The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-03-17, Page 83ca1 ialuesniWar��. ind Galvanized War Strainer' ,Pails, Heavy Tio,Pails i.0o: and si is.; Galvanized fails; 45c Each, `'1 lasiBoa5 iniac, Granite and;Glass Galvanized Tubs, Rustlers. � Bi ooms, Finest Quality, 65, 75C. $1.00 Cedar Oil Polish, "Special,': Large size oWY,75c. W121 dow-Sladesi.f d ;CurtainRode - Brindles tush s for rin e' ' P >� i. ilii: ►N Y' V.4 [ ETY • ,.••• rIqFTigiripelkesaw„ FWCIs}NQW. ,SENTINEL` TIHUfS.DAY,. MARCH''17t1i, ;1,02 ' • y - ir oice Clit :Flowers ees.e • Ing fu>< of V�e, ddl , . chesand Floral' `work short notice, delivered `tin a anywwhere " ransport to suit. , 4 GEORGE STEWART �lorist;r Goderich, Ont.:' Phone :105 TREATED WRONG ' PATIENT •-fair youn•g thing :walked into. a Store and told; the clerk to fix' --cas}�or`�: u o -�"to mix iM etlyu..:'n • with it to takthe, tast, e a ay .Th cIerk Went to the re ar of th ' t 8 t e re .' n ...Com n , 4. , >a d. g, out.• again,,:ask- ed the °your wady if she would -like a Blass . of a,Qda She . acc epted Riein- ' 'vitatio "'land drank the beverage. `Then :Oa!,askedWhera i` "t e s h ca= •-.� for orb±ro The clerk smiled';triumph- .� ;. 7antly and said ..You ve. fallen it:' `I mi , xed `a fearful dose;'ve•tth the soda,". " . The girt turned pale, sank into.. a :chair , and,1 gasped: "Heaven's;! I vvattt- ed it for: father „ I# you keep an. engagement on the minute::,you seldom have. 'more, than thirty• mifptes: to wait. '.. r• d � es ,: Fln nelette STATUTE LABOR :ERY' -INEFFICIENT• ' o t S ,tto e laboz; is only thirty per cent. efiicient,,and :Work; on .thehigh-. ways , of therovinc p e ran Abe.` done` three •times as" cheaply. by contract" ,Hon. George_ Henry,_: hlini:it_er o f 'Highways' and Public Works, -told the Ontario .Legislature,' last . week,. moving the second <�reading ,ef the' Highways Improvement Act. This system of, labor, he said, was rapidly passing ,into' oblivion, with' the, toll- road' syatein'which .'was' a decided. anachronism lin this. age ' of rapid'. transportation,';• TOURIST . TIME; EXTENDED • Tourists. entering Canada may now receive ,a permit for sixty days, in. 'stead=of-thi "was'-fo err n rty Y� 'a d un• der . certain, reiitfic o rte, n ti ns she time ina3 be extended toninety' days.: brgani- zatione interested in the tourist traf fie .have beenseeking' to lav� tic. thirty days' limit extended. The long. er• : period''. should be. a considerable help .9 t the. tourist trade., . - THE E L TT E , Sc=PIECE 'TO GO !Assurance e has. a s be s n given li `.thc y Treasury Department that : the min. iature •five -cent. silver'' pieces ...that have been' in general : use for ' 'the. past sixty-three' years 'in Granada are to .be withdrawn. 'from: circulation and replaced by, the large nickel coin- which has •been''need since 1021. arl m'an's • Gowns Heavy, quality ., 'cloth;, made large, and roomy, assorted sizes Pleated ., yoke;. <A. `retngrkable gi w, n You :,da •well• to buy at this ;low ',prige. Next' 1' 'Four . Da� s' > Barth'Tovtrels.;'`. ' . r' ice:'quality' cloth Red oor Blue• str�pes._:go k?3 Fix 11^-14lu� 290 r Fancy Umbrellas.. Strongly.r i1b ed, boodquality covering, 'pretty tips, • white or amber, . fancy ha'ndies •. with • `cord. en's Heavy Braces . Strong, , elastic •..web, steel` .clamp at grips,' ' •reinforced shoulder pieces "' xtriii a ije, pair , •: 441 • %eav Won" Serge I . In ',several nice shades,,:' Navy, 'Green, i e.uia, etc; r.xtra. speci 1, 'Next 1'o hays, 2 yds. for ..': ....,..aro iVen's ' Work Shirts Strongly stitched, in Khaki and; Blue . color, a. cloth proven ',a. hard.` wearer; °' Note our low 'r.c iY 98e e eae L I�EVIEW "PAT.T . C. E�N� tie Ind Moor ;,Oilcloth •'Sour oors`will soon, need fix - o •".;Then P ,.came• •to .• us..' ' ing � Lots•. io choosel; fro,`iri-ata ow pricer .Pei yard;. . • . r 0:9C SATS! Men's HATS!' We, lead .them ' all. A great big stock, at' real cut prices.. Reg. ' •$7.50 for 46.95.; $5.00 for $3.95; $4.50 for $1.50'& '98c.' ' ei 's -Pants- A nicely assorted range .of pat -- terns and sizes at real ;loin prices. Men! isit your :Dept. ' in :`this store • a' save:'• ever•. �bod y likes Ladles! sI. is Here •: This fine soft silk under- 11 wear you like so • well;. is' �• here for .you'' at last, Lucca Lingerie in Vests, *Blown, err or Panties, of • many dainty colors -Mint, Rose. Maxie,: Peach, White, etc:''.' •And the price so low, too" Vests , x'.39, Blocmers • 1. .JQ F cacti .. Pantie 1.50 • E HE: Sik Stockin' s Puritan Maid .•ct'Silk' Host' he • for all wo' h desire extra • �• �.qua litY , . style: and att a c= Ytiveness.•oinbi ed`with:zl - ' • price to suit.your pocket. This week a Silk Hose in 1, the be est.: colors ,of ": Pablo. 'Somber?, Nude,'etc;- First'', alit :. I e. n: ver '`. 9u.. Y.... y :. a 85•. 'air.:.'.• • e �. • Table' Oilcloths In' ' good, qualities,• colored, � white'' and. damasks " 44c to 65c per ,yd. Cangoleu i1 RI gs Flannelette" Blankets Flette of • good'' weight. : N e t Double .bed size. • Nice • durable Four "bays, only . I.99 Our ,New Spring :Shipment has come.:, -The ' patterns are ' ; ;extra fine and rices lo W. ver. l w1 , p y . We n . vite your; inspection£ these new Rugs Lingerie' Dimity t •, Y Nice chec'ke d and i quality, good shades of Pink,•,M s uve;•Blue, 364 Wide, andonly, per23yardc' Grain: 'S -Own, Wov1- Y. For :: knitt.ng sweaters: 'shawls etc. in .24 .•se!ected pretty shades; soitt.:-and cosy. •- 5e - 8.4 c 8 4 Bleached• i Sheeting g Niee quality even weave, dou- ble >bed width. ;A real 'bargain for you ' tris week, • at, .cci�n per yard'. Circirlar�Pillow Cotton A real : quality cotton, .40" and 42" widei •The kind worth while making up. Next Four. A Days, :special,'. per 'yd. l�9e Ginha� g 1111 32 i W de ch` ecks lei' ,. ds an ,vP d stripes. •Good `cloths.. Reg.* 29c :yard. Text hour--I)a= s ' i'or, 'yard. . Y.. a .. LA3 H . at5!' �. ,Ladl es Hat'. SZ. still •a few left. eft �• i 1 . W be fin. 1 e for 'spring.,wear.Year . choice. Reg. up t$3.95,for for A7n •� p each. 1V.V• 0 yew Spring Millinery New=Sprint.;=Hats 4-arri'V ing every .day. Latest uP-: t 0 the=mi nute le i ` s n .the• '• prettiest shades,real chic, You do well to :.visit' . our Millinery D f ept or your new Spring Hat; - come nye e ail y for best se - ]action. • . as ion Disp1aj th.. end 19� ridgy: Afternoon and Saturday, until 11 • OUR ; POLLA i� Te have 'been fortunate in secW ri .`.:. u ,• ng thrr ough 'the courtesy of. a�lar�" a Toronto Concern' _ h ..g . Toronto .. ,the ms�st, beautiful. range: of :Coats..and -D resses;obtainable anywhere.:' The St le creations are the veY Latest P ail s and New' Xo. rModels, Smartand Individual Types and theColour Combinations k have the bright ht s • ..• so in demand. The Following w n willgive �you an g idea of the variety of Materllals, Shades, Furs and Trimmings to be used on both. -- 'COATS : Cloths, Shades • DRESSES KashaCloth. - Satins Poiret Twills` Charmeens Tricotines Novelty Tweeds Materials Satin -Faced Cantons. Flat Crepes Ceor .t et e ' g Flowered Crepe, Etc. Black and White Rosewood ,•Greens: Navy • Beige' Grey Monkeyskin Furs • Twin .Beaver, Erminette Broadtail ' Fob Waived 'Coney Shades , , Trimmings•• •• Black and White Roseblonde:. ,, ..,: Gracklehead • Beige Rosewood •' Navy ., :r.0. Wo ()(1 '.£!ell:. •. 00 Braid's ' Ftowers .Novelties... Tucking .br.. ..• q �j e onlyt .Displays � P � like-These-once.a -ear , �x�.d: would , 'Y f, , it so 'est �g that you .don t miss . s thus. one,.. ° as 'tis '. • S� the Best hown, Ytt nmesamml: NEW 111 68 , 1 ORNEL-L-VIURDOCH New Andover Gingham, in woven :spots,: stripes and checks, ,32 inches wide, 25c. a yd. ' rn' New British Made Gi' ngham;, fast dye, 4 inches wide, a yard 19c: N. ew Heavy Standard .Shit ' ting;,plain• and stripes Special '29c. a yard..• New British, yard 'Cretonnes " " wide, • : B lid • at-. •� tern, all colors, reversible, worth for65cp 39c. a:yard. New Irish Linen' Towelling, 17 -inch:, Pure linen lue border, fine even 'weave; worth'40c., for a yard 25c. • • :Coats Standard .Spool Cotton, 200 -yard .spools, at2for 15c.• ° Lucknow' Hornell -Murdoch Co.'. Ontario -+:;10 FACTS •ABOUT 'CANADA :d . ear f, s judzl a year, celebratin g y•y _. ii:�i `• earn of 'C'orifederation• is -fir�iri;ly ;emphasized"in "tile .1927. is= "site' o '4 , n t b 00 Fact .£ Q s about':Canada •the: fatuous tabloid. cyc1opaedia.• of ;the Don inion compiled, by Prank, Yeigh, .the •:Nell -known Cr%nadtan• 'public sti; iectit'rer and author.-`ft•ia,:a-tonic 'to 'read `of', cur remarkable national grret,s,: as tersely 'set :forth in this.. titirale:hooklet,_,urider. 4ift t ;chapters,' frons 0Agricultiar4" to •'!Yukon. + The colntents arse. more 'varied than ever, and will prove" a.'revelatioa, to . tbe• reader. r '.better• "vi'ay of »laking irtiown; • :our resources Wealth prospect exYsts,' than-..this-4ittb1i , tion;'and`it sh,ci d :rave a wide Cir eu1ation •this• year. 'The Governmeii# could well..afford to . s ,' .• •n lt', widely thi-s rind other ci?untries� •Copies may. be hact_.:r8m Jea.ding :.blot .toren, -,or • by sending 35 ` cents to Canadian Facts' Publishing' ConigiranY.:58 . $liar on: Street-Terinito 2; 'Canada:- N arty: 'Men ' and 'women • who Marc led -astray' supply their owtr. halters. Another very good form of 'life iii- suranoe i0 a ,i1No mile .walk each day. r_. Always , this BEST at : Button's Bu�tton!S .-:MARKET` Only the BEST at ' Button's Beef Pork' Areal Lamb .Cured Meat ALL • YOUNG ` BEEF Per Lb.: Prime -.Porterhouse Roast 23c. Prime Sorloin Roast .'23c. Round . Steak . 23c. Choice . Cuts :25c. ' Rib Roast Choice •Rib • • •Pot Roast ,13c Choice Roast. . , .•15c,. Boiling: Beef ' : 10c Choice Boiling Beef ▪ .13c Stewing Beef: ..,.., , ... .. .10c Choice Stewing .Beef :13c Front Quarters :.. ... Hind Quarters. "` .. Pork Roast , . Choice Pork Roast• , 22c. Pork Chops ....: Trimmed 'York . Chops • . , ........25c: AH -Pork Sausage Beef and Pork' Sausage ...18!. (Sausages Home :Made), SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY 200 Lbs. Qualla Sal icon, at . Whole .. ; _ ,.. 14c .Sliced 16c'':. Special Short shaiik� e d Picnic Hairs,: at 23c.'. 10 -Lb. Pail§ of. Lard at 100 Lbs. Headcheese 'at'1'5c..a Lb.' 100 Lbs. Beef'. and Pork',Sausage i5c. 50 Lb. Fillets, at 22c, HIGHEST ^CASH' PRICES' }VII ALL; 'KINDg.•oF HIDES W.ALKEBTON tics of his profession there when ap' honor' Judge Gregg, who re tired from the Bench in the County' of; Bruce : a- few years' ago and: grin'-` tinned 'to reside here, will, t , � seek - e c, a P ee d n i< ��th s month-• fox .Killarnc Mani y,. toba; where.. he.• will make his home with Mr. C, 1 indsay tL and his .dau hter*.As L1n d, saylumerous friends he. ntade here deeply regret °the •'the .circumstances' which make necessary";this,. decision: n r dsa L y ArrtVed here, :last ':week, .and 'is; ,supervising the w•eloshi et the:: horst x: , .t7 a hich may b� disposed of" be� fare her father .and she '.leave ' I'dere corning to Walkorto'n Honor 'and the late Urea. s. Gro„ g old" their daughter resided• at 4lmonte,. �11e: Judge wap eriitaaed in the • .Bras,, f n • • • pointed to the judici'ary. 'He Was' - succeeded in. •practice at, Alntonte l v. his son.': While 'nit the Bench! in I County Judge' Gregg' tion tied "rets;', ed the. admiration' and respect o lie. weir, bora 'o tf he le al` fraternity ._ .... -:._ ......, �' and., all., ether�sl'istocaated, with him. " lri the -,death ,of lits. S st b t wife,. last .:August ,ti •particularly during the. winter ,months, His. ;Horror linadrat 'enjdyea hisaccustonretl a tood...healthe--Tele °scope... in nn amAr' eat it is futile to stake' •your prejudice against the other £e1= low'tl common sense. K. Civilization, doesn'tsee Suece who you m Such sit alpngside sore,;. chair Who Pate' ..itis to0 in tiliie With ih 'orchoptlaa, •