The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-03-31, Page 54.-r• OINN •,r IijJe ixtIckarff indandt • VRipAtt „ V" r uckeye!_Incubaors---a, THE INVENTI0 IIVAIrigl!EOT*1 L. THE. !.1'9 14191 TEM 774r 1ffflI \ \ , t..-•--I"C--'. , 'AV'?'EI i,(R3s..Q.„'11 rAT4AreimoRtCHicsiG4*:”s2.4igR1*"\1411. *A§1,6. RAISE CHICKS. . .' • 11 • THE BifCKHYE. COLONY BROODER (COAL)' , WILL SAYE YOUR BABY, CHICKS.. IT WILL RAISE EVERY , ItAISABLE CHICK. THE PRICES- ,ARE •' REDUCED THIS YEAR TO $16.50. PAY. ITS A CALL' AND *up- vs stIOW, . YOU THIS REAL :131:JY. ' . SPECIAL,. g: 'OnlysSunnY Blue Sauce Pans. for_..15c.„------s. Phone Hardware • Coal POJEIT Plumbing. L 0 L NO. 428, Liicknovir, meets 7 Vie second Tuesday „of every 'month In their hall,' at 0 o:Ciocic:. C. Mullin, M. P. Carter Rec. See. . NOTICE' TO CREDITORS Notice's hereby given. that all per- " -sons. having any claims .or demands Lagainst the estate ,of Jame; A. Mill- er, late of the 'Village of Lucknow in the 'County of Bruce, who died on or about' the, 30th day of November A.D. •.1926; are required to forward or de- - liver to, the undersigned their' names and addresses and full particulars' in ,writing of their claims and state - merits of their -accounts and the na- • ture of the security, if any, held by ...them duly verified by affidavit. And tlike notice that after the,12th day of April A.D. ,1927 the 'Executors • of the said estate will proceed to distribute thessassets 'of the said de- ceased. among persons • entitled there- • to, having regard only to the claims of which ,they the have had notice; and that -the sin ',mai ors wi no be liable for .the said assets or • any part thereof to any person of whose - claim they shall not the have re- ceived notice. , Thii notice is given pursuant to the Statute • in that behalf. Dated at Lucknow this 15th day of. .March A:D. 1927. . • , Joseph Agnew, Agent for R. Webster and J. D. Anderson, Execn- tors, of the said Estate. (31t3Le) .GIRL Losg§ LEG BIscApSE OF SHORT' SKIRT STYLE The .all.revealing abort $kirt cost Miss Helen R. Goldman of. Loa' •An- -geles; NI., One ef her, it Was revealed in 'Judge .IIahn's :court, ` 'where Miss Goldman sued- Dr o John Dunlop and pr, Trusten M. Hart 'for $106.000 &Mates., The jury; award- ' ed her $26,000 damages; : According to testimony on record In the case, Miss .Geldman was most, 'cnaitii!e ...about the bowed 'Condition .of her. legs. It wits asserted she Con- sulted the defendants „about an *on:, eration: The defendants Stated they advised her against the operation besause. of its, serious •nature, but Miss' Goldman' was maid to haVe 'insisted., Dr. Dunlop testified , Mists' Goldman Was s se wrought up over her condition that he threMened. to qui her d'wn life unless the operation' Was perfOrined, 1,As a•result of the operation, Miss Cr man charged,' poisOning set ne{essftatng the amputation' of one • Of her:legs eight inches -below the, knee. • , , Miss Goldman', charged „ the -de-, -Iendanti swith' 'negligence, but EIIe defendants replied that - they per :formed' Die .4/aeration: ;With skill and aceording to the best medical., praa- 'NOTE.;-4itliat we .14/ender -t 15 why• . 'Miss Goidinan got anything at all, 0'0— 'Sometimes. it i; hard to understand' why the member; of the prbud White riwe use the most paint on '•their inceff • • uck now. Tinsmithing f ZION . . Mr.: Walter Webb and Miss •Mc- Quillin from '. st; Helens, were guests at Mr. Chas. McDenagh's, on Friday , Quite a' number,' from around here attended Mr. Robert Ritchie's. stoci. sale on Friday. Mr: and Mrs. Rielird Gardner vis- ited the latter'mother, Mrs.' -John Barkley, Dungannon, an Monday. t : Mr.. and ,Mrs. Jess. Cooke of Bel' fest Were Zion visitors 'ore' Farb's: . , Mrs. Robert Andrew and Ellen returned home, after; spending: tws Weeks with Mr. Andrew , and other friends. at ,Windsor. KINLOL1611 "Mrs. Wm. Ryan received the sad news, during the week, of the death of her sister -in -Jaw, Annie Forence, wife of George W. liodgins, of Lo- mond; Alberta. Mrs: Ilodgias died on SatUrdaY, March '12th. She had auf-, fere:I.:from diabetes the past ,..fe'VA . , years, but was apparently in good health :until a few days before . her death. She was in her fortieth year. She is survived by her; husband. and • . e ce ve yn, aged Aen. „ The 'late Hodgins was a "home girl," her 'foster paren4 being Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Vanderburg.. , We etitehd sincerest ,',iyinpatby' to the husband and' daughter, 'WHITECHILIRFII • ;Mrs' and Mrs. Fred Mowbray and ,fiunily . are :leaving this week for Cochrane, North .Ontario, where .they Aten,d living: ' We are sorry to lose them .frein this corinriunity. • -Mt. and Mrs: Rey McGee:Tenter: tained their 'friends andneighbors; last' Tuesday 'evening:: ' • ' Rev. A. E. Menzies of St Thosiaa, ,occupied the pulpit in. • the' 'United 'Chuith here, last, Sunda -Y. ' • Mrs. Harry Tichborne and Miss Annie M. Kennedy, of Goderieli; Visit- esi a few days st their home here.' Rev: and. Mrs. MacDonald of Luck nos, visited a day. last -week 4 the hathe of Mrs. Murrays • BELFAST We are :glad to reports that Mr, .ssatse 'Nixon, who *undervvent in op-- eration ,In London a fewweeks' sge is home and able to be about again , Mr: add Mrs: Harry Hackett visit-. ed with friends, hi, Ripley en Friday lat' and Mrs. Victor Whitley of Lucknow, visited wrth `114Iri and MrS. Relish Mixon On We ate, glad to reportthat Miss Winnie Lane, who underwent an Op- eration for appendicitis in' the Wings Jinni Hospital, is improving nicely. 'Miss Maty phillips visited:. ,with hez.siSter, xrA. Zhos:,..Ferguson, fev‘i'dos hitt week.s.., • number liere„ are, 4301 "en &Age :in making maple SYrun,. the run of Sap having turned out better:. thfin •eXpettocl, ,denplesof weelts: ago, Beay .beilig skin deeij by so litany are slial ow, PiinutiveVtOman. had "'no charge accoant stot she outstripped the mod .11 1: hill son for. btly1.14 clay, • 'AIQLYROOD • Mr, and, Mrs, ..Jererne CassidY, _ sliihn and Oarland :of Cargill' spent Srlisda$i at iLi. &tunes Vsilad'ss Mr: Rodger .Corrigan recentlysold la. valuable 2 -year-old„ Celt.' to Mr, Henry 'dieser. • s'. ". ' Mrs and 'Mrs.. Charlie '..Bert s..,were FV.04:4-,s9.7.111,g4t9- the.7.'deaths-of s'the fernier's: ,brothet Thecominurilti extend their..deenOst' 7., Donald .M'aeP1iorecosis's,,v1i0,;.habee con1ind S t.9, a. severe siittaek', „nnihagO,',.0.1te.14,•9 eglad t� irnproving. ickenso has -been . engaged .with ; The regular ni e g, •o ' 't ute kl--Apra:q "•7'held 1 .; 1 at the'• otne,of,rarsi Jos. titinna. Dr= of Tivib M.- S: j Haldenbys, Rofl tall—Xhibit of seniething, old.' • s ' (Intended for last_ week) , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. Ackert and family motored to Satindav... .The Bethany WAVLS: met at the shoinessof----Mrss-s-,Isias-Virall :Mar. 10, ,with .the pres. in the chair. Fifteen. ladiee' were. present. Meeting •opened With singing, after , which Mrs. Barker led in prayer: Mrs. Wal- ter. Hodgins •was presented With . a. sisifessMeiribershisissce'rtiffeateS's.sand short address:was given. The Watch Tower was ' taken by Mrs. Jas, Wraith and Mrs. Barker.. Mrs.' J. Wall. read an address on, Missionary Work in. India. •A duet 'Was giyeii•;by 1Vl4ss Daisy Ayles' and Mrs. James Wraith. Mrs. Wilt Thompson .read the Scripture lesson.' It • was 'decid,-;., ed t� have an Easter meeting on Fri- day evening; April lst.. • Views of India, will be shown, and Other pro, esrainme will. be given. liefresliments, will be served.' It was also decided - to have the April---nneetings-iirsthestalis to' quilt the; quilts.,' Letts's; were; read from Mrs. R. Turner and Miss Havill. At the close of thp. meeting lunclr,ivas served by the hostess: ' • Mr. and :Mrs: Almer ',Ackert. and Jack accompanied by Miss Gwendo- lyn of -Brantford, spent,the week -end In Toronto.: • • . -Msss Hayes, R.N... of; ,Buffalo,' Was a a.uest at: the -Purvis heme, last Jolisil-aays he doesn't mind-, the long trip; at all. . idr: Will. Stattera' Sere was well attended. On, Monday; and everything went flnet,' New Spring Goods at THE MAR- KET-s-Hornell-Murdoeli Co. • ' FLOWERDALg 0-0 - 0 •-•••• • • • " . FCiURTII CON. KINL' OSS; 4h.S.- Irwin visited with her Sister, Mrs. R. Martin; laSt Week. . Mr.. Wm; McConnell' :spent last week with friends' insAshfield. We are -sorry to hear that Mr. E. Watson his %bee 'confined.' t" , the .honse, this last Week., - ., '.. S A ,snalither 'frosss',:"liere ;attended the .41-d, ikilvii:;;*ii:-Itatekiiiiii;'Ve4fg. -,:s..4.0... s.4!„_. 7FefrL9,e'giAt.9.34,-..s4rag: as ailer. on the ,Fpurthi reeeritly. 1 -, , sMis: 477. Roach 'received ' -1 • ll.W.s'et•I'thleo, death Of his. ' t....:1.1. .."'ir 4:i,whon !?1-4;4,:,.:\. i,11;i::.1d:n;ij .i1),4-;,4 \ \i' . • 9/ \ ' t\ Haines.tunity InrshMorri.:ilt.04;::4killye:el.ep,vt�ogrtilercf. .1'n \e ' 1*\, • Mrs. , D. __ Ode40-1-,40-104,214t,' .v.';',',hil..'4,- ep . 'chews'', 't,tid -M.V9Cli - and t , ,lie :With' geld "ctiffsbu tons,\ The • ev- ening was passed, in the giving Of a' short prOgrani,'',Itinoli, and sis i few hours dancing. .. • ' . ' ' Mr. :arid •Mrs. D. McKinnon Spent • Friday evening with friends at•Lcings side. -, - A nuinber from heie. tookin, the -Coacert-in Lucknow on FrielaTi-ught. „ . . and report haVing, greatly enjoyed the; play presented ' by the ladies'. , .• Miss' Olive., Robb is to be Contrail's.; lated 'on her sucaess in training her fir st and ' second prizes in singing and: dal/icing at the Zontest in Rip- ley, ' Thursday night, where several , . schools engaged ,in the competition. , —9 9-9.'""" -.Big Bargains. ip Sweaters and Pull- overs, at THE MARKET---HornelliVlurdoch Co. • , • MAFEKING Mrs, Thonias Hall received a mes- s , , • sage, Thursday, that her mother, Marshall !cif Kincardine,.. had diZl at -morning. ',. Mrs. ,Marshall' had been in her usual health:, so that the new Cameas treat 'shock to her 'friends. The. SYln.- pathY of this cOmmllat4 is 'extended ta Mrs.. Hall, inlhe;..bereaVement. • Mr. IL'Greens•whit has 'worked for Mr. John -Blake for. two months, ilea sngsiged to work for Mr John Tur- ner, .near Fordyce, foj:the summer. • The Blake • Stniday • Sehool •and; oting Peogle's. Societies S held,. their. .annual ,election of offieers, „Friday evening. Mr: Thes. tBlake is Super- intendent 'of the S.54 And:Mr: Cecil johnston Pres: ef. the yx.s. Thert isete few changes in the teacher and Officer staff. The Secretaries and Treassrers . gave encouraging ...re-: netts,but there is always room. for miprovenient • The Blake's' Ladies' Aid are' lie: 2, Otlating ' With the Lucknow: Ladies' Our teacher,j4liss L in- -Smith, tra ed four of her pupils to.takepart in Aid' with a.viTw't6 having thifi•giv'e the entertainment --put On by the their play .in Blake's. Church•Hall. on •• W of Ripley, last Friday: evening; April .8th. More defi-, omen!a_liistitute • • Tintsmitiourtcenient-will-be-Macle-next - week •ASSISI TEM :UNITED- CITURCilf• • • NOTES , The preacher's text, Sunday, "Pro- videtv/iieel,111nd, sev;ra sno:ngt4at;a1 tsatinli:aetnnh :,tt.1.1s preside esslard.n q.-1; i•coPtvi ae.14.ii ' the • musical si,tangeiikests 'ay.' each •,,,. Crioioh. • "For e4.rvine kne*s"t; how veeiYis: ceY avel14,.°E4'4Oliarndaf;I:k-Unpaidtthalsul.'thl'aird tli-'• , taniste:Who devotedly give theirstime , -411 ,-,,,:f*,q,rvi.g.9.§.-A4-,02#141/111#_ink g(r;Cd!' p to 1,:u ,t:.,,,Itioi., 7; iiT!•kl 17741.0.16,11.0'*)!?,* lail soi:.,4 I of.. :,,,tioit. h I ar- g,alliVcie:". :ktahaei'alin;i0ah9..tt"p,z7tt•• (-"I'''.41leRfa'd.t:41111-7-tP- \ .11s count Pn '7, e an a\,1, mee lings_._O ,the yaris i,ik band. i . etettn dp:At':i. t .1:1, k 'dgramme' --k are IP 13, '\14. ? q .,(Ii fir?P\. \ !? 0.\ ...Ti' ir '17Piz' .. , f?p?, I) I .\ \ready.. W °- oils orga attend 'arr-hein 0 , a, l, • eaeh C freb. • Far ,intassthe, ,stilly„ night balloting takes Place, for, 'the officers for the ,coming ecclesiastical year. At one Sunday :Scheel, , amnia], meeting recently, we must have batt, lotted -well up, in the. teens of times for ',election of • the leading officials with the outcOme verysintichs-aa---2--we. werelast year. There' is little new ' to report in the way of new officers': Miss Tillie Sherwood is the 'sew Pre- sident of Ilackett's :League, "i11-4 Ain Tom, Ferguson is s' -the Treasurer th17:Cfciorp7it,n:::ed7tINT:af.Areell..rni:M.1:1::::w7ay.wCei 9e,thIrtic),. ..figtirea hored them so..*e.left most of -.• Someone remarlsed last week that fig- uring : that was necessary last's week Made us a little crankiso, we thought we would try:thein 'out son the reit.; : of you ar.1tl. then when we ' all get in the ..,:satee hniaor. NO have aTi real • 1 ,,r1,1 -e, Ireland.i..0.qc,,,livio,..Ii1....siv, ni, In., a" ,,„ ry .i.)-,y,t1::,,st,,,, happen'd j at 'r puran tippirigl;peints, i .192 1:id' \i.,?# tl.riod 5-eale.or,o\rili 'PQV i'z'IP.I.1) "kill 11;0',: 11 R1p. , imil \ , !?ii., 4 vf N i P 11 ' \ • \ Er'9I \ T 1,4,. id; cyg r \ .7„\,-\\ fer tptel ..shipi;ipg., ,TOtalc.. '`. ''' g \B Ped':i. bealShinpin ,Iteiii,t., OlturonsCo ht -r. i , • . ':' ..A, , ) ,5,, A. 1.06L:r. 'Point: . Hogs 1 . :. %Selects r : . 1925 1926i. 1,925.•1026 Londesboro 4276 3946s, .". 42.6, , 43..9 Clinton ' 1910; 2169 32...0 35.2, Auburn., • 2314 2803 :'"30:0,:5,1 ilelgra_Ve-sss299827,78---7-32. 0' -36: 2 Wingham 3819 3464. • 29.9 31 5 Hensall ;'', 7238'1,7105' .31.,Eit• 36.9 FOrdwich 4343. 5231'. 30.4 ..30..3 Blyth 1566 1138. 132:3 •30.2 Goderish• 1015 . 1226 • 30.Q'29.5 Eceter 7743 t69b", 31,5! 29:3 ',11'hhis%re ewwtstr.e.ilaosiiiire411"a-litoce-tatesiloa:vnedr-s-/tfhoers gWit4968.2.". 4;,!;,70383 IvieenGtarawlia 4429235. 51750126.1" :20717 225.74 Ethel • 2610 2328 , • 30.8 24.4 Gerrie 4304 2302, "24.5 22:8 Bruaselas' ,6771 , 18027, 21,8 SeafOrth.. -46a2..-.3397 21:8 21..6 Wroxeter '4168 .1533 45.1 24 Brueefield .1769 3160 •. 27:3 11.5 , • Londesberi? and Clinton certainly have to be congratulated on their ability to 'stand fhb, strain but why in the world Wroxeter Should :Ship 2604 hogs less in 1926. than in 1925 and -drop .from 451 o21.4 per cont. set. loc:t hega, is: a: cen.undrinu for •'which' last clonal- and cent had gone -to aweli the missionary fund,' whicis rather to be looked .upon as a complimentary Last Sunday's'sservices were Very. well attencred. The Sunday School at Hackett's!' had a better. attendance' than it has hadloi.inany a day and the seats in the 'Phurth, were well occupied. The: pastor 'must .haVe chuekled if no oneelse did when one bey: who unusually its in one' of the forward seata. 'cominig 'irs rather late Surprisingly found' on corning to hi pew that it was .full; and:with hlush- es .he'had.to • retreat to the back 'Siee.". of the sanctuary to 'get the sort o* • „. accom od.ati on ., he . 'needed:. ...Sure] S's ,Hackett's 'Chureh' is .the only Churcl" in a long stretch of country .,where the back seats fill oh last. . The Juvenile Missienary• collectors'. are ' buay at each appointment, gath-, ering in :piecea of silVer for. belpini; to extend the fatrilling' empire ,1 of, Jesus. There muit.15e ;,thonihnde Of ;these IscisTS .and girls to: whom ,the Chtirels is indebted, '.year. after year up and •dewii Canada, who in the name oft'esid. for the.'sake ,..of the United Church of Canada, gather in a -large total, thousands of :dollars for the good cause. These young can- vassers cleserve,tbe .thaiilth of: the Church. , ' , ' Blake. haa the :evening service next Sunday. ' • •11: ;amebae ;:surelyhas an arrsweri and Ii.rucefiel'cl' is' juSt, about as bads'. in': •fact 'very, bad, ,Wheh that J1.5‘,/s"' se-. tests. 'Stare.; yOu in the face.,JUst why lechsa {iron .in quality, at a few ship- ing be rioticedscan hard-- ly 'ens -Wei -ea' by the factthat all • the litter' losses were the ,good pig' - ordinarily. perhaps. Fordwiali would gst:ssoine of the Wroxeter and Gerrie pigs and apparently a fairly goo .let toe as aPproxiMately ass .equai griFG'on 909' mere•ptgs.-wai:realPied. ApparentlY.:the: farmer-a:in the 'vi- cinity , of .Ashoro, 'McGaw and ,Gode-' rich like pigs pretty' well too. At least :there was' more of them by 1900 thaii. in 1925 with a .slightsreveree in' ,grade at McGaw azid an increase at Auburn, '• Ociderich halding f a i r 1 y, steady./ it. hoped ;that , thelBacoa Don't LOSE ibese •EXMA. • t'•"jr"...", • ,•. ". . What -- 1-•"\;'t6W;•T Why.disappoint customers- 's,v1foleT I9r1:r: 440 011rr3 b� 'TelePhorie your order .; the morning-at'the Iow Station'Lto‘Station.,-, rate, and °the goods:" ! will, be shipped the'. game day. _------------ii Many .7.,11hsOlibers who used to think they had to make Person -to - Person calls now:find that they 'reach the person they want with ,Stafion,4giStation ' -Calls. They are quiai:7—: ; er and cheaper. ' .Even) Bell Telephone is a • Long' Distance Station. „ og air t Irdigtfict wilt:improve condition's: even more. Anyway, the . • hog raisers there asked for the fair so we hope they *get. fair weather, „good roads \ and. well fined. classes. , - *ROD AN•D GUN • The first of a- thrilling Serie; .el . , I stories baSedon the, early, fur 'trading -.days in'the North West, written by 'Samuel ' Alexander .White; is one. of', ' the' notable -features of, the April' number of Rod and Gun and -Silvers Fox News Which IS jut leaned. Tht stork! "Blended: -kritades,',3 however, is only one item ;of a table • of ' con- ; tents,. ,Bonnycaitle Dalehas an _in- teresting miseellany, of naturenotes from the Maritiinea.:. Mortimer Batten F Z 8, writes this Month a -- bout the: porcupine arid the skunk. agents ,and Life .insurance. are busy in, Flewerciale. Mrs L Maciver and sal's, Don' and Miss- Ross of Alpena,spent a • couple of days last, week Visiting friends .in Teeswater, and also the latter'S COugin.s, Mrs. John/ MacRae and' Mies 'Charlotte MacKay, • 2nd Con., Cultoss.' ' At the party , given for ; Mr. Mac-. Gillivray And faniily before their leaving' for London, their'fliends pre- sented them wzth a pulse Of money and, the 'following address: -- • -- March gth, .1927 • . Dear Mr. and Mrs: MacGillivray.:and ' We, your friends and neighbOrs are gathered in yourhonie tonight to show in a small measure our to've and appreciatiOn of your friendship,to also-, slow ouf deep: regret in 'leans:. Mg of your departure from our midst. Yonrkind and friendly • dis- position, and the hospitality ef yont, cheerful ,home has been a, sourceof pleasure to all in, this .community. It is at .this time, when your home is to be made elsewhere,. Where Miles will divide as; that we realiZe to the full extent the, value of our friends. Vut do not ,let those miles be a bar- rier to our ,friendship, ,and we shall hope to meet with you ,on vacation again- We do net forget, the chil- dren' mdiese 'presence in .schooL.hOine and at all •places • has been bright sclever, and. alWaya 'cheer -U. Rindly, take With yo:911,r heartiest Wishes .fer* good luck, health and: eiiery suc- cess in- "your sriew Viseatton;• and ac. cot this, small token of' our 'friend agent's Signed "On ?behalf' of /mit. friends and sleighbott. ' • o When sthe snakes:a- lcielt Wisct man gets: the ,benefit it.. Law' tints fiat Campo' PedesttialiS to jum, hrit-ther -treed ;the exereise Why not ,tallt about the Weather;); it is our 'greatest expense, our" greats est, pleasure and bur greatest, .prefit; A oats of, tertain nationality hest • ST. HELENS . • The April Meeting of the Women's 'Tpstitute will be held •at the home of 'Miss./MacKenzie; on Thursday after- noonApril 7th. Roll, ' call—Short Notes oil -Birds- Tenic, "Farm 'Poul- try; Prom Incubator• to Market," in charge of Mrs. 3. D. Anderson. All the ladies are -invited? ' Mrs. 3. E. Ritchie, .of Zion,. visited sidth• her daughter, Mrs., S. Gibson,. last ,week Miss. Emily Weatherhead, who was honie for a „few days, -1 returned to ..B.IYth on Monday. • s :., • • . . Little Miss Graee.Miller, of•Wind- aos, ,was a visitor with her 'grand,. Mother, Mii..Jelin Miller, during' last-, Week. ' • , , , , , ' Mr. Ross- Murray is making his rourida- as assessor these days. ! At the meeting of the Mission Blind iioNt Saturday afternoon; ,the boys she' ..girls• who attend 'are promised an aeroplane, trig to India. --e Sure aiid be on tiines-sharp at 2.30 -s -so as not ,to delay -the Start. . . The play, "Her Gloves," put _on un- der tise auspices of the Farmers' Club oy the Dramatic. Society of Para- mount, proved very „interesting and sinusing. Those takinz part certainly did • welt. Sonia by Miss Irene Moore of WhiteChurch; a piano solo. by Mrs. and h reading by Miss Mar- taiet Miller were enjoyed between the acts.. At the . conclusion of the .1:slay a 'box. social waR•held. . . , , it is expected ' that Mr. Waltei; Craw, of Knoi Colieke, will occupy th'e pulpit in the ,,United Chureh,her next ,•Sunday, ---------- F'- QR- MUTILATIN' pc). • A' unique and pecoliar ease Whs. tried before' Magistrate Floyd of CO-' tiourg at Millbrooks when John; Lytle was`, charged with .maimints ,cuts Lind' off, it 'tan, a;collie deg, -Which, it waa .alleged,, be had. atelea irons, a foreigner in the rieighbor,h•ciods Lytle aeknovrledged thathisson, age 17; had maimed, the deg....The' 'magistrate hold -that. Lytle was responsible for' hs )os' ac'tior rnounting WaS ',$20..tg,e0ek With -ULM- tOlta- ariodoa_fine •ashion haft lifted, a conaiderable LtUI kieo.• — ,5 Pau, , burdez. ea' the elotlia$ fine, _thined from Smo •,1 sieso, V42;4". •••;1` •, • • KA.i:••;,...,%!iici•k•‘,::.ii,..,•••'.;••,"3"s%:"•;%?•:::' • •s,:;4::t,.444 -Wi!rs?":?;;i: SkitilliOns of dollars have evaporated into, thin -air up • Around Sudbury in the last forty years, from the roast heaps and smelters Of the. niakel mining.cotnt • panies. By an ingenious device the Mond Nickel ,Company now -capture.t a 'fraction of the: smoke and . 'thereby sUnnlies'all Canada „with an essential cherni,:„. -01,•.:L.saidihuriC,, acid. s . . Many tind varied are the products train the nickel - copper ore in addition to the two principal minerals, and in the smelting .of thitsne.into matte vast quant- -ties of Sulphur are burned away, ,This proCess.creates , an asirileasant smoke that devastates' feline in the vicinity of the sciTters: makes eCononsy of, aw, materiala, principle of its business, installed at great expense a plant which con- verta.jiist ten per cent of the'smoke from, the smelters and precludes' annually fifty • thousand tons of sul- phuric -acids Which' meet's . the requirements •Of. Canadian industry, ThJs iininenSe. chetnical Plant is one of the -amazing products of science, for1ff 'mean• s of various. heats And pressures, applied at different • es of the proess,"the arid is sopirr.ed 'from the other elements, Different grades of the aeld are made to meet the requirements of different Markets, but lot of it goes into automobile batterie.s. The chemical plant is operated With very. little human aid. In one 4itriie$ b40414 1.44 aiqc. 0.000 14. tfi cate.apriaratus which, automatically reports what is , takink. place at different par t:ss of the plant, se that. by a glance at the chart, the engineer is able.to regu- late the Manufacture of the acid., : This is, of course, onlyoneof Mang byproducts of • the' nickel industry: and the �tl er"*.; age, fin the Way from platinum to rock baltast'fi railway beds. 1 -Tho • stone vvIiic‘h is Separated fro at' th ore is crushed and is ' used by the Canadian -Paeif'ic Railway en many miles: , of its road, soave of it going nearly as fir west as Winnipeg. ..0old and silver are recovered in the res • ling in value more than a rniilion hnd-a ha3 dqliars ...eV:err-Year: , • • • •• •- • The sulphuric acid is inithufacta'iva at Coniston, near Sudbury:, in that mighty; distriet if' the vitinity of Sudbury; Sudbury district ,ptoduces ninety; per cent of the WOrkils nickel, titici is this SNar Cele- ratrig the-fortiel,h,,anniversary of the discovery Of nickel, ' which Was first detected .inthe ore in 1881. , ."---,The Central *Issett.tre .of the above la'sfeut, Shosts typical stretch of Canadian Pacific:rock-ballast' road bed."/The upper photograph iva view' of the .sulphurie Reid manufacturing maehints, While below Is /teen th hu e sulphttiie twist' 'literati,' 448 at Cefliat014 il4/*Z gy10 ts; • 1