The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-08-18, Page 5441 , • • • • • mmuninmriimuimi:, .i.1.....L...rnnunn:........""•_ 4LThcre is. a wotld 'of satisfaction .for the fa sten in .'the -use of twine that . runs `smoothly in his • binder from .beginning to .theFend of harvest. 7,1 -ie Good' Old: Reliable • • " even and strong ,throughout, an dismore econom.• Ical. to use`than short -length twine::edength is guaranteed by the ;tag •on every .ban "o Plymouth..':. Tptx b • 't$uRSbA' Au' �.� .. 1JS S 1927 'Fo : real twine satisfaction 'there is' no. the -genuine -;Plymouth Twine.' • ARAE .&. PORTEOUS . lPhono C 6 --Luc' knowv IAU11UM1111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11I IM 11111111111111U1111ININII-11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111UMIIIIUM1111IN Mr:•JolinaVon u. Car1oty, M'+•57 Ar-.Robci tson• of Colborne' 'Townsili Rev. Dr. John .Ypurlg Ond Mrs, yeun ,f Mexico„ N."Y., .were. visitors' wit their' Cousin, Mrs. Clark,' on Satu day. in.r. and " Mrs Chas. Durnin' an t'tibert- inptored-;to.London:T. on,•• -Sun 4443'yrs, John Fothergill of :Edinento VV?irs. McCurdy of 1>t. Bat tleford,• an Mrs. ,D B;eli. ox' .'lKingham; were:• the guests ^of Mr..Orad Mrs, Will T,dylor last ' week, ; Mias. V McKay. of Kincardine, w a visitor fora few days at. Mr Ron anson.'Woods';, Mise IreneL;Woods'le turned: to • Kincardine, with' her.. Miss. Margaret Hinton! has .return. Toronto•, after,. spending her : va 4ation at her home here Miss Emily Weatherhead' is heine from Blyth' for a 'few day Mr., Jos Smith has gong .on a ino for trip to Hamilton and other, points in' comliany'.wit} .1VIr. ;Cori. Boyle ,.ox, Holyrood. Mrs. Hugh' Rutherford hat, retpn. ed ,•from a few weeks! visit` with, hei niece,, ,Mrs; Hugh' Cameron • of Pine G P,; jy Me, gni. Mtr,t. P 0... '1 ,� d lora: aid and .George of-Talu,,,,,ileo. sailer on friends at Zion • on Wednosda}'' r last M s 'Robert Hamilton min „children d L3enson .and tClarence: of Wi , ;halii ; spent a,�vgelc°visilting;Zipn, lends. ° • Master Tom Anderson of jatafe- n kiiag, spent the; week=end wi4h his c coysin,. , Charles , Anderton Misses Ma�y;and. Grace Anderson of London, are 7�o visitors thio week. ' as Mr$ 'Bernice :;Blake • vi.sxtied with icer. friend, Beryl, Gardner,.' • for a• few, i days ' River. Mr. Currie of Goderich, is -a visitor With 'his daughter; Mrs. D. Phillips, { Rev} ' Wm. and: Mrs: . Mackintosh and `Bobby of Milverton, paida short visit to Mrs; Clark on -Friday. • Miss Jean Camphelr of'Bayfield• is. holidaying with. her aunt„ Mrs. Rob- inson -Woods. Mr and Mrs. George Webb Are: isitor4.._.at; -Kincardine Beach '-with" Miss Wellwood, at her cottage.. Mr. Webb had the misfortune: to' hive a ,mall none in: his foot :broken =while taking part in, the ;sports at the •dicnic on Tuesday. .. omen "s n- .4titute and '.of the Rine Club with heir friends •enjoyed•n. pienie at'Kin- ardine last' Tuesday.;. All report a r`ea1 !good time.. We- are • sorry to report the sudden; : i ueknow Vv'nghiim : 'Piroaie'?4' • Phone' 256 Oriumentai Works LUCIiNOW :and WINGUAM . . ttr•'therlargest andtinoS�cumplete . stuck, in the, :most beautiful designs -to choose from, in ltriar>ile,, Scotch,, Swedish, and Can= adian Granites. -' make a specialty,' of. 'F,arily° .mento and. invite your 'inupcc flea hiatription'e ,Neatly], Carefully and ' :Promptly: Done; ct •8M Ant before • pinchig.:your order.. �i:!ngly 'Bras: R. A: Spotton • Lueknow, Ont • 428.. •Luckno, • 'meets ''lbs ascend,. Tuesday of •every month ai • £hear- hall, ate ireteex C:." Mullin;. W • D[.; .'ls''Carter, Ree, .Sec. : CO �'is r any': �m home: Keep the: family 'united. • If some are, away from home, the i easiest :and: quickest -way is of course by, a'LongiDis=' ..alce call.. The young P. people nowadays put'up'a , . ; very brave : front. of .wish- C ing to appear' independent' ' and: self-reliant, but their earts still..thump' • faster when they hear ,T)ad'S' or', Y h others ores. overt e v wire, ., Even when they go into, business, per - :haps in distant cities, ▪ their • nature •;,does ' not . `. change with their habita The. tie,"still"17iilds The dear: ; farhiliar voices . • are just • as• potent - " --lave a regular time ' - to call; up: the absent_ •. „ ones" by :Long Dist- ince The , eery e was never so -rapid: `"Tile cost' of Interurban. Servide.' to • nearby towns.' -within a °adios.ci •• iy •2S :n iles='is ,..ver low. MADE `ESPECIALLY FOR `'TK VACATIONIST illness of. Jim 'Durnin, Jr Who was taken to London' Hospital on 'Frig We understand:'that he Wilt be th or treatment, and .hope for ;a spe. ecovery,. �• Mr..•Jas. . Durnin 'of Melfort, Sas a :visitor with his •.cousin; Mrs. fillips:. r. and Mrs. M ,s. Will MacDonald, • week_for,_,Caanpbellville; wla Will make their Thome.' 'and Mrs�Robert Campbell in, ',Sask.1-who have , been v t. the' former's oldFlion hei minenced: their; return- trip t: . J. Woods has gone: to 'Fe week's holiday a Huggin,. who has been, Mrs. MacFarlane, , le on ;Tuesday: rs. John Miller, Millie Eldon niotored'to•• Lo • e =Anderson— has • r its after spending 1 home here. • al little daughter • a and Mrs Will, Hui* otored ' from De nil will spend •ht Blue; who ha her parents, M son; n is .holidaying chie Anderson n ' of Toronto, v.r and Mrs this week Mrs. Gordon e of the] d, Goderich. the Unit- liont arch' Sup-• is a eld•. their urd. Oth con- • by' ntrihu t. ' embers num- er was. en-. aried; itte__ outh Out, ic. e: 11 ay ere' The • farmers , in' this vicinity, have edy° •conrnienced ciittixig their •`oats. the sound of'tlie ,thr.p. ma.• chine is again heard throul,huut , the T' land, ; •' , 1Virs Wm. Robb spent last ,�yee;; wi h- I 1= •;friends. rn li�.n,ir�ri., ,• Cie.= I<lrss F-lorenee=Bi�ith peirt"hT weak;' -end' w. ith slier friend,: Katherine of itoaertson of l;ijiley ' Mr's. •Carriochae. and d ughter;' .e:. nes of Seafoith, : ale:. visiting to Mr.'and Mrs. S.'Carnoebali tars Week: ,Miss Lena Robinson and: her. cous• r• In, Miss H. Fraser of Reston, spent day last week at'Niagara ]:'ails..' Miss Katherine ;:Bain and •brother ft Neir..eturned ...to their hone 'iii ,Lon- •` don,'.after a two weeks& vaczttion with 1' relatives• here. Lon •,f ` Muskoka Lakes are • like 'a • huge magnet, . whose power to attract 'thousands of pleasure',.. seekers frons all over the continent girow stronger. every year. Once the—varied pleasures of Mus koka Lakes have, been enjeyed,:there e .al'ways' 'an Urge: to return; to this pine' and:. balsam. scented; land: of 'inn - shine that ;cannot; bei denied ..:Lolling •:in the sunshine, bathing in the 'clear waters, or .cruising amidst, the hun- dreds of• islands,'• dancing, golfing;, playing tennis, are. only, a few of the diversions'•awaiting the: .vacatioiiist at Muskoka :Lakes. ' There : is .plenty: of ' accomodation for :everybody=accomodation.:' to: suit every taste •and •purse•'froin the; lux. uriously equipped Royal Muskoka to the •cjuiet little' hoste ry`with• only a dozen , guests. • ,. • Go. to Muskoka Lakes; this: year You won't have a' dull moment if you holiday in. this wonderful vacation', land. • • Any Agent of the Canadian Na : tienal Railways will gladly give you illustrated:.literature ' 'ani complete! ih'formation: ASHFIELD NOTES • Mir. J ilinore of .London,' is 'vis.' iting friends •here. ' Mr. Bain'Stewart has returned to Markham, after spending ten days, at his home in Lochalsh • Mr. and Mrs.' Dave MacLean Of Chicago, have returned home; after sending a few days :at - the fo riiaer's early hone Tiers Mrs. Ferguson and babe of,. Toron- to , are visiting with :Rev. and,' Mrs'' Ritchie Mrs. ]Save'• Taylor" of Sault Ste. Marie, is visiting Ashfield friend's. Mrs. Bean' and' John Brady of Strathroy, and Rev. Fr. Hogan of. Lucan, were here -attending the 'fun— eral of the late Jno; Hogan 'The Late. John; Bogan_=0n m afar - 'day eveni (g.there-passed away,at his home at Kintail,. Mr. John `J. Hogan. Ile had beenin poor health for some tithe, and the end was rat unexpect- . The' lite .Mr. Hogan ,was, horn on the 'tenth -.concession, of Ashfield, and lived there until .about six years ago, when, he moved to thefarm at Kintail• where her died. He was well tnd„favorably known in the. coinr'nu- nity, . and ': the funeral ' on , Tuesday :morning -vas largely attended.' He. )eaves a widow••(formerly'Miss Edith McNamara) and .two sons and two. daughters, all 'at 'home; also three brothers and two sisters:' Phillip Patrick and Will; all of the 'tenth concession of Ashfield, and Mrs.'Mar- tin' of •Kingsbridge, and. Miss' Hanna oC G.oderich '_.The; .:tynipathy of„ -the. <onnnumty is extended to all sorrow ing friends. • ' Mrs. J. S. Pickering of. Detroit, Called on friends in • Paramount dura ing the week. Phe, Misses-Winnifred• and Myrtle and Wellington, Webster' and Miss 1aargaret Button apent the wee1 eiid with friends''.at Varna Mrs. Jas Webster, who'; was on extended .visit with friends' at Varna hits Etuxriehl�°tfl .3aer• 7aomo""in 1{'lii:los- .Edith .Stanley has; her' tonsils• and- adenoids 'xentoved, -and is tiding, nice. ly; . Mr; .• Nit- : 'Cox ',and Wanda of Itin•; cat;dine, are 'visiting friends .in Para- mount. . _ . • ' Miss. Mary MacCiarles of 'Huron, is the guest of her aunt; Mrst Jack Macintosh. . The Misses . Annie ' and Selena `. Grant, who were visiting friends in Lueknow, , have returned to ' their \home ' at Lothian, 'a• •1 o hav the Mr ;us f' Miss visitor for Tor Mr; a Margaret don on F Mr. To turned to Vacation at The stork ' the- home of, Iphrey on Tu Congriitula'tio •Mr. Wm; B1 troit on' Saturd vacation with : been a., visitor '• and 'Mrs. J ,D. Miss Mary. Ma with her 'aunt; Mi Mr.. ',i rad Mrs. . are visitors with Whitfield at the M Mrs. R.K. Miller were visitors at the brother; .Mr. L.W. for a . few days this On ,Friday, 'August ed Church and Anglic, day Scfiools"_of� St. -He annual' picnic :at 'the Ri cession. The;. glorious ed much to its success, and parents, attended in hers. Early in the ..day ,t„ well dotted with' the b deavoring to .•keep cool:.. program of` .the sports provilded:•_amusement 'for and rage wrestling for hono 'Eventually, • all brought appetite to , the , sumptuous, lunch, prepared by the ladies which the St. Helens Girls' $ Alaster Sid :Gardner 'is spending week with • friends in, l::tickndw Mrs J:'bhn Jfelm • and Mrs. Isaac Andre, spent•• fine vi ecl.:ena'L with Misses Ada and'li,ancis 1'dcbstcr, al; Point Clarke with rer• Mi s..Margaret"Ritchieof Lucl.now, Pent the past weeI. '.tr�iend' Miss Norma An terson•:;