The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-06-30, Page 401 4 z:, A 7 TltE Otyth�i g, Fould "ve bpe ­stti right, their tuipl9yera, �'tak ��* t . , ,, .. "..; _4 , L h Tiad `tl mom, jif W. X�, - 7 -NOW SE14TI141E lire A courage � 4 o44na. , his , ach, of fftig tw t1W P" 14 e_iffote.s �NFero, J r_at -the tim ,!tp o, - mJis*eo- and �a JiAtional'sen$a; b_ twobile om "Xry. -tipp, of.up-deplo chArsctpjr..w 10 op ------ 7, 7v, co vvrift *4 lo"", ex, Wit F vfb*h U�6 pleade4 g dg- Wlty�, an 'the , S juade by tkosi el puziished'%dirthe folly to jad" ams been crqell�r WIM way- �6axteid that, d 7 hal�� been, avoided. He, himself' had t no"erhen i sotisfactoit 1 0 evdry�,, 'e-auseA to lh� When onip-, The"Lore Chief , justi� in, dis- joas :has be'" UR,�. for - 0*4* pie.. 'Ity - hi 5pok, es of p AGNES AT. iPQD*UCI1, �cars! ce _.m. top lVis OPO4if t bes�p A" trae�edie8 of hiimib'4, ty whielf by., fortuitous 'Pn-�,afid.,9166t buffet our to others 'at first joola� cau r d se, et Win. pnoxpect alit Of ed' e� L According tq..ut ripvrts�' I --apsum Id r Agnes, XacPkaiL 3LIp wel ;to, those ers,to: Whoilp� inay.be. �propo La i�q Th 6m6 and'�Dut b e bew w caused %yj partiest. 1 � C -lewons which every;qne- L 405� BU Arro� cksm.. iqintf6id, AOol&k xick on., them to kV-Wh h 'In, ;4j; biifi6tions, qnt 4: 0 ftrL v6ry :difficdIti6 )iaye bQ�n OC driver casOat'1068 fail f T ey fi atq, fire-re� ne onoty., t is i�adged, 7- .6 UK at, Goae 0aid that �-"sbe tell Y" sV such" by. "-w Anti W e tio" r Cate easiness' at' I" dor xorti Huroa,:for, es 4u ge cracm. mot 0 'A. be' paj -fo by 'an, I* - i a4d`CC0nq1nI nf Ink- ely nt or4, Qpta to -on 9 2 1�$ aear y- par ta t Y as careful ibey obligeit awer; ..-can d sbe*X:T�. thein, in that' thq� did -not t*rk _Ikki; _:Vin gr" numbers W, Y1 � , I lei tjt� ei can? Ha other, joOAs ter, a walu- paw t r n ge caused 4W. damn Ifte %, Orsty. olf, Sh jamoda ,to:'Ot" May XCCOR3UCK-�DERMG', �� Rmpotts re Ts" MnOr great the,. �ae,jwepae'to r iient,itf Agriou! 'the busy 16 �beginuiiag b4ist. 'She s. A ':-is that the )f Y 'a Um to t fq 0600leo:' 01r. pot, g oOL �Ikejr and &Ppkad" 11 .0 much arger thaulatt� eSome ;Ra er. *A117steel, Fraise Ray er. bitb�r a itTiCt the 'eatimates iho* as �i6eh as e th� Progressive, Party she� lays.,' in the arrier skaft and 2 Ment Of. s6, Crerar Drury. anc -e.. the la:. Ten days, in jaft swim acres ka;i7nce- of �92 an Ahe nutik. axle Mau very 1i Stock d�rjriid, Infor I Ana, Seir los, way by g sensible- of,, punishing , it .6�e a�q 0 d 9 Blut . �01- k' whj 6thir- not, 4 . I I I i age, , hitch and: on Brantf rd mpm who u to drive a motor ceui*niently more fit 'leaders not Msbson,' rk9ted -.stitisticiar4' adcome Luckno'wv Ont a4judsaeat - r ClU tp 1p of Muid�*e'-. Son y ---Teac , b ism- "I'he Me-Ccir-%, didu7t'.se - becomw- leid;7- tfi *ddre�sffg'the -Canadian ClubT of ,Wrn. Teheje­w&iJer uvider. 4he iPlueice�. Of ed'I front, 'Wh ikuor', or 6 e who is habit& ei. ersdf Tdroluto. mid. that in 25 years time. word in Hay grea the trafli r onS_ V of oolating A tspee k I �L er would bi tb�' test' ducation an Whi4 coniie 'of hir di a ould be Coast -1 Went, S�: fa'- So Sh 'Wv' Aimenic;ain Pamewle ftOLY.ROODL Thoillj)sob-* on SqUa e4. f4'4c port on the or, Mrs. A. Me- Lltftethek, �' iUg AL ll�Q&D Direct &M that it 'Via. only:*, matter. oi that OnI revolu- werej M__ CU1-Mt$ across ts nd---littIe­, giran --F ar pLnd. - tAi say y a sm sh ld- it I" "Roll gjail-tva-;bould-he- '31' . - Birowne-11-- aa t�j P libor- On 9 h tion with -at I ais. Imert§onj 1.,y -.',i s gfe thj lead -tug uaft.' would, cific Ocean, Would: e al'if not ex- daughtei, ranc jtes� takin qu PA. of OOAL that of he'Atlantir who have een "6or �ivalificWok.- Puniiikine of a�ing. fron Lon Now., Lunc to dri;r. while under, at Purvis' :A ­arldni, Mrs,' F Ahe britag the producer :thi reinn .14 ldnby,� Mrs.;. end 'to rs r urned home. '"th GIRNT LUM. ow.� e worker ecklegs fba not .,the be th to.-. have et 'W. R. Elliott i'., wearing. a D 6179- t. eHoly-. Safety, -of , asp- who broad p,To%.' getting 'pretty,Lclose.to red apned at' e, NIS inn��ced by the"Ho. �Diek n. 'th ' PhIssia nd poill, -th s ork,,Ieft a I.odd W'�ni,en'SL. institute ;Garden Par� properly conduct themselves 6 e Xothmwi-,k Iffiniiter 4 Agricutture, n im,otions��'a itfi Just. becagse. sniiiie these day hig watys,. be - the, aim 'b�b'y; b y at,his hg h jh id hiid- been' entered 'Thlirsdayo July, 7th�-. tv on that: a coiitz k he, Peep e df this country �hav' o ago, I d no reckl ions. di( prograroLnie.is, bding prepare. that sort of thiriv that,thev 'Co-bgratulat autl6p 3ishmen't or Pss Ituto L the Nora.' Se4tiaIlPublie _no� On jO' w"t, drivers after viiicbiW, , has -been kish Cold Mrs. 0 as; ON V -out i Storage -Teriniials Ih b Congrarii. ithd r tam 'Ag in Alr.� and BAT TRANSFORMATI -r�vq -cke Meg: ac to say., '!�O family, Nlr.' Z ,hai f A u .dainaged'�cam­ h nd�eds`of girls' struction and equipment of a mod- ily spent -S One -_year ag o and fam, Undgy at htht tion ic whn. han*o* occupa 8 C -k- e. be completed.. about 'of her. little',1tiends'"at . '.%vbdld `11AVe L Afty Pei Tbals. The Cred" tore OL RAYj ft*.Eft to beep', pitiful, spectscl6s iff., bot;r -DIF�ATED P4 -.R 1. 192& Saturday last�' life le', s v.. earn ng. rom Inousaiads of ballgh,. 4, L jq onsand and Forty Dollars to p�oje dreak ow 0 11, Se'a�' s" ftA Temperance Must, *be,,_or. less, the kid It one sand Five 11 ted, and Six� C13, 31111011 senfim?!nt fias: bem offt e visl ing �k rs. Culbet'g;.cq 1p� DollaIrs per ypar, d stir the: Ca=diAn Pi are. still Ong -Prince Edward�� Wan& way Oui 6 'becauge as sure as the ,seas lot acific� a a are tidioe d V head,, nd -in of r sarely a for - 25.'L ve&M, I�M jkp among Ume fey. Vaeb�i Molyipod an' v W Ili ersddle" did probibifion- wain- "71 a e 4he!r!e 'airo ideft Rifto tOT'tht -t.n6d Zia' bound. at :Riversdale,' last �Thurs&L' iy 'the peol -is, Te r'daughter.?.' With ,W "hiy ed dea4W di!R� but it. ry Wh t about you a tha %, e ...... is East -equipped her-tO 4_�"a WRIft mu grand sccess. ro Amount d IV I I L om '02� P cee& hat hve:,.��ol� 0 ary, pAssing throng Of4�� QVF *h :r ec� Co6kshire' O'SOI., Q yoli 91, n townsbip6�1 inctodin i that i y t;*a h tow- �cq #.erf v4, g nA eyes, and.. tw n 260' ho. own living in af tier b1l dftniin �g n6sei a ed to.� d' D lritind'ti do S(�mOthini "later- on $'rpivici e e; .31alvina and do*fi 'to' and Mrs... A mei Ackert spent A,: lection was held' 11nu paquttp- -not been a t -'_N r. Bep ogan �,.Rip. Course, in-,-the�:-Wirlgham Business Col- t ere on Saturday, jast. 'The sclej.2ce S is e:time of year4o, keep' out thet Ulierai Midiial tits, been, ih�� lieOak- haW, Pakty,, hich. was' Uare y represented e trouble jor some':.. uliday bavin 4 A Broo e our, oors an j screefied. . We I gatin has -15 en Cpn-: liajeL will. db:fbr her. what:-itl has done Y for 6thbTs ' duHnT.'Abe- pAst.: twenty. the OdL WA 0 :with t6fisilitis W in the the e ectiow "'of,, aind -much haL�- been knin t p . e W House since I ad wNdows thit :1 fit a6ost any e= f, d 'cut. ay.. 0 -' - ` i j�" to Ile finei b ootg� tin three'year%. ourse�,ma soee�. wire in, every width fo recovering . d This c �y be'6k. f once t a: M -due W es of 04 -eat B repqrt .'is 'AbleL to be,up. a..con vance of n-, ard to P.!Of' ..aga ornn 0, 6'r esent 'bib liw. The Spjjj jr ..-with in., ence 8c hoo .1 s, T. ',partly' b Te 92.31 itoc4io h9ught.t. e rrespqnd 1. :the �V roiigh tbe-,Spotton.Co the. largel' .�r ,PrOW Con� y mdu oMr' RO -there is -no. ;,,.erwa#Te Party,," Whicfi� f, Ut if. -at . the o4d'S- iry Con- correspon CnC 'OIL STOftQ,:-The Season is. here and or. four 11 ftoih thie" timothv hair Yher. W ie: dn&,. fint�sh at any oi.� d tw weather �to ifron �3avipg: � M iaii. more to the of a -a ho has 'W ve"ythriij Q w ni wa dL--cove MfS_ . Geb Our c ORL 4toV yt' -rod. tba. July 17 and qf �` _,es�,,. t�criaby ucb e. ' We have the **Nw Peifectioe itv thive' r its b6 �Md 'at Ottawa IT , I. olieg ac-:, Varne, out for government cbptrol�' �gi]L�sts a nry Tierce's boar.(!: n1o4ey-:, 'T i§'-dourse""inay ble ve Were some 'e'you vns . A po- '49 re6ce tomatic;0�'an& we ha� , pi so" at'different. season �W, Atiglas h**' Our -burner 'also the -1 t 4-L 'Alt -M' of �, : 1� at, finieS paid for at any. in, Y AS. we now. Te _.it iri Ontarid. W en it Wag -bit some .1m bird I Sun ay. 4i ft. stock'" ' �ear` the k Meal2-,- This is, a very.-.1ne. inui* lk , simply. waks *,M: 4xbi e d"' h ind fitted with �t '- 6 bd be sition. n.. h L 1;6 that: hair :should 1, _ft�= his for 'every ir;iduate. � O'tario's in Cbim .,E Hazel- We Qf L ha*RU1. 11:9- st 'dreatis.t Trainers of. Ydting.,Peoplq�. .,n kkiranteed,, for ten years. Tor those *h -..'their. house wxr,,, which BnPOssible gly, 1fie. was "I" e'LL 1'arilt rper b Iscovery 46se. lkis� ed to the & pending� a.,few. days fth M: helmedt. thi! Conservatii-es� Th f N is -is s. -.Start..' any Uto Electn_e, ]ff 6t two.4 er1w Oindividuk, sulfer�d by, e.-,T�611en�, dust .M 'ph given U& Iffi, roin TT R It 'the Prince of -Asturias, a e th ;are 30, seati - in� the- HOU-se- The e An satisficti C ers.on tip?e,.. pr ferabli hok, Better' eac th -C e, plint 'while, knother. suffered by t az mirer 7- The, ve-C '40 . . , and a,,positio era4 lan en's 24. anA. e _o e#ibit-' The� ITqjy�ood. Wom' Gold Medal:S from� meeeting at." t W st re� t poultry .-their monthly he 6ol,- Write�-today'for he Ausit from another' p L, All the '(�pnservative if n . h in en foui e have in a 'carload. at drd I , he d 11dul, Ilie . fam ar Sol" rS to the Wuig am Business.' pper, ce honii� of Mrs Win. 'Cox olWednei­ t V t Rftfing, tocisiling Roll Roafin!2!� Arro-tack and S tft Shm wiere d4eate'd, with the ..So rr ex., golden :i6d' has been _Or 0 oranto?!t- '.Gr6ates the' jiujof 06 to see, Us. fpopularly blamed � for H !�ou "velmed -of roof or hi)u-,;e or.barn, don't fail' 22nd. Miss a. Bove -Bii held of. siiie§i� the Canida.11ust,'.1 -the ai "Te.disposed Sj*dina­ 'We re bu� Ut sto *es 'd Coile'le and 'm I aA4 the pTice is rig&t� '. Be 'st ask' I his seat y ibe AZrrD* ipajority oU many;-..' t1?ce Over memberi of 6e,'parish� gav�e a pino sol'o'j.. 4n a plan �nq�s� College,, our iiisitation tk beli o due 'dint. ft is thi��';materla n4kee T a - ItL� � ' f=e of this U., is now statd. that, Toront6j. will gladly'�seiid You eleven, f SL' Aidan!s. ChW rse hb".'.very war= aind in-appetraxice-:almoA-li]Le,r.ed bril-L' r.h. New Ji was -en 'b Edna a. X , tr�W h Caps fjo:� U.6e4�8Sfil- je , list ofour. 8 graduate the trouble ciu6ed by the -golden rod, 6= uyid to Oil 0 e ke A . 'j , on ded outcome 'of the�e Ver, Ae..Iady spea , r Miss Mat-, ftonl,: U Ind an, �,thg that., 0 from,. �our gommimity, am, oe,,_ gave w. o n - on - t* with them.. �it WW, :41UL SHE C- is; e more. surpris-an& In lines �on FAister X Do �VAW VA�NTS and ARN S on,;., co opera on ­1 bi Awem afte tekesfin� 'talks O� A that.in _1993_tke famous* r of X.&jrtjjj4 7V innocent daj to TU �vroii,-25. seats and the- By t fe -i �O th* L . 0.P �;bTiIA social life;'and, making The- visit was t re i in, �ih. bu St, Joseph. A r, on�! t. e- in d6Tn, -LuncljL same, thing. In- lbe. spring 4t, -yopng peOi0e. er�:Jn:, ,,s b ho' e,ne�w and -in� of, the 'becau n*ture of an act than Cem&t Ume i6itioR did. it� .4 'of the OjkS the miii�ous c m-*,. "last was,served.at th', npy Pla� 01i Hand, 7 ly 5. R�Viootly. jrChl it e close medt_,� man s, a which are e then ars. -is-strsng.e­-that­p -Aeaders-should- The A' -�eting wil� be F 'th, art� a er _Rogd.r 11dust 11W t6 W _P_. M ie 9arcy.:j ot-ranj -e�ahhwhl gifd�usjjj&-,. thei� pollei- But'lli '113 so, far'-witsiod bli ;fb - :XcOrinle had.: held at ,the 6 1 an is i7 r ge'-pu. c OpX=1On!2S beM' Sufferin if barber. *aT p�ovc ivill be' .a,' girl, s tered the heart trouble me zing. The v -feels 'flat y so unpopu e on, hen 'the goliti%�, rod is in - 'a or some y4mrs t4i :w b�e --Gr ce!,ii; b i:s ti ug.h. w- f'' prev;ntin hit enter-� iaken by Tqi'ss& a t4i thL-N.- 0 ps 'the success itt. the. piI16, a tar 'd fact Whiej�i4y'haxe led p. sat, to i�< o ow�ng a ti n Moiat.;L 9. 'Brother An6e, �!ike poilik� in On P*bift'=d'Ef6�C Withi lief thit. ai�:�oqspicuoug plant art, ind -his, foll%*in,�, to conclude that' out that the: of.p ition as over and reil, his condition iaut sci-P-4& hu 'found io control I - I - I that'L vernmen' would, pro". Within, X:f w - "yj from 'th -to At - &4 use of' go Trischiel, -;tmker ca. 'o. 4M Imcknow, Popular e P*cific 0., 1 meetst the per nt-of 6e, fin ha*. fever %1S raw ce mo . nth weed -a.. Teri cioilmon Oint. about It is safe'ta wssu M tl�� hiR, 9-ciom 1. I 1passea�en� �,,n Canadi2�n Pa� pm that, govm� real 'he *as able't;6 nient ControlL illhar city streets -a Ad an VaCaM e, &_n. and', 1fic Pagsbip -E*press �6f long e`y lajA'. 'now: L its..'day will,not 1pd.;a eompki#g a�Jndking by what ears, of: -the Ming of ibesite. visit4 'DID 0 old L city of Panama dest You have :Ar�d:'wWz 'ambiti&A "working heri in Ontario, it. t to be IMPORT-ANCEF6F. Ul1KlJiG C AN ing to, prove a; tfer.� -temperance -'jin lirs Ir n organ, be '0 pry uteasuri, than the NiAt'' famo Eng.ftb piriate., T6� atu, da� ance A peop�e o a S re. itb ea Goagh :isr thAt need iv for he' f Orntakii Lietite, abt - tbe nm�_i t T 6�lendid �at CbZ U OP Peatahceo,M ril eer nnot on wetI7 "eugit did' intenti ' alIT vote,- t4%_ the. retiire. / te-xhose irrest' IaA'MiLfth� on Maby Of 'those who IT*J4 for j�abje secret tqmsurei�� valued 'at, A I J' - j5b oob�' =T -Ing remore�d Ira] ­ . , . i � . ed son and his government toutrol p9li- U�9 Balloons' �y a' fl-OML the &miral b&'b' �diS alarM helieviig.�that- tfiey�, -were -�rd.7S�o&ed;L the his -been I-- EMgSA fortune L�eutena` ntL. That :ru t 'wottld -on. his.ewn recogniiant!ex_ 99e not votim- for, a mea§kre -Ahk bring'about More fes satl§fied tho 2xid hOf- -road" i8tance. temperate - coudi.- was th menzi 'of aA'eli- is which ade by ralty that we had , under the � O -T A2 of be Admi tb6dgltit, of, tr?2_-bn. Z ett' th6ie by �h bad Is: cate vi anM as to jo a.. =4 -on.- c6nezted ci 14i 4 ad at of -war *it th NU * exesiliency- h bootl ard, put: e his f ri 23n gold,,0iU=b birnam-ents, gold dust `e� Ica fflttstr�atiri_ of !be �he�" del! d se ection. no., blin 1' a mat uz.;� footin,,L If it. fails dor, X ers U rtX,�indicatn tha:t.larger,'treasures oik 'a, respectable -as a s6ertt It cesign- eer and Th ans, LOU reideive,'the' 'this' (axia there -is litt%,* eN4 d6 htirnam�. e �:pU in, :exiA at'III13 'that ft. WW do ii) t re nl2ted' to tbA Btitiil .'saB- benefit, of thirty� -e Tvat 9 A. JmLrney 64' otet 30,7 -of rpris. 6ir- 301 in&Zi, r. there xs,, a, great sliiifiln ex -w-k t, �thr 'years,,. g6. of.,"rOte& joizi the tired fr4PM the', SeMCe ZO, I M eT_ -k. C*- be. ejob -k* 04 . honeqi 4 *as* drcled, -the Canadiam Pa- mese p %VYP YOUI removed c, -Empre�is� of .--kwt- teful plaliftiRg, I cE ca ot,&� to ke�p r*zord el hL- b� lab�;- dc�_�ked r V _W Yor_k, rwent], -Y 1;�� Bk ! - k�,`Whem the �temoval, w' W 1%, end= "'be RY udki fi_� with G �,X� RE M_41)9' C)qXPVt_SQ �-Mz c2st bf a c� Passengers e hsep ffl� hm ft n�b In tj. o v acril o .,ue h;s od'' when G Ve2th- S, of an, mobi ourtmr- zp eT�er y .'aik s y6u-b lamps out bln,er M*d, At ii also 1, des4s, mot h t them amd make it rts�#ting.' Et_� an tb b --y and ahip�, fi at�­thk ttle t'W'� 't�he lid a!*_ --.-s' be.417- D U, blatme for to' Amenca fi*m tbe :,,A r zqnes UNLOP. �per7sops cp abd t�hL,-� P eiik e- CP am- 4A& Vi"Ithotit Or =hk, b. LAOrJZ6, P�iM CANAM iba, �e4 to '60 -won 1ms J�e 4' -,;r had to for K wbere 'Am acti6u �r dama jes ot ell! te 4 btd thii 1>e oMWdie & wftull ilt's, it is PX0P**5ed tO rtw4vi i;*�A Cbd' 1AXid ReWalt Uc�.n -tit t ic R".&,, PCiftA�6US L Cknowo *1 W P;;U Alf 'Ad"" or A� ""Wag