The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-09-01, Page 2Z M 7. -07 4&­ .,r44o 0 ft till 61 Ir tbo,J)PIWO, an,d v, ng, JL Z� �-=7177777-77� V1 % ad ever 1. . , - ",111TInp eq W, v ltj� pful R0 ULA"Xo el[ro I'% wItti a Allu. I �khe W*is 11W, Wx�o a f one-tenth LIT. rV1,VV Pr -Wit , V Inxo Nil'ce ge 9 eindor PRO Seagulls for V f tho 6sly ox"Piq It offfigh. op into too. W�, 7- -8-0-r, gain e Lab ep 4, .110 Says it. is, -d -a -,io. Men shing u4, oild cj�palqL of por"I.SeWPIAY04 I -,�,ed—wUh-7P6(& T -eMa loft, Ist �t M'�re Nvuri )q a, In A" "QNmr,, t AX6 those W rom. tbo �e. n", B T1)4g&-., pj4-.jitqt�ons andwho )cn Dr 4104 41 two stem 4?., e -. a4l 1s*QIve&- zi"Olpl -i nuel' b0tweeu� TiOn,010"O, 0 FT turv; w. -r� o qba We met a nor C EASY ASSIM11,, and '4 T E R whither X, n 'a WA V I I A. t it 'Ni greaA L� I pwkII�,,:bul;,g4qO r.0 iVind, and the­QoWt,­.A.$, T101 . Wes 4ntit. 41r iiii. -er th -ran, it is The.' qiie4jon. wh9osr a u, 61. than bro"WR 4roa( AS Val, that iter.". .9 ro,� or It & diih. t Hier 15laoa, deman Mh 1. as L- I , . )I . 1 4 .. -e Vesterro -t�hc Calla. Ivy JeOt'Of.a. left -The V61fif dt.'Ian,d:, 40' ..... ...... 'kilo; lea. INq :r. I . -Ii 411, ieilr, X,tqld my friends ;slan�,1 t he, m�st Istald''anO s Silt- Thonito n. VIP seeir- Int �q -g­hwiToq ard%wWar n I I k- 'Irm of WWAIS he W, enjo himedi�Xp, '61d W a qn, 0 . h- ald lead' quoted'AW:xbotleks, to the: Pi 44 pe shp� `0,ane-Iq4vIng rope, iiary About young an �160k .n ��j , Wilsoli, 0 s ing PfOpauy� , 0 W),u P jil th t1i glid "sionx, Glinica TV to .0 'b' Wi be ries and tlio.rw. d -liffs, of Hterffo- W tit 0, flO ril the, C -era t Ra es, to e z 0 Ilas�,attdekstli. �b�%Ilfopd. hers ,e w4n enct. inhoppitable' bills .4vancel- Puuii�abou Peru 4110' &:Vatchq6,o. TW. �r"JV�b 'b&�ngjak,,n, dlfrer'� 0 it's I t�- iviap. a ZV4 Irk. f t actively to V�c je,ve that �,,,aT ltgiti� gy6sli v w1i:o ate- �vholo-vf t �,ether to: b4l to low Whito, med: �"Pnth.11*�,,as -hat "4ulk for: a Sir Thomas,' sa ,4 *j� mon,6Y'f6r.-the,propi�r , � I i V 4 �� � �.equipmont dsckliiek�al 911 be house$ but 4tl t, existed an.y� n, a Poe, A, "ba Peru h of, i'llidetitand,. Ah,644.,pf t q ship., Is tile oppri, ag'as" 'V 1, hm' kill- unAbIq rrovq - %��Jla" : 11c, w broad 0e, Ar bit hits thz he iieiu�,med the C(iiintrl' '. al�` �jlreaft 'n ana,n( broWlli: 0. Ayhen erU, .1of all' 94 fletlin S, ' we fon�611111M` a., a -"'Sknle F lixiiii'an, h"Abit4tion lIIlf,m,: ail b dt'th� i, I 'for -s morle -my Ost -he ptdtded, tbAe,�Cb ` 111000` '-but 1 liliq .-A hi. "Sr' he� shall a0e;, lio-.6pec% b 91*9 I: q . D T` the S&iO, Of follow wbrld`-'�hbuliL bbAr6A:t1ad,.- a ielnk Well, 'POP ssa graphiCal �JQX�L les. It, We: iirive at Trl'fitdad 11010-ff D41 ''Ji ys,iii(pro'noAxi4hMc. bre; -than, i a n,4,' hie ift Wliibo'. me lqi� -�Wkibao I, , . , ­� , . . . sy, ... I it 14-sua, Arm h I - , : � r I , -76nl�hln,s,, of$. �lbg '""' L . Is � ire�t`ed 'Ca . I I , �tadlntO,t*laruc iL`L�- it thot� lie. etitq n brow the )�'Fet orw W�tte,'flpui; Cpast.-urlde�i whieh,4�aeh. wa one F14et; Street. ugly 'the priz cap;;, serto 0 hc be sh0e, 1 11 that t bread paid,by a 11 he knew about;Peru wa ' 9 that I tur AM." R.6ya Guests not ed A.'-eamp from I asked Y. were,,. not thinkt. self; ar urpeane vitamin B, for: YerSt Ir lie 1, , , I" . ; - Vl 4 th tbl� mIn'.1 nd YCAS I , Well Gu . . 4 - : of white flour doo-i ri�t c �,n �-a 1 ��ri 'when -'Was wh 6d of bec� Tward the -him' it' he ire d beforo lie re -.,He- knew ih seagal had blown it, rat Ir. thaii He said t t'inight,' be pip h Ing May frbm�,n It in f �.Il b1!ea'df A Porn =Ical ail jure;a..i&the: follow cc with Systeftratic. Wat K6 But evell if by heard AVQdr in 'cQbA tiqu rv�d e, - 0mm?, I hi�ead 'V�oyliiif t6 -b� Peter B, -sald,1 d-ld wel to E:..TODAY an. 0 ame, a6entiii I ous, �Cruise; A31 D lrll�t P ly , 9 -4..to� _>rotracte sota­-eth nZ'allJeA- Dan&rqu, the f lea& - ha d otk& jou Ist sib of Captain mcqt �scaier rem breeze tho iibbean Sea. gOL the pot, �%I Wore .:Orgapzations t twars Ccez -has - to Perii. Sho'llld I a miss onary Barlmdep,,UP071, ling to Thev I -London re - hat you V 'found itt" 'he across this face Of 010 C of Empire. when King ', Fuad" left, te*c that the site ptair� Bldod,sat wit), ''Peru?" I-n:sked of, 'bien breathed Nvopld be' n. 0., d -and jjr biinAer, of ;, .,.. .. " How 40 in- ceiA y one group' soft eatin, One dayr as I W�Iorstonp Over a I�Why., Isn't, Peru pat a -er 1 4 Hagt '.r question- HagtbbtVeP,. and 6 rum in f the 13ritis t '§ eyes a more"freely, They are the socre sen t Ashipp, ow )f'Bldod, iii'the h6, pe, ris '7111b tie e oc ive 0 an&, a, bottle tqIJ h hr op t -But." his --min the EmlilrQV lie: 49maiided. vi it is td.� ed t ily on d. ce agents, whose b tyrannica, 40 d- thoOV14 it el tavern. secure s V IT that, 5b hr of d 0�. Was n E -to­le=�� Af4ty- ite stiflitiL g, e6 �*f tAf�aaiid�-stale­t( )baceb- ire --his London' D 'car the, P beginrnl�'& -�f' a'watersido pbrq �had somehow -or otIfer escaPed 'ienzJ6 -in. the ally, Ne t �ornj �Qf it. A gel s the, Vess�al` to dr� absorption.. :Spanish hi Die bawiftis ruffidn ho�bcald . d Curious- edl'.by 'a,-s'PI6ndid "If.1t.doosti't lfollg�16 h In front of Everyone sees t e open protection �fitjtyL 'of th6 i'glan4bi 6d, 'dark-rbliis satin' w�tith:a 'thsL attendant 111911 WBACI -C id the i4al guest,, otic ' ar tht drilv6si- .e lsav Wmk� VL'� "Pause h look' grinison- a fcot, w' Oj-,ibOut, t o theXhited States.' Noting he -and t 0- t;>'6bore. - a "But be- -offl6als and the like. eraT 6taa bo�iindad, fQrWari Police, -nander, Ce�t v appelle Le Sank?" and 6qt flout i d bls &M walsit.', my lit'' y agent, had heard condot, caulit als -is an organization th4t g&p' ad ­cfo 9- . .1 , " '' Rmviari hind this whil;L, flour 'and 'nip -I I i, u� -c h- 66 �p -er4;- re U b e eHarvel -u brclwh�'fgi -at London t;tt�6rney- , Tlie',real gua r -ts-tne a I ya e nount of thist F upon, 1S.PrA yo, 0aptAin Bloc 'Io*ed. up to'cob6d p6wr t mat, q t ai u otUrn lie g SIP *;Lteh that is kep,t on fairs rep, In -o n. d than a, car ain Ila, v,-�I gate the. vesset, Iduring' the 'H me, tOo -y , -g sh I ip- L c 1'. The doubtful," as -very possibly, is, iact;ually "a deterrent to' Oi- a _pu be . - 9 she explains angeropq proves falge 4nd, t�.O W furiou Man, h gnT om as. ils."lo W Yui- con�u t" hat kuhiO c1kM another y4a§sel -th a swA, 1he firit sli1pping try. %This4 Is not d, newAlibig, b, istrength, wi T e tIO)aalo fiI7. said HdIffT Internit, 6h I yilyu' I but -what When tile !�s 9 Ite in.th' dark as y by,,.,Ir . - - that wasbrutAlly melf qu r; es -!I*e (10.- 13 "We years' ago, 6 P od r6f�ptw - t t eru. lub late, straten'to O'�.w r had, 1t9'C in4''seerpt' gr til s cell a avelled ',.io � P lly,',so- fiMlY thd t, -road' 4 '41 . t age, lore, Court- firn -he hereLore that t hi G�0, 014 ITH. In CH1,:�I�J�OUS8 AND.1'EPA a nd crew. ti tred behthd' �'l backed! a Pass ottenliam .'W ed therrt, % t ere fro . in eter y eldred that. should RATE. n of-thq reWtIve vi:111103. the most violeftt-members 'Di, i a Ito siddl; hd sal(L, go d4b a of Whole. I "lit ST10AY noVon p kLR Of White 1p'l bfeud. Ok-d: Dan those,: roUPS receive W OP kbow,'bl-L�;] a ai' hive Jo -change 041P 9 d T.' h.'l e Y, UISC far� Extrenw -1 adIfne --which- 'led t Q ps ,..t ot es=",eal nite repud-ki'voli.7 E aplea TO -day,,: the system -I more Y C:by fLe a dir Peter'Bl< me Sang if lie 'I he! lie is riCoee a, -no know' xus#s� pod sad hothing. r i�e has. its here bavil,,--- t�vo, painvs- at 1, urer. from-'Getio.a. directAo CAllao 'Ca lao, s r4t.s t Alto tal:6 me reaching. 40ur oo saY d J have -IjDq- e aal it. is': ood, I 1illeil Will, oru ean...1, exp orin ol Iff� theL PI ISCJJSS�4 What id in Eng�' iSI-I , na agents lower ro t e t "I di )n which ms� he ififormO I hiU lain4 to tb,6­AjejP. Wag the or. into ors d -ouP t.xt me t.b'knowY 'at least ti -of Perd; v ry lutionary gi y 01, 1 e s* kl­ " ,, , . -,,, ; eh, two tpf: Lima,., is. ciipital' on rj 'Itto Lt e� twin Ing, bb - dae, n I neil askane,. "it'- is Le- �� Tfie Genoese.;shl by, Aedo h him owhoni par the. tbxee In p 1 iielect;4-,�as in this coun other t el - y. People' likety,to. make -ded V of 6- 181gu"cj -e ap, in, -in aBloOrd Woro 'and t6koL her lh!St 'i U61e a' s each class Call at l3v] bu�t)­ r& tits D. Diego vat§bui� You, may h reelona, re, known.,ju D II agtho Iaiii a 'have ear ro heir., I ' knoi emeri� s pro.6 blat Gibraltar.' Thonc. - e 6t t4jef,- s n to the, C.I. and 20` Yc afds Hill a, Y ipalth, at t ersity. - dr�,f 'h Uifiv bcard hady A �.j � I i, e6V� a They He commaift4d sight'of Europe at vine W i�l go ss; Don. Dkpg�o 'struck a tear t * en y had gn coast'.o -Xr, CA A t sh �s, a privia - of jar6 do6keted;'And,their nc i horo --d -- — - d-1- sront there -undowli t[W Are 'a 154-i�ch, m4t.?,,rla Birini' hn . . , 1, ng 'w0k Tenorifiet an&. f lItar to, the men b e, s yar 'a bay a "in. th and'Ha o '.,'Would dropp6d anel that, to th& face at toL llrinidad,, 1, 1 1 �d go.t. 11 1 13 L Who coUld. r6igt g, t t it to_, t, e ally 8 a. e, lis firs- se Ill efo'ir C S 0 E PE-RljONS� f b't'' Aroaring,' quari�olsoiue, har& trades, scene * s. -an t I f 'Idea an'. li�a�e Ar'upk bdrel'' his t th B ko 'pa I e a.,buiecarteer s c f"Elvil'Then Blec, betw,,,en,- ;-W,.h!A gets Ili touchL d named by VITIg tNvb* d followers *izied kink;-hardjaming the : . . high Aoierl-ca At,, Trini a, try our v 'L T�' BENEFIT. t'servi 'd 'flisi 'IS d st. wlien.he Its f tile t tile. to a ja lended t t WAS no L Concerned!. to It " ampaig t! piweire � Of with, the �gecre mitably b t nL $1 oyage ? I , No: .1hat Ad . i, Su , . �ewiid Bieihrerl' the Cox n..and'."' learni. -what dangeroig. an ursing 3,� c - There was ab S-i7a .18 111divi hek his third,v .1349, is, out his gaudy,'swagiger,7 thres hills 0 ' i suav -gthorpe,, n Jua 9' are� "'if any, blight get -here, who gzes L6, 18 said 'Htt Eng. -whiit li 'ra y, way. of aven. the d' tlieTn, Where they (36, bV90 d that :the so�it came.,%about, , th�t' I f�ft in d an �men'are, belin llhpp-64d. e n -the ;�ubstltution 0 V -,Seven Sis- a And N& - �thelit al d '�6-Linch L. e 0, 6n!faund singula, rly allurink.' land for Peru bir ded the I , -ilich mat d s on, I loOk. at )pbaran�o to. '�7 in d 11' .., - nre -very thlnjj� yO md tU .4q have is, d- �li -relit gossip t . T: even: A� thiciE.Mis . t.s 39 �jx� ea -or. a ue 14'�a ba ial \vll; br d.f i�arltil PT -C Ile it. wAp-.. cur 0 -po 2 Ceti, S st e.en,, h d Suspicious batlonls� find Ix 'ttatin wbia s rip Id.wI I, an forei, I left Ingl, closed to tliom.. 11 wMW 4rea& in -or the Cilleo Ll M-adorhoiie-116 d'O.geron,- the G4Vor- t6r.s as e left -the. arbor d pa t lj�,Ing for* n a pan&, for a9 Don. Diego ldDals' �IIV agas, 0 tie'. wou the7. Pla; L der to.v when ah.. con�] W'6n -the di 1s lb,�e` ci�ukht in u throu�- Nvi�b, �V("u �to, hanglin-g, leave the chaif Cliffs Of Sussex aist6rh ay: a proc is el do a st when they, vone t� pFort of -: �,r -tie, gn s ill -P- 'flow liavir who T iii our w I irlent P ysiclatis i,g."', ,the ''are'othis ttractive Othe�,',pron bilinself an ervan April spoke. toL are: sh-iniog, und -juslideted man.. ,ityles for '131cojils, council L g Parther 'out theL Sun as -indeed s-�e plilced goln This Wa§'the Iran w10 now-thru d :haye Yalfica t6 u i)t wfiichL'yp*Woald omes anywhere near ill 6. Royii.i t�,D Nyoman jin -Blod, wit .=C: il,xessniakei n� 4 tlie'Lopait _of, England -i is . kept under �e p. Or gi hiiris�alf -upon' CaPt, was 0 f h the; WI)OIew eat a wdid 'from" libit of' ca�� Anh ithus.iaAg. d� nitig;'but t e�ar garnieftt" 'e pa him shl Dr. M. �id eA alobg� iftaftbl�rrl Coast, they.should of oIt Is ..Ship and, already below, the hoilizOn. starts mak­ trouble and ly �jj hi�k t dependable. f0f.''ts , I n tablo_'L der- not. pit, on one .3fulfilled, lency. un rl P s n u6ment. Dieppe was. sfic "b' * d -e -1 of yeast ex�el on ahead"when the i�e�d� of'-tha- wiftly a are,,poi , econo-i-ny- -,will; AMY o -r be'' �tlie nien.w 0 to overhaul, a. sallink­ boat is'lile' and .'the men'.who, do It ha, sailed in, en�, Ing a s u cienz,, CdT�, we, 'begam i1n of the, *k y -a 16 6ontS"the, Wpy. Rowl rut d 11,�3: liose bell. Ing ops e u wh le fxow�led 11, insla tly In piriiculariy. air6f I about, the methr the'v'hamins in ticod ge Would rot -comm -P employed* batch- of. mpara Ile fully: parbt'thq'0yerIand am ad 'f 110-W Td .6RDVP.' PAT out." ti But bo�a­ h -occasion a a Im c heL like;a m6 think �d to r6cently,on., t a self at once. bdon, Iver.' Lo 0 consented,to consi. leritno�nt with. wheq. -C ia. proposal b: der 'barg "royal lei, germs, RIIG al, swept, on 'to affOrd' the ,,Why, �r,6 W like a Thames ceremony a,, vio t. COIn end of the mattei A�,tbat of ''t '"The. ved4t-fed big Write your name arid,addreSSL p 41 A& L The r Iniiiiiist "Who had bdeu waiting quietly kiid mat ly, givin; ' number i.lze 9. s what 'sTAe is," he� -repilie among tha 9peCtators i 'd* tarted to-Olout d", d'to' ia..'�idl: I " S from. an anoit4eir within i; week, artigles Were raW11 he say Thai ��tfern� 'as you, warit. '-Endose� 2 c in- ii,:Of drilated stom-ach;- '6at. b6i6i p between Loeva.�ser and' for sd' Blood, ,and an. Thames spreety al is con Ali n'the ,Did r carriage d �,tamps or, coin :1L: I I . . I . on I'- -t is,\What 'we -N .as baving'o fift -olizand h 'and—as-Vas i1suAl— vant,!" hie. brfed, putting �Or each. 41umber and� th6r pat ol0ktal y th, Dlepee- cbiefully) '011 Vi �Lt a. de' -resontt I tioils:whlch- iir6 dellepdifig twbich'we arei, by. 4file on ep I h his'liand into,'his inner reast pocket ttern Dept-, al., A,N address yciii,order t6.r, �6sterly breeze ' was carry ng . er livit4r to 'excelleny. 90'( followers )d sipped. Her red. sC& pull out a red ag. 7-3'W4st Aae- rniyi, f6�w��d at. aWils?n. ,ubli�hing'C , !. �t'L ar &rIt is g (I tile tettld;.they ma e Th �ro. thoors. W All .being d -Itke'tOP Befote;,n the. f1i half ofit,: byl -Whoilp wheat ur I per -and Iber great 6 �iad Patterria, so safis shone 'y for sh;, ail 'the ve -of ilp,*Iy scrape , an V tanding' ry '�VID sprit, -ned, ..op, tile' teWnion d -on d' d anished, itireq.. men s -near tur 'say thA Whi - tO tha' Governor said one,,ir4 r. o get d a Ir. A� tched he r as him ,Ybu)ll get icturn '111 narr wly escaped What Ypp'r breed6i wa ransom f;�,,6kled. In, the,sim. �fteqt on h �e firsts siblul 111,11 Our has �robiantie-�4�ttempt,tDl ul - The '0 0 and" palssed bpr, for. I t re tanr W6 an to'011 W all. of, W overha 641 coqsly trdek'his Jaw. The'n 'ifi,tho ilarilb 9f All the'rlg6 In* tile warld there is.none Wc� realNo is /in , ti �roceedlngs. an(, 1. thle'. .. infil de, !ell makle no mQI little Nye AdITIATAI,in alarm. Of, taking pas- tile siane appeal to,:the rest, fir th -alli and cattle three,.men may, -61 d Ma "woulU as wh� 'Thames- oprit-sall Now of course, ondo Ith i or, tup. 0111 -egre ''Impulse, but 'it SAW: IT i 6rds oi dyna ii on -Ot Jac leaw lit barge. . ell, -r-eggmef-T 'sai saJI7 V�-ay­cLlf z ns� u n Y'L Y� -it to ---&' �aeu � 1510 ils t6 Tia V petielIC6 onal In NVOL that. ii' -family That filght sl t a ad Away Ili our. wake �for r Barrio' C, mo - �11 y f; a r V. (to, h (Jim, an d vapisbed th C "Its $paj a '6iic6 that they I'( wol �y 1�other and. It fla oyane' S co 1 ch'w41th c PIT rist ;wfth or ha *as a curou in6d kfievi1hAt I IS -e tile all :thdre, il.'to, be just.. W�Ci "Jack a. happene .6041(1 llftv ov. d rea last siglit'of 'hom, t- -lot know 1; 0, W I- 'Ve <1 T a',cross n,,.. 's ng 'a A'gl 'cs 6f Malaga day er 'Hulyil a- The Axt morning IOr 'S62ly SCdlp. Lrn it gfvi�s a apt Minard's. va. )n M -to. k ab sit from ain..-Blooil, whom lie V, y q Aeasie"I he 'i� zll HE SA.ID VLI the� French 'AlPs' !)'to 'Ita NAME S,his ix&niral. ik reached Genoa. Out- cc ing y. a g. Ift y illanihors of it IP. coil, stands,, t1 O'V,. BI OD.' �e'ftai 111 o -to Iry 1�e PETER n Cam Brib The, Iri!shma bllr6, �a anin- ad sh., -ghc j, AAilailk' thq d final., 8et�0s`of':whiZh 6,11 thaVil. �mb and.-.'!rOrn , Tbty ].,I statue Of' C011 �.,bnven'of:the, a On Or':KIngr -Jarn, ul ay Au,se covery 'jin 'ft trilo 't�j mikpe for Tortuga,, tba &rAandhng that, ��t at, 6n'ber seen fh -it w iis. doWn the t C b 'event of the two Vesee,10 be,- uunels� of �bc 0 t 'I'L01111d. by' that irl *fifC - lawless Pf) I 1p; liirbof. ntly olft I.0 r Di in ill Pekiplat ,t!nn fC r Captur, com, ar., We sAll-od for , ae llg it tho y Lt6k�by, ae6ident'ot- thy , i -i'tAban,, uneasy -gap d j�dl� -May Re�ult -noon. -cso and, -to, appiehend. boy shcr�ld rejoin Lch4t�,6 ot father; r t. thei nex:t. After -W nI68t � -�, -n;Dv., -A- thler tby ey'of GenoA rom the tile. &Y Aurn� IvA.s so On 6,; nii gli i be',at, TGrtuba. th� exquisite c, Tr6atixig re FN eedilit -,t..e A 4- thither enfertain-id, eye b6ard. should convey the S p'. f'the Italian exiles 011,1 pgell'; Orr Cl t -urn them Off 'in 'a boat nd, join ly much"affeetCd that Spite were 'a du,c, niat frorii. Tar I rMt, tnto'the Wall With thern,.or. t his ad -,000 they W 69 1 .. ox"Ict"; If t Y,tp, the., tl�o expeditio 'London.—New o1:1)1� a as,, Ho ne-4 to mako 'the best Of ih�ir'wa xy 'motl . I sto ant 'down to: -t Is11i'le.10 I, 109" vut O:ut fo�- live, y9a.Ts,. s d In* the bywProdltctl� from far,are 0 Coast 01 y re4 ton,L 'one YOung 6rigill O.IiaVe bee This wa.;, the W)ts-6 ieer �fte�,Waids.,. ported it dise.overed It (To be cofitinue s. I . I ed at'Genoa 69' iiets at, tile Mond lt lig !I ub..V� -ell, '.q 'in tlio- lie :N%,l sea! or P, y 'we liarbor'.Vs�huld d =L,pf the Company's 0) intry, .1 -led 0 t, lj� Insiqtedi "'in Tortuga. they,- would 1 1 have :jttmped.joverb4DaVd'. 6f,bligland's PIaek Iat t -ed with,lilm,,' ill ah etifiriely 'new The ladlesAieartfly agTi- t is likely be flayed,. allm" ion as A result, "Which is -haTL,tho isynaie - del- cl�g; theL spidildid sthop-sidust t and a (lay an, I L" � L 1, -coverle ie ibeir . '156 likel� that tho :(Ils . serve',,, irowl d, Wdl Vorstone.-I of'Bdree otta. fill.led'' ,to, %411v it a �tL Oil tile bo"Co , ­ . I . . . -no "Stomia0h: for 1will linve an importwit' Clio( tliy. 1)ogtii iii V t i fy IT. 6h, faugli Vvd stThe lrdlypeaks Of t, P nil it is ONTARIO COUVIGE/OF it la*i iiiarld's 614ichi svPP les, 'go lift Sal '�B`1004- "At Wb I cri e passeit� q, range Parle � �rqrqnto, N lAnce, and oy.en 'under -W evada, r Ve -a now 'Orillially '71 NG re stood tii4t op.4� Insteucdm in DRAING PAIN 4YIlreak' plick the, Spablar0s 71to a C.. not worth g interest. 5 r- U LV? r q i z E Lo .. I ' ' ow range of liro4aetg C orid, l,lto'rafy, canitibalsAn: -Nor '.boat With; w �6g vyatelll. od, 4, shortlY issue 4 11 d�DESIGKCOMMERCIAL Gibraltar f. ILLUSTR6 J0N-PjN-TEJRJ0f(PEWVAUM not..oix lie Peaii -4a T 'a. ndAcit--thern go to the IR'ter. t he y &;d A,- APPUED A Hour I 'on.�ho, arbdard''I �tho aqrmA .7110 atopoly Ill lia . - !­� Ile becamp �o po lar he ve. held a Ar A nd 94h wag settl . Am f toCk,.: a (he , thdy W�- to, I y I t, XIII., 'L J - "ay by Q �hg we: Is IndufAry., )00 ti 'it !jgtir UA th L E. YL Man, of the t b6W. Thd 'For some time of, trill dptr6achdd �',th Ith lyfflzell ItIpliabot of' J� ICU ,�Pf�r �Ik� 04 10) 4 he fid.hAs to h !mail t a lislItodi atil. aitiAt' aro h I I 1i I Ing- 9'� I llirl t JUICY, FRUIT4,b" the', Natural TORTUdA, ii he 111my Cother. li0oll 40 0 InlAutes, t I I %call" gain bg sky..* r r lit -dteWL' jin e WiY, g the, latest, I ngs, ebl4)r fade tit n- I))(. Into 'thoic 1010 devour 'irial Itlood to Idin With, ry' n .�Iu 6 tIIiAtO. -And f at' tbaf', t etti, rciich uged forJy in", , -,g�rllouthand e wh< 6 a a &ansti 4, a" -�jllollgfit� :there Werp ih6y Jr W& ItiZ If) 'dcul6t Y' l- r.61 sl t o r i'made 6f Tortugd" i%ijt while' AtIIr.A?,g ........... ',igAo', at ina ,es' -V �ho V,tkg 11mr 400d a0y, "Out I Or baki'nj,-- cakes, pits, Va "'-"'a Y yp Sa'4bruz, at seven Sovetgl' other, 'AmeticAti t0viatbils hor. ordinoy i§ �dr r al f19pain, I- -1, ilia its at the 6j aeo- Planting .6 sAiled ro�x tl�'sack on yj i, lobtention, to hy to V iando. Tho0b I ing afta - bread. —'so th 6 0 e floil Ove 8.1 ntloier ed bj',the ack j 'bright — e cloc eceftlm tq.Vlcasq. ou., rK, ag' Wi I � – - E, Irlsodi In the town atora. of, Try V1116 tk, F lour 'to�,�day to 'Frane or Hal 6,dg f6f ithat in; Lln(1146fgh Was 'th weekti.of*o, OtI)ey -trees, -but the. 6 U'dj. 'd BUt 'J�ft '40. t(� one 'Other b -se 1p of", t 4-10.0 *6 . , , , . I flail (1, wit' tto ...... q.,lought in- Itafinally Vanl,.shedL -01, ate n:, Dvoy 'it )�!Il Oberlin ate W;1V1 Ila - Into the I , , 'ALLL � 7004ed�.?, A�ri mr )6 I I , , . ore AT s'be Vip fiir u b6ecaiie�y' Or it 'ford from t0v FJ ornhig, PUqdd :ida FroOr Llb�lttd, r0A Itlld. Ill hAt so fly the taver.A4 ot t quai Than b'a OnlMent.#60 tdf� f"L Y 'flying 118hiL,80 'N of Tr,, 21 hspo