The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-09-29, Page 8BAS* MOAT THE 4UCKNQW SENT1NEI+. m TIWRSD-Orp $ MBit%lt 29,•19i2'l• • this visit 1 t nee es of n 1 M rou ew, 'aal l i 110er .. mutest :: Styles t rs; to *yo, r eWir advantage- •on Far Day to Vidif our, Mill- inery Dept, . A lo t of smart styles are ',here to greet you,,., the.chic'all felt`liat Can be had''•. in seVerainewest shades, The. d :• , Combination, felt • and velvet a'strong :number. this year.. o x t o visit'u .° tri rte u s ;'Sows v Y on .`.Fair Daly, These Hats, ,a . . ,Priced‘lOw. for.. uiclt telliing '.'" n, -so make 1t :F• .. FYIan ere. oe e d s ..- mgoods pt �;�are' e' � S� pee 'S e 1.a 0 ir 1ewesWinter -,inter Cods. ;Our 'large. shipment of Coats ° is: in for„fou to,'be'delighted With 'ort, Fair' Day-, We.: have, never; sheY n. you'. Such' a large,'. Well assorted display. .They. ,consist ,"of the. •' latest”' Modes.: Are ' from: -exceptionally wgtin cloths in prettiest'. colors for falt. " All, fur triniined, and the shawl Collar is. forcibly . in evi-, dei e. We invite you • to. make' use; of this Jig al;owing •of view is onFair Cod.. Day. The 1 � 'prices `will , snake. T o.v p you happy tes Silk Crop() t...• acid ,Satin Dresses • We. • have Been- fortunate ' in securing �Y 'for, you a large;, shover-,, a in g of , Pretty Dresses •' of : the . heavier weights. • The ' darker 'colors are strongly: visible, , daintily trimn}ed' with bright er , shades. These -Dresses are �• s• all a to3whatyou u u y pay up ityou ' for. We invite e '•to inspect these at our low price ., / • , of • 9.95 t014.75. ' Don't' m';`s .Mi's theese" on Fair e s. Day. y. ere to Serve Yo IO1 :E .ri21. Pa � 'ash Buyafor Less ..'y C 'y X4.4' •• ere r�nc� The .late Jahn Oliver, who came: fromfEugland :and=oominenced--•his, , • Canadian career as a farin;,worker; ands later rpse :; be 01.ern er. ;Ofe British: Cohnnbia, eft. an estate vat ,,x T1io''ideaeVthat -the Scot • will not "° upend. ;lmoney was';' dispelled this;, month ,ao far�.as • travel is concerned by the thousands • of ~clansmen camp a` hundred miles or more • ' train or .motor to:'attend the - High land , Gathering at , :Banff; : Alberta, • held in September, . A shipment of antelope from Cin 'Ada to 'the United States is shortly to be mode: Charles Blazer, rancher, •, at Lake'Newell, who .has for years: inter'essted' himself in the preserva-' tion�,of ..these: animals, has. con 'treated to '•delivertwenty-two • head. to a Texas- banker.' It `hes been announced that the • '.representatives 'of the Cuban potato.; biyelrie have agreed to take nine hundred thousand : bushels ` of New. Brunswick :; potatoes”- this season. • Negotiations .are at present 'under. way with the •Ciiban'•bnyer"s;•for \the ':sale of the Nova' Scotia potato crop. Inereaspig ,inteiest has -teen. ehown. in. the organization of boys' and>giris'• swine clubs throughout :the province of "Alberta ;and nevi 'clubs .have been formed, among ;other r• ",places, at Pincher Creek,. Macleod and Raymond.. To the *inning tease ,,:in Alberta berta the , Canadian: -..Pacific:.; Railway awards a trip to the Royal`• ,Winter Fair at Toronto. ' The 4,000 sportsmen whd made returns to the Saskatchewan previa tial gamekeepers department .last. year secured a total bag of 100,000 ,duck, :26,000' prairie chickens, 6,000 ruffed grouse, , and 3,200 geese. _In order to obtain some idea of, thelip-' proximate bag of ell ' hunters it. is to be assumed: that 12;000' who •did not snake returns secured .'the' . same average bap. PARAMOUNT '.U.F.W.O. J the Paramount U•.F;W.O.' Club met . at' the home ,of Miss '�Greta,.Campbell- bit Septi 20... There ••was, 'a' .good at tendance and a_:good pro ram.: •• The roll call was:•responded to -*by 'season': ablershes�i Miss,' J� ifaniie�on had charge of the marketing committee. and a'Tso read ori :essay . ori .`Canade• rfrom...f8 to;192'7 " :. 1..paoot on `.`flow; pluck makes oiir .;life • worth whiles;' wase;prepared by -Ethel Martin. ; Solos: were., rendered •by Misses^'. Margaret Button.* :and Amanda :"„MacDonald. Readings were' given .by,Mrs.' Wei)' Gardner, Mrs: McGill and Grace' Pep per. Mouth organ and a;ito harp 'se-, lections 'were much appreciated,'. from Mrs. ;Jas. Webster' and , Miss Winne fred': Mrs:, M: Hogan also enlivened the program with several 'violin se lectiozis: Orders were taken for peach- es arid pluses, and; it was arranged to. hold 'the October meeting at the; home of Mrs. G.; Page. -Press Secy ' Results are 'what count. • Whether' people buy •, for cash or•` pay 'a • dollar d'o, wn, : possessioneffects the same nose elevation. An unfailing indication of farm . prosperity the increasing sale of agricultural implements reported by II nearly all dealers.in. the west this -year. The demand for haying 'machinery has been ;,especially heavy, while the sale of threehers, binders, combines and tractors has , been etceptionally large some :firms reporting froth 100 to 200- per cent. increages in the sales of .these • When the Canadian, Pacific Rail:. way train bearing 125 delegates to„ ,the ,Canadian Chamber of Cora; lacbie, B.C., recently, President S. --B- thindy requested ' that a brief stop he made, during which the delegates paid tribute on the allot rwhere 'the • last Spike of the Cana- dian Pacific transcontinental line Was driven. linking for the first tinni :the East to. the Weat. Mr.. Gundy sPeke briefly of the, courage and' visimi of the:builders "of the railroad. ' Alberta's potential coal wealth ia greater than all the known coal de -- ...posits. in ;the rest . of. the. British --Empire. put. -together, according to, Sir. Thomas Holland, .chairMan of the Empire Mining and Metalluro "If the presept-Ancleavora-to -change --coal into fluid fitel, caPable.Of snd ,a1r Its pro - (Wets, are eiloteasf0,4,Canadie *NV-. take the Place of' the United 'States as 'the world's -provider of liquid AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Farm in •the Township" .of Wawanosh. of 'Edward Haines. 'deceased, Will Of. premises on Tuesday,. tha eleVenth valuable property; natnely — The, ty. of ilurori,. containing, one , hundred and 'one4:alf miles, :from the' Villttge of Whitechurch, wide mile from School and foiir miles frpm church, en . eighty' acres cleared and . about ten .aeres of good bush,' and all the clear- ed land. is in grass. -28 x p8 with stone foundations tinder both 9bearn And shed. o".' good 'orchard and a good well vith windmill and Pun* attached. The faun: is" in. TERMS OF SALE:, Tee per tent ".)f the purchase morieY ori the day of ;ale •and 'the balance. within thirti, iays thereafter. The .purChaaer Further terms and conditions of, sale will he •made, known at the time ,df, sale. er niaV be had on applidatien ti the undersigned, and , an imported travel coat At the same. time And 'place will he, The bride is a 'graduate of the-Uni- hold goods and' effects, namely: 1 lidelrard, diniag room table, chairs, f; kitchen chairs, 5," cher, wile. ol ply 1. kitchen bed,' arid pillows; set el lied springo, a' ouantity of bedding ana table linen quantity of wood_ split and . in the ieeding -Cattle, .. --tliurday Oet 6; at the 'Fair Grounds; Ripley,. as follows: 25 .feeders; 50 Yearling • steers arid ;heifers; 10 cOws: Iltst elaos, grade Otirliain elaSz. Stanley, R. 3, LOA,. - LaCille Getehell of St, Paula ASHFIEID UTED • CHURCH. ABs e--Hkett Church A�miiyersiry will be`"`h,eld, next ,Sunday'; Oqt. 2nd, when'servlcer will, a held; :at .?,3q. the afteiriioon rind 7.304P' the eYen- ing. , The .Rev, W., F. Lane, . ofa ,Se*- forth :is tho;..preacher ter the,, occasion; The choir are preparing speeial, One-, , is for.the, .daY; 1084 B; Roberts'on Ked Mr. E. Henderson halre , kindlyprom. ised 'te sings at both.:•' ervices. At: Blake.' and' Zion. the ,aerviceiare, • withdrawn .next • Sunday in: favour .of r the, Hackett 'Anniversary, I?erhaps' whatgave distinction and most value to , the , Rally `services 'at • Blake .nd 'Hackett:Jest• Sunday.were. 'the. respective` addreases ^of Mr. Hor- ton rand Mr.', Zitin: • eth . men . got.,be= hind: -the portraiture of Jesus so the congregation timight see Jesus .only.' Mr: Zing made a fine point.€wben he econtrasted beholding of d the 1 .for p, _ the • bacrifice , on Calvary with. a11: rte sublime mea'nlig 'and maaeatic sur,.: render from - the keen '- ;manner . in• which- thousands 'aria .thousands ,,fol- fow.ed' every niove .in the coarse, scene and,, brutal pounding of 'the .recent Dennpsey and'.Tunney fight. • The Blake 'Su rintendent felt his Position. keenly as he presided at the Rally, service, On.'Sunday by,., the sway .the perspiration dropped' .from his face. But, he did 'Well. It would be well if we had more people whewould sweat , .for some special . interest of: the Church. The H a c.k e t t congregation : was back -to �'its-ugusl splendid -showing, last. Sunday. The rain on Sunday ev ening 'doubtless 'interfered some with' .the' gathering of • the Zion • people. There, were : a number of •vacant seats. 'Biit:.there are few congregations -'that quicker and ' mere. appreciatively get the oints; .of the address and';' have: a keener -sense 'of. humor,, than the. Zion.c owd ma :o r ��, r S. .f� • OFFER' ,} AjeM BOYS TRIP TO: ROYAL 'rA/R • Will •be Guests df Ontario °Depart A'NORTH 'DAKOTA WEDDING . ,CTlie bride referred to, in the, ar r' whichwe take fro ;title. he ewith, m a Grand Forks,'`N. ;•D:, newspaper, will be remembered as ,:having, :a few: ,yea}•s.'ago, spent several months, at, the home of :hex uncle, Mr,: Phtfl p, 'MacMillan of near . Luckrlow.] Talh' cathedral • candles'' :before a:' fireplace alcove° banked• "with" aspen- .agus' fern,, baskets • of gladioli and' sweetpeas; furnished'' the setting f6i the marriage at 4 . o'clock Thursday. afternoon' of • Miss Marion MacMillan.. daughter of Mr., and Mrs:. A. MacMi1-•: tan, and Frank LaMeter , of Chicago son;, of Mr. • Peter LaMeter. • at the: 'MacMillan .home, 618 .Belmont Road Rev. F. Halsey ,Ambrose performed the ceremony, using the Ting, service., litent of AgetOeiture, TM Ten „fortilnate young fanners from this county will''ependr•three,,,dars Toronto 'at' the:'.Roydl • 'Agricultural' copier, ;Novernbel tient ,:of A �,ricii l' t u e A 4 r i > Y t 0as.• the . uests of°the 'OntarioDepart- the' epart thB, Goe nm t,s.p an,vhrchha- just been annOn:need in :its ,final form; the boys :will' be .provided,, .free •of charge,. With railway; fare_,froom the,; 'home station to"Tornt'o and r'etuin with sleeper: 'berth 'end ..meats; on thr.' train .for ..those -'from .a distance of; 200. miles or n'.ore,' an,t •ary- further,: transportation involved iii tbe`topr of the stock yards;°'atiettoira factoripr; and ;other commercial .coin-,ras• are u tic p institutions which ,has beer;. h planned :as part of the 1uo r � g amore. during. their. visit to the T+ ai.r. , They: will also he. free •f.; aortic nvii:etisonightfusr, lodging' .aecoiiiodlition, for fgilr' orfor.their' meals while in •TAronto ?t• ls. the "sort- of^thine: that 'most .boT: dream aboiit.arid seldom realize,; anti;; in this casethe Department. of Agri- culture is playing the part.' fairy' godmoter. Tt ius.felt thh"' a vitt tothe:TOW,' Winter .Fair. \;"hick •1-44 -la 'it; show, , • MiSs Blanche 'Turner played'. the 'accompaniment for ;,'Mrs. rocinald Stubbins. When sh4 :Sang "Love 'b. -same preceding. the eereitiOny.-,•M,iss Turner also: played .the wedding March front -Lohengrin and . :selections front 'DoWelt_ during' _the ceremony; ' . Precededby.the maid. of honor, ,the In-ide entered the room ,Or arni her Sather, who' gave. her away.- She :-hiffon Made' m Period style, with a tiered skirt, slightly !conger in back., Besides the, rhinestone ' erne. ment she. more in her hair,' she wore •a Venetian ',cameo pin; her gift, .froni the grOom. " She carried an arra lion- ‘tuet or pink roses and sweetpeas:, Tier sister Miss %Katherine . MacMillan who was her maid Of honor .end her - poly `atteadant, Wore a' gown of '0,0,-. er shade of pink gOorgette, made, and 'carried pink roiei an6, ey' his. brother;, Roy -LaMeter. A buffet Supper was served -to '0.eStS. "in the . candle -lit .i6oms after ` the ceremony. ,Miss Maude L. .jehn- son pouredwend she was assisted. in the service of the supper by Misa Derethy Fitzgerald' and Miss Evelyr for decorative- effect. • ' After a 'short. trip tO Detroit Lakes Mr: and Mrs. Laketer ;will go td cago, where they Will be at horrid on: October 1. For' travelling, Mrs. Lai 'Meter' wore a black satin. dress, with biabk velour hat and 'a fok 'scarf. •• - wounds never' got, a deep. 'cnt in' his 'vanity. Months will he aceepted. ' For Ciqlt-'--rorrt 13inder in good re,. versity of North Dakota ' and is „a en, ber of Alpha ;chi ;Om ega. tau ph t„, s. physical educatien '`'in the Rivef-Falis"-aelloolsttlitring the. last year. , LaMeter ,is a fgradu- with' Beta Theta Pi fraternity, .11e, fore...taking hid present petition „taught . ineitideir i; .MtVille; Mrs,' gr'eeft" of Detroit LakeS, Mrs:. Gillin Sarlei,,N.D., and MISS emmes 0 ring the 'fine7t livestock, poult,'y an:" horses; that the stables and 'herds • nine Provinces and many :States car offer, :will be • an 'education in pro .gressive agriculture, ; • The ho'ys ; wi1' e : able to see for themselves the toaster breeders of the. ` .couti'tty -hiive tccoinrlished with- their anima--.. :and they will have ne'v^icieal5 Of- stock f stock ,perfection to~`take assay • witty them: They will also he able to mak eomparisons between. fruit, . grains •end ,dairy products, °.from" difTerenf Darts . of the DominionNorninl - coup-- :try-ovg-have--ii-keen..intp e�.L rn^ll live', things, andthe foxes; 'rabbits', pet stock and :doe's: exliibir�.^-X11 sho ., them the i+onr"mercial possibilities : o'' these specialties on Canadian farms - They will also have the thrill of see. ing the' finest; amateur lion :ew,en a'nd, women' op the continent ,taking • the jumps : in :the ,Royal •Iior Show, un- der theeves•. of Lord• Wiliniedon, the Governor=General, and, many;,. 'other visitors prominent.' in Canadian pub tic life. ,The =boys :are to be selected `by means of ,. special "Royal", 'Junior - firmer 'junior -farmer iudging 7competitrops, to -.be held "during "during October.: •Conditjonsgov,• dining ,,these;eompetitions (high mip boys to be ' selected) --aide'. ac follows;t ,v ��,,,a !`r`nt.estrnts hill :ilalrve, five' ri'nu� ., of live• stock„ and- Pave cia'sses of, crop tingly. WHEN VISITING' "THE FAIT, DON'T 'FAIL. TQ COME`• ES •� AND ifiISIT THIS'STO}tE, THERE' ARE DtANY, N>�V• LIN ..:_. .SHOWING' IN ,CHINAWARE,, ' GLASSWARE..:-InYPERWEAR,• YARNS (LISTOWEL,' au-PFAl'.O 'FINGERING AND 'WHEEL. BEST ' 'THE S *DOUBT Ii WITHOT� A V T ING XARN), WE; SIA E • AR E T, •p N THE M K QUALXTY. OF ��VHT;ELIN.G YARN O.. ..: . ES. SPL AND AT . A. PLAIN' VyH'ITL CUPS AND.•'S SAU• CERS ,' • ' .CLOVER LEAF CUPS .AND SAUCERS: , AND ..PLATES +' 'I GREAT DEMAND, HAVE YOU'. GOT:•, ENOUGII ARE, N � n, . FORr.�,V1I•EN THE 'THRESHERS COME? . CROCKS; ;•.SIZES'"IN•S�STOCK,-• ALL LUCKNOW, TART ON • . U products,; such as ...grain," small:, seeds. fruit. and ve eta$tes' •potatoes; roots,g Special crofts may . be included, where p,, production is general: over' the. coup .try.. • , i . Ops • o The �shall he.. e t 7 h c,.rii:ietton• . p n , all. farmers,. and f,ariners': sons. living, pn the'farm; between, the ages =of le 'and 23 on "October 1, 192'7 (must not have reached' twenty third'•,birthday.)'. -a•nd who .have not• previ•ously repre, -sent •the',coulit ais a member, of . r ,� eel. -,tock.n dging team at:the Royal -Win-„ ter -Fair, or'are'. not • graduates : of .an a;ricultural. college or agricultural school ,Prizes .shall be awarded On aggre," gate sco res only,:50 per cent. will, 1' allowed for` placing, , and 50 per cent. for oral'"treasons on each 'elaas ;:;When:: •com.puting aggregate. scores.\live•. stock and •crop products, shall, leave 'a ration e•f 3 to 1:' The' possible score ' UNRESERVED AUCTION SALI5'.,01‘' W. Albert Campbell Will ..offer Concession 5; Wawanosh,' .,-WedneadaY, October' 12th,, 1 Aged Mare and Percheron ,1 goad Brood 'Mare,' la years Old, foal, et :feet. Sired by the. Great ewer, , bY Peter .the, Great.: this Mtn. fat; 37. Two-year-old Heifers, fat; 'Yearling-Steersrl. Yearling Heifer . Dry Co.vi; '1 Shorthorn. Creek Chief; 1'76949: 17 Oxtord Ewe, • ,13 Oxford Ewe LaxcbS; 75 Irearrril .POrebred Plymouth Rock Hens. ,ioint nOtes. Four per cent.. strai;iltt .allowed for cash on cred, t • 14 Now Is Your Golden Oppoitunity Every Article 'Without Exception Offered At Public Sale Far Below, Value Those who know how rarely We put on a Sale Take fullest A4vantage of Every Opportunity - Prices have been cut down to Stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Cloaks, Cut Glass, Silverware, Novelties, Etc. . Still Htiqdreds Of Bargains to be Picked Up at a Fraction of Their Worth Don't Mis, This Chance ou Will Not 'See, Such a Chance Again FAR-REACHING IMPORTANCE - u ,Jewelry Selling Drive • intoracing every article in this Fine Stock at lowest Prices known in annals of local' retailing. ervy! according to good business. • DIAMONDS , A Little I3eauty, Reg., $20 for $10.0q New 'White 'Gold • Setting, Reg. $30, , Fine Stone, Extra Value, Reg, .$46, ter $27.50 This ii‘ Twin -White' Goldr Reg $60, Large. Single Stene,, $75. for $52.50 One targe'Diamond with, Two Small Diamonds set in sideit, Reg. $100;" ‘43i •PRIaE-CUTTING. Ladies' Rings Salid Stone' ',Rings, set .vyith1Birth- stones' for all menths Ltidie' Gold Necklets,. • 14-1t Solid Gold 34:25 lip Bar. Pins Signet' Rings Gentlemen's' Heavy :Sol- id! Gold' Signet Rings; Cuff. Links A large Lot,,vf Links, at Saar!. Piits WATCHES Ladle's' Wrist Watch .$4.95 . White Gold yVatch 37.6 White 'Gold. Pilled :Rect.. : Gent's Wrist Watch." 0:75 Gold -Pilled Strap "Wat.ch ... $14.75 Gold -Pilled Pocket Wateli; • OPTICIAN •