The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-06-16, Page 1'•• •-•• log;aa '-"yia•ava• 112,00 PEIt YEAR IN ADVANC4; pro aruFwisE a • Luc ..4.07.••••(,)f NoW,,Prirr...r}waip" JUNE l6th, 111.2.7..;. e-7.; • 11- P1OFRRSIOI4AkkgAIRD$.11 • Or, '`Eir: M. 00004011 • Phvalelasi oaad • . Luehaeor •• , .• Monate: • loo141* Phase •BC, • DISNfrier • Dr. MadLeiiil Visit :Leek** -41"4" • TUUaY InPr; •• .0dgra. •••• „.DENTI8T• "• ..'Dt; ".L• Trelealoan; °vet. Deckir's 3eire , EXtrietiOn either by gas or. local. Will :bi•Ia • Ddallanizett every Thursday., • . • Mal. a owsoara.mananimogila ,• ,DENTIST • '' Call Dr. .Ntrittiii In offiee'everrdas o LOCAL AN,DGRNIIRAL • It will pay uk.YotIr shoes at Turner's, on ,$ To.aYs, June 17 and 18. . The Summer Meeting ,of the Wom- en's Institute 'Will be •held in the Town •Hall, 'June 21st = GOOd Goods, LoW., Prices. Special Dollar Dat Bargains at The Market. .-Homell-Miirdoch. Co.' • • • - • , Mrs.. Cliff is back .to her home here after spending the'. winter in _British Columbia and California.' ' • • ' Mr..''' Robert Mullin is in Toronto MOVE FOB -10:•:41. SCHOOL '• A ••:' :IN LiVekNOlir That the Lnekilpv, • Schad, Board should n_42011•.,,theAlireetien'.of„...har.7,. ing the'existing „ifiin'tinuation .School. raised to the status' of a•,Eigfi School Was t e .decision of n meeting •••• • Lucknow citizens, ,he14, in . the -Town" ,Hall • • Tueislay' evening. The Board will use its .own: judgment as to. ho* •font it will move in. the matter, but. as the ultimate establishment of n , High ,School ..here 'seeing to be, , foregone, conclusion, we, may -eicaeet that What cati•he done this year will be done.. this week; with her sister. Mrs. There were not inanY' at the meet!. Johnston, nr4o Is seriouslyill. ,Ing, but it likely represented those Mr.. and Mrs. R. "J Cameron and who take most inteteat i s hool Arabell attended the HanlY-Taylor matters.• Mr: Wm. MacKenzie., chair: wedding In Clinton, Wednesday. man of the Sehool. Board, preSided Rediiced'priceson all 'hats; Friday eaves to -the meeting suchinforruatiop titni Saturday --11 RPBERTSCK as the Board was 'able to collect By • A full stock of •club bags, suit ,his statement it would appear that in cases and trunks always on hind, at a •financial way it Wduld not • make Terner'a.!Shile • Store. ." mtich'diiierenee• to Lucknow rate - Uri: Price NaYtor and: little son, 'payers.. ,It however,' Mean the expenditure of about $2 000 to of Toronto, are visiting the fonuer'4 ' EVIIRY1X)DY'S COLUMN 0 0-6-0 0 0 :O '0 0 11-11-0 Oak A. Indian,' LielmoW• Brass ' . cad Real Estate. -Money to lead ot, • first mortgagee on • faria Yr9per- 1Ise it and 0% per cent accordion. , to security offered. Also small *Mounts on second mortgage, • on • farm properties and On persona] • isetes. A. few good farm, for sale. •■•••••!=-1-.- WALL PAPER Sty stock of , Wall .Paper is, com- plete for 1927. Prices from 8c. up.1 am also agent for leading job houses. R. J. Cameron, Decorator, Painter '•and Grainer, Box 174, Lucknow.. • . • •Tor Sale -411 number of window and,itorm sash with glass in them. Apply to p. C. Taylor. EGGS AND ,BABY CHICKS Get my" price list before ordering Barred ' Rock or White Leghorn Baby Chicks or .ggs for hatching. 'Incubi - tors,. or brooders at right prices. Cus- Joss .hatching done.- Duncan Ken- n•dy,'W, hitechurcb, Ont, (24-2-tf.) BABY CHICKS AND EGGS FOR HATCHING * We have what You, want in S. -C. Whits , Leghorn Baby. -Chicks and •:Eggs for hatching: -the best; from large stock, producing large numbers of large eggs. Baby Chicks, June, 12c. each. Eggs, • Por hatching, 4e. each. Order early to .• ensure a supply. -Elmer J„, Farnsh, Lacknow,sR R. 7. Dungannon, Phone , 82 -ring -21 (16-6-c) •Feand-A, sum of money. • Owner may have same on proving property. Information at this ctfice. For Sale -.--Top buggy, steel tires - in first . class -condition.-John •Mac - Lead,• Lucknow • (16-6-4f), • CHURCH' NOTES The • Victoria Mission Band held their 'June meeting On Saturday; fol- lowed by a picnic. The picnic wee 'a. great success and it l hoped that the, members will continue , to turn out as well in aepteniber-the begin- ning 'of thefill. terns; , . The missionary :Conference of the Teeswater • District will be held = in Lucknow United Church ' on VridaY. 'June 17 -sessions at, 10 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. Basket lunck be brought:Jo the delegates. Miss Eliza- beth Macintosh Of China, Will speak it 'both sessions; also S. R. Davy` of Cheeky, president Of Bruce Presby- terial. All *Omen ariterested in mis- '•aiOn work are invited: -ears° • MAFEKING .• This neighborhood', was Well rep- resented at the Webster Picnic on Saturday at Lucknow -Park. rs, Milton Naylor and children; of Lucknow, spent ' the week -end at Mr. ill Irvin's. . ' Mr. and • Mrs. Raymond Flanigan and Chester,. of Crewe, spent an ev- ening this week at Mr, Thos. Ander- son's. •• . ' Mr. Palmer Kilpatrick. Of Strat- ford; spent Sunday at his home here. Mr, and Mrs "Clifford Treleaven and children or Now York, and Dr. and. Mrs. Lane Treleaven of Luck - now, called on Mr. and .Mrs. S. J. .Kilinttrieko SUMO ,afteaneon: • . Mr. d Mrs. Geo. ' Coleman and daughtes Grace and Gladys of , ' sta, ,and Mrsi Grate Webster, of •Lucknow, were guests of Mrs/ and Mrs. ;Thefts Blake on ' Sunday. , •- toad eonitrtietioti is th'e•:.erderof - the day„:, almost ' everywhere, just now, and the men .on thiti,line'have 1.'.--'.1zzsen• tutting • down "Shirckleten's ••-.!•77111111;IrTlilav•'-iftiOillitifiake-ar-tlecided, Jinprevetn,ent, as It; ,Wita.as difficult " hill, at I ita! time'efthe year. •,Mr. and' Mre. J. C. Stotbers •ena• Ton1d 0! London, weres'aisitora -with Mr; and Mrs. 11. ,Hortonyvartsol. last Week. .• •"4%. toed reXtlOptivelS'IMS who • `wit tiotigh t itirt 1010 *IP 4,4s I` o 11 o OS Ott ..4•• 44, - 'MILLINERY • -rid;9)=1-ri-11-0..-t-TO*191,SEefotirY 44, up the -room on the third floor „ • H. parentss-lar and Mrs it.-11.-Thornii: -•"" son. Interest on this expenditure, was tak- en into account in estimating, tae Just receiVed thirty pair of Men's, likely annual= cost. Mr. Taylor said Work Shoes. Made to order. Price that •the suggestion. of a high school. ,$4,.00. Call for yours at W. J. Lit.- at Lucknow hadeome from Mr. tle's Shod Store. • Mills, inspector .of continuation Inspector Is always ' , miss Marie Holnbeck and her i.nhigh s praises .of the -Nora be. tiler, of Englewood, Chicago, are iting with the latter! parents, Mr. g e in the continuation :school, here, and pointed out that in ' -the arad Mrs. J. G. Howey. event of raising it to the Status of' a WALKERTON RACES--Postpon- high school a change of principal ed • to Wednesday, June 22.. The would not he necessary. largest entry 'Walkerton has ever Those takine part in the diseuss had. Betting privileges. sion were: , Rev: C. II. MacDonald / Mr. Geo. A. WebbAIRS ew on Stoesehlluses-Mitehells-J- 'N'tridiliim Hospital the pas•t week, q\itt.lalAe7roileMr...W"--andEM' Trsr.eiCeaacKenzie, A. E. McKim,Temple Craw,, Rw.erijs. / having undergone an operation there. He is ou lhe' way to .tec,",erY' 'Clarke, Wm...lturdie, • League 'baseball here this 'after- The prevailing view seemed :to be noon--Teeswater the visiting, teamthat the co_urse taken should be that This should., insure a good game. The in the best interests of the risings home team is doing well this seasoe, generation, a high school. here would Tertainlas be in the ,intfaa'sts The Rev.' R. W. Craw was in TO- of the community at large; that ronto Thursday of last week, attend - more rune folk would' eet • hi-!' ing the, graduation exerciaes. at To- slool education if wehad a high ronto • University, • when Mr. mi .Walter senool here, and that t wouid be ., Craw received his B.A. •degree, and vast advantage to' have the Miss, Helen, her B.Sc. °.• peonle at 'their, homas aurisis• sbY-e°ubl?„17." Mr. Horace ,MacCrimmon of 'Van- nortant forMative 'period of charac- couver, B.C., son of the late Dr. and 'tes..which coinsicles-swith 'the-- high Mrs. MacCrimman for many years school age. • • • residents of Lucknow, was a visitor in towrthis week. After calling on WEBSTER FAMILIES Lucknow friends he Went to visit his HOLD ANNIIAL GATHERING sisters in Philadelphia Frost again, Wedneaday morning. • SeYeral. hiindreci' deee is of ,the titian prophet who annonnced summer.; ,their connectiOns ..and .telationa thru •.less summer, or spmething like thaa mossiogo.'i • gathered ' caleslonian June 15th. Looks, as though the Webster pioneers of this part, with had SOrne. grOund for 'his pessiznioth• But ' our 'guess ismc.that a lot of people . , or on .Saturday last in •Annual 'lac.' Will be complaining of the heat With- ' e• Fevered with a delightful dray'. in a.month. • ' • there' was 'evidence of a jolly •• good , • Mr.. and -Mrs. George A. Siddall_ le 0 every, and. All ages were and their daughters Prances are on -there, and,' judging , by, the number' a motor , trip to Winnipeg, where of robust 'children playing.'ebeutthe they; will spend ai few weeks with M ti M family gatherin ' '1 ' left last rE-riday morning; going „ by, feailn'e'-fer ManY Years to come. way of :Sarnia,: and ., taking a 'boat to • • Dinner and 'supper 'were serVed at ,Port. Arthur, from 'Which .peintithey '.-tables . in the_Skatina _Rink ,and • out - r. nd rs._ Eldon Siddall. '.1TheY g will be - local will Continue tire trip by auto. side a pro -gram' of field sports was run aff during the afternoon; h..1- 4t• BORN Whitley --Th Lticknow, On Jiifie' 6tb'. chief: intereat throughout Was the to 'Mr. and Mrs. Victor Whitley, ,social side a the gathering - the meeting and greeting of friends from ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETINGand near -Below. we, give,,a 04, the prize:. . • ar WOMEN'S INSTITUTE . winners •in the various c p ti P The Annual District Meeting • .of .the Women's • Institute for South :‘BnicO, was held in the Town Hall, G 1. Lucknow, Friday afternoon, June 10,, As it waS a fine day there Was a`• ' large attendance from the s around- ing districts. The Pres., Mrs. Link - later of Teeswater, • occupied the chair. Very interesting reports of the year's, acti,Atie3. vvere; read from, the Secrdtaries from Walkerton. ,HolYrood, TeesWater, Hehnore and LucknowBranches. from•the sra"ce 'Junior Institute 'Branches :of Tees_ men water Walkerton, Belmore and oter Lucknow. The election Of officers re- oie stilted as follows; Pres., Mrs. E. lay ,Agnew, Lueknows 1st 'Vice, Mrs. ,TolWin - ton, •Walkerton; 2nd Vice, M. Hod- Stan Holyrood; See.4reas:r Run Lamb, Walkerton;' Auditors re-elects Hop cd; Rep. to Convention, the ?res. ,pitc The .buSinesi was followed by Coo very delightful .prograirt, Consiating Earl of rettdings-,,Master Joe Thompson!, Nor Myrtle and Mary Cook; vo-, sdor cal' Duet -Mrs. Horace Aitchison' and • Miss.Mary Aitchison, Loc,know. A. orn e ti zis: Oldest Lady, Mrs. Mary A. Ander- son; •Oldest Man; Mr. Jas. Pearson. •, Races . • : irLs 6 and Under, Birnidine Al- ton; ' Boys 6 and under. Harvey Rit- chie; Girls. la and under, Daisy tilt- chie;..Boys 12, Tom Anderson; Girls Jean' 'Ritchie; Boys 15, George Vebster; /'Single . Ladies,. 'Olive, Kil- patrick; Married- tidies, Mr.'. Sam ''Gibson; Fat :Ladiea,, T. Blake; Single' Men, Alex Andrew; 'Married Men, Eliner Webster; Eat Men, Rosi, Alton; Musics race, (i) Lorne and .Grace. Coleman, (0 Harvey Ander- and Beryl 'Gardner; Three-legged , Lady and Gent. L. and G. Cale- ; Wheelbarrow race,. Wat. Web - and A. Andrew; 'Coat ,race, Jes- Andrew and.Zom Anderson; Re - race, A.' Anew, W." Webster.. ifred Webster, Jessie • Andrew;ding Broad ' Jump,• Bob Reid;. nirig Bread Junin, Will Andrew; , Step and Jump, Alfred'Aaavews hing.' Quoits, J. Webster, John k; Youngest person- on grounds.' Ferguson; Softball tenni from th 'defeetedteani from SOuth- e 155. •" , TWO BIG:DAYS reading by Mrs. Gamble, Iblyrood,' 'The All Rotted Woman,": was inu,ch enjoyed,' as also was the raper en the Conferenee, by, Mrs. Tnomnsert Teeswater. Jessie and Grant.Macs • Kenzie, Lucknow, `favored us With a well-sendered ..niano.- duet: Papers were read By Mrs. Guthrie ,Reid: Teeswater, "The Pioneer Woman:" Mta: Crawford, Tara, 'Talk op Fed - ea; by a report Of the O.A.C. eonven. rrileinpgen Tees -water. The Directorsthen eerv- ed refreshments and the . meeting Closed With GO& Save The ling. The tear arartial 'Ialatttiliff"Will 'are h�ld In TedaWaters-W.`M.•Wileoir. Corr. -0.04-4, • • ,Vood fioorls,.,ASow•-Pricost-Spediol Dollar DIV' negninft at Th. **Theft, .,....Notooll4fOr*Oe1. Cat • ' • A number !et., LucknoW,•inerchiiiiSs • have joined together to put 011. two big bargain slays, the "...end Of • this week -Friday .' and You • have'.'redeived Ones'of- Thesewho, nvito you are Turner's ShOe;'Store, The -..Walker W. ..thenip'sen's GreccrY, New Star nornell4Turdocli • Co4 A. Meat'grt:iliet„ Central Garage. • Davison's Furniture s Store. D. maeChari ..,11;,I31itzdteinf COn-•„ Arild-.Deaher• -,`Johnetond Brea.. Earn], ture, F. T. Arrnetronst Jeweller, B. pflarlMall• • • V MAKING 'GOOD' HEADWAY ' . • e , Arrangements ipr ,Jubilee Celebration at. LacknOw About. Completed. . cosntnittee 'in charge of ar- rstrigementafsfOr, the ' celebration .01 ,the Dominion Jubilee of Confedera- ' tion at LueknOw on. Jyt• lit, ha's. been making. fide progr s, and,poth. ing but .Ft .1Fet, day will prevent our having . one Of the bigges4, and best celebrations '4in, the „history of the Y19.11.Ch.i43377.71c:011 ,wijI be larbguet?' every : • Man and *Oman who can .cto so) should get Out . and join in the pro- cession -which will forte at the School Grounds anti Proceed to.'Col.cdonian . Park, Handsome: cash prizes are of- fered '• floats and 'calithumnians tak- ing in thisS_ proceasien,__Sir_thss Park a platfOrpi Will be erected, and the 'crowd will engage in the singing. of. patriotic TWitiS, led. by an Orches- tra and 'choirs and will listen to pat-. riotie : addresses, the gathering It is expected: that the distribution of the governmn jubilee medals,-, for schoot_eisildrans:_iltsbesmade.:- The -Government Is Issuing e pretty medal for every pupil in Canada; and each should aim to, get his or hers... The afternoon will be taken up with 'field realirts in the park; ' for bays and .girls -and men, concluding With :a game' of baseball , between Exeter ,.and Lucknow •-teams-•-•-hoth strong teanis• this ,year.; • . This is a great coentry,tand Con- federation 'Was ;,'One, of the greatest events and .;._blesoa_ion-go_ blessings in its 1.1.ist, Let us show Our appreciation of both. woiis eLun ORGANIZES a-----Aa.aWelas-attended-I-and-sentinialastO . . . meetipg of . the local Tennis Club was 'held in Dr. Johnston's :Office on • the evening of June '8th. the following :officers were ,elected: Pres., jar: johns: ston; Vice -Pres., . H. Walker; Sec'y.- Treas ' • 'W.* B. Anderson- ' :Grounds Com., T. S. Reid' and. Mr, Denny. Fees, were. ,fixed as follows: 'Under Fourteen years of age, $1.00; Ladies. $2.a0; Gentlemen, $8.00; Family .rate, $5...00:7. All joining on the $1.00 anust vacate' the eourts at 4 P.M. if the courts .arewanted by Others. • It_ is expected that • all anembers will extknd the'.-eourtesiee . of the ,garne to waiting- players by ,vaeating •the 'courtsat the end Of the 'set. 1 . : Fees May be Paid to the 'following': the, president, the. Treasurer, • Miss Evelyn Craw, Mr. A. E. 'McKim •• or direct'y into the . Bank of Montreal. and itisdesired that all fees be paid .soon as possible. ' DIED' AFTER LONG 'ABSENCE. • • Mr; Alexs,,Nieholeon ,reeeiVed word last week of the death of'. his broth- er, .3nhn, who died at.: Mordon, Mani- toba 0/1F-t'ye 9th instants' • The late Mr, laicholtion was not known ' by many in -this part, .having lefthere55 years ago, whets but it lad Of 15. The remains • were brought to Luck - now for interment in Kinloss Ceme- tery. ' The funeral wasTuesdayaf- ternoon. . : ' When in town. On $: Days. 'make your headquarters at Turner's. Shoe Steres o o LUCKNOW HIGH' SCHOOL REPORT Departmental Subjects of Lower -, • ,School „. • School have obtained se:it-tiding in the The folloWing pupils of the Lower subjects 'named, on the examinations held throughout- the s year: ^ W. Agar: Eng. Cars. Beta. D. Arts' derson: Physiog., • Arith., It. Gr.; Zool.:. A. Andrew: Physiog., Arith., L. Gr., Zool.; S. Brawn: C. Hist., Art, Geog:, Bot.;. J. 'Bowles: C. Hist., -Physiog., Zool.; E. Buswell: Physiog: Arith., Z ol 'LtG•A r o Lat. r., Cameron: ",",Geog.,. Art, Bet; Win. Car- nochan: C. Hist., Physiog., Arith_ Art, Bot., Zool.; A. Colivell; .Lat. Gr.; G. Fisher: Arith. 7 Marg. Graham: ' Eng. or., C. Hist., Arith:. Art, Bois; Mary. Graham: C. Hist.: Geog., Art; M. Hackett: Eng. Gram., Physiog., Zool., 0. Hist... Bot.; M. ,Arith.. Zed.; A. Rod - gins: Eng. Cr., Math., Bet.; C. Kil- patrick: Art, 'C. Hist., Geog., tot.; R. Kiliiatrick; .Arith., P,hYsiogs Zool.; :M. Late: Hot.; • E. mac - Donald: Lat.,Gr., Arith., Physiog.; II, MacDonald: Art, C. 'I.list., .Geog., Bot; E. Maelhier: Art; Q. Hlit Geog., Bot.; S; MacLeod: Art, Geog.; K. MacKenzie: Lat. Gr.; Arith., -Phys. Zool.; C. MacKinnon: Lat. Gr.; Arith., Physiog.. Zool.'.. F. . McNeil: Art: Hot.; M. Mcgriillin: Eng. •Gas Math., Physiog.," Zonis, W.. Nixon: -Engs---Grs-sArith.. Hist., Geog. i E. Arith., C. Hist.; Sherriff; Art, C. Hist., (leogi..41Bot.; E. Sher-, Stanley: Arith,, PhYsioV,. 7100147-..14:?.. "Turner.: ;• "Aritit4 Physiog.. Zooia M. Watson: Lat. Arras, PhYsioas Zool. R. 'Watson: •Eng. Gr. Art1i..sPhyseba... ' C: ,,,Mtebetert 79001,i W. Webster:. Eng.' Gr, C.: thst., M. Wilsotw Art; Eat., .0, Hist, Geog. TEe report f. the Non•416partinen. tal ettNeote will bo pubIislled later, . OM* (PeD‘4), • :I ts. fAllitY THEATRE • , MIL& 17 '4 ,SAT., .18 • GloriafaSwenion in "THE, UNTAMED LADY" -• •,• , , '•She shad -.twenty mullioijs and an. Ungovernable temper; t •• With Comedy 2,18t.* WED:; 22nd• Mary Philbin with Elliott '' Deis :ter and Gladye afroclgrall in • s • "STELLA: MAICis'Na. • With' a • mustang picture -Ed- mund .Cobb in The .Tin ,Brone . • " , and Comedy', • Sp.ecital-- 'Flaming Frontier" REID'S DOMINIONBAKERYr ° FOR GOLDEN -RUST - BREADS THATMADE MOTHER QUIT BAKING 116ttSa'l: .Ynrten,dVl r ries byerV;gy1ti;:fio;gecak Tapies.na7, COPkies. PHONE , 68 FOR IsHO OR YOUR •S • DANCE • triyier auapiees of the, Luck: now Baseball Club: OVVN-HAL-L- . , 1`,Tiabt, of :. •Thursday, ' June 16 liarolci Skinner and his .pirpular , aBLUE ' WA.TER sBOYS'f:' Will supply music.. , Couple' $1. Extra Lady ,and Gallery. 25c inc]uding tax. 'THE 'ANNUAL • CONVENTION. . pl the HURON -COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICE COUNCIL ' . 'will be held 'in SE/WORTH ' UNITED CHURCH . . • Wednesday, June 22nd Sessions begin at 2 p.m. and 745 pm (Banquet at 6 Pan.): PROMINENT, SPEAKERS THE rpi3Lic:Is INVITED E. Bender, Blyth;"-- - Presieent. Farmers Picnic gibes MasePhailt Farquhar , Oliver, aLL...a.; and other speakers wili. address a, inons4ir IJ. 'F. 0. PICNIC • IN 'NORTH HURON , 'Monday, 'June '27th Ftiller particulars next issne.:*, KeOp the -date in?mind.' • Alice Dunbar The World's Only, Lady \Comedian WITH AGNES .AND DOROTHY MUN ROL-EN'tERTA I NE RS ' TOWN HALL, LpmcNow' TUESDAY, JUNE 28 'Linder Auspices of' the Weitieit'S Institute •' • . Beautiful COsturnes,1' Wonderful. * National Fancy, Minch* , ,AdMiaalint .50c: end:25C... , (Including „ Tax) A Splendid Concert -4)0n% Mists it ,ikmaissoraiw 7.44.:Of.- a s • ' The family. of theslate Sirs, Adam Thompson. sincerely' thank the „MOS?, =friends who ',tau:kw:Eel' SO, milch kind- ness sand 'aynslitsthYS an contributed , flowers at the, tiine °their: recent bereavpment, .4,10-0.4•,* • , • 600d Goods, LOW' ?flag. special P01114' Pak notatains, at Th, 4ilyl$Ot4 r41041$11.•)410*(11 Cis a• • .• The 'Breatt " "Df of Health „ • :our. N4.zuttr ;Thread and oAkes are. of the ,liest • • • '1101;Your Orders fbr: !`0.17i.ce• "Attention"• , • • • , , . SPECIALS • .Rock Cakes Ckoeolate Marslimaflow Cake Iced Rolls • • ChekVa. Bun a 'Coffee Cakes • a ,Oatmeal, Cookies 'Raspberry Squares . Raspberry Tartlets, :Nat Tarts: •BEST PRICES, 'GIVEN. FOR .Dil*DF AND :EGGS • "..• . • HO.,I.L..„Y.,.14. Phone : 36' •'Lucknow SINGLE, COPIES 5 'CENTS fordsitoinekoiureAtsmwtokeorAwearAorgaresumarromarcdenor4emororr, • Phone 75 ' 164 3 DURING THESE TWO, DAYS, AS A T. s• ALL , TIMES, ' 0 UR k COUNTERS WILLBELADEN WITH -TRITFTVALU, sMER- CHANPISsEssAz:UNI3EATABLE' PRICES. - • --- • • - Lucia:low; s' HOUSE FURNISII1NGS-.Scrim,' Madras Nets, 2 Over drape's, Chintz and Sateen. See our special Curtain Net, at 38c. , I per yard. • ' THE BEST -Made -in Canada "LINOLEUM, .4 yards Wide. .All • at special Friday and Saturday disaount. , kTwo short ends of Linoleum to lear at $9115 and ,$,16.9p per end. It `may be juat the size:you re9u1re.. 1k LADIES' HOSE SPECIAL -Pure thread Silk, reg. $1.25. Friday 1 and Saturday special, at 49c. - • , . , , ' 1/4. EVERY SPEdIAL, WF OFFER IS TAKEN FROM .OUR It ULAR • STOCK, AND CARRIES OUR /1TEE' 1V,I.Q..,NEY-BACK---GtiAlt- AN •• OF SATISFACTION.' • ' •-' ' ' --- ' • . . ' __. ,,. • ,tRy OUR PHONE `AND MAIL SERVICE • fred E. Buswe SaIIIIPMFAIrIMPIralrAM'APAPIPISIMMINFAMIEdirIP WHITEC#URC4 A Mro ani' Mrs. Stuart Moore of To- ronto, visited last week with th,e,for- iner's uncles, Messrs. Tom and Art M°Qtbeurit'; a number frain here attended the opening services in the new Presbyterian Church at Blnevale• :Sunday, .and also the Garden,' Party, on 'Tuesday evening. : 'Mrs,' Gibson,. Gillespie and chil- dren,'• Mrs. John MaeGee-and Mrs. J. D. •Beecroft and children Went to De- troit last Week' on the 'Greyhound ex- cursion... • ' Mr:, and Mrs: Wm.. Conn . were in Toronto last • week, 'attending the 'Graduation Exercises of their daugh- ter, Miss Maude' Conn, at the West- ern Hospital. They were -.accompa- nied by Mr. and Mrs. Johnito 'Conn. • Mr....Seott of_Mentieid,Lie,here vis ,iting his father, Mr. John E. Scott who,we are sorry to report, Is not keeping at all well of late, ' Don't forget the , Anniversaryasery- • I iees in the Presbyterian Church text Sunday, June .19th, when Rev. Ron- ald Mactstchren„ . a former pastors will 'take the services at 11 a.m. and ,7.30 pans' and also give an address at the Garden Party on the church • grounds on Tuesday. evening, June 21st Supper served from::6 to :g, •af- ter 'Which: a .gockl• programme will he given. • Adnfissigri 50c, and 35e. Ev- erybody welcome. • „ • ' • 0 n Awveedrnye spdraeyt,t June lst, attoolkiplace at the home of Mrs. Murray in Whitechurch, in the .presence ' of im- meg:hate relatives, when her niece Annie ErnilY Annstrong„ Was. :United in the holy bonds: of matrimony to Johnston Conn; SOn of Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn of KinlOss.. Re. 10. Pol- lock offieiating'Immediately a.fter the wedding dinner the happy couple. left on a motor trip to Hamilton. and Niagara: Their many friends in this community wish • them a , long and happy and prosperous Wedded life., ASHFIELD •NOTES: Mr.. ,and Mrs. Jas. •McNay of Sen - forth. were week -end guests of ,Mr. and Mrs. 1'. R. McNay of Paramount: :Mille Annie Ketchahavs is home from Clinton, 'Business college. • aria Mra. J. A. Richards, of Mar dale; spent the. Week -end ' with Mr., and Mrs. R. A. Richards of Pa - remount. ' . • • . Mr. and arra. Tom Webster:, 'and Keith of Seaferth; were 1:11 to lat.:. tend the Webster Picnic, and visited -friends in paramount: =• • • • Mr. and Mrs. Robt Webatea and Watson ,of arta., Spent the week-;ead With friends in Paramount. weMekisss v. 1 rit hYr.. ha id e r friend,elar S P i3setelitAik111-: t°01"Imlin Par f ;1211analt%uhat Paramount. returned r°. her h Mr. and Mrs. Ro t. Purdpri and Hazel of7Whitialiiirek;'-ipent a day Inst 'Week 'with Mr. and Mra. Stein of Paraniotint. , • • • ,Christena-Rois,',Of Detroit, is 0.tifiiting at her-•homesin' Lochalsh. Mrs. Gordon Towle 'and children Of Vancouver, 13.C, is yf,iting , with lee selltheis• Mrs. Mert.,Long-of Ilenilock CitYr.• . , Bradley of 'Clue M:Mine, rent a dity.,rocentiF with irieticla in ' 14-11114f) • • 4: ST. HELENS Alm MeVittie is viiiting her .dau- ghter, Mrs. Will Taylars, • . • . Miss Anna' Taylor of Constance, is the guest of her . sister, ' Mrs.' Will Webster. Mrs. -Hyde has returned from Kin- cardine, where her silter-in-jaw,.Mra. Pollock, is recovering from a serious. „ Mrs. aatirnin PhilIip5 returned froni Godericli on, Friday,: Where she has .1- • been Spending the .past few • weeks with her .parents, ' Mr. and ,Mrs. Cur-' Mr., and Mrs. S. Gibson, Mr. and • Sire. Jas. Durnin, Mary and Earle at- tended the Webster Pienic ,on Satur.; ,Mrs. Chas. Reid and sonslaiStartleY and Lawrence', and daughter, Ada, of Brueeneld; and Mrs. McCartney 4 . :Clinton, motored up.'and-•spent Sun- day withthe fermer's sister, Mrs. • , • . Mr.' Addyrnatiof Mailehester, Eng- land, : who arrived in Canada last week, was -a visitor for a few days • with his friend, Mr: Ernest Huggin. , • Mr. Harry Webster, Mrs, J. W. Dean,' Miss Margaret Dean and, Mise. Myrtle Little,: all Of Ingersoll, were • visitors with Mr; and Mrs. Jag: Dui'. nin, having come up for the Webster • Re -union. aLucknow on Saturday. . 'At the close .o.f the W.M,S.' meet., • sWiligehnb"eesiddallyt;. Mrs.''fr-ObilioriVv"inhg:11.V.°;(iddsr'ebens' Was read, and Mrs. Cumming, • who; with Rev. -Chas,. Cumming • leaves shortly for their new charge at Ail- • ad Craig, was .presented with, a•set`,: • 'llewitrael;:alle,thrsieisileinenirnibaieirtg:p'f ,the• •w'onleres Missiopary, •Society Of this congrega- tion are gathered here this day, ands before.' We .separate we would' throw aside the barriers of reserve for 'a little while. • a ; • ;Through the past • six' years you have ` beef!" • one 'With us in this , service for the Kingdoin: You have spared neither time nor strength to mike the Work a success. We -haVe, come to esteem your own: christian charaes ter :forits real worth,' and your quiet, unselfish deeds- have .listd an •-• influen•ee that reaches further than the. present. • • • ' We cannot but . foliate you !yours into YOUD •Vieie`aes ,tivity, with interest asid 'prayer, -wishing You 6).1,8peed in t/Te ElanglE, business,"' . We .ask you to eeeepi:taliaslizten'as a token of our good -will ana loves ' So thatArt;z,-.thi ' look beak and sOinetnnes...thailt.R:ita „, and our together. . New, faces' will ..enter ,your .life,. -also new • forwar to the future, • tlhig'ent i • ee'lookl41 shallwhen nit' shall be ne More, and we shall rea- lize the fellowship, and tommunian, "wire -"there is neither Greek nor JetV, Parbariars, Settinan.: bond" 11(14 .40e, but, Christ, is nil ate/ in all.", 'Signed on belialf of this atifiryms,.t.apitaecIttiliani,:nehl,licliMics:.h.lasNociVee.14.11,41I,,b1610eturrtinevira40.! • t tea Clife