The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-09-22, Page 7••a r•^ i• 'Tl4e Cri minaX Europe :Versus• U.S ' A Wt? W of, a U.S; Authority Who t 1a,a, Studied Crime and. Criminals in Both • Countries • We 'pi, Canada nricic3. oiiruelvon,'anti rightly .so, on ;our courts of juste our lav ehservstrtee .and lsw` clifirr;t:13, Pneumonia :and influenza, , leave' the went.. •• We' knew tlii t ,law Crugurce-^ natieirt weak, Witli tiiilt bl 2od and 'nn,. Y}totlt wiLll our: -neighbors LOt>9:e fSoco . ileal nerves The Porigd of con is •not their strong• point, Stilt, ifi With' s Il•,'c:PUr•o is' often lQllg and • tI).11.1 , 'fi'Itelert•.��e real) an article colriparirri,<. inll years, of ,Pour health, have, "fro the t`t,t 5; fvitll'i�_iYlop l.<1s to c('itilo end,:qu' entry followed, so •brief ..til' illness as 'trectt , ell' etim I' an•attaek•of infltienstaa of 'Pneuinonia, • j}� ,1*, or l :nail;,,-'r.ho,I oly(lcrt, ..• ,•, 4 c' o . iu"'.lfti �ti' . d-, t Q' i 1 r li u ll f tills ',sort o -misery could 1 QI o, t hal, • ro_1t r of the line 'be.: avoiciec.I by taking steps to. Heiler • angel the iesul:ta;nt unst,abil'ity of c:iti- zencinp is'a'Laoto• r'..which. enters into. tin the bleed sothat it,.can,,oa'1•y 1to' c o the nerves and' other tissue's ,of -the: hotly the 'elements. they'• :iced: to ren-• etlbe th i I normal functional ...activi- ties. ,aclavi-ties.:••'7 o buiIc1 'up".the,.,blood and re- 'Stere 'i�t�:to' its' rich, health• :vin •. -vf r - r R 6 6 or,• no 'n other medicine can equal Dr. Williams' Pink : Pills:. ,Front P s. .first to last• it iS'11ieir Mission to 1iiiProve' the THS TONIC 1IHAT GIVES STRENGTH After Ae'ute Diseases the Blood Musi4,4 ie 'Built Up Before' gecevory is Complete, l'i:v1as ,r tel •other aeuuto• diseaSes:Y1,ike Dolitics;ae}oas the 11nen',i>olitics• `cateec I gag . 40:!r' splitting to boost, party' vcu�lfnt, :lawyers I]tr, • Louis N' Robin o.1 te.,Gribe'E'•tiio situatloiiray a:;•m4m • bei of the Natl nilgai t,Iim o G mml o it siot. t }} se, • h - h t h ere F o,out, c o • la ire• let -down' "Eilropo• in" elle: e eral ate m .. g l},. .. 8 nt'tq'blood a•.: ,restore nd thus,.:good health melte • punishment•''t;,for wrong-doin; and vigdr. • • • swift and 'coitain tho`thn that' 'e value •of:. these •pills hi condi- •atri`lres one's. 'attention. is tlro,'absenco by the of rz tioirs. described above. is 'spawn am tendency."ta :turn to mere se-, st terueut' of Mrs, Rebecca • ver; t ilalties or to a harsher prison .,,I Nov,1„n, Pcirnbrohe.,� Orit;,• who says:;.—:.In v re irie: din 'the effort :to Stamp. • out 'i ; .'t,',' • ” . ,, ]J23, I 'rvas;.Htnckon .with•pneumoni.a�, Irverywhere, there iN ;manifest .and at. th i ' A 'time but. litho h pe was. ' ' a',movemento so1'tei th t _ e a critics � , _ . 11 ed out for m reovr qq c e Ido eu r y Y. W e ,. x o the penal a Iand a ' i' i P law o , m t ate the g. . will i th est o b of :c4re. I wits .1oi?mer harshness of prisan"discipline. walk 'abou f f" t tt tel some •.mon'ths. ButI The long sentences recently: imposed dill. not. ,recover: my strength.. I'he' g b'y .certaiir American: judges "are• re *rotor r -. o. told: me.'I'�was anaemic., 141y� l e < b r u o�..,all students a c. 1 t t, e s as a' re-. � , 4 .� Ili tows r ' I •• re�enervousand a a d o Pr o. t:nYrr to the cruelty,. Of 'the' 114:u1416' A ties,,, ye'atless,: I 'Wee...deathly ale':and .rac+ YP.., p , ;,1i;1 a fti °t'•hei•; incr ease' :ifi the. barbari•, tically ave up : hope of: ever • Hein ms'• s; difliCult to 'ex- ' g 'tips of -our pris strong. again: "I�owever, remembering :hail. l to. tiros •ltl'o'leans: , o. 3, 1 that in. in ' 'girlhood. 1 had . liken.Dr. The question :will ..now be •asketr Williams'' Pin Pills witt.'a Gldea.sec- On ,what, dtltuioPoan'countries' e 1 Y gess, I, decided to"try t em�a;ai h.: iieepdon.I3y: crime? Leaving out 'of' thethne 1 had used t- o. boxes,, there - ((aunt those 'sadly ameliorations of was' ono doubt the• pills, were :helping, t!-fiJill°.both..,, u•Falleans-sand-.Ainericaans-uso:-I..wiauw^o: Fre l ly rP nscigrsis tending•,-attendableto . td :my houseDo ld. duties;. seal. trimerwould say that ;the "mala I continued.,•taking, the pills, however;, `r&li, nce 14on' the 'polico: a In other. until, I had used ,twelve,. boxes, ".by while we, Americans. seem'toW whieli tinlo I was `,'enjoying - better tlihih that crime, can. be. held in• check' health. ;than .•'at; any'•timo. in the prey pt ilislii,ig severely an'insignificarit .fr'a'ction ,of. brit %criminals, ,Europeaus llty�ttti-ii�rrui;c�itszsti vet. i'nipase'reasonably• mild. penalties On ' a% large proportion • of'• those: who o'f7 'revealed the• fact thati whereas laforniation hatl. been- laid. before, the police conCerning.'„,senie .14,000. unijOr • .felonies, arresta,• had. followed in Only guilty. " .‘"To .trttat to the, efficacy, of' puniffit- pean 11.1 an •eXample of ,Mirlipaated ef- - on. the cantrarY;.,.haVe built; tip fOrces that • denidedly•Tisity. fey an' 4•34fr.idol.fo engage' in criiiie: • yisitor to, European 'prisons .:1S. --the. a ;Tirtgoh.ets,, ,•of a, standard of care the 'entire staff of priaon. guar.(' ,siniillY to make placeit the' over ,has been'. notion Of Public administratien: or of vious• ten years: In gratitude -for, wbat the acme for,,me, i'give this point the WaY to health:to some ether • "You call get these pills from . any Medicine- dealer !or .."by mait at 50- (As. 1:SMILES4, Money ,isn't everyt�iing th1ng takee 'nioneY 1. but every • 4 *log Pse.•ens good for a smile. • S'ome Polite don't, 'hate, to'• patronize, loan sharks.. They could, itarye, ' ' Patent ,('gaspingly).-'„I''Seem a .little brlaetter,•oath.„doct lri• but I'm' still. short of •Doctor -� "Have' p•ttieo e . ane,,' Weil ?t.0ti0,t:+I.-.,1,-„ ....,_.',. — -.1t, : Gladys gal's he f lend Clarico,uis off• attain. ` fho• thinks that the hear= leek le .ail attaclipient .`for a sewintg- machine.. ''• . She---''l.,et Me' 'speak.” ^: l -"o ', 'ou ` mean.. 'continuo, 'Ilea"t rr yoi1� n In 'a name, n -hi a b 0 . There may o h t. g r but wile would' 'visile to+named a, ,bA c.. Slcunlu'f.. • in•' What is the tont of thi s roa ,. oi , eluding; the piano?" "\?Yell." suggest ed ''the landlady "perhapp • you'd be se good as to:. play •Ine something first "T From The, Outlook L' En lish. Had'to earn g �t •ts 'of Sir 'Among the ' man ' col ac, g Y . Arthur Currie in France, 'was one With nian• wh ae Frenchman 'a Working'o a of rn English azed the den - era'. The . Man used even; .Canadian ti ak Whei• didyou learn to a e e e P g. liah. so '_11?" Siy: rthur asked., learned it in Regina; • replied, the.' Frenchman "Ibad' to learn ;English'" there: When yetget, asfar..west as 13e;ina and tell them ouCan't .speak D}ghsh,:hey. tel' .,,•'so to"•he 11." • i•, a' box front Dr..Williarna' Medi- 'nell <1ne Co., Broekville, Ont. knov;•• tliete'S nothing like them .•rirettritains to .gpt, ria et the old rid..et about one thousand. In the past two Weeks lifYgPlf." 'Auckland Weekly NeWs.(14..): The Colonial; Empire of • Greet Britain covers ,moro than, 2,000,060. Squttre . -..- proper,' Pabilt _protection ,,.0Q _sp.ciety iiitles1-- .7-iyielit.-OV--itlei:: tropical.. in char;- erfininal lama" Of the; States. or OE'. the, 'Llnited.•$tates1 so :far ',as', the detee,tipn. : nothing wrong:With the Peliee of. the StateS ,or.' of the ijnited.:Stetes. 'When' 'the' Vast expense et thegzajnited States ''.1s 'conipared with the. densely venti- Apparently,: is: 'the .differenee ,between ' of the Police: it isn't beCanse of.M11(i• . civil 'are :derlved 'arty. qUite as severe the :United 'States than in ail 'other *had '•.c: tent of' el:filar:1)r jorttiptud- frbnil then Otif and its t :vahle.,7Many.Parts:'.of inapt be left work. there .only for limited :periods: • is ' much t.topical:,' terri- tory„. . Hit coniplicatea..: administra- tion., it..simplifies thel'utlire,• in that colite.elowly,,and:•iliere :will net be the claSh between .the inteinesta Of native And' i.;iuropean :Which other ,colonieS and • 'Plaeteril Africa, are,not. Of this' • • S. WII J'0 Mireght refrarhity pant to•441.4ticat44,040440, , 4.34) 4. HER B LUMP AND WE grateful '''than .a benefit Conferred UP- 'epterin LaVoie, :Three RiverS, .writes::—"Baby'a..0Vinn 'Tablets ere woriderfni''' Medicine %ler little., ogee.. They nev,nr.'10,11 to regUlate the habil' Stomach.' and ,boWelS, 'Make'. him Plunip and ,well, ,T alway.s. keep it box and:, can' be quickly, banisbed by break Up:.Colda &vet's, :ex- ile" Wormei-4i..iray7metlijn,g...p.tins.•:,and. promote'. healthful, pleep:• They' ;are. guaranteed Le be treo from lnjuribus est told. child„.: The; Tab - 'Tete are sold bY ,nledielne dealers Dr migraine, ,Medichie '„Co,, ' '. Merchants and:Polities ,• riesa • et. the . merchant .. Class in, Cotten appear to- pe, itnitubs to- u.iiite,-,in.. any inter/16W' :With the „inilitarists , and. politicianb.. -of the Kuomintang. 'xaow controlling:affairs in •the:citY; but iii- •factoiy girls, Of camping; opt •in trent el% tion to: renensider th its order to ',tux noneSsities 'AS: luxuries, It is still per.miSsible in Chicago to say 'that' neighbors 'live within gun Shot of' 'each. other.--4fitansas GqZette. America,. has, been remanded for the state Or hid' Mind. to -be' inquired ink,. ,.Opeli•doontlite 'helps men 1,0 lead. an, p ere" tea of flx est ,quality, free -of and packed in ,Alu,ninumi A' artyof Britishpublic schoolboys arrived`in ,Canada on Saturday 'on '. the • White „Star "liner Albcrtic to make."a tour of; .t . '.. Montreal, 'Ot tawa, , • Toronto Algonquin Park �d New•Yorks to become .better acquainted with Canadian and to :understand the points of •.,. .. _, ,, • ." _,..,�. .'view ',o f other nations bysnc3is dfpersonal'frlendsHp.• Theyare in .char e of Rev. E. S. Joao* es -Farrow., M.A. RCambfidpe '[nivers'i third-from-4heeft in -the frontr w a'id Rev. .Howand J. RoseM.A.; pf Oxford University,,on theextreme rght..-r . .•; HELP IN • UILI) C': 1vA A Start_lng Y oun Canadia. ie.l2r ght With a H. earthy I oundati.o. n Recognized as of Naticn►i"'"Importance PL SEN DID'EFFORT •4 . GoVernment Caps a NotableYear With a Notable • Publication n f, cc •The D ' om pion' ov r'rlenCanadian .. G e .n t has 'izst' ubli�hed "Thehe.Canad a _ . Mother's' Book," written by Dr. ,Helen l IacMurchy, chief of;'the. ..Di D vision Child.Welfare of she Dea�tmexlt. of He�alth'at Qttawa.' _Si , The • foreward 7 h e neatest • ift lIs a `child and the � reates't gg hong is' m r to a other and the Introdu t1orl ThI �book 'ha be C s ,s been written fol'•Canaclan,-�.:mea thPalTif` The' Government • Canada -knowing -that -the -nation -i i"m-esanx-hat-the-, homs are male„ by :the, father and • mother, recogne's you: a4• one ;Cf the. Makers of Canada. • Nd National •Se•rvice; is, greater Or better than' the work , of the Mother' in. he :Own 0 H rile. 'The' p Mother is the First•Ser i tnt ,of the State."—These tell the story ed !milk and • clearness. leacher•Of Literature in the'Old and POPular expressions were ,frpwried; Carried, her .':ihoniht fOreeflillY abre,. and- Underatapdabiel.bY!, anyone whe can. read Words, of. two ,syllables. • •To ,strees the important points.. Dr. .'Maelgurchy hag resorted „to repetetion so '-that-N.anY MS, l'erionsly Wanting net:possibly .fail 1.6. have .her" truthis Mate langnage ProVes het .as .great. a. - The old time method 'of. "ffelthir the• little Pet" is Paet,4 an. throngli .watching and .1161Ping ter flag 'rise .e.' fair s•i:eti.fainili fully .Mether'S..Beekts.,,wittiont,:*doubt,:i.tne. of the .mbet.• notable' ,77:uventb•.„' marking lent :pub:ligation Whiely,Will be mailed laWai Canada. Advice' to' boetors • ',mere nes4p.atier- man the. father', of a. suceessfully• raised. fathily ;he rdelall'etheSitate,to .Say that ev,ery .eupnlY -Of. these little bOoks on hand. oy Child Welfare 'and 'we-'eongratelate ac :holoinopoli in. China: that Chiang Ical...Sliek,is 'returning; to, the old.2sYsteM, farming ,out '.the that financially..affairs:, are, far ..front satisfactory • With the .. tneW .• Govern-. ment. cOurse have sorted: with membership of the Leagite of country, ' fib*. • that the' Chinese,' delegate to 'Geneva lute departed, it „IS possible: te,.hacrince the shadow .of tintiation of campaigns.' . Eiperiments of More thiin: 'thirty Years have PiOveii.that ,Altirninum is ,:the best •t:ori- it now packed ontylin I num, and eyeisr'. p4ekage id, guaranteed 'tO,be in 'Perfect. • Moderates Prevail rePert of the Trade Unions -Commis- Welt oil the. develOpMent tree tTnlons 1926 'slio*s that the. Vent; spite thet2..preAritilint sebaek the'. pita' ykikr. 1'644'11'Di:qv membership „the .man- net.- that' .might have; been expected-. .The. unions • were 14 nattal for the extrointi. eleinents .to gain the .111Mo' liand,, tide Was 'fortitn- otely not' thettaie With the Austrian attiOns last .ymr, tor moderation, was Britain. and U.S. ties are...More Superficially" alike and created' hy :our :insistence on regard- ing the 'Ilriltod, States'. •tih' a' Sort of nations united in a coalmen, destinY whe ,. Must Perforce, think. alike mon aims .and -tt$piratiOns,.ete. ;It Is blunders- into welch 111114 rnisdencep, tion of the , real relatiOns betWeen 'the cpritinually The Willo.W of St. Helena 11a,,., ,ROSE, ORANGE PEKOE is.eztra good. Sulu Filling • Practically ever striae silos carne into• use it'. ais.;been •bn•e. of`.tho,-cardl- .� s . n e, l r til a a tl e o t}o .' `r 'a ion t t the av . a • ...f.d, 2lo.,e t 1ta sia ni } ... st ,V. I°' t• o>i:clii hl .tram u be @ Y it g 7 P led as Iu t to 11e�en t.' melding a_nd oil s f n ,age:. :This job'of!•trampiing in'.t'he silo 'is •one' of the' ose:• disagreeable is�ag •eeable ones,••.oii'=tbe infarm, arid the good wages dentin ed: adds ' quite a littl • o -he d .. , n e.. to t,, cos of fi lin . t l ilthe silo, The high h cost aiiTd scar<it ,of• labolabor Y led a :number of farmers In difteffrent sections of the co'intry'to: try the plan of :fihiiig "without trampling, and sev=. era' hav �e 'used it the last three or four Years "with Perf act svcce s. Many clam• that there .is less .loss from • s okra ge in • silo filled this way,than. P $, s ;�. u_r.de'r•,the'oldplan of two or'three men tr tri lin down the'Silage, a •P g 8 ager; ` day .not trampling tale sil'lige, ;arid' us in snarl ensilage cutter',• rac or a et t g and and a binder. . w ith bundle�..loadingat- .„ t, a' farmer and' his, hlred man or bag,caXiafir - the s10-nithout extra ,help,', greatly ,reducing the : cost and • labor of'filiing he ii t '130. e -The advocates -of -the non trampling Plan rec mmended cutting :the silage' plenty of wateF. if the Cern; is freeted ;and. dry, and directieethe..fillerpte,at pile, ,th center .tending to puSh" down". and Oa . 'peeking 'the ensilage. tghtly!. 'itiftiTelliii tat ng kir .spaces. , :the agrieultural',exoerimetA., Statiens .' intileate'that these farmereare right, :-Mid. that Where. the silage i's cut- rather:'! 'fine and, 'madel,rather, Wet',.., that there its% little, :if. . any, • incire opened , oilage method.... • it is important. that -the:, ,s il..i lig. bei, qiiite'darnp, so that ..water :can! ,eilii.nefici-fiiled' too raPidly;,•and that! ,it .be tefilled. after settling .. •Also• it 1 le-recentrzlended that the .ton.'.iwiS',or three feet lie even .Wretter"than • the average, and be tiainped iitelL:---1.W. '. In :the 'opinion a'. Well:•knoWn, piciptis'•of their'. wiVes,, Still, there la .. finds' a ',King hair' -op 'Ida wife's should- • If thie.Year's,Tutiney:Denipsev fight ' .should prove,te .be finanpial.succeas,. it •likely that Tei Rickard 'will held Paso Tennis Rackets. Re-StrUng . Clubs Repaired All 'work:done. nnd guaranteed by SPAt.D1NG EXPERTS. of. iheir peregrinations.... .01e phineas,. willow on 13onaParte's...gritHat, Helena and transferred it to his ,Con; nedticut garden .1x1 1860: His. hefr 'historian Pained TleynOlds... •,ecently .thstriteted the ',United States Anibaa-' raider in Perla to:), Offer it AS gi" presert to. the lrench Republic Which he re- garded. ns. Bonaparte's. next: of - Tt has .taken sonte..tra,neplantIng,',but. is new oll Its td the .gardeh Of the InVaildes; that laSt resting -plate Special. Prices • , Work ient out 24 hotirs after receipt. .TORONTO RADIO CID, LTD., 241, Yonge Street, Toronto. List or "Wanted, InVontIons" nit Itequcht •,: • CIas i d Ad'vertisements Lvn A;.ei Dn Y"' OR ' 0 ..14T.LEMA;N.• 'W ANT SITUATzgis VAC& , Ptartaixyer•l;rnvi• odleistorrib.ouatrlofn inoef••P.tohselg3n •'g1I Ate . :„ec., Y,'c1tx, townd tipt}l tre tario,; •aex •tusive•re resenT lmportanee1°'dn.business at ,lorne,;--pleas int and profltabler:occupation. Apply by:. letter only;; ,Bible Prayer -Association. Ills• cir.aario Street. Tnrntste: • Y.. \VAN ED TO. DO .'PLAIN . T . and. Il ht sewing at honie,•'whole or. Spare •time Good' Pax. Work- sent any d1Htance, charges paid. • Sertd stamp ft+r, PartieularH. • National Manufacturing' . Co.,' Afontreal ' • ft.{TIS, (LITTLE• :FRIEND)), "TO• 1< �either'sex; m Ile In plain envelope, l a d . Paris"Specialty'' C,o., 11itlntreal; ' Ji > $eca:use'gf hisaendcr~'years,, the tie; King' of, Roumania will • not be charged with: the _' responsibilities of Modern kings, a dispatch. says. "And what, King Alfonso and King; Victor F 'menuel',might ask in chorus, "are' those" ' AMY „Agar AMY 46, a m:. .P• 9 `n- lhe •P'� tl of � era• 3 e Makes F1I • '� ' . �U.1n�e��. orA IIToilet'P 'i" ores... iii► aw ...�,.� 'm . 177, -Letter' Tells. of Wonderf01; . 'Compound stayjn I retUrned Atoms., •• most :frantic with.. nig until Itgo gh6 sure- ther for 'Pie, Yhadi/ery.: 'of 'VegetablecoinnOund at •OnOien4". fartnet.'s Wife, .ap 'yen ,.''iiteeioant.f.he. idle long, In all, 'Ihavo taken, six 'bottles of -Lydia . ". Medicine, sad ba.ve alSotiSed .. atiVo Wash, • • , Proved sate. by miitiOns and piescribed by physicians for -Neuralgia- Toothache;' Rheumatism — Pain -DOES NOT -AFFECT -TliE 1 -1E -AR Accept or± ''.13.aver" package. which 'containsproves direction. Handy "Bayer" bexeti of 12 1,Shlets. Alid;hdttles of 24 ant" 200-t-Drifggists, • •