The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-08-04, Page 2• • ; 711r . • Resppctio Dealings.. : id• ruit-arn& .s orgttlblo. �D Conmussica ' • • X.ItS'1431.0AtY by Attd.W.104.4 .e• .4 „Ties:: 1,I'h. Wie:O1t'..tit':.th*r.14e0-01at'SO 'I'.44P. ...,,,itertilaiy,of. the-Pnyintle of Ontiarifi,' Sii,•• .- .4:00 a a ;festIliWS. ''' 14'• •''' ''''.•'? •''',.....4.!,i., •• . 1...'ThI944',Cts;may4Iiia..91 ;,T; 'rviit • . 0.4.1.••Y00.4:001.t!OcnIgnment •"'ket";•,19g7'.7:'''" ' '' .. ' • ' ... • : 2'.'..1*.t1d#"' otr'•'-'';:• • . . , ' ....00-,t . Int,e4i..n , A.geOr'V.1411' . ,.Ple.Or--, .: 44i*.,i)01:04*':4.-*_.4(.1 ''r'e$.,4.1v.P*' • and ..n.onlj"0.,!tr4t...140, 1.rpg,Ot4b1.0.n. .4P.1. • tn)14;UT:a.44on;, :',.;.,,c;•: ..,1:' -.''', ';, OA :"'a,I.Vdi•Per:*;0110:1t)44n0Yt.'0.0*••• Aikx•,4i.V.Ilt(OCA.i.4•410441.7414_ ,.404,..1"*; • ' .,,,•tehles fOr atile, On 'OOMMiatii00....' .. • t 4.':,It'Ahttli,:r$O,.::-th.,40 •dati7..ef eVerY:00M-• ..,,.. , , „fillS.Slen.',Vii,iit. , in *eql$:';h54e',..itt ..04.01.1. , ..:.--441.....• .7-777- • '' •,:...,-..,........,,,,,,--.„-...,:-.,•:%,7 :7-4,4:--:.,:: • • .4...., ,,„ : '!" .7. • f.0.4 <ue'i 01.14)#$!t:1*.0.!: , l':. '-'..•.'' ,,;,;' .i wr1b1by,tberegu1atitniaiiii40:nua.67. ... Ast7 , 4 Itg,gA'....t.,op.;,. . • ":.4.:.,,,.„ . .,...„ ...^:,:......."...02Illek, .i...,71..--.."7"'ir-... ".r- ' - --4-,:t• i i*074'.0:140Vit$,,,::.0. thin ACt6,Pr,OV.14.'64" that ., ,, "..4:' ,k. '''•'*ra'==c•‘%•=777"".7.......‘r.•* '.:.00.1i'IXC.,10t4,447'.k!CIO.11•44,`7,7IV1O,COT,* of `,:: • .';r.41k,';i4 Y'att.7E,A)le. :*e.94t*I71)r7.4*,(•:'1:. 1 NI: ..V. 1 ... .*,,t4',..... i:0411100....07 ,40,7*:**1 the.ti*31 '-110 . to • .44• -•*....,-...:‘,4<.,,,,...--> .4,:c.1.•:-...,,•. ,••:. „....:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,inokro,... ,,,,.,.f..»;•,.”4: -.,,,,,.4:0,,A,,,;„4. ,,. .(*, If nO, snob ,,notiCe. le.'given byi the zt444,4:.•;.°Nai',;;;;;••'-'.,-' . . ''.: ..: :c.) ;we-I:I' .7.-1;e:111.;.1-1'd:'----iti• ; 11.1/' .*,.....i. • ..,-;i:. :later shatildlieve usoci. all ,their ft/recs.! .'. .aileld He, is n,prnrionnced, : saterner• and. holds. 'that the' Allies 'in, 1915... 044, -A1404 ,-yesseto. _used..a.t .,the.'• 1.?fircittrael•-,:i. .piels.0y• we(ei u.;ncl't:hhae.VNe„ehtiithvipt e:e37,4..byltliilt.4ei,:tet7oe.;;:.1. • ,. The .13alt.le, attack • 411t t11.2, 'Western front .::He believes. ,the , liherri':and,'f,lie'lir..ree3.- lit,' v-Vhiefi': eq't.1* ' ' , rt.to'4,t'AtttIP te.,:01Ae-Ohl'er,q0 4.P'049.4.• -°r:. - til.,..r..!...z......?;,.$:. ,...44,, • . W.:etas. far • dit 0 a ly Cc' 4{31111113 1,110 , strategical .: .'7'!'•:C?oniialli'iiikiti::,,agein the. trait and Vege-: ' • Ahle'S 'shed. be ,deenteit to have been ;.s.li,all'.;itniii.edieleft notify • !the , shipper 6',.'7••,-(1.),-,E-,y,erky..,.. :'-'etMarolesioil . -: agent' f:St:h4.:;itale,:indetaill'4.-0.4,..403.".:.frult"Or, TtleeiYed'Ilr IlOilllo 1:-. OOndition. ,,',..,...... . ! _ 1* . .-, • - . • ..#••t •• •.i.:...4.::.,...:,1..,.. y ;• Wei...0 (3.11! 111) 'there sin i916. and..1917:' a! purpose? ',The. .13ritlah:.. New_.:;°:Ariole* 'rifigh.t. ti hie •'. been 1111:1) ty 6 tigainet • the ., pentane; itt Franee-: 'Rut to what 'good, , sipiti'•sont.'„ te !the • Dat!d aro Iles.' in 1916 '...' Adtiiiral FiSlier'a. . The.' British : divi.; ' • ati011-NOW. :•• lit Fill104 •Sellite:' ' •,,,,..„...A. without .appreciabie reaults..in.fi mazi- .*StateVen.-4,,nktiisPeeition'o,4': ':i'ice8'. ' .1? . ::.•:: . ed for _aurae, . ... ',,.. . . ..,. , ..,,,,, t ...,,..,..,%7.;. 4. der '.6f, :wilielkt.Marslial . 'Foot, in his ' • '.: (21' ''After,,••ifineraiitsitia and .'etiiet legV, ./. .. •,.,4, • preface: th Field. \1 31 •Truig'e: Mr s..sey.q,*),/i*:k • on '•••thO.DiOtibtid Jubilee , of ..............., Patches, .Said sadly.: 4'.-1,f •, a, war:is to ' • i ' 'ate': 'CiiergeS...,'Ilia*:6: , boort •"44.iiketed, • • end.in victery, it MuSt ,alwaya. have a ,'.•rais.Sitiri;agetit •te.th6-:'ShiPner:es. sale:is:. , : paiiiiient,":0041,-4be, Made ;hi the 'coin• . ' ' ' ',C;Ci, )11Ee4.17dititti. ',11..H ' ' . '• ..,-,.....,-,....0,..m.-,.,,..........-....:. chertieter - different . fi'Orn • this."1.• . ..,-7:1• Atte lien.L:,Vineent :,Nlassey...11(Ltnister..46......the...Unitedc-Stetea:.------ ---.-•-.:•;-4-, , . 4 . , . . • . . . until -!:: the', entlite:7:Chireignment...le paid '. - : irl.,..lito11!.;,..1..1. ,;,:::..0.1. •i,,, .6.:it,... 6166,.i.:.,n6,tic.::6,,...4.? :':t.tto- :neto i7,6;..;,C4.71,04Etd.„14411.44.1)1.,LtoltntiOi. iloy.,(4t3,114.1'teo..13,13241',, ...tht;Wtekit;'‘yes•Vi.stho;efae0tti....t' 6-. ed. then' •enwew .,e4iati„:.1- iiii- ,,',,o',..4-1'.": :H. .111-*• .•i•go`;60•,• -1.110.:1;e".:44-:,,,,i, e.fii.t.e.„1"-)„)is.,hd.:•133r, ''.611l.. iiii.. Plain•:,011.,- wh.a..t.: :IS. .,',',PKI -coli' n'tOrn -the )3.0114. fignreO. '''':'w'hrioli • en* *few,' 'yards' front:- the •'''fieish-Lhidieated O• n the right 'is 13.; T., Lee' .0f .1,worP. e8ter.." Jpri, •Ii.3 •IY.',11ght., .g. ohlk• 't.o.'.14 iluP•rt.O.' E63.1).0 '. • ..0f, 'the .' eerninjr,;(iteg., ,Te'ri'dsi. . . . .,, ,. ,.• ' •• ..,. • ., .,. • • ..!: • , .;:.: .a quarter' 'tent:Uri:ea haie paesed.:since 'Years sinee Cit • act • : b - • • -7"---" fted:,4ot. :entangled. WitiCth.:.'t . ' '-'. ...'-y-•„-:77,-7-...,--7.7.7:-:,-...77.,-.--.:.,, ,.i.,;,. • , •-,-.-•-•th,ti.:HSiXtieth-1,,ir4hday„..,-.-.Attli-einghAvee_p...0..0.09xuaite._._kiigTai,:ju..4].three-, mere ,,,,, 6 .. 4,,iiiii, finft, in;.• +,.6,,e'tAbte-.: co•-;,Iign•-.. : °•. firet .-liretean"' "$e:ttlere.ents •''Ivere. •na•tion reausltice a fairytale until Tone the' Side of ' the eaurse • when only a- naldWixi in the :Stewards' • enclosure; •ari 'dthat Lee haS •paseed :Mai. , pit. the" N'0,-. .p.e.anniseion. egen,:shatl pittt h .. • : .., , - :..- , , . ,.. : , • - . • ' . , • n... la , Oonme..e. On ' .. .• --, .., : - :, 0 :.Pt.in .rePoS.:On. an I? G lire -8 0 • • , • ; leasTrlifi'hiir-ffdlif thelintan- lirtg7ro e --.-4--------,-',-:':.-..-.•----., .. Pn • July° .... 1. Canada-- cel•ebreted: her couragehtfelY lihrsued.:.. 'The. eeeard .of! .'... '.. row 74,kevis..CletirlY how •:::'.Tee.• Wright :1Y from- ' the. sta..,it': ',The.. tinier lett: central_ picture •.o.f the, nOper „though ,Lee 1I-WbeeIr-beltindpractical- owert.row the-tpiettire.„the VI gs.T ' PIC".11.1.FiES•: fitom. HENLY ', REG ATTA'.., ir_ii.7..,..i_r_„' __.iti..iys„.„itt.,,,,_mh•__,7 46,,ta.„6,Thy,.,:_lz.ed. that .ftirth: er •effertcOuLd net ra-: .4641, .wer6 . 6,sorincs,,,,..4,0,....i.o.,„,.6:: foc,1„....,.,. ,s, hews Jee' Wright .,after• ,Itti 'had • rehl, . • 1.1-ght numitions.41-:"Nireelle 'in'. • , March,' '1,916.. : TheSe leen and • 4,n4',Ini- ' have •I` -enabled Haintl thn ' Take the 11141. tfsh •Wast.e .6f . iiii:h nd'. attrition, .16 ;G.:11021i theY Might. .• - • , •••••"!`...ebtained•the'-celiS4.t":ef.:theqhip.04.1,•to. . b.'.1.1,•E:1),11.ti;rasili•.4'.,'oe'llo'rEOlto.:(•'"r•::•."•••.:::::ot-'t'r•-•;4';',4';3''•..i.i'•....'.e,.T.iih.elt-lotti5S,ntrinitmli:94*.f.'.•Cts.a"A-17.0*'11.146.•rne.'iv..;:t6Or•thielit•/-;taah6t..fvii714.1a:treviveariii :Alfinf:i'cit44anege '5eti.C.Weifence4i4...the.:riaroe.•041i:::be',0•••;Sehtla - it:" . aib lel li • •• • ' ' ' r' . ' ' . • ' ' • 4tIett• :,.. an15.0, II, „: ;OM 'than ' • ,• I!. •• - • -'''• " ' • ' ' ..,' :: " • , ' - • ' . • Side-4,..the 'only coutiterthruat : to th defenses.. „That .,w,as;:the possibility4- • inter 61'10.- doeire• th'de 'SO' and! ha S' • ' ii' -r A.etbin, iiikiii'r-Aien•iiiy. ;'ite., iiOt .." ketii.4•'0 00..0148 -***4 410.0140- Cilition,',41-atiy:of',,ttaeTrOvie#4*•••6r.'t: • ••-••••-' Is ' :. " ' ••••‘`• • • • - ' - " - • -• . .• . . • • --.-.-. - • • • strategical' cot -mention . -61 'ainbitions ' Dardenolles • there Was's. faeter. offset7 i .ekS.4.114•;.re,COrtfkin,itO..446.far>04ptgOX. r4e.e.:::r0;!,,i4P-z.,.11-'''-'2-.! 717:,:2- - -14'.... !. - . - . ''' • ' .' '', ' ' / 111,611.*da thei.b.ittereat tragedy ok the' t• hat 'sliiPS' are at .an'enornieue diand•-: thr1.61•1:gir 'faillIV•e. P ,.•7;., .„..P.'..XS.•"gu., ..„L'it.Y.•• • 9 r, ' a- - • aneisn.t, st; ek°,from ...whieh....Calledi.' end' itene.:bi'n.' n•uir'itual -,:: ,'...f.'• --i '. . ' . , ' • i44);"',-4t,141:i-100•":4411A'4"4*. liit" ISti'-',e'ldejultirt) I.ou.';'tLtlitcUti.•••.‘lite,10 utHr4luos•.$41.4-. ''4',...•'y'lla'nittwifair..tiesii...ntil*,(ta.iteltes6n'1n.lirtte.-:' .:•r.'1"0*‘)).:.111etl-1130int, Of .°View 'Pei,: dition. 'L-7'• unionhtedlY Iv0114minded''-'• - • • - ; • • .• • ' ••• • :•, ' . • ' '.‘ 1ite‘,:.ey.p: ti,idfodrItt<ipi‘,..;:iinitietynctat,•,,lin,o):ition:::: • th n • '' 'Or' .' ' - '' ' ' '' ''' $100 f r 411a • ° ' ar . , . , - „,.. ,.. .,, :. . •,.,_ c , . sett as er..zra: 0 . sy.m o . ,... , e as. een..fo lowed • throu h'th genera- • • • . •• ' • • : - • '. ',,,,,,, A ' .... . .1 ".L, .," • ' . .' ' 2 Pitleston,leequally conVinbed that not ,' ' • 777. - '-- • 7 - ..r, F • 7 - 7 '7.- •• 4 Iroui: ksea:to.ea.:is thee•achievement,pf. ,.a,ftormath, of tent and, a .44y.tu•,,,t..m. tut,r .5-tiltiU9.1rp IS rev:eaten .rn settee. • The union .the..:044,;01:40,03„*hich•I'.Q.ftilka.diki:* has : in 1867 and intlii3 six suceeeding Years ' /5!..ar- • : It ;cilia:Pi/elated, the1,. one real' •Vantage lank, theMlies'I.of:••FrattOe;„ the ' lion of ':s.ixtieth hirthda h ' I I' ' - • • ave .S.PrUng .VePreented • ph the tiYinnietricar•"deVelopinent :of, 'the na- , • . ... . • ' . • : . • ' : ... - : • - • •• ••, and it WAS acute and 'continueuS-left• '' Y : e . ehPar. s 0 ng- tionai ..life ot. Canada ' • until on' her y er c t, sener.can look . : . : • . : .7' ' • ,• - '‘ ' e: WI • Wii.tell was effected.' • • : • : : - . . . . , •,- . • .. , .• . • :4 ',and, the, m"...litary ' crfor6.. . , As th the '. ' „ ••• ''.: ' '' a ' '''''' '- .. ..." Ffka:. t14.:fiin. and-:, stning the 'War, Onaideci,'-'it wag .the ,646 '-,11..,,,,eu •naN. al expeditioli, Put ,. at the ' .. • , - •• . . • ' • : • .... ..• ' , • .. : , pathians IbIlfl. - 21;z1)o.:4,111-Fetellf.Iiii0)16,ri.t1 4.13'.:rt:y411,dao,et.i.•,i,•‘„tolviEli half r‘117eFit..1.14131;"tthe.i, 4.:Sr.. • ::.a..--,----ri4:).17-7--.. 414.1.4' t). e''W•••va..8-,:a.ble.' "tci.' ivin. dcilig.°.''' jai6:11.4':= .'tile.'../vin.ner",' Pl.'•.-til.e. afte;. °I° "Ce;'. ::-.- ' ' 1, .. ' '. •-: .. r.s.1)t0a8:afttli.011110.8p';,1(1,a))10.r'e't:;0a,d9,"(,90,i4. (.:.,,,,,4.;13'...,: scope and:genuine value' on the' Allied ting 1110 natural 'superioritY .. Of 'Iand.;•, : . - .- . ' • hone the Original Allies' had ' of Via- 'batteries' :*as rashly ignored by llik • . • TliE 'GALLIPOLI TRAGEDY ,Th . . . . . ..--- ,• , , . ... , •• .. .... . , , _ .1.4 ....:.attaelting; ,forta :',Or land.- . .. ,.... : , ,,, „ .,• , ..,, ,-;.•:... 4, . ; ..ir o.\_v_:;aiii've;•eikiv.yee;:.,yt..i.ini)ce.11:7111 •;'.4 • pita. 14,..a. an , .. . .,. . . 'ie v. O.I-4y .cliffprent:fro,,iii bel!'ll.it,r tlia.,t.thb. ,,b' • , :1 tuilnelcy,' but alse,..that, the Dardanel-• I the. Ti 1t in possession of the penin. ' los:could not lieve 'been •forded; °That Britisc...H. rael:rits.atr;..1:thluon:deTr.:crgkis. ha lo:ri.tne_y.agseni4.p.'nt.. , vire. c: e4°., ..,,.., :ite....tii,:,.14.. , gel !'....' situation on. • tu : pein.?:ttii...:,. • t-.7ap.a.11, . 641:ili.7.f.11,r f1,61.1i t(i th 0, s 61.f th,t-p,-..---;4„,,, oftlensivo was 1/611616J ftwa the ...tart • • • • . • . •. ' . . • : • • •. co4ordifite 'the uttyal Ithnalt which ,1-':itehoner's, fee•ble inan-.. • POlitical.... and. military value... • - ' .. - 'eaten (it:7111117.°cm, the: 2< 11 4., -..Tit • ' The A'illed..zrz-ates .could.,114.bal-3. , .. . . . •:40t;:1„929.4.,..... .•,...„. :, , •, • ..," . • :. ' .. -.a•-:e , • Tine tt.'''sPeefal', etal. '..theitmational•:life."-in. Iiiiiiiifiphe 'et' • • : • ''''''''' ''' ' '' ' 'Whieh .b 'v --he '''' th "P . •• • .. . blera..,•of Canada, '... The Shield .1s, st1P-'.aictivitk, eirithe: Dcimirtion as. a whole not - and. agonizing...western 'defensive; Un-, the forts' At the:Narrows-7 Had theYa f, fertnnatelY an eaatern''.ieffensiVa contd.. .. ‘ , , . . ., • SUMeient stock of Mines? :•*Totild 'the: "" leolt•it aal.a. • ._, ; leader in: Mustapha ,Icental-7the sou . . : . ., >--r"--7-7. the reatetanae at ,Gallipoll> wittiest. le- , :4s,enttitky- :Moves. to CiiiiAda* .':eti4iito.e !2; under the :' provhileits::, 61 •• .. .P‘ • fill, v.:a ,.e. ,haillt ., The, ne.37/.., With Pri,de on ..t.liele ashisyemest .is- aii. 130$11.1a1 Okorttinn.'dri`be*•-fil:e :VOStern Or''to. SAY 'ProhabilitYt-Of. Tnrkiiit, •..:Ttie•I'dittarie';-'' gulhiniarY'.'%Oonlitateis ...... ...,,, , ,. f. . . .., s, ,,,...... , , -,.,• . , " is niatited ;by. the three nia le' teavet'' ' :Init.: an "rnna'd. iape':ar.e... by made up of : these, elements.. fieldaei linthan OndeaVor. • • s' ' • ' .01,,tese'''' :in. A.1.11od :forces down ,t0 •i a .- longdraWn 'adequate .,SunittlY••:.of .limmunitien,:fhil' frank', WM& :pinned the bulk, of .the Of preParediniii. . Had the Turks 'an I -: -----' ' verv ItIg,h and thinks...that it .desetived; to win. '' 'Turkey devel6Ped ' a • ... great ., . , I P 4 e r. s ti n in x. .4IeraltiTribline " :'.: • . • •. • •':•• ,GO•iiii.cW May ,: • ninke . :regulatlinut iitet4ported. by. thhie• : traditional -teraldie‘ is, happY to takeltsplace in the 'we. ;:iii net great!). interest.:'.10yanee, With he; d• efense... of 'the biarrhats , not nav - _6,1 wham; the, ,ceveted ••-creste.,:might -hat A .i•Cribirigithe - fiviin'S iit Whieli behlia'h . • .!.. 4. ' - . • - • • , .:: bettStsf th.e iloilind tee eorn,'Whieli atiarge - • : .' • ''' - ' ' '' ' '''• . • soil. eccypied and: the, nneMY., Within i- Nroken. down threngh exhausilhir: in been-. net,. : Tbe, Turks foitght w,e1:1 'o.Tailferreetal.;lhilitti:':enti ttn45..t'gt;ilsiai/:C7Q2riamingrd' aa. . '. .,• 1:-'xitOrd• and; S,Ccotiirta' shall. be It..0:1,)t . Di :'itil . fgt.. ., to, tl,a.o. or those orttish x.,4;:on this itriei 666.tsisii, in .h.6...1, hi forty ist ility.rnileir :of, her Capital4: The. .the. face Of: a ,Intielt'.better .61:inducted der . :Bet after Gallipoli the. ?I'urk- Which, according• to - the.: Canadian -7periiinia'.','.r.er;eiving,Piritit ' or vegetables ' .0n -.: tensigiinient--,and.; for the-better7 • .. • , . . • • . listittiV9#8 ]'.*Illph, ..:01 Canadian -In- .t4ty, oamoi, ...s41,,,o;s . hor.:'ne-Tigh-h-or tat; prat. ;Marne 'Cam.Paign •'hnd.•,. °this be.: and organiiod ' joint' naval . and, .ralli-* . . . , , ish army r,apicily,.deteriorcited.„,„4. was l'aellic .Railiviy, Marks al'nerv... do,y,A.:..'„• . :.herlt, . Surtneunting the whoteds . the . ti,. sou. 4, with renewed greetings. and numbing effect -that it 'prevented a tail- attack? the chief 'entISO:. of 'Al- ne'ver the •finthe'nkaga:' There,Pi.' 4011' opment. in the transfer, of - eit'Shiii : - . . . . . . . :earrIlitgeilti:Of .thIS, 40, .• . ,..• . . • . •orith* cen)64. .t4u ."nlY•0t,..'SY,tab.0.1 Of •'‘astnirntleSe.: Of .'freAdalti.P.. ' The Pala- , • broad .and: inteliigent use in the drst. lied depressionatter the failure 'of the .. big .., i tho..Gallipoll. . record.' to 'Show.' from this, o.o% I,. otry;:.: to ,.tho ..501,4 ii4o.o. .: . '• „ ;.. •: Regulations :•• • . . • 'the. SOVereignity to iy:410h.Canada 0•Wei tion .' between 'hie MaJeirerehldeat bo. year •or the!-:viiir:,9t.vre.,opoorio4ty tO 'Mere' OPeration• •a :maieb- 19 1915' , expedltiOnary: army, landed' 'promptly Parmers „ from , the thliacco-groIving,. that, a sbetter organised and equipped : ,..peify.",,.*Of •, air .Order-in7Chirricil; apt .0agianda• aa,...i fiaa.:aelt„iraverniag. take: :,,ConstantitioPle„ •iirolate: TarkeY,,)vaii: . the • 4 mistaken belief:: .that the. . • : • , . • • • . • • , .. • on the. p,eninsula .and reinforced aim). . . , :. •;PeVerziOr,!'• dated ' the: „1.7th...: daY. Of :: oanada)las jinen ,p1,64lied„,..vdt4 1.,4st,, u is oto lvish:or...panli,da oxat: tha, otoo:.. intotthe,etiti-TeutortiO alliandenad .:ee-- Wereset :adrift by the .Turkii.; end float= . - , preved:',hY)illil ,IIOnor. .the LieUtenent,: ..69n ,,,,,,,itho,:the or4inn: Ethoire,.. .. . '. ' i*:lhasit"boen't,i'al•grex.""04t:.:14,164tor,atii: '..wreciii445: draw:43uIgtria, Greece ' and. Illiniania 'mines WhiCh . cattied ,eubh heairy ',Oases ' • ly :168tead Of by.. driblotd, could , not ber' a :into the-tobaccO distriets Stittes.,of ':the.. 'Union, ,. partictil:a.rly Kerif.' - • iticky are Moving•in cOnsiderblei hunk :': . Honorable' ' the :,-11,1inister .0f : Agrieall• , . Itteri....th.e., teehrinnendatien 4 tlie• , • . , . ,. . her legaey. in her threats and in: li r tkeee twe ' deniooritolea ''for• se. long nattital treasure, ..,,Tho.deVeloinnent: of. cord ' Which, ' haS .• PreValloct:- between: . , . 'catkins With. Rusida.:, ' ',. ' , ' • the .•Allied • vessels -had ' struck tin un- tablish•earir • and'pernianeat Chtniutini,' ed ' deivn. the ;.ehannet, when,: in •fiaet. ' ' • . ' .* ' '*,' • ''.• *. : , seOpeeted.,ntine .deid freshly . laid by ' ': • agements, lind leck.of support, barely - • . . • • . • - . .. have done what General • Ian,. I. 4711- :tauriot,jhoo,rafeiti:ndi.::ntyi.i.la,edri:10,Elpirloyo,v,firnnk totiter0:3.;..,,e.wagrii:tidrii:n .1 ton; With 'all .Iiis-.iiitlicalties; discour• . . • . . . . ... ....tare •the COmniittee of -Ohlincil'adviSe: mines, ,fields:, and , in. her I'O'ete ' shOuld be striengthened. and -deepened; ;.„ .6 ai)to,' lit •vr,- D. Puteittoit'S brochure, the Tniko • The aeCOAd ;`,roi.111110'. Of, 10., al ss'e, • .°9 .rie". ' ,• ..• :: : ''' .' ',..., ' • Thie ral X','re•Y ,authori t:ee ' and; the af'• .WAYe; ' i, been. •rgeOureefully ,, and als Ole Yeare :go',..On., , • ,.. ' Aliat;-pursuent to Section 9 of:the Emit: . . . , . •• ..- • .• : 'The Dardanelles, EicpetittiOn.,".'' PIA-. Churchill's recent .wOrit 'contains% tps- , ., ' • . • • *:. ...,,,.4‘ . .. *; • '. : • . ileiels, :ei ',tobacco 'companted „believe , 'and' !Yegetablee.‘ Coneigninent '.Aet, . • : - . , , • . . , . fished by the United states Naval Jti7. timony ' from Pennon, and TarhiSh .. The' booie'S, :treatinent,of. the-.. naval 'that: this' inev•einetit Will ;develop, into' ... I 192T, .H the :folio:wing ' regulations ..••'be _. FINDING :':THE'' MOCCASIN, 1.11Y.. kneel , . .initiortant inigi'ationit le held by. adoP•ted for the 'hetter tarrying of the ' : , . :: ' " w • ' . • of jtkesto. eggs, .bir40, and. all. regardless.: , par a momoit `sittute, awl; n,..m, appearing lar,k- A 're7 sOtirce6 te* show.. that: the. Straits; citteh;.rganr.4...tillae'Pda.ii• .0.0:PieoratittleriAlse. dis,hyS,uthec4liliwetrtmAph:. ,:iatiril..0 ,:ileld men 'ef .:".;(11.0 tobacco -Com agent ',shall mark.'• each ', box, basket,: ' ..• 1: '.11..pon receipt .61.a censignMent a , , .... 6, :„...6. '. -4-74-4 ' • __.- 11110 of .the. valley 'and 'IttneWy ' dwarf • .. Mitt or ".N•'egetableS, 014," co' thinisMon . ,... , , .••... , .• . . •-. „ . . , . . .: .. . through' dim 'aitiles•Of WhIsperinenine Tri; ,. Wi ding"... Whod,rhad ..Peseeci• .. :. : - : • - Einir.'t 0g...those „who' have, mai tained entirely „di, es*perate..!::. •;.. • i,..,...." ,-,"., .,.,,..,:titaulay,li:tYilluGit 1.,ii,i!)10yihia:Wteavae„rat..titifeagri:iasmobilsi;', :oeini'dpago.: n a line. The -outer on 0. like: the oornole. swung three :moesesin.ilowers. 'Among, vided and..eitiarged, seCend edioon, op. feesiOnal :' reservein-'• the ., skeptical. chance'-'pf :a , break throtigh wee,' not, cens•hteration.... for ; . its.' . professional '.„ preaches this' tragedy with chol; Poi - they . erreihsa, !Irian, I..; *tghale)neeetiitai,d'itteleir(iiele tlheetdatt.te:Iii:;,c,itshaii :'.,.. said, Act: : ; : , ' '• •:4-- • ' . '. ' :reap -hearted 'tWin.416wers,' • And Wild fens() *as:, not • OVersimpded • Mines . end itainitiOns : and. that the. .1t: la a...critical . study, whieh daerves • panies that " grdWing : and ... marketing': '••• •.orate Gr , . • 4.. .P . - Stein stretched half Setesa- the Path,' . . other. ci,ntainer i ' such Man- • . • : - -'' - ' '' • , •tress. 7:At-a. s eep niece b t gr' e guardrstars, Of great.Altair, were\ light', since '1916 that. •the. Gallipoli advert, tiirk 'wee: largPlye an -amateur ,Vitgary .iphe : anthei.e . conclusion: ,frp,ot .111e• .00qed.. realistleallY On ,, its perform;'13ritish. preferential •tariff beickp 'the' ; .iIYeilabl!, the same to be iclenti,:.. •,, ..' , 0 sitd,tr6ro.it, swayed., s, toio.iso flowst. ilic,s-ed:er.:••,Betweeil .thota g./..esthod,Aike 'inspired by. Winsten:'Clnirceill. As : a 'I•eview .01 ther.naVal, eperations la net , ance it' innat be hey, it (2 '14: Ul hn1 16lookeda . 313111 33<. - . - ..ert ...4.9.:,att..aor, howevur, kit/Leon- Tu ' • l• 41/ t e,cosidgnment er,:part f : the • . : - ' : • : , the.Eagle. Star,it If - fl • I•lke a. hollow.. seashell. •Carved Otit.•ot • • • :- . . , . . . if • btfh tak"liniulc: elute' !.1 rt(Thiagerc°„7, ee'ru' .consIgurn e4t.-,ofthe perticnia r Shipper. jachih.Forthe first tu .. est, rose, an unearthly crYstalline color, . , , . , ,. se .., a ew,er.er 'deep ..naval offfeer.he .helleve,S ,th„ ,at, the Ara- \''. atone: that :they • Were ineffective ,Ektar ,,,v,... • ti • 'IA ' ' •,.'.. ' ' • , . • . ....-...,......,.......,...-.............,. I tura :11i, the dritish isles:does 'net .seem: ,.., ' '• • • , :3,...Tbe,comniiselen Agent.S•hall. eAter : t'. . e .: • , • like a rain•drenched'jtitintli... „, : • . , . .. .. te be'' regarded . as ',it'' Menace.. tO ,,the downon the, ineskiasin fihiret* Or. pink .. . ''• A.D., AMSON.P.S ' 'API'9ENTUItES---.',13.3, 0.i. jacob.sion..: • . . . . . . . future of . the.:Plantatione ...and,eir :the •,-: : PitrPose.:-" . , . . , . • • . .... '',. ' •,, "Orchids, :.; ; ..:P"Or the' ! 'fitst iiine:. ni.Y` in .. . a book:te. he 'kept by bifit tnx: tpat i d if • •• . . .. . . . • a Y -e PPer,'-ihn..:largiIst. Of :On'r native , : kT .11°41, . 1 tii e'r e. ; was , the. (lay in ''.the . depths •- of the.' pinh-banenii. .' :The: -.......,..........., pritieli :flag on this Copifitent..' Can-. (a) :th•e, "n•aatp as,d. - addresS• 'of.: the a:da. is.' doing everything, in its • power, .' •:'.(h) #*0 : ne.tnt.e,. 46.3eriliti°11. .. 4na halt:light .1 , knelt' eli; the ;Sett- Pine- •• :.014ii*;';' • ' "• • 7.: • -: •'..' - •••''-',,' thitig . a.' flOWef could be. • in. the 1,Pf •c44-Pging'• green's White sand -land- that laad•-been tiortutt 46,5,r,-;:,,•,,7;iPr:.‘1;15 ..Hgy.twATCH•': ::1 . 4' ' 1/4 it : (E.' 1.4 i 4- r •• \er.1 1 A. p . .‘ . 40E. 4. .3. I 4Am.: . . (.. P, LIT-TLEARik. 4' t ‘ 14?' *c s. .: all departments,,...aad;..thia greatly en- byeti Were OPen,ed' to see W;hat 'a love... 39"aada ic'eked 'like' a aiheipniptiteria, over 13641: ' :. ' : (0 .StretlgtiOli the. tObAedo: industry in Hp from the. ahnth ,•. bite: ' the ! 'Vetry.; t*' -i. -,,,,,,..---i-...:-%0* , W.1-1ERi Vat/Rt - u ?AR ' f ' • • - • • • . . , • is • . en , needles. and stlidied,'Ieng' the • hollow heart hi, 'the , North, • 1 felloWed ' a -- 0--o.P. •,._.w, ' ; tOikGi.•• • OW.ners• Of .facthres.--.4%, Y. Sian., • , , , , ,•.• (0). The 'Same and address or:.natnes, to whoin, each; .consign- 2 •:aad...acit'l0"!a .41f t4e2 •f1081:4'n;•' 61'' Sell;' het. •betWeen..tweeether'•,tapering ;•••••thet,'4, ckeigniate.'.1 'hi '14 reOPeetiVe. et the ;: seine ,Oolicir. carved. oiterhead.. .8te'el),d ''sweet. :With a ..milliOn cedar.' Petele gt,ki,64tiligh-ouriyle,.i.pko a OPAL bank ..at :a i'ltreata •ataine4 brel'ilt. 410. purple -Pink,• shell, veined with 'crim; • Winding:Whod,patli along the high, • ' ,• ..--- .!•. F'estoutt ,. .eetti.,agee.. g‘roWers: , a' Well ita.:, the, • , . • . , • • . ., . , • , • ,c on., .. s sold or The _Whole flower•Swayed betWeen two r°9'ha'• ' ''. ' gil'•8114 on ille path led' .... past itideLgreen POOIS in *Web- giPatn'• qt;ISte9rfriti. °".allchthe8194.1nit'ea' grbnotilneegni'coe4 tiliarsa'.°11itge11: (d) the pelee at Witich:eaCh,•Sale Is • 2 ,. diepeted, of c • -.. ; -' mad•e; end: • , fa? ethers under. the groat trees, and lumps of. floating, -,ghlid. At teat the, large, tutted, grooved. leaves. . . •• • ' • Leaving the path; I, began to hunt 64 'buds of .thti 'Yolit'w '140:iid-114. Itike. c - . gifts. , ,4 sell of firnbassader • IVi; he • • name.; ...Pabuts' Ittis denied both tlicee ..• (0) mica -othor InfOrniation. as 'inAY. at !last Caine upon a Whole' corigreea. ii4th. ' 'stretched" Straight , toward 'the aPliktik 1 • • irk ,alt, H. ..11iiillittiltfti.igYheatillY '. 7a6h1 61 a.. tholtiet :°G)7011: c"."Inlia(•?••!'' ' . under the cireuinstances be ,nece :remind • that ShOWed. dint apir WAir L • Vey. 'But. he Was' so , stnall," .that lie , r6C:orci. of the Partiettlars of . the •,garY ,tti give:a. ConiPlete; and..clear around . the Neat traffic's Of White pines and' fair 0i-iv/Ugh:the IONV, treeS.:.... i`lear Whial Were. Old treen' Whethia .ohuntry'l th° analinti"f' the' nintind• ' tle.. Path' Pon:nodding:and swaying in ioug4.ows ,11.nt-t099,0d. f .....• .....". . • . - . . ,. tiye • et. tu,sigautuaneo; ,, ' trensattion., •,. : • • ' . '. ' ' was hott. , , . ... , ., .,..: :• ... w61 in„st.,in a , 4,,atit 0.1:the, blui.•111ite, •..'"1,. 41411.111111reor ''. ii,-*-. ----16.-'^-!°111.11:): • • . .....,..• . •Nelilior :the littlencis nor the nein(' • • ' inchrred : a nalne completely stigges-.- 3: The, hooka' and records required , • Froin that day ".I•••beuanio. a hunier , 46d ' . • ' ' • lesa ina Of he .white. 'butterfly' b e : - t , ..... ' has hurt higt,..0arningS..nattell.--;-He. heti-- able'. for inspection: ky, the . ialtipper...er, Visited' hill-thns and nignakain sides,'4 etvaYe4 "we': tili4 .4t.V".5 Of 'tile • trnhe4 ,„,°: , ,t.i...•Oet: : Crusader,: :iljdniiiey,-,Chatee .i.*y old . ,thedie•the said ket,•:'or 'Under °theie .I'0'.• 'nf orehida; Mill a haunter of: 'far.av,vey. 1...Inpine.-..... Little 'Clotider . Of :fragrance. -1-4---- ,, ,..7;rr .!....7. '........7..7.7......67,......-,...,.., -start., cd four theca thie.:.year apd, Wen, 7. . gulatiena shall be Open'to and akaii.:. 'forests "and lonely. marshlands and 'MI. C.Xrifted threttgli" the • eir,, as :the. . Wind. en ."al •occaSioit;' lie lials‘lim.l. .,firat''.' , his .agent. digy nanted . in writing? At. , :. '..:.,They. ,are. strange ji0N$eri,g, .tlies0. „parent belts :ni. the Sou.hothe, :, The in.„ any • timid : during. •, regular. .buslasse .',v;•,..ei,,.e•• tiaili•,'..inest7uireieret-thi Mound *it'S batppied„ i' • .1 - , ' 1,,,111ack -1Ilitriti.:..)i. Week' later,: withv 119 ' Act Shell :be gut1ty of an' effenCe and C1'10180'1. and' philt.•Conly.,i the blitteti'areki '„ '.• ' A . ' :- • • ':' -r-- • . : any regtdationt Made • under the salft. low,. gold aud,broyvni . eve*: she.de Of • Ir., :IY.."'it:.01(1.0 AO'eatheea:'' ''' 4. •..-. • " . •,..... . . ,.• . ... ,.. . , .....• . . • , . , .. , ). 114tlitlat-611tY4. 'cl''°.i.:;;:tt'iar;•'T.Ust.•;to hti•Y'd. il.'0n...*;,° . , .. . . .. ti1C • l'iroOklyn Handicap, ' boating hours for 'a peered of two-y:134ra frOin.: -;i6Mretiloidf4S''C'n,SVIlhint,Ilinittithatrd delv,-:'everr,v4t4 :07,'- graY::reiadelk- 'tois,,anicl• 1)4,- :..wiehd.e. um: he ,ealiceied- ' th a ' '..13t0 Olf .'' the date: of t,lie,.disiingtil-of theetinsign- Ceihr.:: i .#4 granteldf Aheiii." .?'s.t-0,4•''Otie:;.•-foilY P:64 to the the, ::6114c1,ei• ... .4 ; -3LOOttiNG, - . s•x•Ay.i..,NRe . • •:dttle. lItoril 'recently, for the. seebitd., ".. Merit; ,' " ,...' • '. - • : -.:'-• • - ' • ' • '.They:,nsitv wear iit6.1v4itti6;.t1,060. 4t,ea, : drooped; en :Slender; 'Stehle Saliba thee* 4- ' • Etipi i 0 City Han di as p., : slicilderi it g .124, ' • . 4'..4'E'Veey oei:••6bii::-•i,cile - :OOU trar en es •Peartt•'oill'gOid,-TiOry ;awl rhae, ..:•yen:f•,r0r1,1111'6"*A.• n..79 •Ts'•"•-•'.'04xil.•liT1:::80,PITI'll'e:: .i. :A,,i-'z,$,.;94,rit>.il't • • FOR eNK. 7 : pounds, and running :the.- iir.h.,,,atig, ,Amee:te.hie.iite„..he..vm.e. Victor' in . the:, •••••. .-. ,••: ,ehttli :.,inchr ;the; POialeties.Trov,tded ..fer. l'.qentelt plein:..!1:.,.. .. : ' ''• ',."" '-',:', ' ' ''''- '. i'. t- ' .. "'Pin)! !tit.iirid:neectS . rell0(00.-.1t,teetin. 111.-Seetliiiir,"S;'.0f-:th•-•KCC..,:"••••:".-::-.T.,;::::::•::: -SitiCO•rtfiat:-.iiit. Oat diy •1;•11aYe•rfeligiOn:"S.-difitirigniiiiied' tita creeds . :, , Must • Have .Seori Lonely. , •Plaeei;,-rbli the Op of 'barren hills and, Williant J. ltiitlyti, ' ' , ' • : : 7tailtt ';t4.& 411006aeln-...4104tinkiri.,...raany, ;116.rit.., Of ,t1166,16glart4.„.diSpitteS2-1 . ,,,,„... . 't •,, o p iv.. o...„ . ti,..,,u firtified.7• seinelhing- 'like. Sir ''.‘Valter or' ' . , • ........,;,.„..„ ,.• ...t.,,,, ''''''''t;rlat-"..Iriilf-litairlic""firtit beset Mit" t0! tv....thei--biaielt4autio-iifiterthorn.,:•,tan l'. -i----. , ...:::': • **. *, i•,, ..„,,,,,,,„ : driVe.iii• his, car: 'ter.' 'Twin -Ii'alls' 'and' it'dIve.•.,.:"Oro- fent feet tinder -the neeti, ., ;During a•:itailiefid 'Strike in England tielte'd tp.(114,,I, :dead 3h4fir, giving luta the tee never melte eVettlit- inidatttri- ;la y011inteer engineer' On the. Lend -on; ...0. ,, :1'146 ' .toi ,toIntianSi,--,4,1*.in ::414tire, Met. ,•°',, •:• Agalit :'iti tilt' :tliittdit ofilDiVerPhol ticoreitil ::11;:erforriied- the re. : • (IdallO), imPor.. • • " • ,.. .• - • IN/otrat-P000tui.. 'IrG Poiri'sY.1i0la;' 'x'' Itarittiliat 4if'-hringig the train :141;: had lust'. tound"the. lottg.soug,h.k neat fto • .1.41vOrPotil 26 ',rutritittia. AlioAd Ot ). 1.1 11.* t ' • ?«,...:77,,',1:„. ! Ot'..2.,,, cliebtinit•e. ded -Warbler. •,;.-EVen tfrae.• . The pdssesgers went.,:torstard' ,;.. ,..Teatib.ors.W.hat •• id..'::.Ineant".-. by -the 4litts.- theelia...emid,,goldett•-- lieed :an2. itinergedj.frOrit the cith:•, :.`,11oiet....tlititilt• :. ;Pitteee ,..A hOit .UO1', the: ibitieir: • 1. '•• i 'cliestAttuWtreaked-- sides,. Ittrd.•...thi.,,tout,,,- in"e;.:..4.-,,,zgaloott, .,14.,ihatile, -,ttoil.....1 '.istity: Th' •LAIt .f""1.• the OleeetearO,. . .as I: admired the Male Wit.. With' his itt.' a body' to thank Wm.- A. Itoe . faqi '-.."6''.;i'.."44T.' ........ • , i‘, . • : ;4.:-.' '' " 4. . , -•• ' .74:- - l'''' ' . • . Papil, (after . tiOnitt pogitatlito)' . eggs Hite ileeked, 'philt•:PearlSt hiY.eSto rtOultd Mit how to :•StoP•' thiA thlitg tot, 'fAttnIttOlt tottio teeth the veiloonutt.0 Uatight.' a sight whigh .brouglit, ..ine to minutes ago." 0,...... ,,, ., ' . ••'.•'' • • 1-••• . , \ l N., e • In eat ' Ind firs , flth the • to 11()I , • Xtt• kg, - 44.h • ,ieg Th . ' (111 . dit' % 1W c•e jut -811 Irany fruK or iregetables rive -in 'a. darosged cr•deteriereted' cow - &Hon t4e5.eoin; t44040,n• LihiPper,..of, 'sash. condition, giving Ortlettlara As to the-effect;lin prices aUd..tbn.,apparent cause'er ever , p,ps- •••. ,,,A • L4tiewitig Man., - Ny, " ";"`• " firin-< ft --------•'..:..'..-------- -.; •''''''''`Arahraintinc.. 4.. , , linsicatid (Arriving ItorPO. )At9).;"- . "nen% nu fOtetta where I've boon?" Witc•----,` C can; ;but. tell Your; •ct.G.T.T.' ' Annw,.,..1%. , , i • 1 e -.,--7. ';....-........,.....,' ' • .,:,,,,. lihoWcInstc i,veer tid. '2•Niteatricr, •••• •-. 6old•er- to-forit): heaty. . .., ffo$st,:ii clear. Saturday frair; Prob.,- . ably followed by thral,W.•-•-goitnt C* mei (Po paper:. A. ..,. . , ' 81 :„ 1.1 81 33