The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-09-15, Page 5Z �T 7'- 7­­ i44A 1�4 7 A U 10—MM"M THURSDAY, SSPTXNBER 45, �0971 AW IFIAP: �WITCJL APEP Q i6t t AJ t h i e- V. —ew- �e a V, Ine-- -WgNT' T-11ROU 11 1011160 on, Aug,' 0, all' metil, beri ;,�Wtitps.qf.44 teet "'d C T6 met e- Tr .1y of fh all W -pro -3, i -wool readi and on.'motion, of'An, Vhe.,'Cheglei PI A ng, terpxisi� had, the' cKenzie,. mis duly rson L 'Fri a' 'an qightton,tr ck' y 'On' motion, of.iQ4TeTon..4rk4 Me on. 'a smaller one, belonging to to yn) '4'r,13 K a Toron tie I ahSpo�r ia M' mo�ing, firm, 'ir t 't 16's eep,clalm of, Thou. Hall were ;.0. - 5; Wag M. t9 r ored paid,:'$i 1.00, Y's household, offectp 0 "hen- the big; -III It"I n� niotion OT'Sullivab A tobnto-4 inid W , LC �,e rV pasmed: 9on, over 09 s6w the. foJIOW1"jr' �1114, iald'. to, ha4 b ided ,�re,nt t rough afi I ., Ir on ifor #eitpfir Lucknow- Se fitinol, for, brld*4. oq bridge f '.$2.55.; it". I r ntilo; frbm-Ahe ii, ham ai1patrick .0; BepV ck' �Tp' ,. 4nd 'At bridie Road:, !'a ab John. S.':KiI0atiick,. filling, miles, noith' H­ -�Miltitd klipatrick,. east anover 4L Thire Is iworld Of 'Slttfsfi�tion fOr' ihe fa f t t qerr U Ailing at, bridge,"roAd iiX" track stood �on'. en in t e e'LW It IV, J t , , , r ' ' � " I , I , * , ' , , d I , th iin6othly in: 1 0; 46- 'jnni�gl t �ho is M61 grgv6l,: 9,15;0uncifn Citin. Was Itee-es4TY' tQ,, 8 44 to�; Tbronio� for rV er a� w I rq-ki - bileir to, gitd`th� - irack Oui fr4 'M Oirrisb.' q, Ing ron. gravel, 000at, Ord Pvelikle f the water- $T.95;.- Herb Ensiga-uhauling, hi 'h,J1&.zhPJ14w at., that point. The, transportation coni tiny gravet, foo -bridge, $44.k- Jaiob, P 'Hun teri . fil Ii ng, at br I id ge I ��6TOO- Gor- Wre.sponsiblo Iliday or es, At W - , 1 - 6mm" , OUTR to -Mrs. 11a' d 6 c -and stiong &r6ughou�, id6re­eCOnQM-. 'biidg6, $71-2�k' Win e' towhshiP,'. for ep4ir- �o look, J6 tl� r com. S or t pense� Tlie drivei'61 the truck 9t. Neil Pon-- told ' thaV tkq. 1119 WILY ReZ:Ween V�'-x e ta 6n Of IP mo I: le 'and',ftan#i'e'!r roug..,i icil use: �� _Jength kr�* road �.,;10.00; Earl'' McDonald, to �n h tlAdne.)-The en all I y �Yer crte on antali .1,907-06 Hierb. 0 very hauling graviSli 0.13;- Milton Ion e tIiki tfie�dcviat` ',,at thellbridg' at x 1pat not safe. f(* -1i heavy� i ck, haulittl graVil'�, $51.00;, G. Ranqyer., wILS Bal,,'gravel' for, bridg;'-$4 load 4o go' throng, that the bildge c .50;..Vi to, on the detobr­'On: the'Bentinck side' huttlint'graVil and 614, $�q' are I a heav, Ge. Elliott, ]jatrbIman,,- north wap not a or V load,,r' and that th as straight,. boundar , $35.00. ebest wayjd,go, e ISr no Y IE For.r'�al Wite siiisfiction "thei thing like out* the 30th, si4roa4 -AY-L NO'-. 4, a9tihir the, rate -to. the Durba' -the- pniliftj Pl#ftO'Uth.TW �A inin ereat R -However 'the 4ru�-k driver 'fdr'county, townsbi railway. int Oad., pf .. .. and sch6ol h didWt 'listenr to. t e proffer d" advic s was. duly Ao BY tLAW -NO. 5 o orrOw., RAE & P0 with the,iesu)t b hat'he - 'has to lookto,' RTEOrU townshi for damaes'to hii. tiluell inoneyr Q p Pay., interest,, on iSil"Y -time -bringing a wreck' bondsi and, the expc of Lack'now ing crew., a I 'the way.� from Trotitp.' ai�ti6rj Of PhOile Council a J ­ d It Willr Camer6i and *cKelizlo,' t9 mp�t Sep- be;necessar CO. any -J, n �T- OVoL the jor p ILU I .. , t tembrer 19 truck. 1was ML gh weight, and ih .:the 16venL 6f: a Iaiwajit. E. MgDona the Townshij. 6 �Bentiitl Will ha've. f .10 qbo'wJt did; notice* of;the GODERICH f f heavy will proceid Stn"b4to the' -asset bridge. bei toLuciaso Wingliam, g the -Rev. And M is. J. Ei Ford have been' of., th estate union parties 0 g -AREF tlid:: t rart�; '6�ini x6ga on y. happy E I I n UU W h Ike., 256" efiti e the W i; summer- moh members thoto the claims of'.Wh their fahlily,-a ou notice. and'. the. said execu- t themi'. especiallk� :,..Wbrks �W j�h tbey'sh W n, N onuw6ntaf bi ave,had -the -hunt(ng d. an hopting. sea- e. Xr&il Ri4de during the'.first 6io wee'ks,oi..Augu9C, . . . t-- - I, Neamt Awda"as 'where the Train Rider@ eamV*d f�r iv;o AOIL 2. COL. A Moore. Lexd��r tors ihall not'be..Iiable� for the; said Son! is ap'prdachilig,L it Ui*.RM9ft�witbi OW PaM. 4 Singt4ent ar#Un-d C&Mofirj of tb L C'KN �V be well at 'Sunishin CiMp. *hen .41 U O..an&WINGHAU, they had ibeir. whole' lamil' a�set'S�Oj.apy phrtAhere6f,.to1.anyp6r hall not Anda.grAi4ohildr ke fi with them, M for young, and ine�perienced,f6lks t6 Mtiun.t� AssiRibpinei 6ne'6f t m -an S''.9000, f�et oit, years lies over a -pa's late area in which. te.- ohl'y rign of-� larglest and most., to soix -� of., whose clitim", tb�y I r tio d on h , d W . inplete be.". cau - : �b. . In. all '.the hl Fos' by 1�er is the 'Occasional sh then have. e t: "the use of rp magnificent "peikSr 1ch'had �ejjjrd 'bt es, high y life rill: whistle ��Ujbe,;Undon Gus Ae anadian Roc i hao . . . . . . . . . . . I . Pressi- 4-nJ'his our,.children-.,, Mr., and de_,�oti Biewster-,�,Cieek Qther'�fiih' pass7-tip I DATED. at 9 a - sty pi, -diiat ingP a la�,P_'F�4_s to7r'Fq -to ina imaxi t'of---t expodi� a., scen - son four -c ildre 6f i , hi,r 'i r ' , , id,jthb neit, .1 1 the ish a -ad 'C' teenth' day, of gepiiimber,' A.D.- 190 Avid 91:�hootinz acci 6n t, the 1 ike' P. 4airhle,� optch,,'Sivd n , recent anniii day"i ride taken fooi',it t' Prom, 'this , r- : I . . . . I . ans one, ch .1a not; a mon Q� 9 :feet d oug mountain up' a itei- on of the' Tfail Wdera, w o a.ve .. r a,Pasi .000 thr" It ands at _9xe6utors.. V. -,:fr' t Cor . red mea� d.. dot_ a ait" V -t Witighint, P.O., Soliej- . Cob -Re javio- Of.: _w t'all" unegm 0, , ove -a- iih height .. on trail 'ran ow,grass:an ouirg'- . 4niiij Mrs, tor for' thi report 'A o SUSt CoinpleW. a trail i�hicb !,0; spdiall -cu Ve It. y re Mn t kee boys, -of Owei Sound,. h.; their most ambitious f We aof Faiiii1f7 h ' t thIs year - for . the" afibual kide" Wd . with a 'pro usi on of I pine flow - so I . d&� Brian, un ing *ith:.,a a -is, the tiamo ."ad �Mrs. R6 on on n. Commissioner oTstiks. Qn ers. Hig'h Citadel Piss, -In ojng, ih, The Asiltilbobti �Jiirict Is con,; L e, ofthis plateau, Whioh� lies high a bo, ind. iaA4 ber d' tw� efilldie' �2 calibre r�ugh -4 by lioff� of..'Stratford., Sunday -4114' 14th Of have visited the iy to' As inib which "'was -felt ' he caughi-the rifle, -few L Augus; cd ioidered. the reached on'the eoenhig �of the sedond many, tainor and is' completely . Sur - by, the, bar, t, whi(tho 48th annive .4, to� surp"i In beauty anything:. In jor.-pea s., rs 1p_� r , 5ary o the Riders'triL le.well-abd4e rounded by. maL k r Evidently, . the bamim6r 1p S,.t a e-alid 1 Rev. i6elAo tke% thro the The Mountain it-� be'r."line. The climax of the'til ,wa" It laxeripii6ax` Ntatly�' CA i0id y "a He'r ere and M or a ma riage, whic mountains*., Mote. the 0in 'At the. -Ver mp on, . ..... took P Self, Which Is -fr rre L y oot o 'Assinibolpe?s Pow-mWow held at.Sunshin-Ca 4ce Win&or. in 179,. a*4,4h� equently refe' & to JL Four.�ships, arriving at,Van66uvet� on! s6nt t tag, and reco d e "Matterliorb'of the Canadikii Th�, so an befdre: p.ac ng your order. t with as t pirevious recogi. mighty glacdei.,on the Shores 'of the the, Iasi" night - -of -th $20,006',066 an .4 0 es, , towe'rs heyr , made Rik ers g4 rupdr-the-'Cattip.�. ti-lexplode the shell The' within. one W0ek,r 6�oiiht. Friday niore,th it Rat , of the fiient force many'thousand, feet -sapphire Lakia-. Magog, 't th red a abo�oe- the surround �6rtb of silk -from -the, anhiversary: as 'We ft - -------- w in n a ing - alps a Tid 'a Sun Danrb6' Tepee, ade , i' : f R V "r ullit eitl l3iians c� es re re bL III h are set like Orient' for, trans-4hipmenit-to New' fantily�. dc as' n' �at which , L' 0' 'in Aittle, lakes w. c theit, s66ond rap' where, they which' had, e . and R. A.. S�Otion c 10 OUJi Jewels received: by. the Marquis: D'Albizzi beew dec6r�166d 'With, 'fantastic , ii� x 1kal, w d, A -.Among the:hillm. --di' vei*d -hR 'hap, opened ap - a`new Dude iiin �drawings. Guidei � in �,iheir York. This is tho hiavWst mbve 'P"s I ing,,mo. ft,'.wai� sco Mrs' 76'r'& were ondred by'.the woolly" chaps and - e Oung man - to his years' ago. but, Ranch at Aisiniboine, ind.who ol:or6d "kerchief Intent of-!" kiid'6n. reSOrd, alting,,thig lorist took -the - y lesil,,Ian two wore ily.and' ��ide the edipien.'s�oj�i -0, nrV. to, ed. foi t S fam s- :homo; but be. ie just as only been kn;own heretofo , OUS erun ail in Pr they he Trail RliWr d4ring aftiStj' W.ri� entapon.� more odventurotis'niountal f, ty Mests, vdi, the. ia�to stay there. .,The :stay.. lasted twd pro essiona hieLn4 and r socie now I The Can -a oni in a3 proied O�, I., No. 428P ad d6l' zition AssoeJa Th" year's" Tiail.,Ride -h e Riders tthe days, while.th *Orfibn 'from is continent aihd t Jo "In 'Canadi WALKERTON a ai wonderful ts 'a sxibsidiaryL o(L the Ian Loaded guns ihould heyor be handl.. - st Wile; and 'the' Bihai* A itrr6tIn ing 500 Tuesd month p ar old itr innging 'muzzle, nor',should oxiiiding' 'it. i�laicdessible' thefimw1vem to the heigh with th4jir ad 0 U ined acific . Railway for theJi4tile;ment e& by 't eount r'. : � .1 L . r they be _ ry iurrc Mullin; 11 , 3 L 40 �5 O�CJOCj. e , B 4 il�qw of Privately-owjriad: t aij Whei onm. 01tit tb direction' of t t At] ei. of, th In thidr ball, �gz ed, to rRider' .7 tirn, . an& a, in .:ihe:' firs , rL g r n1bo Wardle,%'it! e E ugUSt; 1OaW id C d t 'EXpert:Laitj The : R ers Who left. Usialf 6n loWe' slopea �Ofr unt Assi a. p r- ic essayed the nutti" fqstivitf easels he etier Re.c. Sec. the: rain compa h P. -Caf er; Natch Irol 6fithij orf 19�7L acc6tmtML� f4ir ing� in nglah my of -its A on the highest, long- while others eon themselves' ntendelit ctect� !ne Ma thWh...of rks was I/plaCemont of 60 _in :the- presence 0 dist and JaJ)2 teint,;d erAnd cier pre Jent� f ershean, _qye&_the_hosp gla M n. -of Wat)rieWs Berc I It .0 e P g impaes� of �Iakb ra jb Oa gup ; oint., boeI' vel's. Walter- c x �tioted auth and hi d d istoi7 'of their organizatio fiom ower e th ing upwgids "and'elear of all proien. ld, f. The firit. piasenger trip of Jbo TKar Guildford, An of- Ute the 'L took. has ,w c. es oX, more e. �Cbunty, ftu oetidin roui� fitry.' T)w ro y Wild, and weirdr. Moijoil the' t4an�- th a� tce-- Commercial Air*ays -,Surrey. entertained 'liindreds- o quand for M Maui t*ei2tv yawi Qfthe".R,6". 'ado August, 7 �ther' danodi -units' we TOItONTO To �.0 HICAGO was., in on . th, utwaim, 'OVEt anT High Ri*er jn&� Lethbridge fortuna ones r"Alo"'w" M` -7 It, Oth- T_ plane p L HOW by' Jock,,Palmo AgeJnkeg men, Th to- y a e and tfity ted is 'to -.easily wiser but Idn)r e giitl a promises ies§ foolish ADA W' rianced b i inirfiake havifig Jaith, the'.groonitan,. ed' th t 'commercial. fli lit "lit . Her A well pog se Ill b' i beai4iful eA atumped, at*ten LethbrEge idgitce,. !home "The,. Mapli'tenfl, CA� 'di A.jo k� as ell" as any'ni.q t�ke I ea. h ti 8 an and atertoti Lak' wores t m ofial's, newAriffi" "a a oon, "to, bAsi.; 'Competitto'6� is not only. the -life b iieve, �eN e, -'wi v Agity must have' eon' inv�nted* Vj; bhrd to -NO ex"Cis 'Already the muxkrjt�L )i&4 Coyagir While. traveltinir in.� the' 'Uni.ted. Tneft -di able 'business' b ­ .'it has - been I a ma' h- ** I- d :h th 1at in - ovi in -gr "a Comfort ut. 0 n,*] 0 L IVe w ere ere were no ak6 oft Wen you !0d Sr. L go Mother - r L '. I I I . I V. - . r known t' n nus, of," P 01- _�Tlty mark" ro An an %active 'spirit to loventl bites to" to � laid all 6thir . fUrb&Ai4n Of, th* S'Ate$'� ini � Canada Park d,' rapid '-rdght!m* Jour ey -fro oa dd, e Dominion In' the total Val in, son, �niaring t q.,se Y" wpm n s �,�h S4'. nto to not _,Cfiie& tij �sold; 'Alone - by reason of', S�peti! a few hou'rx,in L town. NOTICE TO` CR 1. , I I , r . , EDITORA .,'The: latest, . sleeping ciar f t e L t the great, � number of elts taken;. quipment li r g' " ' aftedi n state of, -but on _adi�uxt --of-4he-remarkable- 'makes 'the'- :Jn.- the' matter 0 trip.,almost -as restful '.,as 3-ift . the price - of the rd I I whoTa. ihe wam,:and. still, lq* `Tkt�riksted 7 AiW-�-of _tho. home. 'the. are.,getti4 klong. -. She renewed. Township -of; C�Iio'ss- ifi,'thei County for d1den dayi, furs in London few .0e "Tli,�, Maple Lea -leaves orontb )f, Bruce, Widow, Dv;eased., a a0V,A quaintance wit Mitjo�� Allan f .'T Todd, at ery even ng at .65, P.M.,,. irr,' I by given that he6 ice, her�, IN, t '8, ving ail pei_� niore. rodent tim". Mr. V., H. -Mcoarlane a residence sons: having claims or, -demands - a.- ncag-,at Me -bomeiii of- Mr. and t x in I orning, 5. and.,called it the gains ri -iial 'an A M t the late, Mrs,..Cathe An -offie noun" as ne Mac n In' de �.t� the, effect that the MiS. lofin- Rowland -and Mrs. D. w �,W Kenz e, . Ito died oii or about the.'se be'46 a C Mr. n orma ton ;Oiid'-di* of April: A.D. 1027, at L the Canadian Tickets an& full re-? COMI Paelfic Railwa =Deny Mc'Kecb E.,D. nxe :-and "Mr. and, MrS.r natrue. -Midlanil Carding 'this .'tr4jri - may be -obtained --Townffihip 6f Culross i n the Xgunty .,of will 00 lw�. from 'Cameron. S e'met. -again "Herbiepp. nLy red t 'Canad" 1A I L to.',Port MeNij�oll; -Public parades Ag6ntr 11ruice. re �equi 36nd by post.' from ahy Ian NatiQnal, onstritiom wer4'� hold bohio'from' Detroit Rffir to and.--dein Hend , erson repaid, or deliver to th under� ayA. Kid angoutiosment rs. .-Parkinson will,..return 'to Eng_� when ihe,� land.. M signe.d; tho,:.okent herein for theL OX 0 o -o- MacKon pt" zie, Lu know a is gxea Y 'Bid L was made #A, the. citizens feel :that land soon. ."gh tl i "in ecutors, A new MA LAcouNTS P.O. Of Canada and CK�­WORKER e.�neth 'MacKenzie, Teem-' in lifie, great deal' -with the,,`LVa8tno * its and K Jr, , St E CLO g.. up manufacturing &ad bUil eon y. 4ater P,0., their n. eas- Lm6S and addr ' U.Str to 'on t al 'tj 6P rtieiil�rs. of their claims. k' with his '�yeg es and full Pa. The,mitt wha',wor a and -stateminti of heir r aCe6ttittir and tl�i forme y ell A nat Wee in �the,, iur� of the, securities. if, a Trent,'Cai DRI . NIK. GXTS' MEN IN TROU�'BLIE the �16ck;� nu &Y ny, dancer, anO' Wife, of tho owaiw of it, gets' t -d -A Icago Black: Uiwkitw 'hockey Whili �ieturnln' td -4 Witlkeito '�eld'by ihem..�' . o the*.end: of the AND TA I KE NOTid the - Chi the tkl 'OF WNT k ihat aftet h' et far'on' th" ']Road - of team hit� riciatly -b.mn 'staying at e doosh 9e e the 1,5 day -October 1927 the said, jj"11� fouto'cloeh on Monday mornin . jr� tO7 Su e r'Tre&rA Wilhgitiis,,. 4- t c 84 or, I V with bef,little, daugh.� I in e gh o eemer on., 'F r'beisn't headid thnLt 'Way, 9 d to 'distributi theAl fro' 6 '. nei D " ), gonq% 0 a decciased #m6ng ter. They aainded -the' Charlotib . ft46r�anr,"unguccessflll.�trip..� to -take Geher the persons entitled 'thpreto, having' f e sidd ly to the clai eg 0 ,qmgrar n of -genuine County' Cottage Cra to eXbIbJtiQJj, ceof' 'I'adore Wiber� -Ail -an. 0 "Jelt, I. keld 4t St. An ed t 'lie ha�it* d 6 his -of� .,which pageant 97 Xavv .11rai hey shall then, -have no ana that arwo I every j6ar.' Rustic doLftiA fit a 'house W nhen 0 e maid.�e:kecators` vll,not- be'hible Andr under 'the 1n&'ence. . Of n W thei, folk h :totake' -t 1i &Iks6n: featured, It, the UO 3 gttr'& eg shoulk h6 f6i 'the said 'Assets or any part there vincial .666r Wl m -He and IilinockOl d ' eyer and v.;:.W. Ioviit,�. to -sneer' Of Opportun 6failyl that, of. to any f4�hose claim'."they PA person o ­notice� give 'CR Feiguson; son of the local Chief �ahal I. fioi then have ce, Just io �man -hours Re6ent aeis d Datei of'tht Ctir Poli picked up mail s eeping, in A. 3 Ay We me 1 at Teds*ater this 12-4ray of. of Naturil', Resoilrees a i eiv�een 'bere . 'and he.,draws no dy ftom . hit. U OJP ber, AJD. 1627i on: the ra, d nd dian Tatific RailWiLY have '600 wor P., L Raiiatith Th Qit�'. r I W. A. Ugan" A nt'for said, fee has Mildtity, -Weber who woks arre k U� ted . 0 aipcoun s a o Ora ffle#'r 6,;ofily thing ho, rawt -In him ekoc slio , beeii of- that 0 Mondity iliglit, - .,and' Ileft ter:. of d I' that im tendred..1. his, tre0j*thon#L 4 Wu al he doe3p?t -abir-k Guelphi will have opportunitlep,.to'iell n n' Mr. S. G., Porter Will o their "itoile A, to Polia, th At' CIBANK �010 igte ad' inanager. Mr. Nais inifth eiL '�L TjD.­ CR]o t110. puts, othinkL'J#7_. cept ]D.Ir RS. Mail WLiUV- hoe C, OTICE IS,, HE N, Besickos lira ''And to NOUCK airm 0, 0, hk, positlw ,Niiker, be f4titer, Mild' 'Olt h.. ! L . he on' nd. accotrint, to Malir R GIVE an of the Advitiori, Com� Thtiksday , aftirn,66n; - And - Shier hire ,.gC next' TueAday, . Mr. Cjitipt 11, Grant '10 Ve N Thittee, kold for te pilijy, *11 10 b rsu it - to',�S�ctjon. 121 of c lun i i&d. ent conts'i '6; that Yta s defending the- "Blooper" Bd Statutes of 00tarl Ofr its le elt� a0pears Which - be st Ightway ptoceedif to all i6ons b0ing tlajmg agains in 160, Atilclukural M�ot that Weber' k6turiled 16 th sdT.. Caru ers,j ..de. has come at a more Jhw "same-.6use on might 'hb'diQdL On� or about, the 'StbL' —!Tt thin,,, the - awir.& ��l IT� teae, i�.w gain --outs "4 11 - . t" ng e1c0 One Sy. 0 , an and d dary thd jWh6hi . tumm6no r_im a 'Piov- Canx4fin, e*hIblt of and, that the, T --of_Kinlos Th t4baoc:6 Er A 'equire 0. Be d t " nd B '"&66o..dMsIon' of. the Vail. OtAust -bY'Ahb 0or "0 R,� OAtario, ire , paied by 'thi by post, prepaid or to dthv,64,to R. PILT avoi- F ONT in 1 Shfoxvithi oxner;4 three V imintiltdtives. hi �Sf6ilb�L 'L , '.* ' I "' . . - 1 Ing #m, aTio,, Q let- plains t at h6, Ar, dwq 't6 n%ihiblt 1�14 taWJL- at'L Me 6'.,Ekdatoril, �orl or �efbre t;bnd 6fiL Engtahillf ;_ in ter Many fi o , u . rs� of 'iontf h� fourth day of Odtob6ri 1927, Wy. TWX41nhAi Pr6dUct 611TY14 for pay. 79 with 'full '%6 pe 6on With 0 th a not own -their ndmes and,, add corn -W f'Sout that, h6 did tie pi �91 6,6i 'found ger a,rthe" �ature,'o_ t ou -s 09 1ndfi_ ColOnIbil An& 'Pit ghodegj t*6 �hotit $,:Of Who. n aOi,' 40 And gd;LtO'thO Vof3� top,, 4khv). -held by'them dtilk vetified, by a Macedopi the% in him', decl bald b IV ". . P t to ho 01310 ioav,.tht 'ANO 'TAM"NOT ot $ftat-thi 841d tourth do Of 00, of *4 $40" *(#1# 44 �Jf�tjo "$Pot L I *A