The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-03-31, Page 4W 7". MKIM 111101 11, "lliv*-t 7 -"Rr 74W 7711, "A "*T #A, r ?"N 7 7. 0�. ,O]l a tb t A Feat, n qual Pol q LLTq KNOW SENTINUEAL I I Via— Wo for" RMWIP, 44W Apasy V10". 3L xe! - x tow, a-4, i6e, a pawl" "" - 0 ", w4y, or -V ,zftm* -47- -- � � I . ram *3kr . ke "".ch A� KneXond'e. rroprwtm x A 4rM;f*'*We H� A; T. jL XBM I M "d !W* ­.-.. � , :. ... I , .: , .-.-; . , - "; !�� M ut &I'i DA.."OWMS, W.,� k 0p Nippc Rm.'s, 0".. SH,�Ltj -AU'RON coan'"Y-1-1-1 X -U QUP4 VrE ..to Qcq Rbe) �aa", 0 T, '47 aw Irmalft Taal .14 -TCUL , 4 Wf me ten—%9te �man ft fty-; FUth Gry CM" th wva ed the t S... End. *Jiia we. eitainineil, -I& in one on the flighl Bait D- mt "YORS ftce,:6if twis -4ft aud we"'fe. OW -1 -20its in 'artid—n, 23 3 F.. 7 pi ring­jtipi-el 14 j the r h6 W-Icm eflIer -W lwmzNa* came. ancouver golf -Ta to -Ixclui�. wbfte'fteT were arrestr' er wenz ot or a. round'on tbe'Cana7L lwal ;Df t3j, ea�. aind back- "Langiira" golf d1an Nci Railua% INCU- THE ]DRAL C -25e I-e, r", r ngam, rod ok-orld's The� "'La tae,'was'opencti on the sat r, aii� and fall li�� im-shoeTNi�e fie: shot on &AIX ad6oled, -IAMI 0V99;L;1 Ae �6 as tbe� 01r� of toilay am in 0 la6t y�iby the 1C. P. R, ­after c jhe. fifth: US o siitv�&h. green, a f&.it tliiiw tion at a, cost of $160A add , 11%,w9bi :�Mkwe eo� bad 7ere me 0 never INIX 0. The all. w bien. illorl in the histo t t can a for son�r y yeiii Jig be played on GAVE MM -1�ftnny V"*WV- e.tlWr to e'. t ­Rld t h e -W, e liad er TEfK ysew,caii thk,.. &At"% "Tex Nir. Tanaka befo Use. is well W!" I "by u -ch ah iicglicnoum to'fai me, litit PLs, W iw 1, fifi� and aix-� Lii��igto:--Ihe- ligh xlwas.,they-appea& Mt 3M .ip 'tie" '' ddl y pro in �TaZijijigi, a -awe: re k*., by pro t. e oon of. 1*�. itbe us V w 'wit im P�hejj M 6ftroft 9 cwzk�y 4h 4o) W asto MACHU. iis AIM AWAY, aMAP- aidep" Kw3ft 0�e�re Was REN[EXBER tbmi Kivkt vme..!. - ------------ mj*. 11111we be eeting k liblit" a -dead: '-inan, -be. W num., ZM presen, p1r. ace- qge mar a� i. S bad `]Nk AMR pen of 'Hurp ys, ari a glar OTE"'MACHM VAUff- T ithe jpAe, Wig y!., x f kt Wa&msan' 6m, t at,. 1qwerer a0d &§*Md A o s��w that 'gave offence to his �gon.' -'The­off�iider' p e one, titan the fall took pli A 'one, iiid�,of this, ivis �.th c n Gren011e,:, e- llmlitv 1111111- a caimb T,,,j t 'urrAy, the ral s6n of .45at b" beft particular. sheet..of� i natu d4k;e $0 a a& V Arotbt-- arm.-t=i0emexit that -ce, he efore. saffisil law, --of 'h'"" e om was 'the e, b�oiiiended, upou a. p6rtiofi, of: and: the 6b.j*eqt is v n to;. Now, t ere-. eVA Lord fa ingi as ILT . S004 - Act so far s to defe h ctive. th, s o. -holder; of..'', pmd i4e. formed on this �o luippened'.to be a 'ec nd' Qrd of. -ins &err- 00dak-r . -ras anieftsik-1, IN: 6rdler, Mile xfff%� --=ft er,:� rdit L that'4 tke., oat" ba" �a affwiiik o,as, -the lison,of the', -oe�� vrlti 'Vis taii rr - lidet Of' the Walk orri the pight that� peoragej.:wh Y, 06e was'n that there -libelled" peer a ujinister eme W0:f!0rW;theRP-: to in boef6r�e,,j it':was "deMed' to, : d & the, pa'14 of the �p shent him elf., Aecbrdir*ly h41r. - SS n4glfitence, o tinil 01K, Yeam Ra3.,jpA-Gr=d :Er*h,ChW 'd n 34 a"d emp oy- h ng= Whift -4ep I -- - —was M the , - lie 'i6g of wait, for his . to toWN MM larce Ae .2ad �ewperdm� Act- Ilie, Do, ri� engiig It -niorn ither s'. traducer edLh.t. e fh�a':ael,,.ident - in sanding urr' ay awl It *2S free ea7, ipioved' to V that th ;a=6�60d to th� and 41 �riere #e(L, pzregd�g Aratber' Ail t4is Hard& III d �d -all, t did, �'dt reach t is. ea litiEnglana., mmffer- Ami,"e the .�id of �P 1y in.,the �A teinoon, -abpened iiii 1869 Zar- f but t.� e Lon that let" of. t 'use ays is, the present.;:. 'about noori d' th The. wti4me.s M4 bave. re -a -ted bi ap; r6- �Of, icolnsh�. R0,5151-9 ecolided ers tht part, of th6 "nineteenth cen'tury w�w -for: ms t front t -�b a, Pr9i lj!�� er and aAed 4 cba -to be, r-ftere vz�s ger±i but iv ere tients.. Mo,7ed ALL ciffiors ected IA- Ofrth6 horse* rp. 'it ,ersi 'h- -6 Phiiiiii. 256 Te1nz*rxBc de"fice And that ot oth Carruth. that-Ithe: Cleg-4 OVII� f' r - ilr do V_,Q, -Sp C'M� olderi ppoh, thb anger ot d d4d th NyftsL� a peiqod wb-if the Dan s-w.zch,, :;I- r th e. three 1patle;tft at present ed Naliffity-of the ' ti*cipab go. -The - di�f�endan' urna ist,;' nota Pa.4z--rSft take. tintlidatei.' defeat - W. ft4.' and �tfiai the I th as A 'ad ain, 'restirictiy i zs the Canadi CorpQraiar urge& 10. bli. Charles'- �3toli Oo -e th ...... Oki the sidewal tniaeott - as pr icy W =11�0w� e;iqperan AcL, -and :soorutix tbe -eld, getting' or2y:"89 roteS, ,that the, c�cnd;ti6n..6f orpin nt;.� est was caused b- aw whiiu ponded 9',pap,' ' c was� illed "rhe can hoi no hilive Wben thiie reeeive�d- 142. h had ta. er aid U=Aleffr 101k a t: "111.1111,111it for No ktm'.'.�la�e �n - Friday followed by -a 9! O'Ugh it badr few 8 P14140 16y -inade. :11ol!3[iiEt hid A e alth e�miiiitt -and lit e, b, 0"& ttbe, Rk", beautim fm, Fri ay Rig ih ' ion the mm ober e. rdo!� htiit;i�� ht. (The ae-, ti roug t. h4thei riE d ;t -i. " r ver is 11iiijon aqked' W, ',-%, V"er the Pio.0,iia- aMe h" , -of; se4eial, K#d&. aliso* s Position xtF. 'j, day. im Ili an*.in IF31!111,0'1116 gone t :Mdved b SeConded by e Inadi I we" and C111111, the of Iffur" veek7 to Hai-Ifton to take. Y Md 0 thie',n�x It P* d that th­e.MpjoyeeSr n eft inte 'a repin v; e so to, f sa ds a a.,argL .biouM jie�, Pr In a�! b0Mr;--ej tatknow For uson ed great, -he overI. IdeKay, Huron, regain'to 111107, th.6� coftoi�tion had,nio%�6 as qtric. y The --ediiiir i;piecializ�.d in,.41sc fhat-.4h 6sflo� as' to.,Vrfi . .. .-. - W, -for a and G, P ti d b6 �expected,,.-and, so' the 'cor- ing, fami y secrets, onall t6 `=oi ic; pen W. "Yffie&' as co arid wheriever,'he uft, ihovir C. T F and q It, �Macphftson. ea b, -a ion Was- Y.* guilty of "gross. uneArth an.yt "i.ngr'of d ceful,t eGa.-T:,- EL H unt 6r; �Ajn-- John -V Sgra no;' hi ni�ng Of ',fxa ure �.bw� 4thg aW2 itli i ;- - 'fiad it et cbmkin d&. WorK'. _Tr c eTer I ii�c !�e wit 'in the -'meA up. in T� thi '1,� -,�,ddexl b C-dutrol B"."L -0j rtcef.7 t he type and Carefany. n. even c -d es� wfthont shd,�g the A., rT;,: F -.Kerr A-' G" in4 Dog� Tags$ io,-hr The' olidated - Municip�ll Xcf. ut I if oof of, it sent :t. thia,; ei n pouixt --hT- ­ , - I P 0 fly, -vice to decidie -C p Daw M' Aug mate iM b, W P" 1gst ��.the- tha: an re re - W d: z i ng, VO xefl,jokethe'r with' a leittiir 6xplairk- the,6 on 'tilt- a , � ,, 6 . , I j as to cent r0j I -kgar an, & Jam4­­ Dodd, :er steall adjaw . , me or P9 iii'Aprf! 11th-,.st ceit the daligi�rous, g it lidd..been' �ent to Th6:Age bi, L.1i " L i6fective :and, 2ts - ''' ' ' - - goodA froia* G. -Hapqri restrictie of, -the ii�ale 't crumma are con Z�Otj t6 .`Uck-:� ent ro- 0 in di" o the, side'walk this "�Our' own d cals a- one'osdock P-V-:'ai the 3i;t� 1jqD0r.,:as,:the boc�k sltori;. had Ira M 1)0 .eo fiKi A. S#SUM': . I 3[901;1� - pl?.ee­1w'a;z,a,rnatt6r fo' hi6b the de '1E mini beimg r W ties ing -nati or' ' Ae" WhiChjqDVV�'- ��'4S- 0 t 6 t Ac*, aind it L no'j� jijd '4t us -money was, it -aid -4t an' t arre�jte�d' ' b' C'Ob- On, %N direct v re� nine c, eg u. f, qn h It :ia 'tter fi�r the the' nd. 4here is on' j d -a seri Tha' (10 eetk spop LjgY. sible. )p ition pan,, e ord to deciidc Vi3im *hai b6i&, s:Ad. it..' by keas 0 n, n o t t -0 i of -the:,hojoN�' ill P' yrrents ani6un Ing e6militts get of crift Bull- - . i . ".. . . �Pff. three ­Paragrqphs.'v�hich were su�-, it ., . �ii. 2 --A - tit; a Wow.' the eessed by, psi the, th be at lgixi;on commtT is ft e. �and 0 tber bro' rupe thousand 'p6 the -largest fiTw urids, ught . -,� ; aea f ah%. par. 'su�l' onlin �'high �o icial ain' iurck 3.49b, i) � I - - -1/1 .�mprop;erly' th� ro a fri at, L 'C.1p, 'Fes"jr, op e! K� 'Torwmsbi, 0� an Vjj" 14 _NJ AIJT this 'df R�Olirt 0'. in in :tk - 1* z -�b . �. -N th6 rMaiis 'of .:raymer !zaet I ing He, bw.& rt= lf� local ticularl n: -zi A�r am -at the bdittwi Vira oiildr ficey. a- xist -the t r ivh;ch m not oti�e it We.,tmac6tt 2;d CM =0 . :� is fail a' ftle' of i=tG3 41VRrV DEWECTIV�B 1w -there. the 'de-, h" :9. and "they 'are .0 wh�ipoihgs- Ch�rlej kemble,' e ge S EW.A-LK Wit or accultulatb& 1 t nothin -min bo-- aikspm�eil the, r, was the first. o- in let the, ion, rint eorporatiPfi, therefore,' by -its eto tend. 4, of tlievunr­ .brought . se, at eA&, Nmi- Jz&w:t6= *ft, xr�. :a" "411 *-&y "Kra� ed ;it: t�ms!tita?` r be zmdai�e p -.eves th� 'th� b tit th� numh ne h ree ter, punts inenfon bini; the, Of t e 'Stinim ary. exectt ion. being Cov, of, C.-ollectfo4i t i cOncen't t ' ' ' ' .'4 - - E1=2 e*t UWSe ene of 13ai 4 , . . t �kr . . . . � 61AJ Wrld isliqw-s the responsi. ra h I .. r . . - i% * tkV aind tie For :pan iti the to int.A� a esiilt oX whichtll ent Gard every, cjtp�* t1tat 'r" cin inpuicipaj coil at PO r ell. T eati: The leditor' of f'Cr a 04 R35, zle f`-IT-tT -itaked, and -have w3mg, a -Ilippiel:7 tond forined -upolii':whicl�the plAin- The A "It d isparagin y livazl , - 'M rw�u� fee WAS !Si�t , M ze I. ad refere be. t QDP- tzine 06d�- A' OL7R, V W��N. Lk--N-D * *�a, ELI-40rllom a" :j�P*R.rea* dhugh t . jff;� �ell.� to Kenible -ter and . a!O the 0 41il, Aztiion bi wldo*.� abaut­,'shrty� T�' re ould, be jqdcrn ent foi- thL mce '6' W one. _vear-� of L li�-at the OiTender� 'age, fot I Aazi,�� for or of 4z uld.not Wait on he slo Pelt r M, bi -m I dt-,,r were gia& it d, as . )eite !as ,..week 00�'vYith s law Kembler a- I"" Who. has been '132 4*,W- Or tktt it' ar­ 1S ot" A ]�n n an -0 -that Westfiiacott -had HEN g�:110R,%- M the Wiii- aist iertain aeaft ew ty, of japrewi e-. -AcAreblyr Su Client StYe`n--9th.,.left to W2�. ixi�d out, a jIm� in -Belle!', ANSWERED. T #1 1) c E if EN faWl"to JR, :S. a doctor in Drliry� Lane.— *me Iat ;Eig a jpubU "�Zoftft, a_Iar� _fth bt eWidj*10�, dgr, 2* xcs�. a fu ancing� ba�k at' t ave equa rig ..he C to ere jd tha-� 11e.'r jdr Dept the z� 0- 't dt'.Iind n ference, beAtowed . up n em bid, ti* b ow tte G1, air ';0 e�ff6jf t a Grant, in, a.wr n J Women no�v,h I' hts plfi- a ter in, T. weekl, case A wri' -1ext re5exed -at. the bf ZL,�. i a e. 1 o�flw 4ii t-.- M n d, of, a'� critic of' tl,6.. P. p s con� :he -,d et a, hadtv�-- , _j to pien.., In, .1=9 a May' to Inem i compaz"-s abythi a:4f' ''Bit On =�a= "AM& "paiddt d b�3 WWI 'he Xte k1jout, E, 917" D out, 0, admg bfBcih or eni-Ii corp-OrAti.n, 511 "agual seWepkst of te, C -1-B lam in h"O"W of' tin a, &MIX" t Ofth-ft fi*= orl ginal G JEJI��-, STkRmc LB tUe Tajr�e a" tha VC.-Ity. oomstr�on or from, A set�' takft 4. the Qf, theL 51 '0;*M for VU ht? s'the sioew A. ; memt it* a Bw ere. the -Inst -a not 'or VP Y: 4 had bu T'le Surface t, laud ifi stm Pit coilidium of th 3 all �jMpottajjt, in Modejji' -piot r e ectiori &10hg t4 of the walk h froba the PCX,* wmres the VJTft-tir Vf .-as Ill le buMing. Help PtOtect YoUr� ome e *9 G. crii"p4 of. th6, the f, fire by, using- rant Or 4�Ofin Per its'em - � It, Comm 0 -V-.r e 0y, t1pe d g =ve 1: � ; -T�, ­ ttr-,P-�-k.�-.'%�� W . R adp D IAII'Arantfora-, JZ60filig, pr fire-,fe- -ni e tLc- t=*.mt r 'T 4cts are -,let or 'round .7 st arid- usi --tardeftt rom, by. 10' soetiol. Asf,'r- - 1 11 ra 41 .- , , "" AR -6 ZIODg., th' Iftl a&14,!, e.,ft) ilkods dence'91 the� efty. ftginc 'the tide - AT � 1. 1 2 I.t( per celit Brantford Al ea or 0gtl$jaCtj0ft;1s e ire -rS f;,a-,e -d'or f L or 6us or morcO, r are-czy t,6: attention of 'tbe city �w V.- ��6!i be Irm =4V I&ve i4 .aj t 'A r*tr._, Ile 1re'liairs or 131. One . PC, And Soivit6 Vf tin -11rantford, go ra on, ofivist rondered by e p M I at or zftV t!ier� t'hat t� in ur ie ho!lo* A ow i tiff fen— '11118d it Ing. Luckn - I ftebus, L aW PO Lmckn 6W W