The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-09-22, Page 6F W, 4 r 4). n", 0-, _VChin w �Ra W, 01, Youth Finds "$Oatklere' Hold, P; C ; Q *10 U ec, H Grpw,' on Qqe� 4 stanqe or, t( 'Way 1 $t n 1 on C*TV3 000 Wor4 `0 Great-Earthqiiak e. tern ;ia TrAVCIPA Via ]HP K'nqw.q, 144 Vi ��']Rcx .4ver 0 ,e in W'O + ;s- Channels u a A R, P'e P t, )3 Real P, 30. 9ts t . To ri, A, mlixf1pit, of'An.old gamojit, a no y It takes so -long for. nav�;;'JO Ei;p i6Ahe,,W f1w ne an art., Chios Qg- gjr�4 -for 'Imqst', oi�,e, g Ise and additionh y come out..,of tho beart',pf f4enco quppqrt, AVIATION ,A ININ11T th6�, ra plitlo0ou — -F f#g, thQ7 -lato centlY - tWo, �-months, qjapsid, C to for .. y, �Ith.krivog Ocitt; "the--twi - the SpIm rabb. "red t,'piotiused , qpaly ovOr I o 4g u 'ji comiii to light oii tit Xpu re j- pry� �But - A ea:rtfiQu;1 a omewdprq. ln,'. 00ittrg,. vite4 go T e k*Wo�s'Pay, h Price 4 a a I Pas a, o, r me .Any ok thos. -a - World X,11 Nh` I b�.7tthe' thq'coun bez k:1 4. 101.12A M�,-.. 't 'A'41 `1;1'0o� , "' a 'gr irpd be� hrgh,� �Tj;q M�ittat A4,11A tr g3t:tIle y aj),od its wrath, On t$e� .n rne+ tim'e.th mvegr� i64u extquq, jIqn19`)vlth Tge epej �eiood in, the, XP 09.U0 to. r China), "a 44, 0io, 0 f 0 lb it to a g 31,'?,-� 6injug, tLbq, ;$t! G6*e*%m4At.for-,rIoU , g reat. ship, jts�, h o�jn %Vestero yoxxrlg� :Man 0 pat, r 14.1 Gil r uniform -bt Adwa the, IiW m1th., thojutm, ejj-._6I4r g4d� a' gr -:'Ayer. In. 4, barnstorm. pg �VMM NIIS t.eOiqmes�"pl,lea ­ ':on expitillEld fl, Blil�66i:ourk '�.bby:,,po d� porro; ii'm �., �', .1 un, E 9:-� necessary j, t9q;. 41) PH, UPI 471 hinali'ial4road, ma�., 'This vAq� C, Qhdap co eXpoditior tit W 0 ar.. P AoStO 4rd JA: AbO -Inga -up,. the qyAosticin, do, to his boyish "anxiety 40, Area' E obfaill, 0 -oil artioligAll than It a,,,a 6 '' R�, - - a 112mitfie"or in" 'At qs With Moro tw ce., to t W6 ;Pilots- �bl g.oz or in 411, a pax 0 dtan 'point 6me. pr6vincial iunq. Uan. 'theAngabWx -:the:, we p aeqs,. 1 AMorlen tpm ..neo,,,,gq 4qu0t:,'wIII s6on, tAke oZ at-, 121gh lickfai a* tlip,.poitntrys wrat fits, or coin ned, 1iajL'I*0.Z�,,'r'jLjlWAy manourd. tjb�� ��jq jo*Jetj Ana would 'ainin �be 'heapdd oii'- thoSe tits �ar fr t of th notit UK u bung 'a 0* a11943.. 'Thj 6 to,. 9 her. out of 'thlo - , .3 uuli�A-Stittes� h4am"! 6urlst ..stop publiclo vn6oura4e& fine y viator 01 -six t ve aod,, ma ro3 1 a 99fs tire I e , d. I h t ji 11 ! I I b pile is:, interisting t " ' I rov,ow risk. It a )a to, provide seventy mile of railway ever of teXrltar r y an' f ove'r. dil� cities., W_ a,,,gr�a the �Oresiqd in, Ith* t eolldity I Picking uP Odmething,froinj dit4., pin, 91,%, e,: 'Pt. 460',;�of, Its poptilation TA hoIdg,nLrrj'4g,�NVjt I 04rteft,,�bft tim. alkilt, but,no, fdrest,gli.,and no morevv�' q a Cep. ury Pus, ely, Opto. t 0 ag. one,, L bli'd,".da en, Ito .rqn,, oo _�;'-_d' It" ' 41*L-4 ';of the:,opefibij In% 1R03'0fL'_'thd altoTte` h'o. Is i�, 'Our. Own `Vi!;w' t'", fj�'a 't I f jtp befQrO, tho 4butiatr errktpry. and,. 1. ery, of Its Ru;E,4la­b h IW!Way, humanly. r Ong. a of 6 I't is alwas easy td., get qi�L ev '6'aQn of the 'juit 0% file r a, aj� I 1 4 link of n6l�ur tbe, Tr,4ng. ack ftom,'a"study. oVaviatio gr 'n- irk E tba a I Ra th, F_ety, �ve, y��aqa,, Le xtew o 6 ChItie lids even, seen fine ring." Ybu'r.6. he Sluiple aC 'is th4t!AjrP nine, a rat P �oad mp�r)�i. t,ftAway ordinary attem utelde Is always Ora Pted p S Why des -has iq icarhed d :Point t "liat ended ,Wl'th locar'ceratlort.. . q, a�.to.ccinneet,LW Q0 t hardly More 'th.�n one I has �.Ch minerits' the tourlsL Ith it. at �MuUden, Can gasolini, will sustain a. Plan 6if n*- fhe, ma in the oVeralls ro�,-'. en',rIdden 0 i. rAince It'would now be," p6ftlbl&­tp� �ttavel The a ov n d tr. The Pr ihoultt not medinitaly Pao wher Awl" the'Size cif'til St 's,no t�se o me I filg' t'of 2,00 or 3;000 r MPhrls to' Hongl�- a 1 ailm4 with q, lynt marks qu ght fill y: making. At comp'u1sory 'to Sxechue1A e at fro olig b,5k� x ol jL, 'i --.on any degr of Iillnols and c'o'ntailing' as maV f sell or -I.-Wolfle' 'I,havOio i'' f talm off oe of safety." Qa%. peQ for ;he tho'L itwp6�� iP�rpaptsoyi?ii. Won ever IT I ow art d -'Shitich. -e V166-Presidefit of the Nationel - Oro- as the Unkled' 4 Chdhow a vontij�isQM6 air. Alght,' and whei. I ates. east of t] e 0 fl�� '�tljsing- Or, �Otorlety. Is the . only, . nautical sogiation, in k totegiam', p completed.' Ulasissippi River, has . q, railway at been' 2.11 'M 1y; 'direct ratINvay ute. beei 'is hr t'lljuk to, ho nor ongolia,'Thibet and the prav jjl�jitq, the Departmeut'of, Ccommefco' e)�- ni r .9 on rip A�alnea. prohibit th6 The!' h )Worf thaf raclh c 'prpsseaj Le ol g acros§ Inces of Kansu Iweiii 'and, this, ollat y' :a hancejo'pick up a'didmond ched,p, .1 tw6eft'Noilth China aThe ie%turesome 4n# :pfogger S�ana I; iC b ow, an d at, file present and thq pbr6pri oceans for -Tients -w aluabI ze..mon6y The. total, equipment of, ail lh-Pukow'llue, he lost it'w 11 nev�6r, tidj�,uct 0 a nation"d we ey,.IsL the, t Of d6vol6rtment can 'to" less,than roblbwIng the e.nefal route 1 Chinese TallrQads amo,�nts, 1�now I li.ave It" He. offero five, d o c -o ',01rect Lag OLP., CAR A Y6UNG, CRU these I Into, a AN ANP ZA D. FE R gress- 011IY9 Jeopardize furtlier,,, pro !aTdfo� bbe -ring will -�'pzqfltable 'Aov a he w' Qw6n ng ge�il �,,'daughter of Gordon Darling', BUIItL balf,at of one -of tho major line's per at qang by Germans andi than, co d lives or fose'ln long -d is' it a irk this: country and their equipment Britigh,' ItA I a, said to- b L a L the'best, on- It ls� A dianionil, Mtsior,' a istance fly d6�yli Parij Well, aY, one, of, the northern . hoht L to invade Toronto,' lt'� probably worth $490­or� �500; rofrii6ted I is'genera orated'as not to. struct6d rafIroad I n the, co�ntry, . hav- by`�motox.- -Her, a b w tb%o.ut.,poitrtJn.g, it? -P�o c . eans. father. is holding her. Below; is. - a wn th6 "South Porcupine Wildcat,'! -you ml It gl.�O­M' ee trag _y 0 �e, think', g.. t L e. $10. for compare with, America a, Ing coaf an a ancient U, not,yot, decrepit' fliv whkh:,� carrfea -tbrb6 memb a ot e )a farmer's boy,. ve . a simp u 0 osis Baer -flee e.r Only recently, have the -C Inese On.tre Gerfilln, i& Of reekI a* tth es It 4t is. Ill torials 'S ch,au. t pbriloil ar.6' fo' t Iiind the. urg avi 6 �to 0-1op 0., SeIV6gPL L . . I L " 'jAI1 rlght�hore's ten." L ntlo ts. must never be permitted agi�fti, In, thf5 :� interest most- rallWay �tatlpns Ift Oil ctutt nort em Crusade, f rorxi South 'Porcupin Mein taken L any 'aptly -The deal 'a' 6losq!d% The, tourls the, Philoffelphla In raliway buildift .'V�relgijers h a*v' a C Is. route r�bm,,North,Ch na Doi -by country" uder fhi., lie . I . declares the ir- chuckles over the' a stro V Inquirer.: "Ltrhi POL T�i turn bf� a deep tank. But'the water .jjeen resi)pns Me L fot, what r ke'cf bilsi. Norfolk (UZ.)­� k6atlantkc flights should 'io, c6ntlnu6d.,� b the. Sbanghal,Nan� 0 M 0­ ian-Pllb F'vms L, p ca�o In' Its �be,' re;ArIcted to, planes -which, are a: 6d, fro' L ilwayL de' d W ump in the. excAvation,w there. IS, an. p: which he has done �*ith a sa ower, It4 Mont have "ilway:to the seit;, bul-It un:der nes t f 11 velop king a ailure. 1s alm( thoUg tL sr C Lair ra sur.ace,.,. Where uf )at, a rith of th n a a reltabl issue 6 �Au,_mvt 23 as, o ows,: e.' sea 1"clally eq4ip6ed'for jandifigon.th them body's' 'hired man. ,.Tbd tourist pr a, vehemence that :it was afterward, Often �orXO. under the most serious a British loan." The Chines e, n til Safe. It exagger4t handica JgB * jhil� �jje_ V . rivea M6ntreal and rather than 're PS. a selves, bavo 'extended I' outh JO)rLelle to VbL 0, stj4r_V,_ov, 1 -aloirg, L --tt eftain and"Wherb�-nothlngAs gained ADQ medied the situation A few vears�af d UU h inat4o3i.�,�agpres�%UPL�",'�folloW$,''�""'t 1 -for civlllzittlofi�'.' th4i Mobite Register. far this unfor.tuilatc.latte 9 �OL. It. t' th6 gbld,arj6, yk_o�r.h rowir ses. ars- c ow a ngpo., tebt4 of. th, -But;- G Ig Slalit '�Caxi mptij li��carth- ChIn.eae capital'. 66k tel,veye. . ri g 6rt afe a uilaeitlO tli/e tower's firat'B�itish rallr6ad 11 1 d4ra Tit I e, Ch"I L 6S6 41so built the Peklnga, ail Moe t . he re Th co,' racpra.,,kil ed In: the Prelim, o un tion' "How,'much,dld Ging the -Great ery.- After )recounting the eV S OV_. shall *'f6: da oveTcome'Chines 0 Sidon -all- nail AhXiety.' in taly' qq&ke further to, e Siif�u way not More- h two 'the, 1106ur racdirs: alive and 'victorioins. thinks, "con ad in0 formed divi. efit GrCles You pay for It. ernl[o 0� hLong a' Mystery,_ ;ufficlently t.o.go allad'Witht a narro Will: and xeachl�k westward to the. 'Ing io y,A. sidn, :of. 4eron; apartment I gth,'b�' The,,: touilat who som,et mea; p. iv''iraceird' r ne4rl D Was or uie line, twelve mile$ in ten ntler.- a66ases a sense 6 mor. 'may a iy cVeelc anti pre�u of Comb�erce alit safer co Pis �'6'ivoryAlnted Ipwer" �condnuesL the "catuDdhile"., Pendell f'. Mibilgolla" fro financed ant dily aw4y f-rolli.th" Many . years..one . .. Of' ween d ire odl :6t t Shdfikhai audL'Woosung� at the by, Capital,. congtrnoted7r­�b tons for L the.' - of 7t Q. -centre Y. "TWO Dole beforo� to' I ten, �h of th6- Yarig(se, River. ",It 'was 1 L igin, I eer5 the Ingenuity f -this lItt1'c*,sqhema.,-(. 'c6ntes.italits the It 4. plumb dro'b" the 0 Was. a 9 61ir days. I. , . 1. ese� e -;Wlways d to_ 11 -has -D P. 'a?k1 - �ea - - axis. W; rid It r!#,tnajli.,lrft�nded, Mont, - "I. I " . �0 I u —"no in 4 e� 0 0 ta, lip er s'' t6 It ',"$uppb_qe, rmer, -found %fr ��7n�az�7 �liage- ral' b dg6r,'cd)nclUd6s P tlfa mTh?_�re wa� Vfeef elbw it Would greeting,'lo the. Pope'6, and L Empbi6rg ar. The GokeirnmentIment., : . ' 1, .. I.. ., , . I 1 .1 1 � "I . 11 . wbr`,'$35,. 00. '�h gre us ar 17 a,�brs,,-for ten, iln-� 'Oai y, mon _y,W litcame to honor. locked xatflc�,- tore up- the �jjne 'and! no,jegdl- Way, Ill I qf...r , ace qy4,va, lie o ma-. V. , . : - iir�Ivo- yeL cL f is and.Warr ore, -,w 0,L ould e a pped-,', i .. .�so a ourteen,feet' rom Poe ,,,c ties prf ip' iitlft for.. Allighis thiq �A p n rails, engines -and-czrs OYof Tallway, q co, b With the exc6ption of -Its 7,70.mllea have -Profit of $80, C orQ,.tjian 4,�;000,- the side of'the White marble, Waif the !he elty'. on the., bahks. of. the, 'Ar o?, un tr'y t to., POWqr be, _-4 ., 1. 1 . . ttr.iuoney tli�nLi by which the flight 'could nbe i--. Lh.ct a in arei`dej�cnd i for St.luti SC3 MQkul �outrlb -on -to'aerbnautIcs. ed Authorlty., xrn h'arvest fields the;tati�l creas , e n, Ahe­ ciderd. th 't. c sod tt,'td Formosa, wher 'hey left to "rt '000 prohlbii" stood'� heiWeas angle 8"t 6'' Or wies-It a 14, ti :* '� L � " L ' ... . .: . , I . " 'alfon c g6ro. I slant ng,' �ttle 4Jid id -. to bl' 'on the beach., oMmunicatlon 'ana watch- .1 Wall. ls'alm6st Infinitessim-- Be on the Oakland fly1fig-fleld an;. -like a' reed', own I. cannot �.reglsteT 'any offici#i kick W 'b '�bur�al' Groun'da'ln, the "ay 'he doomed h to ' " - - it e6ze?- k, mapily ca. metliO4s e The last entry.. Is' piisc6pttble-�of one edt �Ianes fly �Jrjtcj the face ahpn_ enoug catAse . - y' W 96. tie bl� Loo 4ug at , it �n t e,,one,�ha's the feeling thatAtA ser pus,��,,ban leap, 1:6 railway Con ra Of disia6te ' -'DgDartment in- considerable, wbrr,y to admirers, o hust slow- use for of. Ytra.wit Watbr- t abovo 'a' -of. lCo h' 0; merce can suggestj Urge; plead. and g' tower o ft,OM, ft no crit cJ ni f whI6 Dt6k- 'k I t fq, , structiqu in: Ctl�a 45 thOz (Ahniepent.' 11 ly 'away ac n o p ace lir lnclpa�Y hi. a, e "certainly inclines Ono traditio e. ground. Be S M 0 ff plain that propose, but. itf can not 13 wroio. that fi -I I t- that th archi- 'burial �,Ween boats. are..supplcmefit,i,!�X the.,baalca t , L W . e m0i,.- fo r -0' ow -s ai �d iforde.aif6ty. on I . , �fio,� �d to't'll �Is ess, lard. fipen. th Iiutex� _it. Nankilig', or ns, anc pst..'sang ne tourist. tle, 4v blwious reasons, a's' o r to T t h 6 - as' much as theL' ill the tower- as a suV Or Colie, �cafncl ransoccan c e 3; uni e Y�6klessly. brave. inid donkey.sj, mAle " . , .1 1 , . "If w t re,�, 'he s ;gt propaat on, I e M In e _41i -rowg 0 fn st:,donsely, popu t d areas taiA 'by :t III be.a, bad, think to force re -could' 1warning io 1he i-epublic its it raw ar a n e qui The to-th-o-Mb-6t. i4n" dov4tt roiden waiteful gulatfon : -upon. (he. c0urixgedus., 'n L ment'B special Ing. po:we�.. ln,�dusty Frekeh paren-. 7- a' may,. b th re been regula- co . in , miss on M tj, .. 'repo r tind a -*more. amusing ay 6. aSLked-, c sa llfe.� , . . I e I ment6 IsAo, be fo '*rfi-- Ild' It I f Convention'bureitt . The llaael lit lk h at had, the a recen y q re-, 3USt 7' L 't M E �su.c 1, )rought liomei ,a �wealth The 'dosign6r, t1i frofti'tho,, mos e , ie:Alibres 1. ;h " btel .'I I in i�elp.4;t th'. co;utry tion Undbergh 'ver have dn t Of careful craftsm6n, as tl would, ne ass 116 'Condition version. is% writer. i� P6,ns con -i t 'r in the. the' a a ll�nch -There o, no flown t -_g back man upon going �0 a loca I Some, -of the more 'the'.danker. 0 1 t a e upbli by Intimates, wa and . wani.� tinue, pwith their. taak? It m4st'be r6- M6dte�rau0an.,.,,, OL -1 any W 11V Wilap.,3P. 'WorM,11as been sell or 'S holy.p ."h if,' 'fri I 4L f N eW Yorl . c h.- tower's, fo"datt' - and d' the i e e cropolls, Plan related the fficiden as jok ro iie m6ere that no.Ital njowii L -k b lace imse to, a 1orm. 'in -the mar to "of ea:rWRetlaIs§dn No -have _b wrlft6 ad uthorl.4. eitiefts that. the to6r, . vilth,�- lj� ce,was.,comoleto :with- hasb eeii pe'riniftedn't6- remain Isolated., -had: meffn�Ltlidl "Wag whila il�vor_ n, h b wb 0 M:'b 6 tat r'oturyda.. her&, was, Ye asail. could out:, Ito cam"Parlile., 'Glotto'sAnspfra-,, ' TUOL'Pity has not encroached. dpon its !74e same thing hi ppenod ;6 me 'e's VOL I of e] I jej�dljb 'tower. Even great' t!=a; F 6r� days t, a on- ty stood by, then thy were , egpn. rov and: Its 'ex - b the 9 arches OVQ� pie6inkb; its "No t m�, scusbion, co, on toi#ere ab tries ;had.:� b.eeii: a6c Oak7 vorth6leoi, 'ten -jone irt.,a :quisite -ca'jrrugr�,, will, 4f, no, un own Am- it I - gray houses- k6p, a' terday. on 'We'-Mentre�I-0tiqbec, Ilkghw IK14 fio& )�eep otit,OfAlie dl d -over Ff6rance, it J out.of,goine a ngle e o 8 0 his'.opffi on tt c r Tho ftlin 'I tit* the �ampan an rport. It A I Cr me�doug�. prIc6:'to Re' ,u h, 1 .1 cidehi �ocqurs,�, continue to. delight . �Ig Vent 6 ese t e dot. to jinget that opectful �iatance, �s' wa td o hat as One al) y� .,he. l4ew'Yrk Ma" It cofiNS,?, bogun tp'9lnk,.nfter! the fifth beqlcoAbd*--hoMo:cbmIog - itaflors. Could, p I reaches the' b nPropared the' pay',for a'flight* that. bould add little Its adhilr6rs for -many -a generation u par;: .0 htOings the­11680P.of The -authorttie§ -oamnot, do.:. Much. the --advaiibe 1�f - 6, or w 1, awl'thixt.Irom_ -the o, are �jL ber--46 y th-e -crAShing qt--- other or­n&hlhg�--to 1 t as -reachet n-, -proud-, Pisa, fall t dar 61ng� burin -tli-e--laot-,two�d6e�.tdes'-.-it I �c are left `b --a-b—out-th—effi-a-tfir. _aW� . e On .9, B� L -the archit a d, It was -olily: I I I It' I -scranibi his not go*, on. The flyer on 6ct 1 ha golie* a ad co wt h 'the ilest? c; c thors o make a'su.-,,.T-. n6u,nced, the belfry, ilhat. �iitO like'A t the- peace of'- the Piazza- broli6lft want .10 purclias;"kema" Pass -be protected from. th an- croyijV ah6va the al t�D I v nl' "'lonal"'strains of music, on Pub -,a ly', 'I'm' chowing .to air* own.. adv U -defect. John,! E elyn Id take :aClO a' of :tho Is that: Ahe campanile ,shou x- I a r en of Its y' occao total, itrangera lie hl:g,hWa;,, de'n'co of' um\ 6itY aid g6t, .6ii the, turoug and dablier-Iqvink in writings offer 'the eyl that a*, place, alongside the? cath6dral. the minim selves. height. has' blined,, somewhat more accompaol y the; heavy.,Ip thereAs noth eylent theM I'm Of the2a al stfio.� oi�jy. �d, b Ing to 'Pt' gw :polnt� - r6gulatto navrer; then Xe- than a halt lxlch�. �Iiida, alni as tragedy, . n keeir observer Was notaLunlinreoOed, 'An Architectura Tr . easura'a license som I a, worsh iOer - makes. -his. doin -'&!ae .9 way�Aln,or`out of the cithedral t - s � ed' ta it! but every- guilitloh:mUs come... by the',phbnoM6rkqn'.:"It tends alone," impen ng. b0tJbIy,,­gi@a.*s the giant; tba t may ML' nt ou these. signs of, dinr rbl. c I' 'built to'be 'eaily t*o Cell r bbdy.was sile a,vic. he wr tes, 'strangely, rtmq�rkablo for. The a e yl.nder was e I h' . I W te elapsed Extr me measulres,,. even n. t,� a why., some day, idause the towort& fall' N fore of four all of. the -7 of control, Are �4 o wg'� of grivitatt -one of'a groiip of Mp #Pe �DP66ed by few, 4n- tint of, th se is on w hoiiie er.� Th. a �talk. Vi this,, that, -the r wo.uL d PxPect bifflilingi, held. t" - Ca 'clud Galileo' -tried R to fall being built exdeedlngf� do- .:Ln;, e,'Wasi p -=the glory by connoisseurs to be "amcing iliel 11 Ing' Ass ry 'to demonstrate to,o eptJ_* set In A zeries of. arelit �ho money,. ' rize Isfant. gec�reta. of Coin' , inj Wild Bir :B 7,,�uthe'thffll 'of It aH. P. Madra6ken_-, I rare address- of thi?'&r.chi- urcliltbetural treitailres. otho'-w6rl cr>�ch i . n rn 6w morce ..Willi m yr.. Cal lliteneirs� from I ugli� by d ta 16st k4est gallery feet, diat land" how 'it 'Is.'suppor eid' to't 0 supervi r c Before . the-'fITSt'. spade- -ditg in b;"5 p7intl 0 t�'thftt e� -was a- Puzzle, a e L arth to, pre un the're-'are plenty ot,V61des to the -Goirernmel.p So of- .the up- toas to, -tho' wo, I a-er a�iag DO anno was u the-. 0616-rac 7�jl from-fallingA-think Id ation— rv-afi-ln to�.Ith T 11-697 �En -rO7 'a r' r,rea t mifike;-�tiiat the 'Dr- e best .method o 9 it'. geome triclan.!' arly n r �t no, the, Du6mo, was e best- ld eCracken a I -u.r Ing 116 n- a 0 pre the to*c ca. tesuints it ova disregard, for tit P, I le, co Wn *11 Thir�,H Wallail.,flighi Is not ­jj, a ' 4 ' r 'IyL disclosed to* be 'oul y about one-third fury have well established, that . , ; I �. . . 'hensive." M and the glori, 'ftiilad many'of the con- Ma th , d mod Baptistry, r�enilo mO.n. y Stokesj' o United Preg's, f atre,ngtli;enIfig the P9 dorno 6 no tb' foundations, which,.r6ceritly have b�adn- 'S 'dies last c6' n- Cbm r up forty 9slem temol�s,,was,uli, er -k P -Ls he'1rho la. the,fou" h, finlo a iticent. cm it feeVia '11�oticlt!tg itien it Is n'oW. Pi650 Wild Lif the. Campo f i -th'a'V so f-aia�i accidents datioe dit it -to -i ders were -only too,'well aware cons ruc lon­ -and ci Blocked sa e y; 4b, ­iAhne3 �Yer6 '-bitd �aq th6'� d -the' doth,orlginall lenf, thb.:bil belie ed, 'that the 'P as . F 0 Ank ng opp'ij�! y ore e v __On he . o natifre of.flib a Igned' for land crulsing and by indxperleii flyin in an . Santo,, With 'haII6'vied ground arches' with 1t; :hd -gave Affa ra d e 0 6fr t andLh ced aviators 9 d eniitl6n �Js advised of itsoil *lid'Jile: ten . is h in , rusal6m,', -Joined the -roze-ocftn racing, ahey this' country V e gje'L -their han I ork after t on of the I tof for f , Ithobt licens a. this, ateA,rfienaces to the 'substtucWr� dene d1w he, broug t 'fro jo 4 Re�erato at up.. In i2M th 0 L' doh�Tho fa! 111astily'arid mporf�et.ly'remodol- patiy,- -lit marbies and latter x�iusf:bd '.Personally, Iqis the ajony' which It first coinple' ted, and 91driolts fourth. stori, butj;� like hi" -I �prW6ceasor, Birds Pr6tectl6n r, third ory had been Coin] e rtl ang e most paTt, t o trited.. his attefition I:ed; ifha�t they �th thin k the, - race otement'is' soMewhat Once 'in 1839 an offOr was made to that they f9,It,'oich'ln succeSsion, they mosaics th a its ol� Pisa F3 -th . eaftef-, �',to_ reading, In, th6, Hcu6e bf Cb,,.nmo j, tibjected., to I - -,the mod 6ticces , .. 0 -W of 'their' whose -.ga'l.ley§..- not .i 'aln, t of, b Idr he'moldture; thro4h could y other'and: castor �Aelds.­ The Ri8an.4' AWIng to difficulties whioll hay6-faris�u draw ack'*hen a certa it t me is. ork.19161' ''Ploto th eL 9hort, � t4hat the most. exactind of Ify-.1 ei. for k' sbt; and -several planes gaih PrIses Aviis; organized' and.4 t still belie�jng' ',.that the impossjb b ln,­COmmlttc�, Is' r6gar-4d Ing enter coiltest ona A 19 1* The ;best .61p ' ' difficult 11 h could b& achieved 'to hove � a jirlvate IAdIvId- &if�d an 6fttsider, ed rot by alL lovers of birds. in fi�6 'EVIAt of the c0unti`Wa�' 19 �'ADAMSON5 ADVENTUIR am of. -Innsbri _'ThIR', bill, -Is tlf6. b;lt 0111 Willi who' boldly c me, of milc i �acobs6n. fair ballyhoo -and in.: the' pres6nc of- ngL,in its ual', b I ack'- pioneering flights' ht�v.ent ahead. with e fift').' �ijth wbrk by 6 portal da ng its far back,,,s­ A natip'nal -audlendo.'�esembll and x cution riri�ay be ta6l.� And 1 . 3ut 't stories. e LM tit ower was doonted �1894.- lit j.913 thd. Home 01116o. huuge�- for. -thrills and in, Its plenty-. of time bhould,�Ve,`ailbwe to walt.,another �entury betore+ Tom- poinfed.ct Debartmentaj, Commltce,� to oren'ce'to 'conp6quencesi ai'Lindiff It p� r6b9bly.kis onfor to have the maso'Pisanb, reallZin&'that, fouu-; t� -N nalder' % Ild' bird'. protectloli Jjw� 0 Alia, crowds that-' arpsenible -to, witness. -Arm:� and -Navy do our,air Pioneering of, carrying -a 'take,. ev' vid acro' editlos Were.bica the -,Perfor�nian�e of pielienstle tho, (?th6r hand,' under, Private on n P- 9 oth. Ing adtg. tj�r ll�f lit. and welihi sEL* ri bats' -who climb the p6roendicular., ervigion commorciatavlOtorb. can glire, While' �r6talnjng ,tho, old. to.do;bitt.to toD.It off with -a 'bell form. and, genDril. of n a good, account, -of the' ' !van, vlallq� of tAill buildingsi,!L as eIiindalilit, ibus'warns its w1th Moe LinAefgh'and Chambeirlin Aid; Evetk, which has been in' force L1=3 9,1yroved succes I wi and or A tit: Its tepid Odom, and the country's in,'Armv and Navy pt neering;, tl Ong 134"Iderw Aware of SI y ant. �ls 16avy ovor the' ilve there to,loos of. life despite everything Ing the status of British tbIrd life it' lost in the 'Vlr-, oxie, nd the' indicates that has digthioi hdvantage!�. hoedleasly that 'caii be d a Ust, The r rom being, unconscious of the �.Igljt P 9065 6n *to romarix be re.cognizdd.,. Tmblonj' 'that faced them,. en . Apl, "What -do wcs'ee the cagg Of 'by one; deeply regret the., loss 6i iffe in erg, Sao In'tu h M olideavored topre. torL'-prqteCfIoii would' G�Indbergh? We � _cmploie, and the' Dole' flight.. I would not stop Xe0e the. horiio4tal� tire by iad U bt a le . nd' Piac- rd blid Co have been r". �s cruet, Itiseiloati) dm'Wid iliat'he oil,, ticable, but � I would see'. that. they aria on tl�e IQ amazing Indifference to his: safety and Rights thit"ate reaso�nab� a 1�04easlng 'th'e height''of the, arches Wd w or ooufh� Mde .of.thb N067'' na,' ifa!vable' Urge'. his ba rm, n UdO or rnsio 'i I' gtou'r to in6l! carefully, regulated," 't e Oery in 04 thd e meaauromeftjg� were Jo av blty -of 60,000r 0 ore'.1a lib ' !There Is a certain toolishne fill dt flop 0XISting aasnot M _He n - CCre 11pited e been -bakne oxeltod butcry or the By, and 'T ylor,' and maiNtrato',&Ould have b 'Gfi oment aim-nai storini g- under the �Gukg6nhelrix Foun-1 attlat flying, the Now York. Heril'd, celitfiryj surveyed fh.0 Ultiluat, -coin . nrei Olatio Of 6'adifle6' iiid. b6o bj I! d tf6n for =or , a , than a . tnonfh,� It lie t�l:1gl11fLIlV A 'tribune Just as there, was Ong colui-Ahteo.th r oner'of 'the, ' 6rld" gre4test"tich Ili Ao finish, his o igln'al assignment, of A certain foolish fieoSL. in. the" men who, W 0 IWO m1roducbd'bk Ldrd aj.10�6rj Hwan f 'tr turill PlIZilea . But lf�Wag notdil the I In 1923, ho ooventy-six � cities,., hd must'. k6ep, on Wq ted to' hop off, fhout, barnstorrixing Awd months , more. enough 4aaoIjn6 Frenchman id "Outy 9�`VO It hJ8, tl I;orft but got rio'furthor OW111- k)L a 4jr�eveo lntelllgent� a u In: tlio t6ndon, that- there was: d ed 4 general ol6Cf,ojj,. ag brouglit in Meantime. citlexinot Inef ded' preparatlou� We 'read further,' it !�V auto= ta� 7 in toward t A ltIli6rat-Ly,.arer brin eiery 110nd^ ly- begi, ox� arked be�d 2,� � Jar -Ili e, a Imaginable pressurd to, bear to indtice iatioal v6ry iidry 11'rat, the 'BIJ& ]fiat :WlthL clalm�that there,ougitt,td be a; law, him to It is Until ,r I ncreaso M6g� graduated 'With the, Ah6m. ", No.rfol" 0 0, stop�, - with .thp,' reflection,, in 6t. Is theteL 110 'Ihatli Would b6 a poore.e.world if a heI4ht,.UntII I, e fifth'storY la' rea; approval, thou aAhln'� h of Parliamentary worc. The- Ca Morey left, for this: b6yr,, Who captured a�',Were 'not allowod'.�ta hixzard' Is. Thor6,fhe gallcrias,'aro, qj I toQu, 66nti., on., t 116 motor tluv fatfo% 144rt 11UT 0 o .,0Voth�aj1g1hg, 0 ry-mia were made a t'tit aithe. %TP anIts . fforlao�_-of -Deboortift?. -art I I jjy oglwativp or it r� add tlrod�', The, th Lindborgh.- Is Young, face' Mot o 'Petter iv 0, WO utur oo,of Waiting tiroly,altering tho-...chardot or of 'developing -deep lines of 109116. thougli. a rk' , rl�ot' 'estimato-4 thira tl�q et q1 fiiahyv f �6ujid Nvo' aday rule,. adnonlo, prinelDleL Afr%eXtraordinor,66-' 86ftlib9- aTpoUlAted- t ja Ltinfay don om !1nds �nj sho Bomb SoYdn A'fill -T, too the tls)c' 71A WFt speoc:hes bore him, tli6 formal dinnot' jhoj k 6T 6T boing.reso it e,wu f him. jjo,�. US, bee L'O# ejhjbj� Lued.", It the*Y ftad'noL_Wdn,p6rMIttod 9MY Supo6glt Lb Bourget' Ito Is ell tied to � iest'L e(l Lo (64 t1)r "Solved '111nin .A (lood- MM(br Low ho(her they IlVd�l ot d14, W All 6xhauo. Jug 0rVF Veil, His. tountrymbn it t6 him,' a licif 0,Y111tioni. Were the", emo- fair Went t10 a 4nt)�­"Doar, dear, 1'ni 0 "When I th This I fIYO flISM-011on dt the le ning towot.'- of tho6e. )WOLA oqual)bteo, a mahed on: 06" Aild -the.- rfokv ,of a�d4htittd' to XO7 He -said ly.e�$ blj'j� uw� Well (4, you each t a status kuow�­', -Ootninaxulek Lans4own6 sod 6ilrteon': 4por h of a6tomaton thli" lj�o to be 116d' a_f (inde addleL r t his ciFeW, th4 AID WAp 64rAstorm-, The to.klbos way oMnan be'longs With tile to*Lor '#Aj hestdod 'Aneit side4 h I birth -d *f4*40tt -04W -twitt 1tow 00 . old bat suDooilub yo He Ntedt joing: to lik%n, nad