The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-09-22, Page 4.4.0 FOUR „ ^ THE LtTOK,NOW:$ , , Mutern fetmieg .1neorts treeter,. taming with Ili .81000lt;. ""'"'"4"EENCr'TRACT9it OUTFIT, by -Saying iiMe. , They are, built'. to last"' and 4 40401 boi', an 9Peiate, 01_01; No working peas. expeeeit.ta ;tit 0,r eit64,:theie are, no Atolibilif= making sprockets chalite, alt, *oaring • parts • poclosed. •Ilun dreda of up -to date farmeri in OntariO arekeeping theirhoYe at home and their work up toschedule with the McCorinick-, Baring „Tractors, Flows, and. other machines of the "siiiire ariake, , • • strirA MINNEW/1111 \ t-„/ tat autoccaa.mis isl,WIn --....7,------11`.1!!‘"AvAIFAFAgegigonavottt4„,4 • it -1 r ,The NEW, ileCOR1VICK-DEE111NG 'GRAIN BINDER Coin. bine*. the best': mechanical features •of the old, McCormick and - Is available; wititi either the McCormick, o r Deering' Blotters. Twenty two improvements built :into the Hamilton -made Binder • make it more desirable than. forme, znodels , INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. OF CANADA; LTD. • - , . Agent - LUCKNOW :Phone 31. Phone No, 10-111--.. Service We Bell for Caush--:We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Store asona e 00 s .TWINE—Braritford "Gilt Edge," 00 Ft: -15c. per Lb, Cash. • ' SCREEN 'DOORS--Nove is the time of year to keep out the lathy tiv by thaving your doors and windows screened. , We ' have doors and windows that will fit, almost any size opening. We also. have screen' Wire in every width for recoverink. doors.. OIL STOVES --the Oil StoveSeason- is here "and,..there-is• ne- thing that will :add more to the Comfort, of Er home. hi hot ,weather • than an oil stove.: We have in stock- the "New Perfection" ;in three and four-borner; also the "Flo rence Automatic," •atid we have/ pine.: .ed in. stock this year the "Quick Meal."' This ia a :very 'fine ,stove, , strongly,lmilt, easy :on oil and fitted with .the L.orain. burner ,which la guaranteed -for ten .years. ' For those who have. -their house, wir, ed, ge have an Electric- Hot Plate, two -burner, which • has given - • eicellent satisfaction • • • • ' • ROOFING—We 'have, just received ' a carload of Brantford• , Reefing, including Roll Roofing, Areo-Lock andSuper4ite Shingles -:":11f--you-have need of . a .roof .for houae Or _barntriree 98. VilThaiiicthe material. and the price is right-2De ;sure to ask to. ,see our imitation brick sidingi, If is the material to make frame • *owe very. warm and in apaearanee aliraist like red brielc.' ' sHERwm WILLIAMS P INTS and VARNISHES 'CHI NAMEL NATURAL VARNISH, AUTOMOBILE PAINT, UT1LAC, - SATIN FINISH ENAMEL Cement,/ Lime Plaster Always On Hand •1Vitirdie Heating, Plumbing and Electric iViFin Tgal. Tguitguo, QPTMs 224 • TOE 1-41701<l•T 0 W §11.FasrrINEL pp:Wished every Thursday, morning at LueknoW, Ontario. A, D. MacKellii", PrePrietor and Editor. , THVBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,..1927 „ )it'RONG-' CON CLP SION: discussing the- retent hy.elettion jt North "Huron; -one of Oar ,Bruce 'exelienges had the.fUowlg. ' • . • 7 'On the: Othet. band .the 'Gatos 14 "Ottawa may well, feel,' in •the dumps , for after sendingin their:; big artillery, which.' included the, Prime Minister and most of ' the,' Cahipet, they •failed tO make' 'much of:att 4eIrtesslion• ;on the Ceases' to that . stage of perfeet(on eoseatial to einitniercial :ate- cesa..thot the '111000 hes' now be. - ; . • eonto a grOOt, Priderteking,10.-PheWe by the fact that. th.. wield.* pra-4-C. 't1o4.ha si *OR treat .7444 Otis. in ,1909 to an: eathnoted 1,09,000:ione for last 74far•- The' 'general. principle. underlying . • • 'the' Mitriufsotoriaetnietherli.' is the. ;treatment at ..tha eillalese ,Idtk .ieat-rOjiOnti .'titictit Which Can. be for014°. titrOuti" •a - 'Mintier; Of Atlanta tiOaelell. trite it',"b,atli. .of entitheragintiola tor in one pipcoovi "'Attie afe)." Thia letter solution einem, thir'ctiagulation of. the 'liquid' ,ernierg-; hag" front' the nimzles •and thus cente7,,' the actual.;filame,ntr, of artificial silk thongh.themos titre . , • several ether ,etageo,, ,veryin!! the: preeees,' "before It filially emerge' traelPerent gost --Mer to whieh woe ore nO*, so• Otos,- 'toiried,:tut, whit)* Would ,have, sinned people fifty' yearOngO. , ' • . The • POssibilities for rayon manu- facture. inCanoda;',i,ltrii tit, her Vastiiiiilp- ,wood are iingrarons. The court; tries which*Weiso 'filfat to ;develop the , industry, , hoWeven,.t.were :.ncit those .Which fposicesited„ nOch raw material, but thriiii Which:Oiready had the er- gantaition,..the ::'effiliPtnent and the. market a for textile indnstrY, .Thus, shortly"lifote the war; France - already predontionni ,ln, the manufac- : tura of naturalarikt," took to lend, , 147 loweil--„,.by-SiVitgerWed,ASOW414,14g:. PL"th'eeTh .A*4 hirPerters are the unit: • People.. '-It' is . said that Cablit4' giniste?s;'. Welt -Ming' our own II •'Ivralrolm,,Nieria addressing scitoOkit, • house, meetings with attendances : Of -fifty or ante,, when -next" night 'Agnes Mcpliail, would .get,. Su& . mites in the same ..httildingli• of . two ?or thrte hundred. • And all the . talk and •elo,queoce of 'both U,F.0, and Grit went for nothing for GeOrge Spetton, the Censer - rate; -made, a still hunt for, votes, had, very few"ieetiegs. and, in the end won out. • . , Almost all that. is implied in these queted remarks la wrong., Mr. Spot- --ton is erititletkijA the. North ,Huron 7ffertr-all---ilightr-iiiiiiditig to our eleoz tion syst, but he represents only of ..the .electors. The votes against hi ,were mere than a. -thou- sand greater than thoae for Alla. Se there' is. nothing. for Conservative.", to -rejoice: fiver nor 'far. others to lie. ele. spondent aboUt... With either. two or three in the field next time. the !ital. ation he extremely .doubtful. It is suggested that the "still hint" Method .of Was much "ore effectiVe." than that of :meeting"' and advertising, btit there what the 'onteeme. might'haire been the two parties Oppoped" to Mr. Spot ton, had not -pfit'--on.:47,.:Vigorolm, Man= paign. Their defeat was due to their divided ...:Atrength; not their campaign th1tetiO is the Ilione4 ih this 01;ree7 eon.. Hitherto objection to this move has. come 'from the rural parte. ' au is more dangerous •to carry- a •liffittnit Pf bait OT straw than: to ha,ivitboat one." Wee elle,. erire• meat hard:scores of4i.mea. And :yet Only njew. Weekis,ago. a Motorist eel-. near ;10nthtretVI:njidl4;'W'pafe hhea471V4tieintli:edht: Feenvieluit. ean be learned .here ; the -ilelrartmeetel Ineei tiook,..*en.of -90,s‘ regulation Otarto, but-.-thoy;:ndouht-if.Aklif . dare"te. duplieate, it. until .,1hey,'-rito satisfied, 'thatit work .Out succias-; fnitY; " 7'1 WE :PA'y TOO MUCH FOR' CARS • • . ed States. ;'Grettpt,Britatit,; and. the; • coulitiies o,t„Celatirttl EurOpe thot are *eminent In,:theittural trade. b'ot"- a 94;01 Peers . Canada. has 8uPPPea7:11014:":-4.7"the ulphit. pulp used for tilitntiiiiinfiteture:of artificial. :silk in theliiP::Ceirmtries." An. artificial. plant Intiliatablitslied by British interests in,,Eglitern. Ontario in 1924: , „ , This appears but the , , , , AP** manY!eVjure. There are ser.. eral. prejetts; on foot for thit-,--1;7 Opment of thiOndlOtiey itt "Outside by Companies -`orfrainiald-fitir:.!•hin_purpesii --and by pu)p and:,‘-rattier,--,cOMpanicia operator a 0! .oma of the ..importent 'faille belie been eaarying. O cherafeal research for some time In the ,utillzik. thin of henilaek for the production of Cirtain einichisionk. have. been .reached Wide% are .faverabloto the' deiteloglinent..,, :,this side .of ;the industri':''TAM,.;initificial silk field' On this continent la largo" ,airitt profit.' able -7'00'47 :end' COnodian. rresiiiirees, both- in'. Weed..reservel and :net power -‘4tiptilki.., are tutor', wieb particulsrly favor:Coiled!" In .einitrie7, tition•With ether tountri44. ' , • '•A 'recent., Sunday " issue of the De- troit .:News:.contained many. ,autonio; • In which: the 'Prices at Detroit were quoted. Think. • ing that: a coinpariien 'between' these and the prices quotedln The 'MONO •'spedial. exhibition -number* might •be ,intereating,, welooked un few 'Of the. -7 • At Detroit:. the Midge "4"' Sedan. "Fastest fot!r4n Anierica." quoted • ;it , $875; At Toronto the aline: was $1,2251!, •' ' ° • At Detroit, Chevrolet prices were: TolTring 0,525; ..c:oach' $595; • cool* $625; '','Sed.an $695; "Snort", , $715. Prices at .Toronto were; Taring •$746; . Coach ,,'$854;, Coupe ;869; Se - 'den •;$957; "Sport' Cabriolet" $983. Chysler :at :Detreit are.. priced . as , follows: .2 -door Sedan- $135; at, To- ronto $1,05; Coupe, at Detroit $73§: ; :'Toronto $1;045. ' .;' • • The Iturimobile Eight., 5; passenger Sedan, at 'Detroit ,$2195; at ,TOronto. $2895; 7: passenger Sedan, at Detroit • $2315; at Toronto; $3,035: The 2.." •passengei COupe with rumble seat at Detroit is $2,195i at -Toronto $3,460. ,• These are representative of the whOle list, and go .to shoef,how se. yr -rely we, in thit4 country, are soaked ,for- etitars, as' tempered with., oat •'rieighli, ors :to the. .south.In' the, ,iitse of.an imported Car the differenee goer to the government In,the way. Of Ins. pert duty.; but When: we buy 1 dian4inilt car, practically the iiame as the -the difference gee, to the Canadian • manufacturer or assembler. l‘flihocly would" hegrudgn the :money which goes' to the government, as money has: to .be ,foond . some .and, it tax on aiittrinobiles. iii as goad WaY,. and, better :than',* tax on 2inore necessary. thiege-bet body likes the idea -of •cantrihating few huiidrc or • i' thousand dollars Inwards: building lop an aristocracy f milliOnaire snobs in this country. poked With. the nioslion of Alghte . , In', the 'Ainlec_tation's :prograln IS the *atter: of ;WO( for steP and turn, itt t.40. United -.State; 'Ore theedjs oetO"Of (knob, but cation. is 'alid tobe co'ng Ob leetien lo to stuteinatic' signals,' „ , , . ,in,..that, they are not. OlWaYs Sure OS °positive. "There is one Sirnal that is posi- tive:" an .Aasociation official . said "And that:' is, the hand.:. If the ham', is, stuck ont -to.' thiaide'n .the car. -the driver ;.following knewa the.'" soinethilig le 'going AO happen, .p°r. haps a atop, a slow. down ,or a turn either way. The outstretched, hint; Ohms him warning,- onct -it is then up to hit» to take care, -of nala Ifillintld be simple And easilyon, derstaod. ; Nothing i shinpler than the; outstretched • bond.' However . there,- are other views, and I. believe : -one-of•-.---thit--inostinteregting-diseurF,- 'ions, we shall have, will be en.' thia • gustier'. Of 'signals." le an e 1 hicke$s, .Bes0yr1.,"601.4oistiom you, got 4.0405,1w Brantford, , Snpar:Tite,,Sjotor, besides Degbig .21dakseu e11 over. "ti.lo 'roof and IW.re:-Thkibsest Ster: the: SpecIal Lock.B.90. pfeaanta:.: 440411ing4.• • 1 For Interior Construiction AvrAKE your* rooms gre-resistant and free from • "'" drafts and cold by erecting Gyprop ceilings ant partitions ycius home. . GypNe can ' in half the time reqUirrediCi`iTathiiidirlaster saving time and labor costs. Gyriroc takes any •••••• decoration. 'Let is Show You a full.sized G-yriroc • boaid ready to apply. • r %Wit. f6r ,ft6 booldet-L-"My ITonte," ' It teli you • how Groroc, Rocbosrd Gypsum insulating suoathinicand • • Irostilei will reduce ;your fuel bill Mat 20 to 40%. , 9144;rAni0 tivestiM to., Ltiviitto; caNAbA . • " ' firgproof Wallboar For Salo By 11/1urdie Re Son - Luclinow, Ont. ite A- Porteous . Lucknow On ti Algol •.The Mend who hack .11P 'the' OA IiiehablY. has 'a veputatien OUV .1404mint eon, Ornipir 010 040 a littr A100; • A DAY AT THE WESTERN FAIR Ashfield,Tp., ',sent. 19, 1927 To The 'Editor .of The Sentinel: •'I ,OPent jalI ilay.' Friday at Lendor Fair!, and 1 ain Weary 'yet, Is, there the ground. floor.of orthibition places• ?: I *Auld :heir°been wearier still- if .J .litid. had ,to ,.drive': the. auto ':back, home, the ' same night as; 'say, Walter Alton did, whom I isaW there' in the Midway ---near the rat Lady .Show,. • :But 'weariness .did not rob' .me of -the -interest and fun of the. fair. The 'first' 'hoer -there -in the morning came nearly spelling the day,; as it was one of.dbappointed waiting.' and, tranip' ing.froin entrance to ,entrailee, due to ntiounderstancling as to the L-plate. where 'certain ones 'were to be Met. :BO the great 'citeruis Of lcud voiced roasters in. the poultry ",r;how that . • . • greeted us right after, finding each Otheir put us *11 1n good hinter., We felt- like crowing, too. •. VrOni. there we'.Went ,tpssee the panting sheep' and, marvelled. at the:winter coverings of woOrthat seemed ,so , Unstosonable When- the thermometer, Was, between SO, and . 90 in ,the shade; ' From there we .visitod the . Pens where ' laiy_fat wino tried to'hury themselves ,fresh: straw from innumerable' pesky Aiealthitt-seelned,ver-y—partial—to, - *nom ,4ApplIG HEADLIGHTS : The =Tee, of: glaring headlights is to be diaeuitied at the :annual &in.. vention of the Canadian Good Beads • Association. at Niagara -on September VI, 28sad' 29. It is anti- ,• . ciliated tbst 'many • ideas will •he brourht Jorward--.7-011. this ----,u14P4- which,: hos been: ei rerrY: to 'ffevern' Mani :official!. ,. „ • goad, man*, experts bawl • prae- licallY' thrown their halide • aver any hailedIt? i'aettlernerit-, of the 'nuestion headliglitar ,said ".qeor,re McNatrieo.,, Secretary of tint Canadian',Oood *Midi Apsotiatioit. • . Above, b Straight view ol , 'Brantford Snpor;Tite Plates, 'showing triple thickness in Shaded axea. Mode in firer fade-. ' - has colors and when lidd gbie • an appealtig ,"keystoniii", effect.. Brantford Roefieg Co. , ' Limitod : , Brantford, Osit,.. , se . • Stock C.:ortiod• Information Furniehed and.&Mee " MUrdig; & Son -Luck:tow, Ont. on Brantford roofing rondlerod by • • • "• . . • ihade; and to he: musically' etitertain, ed.. But it -Was aottlie band that first. ..:7rcetea us, ."1 had no sooner " sat' down than the 'Orthoplionio -.ori"..:1.1.S, top of the ,building -'I -WOuld-callAtLo---greatlyloinplifi_ed , _ trola, started up with • "Get away; • ' • old non:'get,aWaY.." But I stayed' till :that and some more *as through; and. till theband played also. I stay-. ed so long on the .seitts .that a blind -..beggari.came..round::i.f.",second . time with the slime .appeat, and..boolc;;Irod seethed:surprised that I declioed tc assiA Ogain. But ,1 liked that Music got beaten' opt Of a quarter myself tough it was not round the stand of those • queer money cliangers and jugglirs.- , • We got'so much -literature on com- modities, devices,- plans, for this nn: • that. - that we were _thankful for the "and" altiOst Wish 1 had one. Of those outside,. aMpiified, :to be p1jjngAvhen do Ina avreding and 'digging in 1. n pr,tthetie. sight.' its -1,••• Sat: ere-f..Ajerge--niiniber..of the quiet.; er and' nicoremitiiete-ebirr initiates of "Asylum ;were being ' ,cendircted, 'buildings '.to• see the *fair. :'And,/'not ov.er: the grounda and' through thq long after: .them was bine-Clad crow,d. of returned Men, --es .1 Wai tOldt..-foro,rn the "I•Ves,traiesterheePit0": nervous. Wrecks of huinanity? c were being token- round :tOo. TO le-. ,Ifold'these was to -make .)ite,.,feel.„ sad. Had .would Unteueheil: •with -Pity : sight. The Angel of, Peace seeined to' 'Tne?te .point • at the war ,wreeks and say, "Will you not • after, thiS -.outlaw war and 'the ,• warring spirit?" ; It .occurred to me:. .that Op. -IA -ague Of7H-1,T.ations.', or . , branch. of that international organi ation might' have , these grea4. Exhibitions-"soine..'"'Special pictures : :figures; and Other. exhibits to Promote, 'and ,educate the. peanle.' in the ideals ....etheace. There is:al.Ways..the health exhibits ; the "save the irfants" .and • "iirOperly -feed, the bale booth,' grid tt-heivi-to7get-,0e7best-outi_ r'orchards, and ''how .to eliinin- ate labor . -and ••• wastage 1:here and there, in and around- the hemp.. And we: speut.,tbne loiter. the . exhibits. and, make Study.. of nil these ..thirigs.:Brit • this. thinking on the lines 'Of World Peace,' talking peace, plannirtr peace , • promoting peace, .should'; hav More :reminders .of it. -I3Y ,facti: and figures :end diagrams tit 'these, treat, et -together .13efOre"thegranc :Rtand„ Tar • instance, eeiiidiA there be staged. some :pageant ;Of: PeaCe to dis- OlaCe::.the that, So., • often blatantly; parities' :ther:e:' , , 'The , hest of :the. 'fair is the. yfrilkF you oieet. nothing so inter- esting. as folks: :Old. friends .One,has. .'n't seen for many a long day. -You• ' •-itiVeTi,lifoilirVi.ho iditig, to turn next.' •Oli: the handidiiikingii arid .the good jold, ineniorieS that roll 'up •on, :Fair :clay41 .And• -what, fon :there IS • ir *etching the crowd. The :smile wai! 'fcaTed from ag beheld, man Who ,hailk'frorn the vei'Y remote rare! 'side road with the oddest suit cut in ' style' that Was :in 'vogue, decidesi. ago, .and *Caring ,a. hat •that has done.. duty on apeciel, anyi'vhati; from 15- to tWentY-five years. But I • envied his • unconcern. Of Sartorial: !netters and his leek of self -potful -7 ousness.; This Wes" his, day off. ' Be Was not 'thirilcing about what :he • , , -.wore: -He) may -have .beet- 4oncerned at 'what he would at and what he werild tine where -he-. coold da • that test.. • • And the erawds, tat' fttliered het. ;and there wAtto.-plettlits Might ba .teketi .6ein,7'ikilitit, -S7 0.tifec!' terest,they:'arp'I'Tliereviras''o,rie toor.it, :one :Of IlieSel:sliek feliew-i_T-:whn.tnede/. that lie Vviis there to give presents MVit/.: 11:•.WAS Amazing ;1164 they sent up dollar..tind two dollar Wit: .in' their &eitetnent, till he had quite a. pile,- • :"VnOled- at ;fair": is'. tr. fit . tiaiti)Ing 'One ati Lendhii Fair Ear*. other (10 out • "So Mani? ,problems . enter bite the matter that they lir frankly /masted.: , driver may have' it leis that .does. not glare. with • ri''ceirt.ain. sleet, bi and detea..,glare .mint .vielOusly 'with another sire.; 'Welt' also dcpeodit up- on tlip tilt'.Of the:lens. In Many Cases ILOlighf blow' Will,. giii,,the 'lamps ,tilt so • as to m"kis thein abeolutely 'dangerous' to driver. Coming :from th" oPeesite dirottion. We are -doing ouz :titmoit .to • secure the to-eperittion. :of every ntOtor get: dryer. If the driver does not knew liow to •I1* his ,lirhts be should have periodical in- soeCtions Made by geragemen lobe understand the problem. Itt 'Ontario ,and some other,.Previndes. the High - ;ways Departments fres .diree! "itons for testing lights, 'These have been of ,,iminense serdc,e,but they htivo not done aWay With the clinger entirely." •' • , '•• ' . • • • "I hear a good man* Metorists say tipit legialotion r,egArding , the ear - Ing fight: Menace will do. no they- itesert that there- is ; toe MUCh ,iege1atlo, alread7 and hat it would be, imposiiitde 'to- *terve Uniformity,' for tilt our :Provinces., I•do..not fully - 'Share that vlew. W -Iiitiie'seciti4d• . Much- Uniformtiy: of -legislation and 11 possible that -by werking to, With iiiiirst-Yr JiiPartiritats and Motor car manufaCtirers, • and moteriSti we inoy evii1VS' something will maye t .,ene sr elT — —14 -if- of -rin• g lights. of no mere eeaseirtiente. We -expect •,t0 , heat -soma nett thought on this sithjeCt at Niagara this' een,neetion .departmental. of- ticlaleiroin alt biter Canada Ort. know -what will e. the-effeci. of entities. 'legislation *Id& qulres a tiglot Olt is. slot got Nowt l'-1"";./.1." ;1;17 • Alri:IFie• •INDUSTRY. IN ,CANADA ; Wb:pti we ge7,c. on the great 'fOreilt frie' lt 41 not cosi to:Visualize it it) • tP.r.n.4„tf. .11411 cloth and..cilicen Yak , A nd yet map,not conterit -With 4f-4'i:other -.fabric -4materialsi-now 11..n1ilayw FklilVd for :the ''rnrintifecture of the latest silk; or rayon, as! It. is tilled. trade, 'rho basis of all artificial' isilk :is VOIllultAtt, and celluloSe is the prin-- cipel cOnstititent ,Ot Wobd. A-4-3aig-Okris ine Count .11111ilte" de Chardonnet produced artificial ellit but it has taken manl, Yeity, og *ow 44.0 ifoour to lifioN be Orloscpor .. • . ' ' • r 1, The eattla:wero ,Wortdetful. I be- lieVo.vie soar thein 'all And the eit: wore quite. as Interesting to Inspect as the alibiing attractive auto, exhi- bit *lick We_ did litter. ' Bongo'', &inserted itself • after' the latit "horse had been 'keen; andperhaps' :there came 'a lean. and hub- gry look' , ler we 'mere deinged With siolicitotions'en every hand :to take dinner -at:.thia. booth .known ex -President of 'a great Conference wita in 'the. 'bust. neicat. selliog. tickets and advertising, for dinner that hie . Church.: tidies . had made • ready. • Which„ fact made. .n.8 wonder if he or any other' toiniatel •.sheithl:he enpected tado that' kind of thing, The 'Office of -the- • Miniitry.. shoilld not be '.proitituted even, for • Church ,debts.' • But let niie hasten ..to say- bo had e' good diriaer to shout about, and, it good :text for hUngry, folk; '"Ctime,• all thingaritte•nOvi ready," as those who paid, their 'fifty cents, found out.' :Refreshed; .we determined. , On the rotind of the. buildings. ,Pekhapii wo were not persistent as it Swedish Norwegian group of People.whq were making the.'retind. Their light. hair ;and tali figureowere eloquent of Scaridinavii. They were it jolly bunch. Cares ,iiha worriei they hisi,1 if 'they-hacl ' any, They were :914 for 'the r. day., They declared ,they were •'i".0intf to see all the fait...hail .to she* Ono' yeimg-lady of, generoitS aVerdti, pois ayid peiihession ef a twenty hors i spower tongue,. declared at the clitrance toAhe'Ote. hall he was go • • ; A to carry it. sill away home with na. • That bag bulged with the contents. ,‘ And. if I 'take tinie to ;read and digest the, same shall be it sort'. of a waking encyclopedia., I shall .'know' hew, to: grade egg's, cure :cook fish, can fruit, what'sort Of, car to buy, the:merits Ouso, score kinds of : electric washers how and :when tt insure all the members of thelnmily. • and a hundred other things; usefui tc ink ,to. see everything there vas ii any other place. Silo- led the grour inside And; entertained the ,,,Ateinen with her comments, and lotillatity,,' putting it radiant five ;minutes ihto ,thelr 'jaded day. the manuftictilrers' buildings • and the other show plaCes were done very .thoreitglilr,.:111e414Te;.:iloYfiestteirs: wlitte didn't t, We wander? ,Then our feet 'played otit Ond` we 8ought rest. *tor the bad loot ex igag ill the The glorious day faded': int: night; but the midway glittered nyder its artificial illumination even more an in the daY Brass `seernel' as -old and tinsel as silver,,and r.awdy orna- ments :sheneas priceless jewels. The, grand stand was full 'of chet4ing ,peo,''• • .ple. enjoying 'the entertainment, •. We must not forget to mentini the -;ex- cellent fireWorks-°-the-• bes•;,. rt 1 be- lieve—when stars ot blue -sn4 green and yellow and silver just rained „on us. and Niagare Falls was Saer. in ; • living fire. And there • was- a gr rat finale .of hernts.aod rocket,' And .glOt• • hats. displays that delighted . every. •mother's son -and :dinighter. of us. There is nothing like Ia.:great rfiniliti and these .fireworks eertaithly gaire it to that day of the Fair. ' ' We tan continue to 'nitre the old song, "London , Bridge' is -,,. down, failing down," but are: caol,, won't say that of London air, if it. .succeeds in..giving up -one grand , day like that once a: year, though it make* • one feel dreadfully • , 1, *LIGHTS ON ALL 'VEHICLES AFTwocropzit, let &ginning .October 1 ail !Aides using the: highways at night roust carry lights' and all ears' equipped with four-wheel brakes must display , in the rear a small triangular 'brake sign that :has been oppreired by the. department of' highways. • There shoUldbe no difficulty itt en- forcing the latter' arnendrn. ent. But in Solving :the problem of light on horse drawl; vehicles' the departmetit: may, experience cliffieUltr The danger of carrying. a lighted lamp oiee back' of a' lead of }lay la nbvion Provision was made 'io the -.'department' amendment to fil ow the' to exelcise. discretion. It mai; alio*: the , use of reileetorii. • ' The amendment .reads' as ,,,follows: • "Subject to the Provisions of .clause, B every Vehicle ,other than a: .tnotor vehicle or a bicycle or a tricycle When : on the highway after" duCk and be -1 1 fere„dawn !dial] carry in it cOnspku- ous position on ' the le4 ide thereof it lighted lamp showing- whlte -td the , fronl_and red to the rear, any lamp' so used shall bevisible at a distance ` o ,least 200 feet." Penalty fer ‘non-complicance• for: • • 7 the first offence is :not oyer five dol- lars, for the ietond not less than five ' dollats#,.- and for' each: iiiibirecaient of. fence not lea is than, and ' :,.net more, than twentY-fiVe. ' ,lion.".Ceorge S. Henry told The ronto ,Star that these two " amen meets:Will ,be„. enforeidliremptly.. "How' genera* will the use of re-.' fied.'71's be.ierinitted ?";:":Verk strict The Yetinger geti6ratiOn .:docent know :who linalrited, Alarm eloik.k, but- they•:,-didn'e; • . • " , • , Or 'course vvo. 1160.1 Senna eiiie can. ,,glidates,..,htli We -,piek',ei)Me that are The beat inentis of tedueing flesh so far 410410Ored .1o. privet $till hot, ,