The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-07-21, Page 8•
j, Giblx", Merchant Of' Sea,
he at On'e noticed, that n large (QM*,
with the eash register, The-store_had
/light,' and ,rphheds :The clothing talcr.'
*deli . fitted- the' yale- leek on '
man Niciiall'a;• garage 'wee broken 4!••
evidently being to. secure truck
wever, '41:lit the truck had "been
0, 600.-1Aclies,' inil-Rayoit.ra new cam,.
juatre,,aa good aa'' any $g' hose and. leg danger' of
/1 bed cotton and,eolOurs, ;Sand 30c.'a pair.
a fit
the dependable yellow -box
Oki $5
e 11 Store
• Theugh more than the usual Imm-
matrimonially inclined this sumMer,
so many are gradnating frOm the
Following are the lista of snceeeS-
Ifonor candidates namea are ;arranges!
according to •,'Irierit, pass candidates
nainea alphatettealtyi ',Marks requir-
ed tO pees/ 450; honOrs ;662; :maxi -
their valleys roread*on Maki** Atli-
giP ,A141 anclosing, ik ;fee. Of Iwo dol.
OF yArogs,
Mynonn Palm*,
Marion Bell.
Irene Goodwin •.'
Beth`• Chapman
:Marguerite: Lorenz`
Irene &been
th: Irwn
Peggy `Biorthwick
Lillian; Reid,
Hans' McGinnie.
Beryie Anderson
Mildred Beaton
• Carll Cox
Evelynro;, Cuyler
IsabeEdmisl'` Cuyltoner
— Mary Ford. •
Dorothy Geddes
Donald Graham•
Miller. Hartyicic
Charles- Lee''
b!me, McKenzie
Gordon .McCullough,
Cecil "McGaw.
Marie McGinnis.'.
Burdette Magwood
'Guy ;Magon•
Peggie Mason
..,Rachel Remmingtoe,
DorotheaRiggin'. Sturgeon ;;.
A� a4rgaret Sturgeon
Edwin Sutherland
Olive .Swanson_
E sgia Wright ..
Therewere 38 candiates from Kin-
cardine-: Public _ School:: of . these , 36
passed, 40 ^of ''whom received honors.
This is ,indeed a' very creditable Show-
ing and Principal Eric. Wilson and bis
clever students are to .be congratulat-:
-ed onthe. results .
• Honer*
Lyda Bushell
Douglas .Brigr
Thelma, Johnston
• Jean:Stewart
Elmer McKee
Jean McLelland `
Sadie Scott,
Margaret Cuyler
Winnifred • Baird'
Annie . Bridge`
1Vlary. ,Campbell;
Eddie Collins
Merle 1Collins •
:Howard Griffith' '
Alice Hicks.
'Albert Hollands
Wesley Irvine. -.
Ifathrine Lindany
Glenn McLeod;
Minnie McIntosh
,Donald Manners
Olive Merritt.
Murray Innis
Glenn Needham,
• Earl Nornian
Laura Mae Roach
Robert :Robinson
Howard Shelton
Francis Smeltzer
John Thompson
Gordon Munn
John AVilkinson
Marie' Hunt
Robert Bell
Wilfred Steele .'
Gordon Campbell...
Lyla ' Geddes
Donald ..McDonald
Donald. Smith,
Marie Mclean:
Clifford Brooks'
Mary McKay
Moeen Culbert
• John Munn
Wray Osborne."
=Leonard • Irwin
Donald Matheson.
Adelene Kennedy
Edna Cameron
Marjorie Welch';.
• •Fern Fraser
.Prances Montgomery,,
Margaret"McDon'ald ._ .:. -
:Don's Brown
41'Margaret Beli
aTgaret' sMeLay'
Edith Pitttereon
Alvin: McKay.:
Win+. John'Dell,
- •Walter..Tas. -Meek,'
°alar Brooks
Wilson. ' Farrell
Evelyn Ferguson..
•:W1n. Harrison
• Morria Humphrey
,Ales. 4,, garb's
trance and ,fnilad. that, their relative Peven. S'ell6ala that thO ouP.
ply is greatly exceeding , the' demand;
'Was dead-. Leizgus. had removed shis
.heats Iiith ',the ,pvidept intentien Of r207 aGiricatiplillis sfehr:mi°1 nt:a-chelevresilhtholadn,
retiring- for' the night, when„seized
--by- a--lieert-attack, *he fell acrosa.-the- glass certificate*
re reeeiVe0-V-Robirt:-Slonn,' the,
Secretary. The salaries, diked .ranged
dies' pimity Bloomers
mainclieck: t•111 47c
'Week, at
pure, lipen, 'woven bordem,
of blue er , red. Reg:, value.'
''tennd edges, and _neW de-
signs:, Several sizes; at
....These ore sonietaing extra in qual-
kilt adnide°prle.tEtityli:a:deod;I:Pteh; :al"
`dal value et, ench %eV,
en.Mr.• and Mrs:: Martin Hailsen
, Oair, afternoon Went, to visit loan)
iLetzgus `'n, brother Of Hanion
141*i• fouhfl the door : of the house
..lOcked.; and the Tann stosk .about the
lard:as taey had not 'received the
.ScrOas :the' bed, and snipeCting. that :all
not Well; they forced. an, en-
The 'Brace Herald and Tinies
Of how' Roman Catholic residents of,
the Bruce ,County'.ToWn, :helped their
"The kind„.sif ,co-operatien' that pre -
veiled ;here' on: July 12t1i; end • Whieh
perose the ,biggeSt celebration in their
:history is' •shetwn -bilhe way :their
.41got- only was-. the Walkerton-
. Band,' =Which, was at the „front of the
ital , P. Johnstend; was. Mounted in
.the role ,of King William, *as ;loaned
'free gratis fer the, 'stunt by Cath-
olic, miner, Mr. Thos.. Wolfe. Another
ange Marshal ef' North Bruce When.
he atteninted .tn M'Ou'ii+ it and ride in
the- parade '•ai King Williani's ;chief
Porest„ 'yvaS engaged 'at -.Salary of
$800. „The :trustees had ,. heaVy
night's Work selecting their', teacher
by., the eliminating precess. Despite
the 7inct that the higher 'the salary
tae higher the 'Legislative gr ant, pnb-.
lic school trustees in twiny_ sections
are disposed to cut down teachers
salaries. ,
'paraile,, Toni felt .it .eves en to
officer; he •borroWed another I:tett/.
.Charger from :his' fatherLin,laW:
eessipn .rdoved the two
leaderi".rneurited. 'on id pair 'et'
%Chtholie. equines „: that lcolced
'lineal descendants, of .tte White. qUad-:.
: :The .meeting- on the -6th inst.. Was
in' charge 'Of the, IloMe' Helper's, and
dies: :were; 'nresent." and contrilnited•
Whinney, Mrs. Davidson and
Bennet.' An. addreee wag given by
•Miss Alice. Reid, a foriner resident of
thiS :vicinity,' telling: about. her ..Work
kre. Davidson; Uri.. Struthers. • Mrs,.
,IL,Aitehison arid, little Lenore Striith-
.eri. .address 'was given by Mrs.
-..1kIcWhilinejr, on "Confederation,' and
General •Connell -meeting:. At the elose
of the :meeting Mrs.. lVfeClur,e invited'
all the :ladiei in her home • for lunch;
If hour 'giases were now used they
would he $11ed with quicksand'.
' He isn't a born politician tudees he
thinkS the •.first,i person. "Singular is
1 -Red Cable Route v a Pacific Doubled
Boys' Shirt Waists
Silk Crepes in Bleck, Sand,, Peach, For the' picnic make ' up a
ethtci.s, watee:9;.9, a5t, e$n4d.98$1. 2.96. : .,,, dre." frcHn °Tie „ of oOr . new'
White Summer Fugies--Special ,
sheen Cloths, 25c to 69e per -yd.
Prints, Voiles or Tub-tfast Fra-
Sa.tinettes, Voiles, Jersey Dresse.s-
10% discount this week. ,. $2.95 and $3.95 per length.
pay Cash
Buy for Less
e Walker:80i*
You ,Save
When You
Bur Here
Margaret M: McLay
Kenneth' • McLeod
": *Florence McLeod
Morris Reid
'Noma Shiells
Christine Thompson -
Ernest' Thompson .
, Fourteen 'candidateS Wrote from the
'RiPley Public School. All passed -and
ten Wen honers...0t. these honor stu-
dents the firit, two 'ire highest in
,West Bruce Inspectorate.. Congratula-
tions.'t are 'certainly. ,clue. to Principal
Mary O'Hagan
Gladys Pletch
Frank Riehardsoe
Gordon' Russell
Ralph Schuyler •
EA calor!
Elva -Wall .
Eva WOrral
Seventeen ‘candidates wrote'
and 70. received: boners. Bernice Kit-
dida'tes in West Bruce. The above re...,
cord excellent , -
'Total marks 'obtainable, 750. Marlai
necessary:to pass, 450, • with at leai4
40 per cent in each subject. First,-
elass honors reeuire • 562 Marks and
are:Marked (A). SeCond-class hon -
need. 525 and are "marked' . (1):
Exet,er centres are (E) and Goderich
• The higaest totals' in each subject
are as follows.;
•Reading, --(E) Margaret . Martin
49; (0) Walters' Lindsay and, Lottie
perfee' in Spelling, "
Writing—(E). Hazel Woodhall, 42:
(G). Elsie Smith and Ethel Whiteside,
Clarence -Greer
„Ada,' Wateon
Jack Brabsen,
CarlY.le McIntosh
:Lloyd McDmigall
Jim Stewart'
- —Bruce -Martin
Geo. Middleton
Allan Murdoch
Winnifred Ackert.
:Harvey Aekert
•, Archie Hamilton ';
,Mary Jewett' •
. Daisy. Kennedy
Evelyn Nixon
' *Phyllis McDonald
pays McGregor
: Bertha 'Milne
Dorothy ollopk:
Pauline Reed,:
Minnie' Rid:lards
-Public-School '.wrote. :Posseed and
12 'With aonora. This is else' !splendid
work. ;Miss,: Kate Macneill:1d' is the
". Grace Doneldion ,
No. .3—Celliniop, John; MacGregor, •
Ross 'Kenneth: •
No: 6, --Culbert, Evelyn; Martih,:
stone, Harriett (A);;
No. 9 -Anderson,
ter, , Margaret; Vroodian, Ted,:
12—BOyd, Gorden; Campbell,
No.. 5—Bond, ;Bernice; 'Cox, • Ray!
mend ; Gardner,. Jean.
Literature -4E) 'Joseph Creech and
Olive' Lairsori, 84; .(G) Mabel Foster;
GeOgratoliV.—(E) Edna Beaver, 88'
Arithmetic(E) Clara" Lewis, 100:
Ifietorv•—(E) Clara LeWis 'and, Ha..
'Grammar --(E). d'esieph Creech, 90 t
Tetal,e.--4E) JOienh Creech, .6'47
acre' 12 years)'; .(G) Jean ;WebisieT
candidates. shall notify the Public
Scheel Inspector/ before the: 16th Of
August hi appealing for .a relreadine
of their answer papers as stiecified
'the. Regulations, 'the eettiiieates `of
the' teacher err - KPetet4e7. et the
Scher)] Hoard about Argitst 16the
/cnef'ff10.4 in "Exam Form 14," fullY,
-filled in and certified:1w -the teacher
types—The,.operatina, 'room cable station, Bonifield, • B. C.
$cull; ikowlnj` the"eab?e flo8f •Liorsthf=&C bk'station •
tween Bamfield aed Alberni, S.C., by the cable
cific_.Telegraphs, the. all,red, line Pabific cable "service
:Was' doubled. The new -line is another Canadian Pa -
link" • between --Cenada, A astrali a. ;and, New Zea,
The Pactfla Cable 136afd, representative of Byitiiii,
'Canadian, Auitrailan and Nov, Zealars&, governments,
laid the eable from, Australis. to 13amfield, • on Van-
couver Islaed,, and the line that dbillieetA the •diStant,
Unite ei the Ernpire Stretches' across Canada to Hallo
,Canadian Pacific, and leaked to the *Pedalo Cable
Lower: left— ying cable between • Bamfield' and Port AI -.
nt;BgmfieTd.:.g �....= ....:....:... • ; s..,•
land -via the Panama -Canal soine „tiMe ago, when .1t "
Weighed over 250' tons and was 'OffiCially inspeeted
than ;Pacific. Telegraphs, lehe,.' journeYed ',to Eegland
the trip ship' oltesteree nein,the Wooded shores
of,,the ',Off"the starboard side `and extending
into the foregreund of the pieture ean Le seen a line
of barrels Willa floats the cable until' tist; time cornea .
Cable -station part -Of evhich With" the' itation;le-Seigi',-
Walter' Cronin,-
-Annette. Hardy'
Omni 1%tiglieS
No. 10--Cluff, Bessie; Cluff, John;
Waivanosh East
No. 3—Pear, Bert; Walsh, Harold; .
'Yount, Marjorie. •
No. 6—,Rodgerr Norman.
No. 8—Johnston, Clark; Logan, Mur.,
.(VV s lr1141n on1:y•_.ihe _'re/.
nerts from Onirrieip4Iitien'• in the vi;
einity' of Yuoistorkj•
Separate.'School, ;G'aderich
Falb, Irarryy 1: srrrrv�, i3ill'y, (�h3n-:
�. "h7?"xary>,�'+�rer<aa-; t�`r:7r"rrnr tte, � •Ltta/renc ,
Ne. 17:--CorbettoOvelyn; McMurray,
WaWanosh Wok .;
Henry; Wm/:, Itedniphd,
Theedorte (13).
No, 2—Finnigan, , Miry; Finnigan -
- Herbert
Nellie; Neale; •Bar-
MYlis'; Webster; !him
Morris, Tp.—Garniss, Edith. 03) ;
' George; Noble,. Geerge.
-gA man Will run' into debt but Wen',
attempt to trawl otit,
PloWeeli. delivered' to 7mir:pitk:
tureper also silo equitties.'