore, 'alert above freezing. id all , •-• ._,_ ,. . 0 ,. .
&mottles 'was 5„1,..7lh. as. knit . 36, -
the' iitonediati,,, seus?; of* God:. It is' official'superviiion of °cars . ..nd dri .• vegetablea'in gtorage.. •• ' . , , ,. '
t, and; .-,h face ;in his mantle, • roads continue to carry ,many thou- 35 tdegrees' with 'free eirculation ot '.2,9•23', Ffil.eish, 2,949 -,': Italians, 2,194.
fifths' and place. each 'piece on it• salad
.. • .
plate for ;serving. • To % cupful of;
French dressing:add% teaspoonful Of
chopped' .onTons 'and:1 "teaspoonful .of
.Svieet pickle relish. , Four' a little of
.this dressing over let-
tuce and serve inirnediatelY.
'Caramel Sauce',
To; two, cupfuls of brown sager add
,.,,hich, 240 itt the five 'remit 1926: In the -
.only, in the audiLle ...stillness' WhichJ. and of 'more drastic -1mvs for .the
o , o graver highway
vere The onion. is one root crop chief classea e:' Germans,
succeeds On tire that he feeis- tha i punishment • f .th ' absolutely will- not stand the treat -151,271,
.-1-• 7,425; Ruthenians, 7,048; Magyar,
mysterious, attraction' of the divine" Offences. Urban greets and rural , • • . 4. - " - 4' 'S
, • ment ..given the roots • mentioned i•ia
the foregoing. A temperature around 1 ,032, , Non, egiall, 3,37 , lovalt,
,..4..„, , "ands of automobiles unfit for use and L. . . .
air and a. dry position 18 just right ,
• ' British Immigration for the last five
' ' ."-A-ifer 't:,.' ttntis, ands of incompetent reek: . i .. .. . . • . months tOtalltd- 36,306 as against . 31, -
lie fira. a still imall many .•
1 24 in the five 'months of est year.
conics forth fo the entrance of the •
for • spir,it thP -i-.4esrts of :mem TheLord p.essible of accomplishment in the w v
a- toes require more heat for, succeseful 20;
nun' Pkins/ squash', and sw,eet ota- .
P Tne u6,306 comprised: puglish, 18,-
1%03, God Speaks by, the „coke of, his less and intexicated drivers. What, is
Irish, '6,551; Scotch; 1,0,211.;
' dr% autla9;' of: •0-ble.en , under 190,009'P popu a- rp- se Stored on shelves near •. e.*
W II' 1 272 ••, ' • '
aPil great 'sod 'Strong reety is indicated ae. the lact that Storage -30 to 60 degrees will gnawer
LLLW -grind and tilert-bqdakg and ere,. b', -rt he', tion -Wkle on the honor roll of the Na- the furnace is geed treatment for
• -wind. etc. • - i -
, 'Ilizerf is zot .3,r3 tbcP:L,•, 4.1 " ' 1 Seloty Council for July. Byer- theae traria'...
It is,: trul that ln„. ..celte,.. 3*_,..ra..41,..,* P?,_,IA. ° ett, Ifiasiachusetts, with a pepulation
' "CM!) ahl Testaz3ePt 1104's 7-5-17"'''' of *44,000., has bad u0 fatalities , it all
' as using rucli agencies' and rzvealing ,
th4a YPar and baVenport, Iowa. wittl
!1.9;,' 24:17; D.,..1t. 4:11-12;. Judges '., 66,000; 4 not xeg , a .
Ikanself tbroarb (ricsaus ' ' istered -a fat ills
55), hut there is . here the fti-ther ' since last September.
' lesson, which Elijah at this time. so
•*, =net rieo-'*ed le lean,: 'that net, firel In evidence yesterday motorist
and. gaol but tin still small VOity-,,ii! said that. fa ma a_gerti,e,•aa to ho. a
;the fit ellIblein et: :t-1'4- Petl'n't (e'efriend" who wars"..a0Proaching in an'
gentle and operatior• 'of the - • . •
fot6,4,4 by tvbic-b d in other car he collided with him. Striv-
e God is built ttp." • gede t.002ncb:p-'llirg or wreck, so to gPeak:
MUTT XT•NiD JEFF' Byl3nd Fisher.
. • . • . , .
— — -
' Tomatoes, although seldomlian,
led awe ,stored erop, may be kept for'
use long after all 4outside vegetation'
has been, killed by 'frost: Select par-
tially ripened and- the largest Of the
green_fruits, *rap in paper ,and store
ln- a cool,•dry place.
' • Celery, .endive and Cos. lettuce may'
be kept until well' into the", *inter, if
stored W4 th roots in Moist sand
on the
• ,Merchants in western Canada. aro
--preparirrg-for-_--a-big rusli:_nChitsiness
on the theory that aProximately $Aop,- •
000,000. of new money will lie• eire•a%
lation .fn that eeetion of the ,country
this fall and ,winter. Limber stooks,
the chief criterion of Prairie busineSec"
are. Well. up in ,qttantity.,,— '
• ,
ly, mimbei: .and size 'Of such
- and, heafelowly tis the boiling point:
patteins as-yam:maid. Enclose: 20cii i i
-3- stirring until a little of the SYrun drop-
ouch .0f, salt ti oli.e.,.t..eaepoorittil oi 1 riu-1,1erha.sltiailtrttoonc• 4Ptiosatp:PpeTahi etio'es,13.:raessibatleennt
• . .
Add orie,laisiespodorui Mere of butter
pour over' ice eveam or boiled :rice, It
Pn,'---e:-n' 1 it e• fishermen and , the pa chel:)),', but.
Use his authoritY to hell) ,
Vanilla' end stirottly until the. butter 1 (ovidge Pto
Is melted,. Retrieve front I .97 a
tleeired• Wartn.(1en tee sauce over heti.. the, trouble. lies 'beyond .the power ot. -
the executive •to renietly; in that it IS .•
stamps" or ,coin. (coin preferred; w ap.
ed Into cold water. forms a soft -hair.'
it carefully) for each number and
The teitelier Was questioning his
Chime of •boys ron their favorite anther:
And now, boys," he, said, "isinmesifig
•yeti Were making me' a present of a
book, *hat author would you choose?"
'When the hand of 'Billy Jones Shot
.up the toaeher ! was surprised, for
.was.seldOin ready to answer
anything.-- ',Well, ,Jones;" lla14,
"what author Ninnid you •choose for
me" • ''All Caine," was' the reply, in
Fishing Industry -Hit -
address your order to Pattern Dept,
Wilson Publishing 'Co., '73 West Ade-
laide St:, Toronto. Patterns sent; by
return,'mail, • •
• ,
• . ,
Lots of people mean what they say
when they state they haVe nothing
but synapathy for the deserving Poor.
th eliar ; Dig the plants verY `feeling tones- •
T;14-'11.Vd, tkioto_t?.
r •••1 , • 44
seise.CiAcp tAt6i-1/4
4113 Loti, Atssts
cA•IPsYr tV.„t
'or "rp*c er
6Ack' k-ktikE.-'"Atir' A
1%,itt.t up,t,t_dy ekNb
,You sacto
Awl p5•T',?
r c Atv't
vA1¼i 1T.
fe.1 •1\101. r ,
et)6@ • ,
lf.30,0•/ A(OU AD
(-kg is:
Tcg itge.
' Perseverance is More prevailing
than Violence; and many things which.
_ I leaving them covere
cannot be OYerconie when they are
hen until needed. Make ths.earamel sauce.
together, yield themselves 'up
If it 13.1.0 be nsed cold; if need•warrn,
taken little by Ilttle.,---Plutarch.
., / • inake It jllf3t- before serving dinner.
.-ro Save Time - .. -*
• . • .due to' the unexplained falling off in •
the supply of the fish. Trle Lis may be,
water' tnitil needed.' .. .. .
:In the morning,. prepare tbe melt ' aknd probably is, due to the EretarlliC
for searing and mince the green pe ii- "
1 unheavals which have occurred In the '
no--toea• i,North Pacific in recent, 'Months, NN.•hielt
Per. Prepare the carrots and ta
1 * t 'ome scientific, obserVers assert has;
An official,' of •tbe • telephone epm
.pany was :rudely aroused from. Irla
first sleep by the perabitentringing of
the' telephime.' ,After stumbling *over
enieral p18005 of furniture he reached
the' instrument and liftelik the receiver
'Hallo!'" he growled,:
'"Aro you Mr, Boll ot the telephene.
conanany?". Weal:rod a pleasant Wilco.'
4,1 am!" rinepPed the other: • "What
can .1 do ler yon?" , "Tell me," replied
the pleasant voice, "lioW yon like get-
ting out of bed' at. two in the morning
to answer a wrong number!" •
Put the lettuce in cold water to crisp
It neeessary. . . , •
• Three hinds. before 'serVillg
start-. Coking the meat. : Two hours
later, parboil the vegetables, s.eparate.
1Y. 'fay 'minutes, and ad them to the
meat, •
'Half an hour before nerving tbe
meal, set the table and ,prepare the
salad ,R.eleat thewbote-wheat rolls in
the hag in which they ,came, If ,the
Meat and 'Vegetables are .pra•ctleallY
done; put ' them also into the to
broWa attractively. When ..the'rolls
are hot,:serVe the, dinner.' ,
Caused' of the fish to dle..far •
from their Spawning greunds, pnd
whIch; unless .steps are taken. to, Tre, •
yept the destrtietion- Or otli7er9 eri7theIr
way to spawning, grPettpds this season
nuns inake it necSasnrYto nrohiblt tbe•
taking. of any.,salmen whatever in, 11113
-waters of Alaska.for.n. rerlotof ysara:
Mutt Locates Jeff's Pet For
rift !RI 1197f, fj i
..111.1.,0411,111.11,11 .1 . •
• prdnestoilmesisonw!..~••••••••••moi.4.07•0
•• •
..Y;40.0144 .
• • ' •
• •
' •14;14',W •,
•••• •••••••••
Rtiditi• and.. EleCtions•
Brooklyn eertetti that • •
the radio 1:a, introduced a 'new teeter
in Our politica. The next Presidential.
canipalk# 18 bound to he'intensqled
by the facilities the:rii6io ha; •to crier
candidaresS• ,• inthe .old &LYS a clltlat,
date for the PreSidency.oetild not hdpe •
Lo reach more titan a smallpereentago
artists foters, All that is now. ehangz
'ea: -With 'the, natiOn,V,, hie; .linolcups
'and fatilities for an -Inlaying, the Int --
than veice..theseandidates Itt iltenext • .
co,mpaign wilt no.jibir to rernr". '
direct contatt 'with tlid
will tit)..cide the eIection. tlIty;
• the:. voice 004.,0:101i;06: 0 c Viilda to 4, as *
Well OK their itierts,.wili 'he nvi,l,t
count ,as tleYer,l.t'etere fit -r
• test. •
pit.; rt5i,A
er en tfre'i.)taion't raillT41,,wes .rtveIt•
rcent1. by f 0' •P. et 0 .• Pi•
gl t o I'
• , I I
1"tion PIttney,,
1 Rtrne nd 1Orts
Ouety tra,0
'While lending t Ito s-eitcli Ian*, Tictree
Called rt neighbor to attend ho r father,
and .theit*, ell eking - back lie r ' to a fel
WOritea_Ahe • switCh es hr fise Itourei
without itsta1Z tin1 b int1itiLnt8--
arrIvod, 1TerfaThe'e,+„artiod'IntoIbi
• "statien bUttdIflgo *Wthle a fell
...18.• •