The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-09-01, Page 8•
encil Or Ink
Canadian Histories
rnglish Histories
Note BQ0k4
Pen. ers
Slate idle
Peng oints
Paint Srushes
$$S Cases Snd"Strips
Also Chldren's. Hose and :Unde wear ..
Splendid Value in, Ribbed Cotton. Hove
to read lace.. ,A, .004 that Will d9
the wol4c, and lls11,1111y.'seillS• et. OBI •
Big,Days, each :0,
A Co-operative Shipment of uyE
will be made under the manage-
ment of the Auburn Egg 'Circle from
rush Specia
.bristles, ealored,
ig Value' in R
'fringe ,on " Made ,from clean,
-mashed- rags in several differentk
and miss .Patterne, Excellent- • for
each thue
• With„wide:leenistitclied or scalloped
White einbNeidery. pr, wide,. 33" iPng•
1'1 along \,79.Ur Old.Hens and fill Up the 'Car:
.R. 3, Blyth.
day. • 'L1444011 InstruCtion;
to.04:gUaranteed: all .gra u tee. Home
VueSdaY; Seiteffiher -6th,“„ new
',September 12th.; Fer patticalars'write.
today, td Wingharn 'Business Callege
: School •of Business', The ',Canada
Basinesi College; (College arid Spae
snecial meeting of the jSouth
BruCe branch 9f the ,Ontario' ,pinW.:
men's. Association' was held in the
town hall, TeetWater, the 'eVening•of
„teadance of members Siam the Seven
teeVinthips, Brant,' Greenock, Carrick'
••:,ifinloss, Kincardine, Bins -in -end
Isms. :W. 31. ,Aikell of Teesieriter.
Presided:, • Conaiderable discussion a,
the' 2rid annual 'plowing. coMpetition
this year. It was finallideeided that
the match 'would again be held in the
•vitinity of Teeswiter this being con'-
. .,mdered the most; central point The
date. wig set :for •Tuesday, Octeber
18; -pr9viding does not con-
. 'Ilia with any other plowing Match in
; this .district, .If Was ,decided. to have
the .,same prise Iist As' lest y•ear, with
the addition of a..class for twe-fur-:
row plows.' William 'Ellis of Walker:
ton; was .elected As' a director 'of the
nssueiatiPn, replacing Herb'. Blanch
Anneal meeting. .
LaNereece Sarah, 'rest;
dent, 'whose 'borne is 'some .
;north of leeewetere.aepeared.-,Befort
-Saturdity. last charged with Steatite
for .six:'months." As, the,. Missieg. nettle_
and a -Val -ding
it,eonvictioii; he admitted' the thato
thin asking•••:fet:'lenienty •oie- his
and the tinnily circumstaticee inte
oCtount Made the , sentence lighter
than Otherwise be:- "'Smith
tilltqihlt *to in, Walkerton' jail,
DATES, 1927'
•Ethel—Sept. 14.
BelgraYe—Sept, 18...
-Winchelsea—Sept. 26.
Blyth—SePt. 28,
'Creditone•-•SePt. 29.
Clinton ,Atural--Nt: 5.•
Note that the datee 'Jt'ordwich
and St. Helens 'fame haie been
the original .
The ,Winghain 'Horticultural Sopi-
ety's FloWe.i Show Will be' held PP
'berry Townahip, neer. *Ingham, died
an Saturday, Angust 20th., , He had
beep ,a resident af .Turnberry. for the
Past 50 years end wits ptominent as
ago. a resident of,*ineham, died, at
Toronto on August • 200; at the. age
son, Ivan, And a denghter, Mre.: Fitt'
both of Windsor.' .The remaine were
brought. U.. Winghtim ler, Interment.
been epending feW•weeks'..,et" the
family esittage at Kincardine; died at
eration far; appendicitis; on Sunday
August 21st Mrs.. Stephenean War
Stricken riuddenly, 'and iin,,,oPeration
was hastily arranged for. She never
cisme out of the anreethetie
• Bert. Colter, :draynutiii like' badly
t Piece of machinalY at Petits. feetorv•
,one day last week.' A part, Of the
-tackle 'Being used gave way, and the
dislocated and one arm badly Ionised.
.and he- Thaught to' have- auffered
internal injuriee.'
Tt,:netry that the mills 'Of.' the
-gads grind slowly bectiase they gel,
'And so Ahe earth is .losjek speed
that Bonn& hopeful. PirloPt
:-Theee waists are 'nide
The special values
are just an indication
of what you will find in
*Ur store--Conie/
Glass Tuanbler§
dedigns,; plain fluted, -twisted or plain, ,
12 Tumblers, for
e Cloths
A good range of _designs.
Made lrom' pure linen 'cleth:
Thei are'
real • hit: Be sure to see
Great I
School just starting; and
here's two. big scribblers •
pages heavy paper. Reg. 5c.
2 FO
Huck Towels
very•Inusuai price for'
this class of 4g7dSn. wide
atitched ends and jiented
patterrii'blnebird designs in ,
delorS—pink, bide, lavender.
Reg. 50a: Blg
''Theei Three Big
Days mein,* lot to the
eather School
Solid leather, 'hand ', bag' •
style, faney edge Le:- red,:
green, brown. 'Very 'durable%
This Bag sells „.reg, $2.25.
Extra Silk Hose
8, newest ' shad* Big
shipment just arrived, *sub,
standard's, .but extra good.
buys. •Per ,pair
Hard-wearing Chambry.
These are :Well' Made .and
Sold Only during. o
big value. Cake: ..
Embroidered Tea'
•Made from fancy cross-bae Mar-
quisette. They are 214 'Yards I'Mg•
• Each pair with frilled tie ,backe to
Lead Pencils
Weer. Piked
in- , colors of
material. Reg, .value $4;00.
green Faim,,,Kinless, _was the scene
of ,a .pretty wedding, • when Myrtle
irene;,daughter; of Mr. 'iToseiih,Hitena
and the late MrS. Hanna, beeame...the
bride.'of Mr. F. 13ell, son of
!gr. and Mit. Of Deshero, Rey.
who wee given away by' herfatlier,
dreiti Of carneoi.:georgette,, and carried
-sr-bouquet Pt -sweetheart- -roses,: and
lily of the valley; and was nnattend-
'Lohengrin's Wedding March.
tie signing, el the register Miss N'elf
lie Warner: of London, 'sang, ".0.
Promise Me," T
dater 'the ceremony :lunch
rooms were 'prettily 'decorated .,witb.
flower's and pink. and white. strewn -
Ora. The happy ethiple •.left lore To-,
route, where' they will. take. the boat
ielands '.the ,St., Lawrence. The
bride travelled in'a :dress of Titien
„gold flat er,epe,.. small • fait. hat and
.[The wedding parte had the" Tide.,
which dartunately oyes not at all seri-.
the ,party to town, having arrive& too
early, took a. rim up' the road as ,lar
was turning, his ear: Was hit by% a car'
,driVing north:: A number of ears.
could not seethe car Whielr was mak-
ing the turn, ,Feeders. 'Wheels 'and
axles' were damaged, :but bobody war'
hioNEy ;„1341 ISSUING .
has resigned as lotal isseer Of liquor
pormita. Daring his three months br
the job; he dispoeed of 110 perinits
whieh at the comMiesion
pennita issued at 1Vallterton. :Well
'Ouniber, itiCthe territory there la re.
faded as ;Orly "wet",
A.:bus of the ,GOderich-OWen-Sound
was .destroYed fire near Blyth
Op' Thursday. of last.tveek... keeling'
unusual . at, the dr yer ,s ped to
inYestigate, and discbyeted fire under. '`
'made but the fire spread • sa
rapidly that the man in charge .could
Tae continued fine Weather, of the
past three • weeks' -is very favorable
for the farmers, who have 'been mak-
ing good use o it for harvesting and
threshing their grain ere:3s, This sec -
den Of - Ontario 'is a veritable para-
dise, as cropsid of grain and hay, alse
garden produ e,,have beep. exception-.
M' Celia. Pentland, femilliner, ,
spending the between -seasons as v
guest with her brether, Rev. S. V. 11,
Pentland of Biyanetone,• prior to at
tending the millinery openings ,at To -
sling of' her, niece,. Miss Olive 'Pent-
Hndsoe-Pentland=The home of
not. get same $20:"in cash,.., which .ha
been thken in. fares.- Seine ,artieles
of jelething- in the car '. were :Also
Ablaut two :weeks- agar al similar fire .
OCceired near Galt, when a motor
coech ,Was destroyed ip exactly the
."Fellawing the jitney dance ,tlon the'
'street -here after midnight Friday,"
ployed en.the dredging outfit at the
T.easivater,ri'Ver in ChepstOv.k, and it'
yoting man minted Clarence Doeer, al -
se of Chepstow, 'easayed to take twc
ledY friends far a Motor drive in a
morning they failed to prOperly.,:ne-
gotiatethe,eharp eurve near the feet.
of Flach's hill, southwest el Walker;
ton,' with the result that ,.the car
plunged into the ditch ; was
wrecked:beYond repair. :'Obe Of the
ladies austained a •nasty, gash on *the.
heed, while 'the other girl snffered A
painful, Cut On the knee. They Were'
brought into Walkerton and •aecoeded
inetlieat attention. The caf belonged
to another ?neither of 'the • dredgi
gang, the boys „haying -secured the
loan of -it for the night"; ,
understapd :that tlet. eat in
%Paid. His :friends Will he , totry
heat the sMash•up; as it Certainly
Tin; eepfesentatiVeir of the Ontarir
Liquor Contrel Board 'Were in Walk:
•erton looking up a' steed silitable fox
&Mot Stine. however, that
it will he some time Yet hefeire
store ia fin operstion at the Bilge
edding on Saturday, Augnst 13.
At highinoen, 'when their elder dauele-
ter, Olive Luella, became the bride' qt.
-Frederick', James Hudaen son of Mr
aOd Mrs.. Wilbert Hutlson,', Bryan -
stone. The cerenieny was perfoimed
y. e bride s father, ass•sted by her
brother', Rey. „A... E: 'C., Pentland, •of
tily decbrated with ferns, gladioli
and sweet peas. The 'bride who en-
tered room en the arin of
her,brother, to' the "straina 'of the Lo-
hengrin Wedding 'march, Played by
ing. in a gown of White geergette,
&binned with .rhinestenea, with brid-
al veil „„ainLorange blossome. She car-
ried ,a shower heunect 'of aphelia
roses and valley IMO, and Wore Vv.
groom's a white gold• bar pin.
set with diamonds?,Her only' attend-
ant Vias Miss Dorothea
Okhelia lases arid • orchid sweet: peas
'The groom . was siipported by Ine
brother; Mr: Austin Hudson.
During the signing of the register,
the bride's 'sister, Louise,‘ sing; "0
Promise Me.", After a dainty lunch-
eon,'the bride and groom left hy mo -
"tor for the Muskoka Lakes, the,bride
travelling in a.dress of poudre Mee_
crepe romaine with' coat of navy
eharmeline, black satin hat and blonde
shoes, and. hose.
" Mrs::William Collins,. ter of, the
'Pioneers of Huran.Township, died a1
her home here on Ang.- 25th • 'in her
89th year, Her-hilibititil-M-eiledeaaec--
her 34. years age. Mils. Collins *a•
hore''at Lisbellow, County, Ferman.
;eel', Ireland. 'She Veaefrthe daughter
Frances Cox. She Came to Goderich
tn. 1861'.and shortly alter came te
Purple Grove', - Huron • Township
-where Ore resided continuouslynntit
last autumn, when, with.her son Op&
daughter, she moved to Kincafdine
She ..had• six sells "and two'daug•litere
all of whom survive her 'except one
daughter, who died lin infancy...Those
Alice, at. home; William ,J.,•in, Sas-
katchewan; Rey., Canon D, W. ,Collins
of Sarnia; Charles, in Briton ToWn-
ship; George P., in Algonia„,and Her,.
bert H. in Saskatchewan..
wheat for the farm*" in the Tries:. .
water district Who haVe signed uir
ender the Wheat Pool pion.
years connected with the TeesWoter •
telephone .exchange,.endflor the paat
5 years Jocal ...manager, has ken •
'the position, effective the end ef
Thessalon "was ,honored -on Satiir-
tinguished American 'visitor, Vice-•
President.Dawes, who with his party
were ;touring through Algoma. ,I7n-
.fortunately his identity ;was nbt.
known until just before he' left the
wore shell pink georotte and. carriec town.—Thessalon. -Adtpecate.. • •
office in' the C,reinty Beiltlirgs. at the hour of ten o'elock• A.M.:, when there
A eorn'ni.rte List Of Lends. in the County pf truce to be idle', ler Ar•
Mita. Waikeiton. Aug, 20110: 10.27.
NOTE—The Mr. Gibson White 0-
ferred to in the' Paragraph, :below; \
which we take froin The alien Ex- •
White, whose death occirred here ire •
White is' a Mister Of Mr.*,,Ivni,. Murdie,
' Mr. Gibson 'White, of the Seaforth• '
Collegiate,. .wrote twelve paPers 'aft'
the UPper School' Departmental Ex..
=illations in June.' On• these twelve
papere he secuted 'ten 'first class hen-.
Ors, one second class honer and one, '`
third clase ,honor. These results 'were -
sufficient for him to Win firet place ,
Western Upiversity. , He will' be- •
granted the Scholtirshipti in the de.
pertinent haling the highest' value'
by revision to the candidates • stand -
7 Mathematics, Claseice .and ngliele
Greek 'and freeiuition for hire years
scholarship. He retains, the Classice -
and Englitei Scholarship..;
the.nereeri. This 'is especially true r